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tv   King Charles  CNN  April 10, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> so who is your favorite entertainer that you've had >> oh, there were so many because they're so diverse james taylor was great and that was my first state dinner, which was in the rose garden in early summer as beautiful and former firstly, i mean, former social secretary, actually do a nancy, nancy reagan's once said to be your first state dinners like your first love. it's your favorite it's true and that that dinner outside and one time the president saw picture of it on the wall and goes that was my favorite dinner. i said, thank goodness you picked one of mine >> yeah. that's that's gotta be a compliment you could get terribly bernard. it's great. to hear all the planning that goes into this. thank you for coming on and sharing it with us tonight. >> thank you so much. my pleasure. >> i think james taylor probably be one of my favorites
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as well. how could you beat that paul simon, we'll see how he does tonight. thank you all so much for joining us, king charles starts right now hey, miss brown welcome to cnn studio >> in new york city. it's king charles not going to waste your time with gayle king >> but you can call >> me gail and charles barkley >> shoot off tonight. >> senator cory booker basketball legend shaquille o'neal friends, seen in zone. listen cooper and he one of the bravo club house, at cohen king charles starts now we could almost >> call this a friendship, so yeah, a lot of friends muzak
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are not friends i have a typo >> but we'll see what jack has the sake as he's going to join us a little bit later we got so much to talk about tonight. shows actually very pack. so we're gonna get started. the super friends, your favorite new year's eve dates didn't you knows, charles when we were out there talking to people, when we said anderson cooper and andy cohen everybody, everybody knew that show that they did on new year's eve. oh, because everybody it's fine to watch >> everybody likes them. everybody likes to show. so we wanted to talk to anderson and andy tonight. you can call it ac squared then we're going to talk to charles as best as shaquille o'neal, really your best friend. not even close not even close. it's more like acquaintance that is absent. >> that is absolutely fluently not true. most of you you just call him shack. >> we've got >> a ton to ask him about. you have some questions for your your acquaintance. >> i do. >> okay. he's gonna be a little bit later, but that has got to wait because we need to bring in our first guess because he's very busy booked in busies what the kids say today, democratic senator and front of the show, that would be cory
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booker of new jersey. hello, cory booker of new jersey? >> hey girl. you should know about dale >> first of all, it's great to be with you both. i just have to say from the top, you didn't make the connection that both shaquille o'neal in from newark, new jersey mayor, you've got to give some newark love. >> that's right. well, >> it listed in fairness he moved around a lot because it dad was in the army, so he claimed san antonio. he doesn't claim newark oh, my gosh. >> he opened up a movie >> theater in newark. >> i know >> already built some of our first big buildings in the city in a long time. yes. i give a lot of love to shack. that's right. we would the big to differ. but listen, i know you've just come back from humanitarian trip. we'll talk to you about that in just a second. but first, let's talk about what's happening in this country 209 days until the election i want to get your temperature about how you think things are going you know, today, we have marjorie taylor greene trying to seemingly trying to out out oust mike johnson, speaker of the house. democrats are feuding about support for israel. i'm
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wondering how are you feeling 209 days out when we look at donald trump and we look at joe biden well, i'm excited because if you compare joe biden presidency to donald trump's presidency, you have a clear contrast while jobs were million kinds of jobs were lost, hundred under donald trump, you've had joe biden be the best job producing president. we've had joe biden inherited this crisis where donald trump was telling us to inject ourselves with bleach. biden got us through that crisis. and now after the whole world really suffering from a tough economy or economy is showing signs of strength that are the envy of the world around we see manufacturing coming back in our economy. you've seen investments in everything from infrastructure, all the way from the environment, historic investments. and i just sat with some business is this leaders in the tech sector and saying that chips and science act that we did is going to pay dividends for generations to come. he's got a story to tell and even on the toughest issues the republicans have shown that there are about chaos and conflict not about solving
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problems. and the best example of that is the border bill that was passed out of the united states senate a bipartisan bill negotiated by one of their most conservative members that put tremendous resources at the border to protect us, to better adjudicate issues down there and then donald i'll trump's said, nope, i don't want to get behind a bill that really has in it things that would actually solve problems. >> your i hear you >> that sounds that sounds like really good talking points for the democrats. it really does. but when you think about joe biden also has a lot of incoming when it comes to israel you know, we're still six months in six months this war is still continuing. the democrats are facing a lot of incoming about how you're going to handle this situation. israel of course, is an ally. we all know that, but there's also a lot of concern about the human humanitarian efforts that are happening there or or a lot of innocent civilians who are losing their lives. you know, you've been very vocal about your support. >> you still feel that way >> if this if you could look at
