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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  April 10, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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certainty of for in brynn for certain >> laura coates live next on cnn >> close captioning is brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip ends. >> check out this shoe that altered my brain chemistry. ne
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hands-free sketcher slip. it's likes lipids have an invisible built-in shoe horn, so my foot slides into place mind blown >> well, donald trump is o for three was new york appellate judges. he made me sagan the whole if at first you don't succeed, him, being a little too far, i'll explain. >> plus democratic >> senator rev, reverend raphael warnock is also here. we'll talk abortion, the election, and donald trump's claim that election day ought to be christian visibility day. >> and this tiger woods have one more badges message there's moment in him. >> his former coach >> joins us live on the comeback story brewing in augusta tonight, alarm codes live so remember when donald trump said he was going to >> win so much, you get tired of it. >> we're going to win so much. you're gonna get tired of winning. either say, please, mr. president, i have a
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headache, please. don't don't >> win so much. this is getting terrible are you tired yet >> for our president and he's not exactly piling up on the wins, is he clearly the third time is not a charm because for the third time in three days, a new york appeals court judge has denied his attempt to delay delay delay now, he is just five days away from becoming the very first former president to go on criminal trial, accused of falsifying business records to cover up an alleged affair with adult film star stormy daniels. now he wanted to stop the new york trial from going ahead so he could appeal a lower court's ruling on presidential immunity and have the judge off the case through recusal took the appellate court judge a few minutes to say nope, it's about how long it took trump to respond as well. by the way. >> because just today he launched into a rant on social media calling judge juan merchan. >> and i'm >> quoting him here quote,
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highly conflicted and corrupt in all caps because it's got to be an all caps. >> he also claimed his >> quote, hatred for me has no bounds. now, you've heard me say this before, but it does bear repeating tonight in the realm of good ideas insulting the judge who is watching and presiding over, you're trial? in a one of them, especially when that trial is set to begin on monday, april 15, tax day. papal letters, irs come monday. it's all about the de a now a cnn legal analyst and former house judiciary, a special counsel in trump's first impeachment trial nor myosin. he's also the editor of a brand new book and it's out to de, it's called trying trump. a guide to his first election interference criminal trial reminds and how do you do it? the book is so timely way to have the first criminal trial. let me just start with this idea of the third time being the charm here. another motion
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was denied. the trial is set to start this coming monday, but you have been in defense for a you still are one what are the last minute delays? a year we're going to anticipate between now and monday >> well i think that they shot three arrows out of the quiver. laura. >> the last thing that >> trump can probably do defendants are sometimes known to have an illness i don't think >> we'll go over the high school for a big test. yes. >> the yeah dog ate my subpoena, your honor i think that the probably the last thing he could try, but it won't work because the law is very bad for donald trump on this the lake tactic in new york fire your lawyers, say, judge, i have a conflict. have to fire my lawyers, but that's been tried before in new york and rejection and the thing we have to ask ourselves, and it's the core issue that i
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analyze in trying trump why is trump so afraid of this case? and i think the answer is in the case summary, laura, that the judge has announced he's going to read to the defendants he says that this case is about an agreement alleged to unlawfully influence the 2016 presidential election election interference. the judges lifting this up as a case it's not about see me tawdry, hush money that's part of it. but the headline election interference, and that's why i put that in the title of the book. >> another headline, they have made 11 motions 11 motion to delay or dismiss this case alone. there are obviously many other case that we're talking about here. but look at this little chart here. i mean, most of them came in march and of course this month as well, you had that whole period november, december, january. now an happening. this tells me something about the last-minute
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flurry. was it tell you >> it speaks to me of desperation on the part of donald trump he and his lawyers are trying everything they can to block this case because the evidence is strong. new york law is very favorable to the da on these issues of document falsification. two according to the judge, stopped me saying this unlawfully influence an election, allegedly a norm evidence is powerful, but is it >> hesitation or procrastination? i mean, this is the last ditch effort, 11 motions, many of which came in just the last month and a half alone it's not as if this case was somehow dismissed or they had some inkling that it would be why now, hanging, focuses the mind lender flake that's the old saying attributed, i
