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tv   Eclipse Across America  CNN  April 8, 2024 9:00am-11:00am PDT

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keepsake app. we would love a chance to frame it for you >> this is cnn wounds news, nothing >> close captioning brought to you by gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands house the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices knew every day, hurry. they'll be gone in lash design a sales at up to 70% off shop today welcome to cnn special >> coverage, eclipse across america. i'm boris sanchez alongside brianna keilar. and we're live at the indianapolis motor speedway which is right in the path of totality for today's solar eclipse sun. this place is going to be filled with some 40,000 fellow eclipse-watchers. but according nasa's calculations, we're just a small portion of the roughly 32 million americans who are going to be able to see the moon completely block out
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the sun for self couple of minutes later today. >> but if you are not in that path, do not worry because you will likely still see some action. this afternoon, about 99% of the country we'll have a view of at least a partial eclipse weather cooperating. so this is a celestial event. keep in mind that will not happen again for another 20 years in america. >> so we're going going all out here. we have a crew as you can see there in niagara falls crowd starting to gather there. we've also got an epic mass wedding set to take place. and russell ville, arkansas, we're going to take a look at that. and then there are scientists, of course, key keeping an eye on how animals like giraffes react in dallas to the eclipse. they do some funky things. so they're keeping an eye on them. we're also going to do some funky thing so you're going to want to stay tuned to all afternoon right now, let's go to space correspondent kristin fisher, who's with us today >> and kristen just set the scene for for us because there are no people in the stands behind you, but they are going
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to be there once the track opens for this massive watch party here in indianapolis they are it's absolutely huge. the largest gathering of people to watch this total solar eclipse across the united states, boris and bring yana, the indianapolis motor speedway are right behind me. they have just started letting some people in. you can't see anybody in the stands over there, but they're starting to filter in and sit down in the stands at just beneath me, there's gonna be some race car is gone around and just some things getting people excited because we're still a little ways away from the eclipse started hurting and wars in briana, i was speaking with an astrophysicist recently about why total solar eclipses has real everly captivating it did everybody's attention and imagination and he described it as the solar system, the galaxy, >> the universe >> really just falling right? down onto your lap. that's the moment when you realize like, whoa, i'm just very small
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human in a very big universe and there's really nothing else. >> quite like it it here at the indianapolis motor speedway, there's also dozens of nasa astronauts and you know, these are people who have actually been to space, right? they have seen some of the coolest sites that so few humans have ever actually seen. and yet a total solar eclipse is still for them. >> at >> the top of many of their bucket list. and not just any total solar eclipse guys, but this one. and here are just two reasons why this total solar eclipse it's just so exciting. one, the duration of totality twice as long as what it was during the last total solar eclipse back in 2017. >> and then the >> other really cool thing is that the sun is almost reaching its peak cycle of activity. it's very peak of windows, >> solar flares and coronal mass a surjection would be taking place. and so when we see the moon, totally cover the
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sun at about 3:06 p.m. eastern time, boris and brianna we could get a much more active sun than what we saw in 20 he 17. so fingers crossed boris and brianna. so far, the web is looking pretty good >> it looks amazing out her and we should point out she said it's it's a bucket list moment for a lot of folks, including some astronauts. later on we're going to hear from her parents. her dad has had a total solar eclipse on his bucket list for years. he's never been able to see one today. could be his first shot because of the weather. and i think third time is going to be a charm hope. so it gets happened. so cnn again is live all along the path covering this eclipse from all views and all angles. that's right, we're all over this. so let's kick it off with ed lavandera, who is at the dallas zoo with a very interesting look at what is going to be happening during this eclipse. ed hey, brianna, i know what it feels like to be you. this is going to be my
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co-host for this. this must be what it's like anchoring with boards >> pay a lot of attention >> you'd like to >> all right, so where, is, dallas zoo? rid? of a lot of fun today. all right, thank you. thank you. >> rehearsed that >> one for about ten seconds kinda keeping tabs on what the animals and how they're going to be reacting. this is tobago it's feed good job, good job. all right, so they're gonna be paying a lot of attention to how the animals react back in 2017 in south carolina, jurassic gallops, other animals either tried to put themselves to sleep as be real questions. that's exactly how a lot of these animals react in there's not a lot of research that has been able to be done on all of this. that's why they're gonna be crowdsourcing a lot, a lot of the guests here dallas zoo today are getting this form where they can write down observations and pass it along to the experts. so as we go throughout the day, let a lot of fun can't promise. you will see any kind of mating and that sort of thing. but we do know where there'll be love is in the air. and that will be with steve, stephanie elam in arkansas were 300 people are
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getting married. stephanie that is right. add we're >> talking about 358 couples who were expected to be here getting married in this massive soccer field and russell bill, arkansas, they've got the stage. they're gonna have some performers. they've got brides coming in. you started to see this sparkly dresses, the white dresses, and you've also got some hot air balloon rides going on over here. this is a town of about 30,000 people and they're expecting about 100,000 people are here today, but they've been preparing for this big event. they've been pairing for all of these people to come here. people have been planning for months to come be a part of this massive elopement. and what's going to happen is they're all going to get married right before the eclipse than everybody is gonna look to this guy's, which i should also mention. we thought we were gonna get rain, so take a look at this is gorgeousness that we've got here in arkansas. we are winning where we are, and we are going to watch the eclipse. and right after that they are going to then have their first answer. we're looking for a lot of been here and you know what
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even if it is going to reign in niagara falls, it doesn't end, isn't doesn't end the fund their back to to the anchors i think we were going to go to harry enten there there were some issues with the signal. it looks amazing where she is. it looks pretty good in dallas, two or ad was i just want to save. he's comparing me to a giraffe. it wouldn't be a bad idea for you to feed me during the show as well. we can do get me alert and and awake. are you need the energy this is going to be four hours of amazing and television. we're going to do that, boris, but let's go now to torreon, mexico we're going to be from the beginning until the end of this perfectly placed. it is expected to have the longest duration of totality at four minutes and 28 seconds. >> cnn's gustavo, while this is their gustavo, take us through the excitement. how are things looking where you are >> so it is it's a lot of excitement. they're expecting about 30 to 40,000 people in these what they call an urban
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forest. you can see the green space start to fill up. people are treating this as a technique and the organizers or hanging free glasses for people to every now and then look up and see what this guy is going to do right now. it's data we'd overcast is cloudy, but we hope that it clears out. we have people from all over mexico. this guy was ready for us. he came good. his cnn hat where you came from? >> for a month, the right. mexico for monterey is about five hours away excited about their the eclipse? >> yes. i'm very excited because his probably could be our last opportunity to hear this kind of phenomena here in mexico. so i'm very happy to be here, very happy. they drove are four hours. there were no hotels. it was really hard to get a flight in. and the other side of this heel there is it's a group of about 36, spaniards. they flew all the way from spain to be a witness of this event. and on the other side unfortunately, they put this big screen. they thought we needed a tv screens to look up in the sky and see the cliff
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but on the other side there are tens of dawson's offers scientists on the other side included nasa. dorian has an observatory with two telescope one of them is actually dedicated to look up to the son all the time. >> so they're going >> to be able to do experiments on the sun as we see the eclipse and something we are going to to be paying attention to our birds >> these >> trees all morning long, were full with all kind of local birds. this is not a sanctuary, just like natural habitat. >> and they were making a >> lot of noises as the song was rising. now they are little quiet perhaps because of the people if the generator if we managed to turn off the generator, we might be able to hear changes on the bird. they are experts also listening and drying to take notes and see what happens to the animals the eclipse >> a lot of folks are gonna be paying attention to the animals were really excited to see how they respond to this celestial
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phenomenon. gustavo, while this looks like a great the party in mexico, yeah. so right now, tens of thousands of stargazers are flocking to the small town of carville, texas to experience the solar eclipse. it is one of the closest places to the border with me mexico were folks are gathering to watch cnn's rosa flores is therefore us and rosa you look amazing. what do you have on let me share those bigger party then. the state of texas, i know my other colleagues are another locations, but you know that everything is bigger in texas now, wait, can you guys see me or am i experiencing complete totality? >> oh, no, no, no. >> i was not experiencing complete the tally. this is a quick psa because we are still close to going to totality if your glasses look like this don't use them to see the sun because they're not good. you got to have the international standard to make sure that you protect your eyes.
