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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 9, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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again, that's one hundred get >> cnn breaking news we're following breaking news into
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cnn moments ago, the parents of the oxford, michigan school shooter were sentenced to ten to 15 years in prison each. >> james and jennifer crumbley were both found guilty of four counts of involuntary manslaughter through their teenage son murdered four of his classmates back in 2021. >> and this is really a landmark case with the crumbleys being the first parents convicted and sentenced for a mass school shooting been committed by their child. today, we heard emotional impact statements from the families of the victims, the crumbleys also addressing the court cnn's jean casarez far as is joining us now for this gene, really emotional testimony from the family members of those victims today >> and this is the first time in this country ever that we have not only had charges and a conviction of homicide against the parents of a school shooter. but now a sentencing for the parents of a school shooter who didn't not pulled the trigger of a gun. prosecution argued today before the judge for sentencing that the continued gross negligence
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that but those smallest of decisions could have changed the course of this and they did nothing in regard to that. the defense trying to show that there was an independent act. it was there some that pose pulled the trigger, but it was those victim impact statements that the judge must consider and she did of what and how those lives have changed or the families of those four students >> all right. i think we're going to look at that in a second, but riana, the impact today or this sentence ten to 15 teen years, which means that at the end of ten years, they can go before parole board. they can possibly get parole 15 years would be the maximum, but they both spoken, begged for mercy for the court, but it just didn't i think stand in the way of those victim impact statements. this is madison baldwin's mother who created a timeline of what she was doing to find her daughter and how the crumbleys were just trying to locate that gun while you
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were hiding >> i was planning her funeral >> and why you >> were running away from your son and your responsibilities? >> i was forced to do the >> worst possible thing, apparent good. do i was forced as they goodbye to why madison >> they chose to ignore the warning signs >> and now as we've heard through all of the objections they continued to choose to blame everyone, but themselves hello, madison tate, and justin are the ones who have lost everything, not the defendants. >> judge. cheryl mash, matthews is the one that pronounced the sentence she has been the judge on both of these trial. she has been there from the beginning. she knows the case, knows this evidence, and she opened up her heart at the end saying that she had labored on this, that she had been up nights, that
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she had prayed about this. and of course, she wants it's rehabilitation for the defendants in this case, but she also wants and it's a criteria that is looked at it. sentencing is deterrence. so that others in this country, other parents, cannot believe that they can do similar acts as the crumbleys get away with it and allow these mass shootings to take place. >> it is undoubtedly a landmark case. jena was something james crumbley's said shortly before the sentencing when he had an opportunity to address the court and he specifically spoke to a loved one of someone, one of the teenagers that was killed at oxford high school referencing wanting to get to the truth and nothing but the truth. he was alluding to testimony that wasn't heard during this trial, a walk because through that and explain if there is a potential for an appeal based on his statements >> it's very interesting. it is a legal issue that i would think would be part of the appeals. ethan crumbley, is there son. he's serving now
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life in prison without any possibility of parole. he pleaded guilty to all of the counts of shooting those students and injuries thanks so many. the parents wanted him to testify in this trial because he had texted his friend during the middle of the night. the family never knew about these texts that he had continually with his friend saying i asked my dad from health and he laughed at me and he said, take a pill and just suck it up. well, after ethan was arrested, the jail psychiatrists had many sessions with him and determined, first of all, that he was not mentally ill, but he was competent in what he did. but also questioned him about that text to his friend we heard testimony from his jail psychiatrists in the miller hearing that he told his jail psychiatrists, i made that all up to my friend. i never asked my dad for help. never did they wanted that in the trial to counter what those texts were to that friend because they came in the parents had nothing
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to counter it with because the appellate attorney said no, ethan is not going to testify, is not going to relinquish this fifth amendment right. he has on his appeal to have life with the possibility of parole. and number two, those are medical records and we're not going to release that privilege. so you have nothing so there was nothing that could be countered for that text. and james crumbley, here's what's interesting. james crumbley did not testify. he has a constitutional right to not have to testify. the only way they could have countered it is for him to take the stand and to say he never asked me that but the fact is is there a constitutional issue there to force them on the stand? he didn't do it to actually rebut those texts >> very interesting, jean. thank you so much for that we do want to bring in tom hoyer, his 15 year-old son, luke was killed back in 2018 at marjorie stone min douglas high school in parkland, florida when 18 gunman killed 17 people and
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injured 17 others. here a board member and also a treasurer for the group stand with parkland tom, your reaction to today's sentencing and thank you so much for being with us. >> good afternoon >> i'm just saying this is an important step actually being game and all this is keep weapons at the hands of people, heard others, or hurt themselves. and we tend to focus on local law enforcement, fbi in school. parents have a role in this. we tend to talk about in terms of safe storage at home, but this family went way beyond that. they encourage their son to have a gun they were frivolous about his transgressions. and in the moment that they are in the office with him with a piece of paper showing that he was fantasizing about killing people with a gun. they chose not to tell anybody that he had access to a weapon and that's just on forgivable. and i think that just sets this apart from probably a lot of other cases.
