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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 9, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> yeah. wasn't a work release requirement. i did it my choice. i turn 60, john. and in 2018, when i was running for reelection last time i wanted to mark the milestone in my wife and tried to decide, well, what do i do next year after the election? and i decided i would embark on what i call a love letter to virginia the virginia nature triethylamine no one has ever done it as far as i know, but it's a little bit modeled after epic quest's and other states. new york has the 46 years if you climb the adirondack peaks higher than 4,000 and many families do that. my sister and brother-in-law did it with their kids and we joined them on a few i decided virginia needs a quests like this. i'm going to create one, do it, write about it, and hopefully encourage others to get outdoors and see the magnificent god-given beauty of our commonwealth you're a great salesperson and at the end, you say you learn more about yourself after it was done than you thought you would setting out you even show us pictures of your sunburn thighs
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>> from the time in the canoe >> i >> spare i spare know gory details, including a horrible burn on my foot one day, but it was an amazing journey. >> senator tim kaine, thank you for being with us this morning. you say you have a special talent for sleeping on the ground a special talent for writing as well >> thank you so much, john. >> a new our have cnn news central starts right now >>his our the res of the michigan school shter will comeace to with the parents of t sons, victi howong will the jge nowell jas and jennifer crumbley theabout to spend behind bars a direct pitch to push republican house speak mike johnson ouof his job republican congresswoman maie tayr greene and her w attack on johnson's leadership just th morning. d he's accused ofledgg his algiance to isis and making plans to attack churches in idaho. w, one teenager is bawin,y john berman, sarah
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is out todayis is cnn news centra any momt sentenci in miigan, the first parents convicd for the carried out. they we'll find out eir fate. james an jenniferrumbleeach face up to 15 years in prison. defense attorneys e asking for them to be givetime served. andn an uonventional move to say the let one is even offering to allower client to move in wither to live under house arrest. both were found guilty on four counts of involuary manslauger aer the son killed four students and a mass shooting at hihigh school cnn's jean casarez. and folling all of thiforest, she's back here with us now. this ia very important day for the victims and their
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families. how is this going to play out? we're waiting to see this rht now? >> this is going to be so emotional it, this is an emotnal ment for everyone that's involv becau the defendants are going to find out their te. will they be in prison for the next 15 years willhey ve the advisory guidelineshat the probation depament delops, which is fouro seven years or will they even be able to have that time served ry important in both sides are goi to work with the facts on that. the factof this first ever homicide in th country charges agait parents because they didn't pull the trigger. trigger at oxford high school. but that moment when t parents of the four children that were killed, gun down by ethan crumbley at oxford high school, go to thpodiumnd we haveearned iwill only be the parents, the close family members of those foustudts, because those arthe four convictions, the hicide
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convictions and they will be le to ur out their heas to james and jennifer crumbley, even speaking directly to them, we've heard that inhis couroom re. other circumstances of how their life has anged, how their life will never be the sameecause ey will say that the parents you bought that gun for your d when you knew he cou do something you knewe had emotional problems and four days later is when that mass we're goingo watch this play, out together. see in the box next to you is inside court rit now we're gon kee watching this very closely. this is all about to get underwayany second jea thank you so much john. all right. with us now, attorneys misty marris and robert bianca. misty, i first eu here. what will the judge take into consideration when determining the sentence? >> yeah, john, so it's gonna be aggravating factors and mitigating factors. so prosecion, ty're going to present e aggraving factors thatot of that is going to be what we just heard. jeanne speaking aut those horrible
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vict impact statemen from those th were impacted by the deathsf those four for kids, thene're going to hear mitigating factors that's where the defense isoing to lk about all of the things that should lower the sentence. that's gonnbe focused on their own witnesses. we're going to be able to come up. there's family members for crumbley believe and aition to that, they're going to say that they're remorseful and they're also going to focus on thfacts herethey're not ere's ree pillars and criminalusti system, a rehabilitation deterrence. and punishment. that's why we incarcerate people. so the judge is going to be thinking about those three buckets when ultimately determining a sentence so far we've talked about the unprecedented nature of this. you do have some concerns about that >> yeah, i really do. is a prosecutor. we typically don't criminalize civil actions and usually would criminalize the actions that a person themselves actually performs or doesn't perform. this one is more attenuated or it's bringing brought out a little bit more work what we're saying, we're going to hold
