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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 11, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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if we have a functioning piece of a major bridge far government okay, so on that cheery note, i'm going to leave you with something much more cheerful. there was a cuteness overload at the masters before the famous golf tournament gets underway, there is always the annual par three contests where families joined players on the court you can see on the course, you can see the pros accompanied by their kids wearing those masters white caddie jumpsuits. but no one shined like bubble watson's nine-year-old daughter, dakota. she knocked down not one, not two but three long plots. watch this. >> if you've ever played golf, you >> know, just how hard it is to sink a putt like that one >> look at her oh my gosh. also this that's also adorable not quite as successful as those long plots, but clearly following and her dad's footsteps, i love to see what she does. if she has a golf
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career, maybe she could >> all right. thanks to our panel for joining us. thanks to all of you for being with us this morning. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. sandi, a new central starts right now >> the sun rising over a capital and chaos, republican leaders in the house losing control with upheaval largely fueled by donald trump we have new reporting from the epicenter of this political earthquake >> the biden administration moves closer to closing the gun show loophole and a brand new rule that specifically defined what it means to be in the business of selling firearms and stepping up requirements on background checks. >> what is 65 million people in the east under a severe storm threat today, who needs to prepare for dangerous winds and major flood threats. kate is out today. i'm john berman. was sara sidner this is cnn
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news central do this morning, a web of chaos at home and abroad. donald trump is smack in the middle of that where i've in fact, in most cases, donald trump is spinning the web. are thanks to cnn stephen collinson for that metaphor. although house speaker mike johnson might be saying, no thanks, his grip on power is growing more tenuous by the minute he faces open revolt over his support for a surveillance bill that donald trump help spike with a social media posts that was factually wrong. it will be fun for speaker johnson to discuss when he goes to mar-a-lago tomorrow. also, cnn has learned that european officials are friends trying to speak to people close to trump and dark washington dc corners because they're desperate to know what he would actually do if he becomes president again, especially on ukraine. in this does not even touch the chaos over abortion
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caused by the overturning of roe versus wade with republicans in arizona blocking attempts to change the 1800s near total ban about to go into effect. there. let's start in washington on a congress in chaos, even by its own chaotic standards, cnn's lauren fox is with us this morning. boy, it looks like it's fun in the house right now >> they've been back for three whole days, john, and already another failed procedural vote. this is something that used to be almost unprecedented on capitol hill. it never happened under nancy pelosi. it didn't happen under paul ryan. it didn't happen under john benner, but so far this congress, there have been seven failed, what are known as rules votes in the house of representatives. >> three >> under kevin mccarthy. now for under new speaker mike johnson, and that is because of these narrow margins, but also because of the reality you see their 19 republicans yesterday voted to advanced this bill,
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that the national security community is arguing is pivotal to keeping america safe christopher wray is expected to say today, i'd be hard pressed to think of a time where so many threats to our public safety and national security were so elevated all at once. we need all well the tools, all the people, and all the resources required to tackle these threats, and to keep americans safe. now, there is an exploration de, coming up on april 19. this is why republican leaders were hoping to tackle fisa. this week on capitol hill. now there's uncertainty. they had not just one, but two republican conference meetings yesterday to try to iron out differences between folks who say that they have concerns about protecting american civil liberties. and members who say that these protections, these rules need to stay in place even if they come with some small reforms. and that has been the case that mike johnson has been making to
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his conference. meanwhile, you have republicans just frustrated with the state of where their party is right now. here's one of them, troy nehls all you have to do this, say we've got seven more months to the presidential election >> that's trying to complete referring to place down a separate place. >> let's just get down to trump that's it. that's what we should talk, but that's my thought. were dysfunction. >> we >> are it's cut somewhat embarrassing to make the bottom a little bit november but my focus is donald trump out because we can't, nobody can manage his conference the lord jesus himself could not manage his conference >> and we should know that donald trump put out a post on truth social yesterday morning ahead of this vote, urging members to vote against fisa. so not exactly helping keep people republicans together. they're tomorrow, we expect that mike johnson, the speaker, is going to hold a press conference. with donald trump at mar-a-lago to discuss election security. but you can
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expect that behind the scenes they're probably going to be discussing a lot more, john. yeah, >> they might have a few things they need to discuss. all right. lauren fox on capitol hill. thank you. you very much. there. that >> was quite a statement, john. all right. tomorrow we'll get a closer look at all of this when speaker johnson heads to florida to meet with president donald trump, cnn's steve contorno is joining us now. steve, what are the details of this meeting? >> well, on paper, they are there to talk about election integrity. one of the pet topics and infatuation of donald trump, and they will hold a press conference. where were they will show alignments on this issue. but obviously the timing of this is notable given everything that the speaker is facing back in washington dc and also we're that heat is coming from it's coming from a specifically representative, marjorie taylor greene, who is someone who has closely aligned with the former president, now allies for johnson had been working behind the scenes, trying to get donald trump to support speaker
