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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 8, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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to? change your mind as far as how you vote in november, kfar permanent ceasefire and actually implemented, i would like us to stop giving aid to israel if he doesn't get elected. that is his fault. that's not our fault. and that's not the black voters here. that's not xyz know, it's on him >> while maga inc. the super pac supporting trump has spent more than half $1 million for ads on black radio hoping to woo those unhappy biden voters. and aaron, we ask the biden campaign about this senate that. we're seeing among some of these young black voters. and they framed it as a race between a president that actually cares about making life better for americans, even if they haven't felt the full impact just yet. and another candidate who they say, and i'm quoting, cares only about his rich friends and himself. all that said aaron, they realized this dissent is there, and they are working. they say it is their priority to turn it around. >> we shall see it really
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fascinating and important that work, renee, thank you. and thanks for joining us. the news continues right here on cnn millions of people in the mexico and canada are >> savoring an extraordinary experience yes, after witnessing, are rare total solar eclipse standby for the amazing images and moments from also following breaking news a new york appeals court judge, just denied donald trump's latest request to delay his hush money trial. we're breaking down trump's last-minute motion since one week before a jury selection is set to begin and the nc doublet women's tournament comes to a thrilling close with south carolina defeating iowa veteran sports gastro bob costas joins us to discuss this epic moment and women's basketball and whether it's overshadowing the men's final tonight welcome to
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our viewers during the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer, a urine the situation room we begin with a. truly exceptional day that briefly turn to date for middle millions of americans who saw the moon completely block out the sun. see this kristin fisher track their rare total eclipse as it moved across the continent and the excitement surrounding it >> this is an extraordinary cosmic coincidence >> millions of american hind's catching a once-in-a-generation total solar eclipse turning de in tonight for everyone along the path of totality people coming from all over the world to see this rare event in the sky in indianapolis at the largest watch party in the world thousands cheering the eclipse from the iconic motor
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speedway add what did you think >> amazing >> i have no words. it was much dramatic than i thought it would be a mom. >> what did you think about it first time seeing a total solar i'm crying. >> and in arkansas, more than 350 couples tied the knot in a total eclipse of the heart event on a mountain top in vermont love was also in the air as this couple of got engaged right before the eclipse ended, very it was a rare and breathtaking celestial event for millions >> seeing it for the first time was shocking. i like down my spine, even for the animals at the dallas zoo who were clearly aware of something happening to belgo has gone over by his pen where he normally would go right before he puts himself tibet an absolutely captivating moment >> here in indianapolis, it will be 129 years before this city gets to see another total
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solar eclipse i just feel so lucky and moved that i got to see this one. and you heard my dad say he was speechless. my mom cried. i did not see that one coming and wove. i just i don't think i've ever going to look at the sun quite the same way ever again? >> i i suspect you're right at you speak for so many of us who were so moved by what we saw. kristin fisher. thank you very much. i want to bring in cnn analyst miles o'brien right now. as you know, he's a veteran of covering space and aviation is over the cotton bowl stadium in dallas, texas where he watch the eclipse you're in the path of totality to the eclipse. >> miles. you watched it from that historic location, the cotton boll. what was the most memorable part? of this experience >> what do you, it's funny, kristen mentioned somebody getting married right next to a camera that i set up on the center of the 50 yard line right at the cotton bowl logo. >> a >> man proposed to his now
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fiance. she did say yes so it's interesting, i was talking to neil degrasse tyson the other day and he said it's very it's worthwhile noting what happens to animals, to the animal kingdom during an eclipse, all kinds of weird things happen. but he said perhaps the most unusual things or the human beings and watching human behavior that eclipse is an extraordinary thing. what if we were here with thousands of young people and the energy was just palpable. it was an amazing experience. certainly was. and i think you speak for so many of us. when you pointed out if you were clearly very moved by this experience how did you feel during these few minutes of complete totality >> if things get quiet, that experience at the wind dying down, that happened as well, there's this really strange light temperature, which is very difficult for me to describe. it's kinda bluish, almost gray light which is really eerie and you don't see it in any other context. it is,
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it's a reminder wealth that we are part of a big celestial system kind of very small pieces in that system but for me, also, it's a great reminder of where we are in the scientific world. the fact that we can predict these things down to the second and launch airplanes and rockets and spacecraft to learn more about the most important star we know of our sun is also good, so it reminds us of how the humility and the humble nature of humankind. but also how far we've come. you're making >> important point because scientists and astronomers are studying this eclipse already what are some of the questions they're hoping, hoping to answer >> well, the big one, which really affects all of us is the sun operates on an 11 year cycle, maximum to minimum. we're very close to the solar maximum now. and that means that all kinds of charged particles get kicked off the sun and head in our direction.