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the parents responsible for the actions that they did not contemplate it, did not envision that there wasn't a conscious disregard that they did not know was going to happen for what it was that their son did. and we'll concerns me as a former prosecutor in a homicide prosecutors, i've seen situations where it may make sense in one case, but then starts getting used in all sorts of other areas. and parents have to be now aware that they may be held responsible for all sorts of conduct of their children. okay. be that as it may, they've been convicted already. so this issue already asked and answered to an extent. but how will that impact the sentencing? do you think do you thi the judge will have that going on ring considerations >> well, haven't been around a lo time ago. i he to tell you that the are a number of people we will are dead here. so that's ing to weigh very, very heavily as an aggravating factor, as miss the head indicated, now the sentencing guidelines are between 3.5 years to seven years. prosecutors are looking for ten and 15. so the judge is going to have to balance these aggregates preventing and mitigating factors. but the fact that there are four deaths
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year is going to weigh very, very heavily on the judge. and because of the publicity of this case, my experience has been the more publicity, the more harsh the sentence is going to be tried separately, yet being sentenced together. what's the likelihood that their sentences will be the same or different? how will that be determined? >> so the judge could make a determination that the sentences it's are different. yeah. my gut is telling me that they are likely to be the same. however, in the pre-sentencing memos, both sides submit these memorandums. the prosecution was very focused on a jailhouse phone call that james crumbley made, which remember when we we're covering the trial, john, we didn't know what the content of the call was. so the prosecutors are saying that that was actually a threat to prosecutors. now, of course, defense, their countering that saying this is just him with a grievance and he's allowed to not like what the prosecutors are doing. that's his right. but that's certainly something that we're going to see prosecutors focus on with respect to james crumbley, could that enhance a sentence?
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i don't think that's going to move the needle for the judge. i anticipate they will be the same, but that's something certainly that could be taken into consideration. i saw you shaking your head. >> this is just ridiculous. what's going on in this case in terms of the characteristic? fascination and evidence has been allowed him, which i think is going to be subject to a potential reversal down the road because you're not allowed to introduce that evidence. and now prosecutors of which i was one are going to be so genteel and upset that they believe that it's an appropriate factor that because he's angry with prosecutors at that should be a reason why he's sentences increase. that's not in the sentencing code. and again, once again, i think prosecutors are overstepping their bounds as a prosecutor myself, i'd never would be saying i'm personally offended. therefore, the sentence should be higher because they attacked me >> ridiculous victim impact statement they will be wrenching what actual effect do they have to what extent has the judge already got the sentence ready? yeah. so you make a great point because there is so much work that goes into this and determining the
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sentence before we even step into the sentencing hearing the memos that we were just speaking about, which lay out the arguments of both sides. so certainly the judge has an idea of where there they're going to land. we know their state sentencing guidelines, as bob said, three-and-a-half to seven years, prosecutors are asking for an enhancement. however those victim impact statements, they could move the needle at the judge can take all of what happens today into consideration. so to the extent he has something, it is mind which you'd likely does it could be enhanced, it could be more towards those sentencing guidelines that defense could move the needle. it just depends on what happens in the courtroom. misty marris babadilla. thank you both so much for being with us. appreciate it >> okay. >> new this morning, the republican congresswoman taking on the republican house speaker. it's about ukraine aid, but it's also about so much more the chaos and struggle for power within the republican party. and just this morning, a new letter, marjorie taylor greene has put out. special counsel, jack smith and his new argument for why donald trump should not not be immune
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>> get, into the rhythm of the eyelids and delighting the caribbean's state of mind visit or call 100 sandals >> there's debris and this guy parents, husbands and wives gone. >> we're so good done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn knew this morning we are getting our first look at the jury questionnaire for the first ever criminal trial of a former president, the new york criminal case against donald trump begins on monday with jury selection. ten days after that, the supreme court will have oral arguments. this has to do with whether donald trump has immunity in the federal election subversion case,
