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tv   The Source With Kaitlan Collins  CNN  April 10, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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contracts and was a tough negotiator. he became an agent and started signing up the best talent and tv he could find some people thought he was crazy, but richard saw the future and an opportunity to shape it he helped turn reporters into household names dan rather morley safer ed bradley, bob simon, steve croft, diane sawyer. the list goes on and on. the deals he made, the vision he had changed the television news business forever his wife carol, became an agent two and a powerhouse in her own right. she still is. she agreed to represent me in nearly 30 years ago when not a lot of people were interested in doing so. she changed my life too. and she's part of my kids lives now as well. >> for >> carroll and richard, career success was important, but their greatest accomplishment was, and is the family they built their two sons, adem and jonathan, and their grandkids,
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villi, melody, ellie, and jolie richard leave nerd died at the age of 85 this week. >> he was loved >> and he will be missed >> you will be missed. indeed, the newsontinues. the source with kaitlan collins starts now stay from the source tonight, a house speaker scorned by his own party. mike johnson, warning of the case now as if he is ousted as he was heading for the mother ship, mar-a-lago to meet with the man, just told his conference to defy him the third time this week, speaking of i'll drop it is not the charm for the former president who was just denied another attempt to delay his first criminal trial plus, after trump said abortion should be left up to this states, he's criticizing a state's abortion ruling. the democrat who was hoping to be arizona's next senator is our source tonight. i've kaitlan collins, and this it's the source house
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republicans cropped it into complete chaos again today, right in front of our very eyes on the house floor. what is normally a pretty routine procedural move ended up morphing into a disastrous defeat for house speaker mike johnson. johnson was handed that loss and part by donald trump, who woke up this morning and ordered his party to kill legislation that would've extended an expiring warrantless surveillance law though there were already a few republicans who were against it, the former president, all but ensured its defeat. a timing here really couldn't be worse for speaker johnson, because like a large dark cloud, marjorie taylor greene is threatening to oust him, is speaker of course we know it only takes one vote to start that process. no one knows that better than kevin mccarthy. but johnson is offering a warning of his own to marjorie taylor greene about that she's colleague always considered her friend. it doesn't serve our
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interest. i didn't think to not fund the government and shut it down. that wouldn't be helpful in nor, nor does the motion to vacate help us in that regard either way, it would be chaos in the house but greene is not dropping her threat, at least not yet, after a tense 70 minute meeting that you had with the house speaker today, she tells cnn that she >> warned johnson not to move forward with aid to ukraine, among other things. >> mike johnson doesn't have the trust of the conference and that's become very clear message to members. i'm talking to support the letter that i sent and they completely agree with it. it's a very serious letter in the motion to vacate is real >> mike johnson essentially responded with his own version of the southern phrase, bless her heart i tried to follow all the biblical admonition. does it do every day? and one of them says, she bless those who persecute you. i'm getting a lot of practice in that right now >> dotson those turning to a lot more than just prayers as he is facing this latest revolt, he is headed to mar-a-lago, actually for what
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is being billed as a joint press conference and a major councilman on election integrity with donald trump are sources are telling us tonight that the speaker is allies are publicly urging donald trump to support johnson. >> our >> source to start us off tonight is new york republican congressman mike lawler and crissman for the uninitiated in the ways of washington, a so-called rule vote is usually done along party lines thank in this session of congress, though seven of these votes have failed at the hands of your party what does it say about republicans ability to govern or to not be able to govern? if you can't get a rule passed well, obviously, given the margins that we have, there's very little room for error on any of these votes and this particular issue about 90% of the base bill, there's agreement on within the conference. the question today was about a man and minh's and process and obviously you had 19 people take down the rule
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because they objected in one form or fashion it is certainly frustrating especially for someone like me coming from a district that i do that joe biden won by ten points. that has 80,000 more democrats and republicans. i'm here to govern and i know the vast majority of my colleagues, sharon that and so the question for all of us is, you're not going to get everything you want. we're in a divided government. number one. number two, we have a very small all majority and so you have to find compromise. you have to be willing to recognize that you're not going to get everything you want and so from my vantage point to continually tried to take down rules or block legislation from moving forward. does there's nothing to advance the cause. and in fact, undermines the majority. >> it sounds like a message for someone like marjorie taylor greene. i don't wanna put words in your mouth, but i mean, you