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think did dr. bosworth all and they donald trump is waking up and realizing he's lived a charmed legal life. he's dodged everything now he's got a tough da strong law, not just a mere hush money case that's in it, but an important alleged good election influencing case kind of a gateway drug. does this allegation sound familiar? lying to voters to grasp power? that's also the pattern for 2020. he sees that he could be convicted and chapter eight of the book is a full sentencing memo like you used to do when you are prosecutor, i'd pitch in the defense alternative. he faces a very serious prospect of a jail sentence if convicted >> this is why i think the book is important, but also this conversation because in the role where we tried to enlighten and unform right we
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have all these different cases that are on the docket. we keep calling it a hush money case you're flying to the election interference case. >> the >> da, alvin bragg's sees it that way as well >> allergic. that's the drama of this case, laura and you and i talk about this. we do it on the air. we're friends. we talked about it off the air. sometimes you're the prosecutor and the defense lawyer, or we switch this the drama of this case is going to be will alvin bragg persuade he's clearly persuaded the judge, because in multiple papers, the judges saying it's an alleged unlawful scheme to influence, to interfere with an election. echoes of 2020 >> will he >> persuade the jury of the seriousness of this? and the court of public opinion this is where we want to go next, nor mies. and thank you so much. again, the book is called trying trump so again, just five days from now, potential jurors will be filing into a new york courtroom for jury duty. i wonder if they they already have their summons right now and wondering if this
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is the case, we're going to be called four or not we've already seen the pages long questionnaire. the jurors will have to fill out including questions about affiliations with groups like q and on the proud boys or with keepers or ent for the questionnaire asks for a potential jurors opinions about whether if former president may be criminally charged in state court and about his treatment in this case will joining me now, is jury consultant and body language experts. i better straightened my spine. susan constantine. it nice to see you. >> what make eye contact. you don't ever think i'm lying. here we go. >> let me ask you this to meet you. nice to meet you. who >> is the ideal juror if you're donald trump >> if you're donald trump, what you want of those middle-class or low-income middle-class earners, blue collar, right? we want those blue collar people, those that are law enforcement of biters, maybe bikers these are hard working people and young
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african amicans because they've been judge, wrongly accused. and so many, and so many situations we're looking for egalitarians. so overall, that's what we're looking for. donald trump. and just lay enough when they did the law abiding intrigues me on that because it might seem counter-intuitive given the fact that he has been charged and across multiple jurisdictions that might play very differently for those who believed that to be accused includes that you may have done something >> yes, this is very true, but yeah, look at what's happened though when we're going to look at trump versus biden and that all of this upheaval and then crashing into the white house and so forth that their ally of evangelical and very strong what i call middle-class a hard core, hard workers are, were called >> in other >> words, they were storming in and they were putting in there was as big thing about law
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enforcement and law enforcement officers were shan. so i think that they tend to favor more donald trump then they would, of course, with biden. so this is not the political part of it, but i think that this actually will play into it. >> african americans. you also listed in there, and that is something that trump has said in the past. and to try to suggest that there is some camaraderie on those who have been judged and accused. i do wonder how that's going to play for him. in new york in particular, but let me just ask the flip side if you're the da in this case who is the idea of juror, do you think for them >> yeah. so we're looking for is really strong at high level, educated people, managers, supervisors, these are people that are decision-makers and teachers, teachers. that they tend to be very out there korean, be able to make decisions for a swiftly. they tend to be more analytical and their thinking that's what i would suck lacked four and look for the opposite side >> why teachers?
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>> teachers are pretty judgmental sometimes so that's why i'm saying they time remember that schooling your rights, there's and they are judgmental. you're correct. keep going. >> yeah so anytime i've ever in the case for the dependence via was we want to get rid of the teachers. that's not always true with everybody, but that's that's kinda the stigma that they carry. >> i mean, it's it's in some respects guesswork to figure out if there is going to be the stereotype to suggest each of these different categories of people will have a particular leaning and yet that is in many respects what can be used to go forward and figure out who might fit the mold that you're trying to persuade. >> but this is a very high profile case, and i do wonder what are the important things to look for in a juror in a case like this. i mean, some might be looking for their 15 minutes of fame. some might be trying to be the disruptors, not the arbiters of the facts yeah.
