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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 10, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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watching this iran is watching this north korea is watching this. even if you think china's are more important threat than russia. and right now, i think russia is the key threat that we face. but even if you think it's china, china will draw a lesson. if we can push back putin, deliver a win for ukraine, deliver a just peace show that nato is strong, show the united states is strong that will send the clearest possible message to president xi and to china not to take risks in the pacific. >> let me quickly ask about israel president biden just told univision about israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, quote, i think what he is doing is a mistake i don't agree with this approach. what do you think that netanyahu was doing? that is a mistake >> well, i think where i completely agree with president biden is we need a pause in the fighting and he has quite rightly pressing netanyahu as i've done many times, let's have a pause i suggest it for
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ramadan, but let's have a pause so we can get the aid in and get the hostages out. and i think that's absolutely crucial. that's long been britain's position. let's have a pause and then use that to try and build momentum for a genuine, sustainable ceasefire where we get hamas leaders out of gaza, we dismantle the terrorist infrastructure and we don't go back fighting. we want to see an end to this bloodshed, but we do have to support israel's right to self-defense and right to live in a future without a hamas-run state right next to it as very important part of the picture foreign. secretary lord david cameron, we appreciate your time. thank you so much for being with us this morning >> thank you, john. >> we have got new developments on a key ally to donald trump, a new our of cnn news central starts right now heading back to prison this >> time for lunch lying under oath today, donald trump's former cfo will learn how much time he will spend behind bars.
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a law written before arizona was even a state law all written before women could even invoked a civil war-era abortion law will soon take effect now, in arizona, the governor calls it a stain on the state. what she's planning to do about it now and congresswoman marjorie marjorie taylor greene says she's gaining support nar effort to oust house speaker mike johnson. why then are some of her republican colleagues throwing up their hands in disgust? i'm kate bald and my john berman, sarah, is out today. this is cnn news central >> this morning, we are standing by for the sentencing of one a doll trump's moos law foil allies, alan weisselberg, the former cfo for the trump organization, basis five months in jail on perjury charges. he's already served time at riker's in new york for taxes evasion. this time weisselberg admitted to lying under oath. the prosecutors about the value
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of trump's triplex at trump tower. this is all related to trump's civil fraud trial, but weisselberg is also a central we'll figure in trump's hush money criminal trial court filing show. he was involved in the payment to stormy daniels and that reimbursement of michael cohen has now we is not expected to testify either side in that case in that trial is expected to start on monday, seen as katelyn polantz is with us on this sentencing today for a guy who is literally serve time for donald trump he has indeed, and prosecutors are now going to be recommending a jail sentence of up to five >> months in jail for alan weisselberg. that's what his sentence was the last time he can through a guilty plea related to some of his business dealings before it was tax fraud. >> this >> time, it is perjury three >> he >> pleaded guilty previously, two two felony counts of lying during a deposition where he was under oath, he was speaking
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to the new york attorney general's office in that deposition about the values of trump's properties >> he was >> asked about when he knew and when he are conversations with donald trump about the size of a triplex apartment, trump had and he lied at that time, there was a discussion that the new york attorney general's office unveiled where alan weisselberg knew that the triplex apartment was 10,000 square feet instead of the 30,000 square feet that they were telling banks and other financial institutions. so that they could inflate the value of the trump organization assets. so that's what this is about today. the sentencing, the big picture here though, is that while prosecutors have been able to secure to convictions, of alan weisselberg, the cfo, the former cfo of trump org. he is not someone that has flipped on donald trump in any substantive way. he's not going to be expected to testify at this upcoming hush money case