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just heard what she said that she's spoken with the most people that she's spoken with agree with her letter threatening to remove speaker johnson. i mean, do you agree with that? >> no. i don't think >> the vast >> majority of the conference does. certainly we have people who may be frustrated in one form or fashion with respect to the position of the majority of the conference. but the reality is this, you have to compromise. and so from my person perspective, if the lesson of october was not learned, and we advance another motion to vacate. all it will do is ensure a republican minority come january 2025 we have a responsibility to govern. yes. duke it out, fight it out on policy, fight it out on the issues you believe and that's fine. that's that is what we are in. we are in a republic. we are elected to represent our districts. we are elected to fight for these
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issues, to negotiate, to debate. but ultimately that you have to advance legislation and get it across the finish line and that's what we were elected to do. and so while some may not like this, or that that's life, get over it >> well well, i will say many times that gets replayed. congressman, you just talked about the district that you're from, new york obviously held its primary last week, did you vote for donald trump in that by the way i voted in the primary and i did vote for the former president, yes. >> okay. thank you. congressman, let me ask you about another issue that i know is important to you and that we've been talking about how much the us spins on funding the israeli military we've seen more and more of your democratic colleagues in the house saying that prime minister netanyahu must go, that he can't lead israel. >> do you agree with those criticisms? what do you make of those >> look? i think it is what chuck schumer and nancy pelosi have done over the last two weeks caving in to bernie
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sanders and aoc and the radical left. and basically throwing israel under the bus. they are trying to use benjamin netanyahu now as the scapegoat to try and salvage their electoral prospects in michigan and minnesota because the democratic base is in revolt the reality is this, hamas is a terrorist organization. hamas is responsible for what happened not only on october 7, but the aftermath of it they are continuing to hold hostages, including american hostages. and for anybody to demand a ceasefire, including the president united states, and not make it abundantly clear that any terms of a ceasefire must include the release of these hostages is disgusting. but what about and it is putting, it is putting politics it's above any other consideration. look, benjamin netanyahu was elected by the israeli people, the israeli people will determine who their
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leadership is democrats talk a lot about protecting democracy and not having foreign governments interfere in elections. the fact is, chuck schumer interfered in israeli affairs and it was wrong. and that is not what we should be doing to our strongest ally in the world. they are defending themselves. after being mercilessly attacked women, children, babies slaughtered, butchered indiscriminately innocent civilians still being held to today, including american citizens i stand by israel and the vast majority of the republican conference stands by israel. what you are seeing today is a democratic party that is falling apart at the seams. and they cannot allow their electoral politics to be put ahead of the safety and security of israel and the release of american hostages >> yeah. i'm not surprised by your criticism of them, but they may say the same about you after what happened on the
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house floor today, congressman mike lawler. thanks for your time tonight. i want to turn to another inside source here as we start the show off, someone who worked alongside donald trump as his national security advisor, ambassador john bull fulton is here. and let me just ask you because i know that fisa this issue that maybe that's on a household name, but this issue that republicans were basically falling apart at the seams over themselves today is something you bill barr says, trump's coming out against. it is more about his own personal interest. then logic. what do you make? >> i think that's right, that's what trump's truth social posting said that it was used against him, although he's got the wrong section, trump trump was always uncertain about fisa, even in the time i was there and i think it shows he doesn't understand us national security. he understands donald trump security. that's what he cares about. >> but >> both he and the 19 republicans who voted against this rule demonstrated by that position that they don't really understand national security or don't care about it, neither. for alternative is very good. >> well, it's pretty
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remarkable to see him come out and say republicans should vote against something that mike johnson put on the floor. and then now he and mike johnson, are holding this press conference on election integrity as they're calling it this friday. i mean, what do you make of that? >> well, i don't know what they're going to talk about on friday, but if nobody has asked me to give the speaker advice, but the advice i would give him is it in washington if you want to do a senior job and there are very few that are more senior than speaker and the house, you have to be ready to walk away from that job. if you put staying in the job as your highest priority over principle, you will ultimately be a failure so i think he needs to get this pfizer reform to the floor and needs to bring the ukraine aid bill floor and if political cannibal like marjorie taylor greene brings him down, it'll go down with a honore. >> are you worried that he is he just talked to donald trump often that it will influence whether he does ultimately put ukraine aid on the floor. >> i don't know whats going through his mind, but i think a