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>> and >> in the past, this has caused serious problems with communication here on earth, satellites, gps, you name it, the last time that happened 11 years ago. now, think about how many more gadgets we are now relying on 11 years later so understanding the corona, which is the source of these particles, is a really important thing. it allows scientists to help engineers design communications devices which are more hardened against these solar wind events it's really amazing moment i think for all of us who had a chest, at least see part of it. you saw the totality. i was outside here in washington do you see and i saw some of that partial eclipse and it was amazing for me as well miles o'brien, thanks is usual for joining us and joining us let's continue this conversation with former astronaut may jamison, who witnessed the total eclipse as it passed over bloomington, indiana. may. thank you very much. this was so exciting. for
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all of us. so you were there in the path of totality at that event in indiana, what was that like >> for me, it really was about the connectedness i think we've just heard wolf talk about i'm sorry, miles talk to you wolf about a lot of the science that's involved. and he talked about humility bloody. and he mentioned, that's really important. we're smack dab in the middle of the cosmos >> i hope >> that it showed us that we are connected with this universe. and so for me, that was a part of it because it was right there in your face, the moon orbits the earth. the earth is rotating at the same time. we're revolving around the sun, but we're all part of this universe and the universe was showing us some of its secrets at that point in time. >> as i mentioned, your former astronaut, so you've been to space. how does that shape your perspective as you experienced this kind of very rare celestial event? >> so as i was looking, again,
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i was thinking about being a child when i was in chicago years ago and there was a partially clips and just trying to get a handle on things. and then as an astronaut, i always think about the fact that people talk about how we looked down at the earth and everything that we know is here. >> for >> me, it reinforced the feeling that when i look up when i look away from the earth, when i was in space, it again me with this world, with this universe, and know that i have a responsibility when we start to think about all the kinds of things that we know how to do these days in science. >> you know, the prediction of the eclipse started a long time ago and we are building up on all of that knowledge in the past. so i ask, what are we going to do to the future? what are we going to pass along? that's what happens to me. >> i'm wondering what we can learn may by studying this eclipse >> it's let me just tell you
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one of the things that had been learned and one of the clips in the early 1900s, they were able to verify einstein's theory of relativity because the light bends around the mood and you could actually see that there was ways of verifying things that we've talked about. you can look and see what what's happening to the corona or the surface area of the sun. >> there are >> lots of things that you can look at actually helium was discovered in the sun i'm back in the 1800s. so there are lots of different things we can look at. but i hope what people discover is themselves and they're connectedness to the rest of the universe. they're connectedness to the past, and that whole swath of the us that was touched by the eclipse >> i hope we >> understand that we're connected in this world regardless >> of whether we want to be we certainly are solar eclipses bay as you know, are a great moment to teach young people
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and the public for that matter about space. what are your hopes? hoping people will take away from today's really rare, very emotional, moving event >> so that >> space is dynamic, >> right? so it's not just the thing sitting still in one plane. it's dynamic and hopefully we take away that when the wind started to cease that's an immediate takeaway. that the sun affects our atmosphere, that our atmospheric effects us. so i hope that we paid attention to how many things changed, just as the moon was crossing the surface of cross in front of the sun? yeah, it >> was amazing moment and david may gemini thank you very much for joining us just ahead. there's more news we're following, including breaking news. i'm donald trump's losing a new effort to delay his first criminal trial by trying to move it outside of manhattan. and later trump makes a statement about his
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position on abortion rights. and faces backlash from anti-abortion groups stay with us you're in the situation room >> at morgan stanley old school hard meets bold new thinking at 88 years old, we still see the world with the wonder of new eyes helping you discover untapped possibilities and relentlessly working with you to make them real old school grid, new world ideas. morgan stanley ai is redefining work artificial >> intelligence is super >> charging our own human intelligence that's what we'll move business forward. machine learning, robotics and generative ai are increasing productivity. it's celebrating decision making and the our lives at work and beyond >> as real value is and how
