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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 10, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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going on for a year because they have so many questions about how the sheriff's department moves forward after all these allegations have been proven in court, you're talking about the federal court. now we're moving to the state charges let the victims here, michael jenkins in eddie parker, have been saying over and over again, they did nothing wrong. and now the men who've been charged all agree with the two of them. this was a home invasion that was done by police police officers and sheriff deputies. they should go to the house, they kicked open a door, they waterboarded, they tortured them. they sexually assaulted of this, went on for almost two hours now these may get their face these other men in court today. now this what's different about this case is for the first time you got to see this play out because this will be on video cameras it will be allowed because as you know, in federal court sometimes cameras obviously are not allowed. but today we'll hear the menn give their statements. there will be a victim impact statements. they will talk about the torture. they will talk about how they felt and how they lives have been pretty much ruined. they don't even want to work anymore because since vomitus, by all this and let's
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not forget one of the officers, one of the deputies took the gun out, put it inside the mouth of one of the men, and pull the trigger lacerating his tongue. said to learn to re speak again. >> all this >> is played out in this community wants to know what happens next. are wondering that the sheriff's department, which is just behind us we continue the way it is. they're calling for the leadership. that step down, there will be a rally here later on this afternoon of the weather holds up, but people say they want to see action and they want to see it now fears charges ahead. john. >> all right. an you, you've been there for all this. thank you for being there again today for us. we are standing by for the sentencing of a k ally hi of nald trump, a n ourf seeing a new central starts right now from, trump tower to a jail cell. one of donald trump's closest allies about to be sentenced for lie a case against the former president in breaking this morning, a
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possible huge blow to ceasefire negotiations, hamas says, they do not have the 40 hostages need for a deal with it. for you >> five times masters champ tiger woods saying his body aches, but he may still have one more left in him now, there are many, many menn me, other golfers in augusta. but let the annual frenzy about tiger woods i'm john berman with kate baldwin. this is cnn news >> any moment now, what i'm donald trump's closest allies will be heading back to jail. alan weisselberg is set to be sentenced for perjury after he admitted to lying under oh, to prosecutors, he was once trump stuff. oh, a fiercely loyal aide who oversaw the trump family's business finances for decades. now, he's one of the names that continues to come klopp in cases against the
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former president. he lied to the new york ag about trump's apartment being way overvalued this was part of the civil fraud trial that dr. all trump lost weisselberg is also at the center of trump's hush money criminal trial court documents showing that he was involved he he wasn't he wasn't involved in arranging the payoff to stormy daniels that trial starts monday. cnn's kara scannell is outside the courthouse in new york with much more on today and beyond. let's start with what is expected to happen today. locate were waiting for alan weisselberg to arrive for his sentencing. he pleaded guilty last month to two felony counts of perjury and that was for lying during the new york attorney general's civil fraud investigation into donald trump, the trump organization and weisselberg himself, a prosecutor, saying it, and weisberg admitted to lying during the investigation about the size of trump's triplex apartment and how they value that apartment on his financial until statements that were at the very center of the case.