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real speaker of the house is an independent political go force. and i think house republicans generally, for their own safety sake and the election, if nothing else, need to show that they have integrity and it's separate and distinct from donald trump. >> i guess we've kind of seen how speakers who go really align themselves very closely to donald trump like kevin mccarthy, didn't work out for him. but we've also seen you, people like paul ryan, who break with donald trump a lot and also he's not in congress anymore. i mean, he left, right? >> well, ultimately in washington if your job security is more important than your principles as far as i'm concerned, that makes you unfit to be a leader and everybody goes through testing speaker johnson's going through it now on this flexion integrity thing, donald trump's daughter-in-law, and another acolyte of his is who is an election denier. they're running the republican national committee right now and i know you have made clear your not voting for donald trump come november, but you said that you're really, you care a lot about republicans doing well in the senate. republicans
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retaking the senate lara trump, and they sent out this scripted call to voters on behalf of the rnc that was basically saying democrats committed massive fraud in the 2020 election, which they didn't. but i just want to run to listen to that call that went out to people i'm sure you agree with co-chair trump's. did we cannot allow the chaos and questions of the 2020 election to ever happen again, we all know the problems. no photo ids, unsecured ballot drop boxes, mass mailing ballots, and voter rolls, chock-full of deceased people and noncitizens are just a few examples of the massive fraud that took place if democrats have their way, your vote could be canceled out by someone who isn't even an american citizen. can you support us with a special election security gift of 50 or $35 today? >> it's how republicans win in 2024 with a call like that. no. >> i think this constant focus on the 2020 election. that's obviously obsessing trump because he, he's, he can admit that he lost will cost
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republicans at the ballot. i think people want to move on from 2020, even most republicans, although they don't seem to realize it so this concentration on, on what happened in the past, i think will work to biden's advantage and he's unpopular enough. he desperately needs it. >> and you've said you're going to write someone in in november that's what i did in 2020 and i'll do it again this november. >> who did you write in 2020, you've never revealed that before? >> well, i might as well say it. now, i voted for dick cheney. >> wow. >> and i'll >> vote for dick cheney >> again this november. you'll write in dick cheney. that's right. >> what made you write him in? >> because he was a principled reaganite conservative and he still is. age is no longer a factor in american presidential politics. so his age doesn't disqualify him. and i think he do an immensely better job than either for trump or biden. >> what about his daughter, liz cheney? >> well, i like liz a lot and maybe someday she'll get my write-in vo2. but right now, stick with her father
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>> i just people should do. that's news right now. you've never revealed who you wrote in in 2020 before. >> well, i hope it sways the electorate and prevents both trump and biden from being successful. can >> ambassador john bolton, great w on set tonight, glad to be with two joining us here on the source speaking of what is coming up next week and donald trump's criminal trial, he has gotten his third no, in three days to halt that trial, as use been trying to do this he appeals hearing today was so quick and hell is held in the will tell you more in a moment. also happening right now, pomp and pageantry at the white house, state guest list of familiar faces like robert de niro the clintons. we're going to take you behind the scenes of the hottest ticket in washington in moments >> king charles starts now gayle king and charles barkley are shaking things up on cnn is an honor to be here with two
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legends tackling trending topics, wires biden illusions so much of the black community >> good point. neil, once, first of all, does not get formed >> only way they know how you make a comment about the warriors last i don't believe everything you read on the internet and they want to hear from you because you're caught me a minute. >> he doesn't bite. i king charles to 90 >> on cnn i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms to find emerge as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear >> skin at four months and the majority stayed clearer. i've five years to ease allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell you, dr. if you have when infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge as you emerge drum phi it. ask your doctor about trump via deliveries happen ordered that this happens socks