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overnight special counsel, jack smith issued a new filing urging the justices to reject trump's claim cnn's kaitlan, poland's with us this morning. this was a pretty direct filing from jack smith >> yes. 66 pages pushing back on everything that donald trump is arguing to the supreme court to try and get rid of the case against him in federal court related to the 2020 election the justice department is laying out a lot of points here. so let's go them go through them. they're saying >> that >> nobody in american history has ever intended for there to be immunity around the presidency, not the people who wrote the constitution like alexander hamilton and not even in recent memory during waterge d after the watergate scandal during the presidency of richard nixon. it doesn't hurt the presidency for there to not be immunity for someone like a former president to be charged with a crime. this is a key point in this filing where the justice
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department says there are a lot of checks to make sure the prosecutions of someone like donald trump are not political in nature. there's a grand jury that has to approve an indictment. the's a jury at trial, and then there's the cots themselves that checkout the law and the case before a case goes to trial also, they say what trump wants here is radical. that what he is arguing for the immunity would allow for things like a president to commit crimes such as bribery, murder treason, even sedition. those are the examples given in this filing to the justices lining up for this argument. and then finally, john a quote, a pretty strong quote in this, a president's alleged criminal scheme to overturn an election and thwart the peaceful transfer of power to his lawfully elected successor. that's the paradigmatic example of conduct that should not be immunized on top of saying there should be no presidential immunity, a former
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president should be able to sit for trial. the justice department also argues that the supreme court should not send this back down and further delay things in this case to the lower court's this should move on to try to trial. and donald trump should sit before a jury. >> yeah, it's an important point there. jack smith, clearly concerned about the ideaf even more delay even if the supre cot n't rule againshim, peray katelyn polantz. thank you very much for them. >> okay. >> let's talk about this right now. joining us is former federal prosecutor, elliott williams john and caitlin. we're going through some of the high points of what was in this filing what stands out to you in smith's latest filing >> sure. the last point that caitlin had made about this question of delay, it's a very important won an argument that the trump team is putting to the supreme court almost as an off-ramp of sorts of saying that well, even if you can't resolve this now, ladies and gentlemen, please send this back down to lower courts to have more hearings and more for
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decisions as to this immunity question, the special counsel makes the argument that that's unnecessary. this issue has been briefed already, and it's really the supreme court's job more than any other according the country to sort out questions like this. and i think in the news we see it as a question of, well, what does that mean for the trial? is this just about delay? i think from a legal perspective as well, these adding more proceedings to hear just simply is not necessary at this point. and that's a core argument that the special counsel's taking right now. >> that is interesting. and the question before the supreme court is whether and if, whether and if so, to what extent does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his his tenure in office from this filing. and what you've seen before, how is jackson of handling this >> i think quite well and look, this is coming down to the central question that came up. in the appeals court's oral argument. and this was put forward by judge florence pan. this question of what where
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does the president have the authority to say, call in a drone strike on a political nicole opponent, a drone strike would be an act within the president's authority, right? it's the president has access to various tools of the armed services could he do that? and trump's team did not have an answer to that, and i would think that to the extent the supreme court is two way this issue on the merits, that's the kind of question. there'll be asking what where is the outer? the limit for what a president can do when acting within his or her authority was also talked about the hush money case. we know now that a new york appeals court has denied donald trump's asked to change venue and delay when it comes so the hush money trial, jury selection is set to move forward next week. and we have these details of the questionnaire of what potential jurors will be asked not asked if they for donald trump per say, but asked, do you currently followed donald trump on social media and we're putting up some of these right
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here, or have you done so in the past, have you a relative? close friend, ever worked or volunteered for the trump presidential to trump presidential administration or any other political entity involved in affiliated. >> do >> you have any strong opinion or firmly held beliefs? it's about former president donald trump or the fact that he is a current candidate for president, that would interfere with your ability to be a fair and impartial jury? for katelyn polantz is highlighted that last question seems to be a critical one, how is this going to work? yes absolutely. and, you know, sort of like that certainly internet asked me about my politics without telling me you're asking me about my politics and that's in effect what's, what's happening here now, it's not uncommon at all. kate and jury selection just sort of ask questions to get around and issue. so for instance, you might ask a juror what magazines you read, what television shows do you watch? what even might your zip code being? all of these questions can be used to get at various forms of data about a juror and ultimately how they might rule.