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and as you said, the judge found trump and weisselberg and others liable for fraud in that lawsuit, and find them massive judgment against the former president. so weisselberg, once he arrives today, he will face the judge and be sentenced. now, under this deal with prosecutors in which he agreed to plead guilty to those two felonies. a prosecutors are expected to recommend a sentence of five months in jail that would be rikers island. this notorious jail in new york city. but this is the second time weisselberg has pleaded guilty. he previously pleaded guilty to tax fraud charges and also served a five-month sentence. ended up being about 100 days in rikers island. so that is the expectation today though, of course, it is up to the judge to ultimately decide how much time weisselberg will as you said, he is a longtime ally of the former president, and he is at the center of the hush money case. but as part of this, still, he is not cooperating with prosecutors. he is not expected to make an appearance at the trial. that for now is scheduled to start on monday, even though he played a central role in how
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this hush money payment was arranged he wished and then how it was treated in the company's books and records, which is at the center of the criminal charges. but weisselberg, we're expecting to see him today. he will walk through that hole we and we expect that he will leave today and then surrender at a future date. but certainly another moment for weisselberg, this longtime of aid i've donald trump's. he has never cooperated against the former president despite facing these challenges to his freedom and the former president has continued to rail against prosecutors for boeing after weisselberg khuza'a late 70s say it's prosecutorial misconduct >> all right. kara, thank you so much for being there >> john all right. with us now, former assistant special watergate prosecutor, nick ackerman, nick al awda weisselberg about to go to prison or jail, right? for the second time. that's right for things connected to in one where another donald trump and not only connected, but to covering up for donald trump. and refusing to testify against
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donald trump. so and on top of all that, he was also find $1 million by judge engoron in the trough fraud case, which is ironically the same amount of money that richard nixon approved to keep the watergate burglars quiet so the main significance coming out of all of this is that because alan weisselberg, who is being sent to jail twice because of not cooperating against donald trump and doing things for donald trump. what all that means is if donald trump is convicted in this upcoming case starting on monday, i think it's almost impossible that the judge in that case i will not send donald trump to the presidential sweet at rikers island. >> let me come back to that in just a second here. first on on i'll alan weisselberg as a prosecutor, how frustrating is it? yes. you get convictions in this case to against weisselberg and that's what you always want as prosecutors,
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you want justice, but convictions is what you're after. there but dead ends. you are not getting any cooperation. zero, how frustrating is that super frustrating? >> i've had that happen 1 million times and a lot of times it happens. some people just will not testify against very close friends or people that are paying them off, like alan weiser broke with his $1 donald trump has really covered his back straight through on this. and i think that if i were the prosecutor, i'd be super frustrating. >> and what you said before, you think that the weisselberg convictions in jail time for these cases connected? did all or trump indicates that if there's a guilty verdict here in new york, you really do think that trump would have to serve time or be sentenced to what at least i think he'd had be sentenced and he'd have to serve time. there's no way that the system is going to allow an alan weisselberg to serve time twice in rikers island eight months in total. and then have the guy who he's reporting to that he's taking
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the fall for not go to jail. it's going to have to be just based on that alone. if donald trump is convicted, he's going to serve at least eight months in rikers. >> and this all starts on monday and you've actually if i got this it's right you've filed a letter trying to get the transcripts of what happens each day released to the public. that's right. i think it's really important that the public have total insight into the accuracy and the truthfulness of what's going on. there's no reason why the public shouldn't every day i'll be able to read exactly what happened in that courtroom without any kind of filtering, without any kind of spin from social media, spin from any of the parties the actual transcript is precisely what transpires i'd court reporters take down what each witness says. they take down with the judge says they take down what the lawyer say. and by reading that on a daily basis, the
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public can actually follow along and very much put themselves in the shoes of the jurors to actually try to compare testimony, understand the testimony, and understand what's really going on based on the real facts. >> it will be compelling reading nick ackerman, thanks so much for being with us. thank speaking to cnn this morning, you cranes president's zelenskyy is making a new plea to allies for more weapons, for >> ukraine, warning that without them, we could see vladimir putin dragged the entire world into world war three so lenski al says is open to heing what donald heing what donald trumhas to say about his plan for a possible deal to end the war with russia, a deal that would reportedly essentially fce ukraine to cede territory to territory to russia for good. listen first and foremost those signals were >> on certain media platform
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forums. i haven't heard that directly from trump's he's ideas in detail i did not have an opportunity to discuss them with him and to discuss these his ideas on how to end the war. if i have such opportunity, i will with. pleasure listened to them and then we can discuss the top >> and president zelenskyy was speaking this morning to cnn's fred pleitgen in this interview, friends joining us now, fred, tell us more about what president zelenskyy told you either cable. >> one of the things that we've t of it. when weke to g deal esent lenskyy s the fahat the us military aid isf cour, the cked up in congresshe hou republican adership stillort of locking down tt aid to ukraine. the ukrainians e ying think that they need that a badly. in fact, one of the things that the ukrainian president has said just in the past couple of days that if for