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what's happening in gaza or ukraine or haiti, or sudan right now and not be torn up not having to anguish your heart, then i don't know if you' really have full humanity were country right now. that is witnessing hunger for and suffering of innocent people in gaza as well as in a lot of other conflict zones. and this is a tough time to lead. but president biden on the world stage right now now has stepped up in ways that have earned him the respect of our allies and peers all across the globe. just talk two european leaders about what we're doing in ukraine. and right now. he is this is not him directly, but his team is negotiating between the terrorist organization hamas and israel to bring an end to this. he's called unequivocally, let's bring about a seat he's fire release of hostages succession of hostilities opened it up but it's still has not happened. that's what i think is so frustrating. so many people >> i think it's frustrating
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for i think anybody who looks at it feels frustrated to see the kind of death and destruction in gaza so the kind of violence that was endured by israel, the worst attack on jews since the holocaust. the hostages, including americans that are being held. these are not easy issues and they shouldn't be judged on the politics of them. they should be judged on the work that needs to get done to resolve this conflict. and i'm grateful that president biden is standard ending in the saddle and a very difficult time to lead globally, making tough calls and trying to drive this conflict to a resolution to end the violence elance and results all of the situation in a way that ends this punctuated violence. we've had there, whether it's what we just saw or the attacks on israel in 2014, or what hamas and iran and they're proxies have been doing. this is tough times, and i understand the political ramifications scale. but this is really a time that should pull on our humanitarian heart. we need to get a lot more humanitarian aid into gaza, but it also should pull on our
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larger ideals is a guy who's traveled to the arab countries in that region from egypt to saudi arabia, to the uae, to israel everybody says ultimately we have to end the terrorism of hamas, iran, and their proxies. and ultimately we get to a two-state solution where the palestinian people have dignity and security and autonomy and israel has their security and autonomy as well. and that's what they're buying ministration is really working towards. >> senator an arizona yesterday where i live a past his the supreme court of arizona pasta's sweeping abortion bill from 18, 45. if i know you remember 18, 45, but do you think the government, the federal government? or to states, should decide on abortion >> i think this is a, a, a bit of a construction that it doesn't late as plain as we can imagine, donald trump put
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on the supreme court people that he said his main litmus test was the overturning of roe v. wade and that is created chaos offering in our country that is unimaginable. the states where you can literally put a bounty out for a woman if she's trying to get abortion care or states like arizona where they reverting back, getting back to a law when slavery was still the law of the land before the 13th amendment. this is insanity and for peace people who are survivors of rape or incest, or who have serious medical conditions where abortion services could save their lives. we've created a country of chaos us and suffering right now that has all of result of what donald trump has done. and if he's president united states and you don't think that this is going to continue listen to what he's saying. there are leaders in the senate right now. they are saying we will pass a national abortion ban and if that bill is placed on his desk, i believe he will sign it and further set us back into the years of the 1800s. >> you know, most people who
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are successful have a great ability to quiet the white noise are loud noise around them. how are you and your fellow senators? like is so much noise coming out of dc? how are you able to work your way through that everyday? because we get tired of kale south american people do. how do you handle that >> you know, look, i still believe that we have we have a society that elevates just noise, social media, which has become so toxic the way we talk to each other. i think that since the time of trump's election, we've seen violent and threats go up on senators on judges on election workers. we really are in this period where this culture of contempt is threatened the truth of who we are america is a good nation of good people. and we need to start having leaders that don't just deal with the debates of the policies of our day, but start to exemplify the
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best of human virtue. because i don't care if you're republican or democrat are independent in this country. there are good folks all over the place and what we're missing now is a call to the conscience of our country. again, this ideal that we can be a nation where we have lines that divide us, but they're nowhere near as strong as the ties that bind us. >> i totally agree okay. with that 40, whether you're democrat or republican? i do think that the vitriol is off the charts really on both sides and we all have to play a role in figure out how to end that but i wanted to talk to you about your basketball skills for just a second before you go. because back in 2014, i know you can laugh at this already. you said that you would spectrally you said declined to play basketball with then president obama. you explain that you play a very physical style of basketball. >> i'm more of a >> charles barkley bruised her and the thought of being tackled by the secret service is not something you said at that time that inspires you. what is it charles barkley is here listening? with both ears.