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now, that last question you showed that clause about that would get in your way of being a fair, impartial juror is a very important question. and no matter what any juror says, the judges ultimately going to ask them. okay. you've said you belong to q and a hunter, whatever else. can you put that aside and be a fair and impartial juror? and if the judge is convinced that the person can than perhaps they can be added to the jury pool. but that those words fair and impartial juror will keep coming up again and again and again, even for some folks who are sort of on the bubble in either direction, either sort of pro prosecution or pro defense. >> yeah. kind of kaylin described it as like self declaration of not being able to get asked it. but then beyond that, that when it gets to the art of jury selection, because then that's going to be left up to how how how it all pans out if there's something more behind what the juror might be saying, >> elliott. thank you. it's great to see you. john. thank you >> all right. so no matter how
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much lindsey graham tries and look, we know here he's tried for years and years. donald trump's still find new ways to demean in the new smack down this morning over abortion. and then happening now it's jennifer crumbley. they have entered a michigan courtroom to be sentenced the first parents to be sentenced for a school shooting committed by their son there's debris and. this guy, >> parents, husbands and wives gone >> i wish i could have done something different. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn one bbs was the turbotax i wrote four generations of family tradition i want to >> make perfume >> so i mean bbs, new psychic count by guaranteeing her maximum simone refund intuit's turbotax >> now, adt professionally installs google nest products.
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morning as the house returns to work today, i knew effort by republican marjorie taylor greene to oust house speaker mike johnson. she just said two letter republican colleagues saying in part quote, he is throwing our own razor thin majority into chaos by not serving his own gop conference that elected him seen lauren fox is with us now on capitol hill. how serious is marjorie taylor greene about this >> well, she's certainly not going away and she's ramping up well of her complaints against speaker mike johnson. this comes as we are waiting to see whether or not she really moves forward with this effort to try and oust him from the speakership. but this new five-page letter acquired for by our colleague, annie grayer lays out to her colleagues explicitly why she thinks mike johnson isn't up to the job and she talks about the passage of those series of spending bills through the fall into the winter. and now just a few weeks ago, she also lays
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concerns about the direction that the speaker is moving when it comes to additional aid for ukraine. she also calls him out for what he is doing to try and advance legislation to renew section 702 of the federal intelligence surveillance act, something that has divided republicans within the conference. but marjorie taylor greene, naturalist writing this letter, she also held a town hall in her district last night in georgia. here's what she was saying about speaker johnson. there how dare our own speaker that we elected pass that >> spending bill and not do anything for that border nothing it's horrid. it's hard i will not tolerate a speaker of the house that i voted for to sell us out a not tolerate it >> now, she is not explicitly
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saying what would trigger an effort by her to try and oust speaker johnson, but it's clearly weighing on this speaker as the house of representatives returns today, we still have not seen details of what he plans to do when it comes to additional aid. for ukraine. he's floated a series. i've ideas, i'm told that he's still having conversations with his colleagues, in part because this threat is looming large, john yeah, it'll be interesting to see you mean there is a difference between a sternly worded letter and action on the house floor. we will see if it crosses from one area into the other. lauren fox let's thank you very much okay. >> joining us now is cnn political commentator and democratic strategist maria cardona, and republican strategist and host of the focus group podcast cast sarah longwell. thanks for being here guys. it's sarah. what do republicans do with this continued fight over the speakership and fight over ukraine aid. what do you see here? >> yeah, this is a nightmare for republicans and it's interesting because normally these kinds of fights are
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between republicans and democrats. but this byte is not between the two parties. it is between the old guard of the gop and the new guard of the gop, which marjorie taylor greene represents and frankly, she represents a lot a voters. there's a reason that she feels emboldened to push forward with this, despite the fact that it would further caucus in the chaos. and it's because she knows that there is almost half of the republican party when it comes to voters that do not want to see ukraine any more ukraine funding. but there were also a lot of republican voters and we're running a campaign in dc right now using the voices of republican voters that are urging republicans to support ukraine. and so the republican party is really split on this, and she holds a ton of power, not just because she's got a big microphone and people are listening to her. and frankly, because she might not stop until she becomes the next speaker of the house, but also because there's just no margin
