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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 11, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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2006, merced sean has been working as a state supreme court judge. the state's trial court since 2009. he's credited by his peers for his compassion. most notably, and his creation of the manhattan mental health court, or he counsels down on their luck defendants and tries to give them second chances, even one of trump's former lawyers has praised the longtime judge. >> i know judge merchan, i've try the case in front of him before he can be tough. i don't think that it's necessarily going to be something that's going to change his ability to evaluate the facts and the law in this case. >> and attorneys tell us that judge mark sean does not stand for disruptions or delays and is determined to teach to keep control of his courtroom even when cases have drawn significant attention, which obviously this one has erin, of course, judge, more sean has already dismissed trump's attempts to delay this trial and has imposed that strict gaps. like order. >> aaron, we shall say of course it is scheduled to begin on monday. thank you so much,
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jessica, and thanks for joining us. the news continues right here on cnn it's thursday, april 11, right now on cnn this morning donald trump's, me to go back and forth on the abortion issue, claiming he won't sign a federal there'll abortion ban are supporting one for years israel's top military official promising to flood gaza with aid, claiming it's a new phase in the war with hamas >> and house >> conservatives revolting against their own leadership. they have rejected new surveillance rules at the urging of donald trump all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington. >> here's a live look at the >> washington monument on this thursday morning. good morning,
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everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us just days after saying that he believes abortion rights are up to the state's. donald trump finds himself at the center of arizona's controversial civil war era ban on tuesday, the arizona supreme court revived a law written back in 18 64, which bans abortion statewide. with the only exception being for the life of the mother. on wednesday, trump's signaled he believes that the law goes too far. he also insisted he won't sign a national abortion ban. if you'd becomes president again, despite the fact that he did previously support one yeah >> i should note it's all about states rights and everybody else bring it back into recent, and that will be taken care of, i think very quick >> so that's what trump said yesterday, dreamy now discusses
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steph kite, political reported for axios stuff. good morning. one second. i want to show everyone there. you saw at trump, make this comment where he said, oh, it'll be straightened out in arizona. this is a video that he put out overnight last night, just a brief clip of it and trying to explain again where he stands, watch >> my view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint. the states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both and whatever they decide must be the law of the land in this case the law of the state >> so that was at donald trump on monday when he put out his statement about supporting a national abortion ban or not, where he was going to be on this, it did generate some criticism from the right. >> this is what he had to >> stay overnight last night on truth social, which of course was in the wake of the 18, 64
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law being revivim arizona watch people forget fighting roe v. wade was right from the beginning all about bringing the issue back to the states >> pursuant to the tenth amendment and state's rights. it wasn't about anything else that's what it was. we brought it back to the states and now lots of things are happening i had lots of good things are happening >> lots of good things are happening. that's the part that i want to underscore because stef kight, he also seems to say, well, arizona is going to fix this, implying that he doesn't like what's going on in arizona. >> this seems to be a >> place and in the rest of that video, he also goes on to say now republicans can run on other issues. they are free to talk about abortion and other things. but this is something that seems like it is going to dog republicans throughout. the republicans in arizona blocked and attempt in the state legislature just last night to try to reverse this law i mean, certainly, and republicans have known that this is going to be their most vulnerable issue
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going into this election cycle. and we know that donald trump, in particular, four years now, has been very concerned about the politics of abortion. he is concerned about how that's going to impact his reelection, how it's going to impact republicans across the board. we've seen i'm tried to find some kind of path through this, which is why we see this kind of muddied. what do you use for what don't you support kind of reaction from him? and many of the republicans sources that i've been talking to you on the hill and elsewhere actually feel like his strategy has been smart this week. they are happy to see him take a step back and leave it to the states. they don't want want the pressure to have to back a particular number of weeks at this point because they know that this is a very vulnerable issue for them and they have lost the ballot without measures time and time. again, it's a key reason why they've done so poorly in recent elections as well, because it's such a motivating issue for democrats in we're seeing the polls show that the american can public is not moving in the direction of wanting any kind of restriction on abortion anywhere.