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against donald trump in criminal court. he did testify at the civil fraud trial against trump, but at that time, he made it the same false statements that he is pleading guilty to today. >> interesting, serving time, but a dead end as far as prosecutions go, at this point, i caitlin, there was also a development in the federal mar-a-lago documents case involving witnesses. what happened there? >> in that case, we are starting to see judge aileen cannon take steps forward to make rulings. there are so many things that had been before her that she just hadn't broken the logjam on and now one of those things she decided finally, after a lot of consideration, arguments multiple rounds of briefings in court, she decided that witness names will be redacted in some of the court filings where donald trump's team is arguing for things before the trial, expanding prosecution team, some other motions that they've filed. so there is gonna be a little bit
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more transparency in this case because those filings because we weren't seeing in a lot of contacts, there will be redactions so that witness names will be protected obviously, john in this mar-a-lago documents case, several witnesses are people. we've never really heard of in the public domain before. their low-level workers at mar-a-lago. so their names are going to be anonymized in court papers. they're going to be referred to by pseudonyms going forward. but finally, at least in the big picture of this case, we're getting at least one ruling from judge aileen cannon, still again, no trial date though which we've been saying since the beginning of march. indeed. >> all right. watching that still waiting as it were, kaitlan ball is thank you very much >> so abortion was already a central issue for voters this november. and then arizona happened. the state supreme court there dusting off. i want hundred year-old abortion ban. there's a new effort to get abortion on the ballot in arizona in light of this, and the initiative securing reproductive rights could be on
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the ballot in 11 states. this election, including florida, that is where donald trump will be campaigning today, as well as campaigning in georgia. cnn's alayna treene is much more. she's joining us now. >> quite >> the timing on this. donald trump declares his stance, if you will, on abortion and then arizona >> it's truly remarkable the timing of this. kate, i know one of our colleagues is saying, did it come with confetti for the democrats? this is really something that i think is a prime example of how, what donald trump was trying to do with that abortion statement on monday when he said that he believes it should be left to the states he wanted to try and make it a non-issue ahead of the election. this is what trump's campaign advisers tell me is going to be donald trump's position on abortion in the lead up to november. however, it's still is giving democrats a lot of fodder to blame him for these very strict abortion laws. and i think the timing of it at this coming the day after he made that
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statement just really shows you how hard this is going to be for donald trump's team to navigate. however, when i talked to his campaign yesterday, when i spoke with his advisers, they insisted that they believed that this is still the right move forward, even though donald trump had been repeatedly pressured in recent months and really over the past year now to embrace a national ban, many people trying to get him to baqa 15 week abortion ban. he obviously chose not to do so because mainly i think the politics of it, you saw him both publicly and privately argue that this is about winning latch elections. he said as much this morning actually when he was attacking his former vice president mike pence four criticizing him on his statement. and so i do just want to quickly read for you how the trump campaign responded, at least publicly to the arizona ruling. i had spokesperson said, quote, president trump could not have it's been more clear. these are decisions for people of each state to make so clearly,
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kate, they're not backing away from this and then you did mention his fundraising blitz this week? yes, he is going to be in georgia today as well as florida and georgia. he's actually being joined by former senators david perdue and kelly lafleur and they have a very high price for to attend that fundraiser several thousands of dollars, some hundreds of thousands of dollars to attend that fundraiser today and then tonight he'll be in florida also trying to raise money and look, this is what we have seen donald trump really focus on ever since he one on super tuesday, he's really trying to knit arrow that fundraising and gap with president joe biden's campaign. and he still has a long way to go, but these fundraisers are his effort to try and get as much money he can in the bank as he begins his general election campaign in earnest >> yeah, definitely. it's from the focus to this for sure. it's good to see you later. thank you. john right? we do have some breaking news hamas now indicating it does not have an cannot find the 40 israeli
