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tv   Eclipse Across America  CNN  April 8, 2024 11:00am-1:00pm PDT

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that is a cosmic accident. and it's why we can get that perfect overlap of the moon and the sun that you get, the corona. and you can get the possibility of seeing flares. so there's no other place in the solar system that, that happens is frequently please. is it happens here and it may be quite where rare in the universe. and it's had such a huge effect on human society over the years. you know, people, emperors would lose their standing because of an eclipse because people would freak out so much. so it's really a remarkable event yeah, it is something that is sacred in cultures throughout history adam, you mentioned that we're able to see things on the sun that we usually aren't. and that's part of the reason that nasa and scientists all over the spectrum have tried to take advantage of the moment to try to gain some a research, some special insight into what's happening on the sun
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it may provide. scientists >> it's >> actually over the course >> of science, how >> important >> eclipses have been >> an eclipse was >> used to prove >> einstein's theory of relativity because normally you can't see stars near the sun. and so in 1918, it was an eclipse that actually allowed us to see that relativity was true. and previous to that, you'll are going early on when the first estimates of the size of the moon and the distance of the moon way back in the greek time get eclipse's. >> now, now we >> can sort of create eclipse's if we want, or we can study these things often without having an actual eclipse occur but we're still using these eclipse's as ways of seeing into, are seeing that the outer layers of the sun and studying sort of the crazy
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dynamics, the explosive properties of that solar atmosphere >> and adam, people need to be safe. we need to be clear about that. they may have, you know, at the last minute decided, oh man, i really want to be a part of this and they may not even hopefully they have glasses or they can find a place in their community we're there handing out glasses or they can purchase them and they meet the standard. but if they don't, there is sort of an at-home way they can do with a pinpoint projector if they go online and google, explain to people why it is so important that they are making sure they are not looking at the sun even for a moment. capture this >> yeah, the sun's light is so potent, is so powerful that it can do if you were to stare at the sun, it would destroy the optics of your eye, the optic nerve. >> it >> would just basically fry the optic nerves so you can do permanent damage to your for
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your optic nerve by staring at the sun. so, you know, there's, you can go online, right? if you can google, there's diff bunch of different ways to make your own homemade. eclipse viewer. but absolutely do not look at the sun with your naked eye because you could really be damage for that would last a long time after this. so it's just not worth it adam. >> thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us. we look forward to getting your reactions on the other side of what we're about to see you here cheering and mosfet lawn mexico. that's because totality is less than five minutes away. and i think we have yeah, there it is, right there. you see just that tiny sliver of sun, the moon, almost completely covering it. >> that's right. every place that we're going to is going to have this moment of totality, this is the first four minutes. just a little more than four minutes away there in mazatlan, mexico, in our chad myers is following the path. he's following the cloud that's because that is
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certainly an issue in some areas. what are folks going to be seeing there in mazatlan and through mexico and into texas as this gets started, this moment of totality, chad a few amazing moments for these people. there is something called the purkinje effect. and it will not show up on a camera because the camera's do not have cones and rods in their eyes. but if i were standing out there right in maza lawn right now, this maroun tie would be black, this blue shirt would still be blue, but the red rods and cones, cones in our eyes will not pick up the red very well. and that red tint will go away. the blues will still be there because there are different wavelength something heels here right now, i told you that the clouds would go away. well, this is a visible satellite, so this is what the satellite is seeing the satellite isn't seeing clouds go away the satellite is seeing the lack of sunshine on those clouds. so the clouds are disappearing. they're still there. if you look up, but
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they're not on the satellite anymore, i'm going to have to switch to an infrared satellite as we get closer and closer on up here toward the united states, because just can't see them anymore. so what's going on here? we still have the cloud cover coming into kerrville. i'm really worried about this. it's getting thicker and thicker by the hour. but as the atmospheric cools down, that also could start to eliminate some of the clubs got to be that bright the clouds because there's not that lift in the atmosphere, because the temperatures are cooling down and you'll you'll feel that you'll feel that in indianapolis two temperatures will likely drop between six and eight degrees especially if you're standing in the sun compared to not standing in the sun something else is going to go on if you're standing under a tree that has leaves, i want you to look down at the ground you will see the crescent of the sun on the ground every time there's a tiny ltiny littl pinhole in those leaves, you will see hundreds, maybe thousands of little crescent shapes down across parts on the surface itself, likely on the
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concrete harry enten i'm not sure what harry is going to see except maybe the mader the mis they're at niagara falls because boy, this looks really socket in at this point in time for not so much cleveland, but you get a tort upstate new york, you get into the niagara frontier in an awful lot of cloud cover. if you're on one side of the sun or the other, the moon shadow here, you're going to have a much shorter totality, possibly only about what we think 17 seconds for san antonio. >> but now you go a >> little bit farther to the west and you get a couple of minutes. dallas, same story, fort worth, about two minutes here, but just to the west of fort worth only 35 seconds. so try to get to the middle if you still can, there is still time to see this most amazing event that we are, that i will likely not be around the next time this happens unless i fly somewhere else, there will be other total eclipses, but not for the us but for 24 years >> 27 >> yeah, it is going to be a
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very special moment for so many people across the country chat. thank you so much for the forecast. there's a live look at mass adlon in mexico, where we are just seconds away from totality, are looking at a cnn espanol reporter who's going luck i'm for the network there and on the right-hand side, you see the shade that's been cast shadow that's been cast as we are 48 seconds now from totality in my south lawn. really an incredible moment for millions of people across north america. >> it is just stunning this idea you see they're getting so excited is starting they think it has started, but it hasn't fully started. there's still 30 seconds left. and what they hopefully will be able to see is these tiny beads of light as this moves across the shadow moves across earth. these beads of light coming from the sun's rays on the valleys of the moon it should be hopefully amazing what they see there.