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>> right. well, i mean, there is pulling does show that people will support some sort of restriction potentially, but a lot of that it was also based in a world where roe versus wade was the law of the land. and we are seeing a lot of these consequences take republicans by surprise. >> i've seen a >> lot of democrats pushing back at how trump handled yesterday basically trying to say like he's trying to whitewash what came before all the things that he did on this issue. the fact that he brags about overturning roe versus wade. what is your view on that >> i mean, of course democrats are going to be pushing back on this narrative and the reality is donald trump is the president who nominated supreme court justices in order to overturn roe v. wade. that is something that he has i'm specifically touted about his record. um, and so there's no way for him to get around that. what we're seeing from republicans is trying to say, no, we don't want federal restrictions, but this was
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always about states that's what they're trying to say. and democrats are pointing out that. sure. but they are the reason why hi, we're seeing these kinds of harsh bands such as an arizona come into place because this is what happens when you leave this to the states. >> one thing to that is obviously a central part of this is the dynamic where there may be ballot initiatives and in some cases there are already ballot initiatives planned in some of these critical swing states come november and we can show you how these ballot initiatives have done in other states, including red states when abortion has been directly on the ballot, it states like kansas and ohio, and kentucky, where voters have said, either we're gonna vote against restricting it, or we're gonna vote in favor giver of protecting abortion rights. how do you think that is going to affect like, let's take arizona for example, with that on the ballot, how much harder is it for donald trump to win? >> i mean, look, especially when you're talking about these swing states, these battleground states, where who's going to win is going to
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be a very small number of votes were talking about thousands sense thousands of votes that could decide who wins that state of the presidential level. and so anything including potentially a ballot measure that's addressing abortion is going to impact that outcome especially if it motivates democratic voters to come to the polls to vote for that ballot measure. then that's potentially more democratic voters then going to go ahead and vote for biden, even if they're not enthused about him as the candidate, as the person on the ballot. that's really the concern from republicans right now, is not that the ballot measures are going to change people's votes, but that it's going to juice turnout for the wrong voters for them. interesting. all right, stef kight. thank you very much stuff for coming in this morning. i really appreciate it. i come up next here. israel's top military official promising to flood gaza with aid plus a possible tornado tearing up neighborhoods in louisiana. and republican can liters encouraging supporters to vote by mail while their party soucie to make it harder to get those votes to count
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pax low slash paxos, and ask your doctor today if it's covid packs lovin >> are you four all-star deems return for a waterfront redemption we're going to bring it, but only one will make us flash. >> i >> think we nailed it, rocked the block season finale, monday night at nine on hgtv >> welcome back israel says they're preparing to launch what they're calling a new phase of humanitarian assistance to the people of gaza israel's defense minister telling reporters wednesday, we plan to flood gaza with aid and we are expecting to reach 500 trucks per day. >> the >> us has been pressuring the netanyahu administration to allow more aid in israel's top military official insisting his country quote takes the united states very seriously cnn's max foster joins me now with more max. good morning. always wonderful to see you
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>> so how do you read this? them saying we're going to flood gaza with aid. their actions have been quite contrary to that too great criticism from the international community he do you read this as something of an acknowledgment that this has become enough of a problem for them on the world stage that they feel like they have to do something about it >> i just you know, i think if you just want to look at it, look at the facts. it seems like a direct response to the huge amount of pressure that president biden. this finally put on the israeli administration in terms of getting aid into gaza, other leaders have set the same as well. you've been reporting on david cameron being there in washington, but this is really about the us and tough calls between netanyahu and biden's. so i think it was a direct response to that a lot of cynics, cynics looking at it saying, well, if you cared that much, you would have done it sooner other cynics as well saying, even if you do try to get 500 trucks in, it's going
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to be really difficult because of the war you're carrying out there >> yeah. and it's it's one of these things. i mean, it's it's the piece of it that i have struggled to wrap my head around the most if you're, saying, they want to defeat hamas. they wanna get the hostages back. all understandable considering what happened on october 7. but the blocking of food to people who desperately need it seems very, very difficult to understand. and i think that it's definitely the message that the administration has been sending, max, there's also the logistical challenges of this. i mean, saying you're gonna do it as one thing and actually doing it as another. i know you've done some reporting on this. >> well, i'll speaking this morning to work with unicef, who was trying to deliver aid in gaza. she had left raffa and she was going northwards scott to a check points and suddenly the idf we're firing in her direction. now her feeling wasn't that she was being targeted, but they were targeting someone else, but she
