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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 10, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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chinese jets have buzz japanese airspace the chinese coast guard has harassed the philippine naval vessels and coast guard vessels with everything from water cannon to ramming their boats. so it's this network gathering together, saying that you've got to stop the harassment in the south china sea, which the chinese consider their own. and in the east china sea and also, how about china start raining in pyongyang, you've allowed them to just fire and test missiles so at the same time, what you heard from that first question that kishida got from his media is the concern within japan that ramping up their defense is going to trigger more chinese aggression. you know that the chinese, sorry, the japanese constitution doesn't allow war
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its defense spending because it's looking at north korea, chinese aggression and also looking ahead possibly to another trump administration where it's not so sure the us welcome to the rescue. and it's making these investments to be able to stand on its own >> there clearly also emphasizing here, they're unity, right? but there is something obviously hanging over this. and we understood from mj lese reporting that it might not come off, which is the us still deal. however, it did come up, obviously they were going to be asked about it and that is japan's largest steel maker offered to purchase us steel to the tune of $14 in december. the biden is very opposed to this. he's trying to stand with the union and i wonder what you made the question as it was, was did it come up? did the topic come up? no. the answer is no one answer
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directly. and prime minister kishida basically said discussions are underway between the parties and then he sort of said japan believes something to the effect of based on the law, he's saying it's legal for us to do this in biden and saying he stands by the union, he stands by his alliances. what do you make of that? basically? do they very politely in public agreed to disagree and what the japanese are saying is they're going to let this process make its way through the court system, through the various approval processes and but they know that biden's in an election year. they know he's got a publicly state that he's against this deal and they're hoping that the various regulatory organizations and the courts will allow the sale to go forward. >> and incredibly polite, agree to disagree. there. kim dozer grid to get your perspective on things. thanks for being with us. >> so you heard president biden, they're touching on
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arizona at the very end of the press briefing that's following the huge supreme court decision in the state yesterday. it promises to be one of the definitive issues in the 2024 campaign. >> it certainly does an earlier today, former president trump spoke about that abortion ban. he said these restrictions are for the states to decide. he said that he would not sign a federal abortion ban is president. he said it went too far and that he believed the governor would bring this back to something more reasonable. i don't don't take that quote to the bank, but that's sort of what he was saying. there this is a band that goes back to 18 18, 64 was codified into law in 1901 and it would make arizona one of america's most restrictive states when it comes to women's reproductive rights, it gets rid of a 15 week ban. there in arizona. let's go back now to the white house to cnn's kayla tausche first. okay? phil, i'm just going to put in my plug for let's say maybe some more news
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conferences there at the white house, maybe some more questions there at these news conferences because clearly there were questions that the president wanted to answer beyond the two and to the white house response has been pretty pointed to this arizona reaction. and clearly reporters knew he'd want to to talk about it after the news conference >> yeah. into that brand, i would say join the club, the white house correspondents association has long been asking the white house to do more events like this with more opportunities for more reporters to ask question beyond the two and to format to that end though, it is very clear that president biden wanted to make that pitch from from the rose garden to say to the american people elect me. if you do not agree with that decision in my reporting, it is very clear in discussing with biden administration officials and biden campaign officials that they believed that that decision by arizona supreme court will only make the contrast even more stark between president biden and former president trump. trump's position when the two really get into the homestretch of the general election they
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believe that this decision is essentially the manifestation of president trump stated policy to let the states decide on abortion, and that the result of that will be that states make their own decisions. and many of them will go forward with what looks like if full, outright abortion ban by arizona. now, in the state the biden campaign feels very good about its chances there. they cite polling by ppr, is that 62% of arizonans support abortion. they say it should be legal in most or all cases. but of course, abortion is not the only issue for voters. there and it is the only issue in arizona where biden, according to the wall street journal, is out pulling his opponent on the economy, on immigration, on fitness for office. he's down to former president trump by greater than 20 points in some cases. but even so, they believed that this will be the galvanizing issues for, for voters when they go to the polls and then and it only makes a choice clear for american voters >> kayla tausche, thanks for