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ukrainians don't get further military aid from the united states, they could vary he will lose this war. now i asked him what exactly losing means, how bad that would be for ukraine, whether ukraine as a nation could survive. and he then became more combative that if he said that he does believe that things have stabilized right now, but they need weapons and they need them quickly. here's what he said >> we are at war in the enemies series, but let's be realistic enough passengers >> let's be real >> now, the situation is stabilized once we have weapons and concretes, political steps from our partners, we will break putin's backbone >> understand that this is not easy and everybody is thinking about oneself and we are grateful to all our partners but what we have now is not sufficient if we want to truly prevail over putin. if nobody wants put into drag the war,
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the world into third world war and of course, all this comes as the russians have seriously ramped up their missile attacks >> on ukrainian critical infrastructure on ukrainian cities, of course, on ukrainian front lines as well. one of the things that happened this morning is that there was a big attack on the port town of odesa, which wounded several people there here on infrastructure facility and that was really the point that zelenskyy kept making as i was speaking to him, he kept saying, look, the things that they really need is ammo to try and prevail on the battlefield against overwhelming russian firepower, but also air defense systems to try and keep their front-line troops safe from these russian aerial glide bombs that are very heavy, that are causing a lot of damage to the ukrainians. but also against missile strikes that are having such a big impact on ukrainian cities, but also on ukrainian energy infrastructure. kate >> fred, thank you so much. ten important moment to be speaking to the president directly. thank you so much for bringing something for your interview with him, john we do have
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breaking news. hamas says it does not have 40 living hostages to release to secure a ceasefire deal >> the >> door on a june rate cut, just slam shut that from a top executive at jpmorgan afternoon numbers show that inflation on the rise three homicides, the prosecutors say were fueled by power, sex, money, and apocalyptic spirits tool beliefs. but triple murder trial begins >> there's debris in this hi parents, husbands and wives gone. >> wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight to part fund nelly sunday at nine on cpu can do that is what it means comparing custom quotes from skilled service professionals looking upfront price, see you can find the best price for you get started
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battleground state of arizona, president biden now strongly condemning the civil war era abortion law that was just revived by the state supreme court. the president called it cruel and extreme this law, again, that was originally put in place back in the 1800s, bands, almost all abortions cnn's arlette saenz on the south lawn. this morning with the latest reaction from the white house, arlette yeah john will president biden's campaign is believes that this supreme court ruling in the state of arizona, a could deeply impacts that >> race in the battleground state of arizona democrats have advisors have long argued that abortion rights will be a galvanizing issue for voters heading into november. and they expect that to be no difference in arizona especially on the heels of this new ruling, are present then biden condemned the ruling yesterday in a statement saying quotes millions of arizonans will soon live under an even more extreme and dangerous abortion ban, which fails to protect women
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even when their health is at risk or in tragic cases of rape or incest, this ruling is a result of the extreme agenda of republican elected officials who are committed to ripping away women's freedoms. vice president harris, who have served as the administration's lead voice on abortion rights, also released the statement where she said, quotes, arizona just rolled back the clock to a time of war for women could vote. and by his own admission, there's one person responsible, donald trump, that is a theme that biden's campaign repeatedly turns to trying to call out the fact that trump has taken credit for overturning roe v. wade after he had appointed supreme court justices who made that dobbs decision two summers ago. now, harris will be pressing the case herself as she has planned a trip to tucson, arizona in the wake of this ruling and campaign advisers that i've spoken to in the recent weeks and months they have already been looking at at arizona as being a place where they believe abortion will play in november that comes as arizona is one of those states that is considering a ballot measure that would protect the right to
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an abortion in november's election officials have believed that that measure could serve as a galvanizing force. a way to organize their odors. and there's no question that they will try to capitalize on this ruling from the supreme court in arizona as they're trying to battle out former president trump in arizona especially on the issue of abortion rights >> well, that signs at the white house where we should know president biden will appear very shortly with the prime minister of japan. hence, the mood music accompanying are let's report there and that's just for arlette, that asu and done just for her awesomeness. it's just for joining us right now to talk more about the politics around all this is more gillespie. she's a former press advisor to then speaker of the house, john banner more recently adam kinzinger and cnn political commentator, former south carolina state representative makari sellers the arizona supreme court decision if this civil war era ban on abortion does go into effect and 14 days, how much does it help democrats in the state?