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was in what was meant to be a safe area. and that really does illustrate the environment that these aid workers operating. and it shows how difficult it is to deliver the aid. now she's also pointing out that israel may be saying there's lots of trucks. so israel have blamed the un effectively for not distributing the aid that they're sending into gaza the un have been telling me that there's a discrepancy here israel says trucks have gone thanks, gaza, once they've gone into the screening process. but you don't really count it as a until it gets into their warehouses. so when israel says trucks are going in the un says that's not necessarily true un blaming the when israel blames the un for not distributing it, she did accept it's incredibly hard to distribute aid in gaza, particularly when previous missions have been bombed and this one got caught in some crossfire. but they are doing
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their best. and if there wasn't a war in place, they would be able to distribute it more easily. so there's a real war words between the un and israel, which doesn't help anyone because obviously the un is trying to be an independent non-political body. but there's political background between these two organizations as well. >> yeah, a real lack of trust between israel and the united nations for sure, but let's not forget this also all takes place just a short while after that world central kitchen convoy was heatedly hit by the israeli is something that really does seem to have shifted the ground for the israelis here. max foster for us in london, max always love having you. thank you so much. see you tomorrow. coming up next here after a decade of trying, is the us ready to drop its prosecution of julian assange? >> plus >> republicans sinking a bill to reauthorize the foreign intelligence surveillance act basically, on orders from donald trump there's debris and
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save an average of 5%. learn more at carbon >> let's see an infill. sunday, april 21 at nine welcome back on developing weather story right now, there's a flash flood emergency in effect right now for tallahassee, florida, >> it's the same storm system that's slammed the south on wednesday, killing at least one person in mississippi and pummeling the gulf coast with heavy rain and flooding a tornado ripped off roofs and collapsed buildings in louisiana, injuring ten, cutting off power to thousands of people are meteorologists, elisa raffa is tracking all of it, at least. good morning to you. where does this threat head next? >> we're looking at a continuing to push up the east coast as we go through the day today, you're looking at damage from slido preliminary le it's a ef-1 tornado that struck there. i mean, just look at how busy we've been would
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oldest storm reports at least five reported tornadoes? surveys are ongoing as we go through the day to day, heavy rain has been really big problem with this system. new orleans got over six inches of rain in just a few hours yesterday. that's more than a month's worth of rain is same thing is happening this morning and tallahassee were in just to three hours, they got more than a month's worth of rain, a flash flood emergency continues this morning until about 6:00 because we're looking at heavy rain coming down so quick that they're watching things rise pretty quickly. and that causes that flooding threat flash flood warnings, those stretch into southern georgia as we get the range are really just come down very heavy with these storms. there is all that lining the southern end of the storm system, but the shower stretch all the way up into the great lakes from chicago then over into new york as well. here's that severe risk for today. we've got that slight level two out of five risk along the big bend of florida getting into southern georgia than another area of concern for a few tornadoes, damaging winds and large hail up from
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ohio with going into pennsylvania that enhanced risk level three out of five there the flood threat continues as we go through the day today. again, running up the east coast, you could see that slight risk from dc over towards columbus and then tomorrow up in new england, because the storm system is just packing a lot of moisture. so we'll have to give you your watch that threat for heavy rain all right. elisa raffa for us on whether thank you very much for that. are 23 minutes past the hour year. here's your morning round up in idaho, man accused of planning attacks on churches and pledging allegiance to isis, pleading not guilty let's eat a terrorism charges. court documents show alexander mercury, you told an undercover fbi source that he supported the terror group president biden says he's considering australia's request to drop charges against wikileaks founder julian assange. prosecutors have been trying to extradite assange from the uk for a decade for publishing in classified us military documents online >> in a few
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>> hours, japanese prime minister kishida will address congress underscoring a strong alliance it's with a us and the need for a unified approach to china it comes ahead of a trilateral summit with president biden and filipino president fernandez ferdinand sand marcos junior i cannot next here, new comments just in from the fbi director about an indispensable tool to keep america safe? says that republicans just rejected plus donald trump's reversal on abortion. what he is now saying about a federal ban >> sinking titanic. >> how would really >> happen, especially two well with premier sunday, april 28 and on c messed around dom >> having fun. don't put me down on that she with allegro allergies won't hold me back.