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>> that's very true. so the biggest deal i think it's going to be a problem here. are those delta jurors. that's what we need to look for. and you're going to there are going to be opportunity opportunistic jurors. there, no doubt this is a high-profile trial. just imagine what they could gain from that. but what we're looking for overall in more reading out, the jury is a stealth juror might be entirely vary over vague or less engaging. >> they kind of heider. it's kind of hide and seek. they know they want to be in the background. they don't pay. there's not a lot of attention hey, to them. those are the ones that are really scary because they're really thinking very deeply but they're withholding their opinions all the also we're looking for those really over anxious ones are ones that are sitting up in their seat. they're leaning forward, they're smiling, and they're agreeable with everything. yes. i would be a great juror. no. no problem. i have ten kids at home no baby-sitter. no problem. i'll still be there so these overly anxious that's an exaggeration, but we have seen that those over inches
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jurors want to give the jury so it's a combination of both, but here's one of the things that i'm really more concerned about too, is even though we see the jury and that's not jury selections de selection, right? we know that but on the other hand of that, what we're looking for is that once we have a jury is seated, what about all the maybe possible linkedin that could we could lose some jurors along the way. oh, the idea of having >> alternates are gonna be very important here. and also, i'm looking to see what, what rules the judge imposes on these jurors. there's already a gag order in place with respect to trump. will this extend in many respects, the jurors and obviously the privacy interests at stake, but i agree with you there, susan constantine, if i had an overzealous juror who is so excited to be on a case. i mean, my ego might say, thank you. the other part of me would say, why do you want beyond this case, susan constantine. thank you so much >> my pleasure >> well, arizona's civil war
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era abortion law bans nearly every abortion in the state, even in cases of rape or i'll ask democratic senator reverend raphael warnock what the biden campaign is going to do about that. >> you know, he's >> here next sunday night, no space for stoma whole story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope. are we alone >> are you finding it? now things about the first galaxies that we never knew in a way it's a time machine followed by the two part finale of space shuttle columbia. the final flight being an out mr. night was always recalled a calculator grass, humans are explores. i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow >> sunday starts bring it eight on cnn cracked windshield schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way and she could try practice and see exactly when we derive a few we
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slash shave to claim your $7 trial. >> blue carbon. >> a cnn films sunday, april 21 at nine remember a few days ago when former president trump was mum about whether he would endorse a national abortion ban. well, now we've got his answer well, what about the arizona civil war era abortion
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ruling? >> the former president, >> thank the state supreme court, went too far yeah she told them that state tonight. everybody the reason that will be taken care of, i think mood for questions. what about whether doctors who perform abortions should face prosecution? >> those are the things that states are going to make a determination of the face of all of that >> president biden has a >> message for the people of arizona elect me. i'm in a 20 20th century, 21st century, not back then >> well, joining me now, discuss this and much more democratic senator from georgia, reverend raphael warnock, senator. thank you so much for joining me today. it's good to see you. >> pleasure, good to be here with me. >> let's start here because trump was saying today that he would not sign a national
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abortion ban what's your reaction? and do you believe them >> well, my reaction is that when we look at what just happened in arizona, donald trump's set all of this in motion he is the one and he wanted to make sure we gave him credit for it. who appointed these judges to the supreme court? they overturned a constitutional right that women enjoyed for nearly half a century and he said, no, no one was able to do it. he got it done. and i think we ought to give him credit for doing that come november. >> what is credit and then there's responsibility for it, right? is the intimation let me ask you though, what did you make about the fact that he didn't want to address the punishment of doctors >> look, i think that here's a management all over the place on this issue if there's anything donald trump is guilty of, his, it's certainly not having a moral compass and you could hear the craven wade,
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which he approached all of this from the beginning you know, when he said this is about getting elected, you gotta get elected. and so he's all over the place. i don't think he has an answer to all of but i'm really focused on the women and the families who are at the center of all of this this is bigger than the culture wars this is about people's actual lives this is about women. in many cases who want to have children and i have found themselves and terrible medical situations. and the hands of their doctors are literally time. they don't know what to do with fear of prosecution. this is not a joke. this is serious business, and it reminds us that elections matter and we've got to do everything we can to get women their power back. >> he seems to suggest that this is the will of the people to return issues. two states i wonder if you have concerns as a senator about the insecurity that women and others are facing when it's a