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johnson, or at least stay out of the way but obviously he's still meddling in some of these issues with ukraine funding with the fisa wreath authorization. >> and as we >> have seen in the past, being aligned with donald trump doesn't necessarily help you. kevin mccarthy was quite close to donald trump at times, and yet it was another trump ally back gates, who took mccarthy down i do wanna ask you also about donald trump and his position on abortion we heard from him on monday saying that it should go to the state, but you've looked at the history of what his position has been. has he flip-flopped a lot? >> the only thing consistent about donald trump's abortion position is how inconsistent has been. if you go all the way back 21st flirted with a political ron in 1999, he said he was quoted very pro choice, fast-forward to 2015, 2016 when he was trying to convince republicans that he could be their standards bear. suddenly he was an anti-abortion candidate. in fact, he once
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supported a ban at the federal level at 20 weeks will now he is running for president again, he's a nominee and he is looking ahead to november. he now says that he would not support the would not sign into law that banned that he once supported. so if you look back at all the statements, we found at least 15 times where he has shifted his position and it has evolved over the years. democrats and the biden campaign's saying, don't believe what donald trump says. the only thing you can look at is what he has done and what he did was put in the justices in place that helped get rid of roe v. wade. >> no doubt the biden campaign is looking at these flip-flops and we'll use it in some way. thank you so much, steve contorno for all your reporting. john >> all right. delays three times denied donald trump's criminal trial will begin on monday so a major move on. gun safety from the biden administration set to happen today, trying to close the gun show loophole and concern over what might be in your child's
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lunch yes >> new reporting on lunchables >> one barbarous was to turbotax. >> i broke for generations of family tradition. >> i want to make perfume >> so i'm eat barbecue psyche count by guaranteeing her maximum refund intuit turbotax's covid-19. >> i'm not waiting >> if it's covid packs love it, packs louk, that is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 at a high risk factor for it coming severe, it does not prevent covid-19. >> my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risking it if it's covid packs, loaded packs loaded must be taken within the first five days of symptoms and help stop the virus from multiplying in your body, taking pecs little bit with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how id or other medicines work, including hormonal birth
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. day, millions say, i use splenda >> there's debris and this guy
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perez, husbands and wives, sky. >> i wish i could've done something differently you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn >> knew this morning, the white house is taking new steps towards closing the so-called gun show loophole. the new rule clarifies who must do background checks. i'm consumers buying firearms and uld inude sellers at gun shs online and at other informal venues. theiden administration says is will help keep guns out of the hands of potentially violent people who are not legally allowed to own firearms. cnn's arlette science is joining us now from the white house. when you look at this and what this will do, this has been a huge issue how many people selling guns would this actually affect in this case >> well, sarah white house officials estima that this new rule could impact more tn 20,000 firearms sellers,
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are selling weapons i'd gun o shows online and other venues. this really is a significant step from president biden and his administration and trying to combat gun violence in this country, gun violence is an issue that is concerned too many voters, particularly young voters, heading into this election. now, this new rule which the justice department, the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives, started evaluating back in august. it'll take effect next month. and what it does is it expands the definition of who would need to register as a federate federally licensed firearm dealers. this will now require those who are quote, engaged in the business as of selling guns for profit. that's a shift in prior language before really expanding the category of people who would have to run background checks on potential buyers that would include people who are selling at gun shows, other types of venues, and also online. this doesn't amount to a full-on universal
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background check which democrats have tried to pass in the past, but attorney general merrick garland laid this out in very simple terms, saying quote, under this regulation, it will not matter if guns are sold on the internet at a gun show or at a brick-and-mortar store. if you sell guns predominantly to earn a profit, you must be licensed and you must conduct background checks. president biden has pushed for universal well, background checks for quite some time. but this closing of the so-called gun show loophole, a really amounts to a significant step from the administration. now this is certainly going to face legal challenges, going forward, but the biden administration believes that they are on solid legal ground in this case because there are arguments are rooted in a provision of that bipartisan gun safety law that president biden signed into law back in 2022, in the months after that horrific school shooting in uvalde, texas. now, this is an issue that many young voters, we have seen mobilize around. you seeing those protests, the rallies after the major