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>> there is just a tiny sliver. as we are now for three seconds away from totality here we are. the first totality for this total solar eclipse, hitting massive gland mexico as we speak, it looks like dusk. they're a lot of fans who their phones out you hear cheering and celebrating a unique moment in this celestial dance. we get to experience. this is the first moment. they will be experiencing this in mazatlan. and then it is going to move through mexico up through texas. we have reporters through texas as well the way here through indianapolis and this will move with the course the next hour or so. >> it's going >> to be amazing all the way through canada. >> yeah, let's take a moment to absorb this. let's listen t o
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>> let me sunday get up now
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>> we're seeing an extraordinary site here, and this is what we talked about. the moon as >> we see it is bigger than the sun. so as it passes between earth and the sun, we are seeing this amazing corona of the sun, including what appears to be a solar flare. there on the lower right-hand side. >> we're when we're witnessing a moment, unlike any other this doesn't happen as far as we know, just about anywhere else in the universe according to the experts that we've just talked to endure heard the crowd. they're celebrating and massot lawn. moments of joy is
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on. children earning around smiling. you saw people with their phones taking pictures. i heard people yelling in spanish. look >> at the iri >> horizon because the horizon is still get up and these are now the rare special minutes of totality where you get about four minutes of this site that you won't see anywhere else. and that doesn't just happen >> it is >> rare and obviously a very special moment to reflect on how lucky we are to join in this experience together. and to be on this earth where magical stuff like this happens, it really is amazing as we are watching this from mazatlan, the first stop in this zone of totality. and we're also getting this experience i've held weather is interacting with the solar eclipse. because you can see as it is coming in and out, the brightness of the corona of the sun of, of what we are seeing illuminate behind the moon. and there you see it, that effect, that, that diamond ring is, it
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comes back out after the totality the sun was affecting it. so we were seeing it more clearly and less clearly >> wow. >> yeah >> look at that. >> that was quite a sensation, even just watching it on the screen, it felt special on it. it still does, it feels amazing to witness this. you're right about that diamond ring effect. you see like that sort of eerie glow. and then there's like a pop on the edge. and that's what we're going to witness here. an indie i want to say just about an hour or so from now. >> yeah, that's right. and it won't be quite as long. right in mexico, they're getting quite a show, but also to put it into perspective for folks, one of the reasons that this total solar eclipse is so fantastic and that we're making such a big deal out of it is that even the shortest totality is longer than the longest totality in 2017, people will just get an amazing chance. to
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see this because of the positioning of the moon in its orbit at this particular time. let's go now to torreon, mexico, where we're about to witness another live moment of totality. >> is gustavo valdes there for us, gustavo, what does it look like >> well, we just taking out the irony here is that this is a desert. they rarely get the cloud cover. we get it today, but it's not too bad. we're still be able to see what's happening up there. you can hear that people screaming. >> i'm putting on my glasses so i can look up and give you an idea of what we're seeing. you can see they're just that sliver of the sun peeking through the moon as it comes he said cross and a few things that we have experienced already. the first thing we've noticed is the lower temperature it cooled down significantly. and another thing we were talking about earlier about the birds and we
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noticing how old the birds from this area back to their nest. in fact, you see those two teachers there. they came back a few minutes ago certainly very confused unfortunately the state government decided to put are begin rate are behind us a weekend adhered the birds on the microphone, but we can hear the noises you are also here in the crowd, cheering as they see what everybody is seen through their televisions, but they're experiencing here people, i mean, school work got canceled the current to see if we can see a little bit of what the cloud cover it is. policy requires must are sold. >> let's see what it's looking like. it's a little bit like i said, there's a big cloud cover, but not too bad. we can still see the edge of the moon. the question right now is going to be once were it's two badly in a couple of minutes. >> if we're >> gonna be able to see the full rank, let's hope that the clouds do not interfere with that experience with this. tens
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of thousands of b people who are waiting like everybody else to see this event, like a we've been saying there are people here from all over the world they are experienced seeing these, the scientists. you notice the images that you have on screen are from nasa they got lucky. all the scientists got lucky that happens to have a telescope that is pointing to the sun all the time. so they're able to cover this event. and for everybody else to see. now let's try to take a look and i think now the lighting is completely changed. polish show the people because now the light is a different color. >> eight >> actually is very clear that the way i don't know how to explain it, but it's basically as if somebody in darkness and let's lisa name because now people are assigned to cheer more room changing here my
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glasses so i can experience with. everybody else and yes, it's almost is almost there like he said, the cloud i'd go over here, my prevent this from seeing the ray. but we are seconds way. you want to remain quiet
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>> no beautiful >> this is an amazing site on the ground, total darkness, unfortunately, the bark lights came on so they're >> not giving us a clear view
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of how dark very lean slide that is coming through you lied >> and >> you can see the ring. you can see that little dotted lines. the birds are flying, they seem a little confused >> very special moment, that we're witnessing here people are celebrating. obviously trying to record it there's a star off to a good thing as
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somebody from the weather department might be able to tell me, start seeing a little bit of this guy is lit up complete darkness. there's still a little you a blue on this guy and fog looking away from the cdd, this guy seems to be a little darker than looking into this and you can feel the motion from the people august. now, technology allows us to capture those moments on the phone, blur celebrating, taking their stuff selfies >> and >> you get here the birds just like we heard them earlier in the morning, just before the sunrise the burst seem to be back on their nest and now there's a little bit of a sense of calm. i mean, this is
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obviously we're lucky that we have one of the longest time experience during the eclipse and we can see a little bit of change on the ring. i think the cloud covaries thousand healthy to give it a next dre something. >> not a clear view, >> but, but still is not not bad at all. this is, this is a great experience to share with tens of thousands of people from mexico, from central mexico and all over policy >> good luck assess with gender. what are you here? what, what do you like about this he just can't >> are was the yellows >> she's noticing what we've been saying the bird sound like they're getting ready to go but asleep, they're going back to their nest. >> guesses >> into case and said mozart patrols. what do you feel about been hosting this event for the word, whereas me content to love it we have four muscles.
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>> so she's very glad that they happened. there can be the host saif, they haven't seen here for 200 years and that they can share with the world. so that's a filling of the locals the people who are coming here kyrsten, it's some start to pick out or we're going to >> he's doubled >> thank you so much for that amazing view from turin hi mexico as this continues through the path of totality. any second now kerrville texas is going to see this amazing view. we are keeping our eye on that. we're getting an a quick break. we'll be right back. don't miss a second. this is all going to happen very quickly. he clips
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the view their let's get live to cnn's rosa flores, who's reporting it has really taken us there with some fortune telling, some special glasses broke out. what do you have for us now >> boris briana, there is a craze any air right now. and every now and then you will hear people screaming and clapping. and that's when there's a part in the clouds and people can actually see the crest. and right now it's a tiny, tiny crescent. i'm here with a gately family this family traveled from three different states. this is barbara, the great grandmother of six children here. barbara, you're excited. >> oh, yes. yes. yes. i'm glad it isn't any ranier than i expected it to be. >> nice, guys. yeah. if you look through your >> glasses, what do you see right now, barbara? >> the. last row tiny sliver like a fingernail >> so we are moments away then? >> yes. yes. very soon is