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state-by-state issue, it's a locality by locality in some areas how does that feel in terms of not having consistency for peopleo feel as though they know what to expect and can the plan their families accordingly? >> well, i can tell you as the pastor of ebenezer baptist church where martin luther king junior served i always get nervous when people like donald trump start talking about states rights those were the very arguments that were made in opposition to what dr. king and others were doing. states rights arguments were no friend of civil rights, no friend of voting rights. and we're seeing it play out again with respect to reproductive rights. if we had listened to the so-called states rights governors during the civil rights era we would have been back to pre-civil war era in terms of black people's rights. and we saw it yesterday
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where they literally use a 160 year-old law to say to women you don't get to decide your future, you don't get to decide the future of your families. you don't get to make decisions regarding your own body. are a lot older than the state of arizona itself and i have to tell you that it's interesting to me that we would pretend that we don't know anymore in 2024 medically and biologically than we knew in at in the 1800s, >> i mean, if if we're going to go that far, why not use leeches me this, you know, to to deal with bodily and medical concerns. this is this is an error prior to the advent of modern medical science. as we know it. and so as we watch all of this chaos unfold, as it spills over out of the chaos
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party we are reminded that elections really do matter and we've got to do everything we can to use our power to give women their voices back. joe biden has said that if he is reelected and if we hold a senate flip, the house, send him a bill that he will codify. roe v. wade i continue to >> believe that a patient's room is too narrow and cramped space for a woman her doctor and the united states government, i think that's just too many people in the room for me, the issue is who gets to decide and again, we as i listened to these young women and women who were literally bleeding out in the parking lot and with their doctors hands tied. this has real-world consequences for people this issue is ripe for debate. is it not? i mean, you think about issues of states rights are one nominee saying what they will
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do versus the other. the electorate likes to hear from both candidates, from trump's, from biden, there is not yet a solid debate that has been set should there be a debate between these two candidates? >> oh, i think one of the great characteristics of a democracy is that you get to see contrast that's what elections are about. they are about a choice and i think that you will look, i'm not in the biden campaign. i'm not a member of the campaign, but i think you'll hear you will hear a debate and i certainly would like to hear one because quite frankly the more donald trump talks, i think the better we are that that is politically >> i call you senator, as you should be. i also consider you referenced as you should be as well. i know this is a deeply personal issue and deeply personal in terms of how you are guided by your own life. and i can't help but wonder what you have made a
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>> decision >> of the former president to market the bible to what he wants said now say that november 5 election day will become christian visibility day. what. do you make with the way that religion is being used in this campaign >> well, you know, the scripture talks about that too, that folks would cry, lord, lord, but their hearts are far away. from. the guy that they they proclaim. listen, i i i watched the former president put forward the trump bible. i don't know what a trump bible is. it strikes me as a kind of oxymoron in the worst way i will tell you this the bible does not need donald trump's endorsement. and it's not surprising to see him engage in this kind of behavior. this is demand who's always trying to
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sell us something he's, if he's not trying to sell us, state he's trying to sell us ugly sneakers at my opinion. if he's not trying to sell a sneakers, he's driving now, he's trying to sell us the scripture and in a real sense, he's trying to sell us a bill of goods. i don't think the american people are going to fall for it this time and what do you make of the fact that he is trying to call november 5 election day, christian visibility day. what do you think that is about >> i don't know. you'd have to ask him, but they're traveling. i i am deeply troubled by the weaponization a religion i don't use my faith as a weapon. i use it as a bridge and i think that we are in these intense culture wars in our country where faith just becomes one more tool in the arsenal for some people and i think that's quite unfortunate