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bringing that down four us live from the white house. let's bring in students, kristen holmes, who's covering the trump campaign. kristen trump is all over the map on abortion policy historically his latest comments though, sort of casting the responsibility of designing abortion legislation to the state's walk us through those comments yeah four is this really just goes to show you how fine of a line that donald trump has to walk. we know on monday he said that the decision on reproductive rights should belong to the states, but then today, he was criticizing a decision made by the state's here's what he said on that arizona band. take a lesson arizona go to write the governor and everybody else bring it back in. and that will be taken care by the current. >> now when it comes to whether or not donald trump would support a national abortion ban, or whether or not he
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believed that this should go to the state's his team believed that the better political move for them was to say that this should go to the state it's now that doesn't mean that donald trump is not going to speak out on some of these decisions, but their overall thinking on this was that no matter what happens in the states, even if donald trump got behind a national federal abortion ban, he would still be blamed for what was going on in the states and the national federal abortion ban is much less popular across the country but again, it goes to show you how critical is this issue is and how donald trump is aware that he has a very fine line to walk. now, you also mentioned that national abortion ban. he was asked by reporters twice whether or not he would get behind a national abortion ban if he was in the white house and he said, no, two times, that is really trying to clarify his position from monday where he just talked about the states, but never even raised this idea of a national abortion ban despite the fact that he had been publicly flirting with this abortion ban for the last several weeks, talking about it in multiple interviews. now he
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is not the only one that is kind of having a change of heart. we also saw kari lake after she had said years ago that she supported this all out abortion ban and arizona, then she came out yesterday saying that it went too far, that it was out of steps with out of step with arizonans. so you're going to see this from republicans across the board, particularly those republicans who are up for an election in 2024 she said, we have a great law on the books in arizona. and then yesterday completely backtracked on that. kristen holmes. thank you so much. let's discuss the ramifications of this with cnn political commentator and republican strategist, alice stewart. we also have with us democratic strategist and former senior advisor for the biden 2020 campaign ellen cia johnson alexia, first to you, obviously there is going to be a human cost to this decision in the immediate and democrats have expressed anger and frustration over that. yet electorally, this is a gift yeah absolutely. it is listen
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and let's be very clear. this is very detrimental to families and people who are trying to have children who also continue to meet abortion care, no matter what it is, because this is reproductive health care. the reality though is this has been the political gift from the republican party since the dobbs decision and as we see, the polling numbers just to show of support of access to abortion across party lines, even in very red states abortion has winning when it's on the ballot and it's put directly in front of voters. the other piece about this, we have so many tapes of president trump taking credit for the dobbs decision. and now because he sees that it is not actually helpful for republicans, he's trying to go back and forth. but the problem that he has is house he's going how's he going to continue to galvanize the base of evangelicals and anti-abortion activists. whereas for democrats, the more that he muddies the water on what he's going to say so what he's going to do, we firmly believe that if he was in office, he would definitely sign a federal abortion ban.
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the more we have to galvanize our base because this is a top issue for elides democratic voters. >> because i wonder ellis one side of his mouth and politically, he doesn't really have a choice when you look at the realities, he, he has to talk to both sides and on one, he's saying yeah, i'm very proud of what i did putting those justices in place and that they overturned roe. but then he was asked about whether they went too far. the arizona supreme court. yeah, they did. and that'll be straightened out. >> and >> he goes on to say, i'm sure the governor and everyone else are going to bring it back into reason and that'll be taken care of he's relying on democrats to clean up his mess. i don't know that they're hopping in line to do that. >> well, certainly not the arizona governors, >> not going to do something to help out donald trump and the reality is, donald trump should take a lot of credit for what he did to appoint the the three conservative justice to the supreme court. and fighting to overturn roe v wade, which has been a big up policy for him in
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the pro-life community. but we're now in a new post dobbs era. in the political reality of this issue is changing and it has changed every time this has been on the ballot, as she mentioned, the pro-abortion crowd has one and you can be pro-life anti-abortion, but you have to acknowledge the reality of this. and i think donald trump is trying to make sure he understands with support for abortion at such a high level, and not just arizona, but other states. he has to be a little bit more moderate. he can be pro-life, but we have to talk about abortion limits and not fully cool bands. and let's talk about a federal ban is really not a valid argument because we're never going to get 60 votes in the senate for a federal ban. so he is basically trying to make sure people understand. i want to make sure we're talking about limits and not bands, and they're still he is going to answer with the pro-life community. they are happy with this ruling they think. this is a good thing. it saves lives. they do have concerns about the ballot initiative that is going to be out there and how this is for unrestricted late term