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here for mike johnson, he's got two choices. he's got to play ball with the likes of marjorie taylor greene, or he's got to work with democrats and neither of them are good choices whatsoever >> right? sarah standby with me if everyone can hear us that there were seemed you have be having some technical issue, i if not been able to hear some of what sarah was saying, they're going to take a quick break, try to work all of this out. we'll be right back >> how would really happened sunday, april 28, did nine on cnn is your shower trying to tell you something is getting in and out of the bathtub becoming a safety concern are you worried about the cost of a bathroom remodel that could go on for weeks and weeks. we'll now you can have a gorgeous new bath or shower that safer at a price you can afford with a one day jacuzzi bathroom model it was done the same day. we did not have to wait it is amazing,
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>> quadrics begins tonight at 9:00 p.m. on tbs all right the grim ones have been fixed for now. let's pick back up with our political conversation with maria cardona and sarah longwell. what we were talking about is this inter party fight of republicans marjorie taylor greene taking on the republican house speaker potentially for this speakership, a lot of the centering around ukraine aid, but sarah is making the point, maria, that this is also about the old guard of the republican party versus the new guard. add this to the conversation for your take. greg meeks was just on leading democrat, who's just on with me and he's pulled me if it came draft would reach out to him and say, i need your vote to support to keep speaker johnson in the seat. he would do it. his reasoning is ukraine aid is so important to get done now and not later. should democrats help save johnson? >> well, i think that i think it's certainly true that there are democrats that are leaning towards that because the majority of democrats also understand how important you
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rein aid is, not just to the national security of the country by two, the democracy of the world. if you will and i think that moving forward, if that happens, there will be conditions on it. right? i mean, speaker johnson isn't a conundrum and sarah is right. this is more about what the fissures are between and within the publican party. it's always what democrats have said, what a speaker within that conference is going to face their maga extremis versus the common sense republicans right now, the maga extremists have one battle after battle, after battle. and that's why you're seeing a marjorie taylor greene now going after speaker johnson. but he understands that in order to get anything done, he does need democrats help. and what i think this this portrays for the election is that this gives democrats the ability to message really, what a dumpster fire the republican leadership has been within the republican congress. and that because of
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those fissures, because of that tension between the maga extremists who really do have a lot of power. they're not able to govern and more so, marjorie taylor greene has no interest in governing, has no interest in solving the problems. she wants purity, plain and simple, and that's why she has filed those papers to try to get rid of speaker johnson. and so democrats are saying this is not what americans voted for. this is republican dumpster fire. they do not deserve to be leading. they have no interest in doing so, don't know how to give democrats of power and we will solve the problems that the country is facing. >> let's talk about one of the >> major issues >> of this cycle in congressional races and in the presidential sarah is abortion donald trump's position that he announced is that he wants it to be up to the state's conservative republicans are not happy with that. we heard that from anti-abortion shouldn't activists, mike pence called his position that he announced a slap in the face. lindsey graham says he respectfully disagrees with
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trump, saying that trump should have come out to support federal ban. would donald trump though, says, sarah, is that by allowing the states to make their decision, we have taken the abortion issue largely out of play. >> has it? >> i don't. know that he's taken, it largely out of play. i do think that donald trump is unique in the way that he is not beholden to some of the same factions that other republicans have been in the past i mean, evangelical christians and people for whom abortion is central to their political identity have already basically made it clear that they'll go along with whatever donald trump says. and i do focus groups all the time with republican voters, trump voters and the fact is a lot of them are pro-choice many of them say things like, well, look, i'm pro-life, but i believe in a woman's right to choose. and so donald trump is using general election mode and he knows that this is a toxic issue for them and the best issue that democrats have in