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because for me making my faith visible it's about feeding the hungry it is about healing the sick which is why i fought so hard to expand medicaid in georgia to get us to fully embrace the affordable care act. because i preach every sunday morning and honore of one who heal the sick even those with preexisting conditions as what leprosy was a preexisting condition, never build them for his services. who said that he came to preach good news to the poor and to set the captives free. i liked the words of saint francis of assisi, who said, preach the gospel at all times. and when necessary use words and so if people want to make their faith visible, show up for your neighbor i'm matthew 25 christian. i heard the words of jesus when he said i was hungry and you fed me. i was in prison
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and you visited me and folks as well. when were you in prison? when were you sick when you were hungry and as much as you've done it unto the least of these, the most marginalized members of the human family, you've done it also onto me that that's how my fave shows up in the public square. and so i'm not impressed by the size of anybody's bible. i'm impressed by the size of your heart >> senator, at your so engaging. i'm loving our conversation. i i'd be remiss if i did not ask you though about georgia and the fani willis case because everyone was very intensely tuned in to what was going on in that courtroom and the disqualification hearings. she is of course found is still be qualified under the judge to remain as the head prosecutor in that case. do you have any pause about her ablaze to do so, you'd a lawyer. i'm a preacher. i'm going to stay in my lane >> but >> but seriously, look, i have seen partisan actors in my
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state tried to put their hand on the scale on this case i'm not going to pile on because for all of its challenges and flaws, every human system is flawed. i believe that our system of jurisprudence i believe that nobody is above the law that includes donald trump. and i think that he deserves a trial before a jury of his peers. and in this case these are people of fulton county that i'm proud to represent. as a united states senator senator raphael warnock. thank you so much for joining me this evening. >> great to be with you. >> thank you >> wael up next a bizarre triple murder trial that's unfolding in idaho involves a man with doomsday religious beliefs and zombies will explain next
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experienced the difference at moon p >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house. >> and this is cnn i'm spent her whole life protecting us kids >> during to me honestly, lori and charles looked like they had the ideal marriage, but her beliefs had become a lot more extreme after she met >> chad daybell, she changed who, the hell is chad daybell >> well, we're about to answer that question because that was the trailer for the netflix docuseries sins of our mother. it chronicles one of the most bizarre cases i've ever come across. i mean, involve sex money, power, and murder, but
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wait, there's even more. >> we've also got doomsday >> prepping, dark spirits and zombies. yes, i did say zombies, >> frankly, it all sounds >> like complete and utter fiction, but sadly, it's all too real this is chad daybell opening statements in his triple murder trial started today in boise, idaho >> he is charged >> with killing his first wife and two stef children. >> so how did we get here >> well, he menn a woman named laurie vallow religious conference back in 2018, both daybell and vallow, we're for married to different people at the time. now here's where it starts to get really bizarre prosecutors say the daybell became obsessed with vallow. >> they >> allegedly had an affair, and that daybell is then wife, along with bellows to children, were quote on obstacles that stood in their way. >> the prosecution >> says that this is what happened next
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>> to children very who the defendant, chad daybell, backyard september of 2018 and that's his wife is found dead in their marital manage 17 days after the death of his wife, tammy davao. >> this defendant is >> photographed laughing and dancing on a beach in hawaii at his way it's loury vallow >> now the state says those killings were no accident that chad daybell and lori vallow justified the murders with extreme doomsday, religious beliefs any who oppose them, labeled sometimes as dark spirits or even zombies. this scenarios gave them the pretax to remove people from this world for their own asked for daybell defense. well, his attorney claims that he was
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manipulated by vallow picture. this texas in your testimony about this beautiful by vicious will then very sexual person >> i'm very making >> and she knows how to get what she wants and she drove, drew chad daybell into a relationship >> now to make it even more complicated, the defense is pointing the finger at vallow, brother, who they say had a history of violence. now, lorrie vallow was convicted last year of the murder of her children and of conspiring to kill daybell, wife she got life in prison without parole. chad daybell, he could face the death penalty if he is convicted. >> joining me now is sky aboard menn and she is the >> director of sins of our mother. and knows this case very well. sky thank you so much for joining just trying to wrap my mind or at all the different ins and outs of these cases and the people who are