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starting to get dark >> yeah. yeah. >> and boris and brianna, were starting to feel this the breeze. so there's a bit of a temperature drop and i can tell you that the colors out here almost seem like whenever you put a filter on your phone and the colors kind of distort a little that's what i can see with my naked eyes out here because there is this hue almost twilight now, i'm here with shane clementine and nicholas, and i'm hoping that they can look a look up at the sky shameless. start with you to see what you can see >> well, what's your glasses on? put your glasses on now >> well, right now i can't see much because some clouds, but a minute ago we had all most total eclipse, it's almost there now many clouds >> the cloud i >> can't see anything with
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grasses classes on that. >> see nicolas >> now disappeared you see them moving away? so hopefully i'll be able to see the total solar eclipse sun. >> how exciting is this next one? this is going to be my >> first total put your glasses. >> my first total solar eclipse. i'm excited for this pitch black. that's exciting >> it is. >> we're gonna be moving this way a little bit. leah don only because our camera is a signal is breaking up a little bit, so we're going to move it closer to our signal to make sure that we don't break up. if you see me breaking up, let me know. but as you can see, the color is starting to dem, here and kerrville, and you're starting to hear people screaming. i'm going to look up just a sec. to see what we see >> and let us breathe a little bit neon. show us the crowd a little bit. i'm a look up so
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right now >> there is some cloud cover that's why you don't hear the crowd scream but any moment now, the clouds are going to part. and this crowd is going to go wild because the last glimpse that i saw, it was this tiny, tiny crescent which makes me think that people see totality here pretty soon >> and i >> can tell you that there is this chill in the air almost that gives you goosebumps the colors all around me. i don't know if you can tell, but the colors all around me have, a different hue. it really looks like you have added a filter to your cell phone. now, i can see a few puppies reacting to what's going on to leon. let's walk over here because we have been talking to pet owners about what they're going to do during totality and something tells me that pets might be a little smarter than
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humans. i don't see the pets looking up like we're trying to look up to experience it, but we can hang out here we're going to start getting a little closer. >> and you can >> go back and you can start seeing that people are reacting to what's going on i'm going to take a look what i can see is this tiny, tiny crescent with totality about to happen and the darkness has settled into kerrville, texas everybody with their cell phones, with their glasses looking up, trying to capture the moment when of totality. the chill in
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the air is getting cooler and cooler. and let's just take in the crowd >> wow
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>> i get >> and you can hear the, uh's and aws here in kerrville, texas as totality is happening, there is complete darkness at the moment as i look up, i don't see anything because of the cloud cover but if those clouds were two part and just for a second, i'm sure we
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would see full totality at this point in time because it is completely dark here in kerrville, the temperature has definitely dropped there is a light cool breeze and it just gives you the chills to experience this. here in person knowing that it is 1304 local time, and there is complete darkness in kerrville, texas
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>> we don't >> if you're just joining us, we are in kerrville, texas with maximum totality of the 2024, april >> 8, a clip what we're witnessing right now is a drop in the temperatures, total darkness, people waiting for those moments, for the clouds to parse so that they can look up at the sky as this celestial show, that we will not see an another 20 years, everybody here been very patient as they wait for that cloud cover to give them a peak of this total eclipse >> again, there's >> this weird chill in the air, right now as the temperature
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has dropped and the colors all around us have a hue that i really cannot describe. it's just really magical. it's just a really magical moment >> st. joseph >> and the sun our net is coming up with this is a special moment. you can hear all around me, people clapping taking in this moment as we're starting to see a sun coming
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out again, as i look at the sky with my glasses, i don't see it yet. boris and brianna. but again, just a magical moment, a lot to take in hear from kerrville back to you >> despite their cloud cover's still in an amazing sight to behold, an amazing experience to go through, rosa. thank you so much for that report from kerrville and emotional moment there in texas emotions are also running high at the zoo in dallas. we're at 11 derrick is are we here? there's some stuff going on with the animals all right >> i'm trying to keep up with me here. so about ten minutes ago we started hearing a lot of more bird chatter out in a distance out there. there's some guinea fowl that started running around and making kind of crazy sounds. and then we actually saw one of the younger giraffes start galloping around a zebra, started chasing him, and then the ostrich has got into the mix as well. so that was all kinda going on in the distance.
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>> are friend to boba who >> you guys have known here for the last a few hours. he's chill cool as a cucumber, unphased by what is happening. but take a look at the crowd here. dallas zoo. >> they have sold more than >> twice the number of tickets they would normally sell for a monday. and this is the crowd out here. everybody looking up at the sky right now as it is such a difficult to twilight feel to kinda describe it's unlike any twilight two you have seen, but everyone looking up and if you look down on the ground you can see the shadows that are cast by the light coming through the trees here at this point, i think we were talking about this earlier, so that's kind of really dramatic moments as we are just a few minutes away from totality, we're going to bring in lease events sleet with the dallas zoo to kind of give us a sense of what are you starting to hear your on the radio with everyone scattered around the around the zoo. >> what are you hearing from people right now? >> yeah, right now we're getting three and a foreign stare very, which is where we have several species of birds
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are going in their nesting areas, like they would at nighttime >> the elephants are just over this treelines. we can't totally see them. >> but the alvin, they said having a lot more active during this time, just like we saw with zebras and the draft and the ostrich. and then the ostrich, he laid the egg. right as things are starting with i forgot to tell you guys literally seconds ago a right, before we came on the air, if you look between those two tree trunks there was an ostrich that laid an egg and oscars was kinda standing over the egg for a moment and she's kind of got off elsewhere don't know, where she went a lot, lost track of her look, i can't tell you if she laid the egg at this particular time because of the eclipse or what the deal might be. but even the zoo folks here, we're kind of curious about the timing of it all, considering it happened as the burj we're becoming much more active, much it's more loud here in the moments before totality. >> and as >> you can see now, the darkness is really starting to settle in. i feel like it is
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our final turn here. for to descend in slide into the darkness and the totality of all of this. so let's take a moment to enjoy this moment >> we often use are running
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>> you might have >> in european >> every show in the >> positive bird chow. and then >> i'll mangoes went to the >> center of the pons, gathered all the flamingos, went to the center of the party the penguin
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belt together during winter, all clustered together. the flamingos are all clustered together. other birds are >> joining together and that protection to feel state how exciting is it to experience this moment >> yeah this really nice, very exciting to experience not only in general that here at the zoo are we working, gets it animals changed your behavior during this time. >> i mean, it is the color and the feel of this moment is unlike anything that i was expecting. it was absolutely magical absolutely magical we lacked the enrich the animals in different ways, but this is something we can never replicate. know what a cool thing avail to do for them. >> you can >> let's take another look others the other zebras are running you can see the hostages have huddled together there in the distance >> where's our friend >> to belgo? has gone over by his pen where he normally would go right before he puts himself
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to bed not sure if you can make out the oxygen are now standing. there's three of them standing in the distance. next to each other. an absolutely captivating moment and you can feel the excitement with all the people standing around watching here this afternoon at the dallas zoo and all across this north texas region you can also see the zebras deep in the part, this part of the area there, they seem to be gathered together as well. now, settled down, being very quiet. here's thibodaux bogus, just walking around. >> he's very chill it unfazed by it all very rionda.