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it might be floating around out there i think the right thing happened today. >> tom, i'm curious to get your response to how they approach this case because a different points they expressed varying degrees of remorse but, as jeane pointed out more often, they pointed the finger elsewhere. ultimately, what message do you think that sense >> thank and more an indication of what they are like purchased shirking are here. they were shirking it before and they certainly did after when they went on to run when it looked like they might get in trouble, they took off when there was a consequence for them this kind of a verdict my give people pause because they will know that there might be a consequence, consequence for them before something like this happens, before something like this happens they take some kind of an action even if it's protect themselves, which could wind up protecting others
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>> your robin, is that people will look at this and that it may prevent other shootings i do actually, i think it's a clear message that parents also have a role in keeping firearms out of the hands of >> children who just shouldn't have them. they're mentally disturbed and it will send a clear message that they can be held accountable and i think if they practice safe storage at home liability culpability probably wouldn't be there. but when you are as egregious as this family isn't just ignoring the signs and ignoring the transgressions and akshay encouraging the ownership of a weapon i think it will send a message to families like that, that there's a consequence. you got to step up and you gotta face reality. you gotta get your kid some help. >> tom, where we appreciate your time this afternoon. thank
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you so much for being with us >> we're, more news just in to cnn, donald trump's two latest request to postpone is hush money trial have been denied. so jury selection is now on track for monday in manhattan. and we've learned with the potential jurors are going to be asked. >> we have cnn's kaitlan plants and also paula reid here tracking all of this for us what else can we expect here in these last days before the trial? kaitlan, a lot of filings, a lot of decisions from the court the trial is set for monday and nothing. donald trump's team has tried in these last time couple days has enabled them to push back the case. we had to essentially emergency appeals saying, please pause the case. yesterday. this was the appeal yesterday because we want to see we can move it out of state. the appeals court came back within an hour or so and said no. and then today 20 minutes after an appeal was heard at when trump's team said, pause the case because
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there's a gag order on him. it's causing him irreparable harm as a criminal defendant, he can't speak about michael cohen's stormy daniels in the way he wants to and the appeals court came back very quickly. he said, no, we're not pausing the case on that too. there are other things that they are asking for to pause this case. they don't want to go to trial on monday but none of that has worked at this point >> i can anticipate that in a moment paul is going to tell us that the trump legal strategy has been to delay, delay, delay but before we get to that, kaitlyn, the jury questionnaire is interesting because they're not asking directly what political affiliation some of these potential jurors might have, but they are asking if they've been to trump rallies, if they support the proud boys or other sort of sedition iste groups walk us through the questionnaire. yeah, the judge really laid out his entire approach to how the jury is going to be selected whenever this begins on monday, they don't they won't be asked what their political party is. if they voted for trump they're
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planning on voting for trump. if they've even given political donations but they will be asked questions that can expose some sort of very strong bias are they people who have adhere, adhered themselves to extremist groups in politics in the before, the proud boys, the oath keepers, groups like that are they reading certain publications or any publications? where do you get your news from that will allow the attorneys to ask additional questions because at the end of the de the judge says, this isn't about whether you like or dislike donald trump. this is about can you find people for the jury who can set aside their biases and their feelings. look at the facts and the evidence and be impartial jurors. >> so interesting what they're asking him and what they're not asking them now, to the immunity claim that are headed for the supreme court. so huge as we await these, what does jack smith's filing tell us before the court is going to