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the general election and so he's trying to neutralize it and it's one of the things that trump actually does kind of well, because no voter thinks that trump is very pro-life. we hear from voters all the time that they see him as somebody who voters say this is not me, say that he is somebody who would've paid for an abortion. they don't see him as being somebody with sexual for morality, like a mike pence would be. and so i think donald trump is trying to basically say, look, i'm out here to win this election, and who donald trump is, right? he doesn't have any real principles this is about power for himself and he knows that this is a tough issue for them. and so he's trying to sort of have it both ways. >> for sure. i spoke with the doctor out of wisconsin who is now running as a democrat for congress. this is a seat vacated by long-held by a republican, mike gallagher you again, she's running as a republican. she's a doctor. she wants to make abortion a central issue like joebiden does. and i asked her in
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wisconsin if she wants to joe biden to come and help her campaign, let me play for you. >> what she said i'm really focused on my campaign and i'm really focused on getting out and talking with the people, hearing what the people >> want to see, the issues that i'm hearing are they don't have enough resources to put food on the table. they can't put gas in their car. they're having a hard time paying their our health care bills. those are the things that people here care about and that's really what we're going to focus on >> maria, you know, every election is local for >> sure, but you also really don't hear her saying, i would like the top of the ticket, the current pressing united states to come help me. >> that's not surprising, especially because she is running in a seat that was vacated by republican. we see that all the time. >> i think >> the core issue here though kate is how critical and powerful the reproductive rights issue is for democrats, not just going into this election, but ever since the
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dobbs decision demo let's have over-performed the midterm elections. as you remember, everyone was saying it's over but it didn't surprise me. but because i've talked to so many people on the ground, including kate republican women who told me in 2022 and they are not leaving the stance that they will vote for a democrat because they will not want to raise their children, their daughters in a country where they have less rights than what the moms did and so this has been such a galvanizing issue and what donald trump did absolutely literally did not take this out of play. in fact, what democrats are now saying, which is true given his words, he has now supporting the most egregious and dangerous bands in the 20 plus states that have them right now, where one out of three women of reproductive age live, that puts women in danger the reproductive futures and dangerous, that's a huge lee motivating message for
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democrats, also resident of florida, where there's a huge question on how far the band is gonna go in florida that's what your question as well. maria, it's great to see you, sarah. thank you so much. great to see you as well. coming up for us, the fbi says, this man, we're about to show you. we will with planning to attack churches in idaho in the name of isis but prosecutors now say he was willing to do to his own father to pull it off and new this morning, norfolk southern reaches his sixth hundred million dollars settlement for that dangerous train derailment in east palestine, ohio and ninth of space for stoma whole story with anderson cooper, the >> james webb telescope are we alone? >> followed by the two parts, finale of >> space shuttle? columbia, the final flight. sunday starting at eight on cnn file 100% free with turbotax free edition roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form ten, 40 and limited credits only. see how it turbotax
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keepsake app. we would love a chance to frame it for you >> i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this cnn new this morning norfolk southern reached a 600 million settlement over the train dram in east palestine, >> ohio in february of 2023, a train carrying several types of chemicals do real sending a plus who have toxic smoke into the air, sea and athena jones is with us now. what does this settlement cover? athena >> hi, john. well, you'll remember that that terrible derailment also set spelled millions of pounds of those toxic, hazardous chemicals into the water and the soil this has meant to remedy some of that $600 milliontlement still has to be approvedy a urt but if it is approved, it would resolve all class action claim within a 20-mile radius. and for residents who participate, it would resolve all personal injury claims within a ten mile radius so they could use this money for their health care
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needs. for medical monitoring to deal with net business losses and the like this is something that the plaintiffs say they're going to file a petition to put before a judge to have this approved within the next ten days. and if it is approved once it is approved, this money could start being paid out by the end of this year and this is important because number one, this is one of several class action lawsuits. but as i mentioned, 20 mile radius will settle. many of those claims. >> but this is something that really >> traumatized the community. they had to be evacuated. there was a controversial controlled burn of these toxic substances that had this plume of smoke in the air for three days. so these are people who have been traumatized by this event and are seeking compensation. this is one of as i've said, several cases and it's an addition to the more than $100 million the company he has already spent to try to help the community with direct payments to residents, to businesses, and the like. >> john. >> all right. and important development there, maybe not the end of it. we will watch it very closely. the anna jones. thank you.