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hostages that would be central to the ceasefire talks that israel's requested. the return of 40 hostages. hamas i says, they can't find 40. this is an important development. we will give you the latest on that and this morning, people trapped in flash floods set off by severe storms also a boeing whistleblower claims the company took shortcuts on to jets and the shortcuts could be catastrophic >> there's debris in this guy parents, husbands and wives gone >> wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final in all flight two part finale, sunday at nine on seat, making the switch to body was one of the best decisions that we made a company built for you from work, right now, get a free
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granger for the ones who get it done. >> i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles and this is cnn >> all right. this morning, a civil war-era abortion law in
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arizona is on hold, but very debate over abortion right, e supreme cot in the state of arizona donor allowed f thisaw to go throughhat ns nearly all abortions in the stat as we said, this dates from the 1800s. it is a very, very old law. it will go into effect in less a lower court somehow overturns it but if it is upheld, it would join 14 states with similar measures seen as the taka chen is all over this a near total ban in this state. natasha yeah, john, this is a huge impact on arizonans and it has ripple effects throughout the country as you're seeing on that map, there the reason there's a 14 day stay is if for the parties involved to bring up any additional issues if they want to debate that, but really everyone in the sphere of
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providing i didn't abortion services and the state is prepared that in about two weeks, this is going to take effect. now, this means that nearly all abortions are banned except for the case of needing to save the life of the mother. and it can hold a prison sentence of between two to five years for the provider of that abortion keep in mind there was a 2022 state law that was passed. it was a 15 week abortion ban and that's why the supreme court in arizona needed to harmonize, so to speak, between these two conflicting laws. and so yesterday, this ruling was saying that the state has to adhere to this older one this was very emotional for a lot of people taking this news in, including a state senator, ever brc, who explained during a press conference yesterday that she herself got an abortion just a few weeks ago because she found out that her embryo was not going to be viable, that it was going to result in a painful,
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messy miscarriage. and she got the procedure to avoid that pain. here's what she said >> somebody gave me >> a procedure so that i wouldn't have to experience another miscarriage the pain, the mess, the discomfort and now we're talking about whether or not we should put that doctor in jail this is outrageous that we would even dignify the consideration of this type of ban a-band drafted when women had no say when arizona was not a state >> there's a group now >> gathering signatures in hopes of putting something on the november ballot that would enshrine abortion rights in the state's constitution. that group says they have enough signatures at this point, they have until july 3rd to collect enough verified signatures. if
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they do, that goes to the november ballot and you can imagine how that might affect the presidential election. and they're senate election john >> all right. a lot of questions about what happens next in arizona. what happens to women in arizona who want that? hi to procedure. it will be fascinating and painful for a lot of people to wash natasha. thank you very much. okay. >> we are following breaking news, a potentially huge blow to ceasefire negotiations. hamas is no indicating it cannot find 40 of the israeli hostages we're going to have more detailed thing according to sources >> also this, the lord jesus himself could not manage this conference. that's one way that house republicans wilkins are now describing the battle within republican party in the house over house, over the house speaker, and whether he can keep his job king charles starts now. is now >> gayle king and charles
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barkley are shaking things up on cnn. there's an honor he here with two legends tackling trending topics, wires, >> president biden losing so much of the black community. >> good point. neil. >> first of all, does not good for them only way they know how do you make a comment about the warriors last night, i don't believe everything you read on the internet and they want to hear from you because you're caught me a minute. >> he doesn't bite. i king charles to 90 point cnn. >> i'm you're overly competitive, brother array for a rematch game on >> i've been practicing for the cello going to lower the hoop wow what do you tell me? uh, yeah >> fell grow. pick, a. free shot go ahead. >> sure >> get all state. save money. >> i'd be protected from >> mayhem like me >> laundry, mom. weight, tea fani kids home you know what's brilliant, boring. think about it.