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>> boris, an absolutely special moment i did not know which way this was good to go. i thought it could have been a complete flopped like all these animals, like you didn't not doing anything terribly interesting, but it was absolutely breathtaking to be here, especially among this massive crowd of people who've just energized and they're breath taken away by what they've, what they've witnessed here this afternoon >> it's so funny the emotions that go through people and obviously the emotions that go through we're animals and austria's just laying an egg in the middle of an eclipse, shallow zebras and giraffes, amazing and next up, we have something crazy. people are doing, which is a massive them getting married. we're going to get in a quick break and then take you to arkansas next he across america, brought to you via miracle-gro grow like martha i spent a lot of time
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so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. easy. get started today, how it really happens. sunday, april 28 and >> nine on cnn >> we want to snap lee, get you to russell ville, arkansas, where a mass wedding just to play cnn, stephanie elam is there stephanie, what's going on >> everybody is very quiet because totality is hitting. it is getting very dark. i want to walk over here so you can see how everyone is looking up all of these brand new husband isn't wives and couples here. they're all here. they just finished saying their vows to each other, kissing. and now everybody is looking up at totality that is just about to occur. they're going to have a big horn that goes off to say, hey, you could take your glasses off and look at it and then everybody will take, wow,
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it's really getting dark now people are saying how dark it's getting, how cool it is. take a listen to whatever one saying >> there you go. >> there's the sound you can look at it now it's amazing >> there's nothing like it. >> so that's how means everyone can take their >> glasses off and look at the sun and the moon having there romantic interlude, if you will, since i'm here in arkansas where everyone else has just gotten married down here. they're all just celebrating their nuptials. we just listened to them all say their vowels. we saw tears, we saw lots of eye contact and hugging and kissing and after this look at this celebrate. but here, i think because so many people were joining their hearts unlike when you heard everything else, they're just silent. they really had a little bit of a tear, but they're all just kind of hugging up on a chavez. take a look. let's walk through so you
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can see how people are over here. everyone is just kind of looking up after just getting married, enjoying this moment because we hear we have over four min in its totality. so it is amazing. you can look out in the distance and you see there's a little bit of gold out beyond the trees people are pointing there, taking pictures but i'm looking at the couple's hugging up on each other and really enjoying this moment. the first moments as newly weds here some people have on blinking vests. do you see blinking best over here, we've got blinking best. now that the darkness is here, there enjoying all of the moments here i'm very surprised by how quiet it is. it's very different than what i expected. but people here are really just soaking up this moment together with their loved ones. the sky cleared up. we thought it was going to rain and it did not. it's just
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stellar >> i don't >> think i think this might even be clearer than the last time we saw it in 2017. just absolutely beautiful. absolutely beautiful. i'm looking at all the sparkles in the in the light here. let me just see. i talked to this couple i talked to guys 15 years in the making. he just got married. just tell me how are you guys feeling? >> it's static. had static. >> you think about this show in the >> sky. >> oh, my guy is amazing. >> i feel my mom's energy because your mom passed away. >> how many years ago now? >> it's been eight years now. eight years. and so you guys held off getting married until now and now. >> look at this. you feel your mom here. you guys are finally married >> and this show in the sky how are you feeling, how are you feeling, gary >> actually, he made me cry. i didn't think i'd cry yeah, i read every tears, of joy. obviously, i've just i've just so happy to be married to her ashley and gary can ebola. now here married. so we talked to them earlier, but yeah, this is
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this is something that has been in the making for some people for years, for some people in months but yeah, i wasn't expecting everyone to get so quiet to really enjoy this moment like we are and for over four minutes, this is very different than anything else i've seen people hugging, kissing. some people have their this is their second marriage. i've got two children there with them it's just been really beautiful to see all of the lungs that is happening here today. and just watching the different colors in the sky. the sky is levels of peaches and little bits of blue lou, faint wisps of purple in the sky as well. and in some places, a deeper blue but it is absolutely phenomenal. and i will let's say, we've locked out here with the weather being as clear as it is. and to see these people enjoy this moment, to remember april 8, 2024 for with this beautiful beautiful, beautiful moment here and the
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sky. >> because >> wonderful >> take a listen again just a little bit of the crowd out it's much more spiritual and emotional. here, like i feel the emotion from people up >> and there's >> the sound saying it's time to put your glasses back on. oh, wow, that's amazing. it looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. >> oh, wow, >> wow, that is absolutely stellar. >> that is amazing. >> it looked like someone just made that up in a film and put it up on the screen. people are now clapping cheering for the new show. >> the sun reappearing >> feeling that joy here >> ladies and gentleman, as a reminder boyd is going to do our first dance original song going out. so now we've got performance. this is craig
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white boy. he also won seven season of the boys. he we interviewed him earlier this morning and now he just was the efficient and now he's about to saying his song golden here for everyone so that they can have the first dance. so you see people are shying to get into position. you can see people are starting to get into position. so they can dance with their loved ones now as the sun is coming back out, we've got golden here as a light starts to get a little bit cold in here and filter through >> but you see >> the happy to something those spaces the chemo kissing's know >> you can feel the emotion here. the emotion is palpable. how happy people are allowed. >> here, here in russia, village or town and learning now the people and in did not appointed >> through such clear
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absolutely beautiful >> should know who. >> this is happiness south line to see how different colors react summer moment around fast number everyone's looking into each other >> so much love here i have to say one of the most beautiful things that i've seen get back to you guys absolutely
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beautiful. let's experience in 2020 stuff that is something to behold. what is very he different way that people are experiencing this eclipse? there in arkansas with their first dance and their nuptials and in-between an eclipse really unbelievable as we are awaiting totality here in indianapolis it is going to be happening in i'll just under nine minutes and were joined here by spac, casey, who is representing nasa, which is such a big part of this de and his amazingly helped us understand to the second, house everything is happening. absolutely spac casey took a quick look lunch break from the international space station, pop down to india just to be able to watch totality as it comes in about eight minutes he's not gonna be able to answer any of your questions, obviously, using the pressurized suit, it's right. but what do you think of all the experiments and all the cool stuff that's going on today on behalf of nasa as
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researchers take advantage of this eclipse to figure out moment advance science that's pretty cool, right >> yeah, that is an answer. >> some stellar moves spac casey will let you get back to the iss. i know it's a heck of a hike. yeah >> appreciate you. and >> let's get two adam frank. yes. who is going to >> tell us a little bit more about the science here? because adam, this it's really is so much about the science. there are actually rockets that nasa is launching into space as they're trying to find out some information that is actually even just very important. you wouldn't know it necessarily, but it is two us day-to-day tell us about what they're hoping learn when it comes to satellites and things that we can only learn during an eclipse like this >> before i go there, do you mind if i just say how i'm watching your amazing coverage and, you know, it is sacred, it is special watching people's response. you know, i'm a scientist and i love science
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>> but you know, what? but science really revealed for us is how extraordinary the world is, and how due to the moment of the clips shows us that we're part of this intricate web of not only all life on earth, as you saw with the zoo, but also this dance of the heavens. >> and so >> watching people's response has been so moving to me because as much as i love all of the experiments that we can do and all of the things we're learning. it flips back on itself and science is really a way for us to reveal how sacred our own lives, our and our own place in the world. and watching everybody from mexico. now it's charging through texas and onward. it shows there's no there's no red states or blue states. there's no different nations under the shadow of the moon. we're just human beings >> and we have merged on this planet >> and we have this capacity to feel wonder and awe. and the eclipse reminds us. it's always available to us next month, people should take a drive out