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involved is really just >> mind-boggling and bizarre and you've been following this case for a very long time. >> we have. >> now finally come to the day of chad daybell trial. can you help me understand what were your biggest takeaways today from the opening statements? >> well, i think for a long time we've been thinking what is chads defense going to do? and i think it was answered today that there really looking at pending the blame on laurie and her brother, alex cox, and really saying that chad was taken in by this woman, was taken in by this woman and her brother. and it was the two of them that were really behind these these three horrible murders that happen. i think based on the opening statements today, that's definitely how it's going to play out. >> i mean, daybell was connected to a movement of religious doomsday prepper. so what exactly did he believe sky and how to prosecutors think that those beliefs are connected to the depths of his
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former wife and also the value of children so from what i understand about his beliefs is that he and eventually laurie would rate people on a >> scale of darkness to likeness. and if somebody was a dark spirits and they were high on the scale of darkness above i think the number is something like 2.5. then they could never come back to being white and that person then would become not of this world anymore. and they needed to rid this world of this person if this dark white person is somebody was in the light scale above a 2.5, that person would always be light and chad and lori were both very high on this darkness and lightness scale >> what's >> interesting about the scale that they went by as people changed all the time, we saw a number of different pieces of paper, slips of paper that just had these numbers typed out on them. and sometimes people were dark and sometimes they were like i don't know that there was any real method to figuring
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out who was darker light, i think it was more of an emotional thing for both of them to put these people on this dark list >> were the vallow children's >> somehow assigned these numbers? >> some on some lists, yes. and on some list? no. so that's why i think it's a little bit hard to tell what the rationale was for these lists and how these lists were created. but there were definitely times where we're both of them it's got what is your sense of how daybell is attorneys are going to construct his defense essentially is saying it's not me, it's it's laurie i was taken in i w >> manipulated i think it's the best hope. honestly, i it's very different from what lorries trial was like. i mean, she did not essentially sort of go after chad or defense didn't go after chad. and so i think really they're looking at their best-case scenario. and that if they can blame lori and if they can blame her brother, alex for seducing chad
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into these behaviors that they are the ones that brought this religion into his life than i think that's, that's their best shot. >> yeah. alex cox, you >> mentioned who officials say shot and killed lorries, former husband, charles in 2019. he might factor into this as well. >> well, it's difficult with aleks because aleks passed away in december of 2019 and funnily enough, when he passed away, it was the day after tammy's body had been exude and they were looking at tammy's body to find the cause of death. and then he passes away from blood clots in his lungs and it wasn't ruled the mysterious death at the time. but when you go back and in hindsight, kind of look at it, it seems so bizarre the timing of it is very strange. his wife at the time even set the night before that he died. he said, i think they're going to make me their fall guy i think that's honestly what chads defenses trying to do >> when you're netflix
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mini-series, sins of our mother. i mean, it debuted on netflix back and i didn't 2022, a lot has happened obviously since that, including, as you mentioned, laurie, is conviction, i wonder has your perspective sky on this change at all? since making that documentary >> it hasn't actually changed that much. we have most of the information, we everything that is in the dark, we gotten throughout the course of making the dominant venerate. i know when i was following laureus trial, there were a few a few more instances of information about really more about about the children and how their bodies have been found and how the remains were found that that we didn't know about and tammy is autopsy results were released at the time where we were making the film, but for the most part, the information that came out in the trial and in the time leading up to the trial and after the trial is we knew most of it. so there was certainly revelations >> but i feel like i feel like we've got a pretty good sense
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of how this well i have been riveted by not only the documentary, but also now that this trial has begun. sky borgman. thank you so much >> thank you. well, up >> next, kenny, win one more green jacket. tiger woods is back out there in augusta, but to win the masters craft, to master the pain >> somebody's i just feel really good and i'm a day is not so much gray, and less by husbands and wives gone >> i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn, i saw the word psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. placenta ics works for me consent ticks helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis series allergic reactions, severe skin
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witness one enter tiger tiger woods as they say, looking to make the cut for his 24th straight masters appearance. now, you hear the saying, play through the pain and a whole lot of sports >> well, >> tomorrow tiger will be a walking manifestation. of >> just that >> i hurt every day please. yes. i know. i ache every day. >> now indulge me in some math here. so augusta national golf course is 7,550 yards. that's about 4.28 miles. now, remember, there's no carts for the players. >> and if you make the cut, you are walking that four times. that's about 17 miles in four days now for tiger, who's made it and had at least what, 12 surgeries by our count. and is in constant pain. well, he thinks he's got one more green