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what is it? charles barkley, bruised >> well, first of all, this is i can't believe i'm about to do some national tv. this is more about talking smack to president obama who is a competitor at job joe biden's inauguration president, the former president i states comes up and talk smack to me about my basketball game put it on the former president, who actually did take a little dig at charles barclay's away >> he gave him no that's a common that's a compliment. child for loop absolutely. >> fair price exactly. right >> it's a style play and four phonetic let's play or like the present united states, i got to protect our relations are working relationship that we have, but i will stand by the fact that i play like charles barkley and we play rough, we play for keats, we played for real >> if you're in a president, play one-on-one who's a better
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one player >> one-on-one >> between between who here baba. listen, i'm going to say this on national tv. the reality is presence got great finance. he's got a great outside shot. but if he comes to me on a port in newark, you ask shack about how we play. were you asked shack about how we play? so i, you know, the president is on a different level right now. he's formed prezi united states i respect that. but but if he comes into my house it's a different kind of gain a lot. >> cory booker, a lot of what's tickets you're selling the same thing. first i charles i believe in peace and love and gentility, and kindness. but on the field, whether it's a football field where i played or the basket four chord you play to win, play by the rules, but you played when. why? >> number one? and i want to thank you for being here. i'm going to take the rest of the show and teach bet gail basketball i'm analogy >> i know basketball term luck. next you're gonna tell me the
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round mound of rebound is a compliment to >> okay? >> all right. senator cory booker, thank you for joining us. thanks a lot. >> coming up now, appreciate you. buy. you will see you later. >> you're going to want to >> watch what happens lives, see what we did there that's a new andy show when anderson cooper and andy cohen ac squared, those join his here on set. we'll be right back getting charged while. >> 100% free with turbotax free edition, roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form ten, 40 and limited credits only. see how a that's me >> take pea-sized amount, apply it like a lotion pits under boob pfeifle about cracks feet. this water-based cream. i'm telling you it's invisible on the skin. it works like a dream. i didn't someone think of this sooner >> when these business owners
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checkout for >> imprint for certain hello, houston, you are go for the debris in this guy. >> parents, husbands and wives gone. >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible one thing i can never happen >> thousands of pieces of debris or now pieces to a puzzle. i should have that test on day one >> i wish i could've done something differently. what i can and undo that. you can just make it better. are those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn anderson and andi, they host new year's eve so you could recommend another show for them, the host, or another event to host. what would it be? >> i personally want to see them host cry the grammys, the golden bachelor. >> oh, olympic figure skating. >> if you had a time machine,
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i'd say the eclipse. >> any shaw what they take a couple of shots in the middle of it great zhao are kept believe in about to have a said oscars. s. yea >> oh, the oscars would be good. ah. we, you didn't say it. >> go to happy houafter the >>hat, w on the street today. there anything our guests >> cannot do know there's nothing they can't do. we're going to play a little game called who has more jobs first up, our colleague, anderson cooper anchors to cnn shows, and you're also 60 minutes correspondent. so we share cbs in common, right? you're also hosted podcasts and written four books? yes. not to be outdone. andy cohen is a host and executive producer of his own bravo talk-show the executive producer of 14 other shows, including the real housewives franchise that i never watch yes you do. >> india's laugh at that. he's a radios and he's written a bunch of books. did i miss anything for the two of you? and they're both dads of two