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to outside city to see the milky way. that's always available to us. so i just have to say before we go anywhere, the science, i just really needed to say how beautiful this has been. your coverage has been great and i've really, i'm getting all the clumped sam yeah. >> watching those couples passionately kiss their first kiss as husband and wife, one woman saying that she felt her mom's presence. she had passed away recently on this evoke that feeling for her. you were so right, adam we're going to ask you to stand by foa mome because we nt to get chad mys, wh's tracking the cloud cover ast ted let's toook like it's turninin nightme. re we tootality and u could see se it getting darker behind us chad quickly walk us through the forecast and whait looks like elsewhere it looks really new york. i mean, from here where we are now in arkansas. all the way up across for evansville menn to indianapolis. and i know you're only a few minutes away from totality, but what i want you to notice are the color changes that your eyes are going to
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see. the camera will not see those colored changes, but your red cones will not see the red does anymore as we get darker and darker and darker. so read things like my tie maroon will turn black and get my blue shirt will stay blue because it's a different wavelengths, a longer wavelength. so that is one of the cool things we have going on right now. but something else that's going on. it's dark out there. this is a visible satellite of what the satellite is seeing in the cloud however, node the clouds didn't go away. they are still very much here, trust me, but the satellite can't see them visibly anymore. we can only look at them temperature wise. and yes, we have storms firing as we thought. there's already a new tornado watch that was just issued for east of the path of totality that some good news at least we're not over the people that are there. but certainly if you're traveling back home tonight, you want to keep an eye on the weather because this isn't really over down here yet. in fact, just getting started even for harry. harry looked like he was doing the pig pen dance out there and
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buffalo because there was clouds and miss than the made of the midst everywhere maybe it's clearing up just a little bit coming in from the west. we'll see there's a chance. the other chance here is down to the south two, we are going to see, ofourse, the severe we'n eye on that we, we have beautifuweather here in indianapolis and it is just so i think actually we're listening to some music recognize it from, i believe interstellar. honestly, i think it's from the movie interstellar. i'm pretty sure and it's feeling that way. it almost has the feeling of when there is smoke from a forest fire. absolutely. it is very strange and honestly, i think the pictures that i see them don't fully do it, justice, but there's just this kind of like blue, silvery screen effect that we are getting here. and it is amazing is we are heading. you can see there on the right sidof your screen toward totality, just the escent of the sun remaining boris. >> yeah, there's only about three minutes before totality and it looks like there's just
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a tiny sliver between what's left of the sun being covered by the moon. something that adam frank said. astronomy professor from rochester really stood out to me and that is the fact that this is a common experience, that it's not just certain people that get to experience based on their politics are based on their nationality, but it is a combined human experience. and i, for one, i'm grateful that i get to be on this earth and this majestic moment and watson, this celestial dance is it plays out before us. it's really a reminder that in the grand scheme of things were so small and we're only here for a short blip of time and we get to enjoy it as one family literally under the sun and moon, we want to bring in kristin fisher, who's actually with her family right now. her dad has been trying to witness a total solar eclipse for some time and look at that. what a wonderful picture. how does it look from where you are, kristen? >> boris? i can't believe we're actually here, right. so
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much time and planning goes into this for him, this has been something that he been chasing since 1970 essentially. and now to be just minutes away, i mean, the crowd is i can't even quite put it into words. i can't remember the last time i was gathered with 50,000 people all just staring up at the sky and marveling about what we're about to witness hu cheers going up >> as we've got >> just a little cneof the sun peeking out wow >> it's now thiserie gray >> there is this orchestral musiplaying at the inanapolis motor speedhas put on absolutely perfect for an eclipse >> i've goty six-ar-o daught here,lara my mom, who islso a former nasa
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astronaut, big chairs >> and of course my dad, >> my eclipse nting thank father. dad, we made it we made it. it's beautiful you know, that the wind picks up. it's cooler andhe crowds certainly get quieerwer a hearse to rerence of what the specular nature i was going to hell, but i don't feel like howling. it's just being tested to watch >> i was actually going to say the same thing if you want to hell how wealth with you. >> but i think the crowds howling loud enough for us. wow, it's starting to get rely dark now wo can help it hado get one of those big wolf howls in. he e so close. we are almost at totality >> everybody around saying, oh, my gosh >> all rig. boris, embryonic here we are just secondsmy back let' do two periences
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together. 're at to in inanapolis hi >> oh, my go >> wow you can see tse circle
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you can see those baily's beads that we were talking about the little circles on the outside as the rayfrom t sun come through the valls of the moon. that is the effect that azing in the clarity hears is stunning her children reting entire families together witnessing w incredible moment. it looks like dusk. and he's kinda see some faint light in ryzen. 's majestic, and it's eerie and it's >> where u will see >> else, according to experts in the unirse
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>> feel. the temperature >> it's so >> strange, it is become night. and just the course of a minute and you feel that settling in >> wow you're seeing that diamond running effect now i'm not sure from where we are if it's a solar flare, maybe we need a closer look at a camera, but you definitely see on the bottom right there's something that's popping and it looks like it could be a solar flare. we were told to look out for those by experts, of course, on our screen, it looks tiny, but
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in rlity, it is enmous. is miles and miles long, popping out of the sun there are solar flares that are visible as we can see there. it's almost one that we've been seeing repeatedly, which just speaks to how long they last and what was so muchxcitement here has now turneinto this hush is peop areust enjoying this moment >> this moment of alst stillness. you hear folks connecting with each other absorbing this majestic mome. let's go back to kristin fisher, who's on the race track here. indianapolis motor eedway. kristen, give us your vantage point >> hey, boris. well, i mean, they've just started playing classical music now, people wildly cheering and barrett is the diamond ring thank you. hear so much about >> wow. are >> totality is over, but god was glorious. dad. what did you think
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>> i have no words it was much more dramatic that thought are we happen much faster >> they bombed. it's already over >> mama, what? did you think about it first time seeing a total solar on >> it brings tears to your eyes >> really does she's katzir's ghraieb player on. >> what did you think you're first total solar? >> well, i thought it was a pretty good the any nocturnal land. >> no nocturnal animals, very upset about that it's when people around for nocturnal animals here >> for folks that don't know. both my mom and dad were space shuttle astronauts. they went into space on the night in the 1980s. >> and for both of you, i have to ask, you know, you've seen a site that so few people have seen. you've been to space. >> how does it total? solar eclipse compared to the view of
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the earth from space dead, it's just as beautiful. it's just as beautiful. it's so striking i've seen pictures of it, but it's different when you see the real thing. >> and you can i just can't get over how you really can feel it and wow, it's now definitely starting to become so much more daylight and so fast, you know, i just i know, you know it, but it just it just mind boggling the earth and the solar eclipse. so you can't compare them. they're both amazingly beautiful. >> forest, embryonic. it has been such a treat to get to witness this with 50,000 people too, because you can really get a sense for just the power of the moment when you're surrounded by all these oohs and aza, what everybody else is saying, he got dark so quickly, all of a sudden it was black out there. >> great now, my. dad night always talked about watching a total solar eclipse. in nature. but to be here at the indy motor speedway, the largest event in the world, it's pretty cool back to you guys.