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fulfilled. >> she's >> pretty boring if you think about it >> five good things. >> listen >> wherever you get your podcasts >> good morning. we've got a live look this morning et charlotte, north carolina. good morning to you. thanks for waking up with us. it is just before five 30 here on the east coast. i'm kasie hunt just in fbi director christopher wray, preparing to tell congress that the foreign intelligence surveillance act, this is known as fisa, is quote, an absolutely indispensable tool and quote for national security calling this moment in history crunch time a group of republicans just sank the latest effort to reauthorize the fisa law after you guessed it, donald trump told them to kill it. it was another blow. four republican house speaker mike johnson. this is the fourth time in johnson's tenure that the house has defeated
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what is known as a rule vote, which is a disaster for any party trying to control the house of the chamber that they are in theory in charge of we've got seven more months till the presidential election let's try to not completely burn the place down. were dysfunctional. we are it's come somewhat embarrassing to make bite us in the butt a little bit. november. but my focus is donald j. trump now, because we can't, nobody can manage this conference >> the rate of public on-camera swearing from house republicans is at least at the highest in the time i had been covering this body in washington joining me now to discuss more about it associated press, national race and politics reporter matt brown and wall street journal, white house reporter at catherine, lucy. welcome to both of you. catherine >> i suppose that that >> sums it up for them rep. troy nehls also had this to say
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about the conference. generally listened to him all right. >> it sounds like we may not have that sought my apologies >> but bottom >> line here on fisa i mean, this is actually not the first time that i've covered a fisa failure that resulted from a donald trump tweet. i mean, there was a time when paul ryan was the speaker bauhaus and trump was recently elected president, and they were on a friday afternoon, kind of about to let this thing sailed through the house, tweet comes down. the whole thing falls apart, trump is not present at the moment, but he is the presumptive republican nominee. he does the same thing here. again, it all falls apart over these allegations that he levels that this law was used against his campaign back in 2016, deja vu all over again. but christopher wray, the national security establishment are saying, hey, like we need this to fight terrorism what is the future for fisa and what are the consequences if they don't actually do anything about renewing it? >> reyes saying this and this is what the biden
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administration has been saying and folk on the left, on the right of this in national security that this is an important tool, that this is a serious moment in the world. does you know, crazy and then and this is something that is needed to prevent episodes abroad, but potentially racing also at home, that there's this is a key tool of protection johnson saying they're going to try and move forward on this and expiration date is looming all it does appear that this could x the powers of this could extend beyond that expiration date, but still the goal from the folks who supported is to actually get their reauthorization, right? >> well, ray's comments also, he plans to say we noted he said it was an absolutely indispensable tool, but he also says this looking back over my career in law enforcement, i would be hard-pressed to think of a time where so many threats to our public safety and national security were so elevated all at once. but that is the case as i sit here today, this is not a point when
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we can let up matt where do where do the politics of this come from? can you help us understand why it is that there are so many republicans who are willing to basically embarrass their own party leader to prevent this from happening. >> well look, casey, for the better part of over a decade since this provision of fisa has been in effect, there has been a legitimate debate over the scope of how much our intelligence agencies should have the ability to collect information abroad that might implicate the information of americans who are abroad. we've been having this debate for a long time in this country that debate, it does not seem like it's happening at the moment because of donald trump's grievances against a separate part of the fisa act that implicated a part of his 2016 campaign. therefore, we are having a bit of an adjacent debate here. mixed up with donald trump's personal grievances against parts of this law and his frustrations over what he sees as enemies
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within the national security apparatus. so that is why we're seeing really the loyalty that republicans have to donald trump in this moment colliding up with longstanding frustrations that progressives and hard-right conservatives have had that this bill, including, i should note up until very recently, speaker mike johnson >> yeah, it >> catherine mean that touches on an interesting point about trump and his relationship with the national security apparatus. and one other feature of his first, you know, his term in office was repeated criticism of the government servants who are in the national security establishment i mean, how do you see that playing a role here and it seems like we're probably in her return to that. if trump gets re-elected, certainly he's raising this again and it really does also just speak to his ability to control from a far republicans in congress how easily he is able to scuttle or shift this isn't this isn't the first time i'll justifies up on other issues that we've seen