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here this later this month. >> so the >> only thing that could really distract from the first criminal prosecution or former president would be the biggest case at the supreme court. this term. and that is going to be this question of immunity. and last night, jack smith, he asked the supreme court to reject trump's sweeping claim of immunity. he describes it as novel and asked the justices not who allowed trump to delay this any further. they said, look, the founders of this country did not envision a situation in which presidents are immune from criminal repercussions they said that is, that is unfounded. they said no one is above the law now, trump has argued that, well, if they're not, they should be because he's worried going forward, there could be retaliatory, politically retaliatory prosecutions. now that's something that has been rejected by the trial court and the appellate court. jack smith wants the justices to reject it as well >> so walk us through the permutations of what a supreme court decision might look like. there's a few different scenarios yeah, there are a look even if even people on trump's legal team, they're not expecting that he's going
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to win out right on this this issue of immunity. >> but >> they've also given the justices of possible off-ramp. they've said but always throw this back down to the lower courts for further proceedings that contemplate maybe some form of limited immunity that would be a win for trump because it would of course delay but again, we don't expect a decision on this since it's the biggest case of the term, we expect that we won't get the decision until late june. that leaves only about four months once before the election to go forward with this trial, assuming that's what the justices are going to allow. the justice department has said they are open to doing this in the months before the election, the judge appears willing to move pretty quickly, but you have to give lawyers time. to prepare. and the supreme court has made jackson this life difficult. he asked them months ago to take up this issue and just decide it once and for all, they declined to do that, they let it go to the appeals court. now they have it likely won't decide it by the end of the term that in and of itself really helping trump because it helped him to boras to lay, to lay we need yeah,
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those key chains or something. we use it a lot >> we've got a whole room. they just furnished the butter courts paula, thank you so much, caitlin thank you. as well. we appreciate it. >> still plenty more news to come on. new central, the arizona supreme court, just ruling on the future of abortion access in that state reading through that decision, as we speak, standby for that, plus the fbi says, it arrested in 18 before he can carry out an isis aspire to attack the details on this alleged plot coming up, and the us is top diplomat says, israel has not yet shared when it plans to invade rafah as prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, no force can stop him from doing so >> there's debris in this guy husbands and, wives gone. >> i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two
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completely transformed from my skin. >> how it really happens. >> sunday, april 28 and nine on cnn >> alleged terror plot foiled in idaho and 18-year-old is accused of pledging his allegiance let's do isis and planning to attack churches on the group's behalf. >> all the department of justice says that the plot involved knives, guns, and fire. cnn, zach cohen join just now what the details zach, this man was arrested one day before he planned to carry out the attack. yeah. >> essentially, a >> teenager, alexander ricardo, was planning to go on this killing spree on april 7th. he was taken into custody by the fbi on april 6th, and the reason is they had intelligence and they had indications that he was going to go around two, 20 some churches in his hometown and idaho and use guns, use machetes, use various different weapons that he could conjure up and tried to kill as many people as possible before he self was killed. and look, we've seen this formula play out before in the past with these terror plots, some
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successful, some not. but this one is different because makari oh, is one so young. and two, because the fbi alleges that he was talking to people online too. people he thought could help him join isis overseas for a span of two years before he ultimately had this and started to there are indications that he was planning to take online violent and violent rhetoric into the real-world. so he's in custody now. he's waiting for his first-quarter appearance. but if this is 20 years in federal prison, how did they uncover this? it briana, this case goes back to 2022 when makari was online, a confidential source who was working for the fbi unbeknownst in regard was approached online and in one of these chat rooms. and riccardo started talking about his support for isis views and kind of voicing this willingness and desire to join the group. and so over the course of two years, you've seen this evolution. you can see it in the court filings of this bowl wait teenager developing more and more radical viewpoints and there's these messages that prosecutors