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>> incredibly. i mean, republicans have long had a real problem messaging on women's health. i mean, quite frankly, and especially on the abortion topic. and i'm not really sure who decided that you have to be either pro-choice or pro-life? two things can be true at once. you can believe in the sanctity of life, but also not want to take away the medical freedom of half the population. and republicans have really struggled in new, you're seeing this now where people like kari lake are turning back on what she has said before a year ago or two two years ago on this very ruling that arizona is now putting into effect potentially. so it's a real problem for republicans and they realize that and you're seeing that now with trump and kari lake and people like that who are realizing they're not going to do well in november if they continue to have these ridiculously strict sans is on abortion >> and kari lake on the ballot in arizona in november as well, the car and you're not in a business of giving advice to republicans, but what can republicans do to counter this in try to make what even donald trump admits is a political loser of an issue for republicans into potentially a
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winner or less of a loser >> it's not much you can do right now. i mean, i think that this cake has been baked. donald trump when he put three conservative justices on the supreme court, when he's running around taking a great deal of pride in overturning roe. and now you have this iterative ration in arizona. one of the things republicans have to do in the long run is nominate better people for office from president of the united states to kari lake. i don't think you'll talk to me republican with good sense will tell you that kari lake is a quality candidate. and i think you're starting to see that she's along the same lines of herschel walker. and so when you have those partial walker's, when you had those, you remember dr. oz? yeah. when you have dr. eyes and kari lake's of the world and you don't have a good quality bench out there running for office. you have people who are not able to message properly or who not able to put up a good fight on issues such as this okay let's, talk about let's talk about messenger going to different front of a car. i'm
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gonna start with you on this one because on the democrats strategy president biden's former chief of staff, raw clean. he is offering up a very unvarnished kind of take on biden strategy right now that essentially biden is focusing too much on bridges literally, but it also encouraged absolutely, it's missing the point on strategy. this is from politico, who obtained audio from ron claims speaking at a private event last night. here's what claimed says to this group in part he does two or three events a week where he's cutting a ribbon on a bridge. he goes on to say, if you go into the grocery store, eggs and milk are expensive, the fact that there's an effing bridge is not he's not running for congress. i think it's kind of a fool's errand agree, disagree no, i agree. i mean, i agree with ron client. i know he is kicking himself right now that those comments got out. he's going to find himself from the same boat is as our good friend david axelrod.
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he's probably get a button. it says for biden in the male sun. but what one of the things that ron claim was correct about it is a simple fact that we have to focus more on those issues of bread and butter issues. and i don't think it's i don't think it's either or i think it's a both a and i think joe biden can talk about roads and bridges because we have an antiquated infrastructure system. but like i tell, people often tell my dad has never been more incensed than he was recently about the political process when he went to piggy wiggly and the price of whiting was higher than you'd ever seen it before. he likes to fry with his grits in the morning? in that drove him nuts. and i think a lot of people are having trouble with the price of milk, grocery, eggs, and whiting >> yeah >> more political also reports and they did follow up interview with clean once they got this audio in that claim, did i think it's to the both and the car he's talking about. he did note that he did speak glowingly of biden's accomplishments, but he's not backing down from this main critique that he says it's up to biden and his campaign to
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make the election debate about the future, not a referendum on what they've done who's got the upper hand on that because, you know that a lot of the the pastrom thbiden is about campaign because they're talking about the st presidency of donald trump, right? >> i mean, lot of it for from both sides have been backward-looking and we really need someone who's forward-looking. and those exactly what nikki haley was talking about short-lived him campaign exactly. because both biden and trump have been so obsessed with e past that it's leaving the rest of us behind. we don'know what we're supposed to be looking forward to and you're feeling that you're feeling at the grocery store, you're feeling this anger and this disappointment and this lethargic. what, what comes next? where are we as a country and i will say that the republicans are playing into that. they're playing thank you to our fears about not knowing what the future holds and capitalizing on it and in a very aggressive way, obviously, but one that's proven to be
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effective. i mean, take polls as you will, but it's showing that trump is winning because of the fact that he is playing on our fears so it would behoove the president to show us what he's gonna do in the future and why he's even running in the first place. and i think that is the message that really needs to come out in this next stretch. >> good news for everyone is we have months and months and months to go for i've everyone to start talking about the future and a little less about the past, more it's great to see you vickery. thank you so much. it's great to see you always coming up for us more than 30 million people across the south are facing severe storm threats this morning, big range it's from texas to georgia. people could be looking at some major flooding run and bring to you where the biggest alerts are being put out this morning. and it looks like it'll be a wet wound start to the masters tournament and augusta. but the only thing forget the weather. you don't need good weather to play golf very clearly says, everyone who aft only thingveryone d the talking about is that man, tiger woods and his 26th appearance. now at the