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anderson executive producer really do >> i'm just get a check. >> yeah. i was now what i do can i just say we do a q&a before my show every night and someone raised their hand the other day and said, you ever consider being the golden bachelor? >> did a little >> a little young to be the golden bachelor. >> i mean, sweetie, not really hi shall a question weighty, not really >> chemistry you to have i love it like it's just it that i'm along with y'all been friends early 90s. >> early 90s. he had very rich he had like crazy long hair and he were like jeanne short shorts. it was really embarrassing. >> and now i have short gray hair and eye where gene chore chart? yes. yes. >> so i was totally shocked today when nobody said two oscars. they had a bunch of good ideas, but i think you guys would be great on really >> yeah. no, i don't. would you want to that's not a real
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that's not even not an option. >> yeah. that's not that's never going to happen. >> like when you like the idea of the eclipse that would have been fine, it would have been >> okay. did you guys watch it becomes because i sat there, i was on a plane number one, so i didn't see it in person. flight attendant headed glasses, but i recorded three different shows. what they did on cnn, what we did on cbs, and what they did on abc and everybody who sought had this deep emotional spiritual connection and i sat there sitting >> what's wrong. >> i know i heard charles talked about this. he clearly did not have an emotional reaction >> i love did you know that you felt like tears crying? no. >> no, no, no, no. >> but i'm saying that people were saying it's so emotional and so magical, it's so spiritual. and so i thought what's wrong with me because i'm not feeling i'll tell you i got because i know i know, but but we saw it on television. well, i brought my little son who's two years old and i'm put glasses on and he his response was it looks like a banana, which it did look
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like nana, but i was because >> the school might four-year-old goes to the all day long. they were talking about the eclipse. yeah. but then i got an email from them at like three, 15 and forming all parents. we're not actually going to do your child the eclipse for their own safety. i'm like i want to take an amount of school to do that, right. >> but did you understand why people would feel that spiritual, emotional connection? >> what i felt was it was a >> great feeling of community. >> i >> did in new york city, there were people gathered on all the streets. i was on on a roof and there were people on rooftops everywhere. and it felt like a communal experience. we didn't get one positive thing. >> they said, great here though >> really the glasses on, you could see it. my son was he thought it was so cool. it was beautiful. what did you say >> charles b'tselem losers every but i will tell you what >> i want to miss this. if you go and show it to a kid i can
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understand that. i think it'd be great for kids. >> right. but if you'd like a grown person and you built your day around that clip, you are right that's just my personal >> i know somebody drove all the way to texas? yes. to >> the dam, >> loses allison >> you're not going to see another one till 2044, she just fine with charles >> i can understand kid children, high school kids have the science teacher i want to do all. that stuff maybe some epic college student was made in sunlight, but i like grow folk drive in places. talked about you talking about spiritual experiences, and that's >> but i felt bad because the people that sought really felt it deeply and i wanted to know why. yeah, you look at the pictures. i >> wanted to know why i didn't feel that. >> okay. >> did you see anything from the airplane when you but you could you could very briefly? very briefly. it was going to be darker. the banana i'm not going to be dark night to is
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going to be dark. just like an eclipse up there is dark everyday gael let's play this stuff. >> edey, i want to talk about real housewives. i was only kidding when i say i never watched because i will texas andy, i wish it watch it all different times >> very early in the morning >> and outreach from gay >> i'll ask him a question about something that's going on. but i heard here that bet midland, is is true, was very interested in being a how she treated that. i think it was a joke. i think it was a joke. >> did she ever rejection? no. no, no, no. >> but she wasn't interested. would you want that hell? yes. yes. >> that miller? yeah. so you would be the grand dame of beverly hills. >> i want to say this first of all, you annoying to him to know. i know she's annoying. >> she didn't put text you in the morning. we your sleep? paper because she said i'm sleeping kid wakes me up at all hours. >> i'm happy to your martie pants. is that you don't have