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>> this is >> exactly what you're going to need. and let me just tell you something. and so much excitement here in carvel because when we started today, there was complete cloud cover, right now. i'm seeing a blue sky right now. we're actually seeing the sun. so all of these are good signs that we might be able to see a great eclipse. i want to bring in judy because she's here from chicago and everybody has to wish her a happy birthday. happy birthday to you. you don't. i pick a wonderful day to have a birthday. >> this is wonderful >> everybody's watching you. happy birthday now why choose carville? >> we had family in san antonio who invited us out to visit and family from everywhere baltimore chicago tennessee, everywhere came out to join and have a celebration together. what are you hoping for? because i know you've already experienced when eclipse in 2017 yeah, i did. i'm just hoping to enjoy my family, my loved ones, and the beautiful weather, >> wonderful. do you think that we're going to get a miracle? >> yes. yes sunshine and
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totally clip yeah. what do you think mckinley eclipse yes. >> and whether we get it, are we get rain? we're happy to be together and so wonderful day. >> thank you, judy. we really appreciate it. and i want to show you if we have it this wide shot of this park because there are a lot of people here. i talked to the mayor. she told me just a moment. it's ago that i tend is backed up so more people are coming to this spark to enjoy the festivities. and hopefully fingers crossed judy, a full eclipse hear from curva back to you guys >> thank you so much, rosa. and we're ready as well with our glasses that meet the international standard and a happy birthday to judy. it's a big month. look, we did a lot of preparation for this. we talked including to an astrologer big month for areas including for judy, big moves, big moves ahead for her, no doubt but the big question and also, it's really a big question as well. we're rosa is, is the weather going to cooperate? operate today? >> yeah. it is a big deal and a lot of spots chad myers has
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been following the path of totality and the clouds as well. chad potentially some big winners, some losers as well today lots of winners right through the middle part of the country, right? didn't you? hio valley very few clouds in the sky. now the race is on for carville will the eclipse happen over all the clouds that are coming across the rio grande, get there first, it is going to be very, very touch and go for those people here. something else i want you to think about here. now, we talked talk about this three minutes of totality that is only along the middle part of the line. you don't hurricane season, we say don't look at the line, look at the cone. if you are on the very edge of the cone, your totality may only be ten seconds. your, your moon is gonna go by, then all of a sudden you're going to get a diamond ring. you're going to get totality. and that diamond ring could come back i can very, very quickly prepare for that. if you are not near the middle because everybody's expecting two to three minutes and that's just not the way this happens. we're going to move all the way up here across and parts of this is a live
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picture of the cloud cover right now, there's just nothing out there, but then all of a sudden, harry enten has to go to buffalo, my hometown and they had clouds all the way through niagara falls, buffalo cheek to logger where i was from and then back up here toward new brunswick, things look a lot better from there. there will be severe weather later today, so all the people that are out there trying to celebrate and carville and san antonio and dallas, you need to prepare and be ready to go somewhere. if you're still there for for 5:00 this afternoon because things are going to go bump in the night. there's going to be large hail there may even be a random tornado were two, you need to know what county urine because if you don't hear the warning, are you don't see it. you go oh, i mean, collins county. well, you don't know where that is. you could be in trouble guys, becky >> yeah >> important to keep those warnings and mind, especially with severe weather potentially in the forecast. chad myers. thank you so much for that there is one assignment that i'm truly envious of today, some very lucky, lucky people are gonna get to watch the
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solar eclipse from thousands of feet in the air. >> yeah, really amazing not include cnn, aviation correspondent pete muntean. he's with us now from the dallas fort worth airport where he's actually about to board a flight for his scott hi, hi, eclipse experience. this is amazing, pete, tell us what you're going to be doing >> truly amazing. and you know, especially considering during the big story here in texas is the clouds and how low they are, which will obscure so much of totalities impact here over texas, here in dallas, fort worth, it's low clouds outside i'm not so he irrigate e 15 delta flight ten, ten about the board. we're going to be above the clouds at 30,000 feet. they've been pouring over the chart parts for a in fact, you can see all of the eclipse special theme here. they've been playing music all day. a lot of passengers showing up. there are still tickets left on this flight, 950 bucks is what i'd found this morning. only middle and i'll seats left all
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now. i'm lucky enough to be in a window. it seems like we're going to get through these clouds relatively quickly. want you to listen now to delta meteorologists warn west and he says, we're going to be up and through it's really quickly and then we will see totality and the diamond ring that everyone's looking forward to listening oh bummer >> unfortunately, here in dallas where we are today, there's quite a bit of low cloud cover so it might hinder the eclipse experience for the people here in dallas. but fortunately, we're gonna be in an airplane, will be able to get above all while this very quickly and very easily. and we're just hoping that we can stay clear the clouds at flight level today >> okay. so the good news is we're gonna be boarding here in a little bit. this is one of two flights, delta is offering. the first one was from austin it didn't the detroit that one sold out in 24 hours when they announced it back in february. this is the second flight, not totally full, but almost we
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will have a bigger plane on this flight. it's a del, it's an airbus a320. it will be watching this from 14 inch wide windows. the good news here is we will be above the clouds and be able to see this pretty easy. easily for his briana >> look forward to seeing those pictures, pete, that diamond ring. i'm excited for the beads to the baily's bead that comes before for the diamond ring, right where you see the moon starting to eclipse getting close to the total eclipse, you see little kind of circles of light and then it moves into it looks like a diamond ring that it's the total eclipse and listen, clouds aren't a problem if you're above them, pete knows that it's gonna be amazing next, what do you get? when a years in the making eclipse crosses the country oh, you know, naturally, right? hundreds of couples committing to each other. it's it's a mass weighing that is about to get underway in arkansas stephanie, tell us about it >> oh, brianna i'm boring. the
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love is in the air a few clouds were very happy about it. we are here and reservoir, arkansas where 300 coupled are about to get married and cloning david and tony. i'm going to talk to them right after let's break >> you across america brought to. you via miracle grow grow like martha you know, i spent a lot of time thinking about dirt at three in the morning and he joined what people don't know. is that not all der is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle gro, everybody should have it, it worked great for us. >> this is as good as gold in any garden. >> if people only >> knew that it really is about third your dirt nerd >> huge turret nerd >> i'm proud of it
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tyler would be so proud because it truly is a total eclipse of the heart. if your heart is a moon and sun yeah, that's right. okay. we'll couples are going to say i do during today's solar eclipse. it's going to be amazing. yeah, we've >> been talking about the diamond ring. what you see when you look up in the sky hi, but we're going to see some diamond rings in russell ville, arkansas. that's where stephanie elam is live for as a celestial ceremony is set to start stephanie, as soon as total darkness sets in, you've been talking to couples, they're taking part in this mass wedding while they look great >> fantastic. hey, brianna and boris, i gotta tell you, i am surrounded by a beautiful sky and lots of love. i've been to talking to people who are so in love today. and it is just a great environment. i want to introduce you right now. to tony and david, who are getting married today. they are from here in arkansas. >> so >> whose idea was it to get married here?