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point to specific way when things really reached ahead and that's when he was arrested over the weekend when he's message says mercari, i was telling a confidential source the guys were saying, quote, the plan is basically this equipped to weapons and storm the temple kill is many people's possible before they inevitably disbursed scatter, then burn the temple to the ground, flee the scene that move onto the next church, rinse and repeat for all 21 plus churches in the town until killed. that was on march 25th and 26 let me mcar you send that message to the confidential fbi source. there was another one says i'm doing the weapons research now, researchers, resources should not be hard to find. the weapons or something. a hot in my room and design them to be easy to conceal on a jacket. so after seeing these messages from the confidential source, the fbi secured a search warrant for his family home. they found many of these similar items, including being a butane fuel accelerants if found guns, they found a machete that led to the arrest. so ultimately, a long saga, but two years in the making and really a foil plot. as far as the fbi's and clearly a sign
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that even about a decade after it first drew so much interest in so many young people from around the world to commit horrible acts. isis is still out there engaging this way. is that cohen thanks so much for the reporting. >> and it still had this >> hour on cnn news central, actually, yeah, it's big breaking news that we're following the arizona supreme court just ruled on the future of abortion access in the state. what we're learning about that decision just moments away, stay with cnn >> sunday and ninth of speech first on the whole story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope are we alone >> followed by the two part finale of space shuttle columbia, both final with sunday starting at eight on see everywhere, but the seat the seat is 11. now and they get a you love your bike. we didn't do. that's. why we're americans number what motorcycle insurer, the d have to wedge it and everything. will do that >> reminds me of my blank >> the >> wolf was about the size of
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>> cnn breaking news and this is big breaking news just into cnn, the arizona supreme court just issued a major ruling on the future of abortion access in that state. >> natasha can is going through the court's opinion right now. natasha, walk us through this ruling >> yeah. this is a 47 page decision. and right now our teams are going through all of that language. but the bottom line here is that arizona must adhere to a an abortion ban. nearly all abortion chun's banned, except in the case of saving the life of the mother. and this law dates back to the civil war before arizona was even a state. there has been a lot of confusion back-and-forth in arizona on which state law applies here, because right before roe versus wade was overturned state had instituted a 15 week abortion ban. so there had been pauses to abortions in the state and then
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resumption of that and pause again. all in hopes that the state supreme court could offer some clarity here. and today, this is what the court has said. that the state must adhere to this 120 three-year-old law banning near all abortions. now the text of that law says that there is also a punishment for providers of the abortion between two and five years in prison. obviously, a lot of strong reactions right now coming in including from the state's governor or katie hobbs. let's take a listen >> now. i'm going to hand it over to representative style hamilton. >> thank you. >> morning. thank you. >> so you're hearing from various different officials there who are all reacting to this court decision. they heard opening arguments last december the important things to note here. so far that we've gleaned from the this document, is that no one who provided an
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abortion prior to this ruling today will be subject to the penalty. and that there's a stay on this decision for 14 calendar days, so two weeks out the arizona attorney general tweeted today that this is unconscionable and in front of freedom and said, make no mistake, that the court has risked the health and lives of arizonans. you can see that tweet right there on the screen. there's a lot more to that statement. again, this is a long twisted path to get to this moment. and at the same time there is a group trying to gather signatures to enshrine abortion rights in the state's constitution. they are gathering those signatures and a hope that they can put this to voters, boris briana. >> yeah. i mean that in that is there hope talk about the future of this issue because this obviously may not be the last word >> and it seems that the state,
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as well as some other states that we've seen have gone through this back-and-forth twisted path since roe versus wade was overturned since 2022, since that moment, there have been nearly, i think a couple of dozen states who have severely restricted or banned nearly all abortions. and so this is something that not just arizonans are dealing with. there are also multiple states doing what they're doing here, at least from a citizen standpoint of trying to gather signatures to make it part of the states constitution. so as of right now, as we are still reading through this 47 page document again, we understand that within two weeks or two weeks out from today that the state must adhere to this law from really civil war era before arizona became a state in 1912 and again this is a ban on nearly all abortions except in the instance of saving the