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going to try risk-free with 30 day fit guarantee at honey love >> i'll rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta this is cnn from >> delay, delay, delay to denied, denied denied. today, donald trump's attempt to delay his first criminal trial was shut down for the third time this week by new york appeals court in all, trump has tried to pause or delay this case from going forward 12 times. and all 12 times, he has come up short. >> you >> won't believe this, but trump's motion today, it so abrupt that the appeals court wasn't prepared to accommodate the emergency hearing. so it had to be held in the courthouse basement yes. tables and chairs had to be rearranged into this makeshift courtroom that had restrooms off to the side. and what we are told us this is the first time an accommodation like this has had to be made. i want to bring in elliott williams, cnn's legal analyst, in a former federal prosecutor, elliott, i mean, just beyond the fact that it
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was a makeshift courtroom, i'm not sure if you've ever had to argue one of those which delay tactic would you say here? do you believe it has been the most creative because they've really tried basically everything. >> they really have and look, caitlin, it's important for parties to be able to raise the emotions that they feel they're entitled to its common to raise a motion to change the venue of a trial or to say that a jury yes, ma'am. tainted by pretrial public, particularly where you have famous people who are on trial. that's of course fine. but this is now truly out of hana, and our friend george conway said it best on the internet that the judges didn't even have time to stop laughing at the motion because of how silly it was. and at a certain point, the clock is going to run out and you just have to face it's your trial. >> can you walk us through today, though, with this latest attempt to delay because it only took minutes for the appeals judge to say no, this isn't going to delay what's supposed to happen on monday. i mean, can you just break down this latest argument that they were trying to make? >> you have a way this argument
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just again, stems from the fact that they think that the judge ought to be removed. now, they've thrown a few different arguments out as to why the judge should be removed. one, based on the fact that his daughter is politically connected, or at least, you know, works for democratic firm that has been dismissed outright. it is never going to be the case that the employment of the child of a judge is going to lead to a judge's removal, and then there was sort of other questions about the judges issuance of a gag order in the case, keeping the former president silent, or at least not speaking publicly about witnesses and other people connected to the case. both of those were dismissed outright. both on the substance. they are simply not meritorious. things that be raising at this point prior to trial mean it seems like trump may have run out of options to try to delay it. i mean, he's talking about this on social media this morning saying on monday, i'm going to be forced to sit gagged before i highly conflicted and corrupt judge who's hatred for me as no bounds. all legal scholars say is it is a sham and that biden's doj is running the
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case. i mean basically none of that is true. i mean, i guess it's true. he does have a gag order, but that's pretty much the only statement there. >> forgive the sighing and the eye rolling. it's not just that it's not true and i'm not even going to take on the substance of the statements. katelyn, but if you state a false hood enough to a public that doesn't understand it, they will start to believe it, frankly, scholars who study studying misinformation called they have a name for this. it's called the illusory truth effect. if you say ally enough in the public, if i were to say to you right now, to the listeners who aren't watching on tv, but who are listening on the radio. caitlin, how dare you have worn read today that color upsets me so much. and if i just said it enough times, people might start to believe that you're wearing red, even though so everybody knows evil, lovely navy blue suit on, it's just canadian tuxedo, basic card. okay. thank you. but needless to say needless to say, this is a common common tactic of the former president to spin a half-truth into ally and very quickly talking about this, i am forced to sit in
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court statement. you are because the constitution requires it. it is for your own protection as a defendant to be able to confront the witnesses against you when he's just lying to the american people and they're buying it. >> ella williams, thanks for complementing my that. >> as always, take care barring any more >> delays in this this trial is going to kick off on monday, and of course, what comes first? first is not really just the arguments, the opening arguments where they to that, it's jury selection. so how do you pick an unbiased jury in a city that it's fair to say has very strong opinions about the defendant. my next guest knows all too well what this high-stakes process involves having salt fair trials for public pariahs like harvey weinstein and rudy giuliani before new york trial attorney arthur aye dala joins me now and prosecutors look at this the jury matters a lot because it can change everything, you no matter how good the facts are. your arguments, the jury can really change this. >> so i make it really simple analogy when i lecture to law students in case you haven't
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feed out for my last name. i'm going to tell you an american. and on sunday, right, we make the sauce. and i say, if you don't start with good tomatoes, it doesn't matter what else you put in there. it's not going to be a good sauce if you don't have a jury pool, that's open-minded enough and willing to listen and really evaluate the evidence it fairly look, we all come into this into life and i tell this to jurors. we all have prejudice. we all grew up differently. we grew up in different parts of brooklyn or manhattan wherever you picking a jury, it's just that particular prejudice so overwhelming that you really can't be fair and impartial and it's going to be rough here. but i will tell you if i was trying this case, i try the case with lawrence, tell the nfl great. and he's a tremendously commonsensical man. and i add him helped me pick the jury because caitlin, there's no science of this. there's no magic. it's how you feel. >> how did he help you? >> because the jurors are there. i get up, i speak to them, the prosecutor speak