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>> it was a mix, yeah yeah, we've all heard about the clubs and that they were having weddings for it about a month ago and i love plus stars and space and stuff, but hadn't we decided we'd go ahead and get married. >> yeah. that's awesome. so as your family here? >> yes. my mom is. and then his mom and stepdad are okay. >> so how long how long have you guys been together like to even know that you might end up here one day off and on for the last ten years. >> okay. so you know each other a little bit. >> what are you most excited about today? >> finally, getting married to the woman i love >> look at that. >> might've found a keeper. >> oh yeah >> all right. so to be clear, the wedding is gonna happen before total darkness. so the wedding will happen first and then everybody is going to look up at the sky. >> all of us i'm assuming you guys will stop looking each other for a few minutes. >> you think maybe >> and then we're all going to look up at the sky and we're going to watch the eclipse. and
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then you're going to have your first dance what do you think it's going to be like getting married with 350? 57 other couples >> a little bit, a bit chaotic good. i'll be it'll be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that's for sure. >> either be nervous not really. >> you guys are ready, okay. so they're ready. all right. tony and david are ready for those briana and boras, lots of love here we are excited. it was supposed to rain. it's not raining happiness, of bounds here and russell, arkansas a fantastic sign that the weather is coming through better than expected. stephanie elam, live from arkansas. thank you so much. so today's eclipse isn't just captivating humans, animals are going to be affected as well. >> that's right. cnn's ed lavandera is live for us at the dallas zoo and ed we know that some critters, they actually respond in pretty unusual ways. they did this during the last eclipse. what are you hearing from experts about what you should be watching for their well, a couple of different
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things and we've got our eyes when we got elephants over here, we've got zebras, we've got drafts, we've got some cu2, we've got all sorts of different types of animals and >> primates on the other the side of the zoo as well. so we'll be entering to see exactly what happens during this almost four minutes of totality when it comes over dallas, there's not a lot of research that has been done with all of this. so a lot of animal experts and groups across the country are doing crowdsourcing, asking people cool to send in what they observe in the path of this total eclipse. so we're going to talk a little bit more about this with kerri striper of the dallas zoo. what are you guys looking for today? well, we're excited to welcome everybody today. we are asking them to participate with us in terms of observing and researching the animals. so we've actually got a very simplified version of what our team when typically used to watch animal behaviors. and we're handing it out to guess and saying, let us know what animal you're observing. what were they doing, right? a description, draw a little picture for us and tell us what these are. the eclipse be run in 2017. i think it was in south carolina some tortoises mated, others protect their young. others, go very quiet,
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so it seems like there's a wide right or. they could just blow it off and be like, oh, i have no care in the world, right? >> absolutely, absolutely. we're excited to see it. and our teams are out and observing as well we'll see what happens a little bit of sun just popped out. so that's a good sign >> yeah. we're ready for it. >> this is tobago who made his cnn debut. so just a few minutes ago. yeah. >> and there are a number >> of drafts out here and at night, you told me that they put themselves too bad. so one of the things that we'll be looking for is whether or not they it's like follow that path, right? >> yeah. we'll see what their natural behaviors are if they really are reacting to what they're seeing and what they're observing themselves or if it's just gonna be a normal day for them and they see i get a little cloudy. its texas, we have thunderstorms all the time. we get those clouds come in. so they're used to some changes in the space around them, but we'll see what they do today. >> awesome. also emerged. so that's what we're going to be keeping tabs on. the weather has been cloudy. there are some breaks here this afternoon will
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hopefully it'll break up a little bit more so we can get a clear picture of this, but we will be looking at the animals on the ground on to see how they react force and brianna >> so fascinating, ed, we cannot wait to see what they do. those silly guys behind him, i think three to do. i think they're gonna do some wild stuff. >> the giraffes, apparently the last time we're all started galloping, we'll see that'll bring us a live shot of the drafts potentially galloping the tortoise is maybe mating. i don't know. yeah. no. anything can happen today. that's what we know. >> we're just about 20 minutes away from the start of the first partial eclipse in north america. it's happening in massot lawn, mexico. we're going to bring that to you live. but first we know that cleveland rocks, right? right now. it's really rocking cnn's miguel marquez, who's there for us live. miguel, a pretty big crowd behind you. it looks like it's getting big. i'm going to get much bigger. cleveland totally rocks is gonna be tens of thousands of people across the city. and at 3:13 when it is totality here, look at that sky, perfectly
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blue. we'll have >> more coming up he clips across america. he's brought to you by american home shield. don't worry, be warranty. now go to slash eclipse to follow the latest news and good viewing and photos tips to express our solar eclipse >> home whoa. >> talk yes focus on >> an american home she had warranty. i can protect your covered home systems and appliances like this ac the. repair or replacement? yes. >> thank you it's oh, i'm not home. yeah, it's >> pretty sure it's home. american home shield. don't worry, be warranty. >> i'm gonna go grab a pick-up team with the guys, okay. okay. live it up, taking the car what
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roughly about 17 and it's a way that's what it's gonna look like behind that cloud cover. once the moon starts getting right in front of the sun, will of course bring that to you live as it happens. brianna keilar and i are here live hi, but the indianapolis motor speedway were some 40,000 stargazers are gathering to watch today's celestial event. >> we're >> not just moments away from the first signs of the the appearing over north america. of course, a moment that has been anticipated for a very long time. the last total solar eclipse we've gotten in the united states was back in 2017, the next let's do one after this is going to be some 20 plus years from now. >> that's exactly right. and frankly, it's not going to be as good as this one. we just have to be clear. it's only gonna get to be a little part of the us. there'll be another one the year after that, but we're looking at decades before we see something like this. and just because of how close the tune is right now, we're really talking about a total eclipse of the best kind. and right now, we can take a look at the total eclipse
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festival, which is underway at nasa village in cleveland. huge crowds are expected. for this rare celestial show. >> let's go to cnn's miguel marquez, who's there for us, miguel, take us through the festivities >> it. is look cleveland rocks on a normal day. it's totally rocking today and the sun, but we had to rein in subs clouds this morning, people pick another curtains, a little nervous. it is a spectacular day right now. they're expecting tens of thousands of people people here at the great lakes science science center. the last time cleveland had a total eclipse, 1806 the next time, 24, 44. you've got to wait 420 years >> three, >> p.m. that's where the sun will be just stuck in that beautiful blue sky and see a few clouds coming. but we're hoping that they will stay away. we spoke to a nasa astrophysicists. this is also home to the glenn research center, the only nasa facility that's on the path of
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totality. we spoke to a nasa astrophysicists who will tell us what we'll see when we see the total eclipse >> when the moon fully goes in front of the sun, you can take off your eclipse glasses. you're going to see the edges of the outer layers of the sun called the corona. so these are streams of incredibly hot gas streaming outwards from the sun, and they're pushing those particles away from the sun, turning into the solar wind, which streaming let's throughout the solar system >> what it will do is put the universe in perspective for us and make us feel like we are part of something, a very small part of something that is much, much bigger. i've covered a couple of eclipse's seen a couple of eclipse's. this is the first total eclipse that i have seen but it is going to be amazing. look at all the people gathered out here, all the cameras, all the gear that they're already breaking out on here. >> they >> expect 30,000 people here alone. they have several events all around the city, the rock and roll hall of fame next door, they're going to dj the eclipse with speakers all over town. and at the moment of
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totality, the song eclipse by pink floyd, of course should be playing back. can you guys amazing and miguel, i heard that you might be getting a tattoo to commemorate this big de is that just four started or is that a real thing >> there's there's there's a tattoo parlor that's doing specialized attack a there's a brewery that's doing specialized beers in town, so it's a clips madness in labeling and as soon as i get away from you guys, i'm going to go to that to that tattoo parlor, pounds of beers and get a tattoo. but only if i can get both your name's somewhere >> interesting. yes. >> if you do put our names on their miguel boris is the son and i am the moon. we decided so just just work that in there. >> not a rise so pumped for this, especially when he's when he's pounding beer, we'll get