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life of the mother carrying a possible penalty here of two to five years prison time for those providing the abortions >> natasha chin with the latest there. thank you so much for that. let's discuss this further now. with defense and trial attorney misty marris misty obviously, this is something that activists are going to try to take to the ballot. so we will see where that will go. but in the interim what you are going to see, it appears after two weeks here is no more abortions with only an exception for the life of a mother in arizona. talk to us a little bit about what that is going to look like, considering there has been a lot of confusion around that, it seems clear on paper the life of the mother, it's not so clear. we know that in other states, it is actually caused
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some women who had wanted pregnancy these the possibility of being able to have future pregnancies >> absolutely. so first of all, i'm sitting here, you're trying to figure out how a court found that an 18, 64 law supersedes a 2022 law regarding abortion, but i've read reading through the decision and i've read the court's rationale, but to flip to what you're speaking about 14 days for complete upheaval of the medical industry of of any woman who is having any kind of treatment or it was seeking treatment. that's not too much time. hi, i'm and to your point about what does it mean to save the life of a mother? you nailed it. it has not been clear what that means from the legal perspective, as there's been confusion between which law applies in the state of arizona, which was the precipice for this case. the question is what is a
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lifesaving measure? or how far does that have to be? is it truly that someone is at death's door or is it a condition that could impact the mother's life that qualifies under the statute. so all of that has to be hashed out. as far as what happens immediately, the governor had actually gotten ahead of this and there is an executive order that says that the attorney general is responsible well, for enforcing this statute, for enforcing this decision, and the attorney general has said, and i imagine we're going to hear from that today that they're not going to move forward with enforcement, though that leads to a lot of other legal issues and challenges from local prosecutors. so this is a thorny road ahead with a lot more or legal lot more legal issues that are going to come. >> you can bet that there's already a lawsuit being crafted against the attorney general for the claim that they won't enforce this. misty, i want to dissect the rank hi chanel here is, as you were describing it, for this decision, the supreme court of the state of arizona
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apparently is saying that they are constitutionally obligated two go by the legislature's judgment, which is accountable to in their words, the will of citizens. they're effectively arguing and i quote that to date, our legislature is never affirmatively created a right to or independently authorized elective abortion. essentially, what they're saying is that the legislature has never enshrined abortion as a right miss state constitution and therefore, they have to revert to what's on the books and what's on the books is this hundred and 20 plus year-old law is that basically what they're saying? >> yeah. let's take it step-by-step. so here's what happened in 2022. there was a law passed in arizona relating to a 15-week gestational period. so we have 15 week ban. obviously, that is a more expansive right than this 18, 64 law which says abortions we're essentially illegal with the exception of when the
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mother's life is at stake because that 2022 law was predicated on roe v. wade. the right to an abortion was predicated on roe v. wade, and therefore, the 2022 loss stood without roe v. wade. there is no independent right either in the state of arizona or in federal the federal law that would serve as the basis for what arizona did in 2022. therefore, it's gone. >> and so >> the 18th 64 law, which was always on the books, but was essentially just inactive and stayed because roe v. wade provided that right constitutionally is now any effect and that there's nothing on the books in arizona or the federal law that says it couldn't be in effect. there's nothing to negate it. and so since it existed, it's simply back into effect at this point. so that is the logic of the court, and that's why they say it's supersedes what they did in 2022 as a state which to
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me sounded like 2022. well, that would be the will of the people. >> but because that >> was contingent on roe v. wade, they said, nope, back to 18, 64 very interesting and clear. thank you, ms d for that. if you could stand by for us because actually, governor katie hobbs in arizona, they're just reacting to this ruling. let's listen to what she said >> we don't need to call a special session to legislature is in session right now, and they can do this right now. they can do it today. and they should, they should listen to their constituents nine out of ten arizona to support access to abortion and do the right thing so that we are not living under the confusion and chaos and lack of access to health care that's needed as you heard from this two stories they can do it right now. >> all right. there you here at governor hobbs saying they don't need to call a special session, the legislature is