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venue. trump's lawyers say but the pretrial publicity in new york is just saturated. the market and that they've done a survey of manhattan nights that's where the pool of jurors will be selected from and saying that the majority 40 of them thought that trump was bias, while the prosecutors oppose that argument, they said that trump is making this argument far too late, just one week before the trial is set to begin. they also said that the place for the judge and the jury to be decided if this jury could be fair, would be inboard d or that's when the judge carefully polls and questions all of the jurors and there's participation from trump's lawyers and from the prosecutors. and they also said about publicity. they said this case is not limited to just manhattan in new york city. it's an international story. one of the the attorneys for the prosecution, steven wusa, to the judge, the mere fact that jurors know about this case is not an indication of bias. this is the defendant coming in into this argument with unclean hands because publicity in large part is his own making trump's lawyers are also asking an appeals court to reverse that the gag order that
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was put in place blocking trump from making comments about the judge is daughter, other family members of prosecutors, the prosecutors themselves, but the judge melvin bragg, the da are still free for trump to speak of, but they're also appealing that order. we're expecting arguments in that to be tomorrow. but for now, this trial is on for next monday. walls >> we'll see what happens. kara scannell in new york for us. thank you. that's get some more right now with our legal analysts, carry cordero and norm eisen norm, what's your reaction? first of all, to this appeals court? judge rejecting trump's latest effort to try to pause the case and move it to a different location. >> well fit said to be expected. in fact, in my book coming out this week, trying trump about this case, i predicted that trump would attempt to use this action. it's known as a section two 30 motion. you go directly to the appellate court, not the trial judge. you say, hey too much pretrial publicity move this
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case of course, he was going to try it by my count. it's his ninth delayed wealth because he's very nervous about facing a jury on the he's allegations of election interference, but it wasn't going to work because donald trump himself is responsible for so much of the pretrial i'll publicity the judge also released a very detailed juror questionnaire today where jurors are going to be asked about dozens of potential sources of knowledge about the case and using that questionnaire and then that was interrogating the jurors in that courtroom is how you will screen for bias, not moving the case. it was a dead loser from the get-go >> we did lose that up, that appeal or dusk trump carry. have any other avenues to try to delay or can we definitively now say trump's new york criminal trial? we'll begin
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next monday >> it certainly seems like it's on the path to for monday, there is this outstanding issue as kara was reporting on the gag order. and so we do need to wait to see how that hearing goes tomorrow, but that would really govern the conduct of the trial and what he can and cannot say during it. not necessarily whether or not it goes forward. so i think all things look in the direction that jury selection really will begin a week from today. but i think it will be a lengthy and i'm very intense jury selection process. >> i think you're right. norm by trump is also suing the new york judge over the gag order he imposed on him. >> lay this out for us >> well, it was a one-two punch today, wealth and the lawsuit against the judge as strange think she does that may sound
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is actually allowed under new york law. it's called an article 78 action and it's when you think a judge has done something that is so wrong so illegal that you sue him to get an appellate court to consider it? before the trial has concluded, before the usual course of appeals the problem with donald trump's article 70, 78 action is the same one that afflicts the vast majority of them they almost never work here. the gag order that has been put in place follows that that has been approved by other courts by judging goran in the civil fraud case against trump, by the dc circuit in the 2020 election interference case, it accords with first amendment principles and we've seen the threat that trump's words can constitute most dramatically as
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alleged by jack smith on january 6th, the appellate court is very unlikely to strike down that gag order could tweak it like the dc circuit did, but they're not going to strike it down >> carey, are you surprised trump is taking this step, suing the judge and what could that mean for the case? >> well, it is i mean, it's it's a specific thing to new york is norm was describing an avenue that he has available to him. i think his approach in these cases, and it's pretty evident is the fact that he's he will direct as attorneys to take every single possible potential legal avenue that there is to try to take things off course on the trial or at the very least delay them. and so if this was a potential legal channel available to him, then it seems like he would direct as attorneys to go ahead and try that even if after time it determines that it is