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about those first, right next to you. >> okay. so how does okay. trump's got to be right there. it looks a lot, so i looked trump's is he still new yorker like that's the thing and has or has he busy so disconnected, but he should be able to look at people, look at their body language here. their answers, and he should be able to say that someone who i think it'd be fair and impartial someone asked me today, like, what kind of jury you're looking for, if i'm defending donald trump, i want a real new york, i want an empty da worker. i want to con edison worker. i will someone to look through and i want so i'm going to at michael cohen, and evaluate his his testimony. i want someone to look at stormy daniels and evaluate head to her testimony. look at ulterior motives, look at prior bias and people who aren't really political, you want to get the political wants out of there. a question you're allowed to ask is, where do you get your news from? let's said, in any case, which can be pretty revealing, we can be pretty revealing. you know what question. you don't question who i wanted to jury. the one that goes i don't really watch the news.
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>> not so i only read of it of media. >> what you said prosecuting the prosecutor, you have not come off. okay. because, you know, you have to look at it's a chess game. yeah, they go first, they knockoff who they want. you not go. i just i just have to make your clarification because i know how it on your show, you try to be accurate about everything. >> yeah and my esteemed colleague, ali, i'm >> if the judge's daughter lived with him he would have to recuse himself. there is an ethical or judicial ethical law that says, if you have a child living in your home and you're a judge who has some sort of stake in the outcome of your case, you have to recuse yourself so had she been in new york living in his home working at that same place? the administrative judge would basically tell them on the laurels of ethics, you have to go and trump's tweet about the doj >> well, that's interesting because she's a grown adult when she doesn't live with me over the state >> i can ask you another >> question with the jury, though, because this is this is trump's first criminal trial. this is the first time he's there were a jury is going to
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be there that is deciding his fate it's some of these he tries to speak up. he makes very clear to his attorney he ing with prosetors or say is how es he handle that d how es the judge who's pretty n nonsense handle that? what he's in the room. well, let me just s thiabt the judg he h a reputation of being a veryair judg littlbit leanintowards the precution, butot the w the dge wain trump's civil cases who made no bones about it, like he was the third prosecutor, a plaintiff it was attorney in the room. judge them or sean is known as being a fair judge. who's the stern judge, and he demands respect and he's earned that respect and i only know one of trump's lawyer as well, susan necklace, she is a veteran. she is a spectacular lawyer the jurors are going to love her. she's a real new yorker i would it's very hard to keep someone like president trump under control i must say that i've had clients like that who want their voices to be heard and you just tell them what's in your best interest is to be quiet and just let us do our thing. but
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it's gonna be hard picking a fair and impartial jury. i expect to take about a week. >> i will say arthur hi, dala, thanks so much up next here, when it comes to abortion or lead story last night, trump back to federal abortion ban when he was president. but today he said something differently. states should make their own decisions on abortion. but here's a state making its own ruling. and he says it goes too far. the democrat who was running to be arizona's next senator is here to read between the lines hi >> sunday >> and ninth of space for stoma, whole story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope are we alone followed by the two parts, finale of space shuttle columbia the final flight sunday starting at eight on cnn one, barbara switch to turbotax i wrote for generations of family tradition. >> i want to make perfume >> so i mean bbs, new psychic count by guaranteeing her maximum refund intuit turbotax's paula's choice,
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>> upload your logo, or >> start your design today, he >> the assignment with audie cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts >> the political shockwaves from the arizona supreme court ruling, reviving that's civil war-era abortion ban have thrown yet another wrench into
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for president trump's stance on abortion leaving him once again trying to take every side of the issue today. the former president said it's up to states to make their own abortion laws. but also that the states ban went too far over that for a moment. he says that he ultimately believes arizona's ban will just work itself out >> everybody else bring it back in recent years, people wanted to grow the way to get it back to the stage we did that. it was an incredible thing everybody from the democrats or republicans, they wanted to bring it back three years, bring it back of course a. bit of a reality check there. no, not everybody wanted to overturn roe. just asked democrats, even though it's working out for them politically. so far, the former president, though not leaving it there on abortion, he also said that he won't sign a