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outlines of the hostage negotiations that it will be done in three phases. and the first phase there has been discussed for several months now, is that hamas would handover the children, the women, all the women, and the elderly men. and by the counting that cnn has an apparently hamas is coming to a similar conclusion they have only two children. the bieber's provers ariel and kfir very young. their mothers also believed still to be held. there are 13 women that are still held. they would have been due to be released as well, and 11 men in the age range of 65 to 85, that by our record it comes up with a figure of 26 so this is a potential and real stumbling block in the negotiations because what isn't clear is hamas being unwilling or is it just unable to come forward with 40 names? could it suggest? >> other
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>> people, perhaps menn, a slightly younger age, was also supposed to include people who are sick perhaps some of those others remaining on the list. there are also sick and could be released. what we do know is that the majority 100 or so hostages that hamas still has are men, many of them from the idf, others sort of, of military age, of reservist, age. >> so this >> is, this is something that could really make moving forward with a ceasefire around the hostage negotiation difficult. and this is something president biden told univision over the weekend. he wants that ceasefire i think quidditch join his mistake. i don't agree with his approach. i think it's outrageous that those four three vehicles were hit biden towns and taken out on a highway where it wasn't like it was along the shore, wasn't like there was a convoy
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moving or cetera so i would i call it for is for the israelis to just call for a ceasefire allow for the next six, eight weeks. total access to all food and medicine going into the country so what biden was saying there at the beginning was of course, that he was critical of prime minister benjamin netanyahu's approach. and it is that approach that is determined where we're at today and where there is a standoff over the release of the hostages, something president biden really wants to see happen >> and all of this and with what hamas is now apparently indicating raising fears once again, that made more of the hostages are dead nick, thank you so much, john >> all right. we are standing by for brand new data on inflation minutes from now, what summer? calling the most important economic release of the year in a new investigation
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>> start your day with nature make the number one pharmacy recommended vitamin supplement brand >> feeling from a backed up god mirror lacks works naturally with the water in your body to help you go for your gut and your mood will follow for eight grams of fiber and try mirror fiber gummies. >> the lead with jake tapper today at four and cnn this morning the winningest coach in college basketball history calling it a career stanford women's basketball coach >> tara vanderveer, lead stanford three national titles in her 38 seasons. she is already in the hall of fame and she was named national coach of the year five times >> so we're this morning, that's stand prices are about to increase the us postal service file. so notice that it plans to raise the cost of the
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first-class for stamps from $0.68, two 73 he said stamp prices are up 36% since 2019. postal service said the increase is needed to quote, achieved financial stability. interesting arbitrage if you have for the, by the forever stamps a few years ago, they're worth a lot more now this morning, president biden and the first lady will officially welcome the japanese prime minister, his wife to the white house and a formal arrivals ceremony. the president fumio kishida will then meet one-on-one to talk about several topics including military alliance and space collaboration tonight, there will be a force state dinner the bidens are expected to highlight both american and japanese cultures during the visit, including a presentation of cherry trees and the cusick of paul simon. because what's a e dinner more than the muc paul simon >> republican ngresswoman marjorie taylor greene suggesting now tcnn the donald trump is not waving her off her effort to oust repuan house speaker mike gaining support among she's
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republic colleagues on the hill >> jusas >> cnn also, here's from some of those republican colleagues fuming about what she's doing cnn'lauren fox tracking this one for us floor. and where is this headed day? >> yeah. i mean, we ju don't kn is threality marjorie taylor ge holding this threat of ousting speaker ke johnsoover his head as he tries to actually govern in the weeks ahead, this week, the house of representatives is considering a mease to reform, but also keep in pt pieces of section 702 of the federal intelligence surveillan act that is becoming a major headache for him as republica and conservatives, including marjorie taylor greene, real agait his steps that he is taking to try to move that legislation. he also is eyeing going to do onkraine. he has is not ruled out a plan. he is not said specifically what he's going to do housrepublicans
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aren't going to meet behind closed doors thirning at 9:00 a.m. where you can expect that a of these issues are going to come to a head meanwhile, republicans frustrat with their colleague marjorie taylogreene sayg that she is not heintheir pay inhis moment. here they are >> it's an impossible job. the lord jesus hlf could not manageis conference. othis kind of, you just can't do it. >> i think mike johnson has a great human >> he esn't lie like the last guy >> i think people don't like to function so that'not good for our side. and with the one seat majoritdoes oy ke a couple of people to create dysfuncti. >> i think speaker johnsons working his guts out doing the best he can with a l of fel cats a you hear their, the frustration that a lot of republicans have and the reality that mike johnson has just a >> two-seat majority, which means anything that he brings to the floor, it's contentious.