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to answer it. that is correct. >> that's what you're like i said, no. but >> gael gets up at three, four in the morning. that's right. the whole crew that's right. gail, none of us is up, but you don't want to have to answer it, charles, when do you sleep? you want to get up it's really good. >> at 3:24 every day. it's >> what time you come up with 3204 because i have a whole system, charles, where the snooze goes off three times. i've a system if you you don't mind, and then i bake, i have a whole system. it works for me. >> yes, it does >> is your question? yes. when you started this housewife thing? yes. >> you know, like he's like, okay, i think i gotta show was going to be successful, right? and obviously, it's become one of the most amazing thing, huge is that you ever have any idea where you're like, okay, let's try this. >> do you ever watch any of the housewife shows? i do not. okay >> when i, made that allows you understand. i do many places
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know when when we started the housewives, no, we didn't. i mean, i could i cannot believe the real housewives of orange county celebrated its 18th birthday last month. and i thought what i remember when it premiered, my boss at the time it was called the real housewives. my boss at the time said, let's call it the real housewives of orange county in case we do it it anywhere else. and i thought that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. >> we're not doing this show anywhere else or any of years? we are. yes. from 18 years ago, so yeah, we still have some oh, jeez. >> yeah. >> no, i love the friendship between the two of you because it's long-lasting, long-standing, you both have too young children. and the beauty is that you guys were never partners. that's what i think so >> we never hooked up. know that, you know, that you are never partners. >> although >> at first i thought you had thought you had, but i know that you've always been very good friends. >> you thought that we had hooked up gave you did what made you think that? >> out. of
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>> curiosity >> because i guess you say, yeah, we're close friends, gills >>ou kno neverhoug >> that'noa job t did >>now the dierence is openai or not lesbians. that is true. that'the dire that is true. although i famously asked oprah on watch what if she evm in the lady pond? yes. exactly. yeah. but e did hat say no i've alws hbouteah. b >> say like i'd love to have a dy ponding >> yea >> iould be lovely she kind of thought wkind o flowers?et rig? yes, i'm not getting i'm nogetting but the point i'm getting to is that you have been long term friends. you now have two children? yeah, two and two. are your kids clothes with you all to our bodies out that they are bodies. >> and when we hang out,
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>> as i love that, it's very sweet. i mean, they're >> basically the same his oldest son, it's a little bit older. >> so a year older >> and now they're in different schools and stuff, but we tried to get them together and, you know, part of the thing when you have young kids is that you're really just trying to pass the time. and so we have had a girl i have had a great deal of fun passing the time with our children the >> best thing. and what's the worst thing about having too young kids >> for me, the best thing is just the love and the hugs and the end, the glee at everything, you know, just, you know, him, the day of the eclipse, he kept saying, when is the eclipse? when is it going to be? he the eclipse. he kept saying when is it going to be the eclipse and just seeing things through his seeing the worst them, the pain in the asness >> and it can be also seeing them together and develop a relationship with each other that's like separate from me and now there are other dad. i
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would like that >> so allison, obviously your world is kind of crazy for the next you said 200, 209 days to get anyone >> yeah. >> do you like obviously you say i don't want to take my job hall, but it's impossible with the chaos that we have going on right now. do you ever just like, hey, you know, what can we just talk about issues and not talk about all the noise and extra curricular stuff. >> yeah. you sure. yeah. >> but you can resolve not to talk about or even say the name the name that's out there. but, inevitably, even people who say, oh, you know what, we're not going to talk about this today. and i'm talking about it. and you can it's just i've stopped trying to stop people from in my private life, like discussing it because there's no point, no matter what people come around and start talking about it. >> before you guys came because all of us have done interviews. we pulled some clips from tense moments from our interviews >> each one of