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unsuccessful. >> very cordero dorm eyes into both of you. thank you very much coming up donald trump is also weighing in today on abortion rights. why is due statement is generating backlash? in his own party and beyond. >> we'll be right back sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep, so he >> takes z quell the world's number one sleep aid brand, and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best non habit forming zeke well, better days start with z equal nights >> they slept on me for 15 years, things like collected pollen, dust, dander, all that time. they could have protected me. mallory's mattress >> protectors walk 99.9% of dirt but dust and allergens for cleaners ease had allergies find it where you buy betty. >> hi, i'm david and i lost 92 pounds on gullo. i noticed within a week that the release supplement really knocked out my sugar cravings that didn't feel the need to go to the store for candy or go through
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“the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. doctors preferred better science >> better results get >> tonight, >> donald trump is weighing in on a hot-button issue at the top of many voters minds abortion let's get details from received as kristen holmes, kristen, what is trump now saying and what's the reaction will for the last couple of months, donald trump has privately and publicly been outwardly flirting with this idea of potentially backing a national hello, 15 week abortion ban. now, this gave an
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opening to democrats who could tie him to unpopular abortion policies as well as attack him over an issue that has really plagued republicans for the last two years. i'm speaking to senior advisers to donald trump. they felt like he needed to get out there and redefine his stance. he was hearing from people i'm conservative social, social conservatives who are trying to get him to back this national ban. but also for more moderate conservatives who are very concerned over the idea that he might hurt his chances with indifference pendant voters, particularly when it came to abortion. so what we ended up hearing from him today was really what we had heard from him almost two years ago, that he was proud of overturning roe v. wade, but also that he believed that all decisions on reproductive rights should be handled by the states. take a listen >> i view is now that >> we have abortion where >> everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint. the states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both. >> and
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>> whatever they decide must be the law of the land in this case the law of the state now the statement on abortion has again open the door for democrats. they are attacking him, seizing on the fact that he never mentioned a national abortion ban, essentially saying that he was leaving the door open for supporting a national abortion ban at some point. and i will tell you again, i spoke to senior advisers who said this was donald trump putting a button on the issue. this will be the campaign stance of course something we'll wait and see, but interesting will feel so it was getting attacked from his own side, from the right, in particular, his former vice president mike pence, who posted this on twitter. he said social conservatives, excuse ease. president trump's retreat. on the right to life is a slap in the face. to millions of pro-life americans who voted for him in 2016 and 2020. again, this is an issue that is not only plagued republicans, but donald trump as well. he would have rather not talked about this at all. he doesn't believe as a political winner, but given his own public flirting with this
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national abortion ban, they felt like you needed to come out and say where he stood on the issue, wealth >> kristen holmes reporting for us. thank you very much. let's get some analysis right now from cnn senior political commentator scott jennings and cnn political commentator care and phinney, karen trump appears to be trying to appeal to repeat public good leading women who've drifted away because of roe. can you can that work you think >> no. but i think you're right. look, i think he's actually trying to have it both ways. he's trying to find a place down the middle where he can appease the far right, which as we've seen in the early reaction since it hasn't quite worked and so that for people who are more moderate, as you point out, and who believe the government shouldn't have the ability to tell women what to do with their bodies that they hear what they want to hear. the problem though wolf among many is that what this also means is that the range of horrors that were already seeing in the
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states were women and doctors are >> criminalized, were women's lives are endangered will continue. >> i'm at the state level because basically he's trying to say he's for the status quo. well, what that means is women's lives will continue to be in danger. >> scott, i want to get your reaction to part of president biden's response in which he accuses trump of lying. let me put it up on the screen. the screen that trump is scrambling. he's worried that since he's the one responsible for overturning roe, the voters will hold him accountable in 2024. so scott, how concerned should republicans be that voters will hold trump responsible? >> well, look the voters who are motivated by this issue will absolutely hold donald trump responsible, and that cuts both ways for the pro-life voters who wanted to see rho go away. he's responsible for it and for the people who lean karen's way, they also hold trump responsible for it. the question is is there this going