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>> well, as >> many as possible >> that is what an 18-year-old in idaho allegedly said he was planning to do in the name of isis. >> this >> is according to the justice department, alexander scott murray oh, carrier was rested on saturday, one day before investigators alleged he was planning to attack planning an attack on multiple churches in idaho. cnn and zach cohen has much more on this. he's joining us now. what how did the 30s find this guy >> yeah, the fbi says this is a case that started about two years ago and anthony mercurial reached out to a confidence i didn't feel source who had been working with the bureau in a separate investigation and started to express support, generally, for isis, the terrorist group. >> over >> the next year-and-a-half, two years the confidential urworking with thebi were able to cone talking mercurial both and meeting with him in person, but it accordi to court documents, the fbi says that seemed a shift towards actually anning to carry out real violenceappened after last
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nth's isis attack in moscow that resulted in 140 for people being killed when a gunman entered into a into a concert hall, there, they noticed a shift, according to court documents, that enver courier that he started to really plan his own attack targeting these churches in his hometown in idaho. prosecutors and the fbi point to a series of messages between mercurial and this confidential human source encoding. one where mercurial says the plan is basically this equip the weapons and storm the temple, kill as many as possible before they inevitably dispersed scatter, then burn the temple to the ground and flee the scene, then move on to the next church, rinse and repeat for all 21 plus churches and the town until killed. that was on march 25th and 26th of this year, a few days after the moscow attack. and then another message it says, i'm doing the weapons research now, resources should not be hard to find. the weapons or something. i'll hide in my room and design them to be easy to conceal and a jacket or coat. now, the fbi did conduct a search of mercurial is parents house where he allegedly said that he
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was going to store these weapons and they found several items that align with what is in these messages, including a metal pipe and handcuffs, folding saw, two canisters of butane fuel, a machete, and multiple rifles and handguns. the fbi says that mercurial was pointed, carry out an attack on april 7 of this year, and that they were able to arrest him one day before that happens one piece ofvidence they point so in these court documents is a deo rerding where mercurial allegedly pleads or edges allegiance to is you c see him the in that photo 's carrying what oks li a knife d seems to be plead pledging allegiance he terrorist group in tt video. so we're still waiting for him toake his first appearance. in cou, but does face up to 20 years in feral prison if convicted >> zach. thank you so much for bringing us up to date on this one followed closely coming up. so for us, we are watching live pictures right now. in michigan courtroom, and we're standing by for the judge to sentence james and jennifer crumbley for the school shooting committed by their son i've been
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>> uconn huskies are once again kings of the court beating purdue. sadly, to win their second string. and old zidel coy wire is in glendale, arizona. coy. tell us more videos. i saw. you literally chasing people down postgame to interview them >> you know, i used to play defense and back k times just to feel like i'm actually working a lizard and produce seven foot four two-time
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national player of your zach edey had 37 points, ten rebounds, purdue played so well, but uconn was just too much. there are collection of selfless players like seven foot two, donovan clingan, tourists to new stephan castle and samson johnson >> you can bring this lead to you can come to the. bone >> the huskies pulling out another dominant win in front of more than 74,000 fans and state farm stadium, uconn steamrolling purdue 75 to become the first repeat chances, 2000 since seven, coach dan hurley's 12 straight tournament wins, all by double-digits is a tournament record. i caught up with coach as he stepped off the court as a champion yet again just incredible, incredible performance to beat a team like purdue. the way we did just you, just incredible. and
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you've >> dominated every team along the way. how, why? >> we're the, we're the best program in the country right now, we've got got all the right players what do, you have this aid all the >> fans watch him back home oh, i known i can't wait for us to get back. we'll see him at the airport. let's see him a gamble. and i cannot wait for the parade >> now, donovan clingan is projected to be a first-round pick in the upcoming draft, and he's had a of journey cain. he wears number 32 and honor of his mom, who passed away in 2018. she was an outstanding player in her own right. are john berman as donovan about what? i'm would think about him now winning two national titles >> i worked hard and i tried to make it to a level a very high level they will make history in most she she's smiling down on me. hello she's happy for me
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you know, and i wish she could be part of it, but like i said, i know she's proud of me >> on canvas back going campus in stores, connecticut elated as they celebrated the school six national title since 1999, it's been a quarter century of dust hominins. kate, the last two tournaments, uconn as beaten their opponents by an average of 20 points against non conference opponents de of a record of 33 and one, all of those wins by double-digits it says, well, when i asked code shirley this week, how he would describe the mental makeup of his team. he used the word relentless. there's only one program that was ever able to pull up a three-peat that was useful kelly, about half a century ago. now, uconn will get their chance >> i love it relentless, relentless, and by the way, i can read lips that uconn student was saying, junk, good well done he was


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