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>> and so i'm curious about how you respond or how you would handle that now. yeah, >> you'll get a kick out of this tape. >> she talks a good game. >> she has hatred or policies >> or policies, or bigoted because she knows they're not going to work. >> but your think she has personally vague or >> she is, of course, she is her policies there, her policies rop it. yeah. point plan. quit plan. >> i didn't do this stuff. >> this >> is not me. yeah fighting for life no >> blaming her for this. >> yes we hold >> on. >> i have friend again >> just been working on your trying. to get back your time and i could disk and really be honest, correct >> yeah >> wow. >> i saw that i got an unfair at it. they're the only one
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losing my cool. i >> don't what i asked that was what would ask care for that question, he gave me the one word response airbus was weighed down somewhere else and it was like 50 seconds. i like that honors like i don't think he's going to say that it was great tv gael in fairness, years was to best my guy. i'm gail and r. kelly. know, but i thought yours was the best way you went because when that happens on television, you realize that you're kinda out of control in that moment. there's nothing you can do about it. true? yes. that was about ten hours into >> i know i know. listening to a lot of crt. >> do you like in an interview like that, what do you like to spend time with the person beforehand to sort of try to develop some sort of report or do you prefer to just come in cold? >> i prefer just come in coal that she ever met him, but i
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did go and say hello to him. okay i'd seen him at different events, but i can't say that we knew each other. but the thing the thing that was so interesting is that because i called the next day just to check on him because i knew it had gone so off the rails and they said he wants to thank you for allowing people to see his passion and his pain. >> oh, i go. is that what he's after it, passion if this was after an error saying that's what i said, is that what he said? >> wow. okay. no >> don't have delusional people around >> there, just an andy. thank you so much. i know that you've got to show anderson has to show guy a job, dale. >> so do i know i don't know gerade carmichael, so my shoulder nine oh, wow. >> that's good >> i love i liked him or lie. i do when we, come back. >> charles, his best friend, i would not bring us gail. >> okay. charles is
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acquaintance. shaquille o'neal. we'll be right back we've got a shack on the show tonight's all ugly guy. you've seen them before but you want to be several feet tall, personally, no. >> why not? >> part of the small diaspora we can fit most anywhere. >> i would like to be. you mean 2.0? >> i played college basketball and i had a 36 inch vertical leap, so i didn't have to be seven feet tall. >> devastating are separate person who was attractive, jack pulled it off that check. >> seven foot tall man. >> i'd want to be like wednesday, so you won't be better no no i. was getting ready to go wear me almost is better than shed. i love there's new ally >> in the fight against climate change. this >> is blue car business, blue carbon. we just need to print nature will do the breast in carbon >> and cnn film sunday, april 21 at nine
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unparalleled selection at joy
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>> cnn this morning 40 with kasie hunt tomorrow at five easter >> were micro joe and told me that quote, before you succeed, you must first didn't tell you want to be exam to so mad at you didn't do demonstrate on your ask doing what do you know? i got three out of four for my license? so don't worry about what i do. okay. i'll talk about colby or them on covid shock. you bought a google my photos numbers are talking about google me. >> that's right to kill >> google meet chalk. our next guess. years, great company in the nba history on the tnt was, you know, this guy on the left without further ado. let's welcome nba legend. they call him diesel, they call the big aristotle, they call superman shaquille o'neal shack. all eyes are on you this evening welcome. welcome. welcome to
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king charles. >> we're so >> glad you're here >> hello, gael, how are you >> look, are you going to pick to really find, gave me this cake the day? no. >> this is how charles came to work today, shack well, just to somebody >> gave me a pitcher on a cake or you choking me >> i, >> can always your girl >> charles, i'm sorry chuck, i miss your brother. >> i'll >> see you tomorrow, man. a shack up giving a lot of love for women's college basketball's the last few weeks, man, going down to angel at lsu, paid learn. yeah. juju dawn staley. and geno auriemma and paige bueckers how they had 19 million people watching that championship game higher than higher than the men's game?