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abortions as well as not helped standards. so children are young, kids don't have to have parental consent. so there's some issues from the pro-life community, but i think they understand we need to be a little bit more moderate on this issue. if we're going to appeal to independent voters heading into the general election, one of those i will just say a lot of the things you mentioned don't happen in many states. like when you massachusetts i think is 24 weeks, which is like the accepted viability. there's parental consent and a lot of places that are considered liberal states. i just want to be very clear about what we're dealing with state-by-state state. >> oh, i do want to dig into kari lake further because that race in arizona, the senate race could determine control of the us senate yesterday she released a statement shortly after the decision, we actually have it. she wrote quote, i opposed today's ruling and i'm calling on katie hobbs and the state legislature to come up with an immediate common sense solution. that arizonans can support previously. she actually had this to say, let's listen
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>> incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law that's already on the books. i believe it's ars 13, so it will prohibit abortion in arizona, except to save the life of a mother >> so clearly a flip-flop, they're outside of the policy how does that potentially hurt her with voters? this is someone who at least from what we've seen, will say just about anything even outside of the truth. if it stands to give her gain political well >> the etch-a-sketch of moving into a general election is nothing new. every candidate does it. you have a more i guess, extreme position in the primary. but as you go into a general election and you're appealing two independent voters and more moderate voters. and in this case, suburban women voters, you have a more moderate position on this. and i think kari lake, in this instance clearly sees the
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numbers and arizona, 62% of people want to see some type of abortion. and she's looking at how am i going to appeal to those voters? and she's making taking a more moderate position. it's up to the voters. did they believe her now or do they believe her previous position on this? and that is something that she is going to have to continue to make the case where she stands now as she heads into november, because as we have vice president harris will be going their friday, democrats will make this a key issue and i don't blame them. it isn't a galvanizing issue for democrats creates a up to republicans to make sure that they can meet the moment on this particular issue on see, this is going to be motivating in arizona. we're going to see that and there's going to be a ballot initiative we expect that will give a lot of people a reason, a lot of people who align with joe biden to come out to the polls. and that could favor him but i wonder what you think because i've heard some democrats from states were maybe it isn't is pressing an issue there. i wonder what you think in some states, pennsylvania, for instance, were maybe it isn't
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as much on the mind of individual voters they have rights when it comes to access to abortion. they're not as animated by it. do you worry that this is not going to animate them at the polls? >> i'm not going to say i'm not worried. i think it gives us the understanding of why it was so important for the biden campaign to raise as much money as it has to have boots on the ground and all of these states to see how these top issues play out in the table conversations in pennsylvania versus an arizona versus a florida forces are georgia the state's go on. the issue will still be very top of mine because of the fact that the biden administration, their hands are tied to some of the ways in which they're able to protect abortion here nationally because of the dobbs decision so the biden campaign is on the ground, letting folks know exactly what these decisions mean, whether in the state like arizona or nationally, what they mean. so i also do see a lot of groups like reproductive for all and planned parenthood in these states as well. galvanizing
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people around the issues because wild pennsylvania feels as though they have the right to abortion protected what does that mean for the other states, for people who do not have access to abortion as they are crossing state lines. one more thing i wanted to talk about to you mentioned some of these scenarios in which republicans and anti-abortion activists or against abortion. but a lot hello, scenarios that you mentioned as brianna said, they are not accurate, right? and we should be leaving these decisions up to doctors, the medical professionals, and families. and that is where democrats are trying to make sure folks understand what this conversation on abortion we're having a political and policy conversation, but this is a medical conversation you can and should be left up to health care providers to give the best health care that they can to all of the families in their patients. and that includes abortion care. >> i think the most the best progress we've had on this, against with overturning roe v. wade, we've taken this decision out of the hands of unelected justices, put it in the hands of elected officials,
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and now elected officials in the state of arizona are going to be the one to represent one represent the will of the people. and i'll be honest, it's not ideal for republicans and pro-life advocates because if the will of the people is for some type of abortion access, then that's going to be the will of the people of arizona, and that's what i think is the best service for the people in this country. i say it's up to doctors, so once you johnson, alice stewart, appreciate the >> conversation. thanks for being with us. thank you >> still plenty of mourners to come on. cnn, news central, hamas says that it cannot locate 40 israeli hostages in order to complete the first round of a ceasefire deal. this is raising fears that more hostages than publicly known, maybe dead, and a surprisingly strong inflation report might mean the fed has to wait a bit longer to lower interest rates. what that could mean for your wallet next, plus the epa wants your drinking water to get cleaner. the new limits, it has just announced coming up cnn