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tournament >> there's new ally in the fight against climate change. this is >> bukhara business blue carbon. >> we just need to protect nature will do the rest in >> carbon. let's see an infill sunday, april 21 at nine. >> hi, my name is damian clark. if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with the humana medicare advantage dual eligible special needs plan all these plans include a healthy options allowance a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries utilities, rent, and over-the-counter items. the healthy options allowance is loaded onto our prepaid card each month and whatever you don't spend carries over from each month other benefits on his plans include free rides to and from your medical appointments and
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more than we expected also increasing more than the prior month at a, at a rate of about 3.5% are the same sort of trend on a monthly basis, 0.4%, two really big takeaways from this report, john, one, as you said, it appears that relation is stalling. definitely not the direction that we were looking for or hoping for. and to the likelihood of a rate cut in june is looking real iffy after this report. so you can sort of see the path of inflation i want to take a look at some of the components and if you look under the hood of the report and look at sort of where we're still seeing prices go up. gas prices and shelter where the really big components in march, this was more than half of the increase we saw. so gas prices continue to go up and shelter we had been hoping to get some relief on shelter shelter you think rant you think that the price up to put a roof over your head, so those prices continued to go up. food modestly, but that actually seems to be perhaps some, some, some good news there that food is only going up modestly at this point, we did see some declines, right? so if you are in the market for a new car you
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might like what you see here. so we saw prices for new cars and trucks go down, use cars and trucks go down quite a bit. 1.1% is not nothing, right? >> and then >> airline fares also going down as well. a few things to put this in perspective. so we had gone from john, you and i have talked about this a lot over the last six months or so. we went from rate cuts are absolutely comment. yes. and 2024, most likely in march. and then it became okay. most likely june. then last week we heard of fed officials say well, maybe they won't say rate cuts at all in 2024. and that really set off some alarm bells on wall street and really set up some alarm bells. and now i've actually seen economists after this report, this morning, say the fed's next move may be a rate hike. so we have really gone from absolutely. seeing rate cuts to march to june to now being like maybe the july meeting, hopefully the july meeting because essentially what we're seeing is a still-strong economy. you have really strong job growth, you have consumers who continue to spend and yet
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inflation is moving sideways. it's stalling, so it's not what, certainly not what the fed wants to see they want to see it dropping to 2%. they see it stalled out at that 3.43, 0.5, right? you saw that line graph. >> i should say, not just what the fed wants to see, certainly what walsh she wants to say, but also what we want to see as consumers absolutely all right. rahel, thank you very much. so i literally saw people jumping on the pieces of the airplane to get them to align today boeing under investigation after one engineer claim, the company skipped crucial safety steps day and night of space for stoma whole story with anderson cooper, the >> james webb telescope. are we alone? >> followed by the two part finale of space shuttle? colombia, both final flight. sunday starting at eight on cia challah cancer is it's hard but st. jude has gotten us through it singer, there's
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natural vegetable accident media gentle, dependable, seneca, also available in delicious gummies. >> five good things listen wherever you get your podcasts alarming, data, out this morning on suicide rates showing suicide is now the second leading cause >> of death among student athletes. the rate doubling over the last two decades. seen as jacqueline howard has more on the details of all of this for us are going to tell us what more tell us more about these findings? >> well, kate, these are eye opening findings. what this study found is that suicide was the cause of about 8% of deaths that were recorded among ncw a athletes in the years 2000 to to 2012. but it jumped to being the cause of 15% of deaths that's in that following decades. so to break this down in that first decade from 2002 to 2012, we saw the top leading causes of death among ncb play
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athletes were accidents, cardiac related deaths, and then suicide in that following decade from 2012 to 2022, as you see on this screen suicide became the second leading cause of death, followed by accidents. so these findings really show according to the researchers, they say we need to do more to really implement suicide prevention efforts for student athletes. and this study also found that specifically male cross-country athletes had the highest rates of suicide in this study. so it's really a call for at, not just the collegiate level, but for all student athletes, coaches, team personnel, really need to be aware of this and more can be done in suicide prevention. kate's inject >> what more are you learning? are they saying is behind this rise and how how does the findings with student athletes, how does this track and compare to other groups >> yeah. well well, some researchers say what's behind the rise, just the pressures of