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yeah, unfortunately higher than the men's game? >> yes. >> how did you fall in love this year with women's who what was done to the man is that this was the i realized that this was the first year that i was more interested in the women's than i was in a men's basketball, no disrespect to the menn, but we've always had fabulous woman players, dollars, a great player i got to watch simone augustus at lsu silvio files, but this year it was just different. it was like 15 or 20 beautiful females really doing their thing. and i'm, i'm happy for women, i'm happy for women's sports. but again, this is the first time that i said, you know what i'm more interested in the women plan than the men. >> but sharrock, you know, it's interesting, you say that because a lot of people felt this way and when you talk to women basketball players, they said, listen, we've been playing great basketball for a very long time. what do you think happened this year because it was very different this year and i'm trying to
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figure out exactly why that is. do you think it was caitlin clark? do you think it was angel reese what do you think it was? >> well, there's definitely what happened last year between caitlin clark. can you don't reese it was you know, talk about it would have liked to seen that remeshing pi, but caitlin clark has a special player. she reminds me of a steph curry. a lot of times she takes those ill-advised shots at me and chuck don't like but they go in not only do they go in, they go and consistently in the way she plays the game, shys the true definition of a great player. one that makes the players around her better, not only where she making a great shot, she's making great passes and she took her loss with humility a shout out to the iowa program, shallow to all the female programs. juju watkins, grass layer? yes >> yes so again, kudos to the women for performing at a very, very super high level. and i'm happy for them. i'm happy for women's college basketball it
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was very exciting i'm upset that is over. i want to see more games >> she act we had a special moment in the studio or it's been over a month now since i've seen you guys in like a month tell us the pride of you giving your daughter that mcdonald's all-star game jersey i just didn't get a chance to watch her play all my kids play ball. but i said at my hall of fame speech that if xi keeps it up, shoe probably be the best one in the family. i can remember taunting her when she was younger, saying, nope you can play. nope, you can't play the boy is no open you're too young. she would get very, very upset. so when i finally got her with her trailers and 100 place, you always wanted to outdo her brothers and sisters and she's just a fabulous player and she chose to go to university of florida i'm happy. i always tell my kids listen. we don't
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need another basketball opponent. i want somebody who operates a hedge fund. i want i want to might be like none of the beautiful ms gayle king very once somebody to run a corporation. but they decided to follow my footsteps and i don't really put put pressure on them, but she's allover play like she does things i can remember do like she can really shoot she's really good at the free the line >> you listen. >> well, you must get really good advice. you've got your daughter and then they describe you as an advisor to angel reese. what kind of advice do you give her? >> well, i just you know, me and chuck, we go through this a lot a lot of someone we critique these guys, these are youngsters in these females. they don't understand that all the stuff that they're getting ready to go through we are the masters of that. so i was just, you know, tell her how to handle adversity, how to handle controversy we're both personal. i heard you don't really want to come and say do this and do that. i'll just come in and you give her her
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encouraging words and know just just tell her to hang in there. because when you're the best player and you play for a great coach, kim mulkey they stay on. you phil jackson, state on the pat riley stayed on me, dale brown stayed on me dave maduro, my high school coach stayed on me all the coaches that i played for state on me because when you're the best player, you're expected to do everything i just told her, i said, listen, i know you're coaches little harder and you but you have to accept it because you're the best player you're just move on from that >> hey, you know, i i hate giving us do flowers. i'll tell you something he's one of the most amazing businessman i've ever been around i was at the hotel a couple of years ago. he says, i'm going to meet and as who you're meeting with. he says, i'll bring it all my people together. that's what do you mean? he says, well once a year, everybody, i do a commercial for our bring them together, says, hey, how can i make your company better? how can i make your comment it
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better? sag what? what did that on from >> did you just give me flowers truck. i gave flowers. >> it's his love language >> this is luck. >> to you too, or something you clearly love it, love and admire each other. you >> those killed the dough when >> now let me say this. i'm so, so here's have said no, no, no seriously though, what people don't even know is his mother my mother, and it has another crazy named martha corman >> they would >> three best friends. my mom is mom and martha corporate and he used to drive me crazy because my mom they went on like 12 vacations or year and my, mom was trying to spend money like shack mama mama, i didn't make one third of the money shag made. they would take these 12, eight cases a year and gonna tell you something. >> why did you almost kill him? >> because he may tell your mom