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back to you in a few moments. looking forward to that, miguel marquez. thank you so much. we want to give you a special look right now at the way that we're going to capture this solar eclipse. >> this is one of >> our sun hammes and it is specially filtered with layers very much in the way that one of these special way eclipse glasses would be in order to bring you an actual view that won't hurt your eyes as the eclipse is happening. again, we're looking at the first place partial signs of eclipse over masterplan in mexico, just over ten minutes from now. so as we heard there from miguel, cleveland is going to have a great playlist for the eclipse, but niagara falls potentially could have one of the best views and the best surroundings in the country. let's get the cnn's harry enten, whose therefore is among 1 million people gathered there for the eclipse harry, i love that helmet. harry, it suits you perfectly. i bet it's a buffalo bills helmet to yeah, of course it's a buffalo bills. look bars and briana, it's called it's cloudy, but after the
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break, i'm going to take a poll that hopefully will up my spirits and bring me out of this dark cloud that i'm currently in. >> there's this guy, parents, husbands and wives gone >> wish i could've done something different. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn. >> covid-19. i'm not waiting. >> if it's covid packs love it, packs louk. >> it is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 at a high risk factor for becoming severe, it does not prevent covid-19. >> my symptoms are mild now but i'm not risking it if it's covid packs loaded packs slovic must be taken within the first five days of symptoms and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body, taking packs loaded with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or effect that's how it or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control, is critical to tell your doctor about all medicines you take, because certain tests or
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>> is therefore is derrick set that incredible scene for us >> yeah. >> boris and briana, there are few things in this life worthy of the hype. let's say maybe coffee, some good ice cream the first season of game of thrones, and a total solar eclipse. and we are at the perfect viewing location here in stowe, vermont we're going to the top of that gondola once the partial eclipse begins, and totality is this great celestial dance that will occur here at 3:26 in the afternoon. it is mother nature's finest hour and we're here to witness it. and the conditions are perfect, but i want to talk to you about why this is such a rare occurrence and i've brought in my buddies. this is grant. he's nine years old and this is his brother jack. he's 11 years old. they're from connecticut, so they came all the way to stow to enjoy the snow oh. and also a solar eclipse, their first time, right, guys. okay. so i want to talk about why these total solar eclipses don't occur that
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often. and what i've done, i was on vacation last week, so this is all i had for a prop. so bear with me. this is representing the earth, but we are missing the moon. so i'm hoping grant, can you help me by making them? moon for me? >> all right. we've got to utilize what we have here in stowe, vermont, and that is the fresh two feet of snow that we got this week from a recent winter storm. i mean, look at that moon. it's perfect more or less, the size that it needs to represent. >> but here's the deal. now, the moon and the earth in space always cast a shadow hello right? you could see it there on the ground. they are always casting that shadow, but we don't get the total solar eclipse that often because of the five degree tilt in the orbit of the moon around the earth, right? so it may be too high, casting the shadow above the earth or it may be two hello casting the shadow below the earth, but it's just when those perfect alignment occurs and the moon goes right in front of the sun blocking it's
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raised completely. and we get, well, let's see, the total solar eclipse. and this time it's gonna race across north america at 1,500 miles per hour. and it's going to bring this, that great celestial dance. now that is why it's so rare. but if we had that perfect orbit with the moon around the earth eclipses would occur on a regular basis every couple of weeks or so. and we need a cheeseburger and call it a regular monday and move on with our lives. but because we get that alignment now, it is only every 375 years that this particular location will receive a solar eclipse. >> all >> right, guys, i >> appreciate your time. take this and throw it at my camera, man right there >> all right. you guys are perfect. thanks for showing the world how solar eclipses he's too, nice, very polite. >> nobel derrick van dam, that demonstration of this. you guys. >> so let's >> still dance that we're now
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a part of. thank you so much from vermont. we want to give you a live look at mazatlan, mexico, where a huge crowds gathering for the partial eclipse. it is just about to begin. you see it on your screen fewer than four minutes away. it's finally getting started. stay would see an end. we're back into it's moments >> this is the big dam time to kane who that do. >> i was born with wings, but psoriasis swooped into clip them. it crushed my confidence. but no longer will psoriasis get a piece of me? >> i can love my skin again with biden's alex >> only been targets and blocks is 17 plus f to calm inflammation, i can control my plaques getting myself back in zelig helps adults with moderate to severe psoriasis control plaques to deliver clearer skin fast for results
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oraa ring >> how it really happened sunday, april 28, did nine on cnn and so it begins, these are live >> pictures out of mahsa mexico where a partial eclipse has begun. totality is still as you can see on your screen, about an hour and 15 minutes or so away. but these images right now, are the initial she will
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start of what will see a celestial event unfolding before us this afternoon. >> and we have kristin fisher with us to talk a little bit about what we are seeing. obviously a beautiful background there in moscow is it lawn? this is the beginning of the partial eclipse, which maybe some people aren't even aware of christian, but tell us about this process that they're about to go through. >> well >> this is the beginning of the lease, total solar eclipse, right? >> and the partial eclipse can last anywhere between 7080 minutes. and what it looks like is it's that famous bite out of the son, right? like when you talk about what ancient people believed they thought various different groups of people thought that it was a frog taking a bite out of the sun or a squirrel or a bear, right? >> dragons in china, i mean, that's kind of what you think of when you see a partial eclipse. but then the difference between a partial and a total is truly night and day as we've been saying it is, it sounds cheesy, but it is literally the difference. between night and day. >> and so after you go
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>> through this phase of >> the partial solar eclipse, then we're going to get to these two moments right before totality that everybody watches out for him before we get closer to totality, you're going to see the sky start to turn almost an eerie gray, right? like it takes about 15 to 20 minutes before totality. the sky turns an eerie sort of gray color >> and then about a >> minute before the moon totally covered there's the sun. what you're going to see is these two phenomena is hopefully that everybody knows about when you talk about total solar eclipses, those baily's beads, and then the diamond ring, right? and it literally looks like there's a small band of light around the moon. and then one big bright stop the bright spot, the diamond ring on top. so this paul pros process only getting underway. but guys, we are so lucky that we are here in the path of totality. we're gonna get to be in total darkness for a glorious, what? >> almost, >> almost four minutes here in
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indianapolis? >> yeah, it is going to be incredible and we're starting to see the beginning of it. you see on the very top right of the from there that frog that kristina talked about the sun. and it really speaks to just how transcendent a moment it is when an eclipse happens. because so many different cultures, so many different peoples have derived so much meaning out of an experience like this totally. >> and can you imagine, i mean, we now know what is happening, right? we know that this is the moon moving in between the sun and the earth. but can you imagine an ancient times? you saw this start to happen middle of the day sky starts to get dark, then the sun turns totally black. >> this >> is the life-giving son that powers all life on earth. and you're like, oh, my gosh, is this son ever going to come back? >> i >> mean, no wonder an ancient times, people were like, hey, do we need, did you me and to sacrifice somebody? i mean, this could be the end of time and maybe to sacrifice. krispy kreme doughnut >> boris, among >> well, you know, i mean, i'm
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just >> going to stick with kristen on this one, boris i would rather take a bite out of a donut. let's get to cnn's chad myers, who's live in the weather center for his chad. were starting to see that the partial eclipse over myset lawn, and this is just the beginning of what's going to unfold absolutely and they have a beautiful view there right along that cold pacific water. very few clouds in the sky at all. now, if you get over the sierra madre here, all of a sudden we start to begin to see some clouds across parts of texas in places that we don't. but there you see the first byte of the sun. now you will not see that all the way up and down this stripe here behind me, but really not because mazatlan is so far out there to the west the eclipse starts in the west and moves on off toward the east. are aware of the clouds now? well, they are over texas and they are getting thicker. but we talked about this yesterday. boars that when the clouds come in and then all of a sudden it gets colder because the sun goes away. those clouds can actually erode. they can go away because they don't have the lift anymore. really good conditions here across the ohio valley.