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>> glad your mom was crying actually, because i had comfort in the company, i will tell you. and this is all happening very quickly. let's go to miguel marquez, who is less than a minute and cleveland before the totality happens there, miguel set the scene for us this this is absolutely stunning, that light that you were describing, that gray light that's where we are right now. it's gotten much, much cooler here. the crowd keeps erupting into applause. we just have a tiny sliver of the sun right now. i'm here with kelly couric, say hello hello, and keep your glasses on a watch this is her. this would be her fourth eclipses that right third, third, third eclipse, third, total eclipse one annular. you are the lead astrophysicists for nasa. you are jumping up and down when you saw the diamond ring earlier, what is what does it like to see this? >> it's amazing to see this happen again, it never gets old. no matter how many times
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do you see it? it's just understanding that that's just the last bits of light that are coming through the moon's valleys towards us from the sun. it's so exciting because we know what we're going to get a show right after that. >> and i know you guys are studying this. we saw those those bits, those pink bits coming off of the sun earlier. they look tiny, but those are thousands of kilometers long, ugly. >> oh, my god. what are we saying? >> if the last bit >> to dive in greig. >> we're going baily's beads >> wrong thing and the glands are actually making it beautiful. you see beautiful
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streamers coming out >> the solar wind >> i have children i know i'm about to cry that you see stars in the background. you give over here, they're used her stars or planets, or you back. >> that's, >> that's how darken is you that the horizon my life. >> so with my naked eye now i can now take off the glasses. he did take off the glasses and i can see those. it looks like pink >> right >> or wrong just >> just parts exactly or though those are really hot parts of the sun that are actually the basis of corona no mass ejections or billions of tons of material that can actually come off the sun and create space weather for us here on earth things that affect our satellites, they get affect our gps. they can affect our power grids. so we really want to understand those. and when that, uh, when the sun is going to do those what is it? i take it >> every eclipse you've been to it his been a massive people. what is it about people wanting to come together to share this experience? >> because this is the only place we know of in the universe that we happen to have
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this happen where our moon perfectly covers the disk of the sun. and we're able to see it taught corona that's normally hidden from us. so i think this is just a universal experience in understanding how much we all belong, enroll one on this little, little planet, going around a star oh, and the pink just keeps coming out that down, it's just going to say the pink on that bottom left-hand side is just stunning. >> it is, it's just this very bright visible piece that's coming off of the sun, that's protruding from the sun and it's just breathtaking. >> and this is what you, your colleagues sending all this gear up there. this is what you want to study. what will this tell you? >> this will tell us more about all of that stuff that's coming off. i'll you see the streaks coming off. we want to know how that comes out as toward space, whether and how we're going to be able to better do this for our home planet as well as we go on to artemis and being on the moon. and then eventually to mars so this really gives us a better sense of where we are
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in the social space is real. >> so i mean, they're studying animals, are studying plants right now, but this is real science about how this affects life on earth. and n our exploration of the heavens. >> definitely this is why this is such a rich experience. it's just beautiful breathtaking. there's so much to just feel. but then at the same time, this is also so much science that gives us so much insight to who we are as humans and where are we are in the universe? >> all about science and stunning jake, if you could just, just look at this, look at the sun there's a sunset of 360 degrees, so the sunset around us right now, it is absolutely stunning. everybody looking at the sky it is hard to imagine that this is, this is our plan. this is a shadow at the end of the day. this is a shadow and it seems to put us into perspective in our place in this university exactly >> it. so special, it's just, i just special experience is to celebrate it. and again, planets showing yeah, more of a
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just watching all the different structures that we'll see and we'll have that data for years and years to come to study and to learn more about it from from this alert labs. and hopefully to last us until the one in 2044 >> and the next one here in cleveland, 2444420 years. my goodness, that's gonna be a log. i'm going to be an old man by then. so we're going to see this thing diamond ring, i take it in a second. you're going to see the end of this bad guy, see the admin it's always a little sad, but i think we'll figure out when the next one is and find >> i just so so amazing and so much like there's just a sense of belonging to a bigger thing in the universe >> yeah >> this is other-worldly. i'm going to send it back to you guys just finished up here. we have a massive diamond ring dank above cleveland right now. and thank you so much, miguel, we want to get straight to harry enten, who is watching the total solar eclipse that niagara falls. harry, ten seconds from totality i've been
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let me tell you. i feel like i'm in a dark comedy right now because the clouds are covering us. but the fact is, it is so dark and these dark the darkness is taken over the sky and more than that, as i'm looking at the books, they are get in the way of what is a here, look at all these folks. they're all looking up at that sky extremely excited. and i got to admit the temperature has dropped about 10:15 degrees. it is freezing. >> but you know what? >> it is so cool to be here right now, despite the fact that the clouds are out it's, total darkness. i feel like i'm in a movie of some sort >> i >> you know, i'm a meteorology guy and this to me is just something i don't think i have ever seen honestly it's one of the troodon believe adr that this is it because we are so
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small right now yes or no a little nothing in a crowd that's all i can really say. >> all right. we're we're gonna harry, we're going to have you get back towards your signal because you're breaking up their niagara falls so get back towards your signal and then chime back in as we witnessed this totality in niagara falls. and what we're seeing is they have the cloud cover, but what it means is that because they don't have their horizon, they actually have more darkness, right? and it gives a really amazing view. and plus niagara falls is just beautiful. it's really stunning scene there to have this nighttime in the middle of the day for a few minutes. there yeah. as harry said, >> it's like something out of a film and we are getting some of the best vantage points of the earthquake or the earthquake. what am i saying? the solar eclipse >> it's news earthquake from last week that's still stuck my head in the northeast, but
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we do have a beautiful view of the eclipse from stowe, vermont derrick van dam has been there for us. this is the top of a mountain side, a snowy mountain side. we're going to head over there, live in just a few minutes. but we're going to stay with this because the view over niagara falls, even though you can't see the actual sun and moon from there, just the surroundings. as harry was pointing out, our eerie yeah, it's in niagara falls is just a beautiful place. he's there on the new york side of it. the backdrop is just phenomenal. so i think and i will tell you witnessing and hearing in indianapolis to see the sun's corona, to see the atmosphere of the sun, it is pretty cool. i'm not going to lie. i'm sorry, niagara falls, you weren't seeing that but i'm just harry, i think it just being nighttime the middle of the day. is a phenomenon in itself >> that's exactly right. you know, the fact is, although i
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can't see the moon covering the sun the fact that we have what i mean, listen to this crowd i'm sure excitement there's nothing we are in western new york are not going to allow a few clouds getting in the way of an event of a lifetime that's the fact of the matter. we lose football, but we come back the next season. we lose the sun because of the cloud but that is not going to get in the way of us having a fantastic time. you know? i always thought that i was so into snow and that was the biggest weather event that i could possibly have. and i was almost joking about those people who changed the solar eclipse what are they doing >> now? i understand what they're doing because i mean we'll leave of all unbelievable. that's the only word unreal
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>> look at, look at these books >> and then the sun slowly, but surely is no longer shielded by the moon and the light is coming back what for those few moments? those few moments we felt something truly miraculous here it is >> and now >> it's over but for that brief moment in time we felt something that very few of us will get a chance to ever see again we haven't had a collapse in niagara falls in 99 years we're not going to have one another one for another, about 120 years and i'm just
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so grateful that my job allowed me to come out here and experienced because there are very few people who are as lucky as i am to be able to witness an event such as this i just don't even know what else to say, you know? oh i'm a man of many words. but in a moment like this, i can only help up the of very few words guys >> it is something amazing experiences as we just did here in india. so harry, we totally relate to that sentiment. i don't think that buffalo bills construction worker could be so poetic that was incredible airy. and as you saw there, one of our producers pointed out in the midst of niagara falls, we've been talking to enliven darrow, who is watching closely the animals at the dallas hello, zoo. and how while they were going, there was there were birds that we're going