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meet the conditions of those needed for the first phase of the ceasefire deal. a current framework laid out by negotiators said that during a first six-week pause in fighting, hamas should release 40 of the meaning hostages. and that includes all the women as well as sick and elderly men in exchange hundreds of palestinian prisoners would be released from israeli prisons sources say hamas has told mediators it does not have 40 living hostages who match that criteria. let's talk about this now with cnn global affairs analyst mark esper, who served as secretary of defense during the trump administration sir, i wonder if you think that this will tank hostage and ceasefire talks well, good afternoon, rionda. it's certainly very troubling that they can't identify the 40 people or anybody matching that criteria, israel has been asking for identification now for weeks
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because that is the number one thing, arguably the sole thing that they want right now is returned to the hostages. now, latest count had that there were about 133 hostages remaining in gaza, 36 or so of them were confirmed dead. so the question is, where are these remaining 92 and at this point, if the reports are correct? than they are largely all israeli male soldiers at this point. so this is gonna be a major issue, a major stumbling block in these negotiations >> netanyahu is again promising an invasion of rafah with there are so many palestinians who are sheltering, but we've also heard him repeatedly approach proving plans for rafah, talking about it, and then it not happening when we think that perhaps it could do you think that ultimately this will happen, an invasion of rafah? >> yes, i definitely think well, i frankly, i think it needs to if they're going to accomplish their objectives of destroying hamas for whichever
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way they define that. and if they don't go into rafah and hamas is leadership remains and the four bullets hit the tines that are garrison there remain >> then i think come on us on the backend will declare victory, going all the way back to october 7. and of course, try to replicate this over and over again. so i think he will and needs to go in. but that said that doesn't mean he cannot he can increase the amount of humanitarian aid going into gaza. and we know as of today, a senior israeli official said that they him to get up the 500 trucks a day into gaza, which would match pre conflict levels. and at the same time, they have to do far better when it comes to limiting civilian casualties and by the way, all those objectives are not necessarily incompatible it just takes a greater degree of karen sophistication to achieve them all at the same time. >> which they haven't shown so far. we've seen that. so how would they do that when it comes to rafah and you have so many i mean, let's the children let's just be clear, innocent children who are there
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in rafah, how would israel need to approach that if there's an invasion? >> yeah, well, first of all, i'm a humanitarian aid side. they need to open up more crossings, need to open up the port apparently after promising president biden several days ago, the port would be opened. that really hasn't happened yet. we have seen increased aid flows. that is good. i would argue double the number of inspectors or whatever to increase throughput as well. then on the warfighting side of things, look, i think you have to reduce the number of airstrikes that you're using with heavy weaponry, heavy aerial bombs, and really use that your ground forces in a far more discriminant manner. and then with regard to the civilians and rafah, you've got to find a way to move them out of rafah, either backup north or i've said a few times age if can open up, it's crossing and create a safe area. therefore, a matter of weeks to provide the gazans protection while it is while the idf culminates this final phase of clearing out rafah because they also have to go underground as
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well to find yahya sinwar, the gazan leader. and as well as the forum militant battalions. >> why would egypt do that now if they haven't done that in the last several months >> yeah. great point. i mean, i've been saying this for awhile as we put so much pressure on israel, i think long ago we should have pressured egypt to do more, to provide some type of sanctuary, temporary sanctuary across the border, a safe area for palestinians, but they haven't done that at this point. they probably won't. so it's going to be incumbent on israel to really move the folks out of rafah, move them either further east or backup north to get them out of the way while the israeli ground forces conducted operation. again doing so so house by house, block by block, they had to be very discriminant, strict try and maintain as much as you can, relying on small arms, things like that that will produce a less collateral damage, less unnecessary killing get describing a different war than
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we have seen prosecuted quite frankly, which is what the us appears to be requesting. so we'll have to see if israel does proceed in that manner secretary. thank you so much for being with us. we appreciate it. >> thanks. briana >> next feel like your paycheck isn't going as far maybe you're not your purchasing power. it's just not there. you're not imagining it though. we just got a new inflation report. so what it shows, plus donald trump's former cfo is headed back to rikers. we have the details of his sentencing and whether it can impact next week's hush money trial >> there's debris in the sky parents, husbands and wives gone. >> wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two parts fanelli, sunday at nine on cnn, one, barbara switch the turbotax.