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and has taught at my mom and spend money like that his mom her mom >> okay. go ahead. you tell what happened. happened. was happening one is we had a fight imam never interfere in my basketball affairs. we had a little altercation in a little fight one day by the time i get to the locker room, my olga jerome hand a phone. i'm like whose he's like it's your mother. so i get on the phone and charles mom was on the phone, you bet not hit my baby who is charles? moment and my mom and boko were laughing and i was like, oh, i was like my how you numbers barker's best for for 20 years y'all need to stop that already talked to charge. you need to go in the hallway, right? i shake his hand and give them a hug. so i was like, i've never going to disobeyed my mom herself by the time i got in the hallway, charles's in the hallway laughing. i'm laughing and we just hug and then i finally met his mom for the first time and all the stuff that made him do on tv his mom my mom would do the same day. you're not to play those pay like they were
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placed back to play the car level yes. she was wonderful person and charles is like the big brother i've ever had. i've always been the bully in charles bullies me. and as fun and people asked me all the time, you guys really heavy the other the answer is no, i can never hate charles barkley is a phenomenon where young man, he's one of the nicest guys i've ever met he's very respectful way. he speaks his mind. he never holds back. and, you have to love and respect to gaza like charles barkley, i'm honored to i've been retired for 12 years every tuesday and thursdays. i've got to spend time with one of the greatest basketball players to wipe my who i looked up to charles us know this. but when i was young the way he played, my father made me play like him controls uses size, use his body. he play, it means so i tried to do everything that charles barkley well, thank you back felon. so he said something nice. you have something nice to say. >> i just got a question >> why do you work so hard,
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gayle, let me tell you something. he does our show on tuesday and thursday. he travels every weekend deejaying like year round. yeah. what you work that much? but normal people retire. they slow down, but you worked for tnt, but you dj every weekend and you sue commercials like on your spouse, you worked two every time we're the subway, you're screaming at the top of your lungs. so i get about subway you work hard to not like this do. okay. he travels every weekend to been a dj now, they tell me he's great at being a dj. >> why do >> you work so hard in your spare time? >> as he likes it? >> you know, i travel i i travel, i always worked in fear and i can remember one time my father told me if you don't work hard, your mother will lose our house, my mom whenever there's a house, but i'm always working like i don't have it. i don't have and i don't have been like to take advantage of opportunities. i like to show people, especially
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my children that you know, just just work hard. i will retire the day you retire, i'm going to retire >> always wanted. >> well, then i had a i had a kid. i had a kid asked me one time, he said how's it feel to be rich and i told myself, month definition of being rich and charles, the undecided just by definition of b or richest, been able to buy my mother whatever she wants. my mother's my favorite person. shoot by me so much or you, ms girls intelligent and beautiful and can call me at anytime and let me know what i'm doing wrong. in a calm voice. so i just show work hard for my family. i just try to set examples >> yeah, there you go. thank you. big fell off. see you tomorrow. >> hello, neil sending you big, big love. thank you so much. thank you so much for joining us. thank you. gail. love you, charles, i hate you
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radon tides sydney in titus. titus titles. >> jaime. yeah. but titles the so unknown titles as the most annoying little man in the world. >> if you haven't noticed your, your love language is really putting people down. >> that's what you do. >> you know what? >> but i but. i know. but. i know what you are, somebody who deeply cares about people deeply cares about making everybody around you feel good. and that's something that you do day in and day out. i think check i'm pointing like he's over there. i think shack said it best in terms of how you treat people. you see the best in people, and you want the best in people people, just want because the one thing i'm very sure of is i did something stupid, like played basketball. i do. i tell people if you a nurse or a teacher, or firemen, somebody who's in the armed service? a policeman closer to me, like real job. i did some stupid like played basketball. it's giving me the greatest life in the world. but if you
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take yourself too serious, yeah, you need to take a look in a mirror. >> well, i will say this. i have loved working with you and something tells me charles this will not be the just saying this will not be the last time that we're working together. all miguel yeah. >> you got by number. you got men and >> congratulations. this man was nominated for a sports me nominated i'm excited for you we will see in the next time, whatever we see you. thanks so much for being with us for the past six months. had a blast taking >> what? >> about the titanic >> why are >> we so obsessed with this ship >> every piece of >> evidence tells a >> story 100 years later. >> it's still leading people >> to adapt >> this special to our titanic premiere of how would really happen? >> april 28 good.
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