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already in session and could clear this up but obviously, that is very much in question. >> misty marris. thank you so much for being with us. obviously, a lot of breaking news here too. they is the arizona supreme court has said that the state has to go all the way back to this law 123 years old. but actually even older in its original formation all the way back the civil war, that makes abortion completely illegal only with an exception for the life of the mother. >> no doubt this is going to the have electoral consequences because there's this group trying to put abortion rights on the ballot in arizona, a state we have to mention that could be critical for either former president trump current president joe biden, to get to the white house just became much more motivating, certainly for biden voters. that is very clear yeah, a lot of news to cover on new central, including israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that he has set a date to invade rafah inside gaza were million and a
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half people are effectively sheltering in place. he says, no force can stop him. now, we're going to break down what we know about his plans there's a new ally in the fight against climate change. this >> is new car business >> blue carbon against me to protect nature the breast been carbon. >> let's see an infill sunday, april 21 at nine >> skin craving next level hydration, new neutrogena hydro boost, water cream, of vital boost of nine times more hydration could boost her skin's barrier for quenched, dewey sand, that's full of life. neutrogena hydro boost if you're moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks juice dilara from let's start and move toward relief. after the first dose with injections every two months >> stelara may increase your
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consultation. again, that's 1807123800 >> how many raj on capitol hill. >> and this is cnn new developments. now, in the police shooting and death of a 26 year-old black man named dexter read and chicago authorities have just released police body cam video of the incident which happened last month. >> and according to preliminary information here, there were five officers assigned to a tactical unit pulling over reads suv in a traffics jobs chicago police superintendent says, after the initial traffic stop, there was an exchange of gunfire than ensued and the offender in the incident was
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struck and gunfire by hey, officers. cnn's nick watt is following this forest. that is the written description. nick now we have the video. it is a whole lot different. tell us what's in it? >> well, brown, i mean, as the mayor said, this is deeply disturbing video. what we see is a traffic stop around 6:00 p.m. march 21, one young black man driving a car is pulled over by an unmarked police car in that car, five not on uniformed officers. they currently stopped extra read because he wasn't wearing his seat belt. >> they got out of >> the car, guns drawn. now, the context here is chicago has had problems with this kind of stop in the past. this kind of police action the quantum mcdonald, a black teenager, shot dead nearly ten years ago and chicago in that brought in a whole raft of chess ages. the police department was accused of excessive force. there were changes, there was a new body put in place. the citizens office of police
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accountability. that's the body that released this video. so we're about to show you this. it is disturbing. we pick up the video as those officers are getting out of there. vehicle >> rather wanted roll the window down what are you doing >> that role? that one down to >> don't run the window. >> the window okay do not roll the window light >> the doors locked the doors lock the door
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>> so. a police officer who was standing on the passenger side of the vehicle was shot, apparently by dexter read >> and then >> officers four officers far 96 rounds at this young man within a 41 second time span. dexter reads weapon, what's believed to be as weapon was found on the passenger seat. and in that video, you see he gets out of the car, police continue shooting as he's gotten out of the car. and even as he's lying on the ground
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behind that vehicle, the officer who was hit, he was hit in the wrist. he is going to be fine. listen, the mayor said you can never condone shooting a police officer, but we're going to investigate this fully so the investigation goes on. they're not gonna give us many more details. also key detail here is why we're five on armed tactical officers in an unmarked car pulling over a young man in his seat belt on uniform. uniform. i'm sorry. yes. >> so they're in plain clothes is what you're saying? >> correct? correct. >> so there why are they >> pulling over a guy and they pull over dexter read. and so that's really one of the outstanding questions. i have a question listen, we're just getting this video, write it, are they identifying themselves? is it clear what is happening here? i mean, do we have a sense of that nick, are those questions answered at this point?