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that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? treatment. go to know to learn more. >> and rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn >> so inflation was supposed to be cooling down, but higher gas prices, rent home prices, they are driving prices higher new data showing consumer prices rose 3.5% sen. andarch the highest in six months. the hoer-than-expected report, sendinthe stocmarket lower with the dow falling roughly a percentage point. cnn's matt egan here to break it all down for us. matt seemsike a bit of a bumpy road ahead yeah. >>rian it does increasingly feel likinflatiois sort of stk here >> prices >> are no longer skyrocketing like they were two years ago, miles away from that >> but some of the >> progress has real stall hotter than expeed ition igh
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increasi siny descbing inflation as stubborn with one even comparing it to a toddler that just won't leave the playground. now, this report showed that nsumer prices up by 3.5ar over year, than the monthore r and se of t big culprits are >> gasoline and housing things that a lot of peop reay n'avoid, but it is broad thant.ver thlast months've seen lot of dierent products have price because we're looking at an increasef 10% year over year for baby formula for car owners we've seen car insurance up by 22% year over year, 12% r car repair, for peparent parents also, the cost of going to a vet is up by 1 10% as well so those are all concerning numbers. the reaction on wall street was immediate and it was negative. we saw bond yields go up, stock futures go down, and the selloff has really only intensified with the dow down
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more than 500 pointsore than 1% losfor the s&p and the nasdaq in the big concern is, wh does th mean r the federal reserve? and a rep like this, it does not help the idea of getting an interest ra cut anytime soo there' a growing sensthat rate cuts have been delayed at a minimum not long ago. a loof peoe were hopg for a rate cut in march march, of course, that didn't happen, thenhe thinking was okay, this is gonna be something to happen in june, st a month ago, the mark was pri in a 73% chce of a rate cut in june, june cut rday was 60, 40 of a >> now, >> that's gone down ust 15 this is disapinti, of course, for anyone who's trying to get mortgage with mortgage rates around 7%. ople >> who havcreditard >> debt, people who are trying to get a car ln. >> is we'veven heard from to former obama officials, larr summers and jason furman. they've suggested briana that next move from the fed might not be a rate cut. it
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could be a rate hike oh, my lord yes. that child on the playground is not sting. matt egan. so we're going to have to figure something out here, matt, thk you for that we appreciate it for u >> from trump's money man to rikers inmates today, alan weisselberg walked out of a new york courtroom in handcuffs headed for rikers isnd aer a judgsentenced him to fiv mohs for perjuryweisselberg is the former chief financl officer for the trump organization, and he admitted that he lied during a deposition in the new york civil fraud case against donald trump and his co-defendants. that's the one with the 464 million judgment weisselberg gave false testimony specifically about the size of trump's apartment, triplex, and he's already served time in 2022 for tax fraud let's talk about this further with john dn. he's former white house counsel for president nixon he actually testified against prident nixon and the watergate investigation. so
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john, thanks so much for being with a five months sentence for weisselberg. do you think that's fair? >> well, in in total, it will probably with good behavior ount to about 90 days, 100 days. that was what is prior. good time. got him in rikers. so he's turning to a very unpleasant place that is very familiar withood time at riker's. it sounds like an oxoron, john the ieresti thg about this ith as sources indicate that he won' in the hush money case. it doesn't seem that prosecutors felt tt they were sing a kepiece of their casby agreeing to that. is that a fa aessment >> i think it i thinwhat th're d is tidying things up before therial next monday. and this was one of the open items. this iettyuch guarana preclude trump using
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weisselberg as a witness and his case and his defense. so he's a governnt ctified perjure. so he's not much of a witness and that will be a a relief for the government as they proceed. whether se they'll know nothinyou're going to come in from miss from this witness >> a trump's team filed anher appeal today in the hush mey case. this one, a challenging the judg refusal to recuse himsf again, th're trying to delay the start of this trial. do you have any doubt that jury selectn is going to begin on mondayt, would be extraordiny. boris, if it dn't begin on monday, the dge has already has a pln place to narrow it down so that it's not an oversed jy pool, but rather a highly qualifd ju pool. they can get down to riously findg people who can sitn a ry