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and then our harry enten is in buffalo sorry, but i couldn't have put you in a worst place because the clouds are just right over the niagara frontier right now and then our derrick van dam is up into vermont. that looks really good at this point in time, but not everyone is going to experience the same eclipse because let's say san antonio downtown, you're going to get 18 seconds of eclipse. you go just ten miles to the west and that experience goes to about two minutes. it's the way you take a round disc you push it over another round disc. if you're just getting the very edge, you're not going to get the full effect of the total eclipse. you're still going to get totality, but you're not going to get it for hours or minutes or whatever it might be, but up to four minutes, i think curve ville is going to see here. so it's the edge that we have to worry about don't be looking at it because if you're on the edge and you see diamond ring, you could be totality for 30 seconds and then diamond ring back and catch yourself with your really staring at the sun. but there's dallas looking
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good, fort worth as well, two minutes for you. the clouds are here, but they can go away. and i'm not even worried about like cirrus clouds. there's aren't going to really the clouds is that we're worried about. we're talking about the cumulus, the thick clouds that we'll build later on today with severe weather. but so far through the middle part of the country indianapolis, evansville. >> let one >> of our producers and evansville right now that's why i kinda why i mentioned it because she picked a really good spot there and then all of a sudden over parts of the northeast especially up into upstate new york, it gets cloudy he again, and then atlanta, canada, you're doing really really, really well with this guys >> yeah, it's gonna be >> majestic in some places. others are a little bit tougher for them to get a clear view of the eclipse we have opted to sacrifice a krispy kreme doughnut as opposed to brianna's idea of sacrificing her co-occur? yeah. i think that's probably a good idea. yeah. we have a lot of coverage ahead. >> i'm going to >> need i'm going to need my going occur. but this is what we have, this minus sort of like a mazatlan because it's got a little partial eclipse
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coming out of it. but it's really amazing how all of these companies are really getting in on the eclipse mania. this is a krispy kreme and it was madness trying to get these today if you were at krispy kreme in indianapolis but everyone's doing crazy products. >> we took the mahsa vlan view off the screen, but this is pretty much what it looked like right now. where you see a chunk of the sun being cut off by the moon pizza hut also had a special going on. i mean, it's a huge total eclipse of the hut it's a huge economic boon because of the eclipse, not only companies selling products, but also people traveling to go see it. >> it's wild all of the airbnbs and the hotels that are booked out. if you look at the map, it is the path of totality. i don't know about you, but if you are on your plane ride getting here, were you talking to people? i had folks in front of me who are ultimately heading on to vermont. they had their tripod. they were serious about it. they were going to get the real up-close view is going to be amazing. no doubt. let's bring
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kristin fisher >> back and she's with us and we'll give her an opportunity to review this krispy kreme doughnut. kristen, what do you think? >> i have not taken a bite yet. i was i was waiting for you guys >> to invite me to take a vitamin my krispy kreme doughnut >> i'll get there in >> the next, you know, next few minutes here. but guys, i mean just look at the city of indianapolis let's they were expecting about 100,000 visitors here, and then they saw this massive influx yesterday and the day before or after so many people change their plans, saw the forecast in texas and then came here, i mean, hotels totally sold out last night. all the airbnb he's in the area falls so we made it in at just the last second to be in and hopefully see totality today. >> yeah. >> normally texas is such a good bet. >> hi >> this time hi, it's not they'll still get the darkness. but if what you want to do is put on your glasses and see those moments before the total eclipse. and then take your glove glasses off during the moment of totality for just an unbelievable
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experience they're not going to see that looking at the sun, right? if they have that cloud cover just ask my father, who is an astronaut who's here today. he has been eclipse chasing for most of his adult life, and he is seeing, you know, some of these partial eclipses or he has seen the total solar eclipses that are covered by clouds. and it's just not not the same like you just can't. there's nothing that compares with getting a clear shot of the sun, but yeah, i mean, if you have some clouds, you're gonna be able to get something you're going to be able to get some of that darkness and whatnot. but i think you talked to these die-hard eclipse chasers. i mean, there are people out there who will spend all of their money planning vacations around where the next total solar eclipses and you have to play it at the last minute, see where the best weather is going to be. but they just say for everybody asks skiing why is this a big deal? why do we care? why are we here
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>> they just say you, it's hard to put it into words. you just have to experience it yourself. >> and >> then once you experienced it, you're not going to be asking that question anymore. i asked that question too, and astrophysicist. he laughed in my face. he was like don't ask me that question. you'll come back to me with that question when and you finally seeing one and then you want to ask me that so i know. >> i understand that my kids are starting to ask for the next one, so we'll see they're excited and they don't get to see this. so they're excited. >> yeah >> an incredible experience, unlike any other. and right now, you're looking at images from mazatlan and the eclipse is also coming into view over daughter. they own mexico we will, in the next hour, it's gonna be a total eclipse that's right. so just started this little, this little bite out of the doughnut, if you will, this little bite out of the sun. and this is just getting started here a total length of the eclipse is going to be 70 or 80 minutes, but it's just going to be that supreme view of more than four minutes that they are going to
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get there. so let's go the cnn's gustavo valdez set the scene for us, gustavo so many people have gathered and traveled so far to see this that's it ended out they're expecting me up to 40,000 people in right now. people are starting to notice what you were saying. there started to look up at this guy because they're starting to see that tim labor of the moon getting in the way of the song unfortunately, it's it's, it's been a bit overcast and it's not that clear but everybody is very excited they govern governor side to make an announcement. they are trying to gain political point with this event, but there thanks. i want to try this table is very dark urine eclipse >> there are two >> colors to look out for red. >> this is my cnn espanol hot apparently becomes invisible while greene the mexican base coat them is supposed to be really, really bright. so let's talk to the people who are gathered here to run habits
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should be my home states sure. i have some relative here >> is anybody here you see everybody >> hears family in mexico. they are excited to welcome the work these people the word from dallas, texas. why did dallas is going to be on the pad? what did you come tutorial i can with my wife were from dallas and then we came to with our families we begin to experience. this awesome eclipse. >> so we're all here to celebrate this >> you made like almost like a family reunion. you guys made a t-shirt? and everything what is different here? inter-korean that would have been in doubt >> well, they said it was supposed to be a lot better, but it's actually cloudy. but experienced that possibly a lot better here. so that's why we decided to fly down here with the family. and experienced the socratic kids. are you guys excited mr. get ready for the eclipse t cillizza everybody's ready here for the clips. they
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have the glasses they gave away the glass there's some people butter on obviously, but this is supposed to be a big party and on the other side, you can really want to try to turn around here, but you'll see how it's already getting back they are doses of scientists on the other side, we tried to come up there two telescopes on the other side, nasa scientists are there. this is going to be a big event and it's a big opportunity for science, experiments. so everybody is excited waiting to see what happens. you can see they're putting the glasses on because there's that sliver of the moon already covering the sun were ready for it >> gustavo, while there's, we're going to check back in with you. actually, we're going to stay with gustavo because it seems like a pretty good party down there. you spoke to that family from dallas just a few moments ago and gustavo earlier, you mentioned that there was some 30 to 40 people from spain that travelled to be at this celebration, walk us through how many people are there and just what the general ambiance is for those folks that came so far.
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>> so it is getting a little harder to walk, but you can see there's some the group 30 or so spaniards. they're about three goods but in this city. this being the planetarium. there is a hill about 20 kilometers from where we are they have a big sculpture of jesus christ second largest in the world after rio. they janeiro. >> and there's >> also expecting a big crowd. and then there's a university and the reason in this part of mexico, in central mexico is a good spot to see the eclipse is because it's a deserted area. >> and in a >> lot of places, there are no there's no urban pollution, there's nope artificial lighting. so he's going to be really, really dark. so that is what's helping out. so this science hi, track better did clip. so you can see that the families are getting together. so there are a lot of excitement here and four the
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region of the country that perhaps a lot of people don't know about. i've talked to scientists who said they've traveled the world to see other eclipse. they've come to kant kuhn or baja california for different events, but they said this is the first time they get to experience real mexico this is not a tourist destination. it's an industrial agriculture area. so the people here, as you can see, are very excited to have people we saw at the hotel which was sold out once ago to baz lows of a british people who were going to the university to be part of that experience there. so a lot of exciting i mean, people ready. and unfortunately, the clouds are not cooperating. let's see what happens in the next hour all right, let's bring kristin fisher back in, gustavo. thank you so much for that view. the clouds right now, not cooperating christian, but they have a little bit of time there
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in tori in mazatlan. we're watching the mazatlan. well, it just clicked out there for a second, but we're right on cue >> oh, here we go. all right, here, we, here we see, so we see, i think this is actually from torreon because you see that they have not begun their partial eclipse. is that this is mazatlan. >> we're getting all the views people but they have a little bit of time for the whether to cooperate. this is not imperative that it does right now. >> they do. they still have a little bit of time and, you know, you look at all the people kind of looking up at the sky and checking the weather and, you know hoping that the clouds are going to clear in time for their few moments of totality as we watch this, i'm struck by this interview that i did recently with a member of the navajo nation and, you know, we come out here and, you know, part part of our culture and what we do is we like to come out here and get together and we have