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to be the top issue in the election? and that's really the friction between the two campaigns. the biden campaign, once this election to be largely about abortion and other cultural issues, the trump campaign, they announced their position today, wolf on eclipse day because they're hoping this issue is eclipsed by hi, the economy, immigration, and the border. what have you and so whatever donald trump's position is, he said at today, some people are happy, some people are not. the democrats are going to call them extreme in the real question is can democrats elevate this up the line and make it more important than say, food prices or the border chaos or crime. and i'm dubious, they can do that. >> karen, i want to play another part of trump's statement today. listen to this >> you must follow your >> heart of this issue, but >> remember, you must also win elections to restore our culture. and in fact to save our country >> the key phrase in that quote, you must also win elections. how do you interpret that? >> well, i also heard him say to restore our culture and so
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which means to me he's completely out of touch with the eight and ten americans who don't think that government should have a role in making these decisions for women men, and i would just correct something on what scott said, the way democrats are viewing this issue. and voters that we're talking to, this is a human rights issue. this is not a moral issue. this is about women's lives and women being able to make our own decisions. now, on the electoral portion of this wolf to your question sure. again, donald trump, like anybody else, is looking at what has happened every single time. people have gone to the polls. and this has been on the ballot. and what's happened, republic? blinken's have lost and people, voters won't. they don't buy that 15 weeks are 16 weeks is a limit. it's a ban. they understand it's a ban. and they've see what, how it's unfolding in their own lives. and so i think the main thing for trump is voters just are no, they can't trust him on this issue. and again, because it's human a human rights issue, it is an connected to
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democracy. i think it's gonna be a pivotal issue in this election. >> i thought it was interesting. scott and former vice president mike pence immediately called trump's statements today, a slap in the face to the millions of anti-abortion voters who supported him back in 2016 and 2020, does trump have a potential problem on his right flank? >> well, there >> are some pro-life >> conservatives who are very angry with trump today. they wanted to see him make a forceful moral argument about why abortion is wrong. >> he >> chose not to do that certainly mike pence falls in that camp. the raul political calculation for trump though, is, where are these voters going to go? they're certainly not going to vote for joe biden, who's been all over this issue for his entire career. he's held every position you can have on abortion, but today, he's the most liberal president we've never had on this issue. so if you're a pro-life conservative and you're looking at two guys on the ballot, the trump bet is, hey, you may not love my transaction elysium on this. but what are you going to do? vote for biden, and they're betting those folks couple.
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>> the other option if they could do scotus to vote to simply stay home, that could potentially be a big problem. for trump as well. lifers are regular voters. they, they, they tend to turn out, can i just mentioned one thing with president biden as somebody who's worked on myself, who has worked on this issue for over ten years president biden's evolution on this issue actually represents what a lot of american guns have gone through. and that is from someone who, from a perspective of initially faith, ma'am, said, this is not something i agree with, but then the understand i actually have been in meetings with the president when he was vice president and saw him come to understand what this issue means as a human rights issue for women. and in microsoft, how important it is that we have control over our bodies and our lives. so i think people see that. >> i think it's fair to say this is going to be a huge issue in this upcoming election. karen phineas scott jennings to both of you. thank you very, very much. just ahead. we're going to take you inside a triple rocket launch by nasa, aimed at learning more
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glasses. nasa scientists were busy launching not one, but three rockets all designed to advance eclipse science. cnn's brian todd is that gases facility out there on the eastern shore of virginia? brian, tell us about these launches that you got to see firsthand will three very exciting launches from this facility today with the goal of giving scientists some crucial information about how this >> eclipse might have affected our satellite communications if you blinked, you really could have missed it. >> and our first apec rocket is left the real in a matter of seconds, a so-called sounding rocket blasts off, then disappears from view at nasa's wallops ireland facility on the virginia coaston, traveling at about 6,000 there's a miles an hour. three of these rockets carried special payloads tailored to the solar eclipse launched just before, during and just after the peak of the eclipse each rocket traveled about 260 miles above the earth