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and make a impartial decision baseon the evidencprented in the ce so i i think this is going to go ahead. i think these appeals now everybody knows are frivols. he's, there are sperate he doesn't wants case to gon befo as to faceheoters. and it will not is not going to help his campaign contrary to any thoughts thahe prends that these are helpful i want against the former predent case for keepinhis classified documents mar-a-lago of the >> witness list, apparently, a judge deciding will stay secret. do you have any concern that that might feed into the false beliefs that are out there that the justice department is going after the former president unfairly >> i don't think so because i think the judge she went very slowly on this and the trump
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and his counsel know who these witnesses are but they can't use this information publicly. and what they've done is protect the witnesses. but not the content of their statements that were given to the government and may come up and be used at trial. so there's nothing unfair about the proceeding, but rather, it would be unfair to the witness given tom's history of attacking witnesses and using all kinds of slander and defamation against people who do testify against him to expose their names and let them be subject to that. some probably won't be recognized if they're used at trial so they did not secret witnesses, but they're just anonymous witnesses. not unlike mob cases >> a fascinating comparison there. john deanappreciate the time, sir. thanks.
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flames police are asking everyone to stay indoors as they worked to rescue people from damaged and flooded areas e got the big with four maged, ones on its side if yolook all around, wt leing power pole power lines treat w thisuildg to yr left got directly hit. they got damaged. >> this is a >> scary scene we are due agn to stay indoors nearby officials in new orleans, just emergencand overnight in >> tas, major ooding shut down nearly all of the major roadways in kirby ville. fst responde there today rcuing drivers trapped by floodwaters, reportedly up to 15 feet deep lot of severe weather to keep tracker. >> yeah. look at that and happening on capitol hill, a new blow to speaker mike johnson because just moments ago, house conservatives volted against their own
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leadership. they defeated a pfizer rule te on the floor. it's a rule, but i's ke here. and this happeneafter donald i'll trump tthem to do it. >> well, l's get to cnn's manu raju,ho joins us from capitol hill, mano, this is the last thing that speaker johnson needs as he's trying to cling to the speaker's gavel yeah. and it's >> really this latest signs of republican disarray in this narrowly divided republican-led house. remember, typically, majority power parties approve what's known as the rule that sets the parameters for florida bade in the house allows them to actually pass bills on a majority basis, but in this congress, seven times, the republicans have been divided and actually scuttled this rule from rules from going forward. essentially, the whaling the entire legislative agenda before this congress, it hadn't happened since 2002 when a rule went down this congress alone, seven times in this instance, it was a centerpiece of this was a dispute over renewing a warrantless surveillance program. the fbi conducts under
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the florida the surveillance act, donald trump put out a social media post overnight saying that republicans should kill it and ultimately 19 republicans move that route and sought to kill it. there was national security hawks were warning that they the fbi needs this power, what they say is a powerful tool at this key time, what person who's signing with that speaker mike johnson himself. in fact, johnson has called a 4pm meeting for republicans mr. and try the weight to weig forward. now the question is also about, well, how long can speer johnson hang onto his job amid growing threats from one member particular? marjorie taylor greene, who has said that she will and may very well students sun call for a vote seeking his earlier today and shwarned him not to move ahead. on plans intelligence surveillaact and also saihe should drop hiplanto move forward on ukraine aid packe suggested that could move are closer. the calling for such a vote, ekg his ouster there's two
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issues that arcoming up at he's tellinpublican votss, all over the country that they continued behavior will happen mopine opresident trump americans dreds othousands >> number >> tthe funding kraine must endare not responsie fowar inkraine. bori whe response syml fothe war on border. a i me >>ow there's only twoase as speakerohnson lisned to that suggestion. in fact, he's still tryingo figure out if the is a way forward on ukraine aid in particular, now, there is a significant amount of support on hnson side, people who are concerned abo what marjorie taylor greene is doing, who are warning herhat if she goes ahead, that could cost them the republican majori ithe ll i thi we havto have a speaker in ly