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crazy in the midst is so wild and clear. the animals of delivered delivered during this eclipse. and it's a good one. i i think it's such. a, it's such a dramatic eclipse. and that may be why they're responding to it. but we've seen everything today. we've seen a mass wedding. we just saw conversion. >> thank >> with harry there he was saying, i don't know about these people is solar eclipses and now he gets it. i have to say i fully understand what it means. >> the full spectrum of joy and marveling at this beautiful moment, we want to more of a lot another beautiful moment with derrick van dam, because the path of totality is now hitting stowe, vermont, the top of a mountain we're derrick is only about a minute 20 away from totality there. derrick >> oh, boris >> i got to take glasses to see it feels like i'm still wearing sunglasses right now. darkness has transcended on
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this spot, but we are still under the impacts of that direct sunlight from the sun right now, every second it is releasing enough energy from the sun that could power all of humidity for an entire year. so it is not time to take off your solar eclipse goggles just yet that has to be in complete totality of the crowd. here is obviously peering up into the skies. they've got their cell phones out. you can see some who didn't and hollering. we all hear it. i'm going to put my glasses back on and talk you through what i am seeing and what we cannot wait for is that moment when the shadow of the moon races across the planet, across the valley to my right here at 1,500 miles an hour. that is going to be phenomenal here it is. you can hear the incredible sounds here from the spectators, the umbra files >> listen in the moments before
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totality and i want to explain to you >> another rare occurrence that is happening right before eyes. we've witnessed this there is cirrus clouds which are ice crystals in the sky. and you could see a circle that forms around the sun, the solar eclipse has a para helix arc there it is, scattering the light around the sun. i'm expecting that to completely disappear as we go under complete darkness and completes completes totality i'm seeing right now this is incredible. the diamond ring effect. this is what we all wait for that moment for the moon across in front of the sun unless there it is >> listen to >> this crowd get the stores
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that have look through the planet's >> venus will >> be to the west there is a comment that is visible to the naked eye this is just incredible right now, we are in a solar maximum it is 11 year cycle >> look at the fellow number files. >> we are seeing a moment that is just transcending this actually experience. i've been we are watching baily's beads that is around the corner rona that his sons atmosphere. that is interacting with the valleys and mountains in the rain >> you feeling right now i don't even know how
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encapsulates this moment. you could see that and everybody just pulling out their phone. some people just taking it the experience it is safe to look at this moment. >> but >> i my camera man, if you could just tune in on this because what we're looking at right now is full totality. and the baily's beads >> before this >> two minutes, 38 seconds of full totality disappears. we're going to see yeah on the other side, another diamond ring effect that is the first rays of sun, that is the exact moment when we need to put back out our glasses there are still under complete darkness check this out. the gondola here at the highest point in vermont, one of the highest points in all of new mainland under complete darkness. and once we start to see that first diamond
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ring effect on the other side of the sun. that's what we put back are glosses, because that is going to start emitting that sun's rays and it is no longer safe to look at the total solar eclipse since this crowd probably going to >> right now, what we are witnessing what we are witnessing is the autumn version of the stars, the planets in the constellations right now, it is out of phase by six months normally, it is the sun that totally washes them out in this scott. and right now, you guys, this is happening you, marry me gage
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>> during a total solar eclipse okay this is a supernatural moment as i type son i'm not true >> love story cemented in the darkness of a total solar eclipse now written in history, even if no >> i couldn't >> i would like to know how you guys time this soporific grade >> know any of this was happening and i didn't know it that's how it a >> spectacular moment. and congratulations. and the entire world has just seen you become engaged couples how do you feel
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while her mother got what she wanted >> congratulations. there's an amazing moment. >> make you >> i wish you guys the best of your marriage really incredible. i was speaking to them oh, these guys get get excited. i was talking >> i light. i let >> for >> safe to look at the sun because this admitting that enter but we have seen the para helix arc that is the ice crystals in the cirrus clouds high up in the atmosphere that is taking a reflecting the sun's light that is now entered back into this highest peak in vermont and created that circle. another rare event. you guys just there is something that is a once in a
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lifetime moment. did you know that it is every 300 years for a total solar eclipse to occur on any one point in the planet. what do you think about that? unbeliever >> unbelievers? >> to have an experience like that. so so lucky to do it young too. it's amazing. >> so will you go and >> travel to see another now >> i will go coolest thing ever dies, do it absolutely. hats the next time >> you got to et us and you gotta, you gta gets again, i will travel wi you bause we are all umbra files, which means that we are we love shadow and we chassolar lipses. absolu. ani've done it before. i will do it again. ts expeence is just ouof ts. it' nbelievable. so unbelievably. >> like i knew what was going to happen. but still when i saw like that just completely took my ability to speak on being able to take your glasses off and then like seeing it for the first time was shocking. how light down my spine, i had
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tingles in my spine i had a tear because as a meteorologist, you dream with these dream for you dream these days to have this occur on a snow-capped mountains on the tallest mountain in vermont during this incredible, incredible celestial dance, we call amp, can't beat it. you guys, we witnessed everything breonna. boris. i'm flabbergasted. i'm speechless >> i saw it >> something that i've dropped it for. thank you. >> that >> i've dreamt up for years. >> we've seen >> this coming for years and now we just witnessed it. you heard the enthusiasm of the crowd as a meteorologist, i'm dumbfounded. it was spectacular and want to do it again. it was so wonderful >> i'm thinking iceland trip. how about that, derrick, we'll just all go couple of years. >> we just >> have to follow it around the world. that's what we're gonna
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do. i think. but how that was amazing >> i can't believe it. >> and what shocked >> me the most about it is that he timed it as the total solar eclipse was endings. so the sun was coming back over this snow-capped mountain top and it illuminated, it almost felt like an illuminated the couple as they were getting engaged. i mean, you can't make that stuff up. >> it was perfect and now it's cemented in history forever what a magical moment >> what does he do for the anniversary? it's going to be done video for the wedding how to test that. maybe they go up >> he saw a great question >> you guys want one of them, their life for us the moon's shadow that was incredible >> it really was totally is an
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amazing phenomenon all of the different parts of it look at this. it's so studying all right, we're keeping an eye on this. this is now moving through maine and then it will continue into canada. we're going to get an a quick break. we'll be right back >> he eclipse across america brought to you via miracle-gro grow like martha you know, i spent a lot of time thinking about dirt at three in the morning. and he giant what people don't know. is that not all dirt is the same? you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle grow, >> everybody should have it, it worked great for us. >> this is as good as gold in any garden. >> if people >> only knew that it really is about the dirt, your dirt nerd huge turret nerd. i'm proud of it >> dr. time has a big
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>> what play for the national championship? >> great of stage and all its point >> what dreams are made up >> moments to talk about lifetime, we will see you in fix >> we're getting some live pictures now as we watch the eclipse across america, this is from houlton, maine. one of the last places because in the united states that is going to experience today's total eclipse. we've watched it through the entire path of totality, and it has been all inspiring millions of americans today. okay soaking up this spectacular view, >> then after this, there's not much there candidate, it's going to go through new brunswick, prince edward island, newfoundland, and then that's it. that's really the end of this. scientists have had a very unique opportunity in this to get a glimpse of the outermost part of the sun's atmosphere. so joining us now to talk a little bit about that, is janet iv, who is the ceo and founder of janet's
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planet. janet, tell us what scientists can learn from today. actually, you know, what can you just start off by telling us? i feel like i asked the scientists the science question. >> and then they and go immediately to their emotional reactions because it is incredibly emotional so what was your reaction to seeing this >> it was just incredible. it's like i'm with a group of people that saw it back in 2017 in nashville i'm igor ville, illinois today with some of those same people and again, it's just it's one of those moments. it's like we've seen everybody along the path go. oh, my gosh. this is just it's just a spiritual experience nearly. and i cried i cried watching the couple of getting >> do you know what i mean? >> i think what is >> so lovely before we get into the science is just the fact that think, about this as a nation. we are all looking up. we're all having a shared experience and how i wish that we could take this all this