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>> well, what part of the problem with this video is there is no audio until they get out of the car, so we don't have the context of why they decided to pull this guy over on, the video that i've seen, i have not heard them identify themselves as police officers. i cannot say categorically that they did not, but they are immediately in a fairly aggressive posture with him they are cursing at them. they are ordering him and as we just heard, his own sister say, he must have been very frightened at the time. he's a single guy in a car and five people, five armed people? get out of an unmarked vehicle and surround him. so his sister says anyone would be scared in that situation. so as i say, that is one of the answers that we just do not have. and of course, the other focus of this is it's gonna be why officers continued to shoot. once, really the threat had been some would say neutralized once this young man was walking out of the car. so that is going to be
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another question. as i said, gun was found on the passenger seat, but you hear the officers saying, as he's lying on the ground, wears his gun where it has gotten too. they don't know that he's left that weapon in there. now, also, copa as i mentioned, that organization, they saved from their initial investigation, it appears to confirm that mr. reid fired first, so he fired on the police first, then this barrage of 96 rounds aimed at him >> wow, i'd nick still so many questions here on nick watt. thank you. for that. will continue to be asking more questions about what happened in that video. and we'll be right back >> laura coates, live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn like this. well, you want to get back. i'm back let's go >> yeah, i'm breanna. wow wow.
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mesobook our firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelial, call us now today, vice president kamala harris is meeting privately with american families whose loved ones were taken hostage by hamas. they're meeting is happening after israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced that he has set a date to begin military operations in rafah. were about 1,000,000.5 palestinians are now sheltering the us, uk, and many other nations have opposed israel's plan for an incursion. there but today, prime minister benjamin netanyahu vowed there is no force that will stop him from pushing forward. listen >> i know whom we will complete the elimination of the hamas battalions including in rafah there is no force in the world that will stop us. many forces
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are trying to do this, but it will not help because this enemy, after what it has done, will not do it again it will cease to exist >> we want to go now live to jerusalem with cnn's jeremy diamond and jeremy the backdrop for this is that the cia director has now tried to reengineer another proposal to get hamas to agree to the release of hostages from gaza yeah that's right boris. >> and look >> israel appears to be on board with this latest proposal we just heard moments ago from secretary blinken, who said that the ball is now in hamas is chord and we know that there are an enormous efforts being brought, including by some of those mediators, the cutters and the egyptians to bring pressure to bear on hamas for the moment, we know that this latest proposal would see about 900 palestinian prisoners released in exchange for 40 israeli hostages. but hamas and its latest statement earlier this morning saying that israel
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is still not meeting their demands and that's because beyond this issue of the ratio of palestinian prisoners, we know the two of the main sticking points in these negotiations are on the one hand, the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza and on the other, the return of palestinians from southern gaza to be able to return to their homes in northern gaza. and on that front, israel has moved considerably over the quarter for the last few weeks, but it is still not in a position to allow the kind of unfettered access that hamas is pushing for two northern gaza. and so amid all of this, israel's security cabinet tonight set to meet to discuss the latest status of those negotiations. and we know that what is also being discussed is a potential ground offensive into rafah, the israeli prime minister in recent days it's doubling down on that offensive despite concerns expressed by the united states and others, other israeli allies. so we know that this is being discussed, that the israeli prime minister says it's happening, even says a date has been set, but we don't know yet what that is. force jeremy diamond life force
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in jerusalem. thank you so much, jeremy we are following breaking news in arizona. the supreme court, their ruling the state must adhere to a more than one hundred and 20 year-old law that bans nearly all abortions. the impact reaction when we come back there's debris and this guy, parents, husbands and wives gone. >> wish i could've done something differently. you can just make us make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight two part finale, sunday at nine on from tried and true to try something new so many ways to save life ready wallet, happy. that's 3605 by whole foods market. >> hello ghostbusters. >> it's duck. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual >> the situation sure. i can do
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