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racecars and there's bands playing and when totality happens, we're all gonna go stand in the middle of the race track and look up and who knows there's probably gonna be some cheering, some moments of silence >> but as we watch >> what's happening in mosfet lung mexico i'm starting to feel hill that that gravity of the moment almost and the navajo nation, what they believe is that this is actually a very spiritual and sacred time. it's a moment when instead of going outside onto a race track and looking up, you should actually go inside and meditate and pray and it's just so fascinating how all these different cultures view a moment like this, a total solar eclipse. but the one real unifying factor here is the fact that throughout millennia, throughout centuries, throughout all different cultures all around the world, whatever you think a solar eclipse is, whatever you believe, it's a moment when everybody does something, right, it's a moment when you stop what you're doing and you take note of this incredible
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celestial event that takes place. it will not take place here in indianapolis for over for 100 years. it's been over 800 years since we've gotten totality here. so i'm just struck by how so many different people celebrate a total solar eclipse. >> differently. >> that's partly why this is so special right? in, in a moment where culture is so divided and different people have completely different experiences and maybe don't even share the same reality. it feels like at times we're all unified watching the moon crossover in front of the sun and marveling at the majesty of it as we take a look at live images from mossad in mexico. >> and i think also we've been through some collective events that have not been so great here in recent years. so to see something like this, and not to knock 2017, it was fantastic, but this is going to even out shine or out what we saw in 2017. this is truly an amazing show. >> not >> all total solar eclipse says
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are created equal. and as far as this one goes, it is really going to be something to behold. >> yeah, let's discuss with an expert on this rare solar eclipse, janel lavin joins us now now she's an astrophysicist, also a professor of astronomy at barnard college jenna, thank you so much for being with us. i just want to get your first impressions as we're watching the first signs of this partial eclipse come over mazatlan it's always amazing to see the moon start to take a bite out of the sun because it's really a cosmic accident that the moon just >> happens to be 400 times smaller than the sun. >> but >> it's also 400 times closer so the fact that we even have a total eclipse is just a celestial accident. and it's really wonderful to watch when we do get them passing over overhead. it's pretty exciting the other thing is there are things to learn about what is happening with the sun. that
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there are charged particles that are important to understand how they behave, how they affect the earth's outer atmosphere. talked to us a little bit about what scientists are going to hope to learn today. >> it just happens that this eclipse is occurring when the sun is at a maximum of its 11 year magnetic cycle. so the sun has a lot of incredible magnetic activity. and so people in the path of totality will get a moment, a few minutes when they'll be able to see the corona, which is a kind of outer atmosphere of the sun. it's much fainter. it's not as dangerous to look at, but you'll see lots of activity there. it'll be much more enlarged since than it was for instance, in the great eclipse of 2017. and you might even be able to see ejections of mass from the sun. so scientists will all be watching that very closely yeah. >> jenna, i think we have to do a disclaimer because we've been saying it over and over again,
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but it bears repeating. folks have to be careful about staring into the sun and there are different sort of rules about monitoring it. you have to have the iso glasses, but if you are in the path of totality there is a moment, a very brief moment, and you have to be careful about this you can actually look at the eclipse without glasses on. is that right? >> yeah. that's exactly right. i mean, we see the sun overhead almost every day except for in very inclement weather and none of us how urge to stare at the sun. we don't have to go around warning children, warning adults not to stare at the sun and the same thing as absolutely true here at any point in the partial phases, you absolutely can now look at the sun without protective gear. and even if you have the protective gear, you should really give your eyes a rest every few minutes. it's kind of like standing near a hot fire. your eyes will actually get hotter or if you stare too long, even with the glasses. but there's a very brief time during complete totality where it's safe to look and the corona is just much it's less
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luminous, so much less intense. this outer atmosphere. but you will be able to see that without protection and again, maybe even see some of this incredible activity that we're looking forward to >> amazing, that is what i am looking forward to gena. thank you so much for taking us through this. we need an expert obviously, to explain some of what we're seeing. and we're taking a look now at, well, this is mazatlan, mexico. next we're going to be going to curve ville, texas, which is going to be one of the first places in the united dates to be catching a glimpse of that totality. right now, we're looking at a view from there. we'll get her live report when we get back >> eclipse across america, brought to you via miracle go grow, grow like martha >> i spent a lot of time
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>> huskies will play makers with a national championship since the greatest stage and all those points is what dreams are made up vomits, they talk about for a lifetime, we will see you phoenix >> the eclipse. >> am i wrong >> those small town of carville, texas has one of the biggest gatherings of eclipse-watchers we are covering today. you're looking at a live image right now we're expecting to see the beginning of the partial solar eclipse. there very soon. cnn's draw south florida is, is there herself a weather has been a concern for stargazers. there >> it looks >> like you will be able to see quite a bit though >> you know what boris the mayor of this city told us that she had looked through her crystal ball and the weather was going to be amazing and i think she has delivered, i don't know if you embryonal
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have any the questions for me about your future, but i think this is a pretty good chris given the fact that there was a brooch to beat thunderstorms and just look around me, the sun is out. >> the he partial eclipse has started in carville, texas in the heart of the texas hill country. and we're starting to experience this. now. i want to bring in some guests, their here from wales. this is en and as father. now, this is not your first eclipse no. why curve l, the seem to be where the weather might be the best and obviously, the forecasts recently, my mother suggested it, but here we want. >> now, i'm hoping that we can take a look to share with our audience what you're able to look right now. we're going to use are, are eclipse glasses that meet international standards. and i can tell you, boris and riana that it is an
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amazing image. >> i can see the sun completely. and what is your reaction to this is incredible to see. i wasn't shubi today at all. can, see a little bit coming off now, i'm sorry, about 3:00 yeah >> that's like the moon. that looks like i'm going >> right? yeah, it's happening. >> yeah. >> he and thank you >> boris >> briana, back to you, but i'm serious about those questions. if you want to email me, text me, you know where i work >> back to you? >> well, i think boris has some lottery number of questions that maybe you can help him with rows. >> i have to tell you her osa for those who know that they will love this why did mughal right now is smiling in heaven? he's a famous latin fortune teller that was known all across that in america, he smiling and every night laughing what was that >> i wanted with their metadata
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it is that i run >> ahmad mucho. >> mucho ammo. if you had told me that i was going to be imitating what did on cnn when i was a little kid, i would have told you you were full of crap so it looks like the weather fantastic out there. you mentioned that there are crowds gathering. i'm wondering what the food is like. we just had a doughnut up here, but i'm hungry again. is there any special food to commemorate the eclipse where you are in kernel? >> you know, in texas, there's always special barbecue. i've seen giant chicken legs out here. there's a little bit of everything, of course, with a texas twist and this is the texas hill country. i mean, the cuboid capital of the world as just you know, down the street here. so there's a little bit of everything. there's people here from texas, there's also people here from all over the world, just like ian was coming in from wales. but i got to
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tell you for some riana, you're really starting to see and feel just something different. i don't know exactly how to describe it a little bit of twilight perhaps is the best way that i can destroy me. describe it here, because the shadows don't exactly look how we normally see the shadows. and this is my merch total eclipse experience. so this is different for me. i can tell you that definitely feels different. and every now and then, there's this cool breeze that we can feel even though the sun is out, it's very weird, but it's a very cool experience >> it sounds amazing. rosa, and it's just going to get even better as we're looking at these live pictures. two of them, one is sort of just a normal camerota. do not do this with your eyeballs people, this is the camera, so it's okay. and then we're getting this filtered view of the eclipse from carville where you were starting to see the partial eclipse for a lot of people,
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they're not even going to notice that something is happening at this point in time, just a little chunk of the sun. you can see it's slightly obscured by clouds but it's going to get better and better until it goes to totality. >> i do wonder if the animals that are in dallas just a little bit up the road from where rosa is in carville. i wonder how they're going to react to this. cnn's add lavender is live for us at a zoo. and what does it look like where you are >> well we are at the dallas zoo we're we're gonna be monitoring the animal reaction to this total eclipse. and that partial eclipse is just now starting here in the north the texas dallas areas. so for the next hour and a half, we will be a closely monitoring all this we are with, at least eventually, you're kind of you're the expert on all the mammals here. at the dallas zoo. >> what are you going to be looking for? what >> excited to see what these animals are going to do. because i personally have not experienced the total eclipse. so this will be new to me, but kind of thinking some of the herd animals might join