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any potential rule or procedural vote he brings to the floor is contentious and he's doing all of thiwhile managing that threat. from marjorie taylor greene that remains unclear exactly what she's going to do ne. >> okay. >> yeah. >> lauren, the house is now delaying divering the articl of impeachment against the dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas to the senate. >> why? >> yeah, a lot of house republicans saying that this came at the urging of senate republicans who wanted more time to try to make the case, to senate democrats that they should have a full trial against mayorkas. now, likely this is not going change anything you're just delaying what a lot of people view as a net avoidable. the fact th democrats are likely to table this, meaninthey're going to dismiss itery quickly. but right now, republicans, conservative senators specifically h been urging behind the scenes mike johnson to delayhis. he made that decision that they are going to wait to send these articles of
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impeacent to the senate until next week. >> get doggylet three, what happens today? it's good to zillow and thank you smuch, john >> all right. with us now, a cnn political commentator, errol louis. sir, i'so gd you' here. listen, punchbowl sums it up very succinly on the fate of housspeakemike johnson, punchbowl says it's clear now the louisiana republican has a very stark choice in front of him. pass a ukraine aid bill, or remain speaker >> i mean, this is what john f. kennedy called profiles in courage. >> well, that's right. >> and >> it remains to be seen even if he does, what will be necessary to keep themselves in office >> what will it be >> worth at this point if there's gonna be another showdown next week and the week after, and the week after it turns out that congress doesn't function very well with a one vote majority of functional one or two vote majority, it leads to dysfunction. it leads to the kinds of stunts that you see marjorie you tell agreed a polling and it leads to in this case disastrously bad policy in
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the form of a choice that could really harm the western alliance, the security interests of the united states as well as the ability to govern the house of representative know the fate of europe hangs in the balance of is one man, it seems in many ways, i want to ask you about what arizona did mday donald trump's comes up with a statement that says he thinks abortionuld be left upo the state's tuesday, the state of arizona, the supreme court there says, okay 1800s we're gointo allow thibill from the 1800s, this law that bans almost all abortions to go through the timing there is, i imagine not what donald trump expected >> and that's not only left to the states, left to the territories in this case, right? becse we're talking about law that predates union in 1912 look, you've got rit and you' got him saying, let's leave it to the states politically, it sounds reasonable, but that's always been the whole question. the whole question has been fr day one, from 1973, fr roe
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versus wade, is there a constitutional right that goes beyond the sometimes very narrow strict that will be put one women by, by individual states, and 1800s and the 1,800 and territory's right. so here we are. and it is going to work terribly badly for donald trump in the republicans because in florida and now in arizona, two very important swing battleground states with tons of upwards of 40 electoral votes at stake. their out of 270 total, you've got questions on the ballot that we know. we've seen over the last two here's bring out independence, bring out republicans, bring out democrats in big, big numbers he's got a tiger by the tail that he can't control >> abortion will literally be on the ballot likely in those two states, i want to read you a quote that politico has this morning for moncler and they apparently obtained some audio of raw unclean the former chief of staff of president biden. he's talking about what he thinks president and biden should be doing. it is real luck campaign. >> the quote >> says, i think the president
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is out there too much talking about bridges. he does two or three events a week where he's cutting a ribbon, honor bridge. and here's a bridge, like i tell you, if you go into the grocery store, you go to the grocery store and, you know, eggs and milks are expensive the fact that there is an epic bridge is not dot, dot, dot, dot. the implication there is something david axelrod has said as well as he's talking too much about these bridges and infrastructure and not as much about what people are actually feeling when they go to the grocery store well, i would not want to challenge the political acumen of somebody like ron claim. on the other hand, look, i think if you talk to people in wisconsin, you talked to steel workers in ohio, you talked get people when the auto industry i think people are very much interested in their jobs, the future of their industry, and whether or not infrastructure is going to get built the collapse of that bridge in baltimore. i don't think people were talking about eggs the next day. you know, ises othe president has decided not only to comm a big part of his, his reelection campaign to that issue, he's actually the committed $1 worth happen when it comes to g it