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current eaker would put us in aos. and i think it'd be a big mistake. think it'incredibly silly.t's a gimmick look, i respect rjoriend i respect ery colleague of mine the republican sof the aisle. buwe saw thihaen with speaker mccarthy of mr. gates and how ut coness and ten weekof parlelization where we couldn't do singlthing for e americaneople. anyone who vos to vacate him it shld not be a member of congress imy opinion, that produce sults. i do no to believe that we ght to waste e ounce of time talking abou vacating the speaker. i think senate sure. diddy, th's unnecessar and frankly, it was a mistake when this congress allowed it to happen to kevin mccarthy >> but it only one member has needed to call for such a vote. the question would be, how many democrats would support marjorie taylor greene's effort where they could save speaker johnson some of that is contingent on the handles aid to ukraine. and one other big question what will donald trump do? we know from our reporting, from our colleagues mind zanona and kristen holmes that johnson and trump are planning a joint
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press conference friday and moral law i'll go, it's a sign that perhaps trump could be here. we'll see if he decides to save mike johnson and gives any indication about how he views johnson's speakership. i asked johnson if he's asking so for trump's support amid this fight, he declined to comment >> does that silence may speak volumes, manu raju, live force on capitol hill. thank you. so >> so next one >> former mississippi police officers, members of the so-called goon squad are sentenced today for the abuse and torture of two black men. we're headed live to mrs. tipi next assignments >> in my bag, like a bunch of groceries or this cheese and greens, just contact me. freedom, the freedom you can take your eyes off the new 2024 jeep wrangler gladiator sheep.
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started today >> laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn a state court and mississippi has just rendered its judgment in the case of those six former law enforcement officers who assaulted in orchard, two black >> men during a home invasion and all six of them have already been given these really lengthy prison terms by a federal court. today, the so-called goon squad members learn their punishments for the various state charges that they face. this includes burglary, aggravated assault, and also hindering prosecution as soon as ryan young has been covering the story from the very start, he joins us live from jackson mississippi. ryan, given the state's history, some observers are watching to see if the state court would come down on these men as hard as the federal court. ultimately, what was the outcome?
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>> they did me look, it was ten to 40 years, but it runs concurrently with a federal. so basically, the judge did give them some harsh sentences, but it's the time they're going to serve as basically the effect hi, guys, let's think about this. >> it >> was 2023 in the men showed up to the victim's home because they were accused of dating a white woman they scoped out the house. they made sure there wasn't a camera on the front door they went inside and for two hours they terrorize them. i remember talking to you guys when the last federal trial was going on and we talked about some of the things that were talked about where from being taste to being waterboarded, to being sexually assaulted. this is really 20 apart the to menn because michael jenkins and eddie parker have a hard time dealing with this. but at the same time, they are getting justice because all the men who've been accused have now face real hard time in federal court. listened terrier attorney talk about getting this final moment of justice
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>> yes, we would have preferred that a couple of more years of time were added onto the defendants sentences however, we respect to judgment of this court, we respect the wisdom of discord and mississippi has spoken here. this is mississippi. this has never happened in mississippi justice has come in mississippi >> never before has this happenedn rankin county, the attorney says thatever h is hapned in mississippi. were all oicers have bee charged and problem prosecuted and now facing real time. we were inside the courtroom where these men used to work every now and then. d they actually had to bring state troopers in to be the court security today. one of the this that stood outo me he h i actually taedo daniel up dikes attorney, d he says s client felt so bad about this. he'actually the one who turned or the text messas case. there's a lot of people coming and the federal ar
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because you have a sheriff's department that is still operating by the way, bryan bailey the sheriff, says he's not stepping down and he says he had no idea that y of this was gog on >> there's some serious there are some serious questions from the community about that because this was an orchestrated coordinated group how could the sheriff not know that that was happening right under his nose? ryan. thank you so much >> they had a challenge coin at one point, so yes, absolutely >> wow. >> that is a telling detail, rainy on the life force from jackson, mississippi. thank you so much >> so we've >> been talking about this breaking news out of arizona don't know. there's an. 18, 64 law that could ultimately append the presidential race in 2024. i had on cnn news central how that arizona court ruling could torpedo republican chances of not only winning back the white house but congress to cracked windshield schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix it.
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