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inspiration, this united thing that we're all experiencing today and wrap that into some unity in our own country. but the thing that scientists are gathering and you could many people participated in citizen science. they wanted to see what the animals do. we're doing. you talked about the birds flying around crazily back in nashville in 2017, the giraffes, like looked around like going what's happening, the flamingos went and covered their babies. so we can learn a lot about flint animals or do, or don't do in these times we can also kinda like did you guys see that beautiful prominence at solar flare that was happening about 6:00 p.m. we're never able to see that with our human eyes unless we have totality again there's still so much to understand. why is our corona hotter than the surface of the sun wire in solar maximum? you know, why? does that happen and effect space weather so much? and again, we're going to get more reports about temperature and
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how that when we don't have the radiative power of the sun, temperature drops, cloud cover for many people that cross their fingers, it's like they saw cat clouds dissipate today. so that interplay of heat and light and cooling in and clouds, it's just, it's, it's like the list is very long, but i think most importantly to share this as a shared experience with tons and tons of millions of people getting to do that today is quite incredible. >> jen and i know that part of today has special significance for you in your work because we saw so many families out here today and young kids experiencing this celestial moment it's quite possible that what we witness today inspires the next generation of astronauts and scientists and kids that have this attraction to the stars >> that is what you hope. it's like. i've been touring most of this spring talking about the solar system and this upcoming solar eclipse. and even here to date with little ones, i was showing them how
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they could view like the like regression of the eclipse through a ritz cracker with our son to the back. so what you hope is, is that this is that introduction that inciting moment almost of their hero's journey to science and hopefully that did spur some young people to go, wow science is magical and it's magic, but it's science and i can the part of this amazing thing we heard from kelly couric at nasa, who's the astrophysicists there, and she's talking about all the things they're studying. so hopefully through the eyes of astronauts and nasa folks, and just regular, regular people and many of the meteorologist who have also been in all, maybe hey, there have been a few meteorologist who have been birth today as well >> yeah. no. exactly right >> what did you what >> why is nasa was nasa shooting? thing rockets up during the solar eclipse? tell
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us the things that can only be learned during a solar eclipse yeah i mean the thing is if you want to get above kind of like that those cloud line. and so they can see and it's like light up things in different ways and see again, it's like peer a little more deeply into the chromosphere appear a little more deeply into that sun's corona. again, a lot of times the different colors a process called spectroscopy. we can tell a lot about the chemical makeup that things that are going on and again, it's like this. they will collect the data, all the citizens science data will come flooding in and then soon there will be a great report. and i think it will be i think it'd be quite incredible to read aid what they've discovered in this time of solar maximum and another year we'll go back to a time of solar minimum with the sun. so it won't be as active as it was today. i'm pretty sure they were also trying to make sure they were getting getting any images of
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that crazy comment. pons-brooks and to see if it did any off-gassing, it's like where i am we did the venus and jupiter. we did not get a good glimpse of that comment, but again, scientists are looking for, again is there any way that we can understand the sun? and it's whether and the kinds of lakes solar wind and all that's happening so i'm just excited that everybody had a chance to look up today and i hope that everybody was all inspired to say the least, it was an incredible experience. janet iv, we appreciate you sharing what you enjoyed most about the eclipse. thanks for being with us. >> all right. >> bye, guys. thank you. so from mexico to vermont, of course, from mexico to vermont, we've taken you across north america bringing you just some of the breath-taking moments as millions of people experience the total solar eclipse. but we are not done yet. we're tracking where it is right now
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after this he clips across america is brought to you by american home shield. don't work very be warranty. now go to slash eclipse to follow the latest news and get viewing and photo tips to experience the rare solar eclipse you have an excellent warren g warranty >> blurring ci okay, got it. >> go. >> you must have american home shield that, you know, i can tell you a appliances in home systems are protected covered repairs and replacements are taken care of. one, she never lies cookie dough american homes shield, don't worry, be warranty >> make norman his bar. jack russell, and pardon, tornado meet the bissell cross wave hydro still. >> it's part vacuum >> mop, a steamer
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it's way to reduce sugar >> sunday, a ninth of space. for stoma, whole story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope are we alone? followed by the two part finale of space shuttle columbia, both
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final flight sunday starting at eight on cnn >> welcome back to cnn special coverage. eclipse across america. it has been a jam-packed, busy emotional de, were alive at the indianapolis motor speedway, were around 40,000 people just got a show unlike any other you don't really know how you're going to react. it's a very amazing thing to witness and we've already seen totality now across most of north america. fact that just concluded a few minutes ago so there are still areas that are getting to experience totality that includes parts of canada. so who has the very best view right now we have cnn's chad myers, who has been tracking the path of the eclipse all day chad, tell us what you're seeing you would have to be on a boat off the coast of newfoundland right now because the totality has just moved offshore literally like 45 seconds
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>> ago, has moved offshore. now it's back over the atlantic ocean. but what a show i had the pleasure of watching the entire thing and how i was the hair was standing up up with a back of my neck and i had goosebumps in mazatlan with the first eclipse there with people just cheering and it wasn't expecting that. and then all of a sudden you're back over mexico, some clouds over kerrville? yes. but then the animals with ted's, the shot there at the zoo across dallas, texas was amazing. we're getting 300 50 people married here in parts of arkansas. and then finally up toward you into indianapolis when we talked to the space shuttle astronauts that have just about seeing anything you can possibly see from space. and they were amazed. and then of course harry enten, who had the clouds over my hometown and buffalo, niagara falls, and awesome stuff from our derrick van dam across parts of vermont with the couple of getting married. so yes, it's over, but i'll tell you what. we could have had a lot worse whether here the clouds could have been a lot thicker and they weren't.
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that's the good news that we do have a tornado watch that was just posted as we expected across parts of east texas. those going home have to watch out for that a lot to still keep an eye on chad myers. thanks for walking us through that >> still >> more to come on. the special coverage of eclipse across america if you missed any of the special events today, we're going to wrap them up as soon as because we come back >> this is the big dam it's time >> kane, who that do if you're like i was, you're tired of worn-out plastic mats under your office chair. they dent in crack and they're uncomfortable to roll on i found a premium alternative, a glass chairman i buy the trazodone. i liked it so much.
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dr. >> the moon >> will be going in front of the sun for a son, chez in this point we're >> witnessing a moment, unlike any other, this doesn't happen as far as we know, just about anywhere else in the universe. >> very light that is coming to >> and as you can see now darkness is really starting to settle in >> i feel the emotion from people up >> and there's the sound saying it's time to put your glasses back oh, wow, that's amazing. it looks like something out of a sci-fi movie
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>> oh, wow, >> wow, that is solutely stellar romantic interlude, if you will, since i'm here here in arkansas, where everyone else has just gotten married down here >> flores, dad, what did you think >> i mean, easy we, are, watching >> right now, you guys, this is happening you marry me >> thank god. she said yes. >> such an amazing show that the universe put on the next opportunity. to see a solar eclipse in the united states won't be until 2044 we hope you'll tune in to cnn news
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central special coverage of that eclipse when it happens, brianna, you as we were standing out there, i realized you were emotional as i was. yeah. but one point, it overwhelmed you. >> talk to my goodness, as it was starting i just was like a ball baby. i was sobbing and i don't know. i just was sort of struck by the moment. it was really i was sort of thinking about who was not here with me if i'm being honest and that made me sad and then i was thinking about i wanted to be here with me in the future. and so i would like to see another one. and until then i'll i'll have to save this t-shirt. >> you'll have clips. that one boris sanchez, this very fine. shirt that briana produced for us. it's been so emotional watching the path of totality across north america. it's been such a treat to join you. thank you so much for being with us this afternoon. >> the lead with jake tapper starts right now


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