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trump wade into them and it doesn't seem like that's going to be stopping anytime soon. and he gives these folks looks cover. i mean, people who are already critical, a lot of cover to them make these moves >> let's also discuss the major political fallout from the arizona law going back into effect. matt, here is what donald trump had to say yesterday when he was talking about this on an airport tarmac watch go to >> and i'm sure everybody else bring it back into recent taking care by the current >> so mad, he says, i'm sure the governor and everyone else will bring it back into reason. the governor of arizona, we should note is democrat, not a republican >> what do you, >> what do you see in his remarks? there? >> well, i see that donald trump is listening to a lot of
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voters in this situation, which who have shown in not just polling, but also referendums across the country. but the gop's current stance on abortion in many states is not, is not popular outside of the gop base. and donald trump is willing to frustrate many pro-life voters and activists who i speak with across the country in order to placate what he believes in swing states like georgia, arizona, this is a very unpopular issue. so i think that that is something that trump is going to continue to run away from on this subject just because he also can read polls, like, like many outside of the pro-life movement who where he's this is what he needs to win. states like arizona and this results looks like it's going to be very, very damaging to republicans up and down the ballot >> catherine, i mean, i've seen a lot of democrats who have wanted to underscore that he might be trying to say this now. but his record in office is contradictory to the claims that he is making it the moment at democrats really want to keep reminding voters that
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trump appointed the justices to the supreme court that overturned roe versus wade. and of course, trump is bragged about this themselves. so it's not like he is necessarily bit, he is trying to both take credit for that while not weigh in on a national ban. and he is walking perhaps an impossible line here as this issue keeps coming up in the states. and what you're really going to see from democrats and from biden is continuing to try to tie him to what has happened in the states since roe was overturned, like this, this return, potential return to this law in arizona yeah. >> me matt, when you when you talk to sources about but how the thinking around particularly states where this is gonna be on the ballot in arizona is kind of the perfect storm. the perfect example for democrats here, it's a swing state that could decide the 2024 election at the presidential level, they have arguably the most draconian law against abortion on the books and voters that could
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potentially drive a lot more democratic voters to the polls that otherwise might not go. >> yes. so this is an interesting situation with arizona because arizona in many ways is a state that on various policies has a bit of libertarian and independent streak because we know the polling there as shown consistently. and when you talk to the strategist, both inside and outside of the state. but this is abortion is an issue that doesn't necessarily move voters. shall we say in a very polarized state like arizona, but it does activate the wrong voters that trump does not want in maricopa county. and other liberal parts of the state, so for that reason strategy just are very concerned that they want to basically have the debate these set on any issue that is not going to activate the voters that on the right would be very, very alienated by this issue. and you said draconian from of this law, whereas progressives are very, very focused on on, on having people focus on this particular issue. because they see it not just as a question of woman's
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health, but also want to freedom and bodily autonomy, right? >> all right. matt brown, catherine lucy. thank you, guys both very much for being with us this morning. i really appreciate it. >> let's go >> to this now, republican leaders urging supporters to embrace mail-in voting in order to neutralize what has become a major democrat product advantage in recent years the push comes even as the gop pursues lawsuits and new laws in several states that would make it harder for mail-in ballots to count complicating matters. donald trump's repeated false claims about voting by mail if you are a mail-in voting, you automatically have fraud. anytime you have mail-in ballots, anytime you have mail out or mail-in, the column, different names. anytime the male is involved, you're going to have cheating all right. >> joining me now is cnn senior writer, fredricka skeleton, frederica. good morning to you. thank you so much for being here. you've done extensive reporting now on republican efforts to try to attack these
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methods of voting. what have you learned while you're seeing a number of lawsuits, for instance, in the state of mississippi, four the republican national committee and the state party have sued saying that the state should not accept mail-in ballots. five business days after the election. now this is something that was enacted during the pandemic to try to make sure that votes could count. you're seeing it in north carolina where the republican lawmakers have also said that votes that arrive after election day, most by mail should not count. as we know, sort of elections are really close. they're decided by a few thousand votes. in north carolina and the midterms, they were 8,600 votes that came in after election day that we're still counted. so we have this real battle underway about how to treat mail-in voting and as you know, as we just listened to, donald trump is highly suspicious of it. so the republican leaders are in this difficult situation