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inflation, the question is not just arehings morexpensive at the store, it's whether or not your income is keeping up with it in a very strict mathematical sense, on average, yes in incomis keeping pace with and even exceeding the rate of inflation that's message that somebody might wanto t out there once in a while. >> errol louis, great to see you. i do actually think we might have some breaking news on inflaon. so let's go to kate for that and that is exactly right. this just i flation is headed in the wrong direction righnow, the latest consumer pre report 3.5% andhis over same time last year, cnn's rahel solomon, just looking through it all, just rning ithe studio to help us ou what are you saying in this? hey, kat so yeah, you put it pretty wl the there's thiss moving in the wrong direction, so a 3.5% on an annual basis to put that icontext, that is hotter than what we were expecting and certainly hotter than we saw the month prior. if you look at
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cpi on an, on a monthly basis, sort of a similar trend there, a monthly basis that is also hotter than we were expecting. and it match what we saw the month prior. now i want strip away some of the more noisy categories, categories like energy categories, like food and you see a similar pattern. so core inflation, which is a better indicator of what's happening with underlying inflation, that also picked up. so taking a look at me of the categories we saw in the month of march that contued to increas >> so gas >> ps, that was a pretty beta contributor here, it was really gas and shelter, i should say that contributed to more than half half of the mean has shelter goown at all? i mean, i can member aonth or is actually ne, gotten we've seen a decrease. >> it's a really important point. it hasn't until we had been hoping actually, because if you think about shelter, you think about rents, for example, if 12 month leases, we were hoping that this was a laggi indicator that we would actually srt to get some progress with shelter, uh, but that didn't that didn't happen. control room if we can
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go back to that graphic, i just want to point out one sort of bright spot if you can call it that even though food prices did increase, this is actually a slowdown from well, that's a pickup. actually, i should say from the month prior, but in general, that's a pretty modest uptick, right? so food prices tend to be moving in the right direction. it seems i do want to now talk about where we saw some clients who doesn't want to see some declines if you were in the market for a new car, we have some good news for you. we saw prices for used cars and trucks that came down. we saw prices for new cars also come down. one little caveat here with this report. this was a hugely important report. and as a business correspondent, i think they're all a huge but this one especially was because there has been some doubt in the market. there has been some real questions about whether the june rate cut, which we are expecting to happen from the fed, if that's still in place because we keep getting these inflation reports that are hotter than expected. we got that jobs report that was hotter-than-expected, right? i want to read for you he one sort of commentary we just got this coming from jpmorgan,
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david kelley the door on june rate cuts just slammed shut just one perspective. but that is sort of why if you look at the markets you've seen futures go down. that's why, because it's yet another report that shows inflation is moving in the wrong direction. >> and to remind everyone, cpi, this is one of the inflation gauges as the federal reserve watches really closely, this adds into kind of their overall calculation of where, what does it when they're going to start making moves, what, why they would start making moves? this is not helping the movement towards the rca. >> yeah, exactly. it's great to see your health. thank you so much, john. >> look, i think they wanted to see if they saw in january and february was real in march, said yeah. >> uh-huh. yeah. it looks like it's >> figured >> all right. thank you very much for that >> this morning, federal authorities are now investigating boeing after a whistleblower may new claims that the companyet crucial safety steps when manufacturing, there's 777 and
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seven, dreamliner models. >> the whistleblower says the >> shortcuts could lead to catastrophic failures in the aircraft's seen as gabe cohen has the latest gabe, what are you learning >> we'll look, john, this is a escaping complaint to the faa filed by this boeing engineer. his name is sam salehpour any alleges that boeing has really been cutting corners and its assembly of two of their planes, the 7807 dreamliner and the triple seven. and the claim is that they've been doing this for years. he says that crews have been forcing together misaligned parts of the fuselage, the main body of the plane basically jamming the pieces together and he claims that the process to fill all of those tiny gaps in-between pieces of the plane really hasn't been done properly, which could put a lot of added stress on those various parts. and it could dramatically reduce what should be a decades long lifespan for each of these aircraft. i want to read really a die warning in the complaint.