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national abortion ban if he's in the oval office again, i want to bring in someone whose own race has been jolted by this revived abortion ban. arizona democratic senate candidate, congressman ruben gallego, carson great to have you here just on that last part there, i would do believe donald trump when he says that he won't sign a federal abortion ban >> oh, absolutely not. you can trust any of them can track kari lake, who's already flipped, bob twice and lied about supporting a band that would geld nurses and doctors, provide abortions and let alone all the other things they can do such as stopping abortion pills, which are also used by 60% of women. we cannot trust them, cannot take our chances we did take our chances, and that's how i ended up getting the supreme court justices that ended up banning abortion >> well, on the point though, when trump says that states should decide this, but also is saying that this ban in arizona
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went too far and he wants leaders like the governor, who i shouldn't note, of course, is it democrat who you didn't dorsey kari lake in that race when she was running against her to do something about it. i mean, what do you make of that? >> they're trying to run away from what they've been advocating this whole time. kari lake, for example now is saying that she is against this when she cited the actual statute which is a statue. again, that has no exceptions for rape or incest when it comes to getting an abortion, would a jill are doctors and our nurses. and now because the ci has seen the outrage and because she will lie and do whatever she can to win, she is basically flip-flopping on her position but she cannot be trusted. >> so you don't think she's genuinely changed her position on this >> oh, abs absolutely not. this is a new position because she wants to gain power and that's all it is. the only way that we could actually stop this and have any assurances in arizona is that we beat this at the
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ballot box with a ballot issue that we have hopefully on the ballot by time to arose around and stopping people like kari lake by supporting campaigns like my campaign, a guy ego for arizona to make sure we get out the vote and people learn about kari lake all the lives that she has done. she's continuing to lie in the fact that she will be in support of an abortion ban >> yeah. i mean, she's calling on also the governor and the state legislature to do something. i should note that they are the republicans in arizona stood in the way of that today when democrats did try to repeal this band, but i want to ask you about your own party because president biden also weighed in on this today and there was a brief exchange that he had with the report but her about it this way said what are you saying that people in arizona right now we're witnessing a walk going place that dates back to elect me. i'm in a 20 20th century, 21st century, not back then. you weren't even to stay as you
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know, president biden has not always been comfortable with abortion. he doesn't use the word often. he didn't actually say it in his state of the union address. i wonder what you want to see from the white house and how you want to see the president himself speak out on this >> well, i think the president has been very clear that if he gets democratic senate and house, and of course the white house back that we will pass a national codification of roe, bringing abortion rights back to this country. i think that is very clear. i think maybe his wording might be different than than ours, but they've been very clear about where they stand on this. they do not want to see arizona laws on the books. the laws that are going to imprison doctors and nurses that are going to be empowered by radical extremists and dangerous candidates, like a kari lake. and when we have the right senate house and the person the white house will be able to pass a rule protection of abortion rights for the women in this country. >> if that happens, if
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president biden is reelected democrats take the house. if you are the next senator from arizona, and the filibuster comes up, would you get boat to get rid of the filibuster? >> absolutely. specialty to preserve abortion rights for women across this country. we have women that are leaving states like texas to get lifesavingurgeries. we have people that are running away from states like ohio to indiana to get abortion. because they've been raped we have women that are being unfortunately forced to carry to term there are victims of rape all over this country. if we're serious about protecting women, are serious about protecting women's right to an abortion that must mean including reforming the filibuster mr. and passing a national right. >> abortion, you know, someone's watching this and they're saying, okay, well then what happens when it's a republican in the white house and a republican-led senate, i
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mean, would you not be worried because kristen said kyrsten sinema said that's a slippery slope. if we get rid of the filibuster we'll look a look at where we are right now >> and let's be clear when the republicans get to that point, they will do that. they've clearly been abusive of all the processes in the past. and by making this a national issue, then we will repugnance will have to deal every election cycle. where are they going to do this or not and have to answer to the women of this country. and clearly when the women speak and they vote and their allies men, that are in support of abortion rights his past at every sticked. so i think this is an issue that we can be proudly supportive of when it comes to women having a right to an abortion and i don't think we have to run away from it. >> congressman ruben gallego. thank you for joining on. so it's big news in that state. >> thank you. >> ahead. you're up tonight, president biden's former chief of staff, openly questioning his messaging as he is running for reelection. wilson dropping