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trying to pursue litigate station to keep him happy, to keep the base happy. but at the same time, try to encourage voters to use this method that they keep hearing criticized >> yeah, well, there does seem to be a divide between former president donald trump and his daughter-in-law, lara trump. i mean, we've seen lara trump on camera as part of her role at the republican national committee they say to people, just vote, republicans need to vote. however, it is that you can do that by mail, by whatever to use it. >> but then they do seem to have to >> toe the line of the actual guy at the top of the ticket. it does seem to send significant mixed messages. yeah. no, i do. i think that this is a big conundrum for them. one of the things that gop officials are saying is that they are working very hard right now with this range of litigation that they're pursuing because it's not just mail-in voting to sort of make sure that the most fair rules are in place for the selection and then persuade their voters to play by those rules. but again, mixed messages. if
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you're going to have lots of conversation about electron integrity and problems with mail fraud, which again, baseless in terms of mail-in voting it's hard for it's hard for the voters to change their minds. i think once they've committed to a stance, i only vote on election day, right? >> well, and i think that that's really important to underscore that even when one vote start rolling in on election night, there is likely to be this phenomenon at least in most states, where the election day vote is going to lean for the republican and the votes that come in later and just one quick clarifying point. historically, it's the postmarked date that usually matters for your ballot actually, exactly. because you turned it in, you dropped it in the mail that day. and so that's historically what has mattered. a lot of states and one point that i want to make this sort of underscore this because pew research center did some polling about this and you
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can see how much republican soured on this issue in 2018, 49% of republican and gop leaning americans supported allowing anyone who wanted to vote by mail to vote by mail that is plummeted to 28% this really rarkae. all right, ats, very because galton, t you very much for this important reporting. it's going to matter a lot. the election seas. so thank you. >> coming up next re. how speaker mike johns heading to mar-a-lago as he tries to ve his job plus, a trition, like anyther the masters tees off in just a few hours, we'll give you a preview >> are you all-star teams retard for a waterfront redemption showdown? >> we're >> going to bring it, but only one will make a flash. i think we nailed it, rocked the block season finale, monday night. at nine on hgtv, spells flashes, boil overs, and burned for your stove is a mess and all that
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into place. what could be better? >> all right. welcome back with his job as house speaker hanging in the balance. mike johnson is preparing to visit mar-a-lago tomorrow for a meeting with donald trump, where he is expected to participate in a joint news conference on election integrity? cnn has learned that johnson, johnson's allies have asked trump to publicly support the speaker, or at least to stay out of his way when it comes to conflicts with house republicans like marjorie taylor greene yesterday, johnson dodged questions about whether he expects a trump endorsement have you spoken to donald trump about this and have you asked him for his support for you to stay in the job >> i'm not going to comment on private conversation with the president trump. i talked to him frequently, but i'm not going to comment on that here. >> all right joining me now to discuss republican strategist tw or rickie tw. thank you so much for being here. i >> so this
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>> is a very high-stakes moment, for the house speaker. and we have seen donald trump tried to navigate the politics of the house in different ways. he and kevin mccarthy obviously had a little bit of a back-and-forth relationship. but what do you expect from johnson in this scenario? and what do you think appearing with trump, what effect could that have on the situation in the house, especially with marjorie taylor greene being a very vocal trump supporter, but a johnson antagonists yeah >> trump 1,000 times in the past is bemoaned. the fact that republicans can't get anything done in congress that we can act as a team like the democrats, do. you just can't help himself in the moment. i understand he has a gripe with fisa. i understand during his time as president as president he listened to it as better angels secretary of state mike pompeo are john radcliffe. but what i expect to happen is a little tough love at that mar-a-lago meeting behind closed doors. they're going to
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have some words exchange. i do not know where it's going to come out. on top. i'm sure trump will address it during their press conference. on election integrity, but the fact of the matter is the cockett conference can't move forward without trump behind it with one seat majority, we should be a ground and pound operation get some gain, some ground in a keep moving forward unfortunately, when we have a circular firing squad, i can't get done >> so speaking of the fact iran squad, mike johnson sat down with christian broadcasting network yesterday and talked about the implications of what marjorie taylor greene is doing. watch pulling a motion to vacate are moving a speaker right now is exactly the opposite of what we need to show the country. we can't close the converse down because that's what will happen they will blame us, right? and so it won't hurt our chances of growing the majority or our party, or president trump's chances for his election because all of our fates in some sense or hi together. so it's really a very dangerous thing to be waving around a motion to vacate right now,