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together, thinking that it's nighttime where they're kinda gather to protect one another and different things that they would do at nighttime wear a great apes are some by primates might get a little bit quieter or even think that it's nighttime and they're ready to come in for the evening and the birds might get a little bit quieter is some things that we've heard. so i'm really excited to see if that's true and what we might see for ourselves. >> i'm not sure if you can see behind us here, but like log of course, thibodaux that the draft starts walking off in the other direction. >> we've got lead if you guys have doughnuts over there in indianapolis, we're going a little bit healthier with lettuce for the animals. so if the draft makes his way back here, we'll see them but does as a been a lot of research that's been done been able to be done on an annual reactions to the eclipse. so >> this is kind of an exciting time. >> yeah, yeah, it's true. we've made all these predictions, but we're excited to see what actually happens because maybe there's gonna be some new things that we never even thought about are to where are you going to be when the eclipse, i'm gonna go up on our kind of our buildings roofs so that we can have a big wide view. and then we can look down at the in painted dogs and the lions. am look out at this van
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at the same time to say, i'm hoping to be able to see the elephants and giraffes the same time >> space behind. >> you've got to hey, bros. we got ostrich, you've got elephants around the corner over here. and our friend, tobago making his way that's not going to happen this time happened earlier he has he mentioned there's also some really interesting studies being done. texas parks and wildlife is a teaming up with nasa. they're gonna be doing this, so they're setting up these recorders out in the wild in nature, in urban areas to document the audio of what animals might do out in the wild. so there'll be some really interesting things we've also reached out to a number of zoos in the path of the total solar eclipse. so throughout the day will be monitoring that and hopefully being able to capture and show you as much of this reaction as possible. and a lot of this is a little bit of crowdsourcing as well. here at the zoo. they're giving people pieces of paper so they can write down their observations and kind of feed that back into them so they can capture and recording that almost everybody's like a little bit of a journey colonel, it's capturing this
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almost four minutes of totality here. and what they might witness. and the animal reaction. so it'll be really fascinating to see the partial clips have started, has been cloudy throughout much of the morning, but there's been some nice breaks in the clouds here so far >> hopefully that holds >> for the next hour and a half or so, so that people i can get a good clear view. >> and >> we'll monitor what this little fella thinks. that little fella, he is a tall fella not little en's and it looks you want some lettuce >> oh, he went some lettuce. he doesn't want that krispy kreme stuff that you guys are feeding yourself. hello, over there. we're going healthy here in texas, which is a total rarity to be honest >> i was going to say, yeah i was going to say maybe we should send out to belgo. i don't one of these krispy kreme special edition eclipse doughnut. >> he that's on his diet >> who doesn't look around
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that hard get in trouble if anything, we're here to have a good time >> hello i >> pictures that we're looking at don't do that. live pictures out of mazatlan here. just a beautiful crescent shaped taking shape there >> yeah. and on the left side of your your screen, you're looking at carville, texas, the partial eclipse, just beginning there. will of course, monitoring every angle of this amazing enter stellar phenomenon will be back i can just moments eclipse across america. he's brought to you by american home shield. don't worry, be warranty now go to slash eclipse to follow the latest news and get viewing and photo tips let's do experience the rare solar eclipse >> you have an excellent warren g warranty blurring ci
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with the oraa ring >> closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money
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has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 all right, welcome back to a across >> america are special coverage of this total solar eclipse that is going to be heading across america a very soon. we see the partial eclipse underway in mazatlan, mexico through this filtered view, which is a safe way. obviously, for someone to look at this through camera and you're seeing this move as it will towards totality where it will just be completely dark and it's going to be an unbelievable seen this happens so rarely and it's just the why of the moon in front of the sun, the sun is 4,000 times approximately as big as the moon and its 400 times farther away. and that is why it is able to do this very interesting dance, where they line up like this on occasion. >> yeah, we want to get you actually straight to arkansas
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with stephanie elam because in about an hour from now, hundreds of couples are gonna get hitched in the middle of the solar eclipse but i understand stephanie, that the partial eclipse is starting now. >> and you're with the beatles >> i mean, you guys are kinda jealous. i hear that your brief clips and sanchez, did i hear that right? that's what you guys aren't now. that's what i heard. that's what i heard >> i'm gonna be felony. i wouldn't be solid. i want to be solid if you guys have those names once you know what before the moon and the sun put on a show, we have to start with the stars, the liverpool legends, look at this beautiful, you know, who they are. the beatles. all right? but your name and who you are. >> hi, i'm dave. i'm paul. >> i'm marty scott. i played george. >> i'm joe mann, 3k, i play john. >> i'm reagan credits. i play ringo. okay. >> so you guys have you ever played for a wedding before >> i'm not it about a long time since we were little kids. >> okay. so, you know, there are now it was 358 couples, but break can do is we just found out that more couples are
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actually getting their paperwork in so that they can get married before the eclipse at us right before 2:00 local. so it's gonna be a bigger crowd. are you ready for this? >> well, oh, yes. it's >> been we've done carnegie hall, we've done the rose bowl. we're going to mexico city to play a big arena tomorrow, but nothing like 300 and at couples or something like that. >> so whenever okay. so what are you going to play? >> i'll beatles songs. >> i know, but which song are you going to play any what's the plan? we're >> going to do the whole history. we're going to start out with the early stuff and work on wins after the eclipse, we're going to, as soon as the sun goes in front of the moon or vice versa, we're going to play here comes the sun because what else would you play at that point? >> which is pretty awesome. and i have to tell you guys brij clips and sanchez, which is hard for me to remember i have to tell you, they sound awesome. and what's going to happen here is right before the eclipse. all of these couples are going to get married. they're going to stop. everyone's going to look up at the sky and then they're gonna play. here comes the sun. and i think what we should do you just to help get you a pronto,
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how awesome we are getting it. here in russell bill, arkansas with our beautiful blue skies. we thought we're going to get rain, so we're winning all the way around. but do you also need to hear how the liverpool legend sound. take a listen to these guys, okay, put your glasses on >> hey counts all right >> so there you go. >> you hear that beautiful music. we're going to have a ball here as we find all of the love that's happening here. and roosevelt, arkansas, we can wait for that big show in the sky and hear more from these guys.
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>> they sound gray out >> are full >> and i'm glad they did play beatles songs that would have been if they hadn't, right? >> you have they played like metallic or something else by the way, that looks just like lingro >> i wouldn't i would look into >> that with told me get up attorney tests is make sure you maybe he's got some her no royalties coming in so much. meantime, we're taking a look at this partial solar eclipse in my set line, we're only a half hour away from the first totality hitting north america. and right here in india, we're going to be watching it very closely. it's going to get quite a bit hold here. >> that's right. it things will get chile, it will get completely dark at totality when it comes to that partial eclipse, though the moon starting job us to creep on in there in front of the sun we are next, we have the eclipse starting here in just a few minutes. we'll be right back laura coates live tonight at 11
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again, that's when 8071238 hundred well, play for the national championship is the greatest stage this is what dreams they talk about for a lifetime. we will see you in phoenix >> were the picks. what are we doing first >> welcome back to a across america. we are closely watching what is an amazing interstellar phenomenon. we're not talking about what's happening here, yeah, onset and the annapolis we're talking about the show. we're about to watch across the sky brown. >> it's going to be amazing. and this is either the best idea or the worst it that all journal what's the credibility? yes, let haven't funded this is basically what's going to happen if i can re-enact the moon will be going in front of the sun for a son, chez, in this point and that's a part i think we've got a full eclipse there. this >> is kind of where things are right now. >> yeah, right there. >> they're regrade just
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thinking his all right >> and massive lawn little be a ton get enough zone of totality which is going to be amazing here in indianapolis. we're going to start the partial eclipse here very soon and we're 24 minutes plus from our first totality in mexico, this is our very simple, poor way to explain what is an amazing, amazing moment. let's bring in than a lavin because she'll do a much better job. she's an expert and astrophysicists to professor of astronomy at barnard college. jenna, thank you so much for being with us when you saw our little demonstration here what would you say was off? what would you say needs work help us understand? and much more sophisticated terms what's happening. >> well, you would be >> millions of miles >> apart to start with. and >> can't do >> you can't do that. well, it's really cute about what you're doing is you're in the same line. and then you would think that every time we have
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the moon, which is when the sun is behind the moon in our alignment with the earth, that you would have an eclipse. but the only reason we don't have an eclipse every month, every new moon is because the moon's orbit is a little bit out of the axis of the plane that, has the sun earth orbit. and so we have to have this coincidence of new moon happening also when it's in what astronomers call syzygy, the alignment between the earth and the moon and the sun, the celestial alignment bodies. and so right now you're demonstrating syzygy, essentially >> this a g amazing syzygy. syzygy hello, household. >> this is such this is it is now i think this is such an important day for so many people. and i think they're not always sure how it's going to affect them when they see this eclipse obviously, there's a