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on to add, he's not a congressman, he's not running for congress. i think it's kind of a fool's errand. >> i think it >> also doesn't get covered that much because look, it's a effing bridge. claims said that lauding achievements, especially ones with abstract benefits, is less persuasive with voters let's talk about all of this and see if these pair of democratic sources that we have on tonight agree with that the man who managed barack obama's 2012 year paying job, cena's here as well as former south carolina state rep. and cnn's political commentator bakari sellers at and bakari. the reality is the last time president biden was standing in front of a bridge that was what happened in baltimore or before that, we saw him in selma. but do you think that ron klein has a point when he's talking about how biden talks about the economy yeah now, he certainly has a point. i mean, i think it's more of a both and rather than either or, the fact did ron plane is right that many people in their homes are talking about inflation. they talking about costs had a
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conversation today with turns woodbury and who would hit strategies and he talks about black voters all the time and black voters care about the economy, but the question is, what about the economy? they care about the number one thing they care about its cost. and so we're talking about the cost of goods, cost of services, not whether or not the infrastructure which is in dire need of repair is being repaired >> yeah. well, you the reality of this is people know they're still paying too much because they feel it. i mean, look at the numbers, the inflation numbers that were coming out today. they were stubbornly high and it raises questions. i'll the federal reserve being able to cut interest rates i mean, when you're the president, you're dealing with that in an election year, does any messaging have an impact on that? >> yeah, absolutely. what you really need to do, two things, when you're running a presidential campaign. you need to talk about what you've done to create the credentialing, to create the permission structure, to say what you're gonna do. and i agree with bacardi, the biden campaign needs to shift and is shifting
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to a forward-looking message about what he's because these voters that you're talking about are sitting there looking at their gas bills, looking at their grocery bills and saying, hey, this is hard. who's going to help me here and they're going to make decisions in the presidential race based on who they think is on their side and so every presidential reelection campaign is always trying to balance how much do you talk? good about what you've done, and how much you talk about the future. and it is the hardest thing. it's conversation barack obama and i had a lot because every incumbent wants to brag on their great achievements. but eventually these voters are going to say, what are you going to do for me in the next four years? >> yeah. i mean, because what does that look like? how does he push the message four to meet infrastructure was a big deal. it was bipartisan, it was something that the white house thought they'd be touting a lot. but whether or not it translates to voters being enthusiastic, is they're looking at what's going on in the political landscape right now. what does that look like? >> it looks like what it is. i
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mean, you can talk about the things you've accomplished, certainly. but you also have to give a forward-looking message. and that's very, very difficult. and that's the problem that people have with these two candidates to be extremely honest. many of these candidate, many of the people who are voting for these candidates say they're too old. there has bins, they're washed up. all of those things what joe biden has to do something he's uniquely prepared to do, particularly with kamala harris, which is a forward-looking agenda. we crossed that bridge, we fought for the soul of america. let me tell you the transition for the next four years. that's what's important. i mean, messina is right. look, we have to talk about the future. this can't be erased about how old we are and what happened in the last eight years or whatever it may be from 2016 forward. >> we have to >> talk about what it looks like the next four years and the next 40 years >> jim, in the reality you know, someone who managed a successful campaign before what do you think is the number one thing that they should be doing, right now in april, this far out from the election began
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to drive the contrast. they have got to get this race to be a choice between joe biden and donald trump to tell barack obama if it's a referendum on the incumbent, you usually lose. if it's a choice, you usually, when they've got to get this to a place where there's an actual choice between these two candidates and killing you're starting to see that that's where the poles are getting better for joe biden. that's why we're starting to shift into a general election message. but every day they've got to drive this choice to occurring. i are talking about about here's my vision here is donald trump's vision, and here's why minds better. i think get it to that choice. there'll be okay. in november >> jim messina, if bacardi sellers great to have you both on tonight? speaking of the white house, it's safe to say that inflation is not the top topic tonight because it is instead a night of glitz and glamour at the people's house. the stars and the dignitaries are out outlook it is the state dinner honoring the prime minister of japan. we're gonna dish on the dishes and the guest list as you see everyone