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to the ionosphere, the uppermost layer of earth's atmosphere that borders space. >> once the motors are done burning, we will deploy boot booms that take measurements, and then we will also deploy these swarm modules that shoot out away from the body of the payload. >> the swarm canisters each about the size of a two liter soda bottle. and the booms are equipped with instruments to measure the disturbances in the ionosphere during the solar eclipse, nasa official say they need to figure out how those disturbances its impact, things like satellite communications layer of the atmosphere that scientists are studying for this mission is also where our satellites are at. and you use our satellites for communications. we rely on them daily. >> the sworn canisters floated around the ionosphere during the eclipse, took data, transmitted it back to nasa then we're programmed to drop back to work hundreds of people flock to a special viewing area today to watch the rockets lift off. people like david kwame, who came from the dc area. >> the combination of all the wonders that we ever talked about, right from science. so
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the wonder of it the clips that magic of what human karen can do to go observe it and bringing all those together. this is just a really exciting day between the rocket launches, the total eclipse, and the science of it. all it made for an exciting de, in the marshes of southern virginia. >> i've always wanted to see a rocket launch up close. i've always wanted to go into bass because i just think it's really cool. this >> is my ideal drop. i want to be in that building working on rockets like these, seen them get excited. an amped about anything related to science were all about, of course one nasa official told us that while they receive the data from these instruments within minutes today, it will >> actually take months to actually analyze the data and really determine how this disturbance in the ionosphere from the eclipse might have affected our satellites wolff. >> very interesting. brian todd reporting for us. thank you, brian very much coming up. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu now says, he set a date for a ground invasion of
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rafah southern gaza as protests in israel over his leadership escalate >> cracked >> windshield, sketch which one would say flight and will come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way and she could track us and see exactly when we derive we came to her with service that fit her schedule let's be nice to meet you. >> we got right to work >> with the replacement. she could trust we come to you for free, scheduled now for free mobile service at safe gave me payer see flight be placed >> weight new can design a personalized weight loss plan for me. >> well again there's no plans. braf news plans can >> be personalized for both your needs >> how about dad bod, get your personalized plan today at >> file 100% free with triple tax-free addition roughly 37%
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>> in >> brynn for certain news night with abby phillip tomorrow at dem eastern on cnn
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>> in the middle east tonight, israeli troops have pulled out of khan yunis, a major city in southern gaza. but prime minister benjamin netanyahu says a date has been set for the invasion of rafah, where 1.5 million palestinians are shocked filtering this as prime minister netanyahu faces growing pressure at home and abroad, cnn's jeremy diamond has more israeli tanks and troops just returned from southern gaza. signs of a major withdrawal. and another political headache for by minister benjamin netanyahu his right-wing >> governing partners >> outraged with national security minister itamar ben gvir warning netanyahu will not have the mandate to continue serving as prime minister if he ends the war without invading rafah it's the latest layer of political pressure confronting netanyahu it was already facing a growing swell of protests calling for early elections and the hostage deal
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>> in the early days of the war, you really didn't feel hey, these kinds of mass demonstrations against the current government. there was a sense of wartime unity that it wasn't appropriate to protest, but now we're seeing more and more israelis coming out to protests, raising their voices against the current government and against benjamin netanyahu. >> none of us wanted to protest. we just wanted to survive. basically, how can protest? >> when you're afraid for your life, you >> might think we're not afraid for life at this moment and this is the time to replace the government. >> former prime minister ehud olmert says, netanyahu should resign, accusing him of putting the survival of his government above the interests of the country who can't run the initial interest on the basis of personal interests of the prime minister. that's what he was doing. and therefore, he is not fit more than 50% of israelis think the same. they don't trust him. they think that he is running the war on the basis of his personal interests. >> are these bushinsky, a former netanyahu adviser, says,
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his former boss learned decades ago to always prioritize those who will keep him in power. >> never betray your natural allies. they are his allies, his buddies. he has to adhere to the we'll pay a heavy price political price. but this, how his coalition is so crystal strong and solid >> despite the rhetoric from ben-gvir, netanyahu's right-wing partners don't seem inclined to pull the rug out from under him just yet, who's gone through my the holds for new elections from his chief rival, war cabinet member benny gantz >> israeli society needs to renew its contract with its leadership and increasingly vocal criticism from the white house or drawing little more than signature fines from the israeli prime minister. >> can the all little shorter? hamas, hamas hopes that the pressure from outside and inside, it will make israel surrender to these extreme demands. the pressure of the international community should be directed against hamas.