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jacket in them if everything comes together, i think i can get one more >> joining me now is tiger woods is former swing coach, sean foley. he coach tiger for four years from 2010 to 2014. shawn. thank you so much for joining us this evening. i mean let you know, tiger personally, what do you think is behind this this drive to compete? and even frankly through the pain yeah, i think these are you know, tiger tom brady, wayne >> gretzky, messi, jordan, and lebron, depending on whose side you're on? >> i love these >> are ordinary men who do extraordinary things and i think that there is ambition in society where people do something to attain something and then let's just aspiration, which is to become the best version of yourself. and i think for tiger his father was massive influence on
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him and his dad was agreeing brand vietnam. so tiger had been raised quite structurally and it was quiet military and how we went about his processes how he planned and how he adapted and got ready to prepare for a tournament. so the thing about golf is that it has so many different skill sets. and of course, one of them is power and youth in speed, but the wisdom and course management and short-game that something that with age, you can continue to be good at. so the thing about augustus not only is it 17 miles, it's also built like honore on a semi mountain, so it's a very difficult walk as it relates to walk you golf course, it's quite hilly. and then a lot of the times where the ball sits you'll be on an uneven life. so that changes the mechanics of balance and how you create four so it is challenging if you're healthy to be honest with you, in golf has not obviously a sport like
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sprinting or, or other things, but the demands on the body's quite heavy and i just think that when he says he aches every today, that that's a casualty of success. and the amount of repetitions, the amount of time that he's put into it. there's not a human body on the planet that can withstand that much torque and force. and at 47 years old, be healthy. so i think to him it was worth it and i don't think you have it any other way. >> plus, sign, i mean, just that point. i mean his career has been riddled with injuries and surgeries and a force him to adapt and change his game. you've been his swing coach. you describing what it was like, what it's like to be on this augusta course, among others, how difficult is this to have two? change your swing time and time again adapt to those injuries >> well well, the good thing is you know, a lot of his injuries have been to his knee his lower back, and then obviously from
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the car accident his right leg. so the thing is golf has played with your hands and arms. of course our legs are there to support us. so basically your legs create stability against the ground so you can create speed against it and just like nolan ryan and baseball had a great arm, tiger woods has great arms and great hands, so as long as he has his hands and arms, i will never receive be surprised if it is names at the top of the leaderboard differences now as so many of the names at the top a leaderboard are people that he inspired and they looked at what he did and they've been the same thing. so the competition it has now, he's almost responsible for because he inspired all of them. >> that's ddr for sentiment as well. i'm thinking about, i mean, he's he's a legend. shine. i mean, he won the masters and 97 is first major cough when i just 21 min since then he's gotten four more green jackets, 15 major tournaments. he's got 82 pga tour landers, ties for, by the way, if the record of the most
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wins in history but it's not just the wind. i mean, you talk about the inspiration. there's something about tiger. what is it about him despite everything that's happened sean what is it about him despite everything that's happened, they've had you know, i just think when we see people do things, whether it's jesse owens or whether it's >> uc boulder or tiger woods or caitlin clark you know, when you see someone do something that special, there's just something within us and maybe there's no data or there's nothing we can measure. it's point to this. but i think what it does is it shows the connection that we have in to see pure greatness within our lifetime it's, it's, it's that, it's an aura. it's but it comes from competency and it comes from sacrifice and looked to be a goat is probably it's
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got its moments, but there's a lot of downsides let's do it. so it's a big sacrifice to your personal life into how you live as a human being and to be able to one, be friends with tiger and to be able to witness since i was 14 years of age this incredible, this greatness and resolve. it's been special. >> well, shine. do you think he's going to don that green jacket one more time >> in this weekend >> i mean, a tough 10,000, i think you got to put a tenor in there. i mean, you just you just when i'd be surprised if he didn't. of course not what i do you surprised if he did? of course not. i just i just don't think that you just can't look you can't be surprised when he has every record in the book sean folly, >> of course, we can't. thank you so much. nice to talk to you. >> nice to be with you >> thank you all for watching
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