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filter or visit lee today i'm zachary cohen in washington in this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by her firm only represents mesothelial of victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now jeff bezos, the clintons and robert de niro walk into a room. it's the state dining room. there are among the more than 200 guests are at the white house right now, taking in the lod music of paul simon at the glitzy white house state dinner. the bidens official guest of honor tonight
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is the japanese prime minister and his wife they is, no expense planning every detail meticulously as they do at the meals transforming the state floor into a vibrant field of flowers to mimic a coy pod. also crafting a menu that blends american and japanese flavors. the california roll inspires starter dry-aged ribeye steak, shishito, pepper butter for the main and a salted caramel pistachio cake covered in matcha ganache for the desert. my next guest knows exactly what it's like to play these meticulous standards. i got hungry, just reading that he planned six of them. are inside source is jeremy bernard, who is the white house's social secretary under president obama. it joins me now and it's great to have you here, jeremy. >> i mean, just walk us >> through this because i think a lot of people have never obviously seen a state dinner. i have because i was lucky enough to cover the white house. but can you kind of just walk us through what's actually happening when the moment is now finally here well, it, it's an odd comparison, but i compare it to how pilots go
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through their checklist. there's been so much preparation, meetings months in advance, and we'd go through step-by-step every moment from the arrival that morning to their departure secret service the state department, every any department that has a role in the state dinner, which is quite a few would be at these meetings and we would start weeks in advance and as it got closer, we would actually do walk through. someone would stand is where the president is, someone who would stand where the visitor is. and so really tried to make it so there was no room for error, at least as much as humanly possible. >> yeah. and there's this moment called booksellers, where you can see where everyone who was walking through the big of honore sure were there, but also all the other guests who were there, you're robert de niro. is there were told that he's at the head table. how does that work? who decides who sits, where or how do you know that
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piece? someone who's sitting at the head table with the president the prime minister there. >> well, there's lot of discussion. i would be in meetings usually we're seeing your staff and then i'll go over it with the first lady and make sure she was fine with all the seating. so i would say it after getting the guest list which included evading all the guests. so it was a process even two. okay. each guest and then we would put them at different tables and share it with the first lady state department would look at it so it was it was pretty very intentional of where people are sitting. i hope that is good seat. we >> i was just there as a lowly reporter. we didn't have any amazing seats, but you know, when you look at these events and how special they are and just everything that goes into them. all the planning that you're talking about. we see a lot of state visits. you don't see a lot of state dinners. and in one of your last frons was actually for the japanese as
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well. >> i mean, what's your favorite part >> of what was your favorite part of being involved in these? >> well, the entertainments always great because not just is it entertainment and it's great to listen to. it's also the end and you've the light at the end of the tunnel by the time the steak dinner was done, you are so glad it was done. you're also so glad that those weekly turned into daily meetings. we're done. so you really i hate to say that the favorite part was the end, but the entertainment and kind of being able to breathe because everything went well, well and tonight the entertainment is paul simon yes. >> in fact >> when >> we did the stepped in for japan we asked paul simon but he had an obligation, a family obligation. he couldn't change. >> so he the bidens were able to get them. we tried is one of the few entertainers that we
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asked it that couldn't do it. >> so who is your favorite entertainer that you've had >> oh, there were so many because they're so diverse james taylor was great and that was my first state dinner, which was in the rose garden in early summer as beautiful and former firstly, i mean, former social secretary, actually do a nancy, nancy reagan's once said to be your first state dinners like your first love. it's your favorite it's true and that that dinner outside and one time the president saw picture of it on the wall and goes that was my favorite dinner. i said, thank goodness you picked one of mine >> yeah. that's that's gotta be a compliment you could get terribly bernard. it's great. to hear all the planning that goes into this. thank you for coming on and sharing it with us tonight. >> thank you so much. my pleasure. >> i think james taylor probably be one of my favorites


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