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lot of science and we've been talking about it. but what does it mean to you? what is it? i mean to people to have this experience of what they see in the fact, a lot of times that they're getting to see it altogether with so many other people. >> i think that's exactly what's so important about it. it's a reminder that whatever else is going on on the world, whatever else human beings tries so hard to control technologically, politically philosophically, that we are really on this planet in our solar system. and we are still subject to those forces which are so far beyond our control. but instead set of feeling sort of disappointment about that, we should actually celebrate that we're in this together and it's a reminder that we as a species share this ability to reflect on where we are in the wider cosmic scheme of things absolutely, it's a reminder that what we have on earth is so special because if the sun wasn't in that particular
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place, if the moon i hadn't sort of crossed the way that it did. not only what we now witness, what we're witnessing now, life on earth may not exist the way that it does. and there are scientists who can tell us amazingly with amazing accuracy when this is going to happen so that people can make plans in advance to get together. it's really amazing. jana. thank you so so much. we really appreciate your time today. >> yes, absolutely >> of course >> and one >> prediction that we got from scientists, the partial eclipse is soon to start right here in indianapolis and you're getting your first look at totality and muscle with in just about 20 minutes, so don't go anywhere. we're going to take these off because i can't breathe. >> and we'll be right back on cnn's. they wouldn't >> there's debris and this guy parents, husbands and wives? it's gone. >> i wish i could have done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle
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columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn. >> there's nothing better than a subway service foot-long except when you add on all new foot-long side kick, like the filling with a new truth dollars footlong churro, sometimes the sidekick is the main event. you would say that every effort foot-long deserved the perfect sidekick at morgan stanley old school hard work, meets bold new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities. and relentlessly work with you to make them real >> file 100% free with turbotax free edition, roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form ten, 40 and limited credits only. see how a that's me
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>> check your eligibility in minutes at get light and >> i'm zachary cohen and washington and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by >> her firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now we are getting so close and our eclipse over >> america coverage across it's america, i should say our first totality, 16 minutes away, first to be seen in mazatlan, mexico. that is where the skies will go dark. there we'll be some stillness and we're going to see what happens as probably an ot is going to settle over the crowd there. and in other parts of mexico where people are watching and awaiting. we see that partial eclipse well underway here. you see all of these people in mazatlan,
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mexico this is a huge fund nominee to witness this amazing phenomena. it is >> extremely rare and we are ready. we've got our special glasses, the total eclipse now inching closer sure you see you here, folks yelling there at must set lung cheering. there's also a huge crowd here at the indianapolis motor speedway and they are stoked about it he certainly are in kristin fisher is here part of the crowd here with her family kristen, this is wonderful because we have three generations here. we're also i'll explain this hoping that three times is a charm. third is the charm, right? let's hope i'm here. this is my 78 year-old dad, dr. bill fisher a former astronaut, and my six-year-old daughter clara forehand. everybody here hoping to see a total solar eclipse for the very first time, but dead. >> this is this is something that you have been trying to see your entire adult life. >> and i'm snake, we don't in
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1970 there was a tornado watch and florida 2017 and missouri rain. and you gotta see a total eclipse once in your life. and i'm 78. i mean, i haven't got much time left, so this has got to work yeah. >> and we had plans to watch it in carville and a few days ago, i called them. i was like dad, you're not going to see it. you're gonna miss it. you got to move and you said, all right, let's let's do it. so here we are, and you're one of the most interesting people that i've ever met. you've seen so many different things. you've been in space, you've done a spacewalk and yet a total solar eclipse is at the very top of your your bucket list. >> why absolutely. well, because i've never seen one. it's something you have to do. and being in space was one thing, but i mean, it's total solar eclipse is magic so i'm told i'm hoping. >> so magical. i don't know. we'd like >> wait, wait, wait till it comes out that you know >> no, clara here has been ben. i understand learning about eclipses in school. clara, what do you think an eclipse is? >> it's when the moon comes in
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between the sun and the earth and it passes the sun in the path of totality. places can turn totally dark for four minutes. >> and guess what? i think this is one of those places. it may turn totally dark here for for about four minutes. >> what what do you think you're going to do during those four minutes of darkness here? >> well, some nocturnal animals come out >> what about you? what are you going to do? >> i'm going to watch the eclipse, watch the eclipse. >> yeah. we're all going to watch it together and dad what do you think? we're gonna be doing during the eclipse? >> well, maybe what everybody else is doing, how like a wolf you know, one thing that i he's both me and bill that's his nickname, right. so this is true to form. >> you know, i'm so struck by the fact that, here we are in indianapolis and our whole plan as a family was always to watch
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a total solar eclipse outside in nature, where you can see the nocturnal animals come out like clara said. but no, we're here with about 50,000 of our closest friends. i'm >> curious how you think it's going to be different what it's going to be like here compared to the ad in nature, are you still as excited for her that people get very quiet >> but >> i just want to see the sun. i don't care if people eat or not it's going to be 20 years before the next total solar eclipse here in the united states, clara, you will be >> 26 the next time that happens, what do you think you'll be doing then? where do you think you'll watch the next one >> texas. >> in texas want to watch it in texas, you're going moved to texas. that's where these guys are from >> you will still be here, dad and i am confident that this is going to be your chance to finally get to see a total solar eclipse reported to point
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out this is a very rare occurrence because the one coming in 20 years, it's not going to cover quite as much space. it's not gonna be quite as impactful it's not going to last as long that moment of the duration of totality is going to be as long as it either. >> and the one in 2045, it's looking pretty cool, i think. but again, the moon is so close and it's just going to be amazing as well. but the solar activity that we're expecting i mean, this could be cooler even if the weather had co-ops operated for you, dr. fisher in 2017, this could be neater to see what are you expecting to see around because the weather is looking great here. i think that three times times is going to be a term. what are you expecting to see around the corona? >> i would love to see a solar flare. so i say sometimes you can see outside of that sounds imagine i don't know what to it ever seen one, let's do it >> and we'll all be watching it together. i mean, you're
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somebody who has walked in space. i talked to a former nasa astronaut, pam melroy, who earlier today was talking about how this is something that she's never seen that she really wants to see two and you know, this is just it's something that you can only get from planet earth in the solar system no other body gets an eclipse like this. no other planetary body gets an eclipse like this. then it's just this rare moment in time when we can see it >> so special on it, so special to see three generations together, both give him another howell. let's hear it hearing that live in indy here. as we get the eclipse, that's still roughly an hour or so away, the first totality though, is in massive lawn mexico, just about ten minutes from now, kristen and family. thank you so much for being with us. thank you very much. >> it's gonna be amazing for you guys to experience this and let's talk about this now, is we do a weight and that is look at that cheshire grin turned on its side coming out of mazatlan let's talk about this now with adam frank. he is a professor
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of astrophysics and he's going to tell us a little bit about what we're expecting. you're joining us from the university of rochester we're also the author of the little book of aliens tell us what we should be expecting here and what this means, how incredible a moment this is going to be just becomes because of all the factors that are lining up for this total solar eclipse >> yes. so what's amazing right now is that the moon's shadow is rushing across the surface of the earth at about 1,000 miles an hour. so you're really seeing here is the moon moving in its orbit, like once a month, the moon completes a complete circuit through its orbit. but now you're actually getting to see it as we have these reports from mazatlan. and then texas. and then indiana, what's really happening is we're tracking the moon as it rips across the sky on its monthly journey
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around the earth so there's that we're actually getting to see the dance of the heavens leighton front of us. now, when that totality happens, the moon is going to block out most of the light of the superheated plasma ball that is the sun. >> and then we're gonna be >> able to see the outer parts of the sun that we never get to see what's called the corona it's like 1 million degrees hot and it extends almost twice or three times as far as the disk of the sun. so before modern science, the only way people could see the corona or the way we learned that there was this atmosphere was through this and what's even more amazing though, is as we were talking about before, as kristen was saying this kind of eclipse only happens on earth like, you know, there's lots of eclipse's, there's lots of times when the shadow of something falls on something else, but only on earth do we have the perfect alignment on the sky that the moon is 400 times smaller than the sun, but
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it's 400 times closer. and that is a cosmic accident. and it's why we can get that perfect overlap of the moon and the sun that you get, the corona. and you can get the possibility of seeing flares. so there's no other place in the solar system that, that happens is frequently please. is it happens here and it may be quite where rare in the universe. and it's had such a huge effect on human society over the years. you know, people, emperors would lose their standing because of an eclipse because people would freak out so much. so it's really a remarkable event yeah, it is something that is sacred in cultures throughout history adam, you mentioned that we're able to see things on the sun that we usually aren't. and that's part of the reason that nasa and scientists all over the spectrum have tried to take advantage of the moment to try to gain some a research, some special insight into what's happening on the sun


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