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being a student athlete, the psychological impacts of injury and possibly losing your scholarship and the pressure to perform academically and but this rise in suicide that we see among athletes really reflects on a broader scale, the rise of suicide we're seeing among young people in general when you look at the data across the united states, suicide is the second leading cause of death for ages ten to 12. the third leading cause of death for ages 15 to 24. and the second leading cause for ages 25 to 34 four. so this is a growing public health concern for the nation as a whole. and this study really highlights the impact it's having specifically on nc doublet athletes at this moment, cape jacqueline howard. >> thank you so much. john >> right any minute now, opening arguments set to begin for a murder case, the prosecutor say involves power, money, and apocalyptic spiritual beliefs they say drove chad dabbled to kill his first wife in two-step
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children, that crime already sent his second wife to prison for life. cdns g. casarez here watching this today >> this is the case that intrigued, i think, and also discussed it a lot of people, it is a triple murder. this is a death penalty case. this is idaho. and when i tell you the facts and this is what i'm going to lay out for you. >> it seems like a fiction >> novel, but this is real life. these are real people. and it was in 2018 that laurie value lived in arizona with her husband, chad day. bill lived in idaho with his wife in 2019. they met at a religious lds conference. chad davao was really a leader in what is called an extremist sect of the lds church, which is the doomsday philosophy that the world is going to end. and laurie signed on and it is the belief and they shared this. this will be evidenced in the trial that the people are filled with spirits. some people, and those people laurie referred to them legal documents have as zombies those people need to be killed because it is god's will
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>> in >> 2019, lorries husband and arizona was killed several months later, no charges. she moves to idaho where chad lives with his wife her two children in september, they were last seen alive. they were gone. they were missing, but nobody really knew about it in october of 2019, chads wife she's found dead in her bet while the children are missing, they go to arizona. they go to hawaii, they get married, they're on a honeymoon. there are lays, there are poolside visits. suddenly investigation. she's arrested she's brought back to idaho on child endangerment. the children's still aren't found chad ultimately goes they are found buried on chad day bills property. her two children, tightly, ryan and jj values 16 and seven years old they were buried on his property now, she was convicted last year, three consecutive
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life terms he is now charged with the death penalty and three murders of his wife, tammy de bill and her two children the death penalty very much on the line. we receive pictures from inside of that core brand, kohberger's case, the idaho state murders should be next year. death penalty case in idaho. this is really sort of a bellwether case for the bryan kohberger case, >> or you're washing it. thank you so much for being here. jean casarez. thank you. >> okay. >> all right. the breaking news just in former trump cfo, alan weisselberg receives his sentence will go live with the courthouse next >> the sinking of the titanic, how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn >> he also, i just don't want to the experience app because i wanted to check my fico score, but it does so much more. this thing shows you your fico
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photo on your phone install the free keepsake app. we would love a chance to frame it for you >> i'll rafael afael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn and the breaking news, just an alan weisselberg, longtime ally, fiercely >> loyal employee to donald trump, just received his sentence and in new york courtroom. cnn's kara scannell is outside the courthouse for us >> kara, what happened? >> kate, the whole sentencing hearing took less than five minutes. alan weisselberg walked into the courtroom, but he is not walking out. he was handcuffed and we'll begin serving his sentence today. so the judge went through this very quickly. she asked alan weisselberg if he had anything he wanted to say today. he said no, your honor. the judge said that i will send it due to the agreed five month prison sentence and that is what she did. and then after that, the officers came over, cuffed weisselberg behind his back and escorted him out of the courtroom so he will begin
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serving this five months sentence for perjury, as you know, this is the second time he's pleaded guilty. the first time to tax fraud charges in that case. he also got a five month and sentence, ended up serving about 100 days in rikers island. it's possible that's how that will go this time, but this is now the second time for donald trump's former chief financial officer for a longtime associate, has pleaded guilty this time for perjury, for lying during the investigation by the new york attorney general's office into trump's finances by saying that he did not have knowledge of the inflated value of trump's triplex apartment at trump tower and lying about his role in inflating the value of that amount on the financial statements that were at the very center of that case where donald trump is facing that nearly half $1,000,000,000 judgment. so alan weisselberg being sentenced for the second time, five it's months in jail, and he's handcuffed in on his way to begin start to start serving that sentence. kate kara scannell, outside the courthouse for us. thank you very much. john all right. this morning, a fresh effort from