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it says these defects could ultimately cause a premature fatigue failure without any warning, thus creating unsafe conditions for the aircraft with potentially catastrophic accidents and passenger fatalities. now, boeing, for their part, is vehemently denying these claims, saying that they are inaccurate and they do not represent the work that boeing has done to ensure safety and that as they put it the issues raised have been subject to rigorous engineering examination under faa oversight, it is important to remember john, that these allegations, they're not entirely new. the faa halted deliveries of the dreamliner back in 2021 because of similar issues with those gaps, we're talking about between the various parts of the plane. but back then, boeing said it made changes to fix the problem the faa signed off the allegation here is that they never really fixed it. as you mentioned, this whistle-blower is going to be testifying next week on capitol hill, but a lot of
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questions here as the criticism and the focus is still on that other model, the max nine after that door plug into them back in january. so now to more models being called into question so new challenges for boeing. gabe cohen, thank you very much for that >> a judge called their actions agreed? and despicable. now, six former law enforcement officer for service will learn the sentences for torturing and beating two black men >> a >> civil war-era abortion law. now revived what it means it was for women in the state where it's taking place. and importantly, what's next in the legal fight >> sunday, a nitro space for stoma, whole story with telesce. are we alone? mes webb >>re you finding out things about the first game? galaxies that we never knew in a way, it's a time machine followed by the two part finale ospace shute columbia, the final
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>> everywhere i breaking up with bad bros this special to
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our titanic premiere of how it really happened. >> sunday, april 28 and >> nine on cnn this morning, severe storms or battering parts of the south with torrential rain and damaging winds and a life threatening flash flood >> emergency is underway in some parts, meteorologists allison chincharth very latest aliceand what's happening out there? >> hhas to take a look at the video for a behind me. this is from kirby ville, texas is actually shot inside of a fire truc >> and >>ou can see the water outn the roadway. they are trying to get through and some of that water even coming into the fire ucand we all know how tall and high-profile vehicles, fire trucks are. so that just goes to show you how high that water is. kirby ville is one of the areas that is part of this flash flood emergency and portions of eastern texas until 11:30 a.m. central time today. and the reason for that is just the sheer volume of water that they got in a short period of time. this is the pine o creek, the kirby ville. notice the water levels here on this creek rose ten feet and just six
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hours pushing that creek into major flood stage. and this is just one of a few areas that have started to see some of that rain. look at all of these areas widespread, you're talking four to six inches of rain has already fallen, and we're expecting even more many of these places still possibly getting two to four inches on top of what they've already had. we also have numerous tornado warnings active right now, severe thunderstorms for mornings also possible continuing throughout the day because this is going to spread that's why you have this tornado watch that red box. you can see there for portions of western louisiana till 9:00 a.m. central. but it also includes portions of eastern louisiana and mississippi until 1:00 p.m. central time today. and that's because this entire system as a whole is actually shifting east. so you're starting to see that threat continued to spread. so the potential for flooding, but also tornadoes large hail and even damaging winds will continue throughout the day today. >> all right. watching very closely, allison chinchar. thank you very much kate, who this >> morning, millions of women and families and arizona are
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facing a new reality. a 160 year-old abortion law a law written before arizona was a state, a law that was essentially put to bed when roe versus wade was in place. it is now a law within your total ban on abortions that just got the green light from the state supreme court throwing arizona now directly into the spotlight of the fight over reproductive rights. a debate in a fight and a battle. and it's happening all over the country joining us right now is jill habeck. she's the president and founder of public, of public rights project, part of the legal team that represented one of the plaintiff's fighting that arizona abortion law. jill, thank you so much for joining me this morning this is a loss for your side. how big of a blow is it to your effort to protect? abortion rights in the state >> well, it's devastating and the end result of this ruling is that more women will be forced to wait in the park until they're sicker, until they are closer to death before they can receive care. we've seen in other states with similar draconian bands
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exceptions for the life of the mother are no exception at all in practice, it puts doctors in an impossible position of trying to decide whether to provide care and risk their livelihood and potentially risk incarceration for providing that care. and so the end result was that the care is not there at the same time. the supreme state supreme court said that this 18-60, for ban is going. you can go in effect. the court also put its ruling on hold sent the matter back to a lower court for additional arguments about the laws constitutionality. >> does that mean that this legal fight is not over? what are your legal options now? >> well so we at public rights project are assessing all of our options right now. i think the lesson from all of these fights across the country that we've seen is that it's never fully over certainly voters