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when we got to demonstrate that we can keep this country moving forward i hope that you realize that in the end. and i think others are trying to make that case. >> so he says it would be dangerous for the country for them to have a motion to vacate, right now, is there any cost to trump to backing mike johnson? >> any cost to trump, not particularly. they to crossing marjorie >> taylor greene for trump not particularly. i think that the reverse would be would be true. god bless mike jots for taking it that calmly i kind of part pardon me, wish when she first brought it up for a vote, he just called their bluff and brought it to the floor. the fact is we got a ton to do. in the next month or two, and we need a full conference. we have a one seat majority. like i said before. and as he reiterated, in the fact of the matter, is people are heading for the exits in large part because of dysfunction and there's been rumblings that it could get worse. we could go to a tie, god forbid, something happens, somebody break their leg, but we've not lost
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gallagher. we've lost buck we don't need this and we keep bleeding votes because of the dysfunction marjorie taylor greene wants to hold this anvil over the speaker's head. it's not good for business >> they understatement >> yes. tw. thank you very much for being here. i really appreciate your time. morning. >> all right. >> time now for sports, the 88th masters golf tournament, tees off later today hey all eyes on tiger woods. tiger woods, and on the skies. andy scholes is an augusta, georgia with this morning's bleacher report. andy. good morning >> yeah. good morning. cases. so the weather not great out here at agus. so right now, it's very rainy and the master's sit out an update just a little while ago saying they're going to delay the opening of the gates and the tournament's it's not going to start until at least 9:00 a.m. this morning. so we're only on about an hour delay as of right now, but yesterday it looked like it could rain all the way until the afternoon, but with you, we could get lucky. the storm system, it's moving east and augusta national, it's
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sitting right there on the ads by 10:00 a.m. all of this rain could be gone and that would be great. now, once the rain does clear, the weather is just gonna be awesome here in augusta. and that's something that's tiger woods is really looking forward to. he would through last year due to injury before a cold and rainy third round. and tiger says, if everything comes together, he's still thinks he can win, but it's certainly won't be easy >> i ache every day and i prefer it warm and humid and hot and i know worrying some thunderstorms, at least it'll be hot, will be like last year, every shot that's not on a tee box is a challenge. >> so yeah, one once we start the whole, it's been a challenge >> now, tiger has a late tea time at some point today, he's trying to set a record and make his 24 straight cut at the masters. now, your favorite this year is world number one, scottie scheffler, and he's a
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huge favorite according to the oddsmakers no one has been favored by this much since tiger back in 2013, scheffler won his first green jacket two years ago and his business planning incredible golf leading up to this leaf i'm excited about having planned to begin this year i had two nice wins, which was obviously a bunch of font and then i was close to my last start as well, and extremely let me competitive person and i like competing out here and hopefully i'll be out here competing for a long, long time. but lice thirst crazy stuff. he is sometimes, so we'll see how long it happens, but i'm hoping it's gonna be a long time >> yeah, it's kepler's paired and a star studded trio and rows one and two with rory mcilroy and xander schauffele now, yesterday here in augusta, it was the annual par three contests. and casey, i tell you what it was, cuteness, overload, all of the players with their kids and their masters why caddie jumpsuit but i'd tell you what, no kid shined like bubble watson's
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nine year-old daughter, dakota, look what she does. she know knocked down not one, not two, but three long pods kasie. and this was in front of the house, gets people watching, making golfers around the world jealous of her putting prowess. i mean, just incredible composer and buds from dakota there. >> i was impressed. i've never had a plot that long in my life. five and here she is out there at the masters, just crushed going to say, if you've ever tried to make a pot like that, you know, not easy at all. my gosh, that's awesome. i hope she goes on. >> she should try it, she should have a golf career to our andy. like i said yesterday, jealous of you. have a great time at the masters and we'll see you tomorrow coming up next. the biden white house watching inflation with another key report on prices doing just a few hours, former bush and mccain adviser mark mckinnon joins us to talk about the politics of that and more plus, our fareed zakaria weighs in on president biden's commitment to israeli security as the war
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