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loyalists to donald trump to change the election laws in nebraska. nebraska is what have used two states that awards electoral votes by congressional district, donald trump easily won the state in 2020 but did lose one electoral vote to president biden in the omaha area >> so you didn't achieve >> national affairs correspondent the pride of omaha, jeff zeleny is there. jeff, tell us what's been happening from these trump loyalists here at the last minute? >> hey john, good morning. i mean, nebraska is hardly a battleground state, but as you said, omaha is becoming a battleground city because of that one electoral vote in an a close presidential race, it's not a far-fetched scenario where this could be a tide contest and this electoral vote could matter. that is why trump fearless are paying so much attention to this conversation here last night, conservative activist charlie kirk held a rally with trump supporters here trying to urge republicans in the state to change the state election law
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>> if we want to see and we're going to see the story come to completion. we are going to keep on pushing and keep on pushing and keep on pushing until nebraska gets winner-take-all. >> so it's sort of a republican on republican fight here. john. and here's why these republican supporters have donald trump are calling on the nebraska republican governor jim pilip to call a special session of the legislature to change this election law now, the governor said he would call a special session if there was support in the legislature but up until now, there has not been. and here's why it takes about 33 votes of the 49 number legislature to survive a filibuster to get this through as of now republicans do not have that. so john, so many interesting things converge in here. one nebraska has a nonpartisan unicameral legislature, one body. it ends at session. next one week so the governor would have to call a special session back into change this law. it's been on the books for about 30 years or so. obama won this district in
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2008, bytes didn't want it in 2020. important to note, though, donald trump carried it in 2016, they're trying to change the law rather than campaign for the votes here. so john, it's not far-fetched so it all to say that in november allies could also be here in nebraska and in omaha. >> so people know one electoral vote matters because there are plenty of combinations of states that could lead to a 2609 to tie, which would send it to the house of representatives more states are controlled by republicans. donald trump would win. this really is something that is a plausible scenario. jeff zeleny in omah for us. thank you very much >> so it is that time of year again, friends, the annual masters tournament kicks off today with the world-famous par three terms i met so many players to focus on an augusta, but so many are focused on just one. >> tiger >> woods, cnn's don riddell back in augusta for us and back with as don. we haven't seen a lot of tiger on a golf course of recent what's the
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expectation there? >> hey, kate, i think the expectation is that he will be the biggest draw out on this golf course for as long as he is in contention, we just don't know how long that will be. you're right. we've hardly seen in play really since the car crash this year. he hasn't even played two rounds. that's literally it. so we don't know what he's going to bring he's been looking good in the practice rounds. we know that he's got the game and the experience. the question is, can his body holdout over four rounds to be in contention on sunday afternoon? he thinks he can do it. i have a listen >> if everything comes together, i think i can get one more describe any more than >> so tiger woods believes he can do it. everybody else wants to believe that he can do it. and remember k we've already seen two celestial bodies line
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up to give us the eclipse this week. so perhaps the stars will align for tiger woods as well >> down what's the reporting from the annual champions dinner that was held? last night? a lot of green jackets >> yeah, it's always such a special occasion, isn't really must be the most exclusive club in all of golf because you only get an invite if you've won the masters in the past. so jon rahm was hosting it last night. it was an iberian feast it looked absolutely delicious, didn't mama rahm's classic lentil stew was one of the dishes on the menu just such a cool event the question remains whether jon rahm will get himself for a second helping of a green jacket. it is incredibly rare for a golfer to make a successful defense of his masters title. only three guys have ever done it before. tiger woods being the last pretty much a quarter of a century ago. but good to see jon rahm back here. remember he's now live players, so his,
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his world has completely changed since he won his second major title here last year. i think it's going to be a brilliant week. we're a bit concerned about the weather tomorrow because we know about the system that's coming through the southern united states. but the forecast for the rest of the week is great. >> night. it's always great when you're there. don it's good to see thank you so much >> in that is all for us today. this has been cnn news central cnn newsroom with jim acosta up next houston. >> you are go for the degree in the sky hey parents, husbands and wives gone. >> if he work in spaceflight, this >> is the worst possible thing. i can never happen >> thousands of pieces of debris are now facing it's two puzzle. i should have that test on day one >> i wish i could've done something differently. what i can undo that, you can just make it better. are those that follow space shuttle columbia the final flight, two part
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