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>> you cannot, for now, netanyahu is staving off for early elections, which polls show he would likely lose to benny gantz, who is still mulling a potential exit from the war unity government. what kind of impact do you think you would have for him to leave this unity government? >> i think it >> will >> probably trigger the public reaction. the volcano of the public, bitterness and disappointment and rage with babies, government. and that will force early election because right now we've seen more and more people taking to the streets, but it's still not enough is what you're saying. it's moving in the right direction, but we >> need more. >> jeremy diamond, cnn, tel aviv thank you, jeremy, coming up is the women's ncaa a tournament overshadowing the men's. but yesterday's record-breaking title matchup says about the precedented excitement for a women's
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here in the united states, here saturday night live it's take a listen to this it was hard to get excited when i was better games on >> you mean the >> nba, the women's tournament women. women are exciting. >> the women's tournament is >> where the actions that, but we got to talk about them into. >> okay, fine. let's just get it out the way. okay. the man's vinyl on day is i believe between equipment at college versus northern southern state >> neither of those are real schools. it's actually purdue, connecticut all right. >> let's bring in sports journalist and cnn contributor bob costas. bob, as you know, the interest in the tournament was enlarged part driven by iowa's caitlin clark. watch what she said after the game when i. think about women's basketball going forward obviously it's just going to continue to grow, whether it's at the wnba level, whether it's at the college level, like everybody sees that
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everybody knows everybody sees the viewership numbers. when you're given an opportunity, women's sports just kind of thrives >> she would not to say she hopes her legacy is helping to make women's sports as popular as men's. how far has caitlin clark gone to make that a reality? >> caitlin clark has been a seminal figure it back-to-back women's college player of the year. but the attention she brought lifted everybody else you think about dawn staley, the south carolina coach, three-time olympic gold medalist as a player. one another olympic gold medal as the women's coach three-time champion. women's college coach at south carolina, an excellent player herself obviously, people knew about her people within the sports community, but now there's more attention on her. there's more attention on the entire south carolina roster and everybody that iowa played this year there'll be a ripple effect. well, as many people watch are
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in the wnba is watched under these circumstances, no, but there will be a ripple effect this by the way, was the highest rated game, not just in women's history. the highest rated basketball game of any kind, men's or women's college or nba in five years? >> yeah, it's really amazing when you think about it. and as you know, you kinda in produ, take center stage later tonight in the men's championship, the three-point shot has dominated basketball for a long time as we know, but these teams are unique in that they're both fled by two seven foot big menn talks about that >> yeah yeah. donovan >> clingan, seven >> two for uconn and zach edey, who has been a real force in college basketball the last few years, in the middle of for purdue, uconn is the defending national champion going for back-to-back and until bam, a game of a pretty good game until uconn pulled away in the late stages, they were blowing everybody out in this ncw a tournament. purdue was a number one seed a year ago and lost to a 16th seed, fairleigh-dickinson. so they're on a redemption tour their own.
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there should be a very good game tonight. yeah, it should be. and we'll be watching before i let you go today is, you know, is the 50th anniversary of hank aaron's breaking babe ruth record for career home runs. i know. you knew i hack aaron. well, talk a little bit about what the basic de and accomplishment that was this is a moment that still resonates. i don't mean to diminish anyone else. barry bonds on his natural merits as one of the greatest players of all time. but there is controversy surrounding him, and i think so a lot of people, he is the statistical homerun leader, but henry iran will forever be the home run king. that meant something different 50 years ago. and it wasn't just a triumph of athletic skill. it was a triumph of carol victor, and will, based on everything he faced, all the hatred, the hate mail, the death threats. he saw some of the worst of america, but he triumphed and showed himself to be part of the best of america.
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there's a special respect that people feel for hank aaron beyond his baseball achievements. and those achievements were monumental what was it like to watch that moment i'm sorry, say it again. >> what was it like to actually watch that moment that was history yeah, i watched it on television. i was a college student at syracuse, but a huge baseball fan. and what really struck me was that so many people foolishly thought, oh well, people will forget about babe ruth. no, no, we had an eclipse today. >> thank karen statistically eclipsed babe ruth, but he didn't consign them to the dustbin of history. babe ruth is still a figure of legend just as no one's accomplishment prince, whatever they may be statistically, can eclipse hank aaron's place in history. >> he said it, well, i was a college student at the time and i remember it the bob costas snacks very, very much into our viewers. thank you very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room the news continues on cnn right now.


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