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will have a chance to weigh in on abortion rights later this fall, we're looking at other legal options available to us to extend a stay on enforcement of this ruling. but in the meantime what women and doctors are facing in the state is uncertainty, is threats to or livelihoods and liberty and is just the threat of a lack of care. this court has reinstated a ruling from before arizona was a state this law was passed at the same time as laws banning interracial marriage and laws banning people of color from against white people in court. >> so this >> is the era that the arizona supreme court has brought back to the state >> what could the legal options b, i know that you're obsessed assessing all the options what would change it other than putting it on the ballot? because the way that i was part of what the ruling said is because the federal
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constitutional right to abortion that overrode the civil rights era ban, no longer exist. the statute is now enforceable. it it seems at least i read that as a layman that the arizona supreme court has essentially saying that what happened with dobbs, the us supreme court force their hand. did they have another do they have another way? >> they did, you know, our position in the litigation is that basic legal principles of interpreting statutes should have dictated that this court leave in place the 15 week policy and arizona the basic rules that you learned in law school or that later statutes override earlier statutes. arizona had a number of regulations about a 15 week ban in place that should have overrode this 18 64 law. but the arizona supreme court decided otherwise. and so absent further intervention and 14 days, abortion will become criminal. and arizona, there is a potential for a
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constitutional challenge or other efforts, but nothing is certain right now as it stands, it will become criminal and 14 days until the state attorney general called the ruling in front of freedom and said that she would not prosecute doctors for providing abortions. so she's not going to enforce this ban that affects it's definitely meaningful. >> so the leadership of attorney general mayes >> our client at public rights project, the pima county attorney laura icon over have said they will not prosecute abortions. that is definitely meaningful. the problem is there other de, a is in the state who have not ruled out that possibility if attorney general mayes is defeated in a future election that could bring back the threat of prosecution. and even if there is no enforcement, what we've seen in other states is that hospitals and doctors are not willing to take the risk of potential future prosecution to
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provide care that has been determined to be illegal under state law. and so the end result is still that doctors feel like they cannot provide care even when women needed to preserve their health. >> let me ask you mentioned the effort to get it on the ballot. there is this big effort now to get a constant constitutional amendment on abortion on the november ballot, we know that they're continuing to gather signatures to try to make it happen >> you you went about this >> on the legal front. that's what you do, but do you think voters? >> our >> now the best and only way to reverse the direction that you see the state going >> i think it's certainly critical for voters to weigh in here. we've seen in every single elections since dobbs, when voters have an opportunity to weigh in on abortion, they vote in favor of abortion rates. and so there's certainly a huge opportunity for voters in november, we're going to be monitoring efforts to undermine that ballot. we've seen efforts in other states to
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prevent abortion, ballot measures from actually reaching voters. so we're certainly going to pursue all go options. make sure voters have the opportunity to weigh in >> and then in the >> meantime, there are tens of thousands of women who are pregnant or will become pregnant in arizona who will not have access to care >> yeah. this isn't this isn't just a november issue. this is a today issue for women in arizona jill habeck. thank you so much for coming on. >> we'll see >> what you wouldn't move. you guys make next, john >> write today a new round of sentencing for six former officers convicted of torturing two black men and then tried to cover it up some of the officers were part of a group that called a self goon squad. there'll be sentenced on state charges today after getting years long federal prison sentences last month. cnn's ryan young is in jackson, mississippi, a rainy jackson, mississippi. ryan watching this very closely, what's going to happen today? ryan? >> good job. look where in the middle of a storm right now, but i can tell you for residents who live around here,
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they think the storm has been going on for a year because they have so many questions about how the sheriff's department moves forward after all these allegations have been proven in court, you're talking about the federal court. now we're moving to the state charges let the victims here, michael jenkins in eddie parker, have been saying over and over again, they did nothing wrong. and now the men who've been charged all agree with the two of them. this was a home invasion that was done by police police officers and sheriff deputies. they should go to the house, they kicked open a door, they waterboarded, they tortured them. they sexually assaulted of this, went on for almost two hours now these may get their face these other men in court today. now this what's different about this case is for the first time you got to see this play out because this will be on video cameras it will be allowed because as you know, in federal court sometimes cameras obviously are not allowed. but today we'll hear the menn give their statements. there will be a victim impact statements. they will talk about the torture. they will talk about how they felt and how they lives have been pretty much ruined. they don't even want to work anymore because since


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