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shootings at school shoes, we know that this is something that has galvanized young voters. and so it will be interesting to see how exactly this will play going forward for president biden as he and his team are trying to show that they are taking on this issue a gun violence in this country or let signs. thank you so much for that. and we'll delve more into that throughout throughout the hour. all right. coming up chaos and confusion in arizona over an abortion ban that was four let's put in place in 18, 64, why the latest attempt to repeal the century-old law was blocked. again last night also caitlin clark, she's getting a rare honore to cement her goat status. we'll be right back day and night though space for stoma whole story with anderson cooper, the >> james webb telescope are we alone >> root finding out things about the first gallery? seems that we never knew in a way
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everywhere i breaking up with bad bros i'm lauren fox on capitol hill and this is cnn >> this morning, a warning for parents about a popular snack. consumer reports says lunchables, especially the type served in schools contain unhealthy levels of sodium. the watchdog group says they should not be served to students. cnn's meg tirrell is with us now. so what can you tell us about this? >> yeah, john. so there are two different kinds that consumer reports looked at that are being included in the school lunch program in turkey and cheddar and extra cheesy pizza. and what they found is that actually the school versions of lunchables contained more sodium than the versions that you can buy in the store or the levels for the turkey and cheddar, 930 milligrams sodium and the school version versus 740 in the store version for pizza as schools were 700 milligrams and the stores were 510. as a reminder, the recommended daily limit for sodium for kids under the age of 14 is 1,800 milligrams. and
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so you're getting quite a lot of sodium there. now, in addition to sodium, consumer reports looked at 12 different lunch kits, including lunchables, but also some other brands, including from oscar meyer and from target at lunch kits that you can buy in the store, they also looked at levels of lead and cadmium, as well as these chemicals known as phthalates in these at lunch kits, they looked at 12 of these. they found and all of them had either lead or cadmium or both in all but one had phthalates. and so they're warning about those even though they noted that none of the levels of lead or cadmium exceeded federal limits. they just warn that some of them are getting close to half of california's maximum allowed amount, which is one of the most stringent requirements. and so they weren't that if you're eating this and then other things throughout the day that can add up. and so they warn the combination of sodium in the school lunches that they tested, and the warnings about lead and cadmium in the store-bought ones, they are warning about these products
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guys i. >> think it's interesting that the school ones would have more sodium than the ones available in stores, which by the way, i buy at the, at the airport all the time, the turkey and cheddar one is something that i eat what i get on a plane often, but the ones that kids are getting have more sodium yeah, it probably has to do with the changes that the company had to make to make them fit the nutritional requirements for >> student lunches. they had to increase protein for example. so maybe making the protein size bigger if you're making lunch meat bigger, you're potentially adding more sodium that way. we did hear back from both the usda and from kraft heinz about this consumer reports petition to ask them to remove lunchables from the school program, the usda noted that their requirements address the overall content of meals. some of them on a daily basis and others on a weekly basis. so they noted if a school is going to serve a higher sodium meal one day, they've got to balance it out the next day. they also so i have to offer fruit veggies and milk, for example. >> kraft heinz said about lunchables
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>> that all of their foods meet strict safety standards. they say they happily feed them to their own families. they say they're proud of lunchables and stand by the quality and integrity that goes into making them. and they noted, of course, they've made those tweaks to meet the standards. john all right. make sure. all thank you so much for explaining that so well. so we are standing by for any reaction from donald trump this morning after his latest attempts to delay his hush money, his criminal trial here in new york have failed in a tornado outbreak. leaves a path of destruction in the south. millions of people aren't alert for a new round under severe weather today >> every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less, cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming five days a week starting april 15 on max it looks complicated. >> that's why vision works, organizes our frames by shape
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chew stelara from the start, and move toward relief. after the first dose. >> with injections every two months stelara may increase your risk of infections. some serious and cancer before treatment get tested for tb tell your doctor if you've had an infection >> flu-like symptoms, source new skin growths have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine, prcs are rare, potentially fatal brain condition may be possible. some series allergic reactions in lung inflammation can occur >> feel on >> ask your doctor lasting remission can start with still are johnson and her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal.
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and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. things in the people that you care about are taking care of it create your state plan, that trust and >> 2024 stanley cup play exhibit again, april 20 >> did you know turbotax now provide you with a tax expert who will do your taxes from
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start to finish, try turbotax live full service. your full service expert will do your taxes for you you as soon as today, plus, they'll only sign in file when they know it's 100% correct. and you're getting the best outcome possible for a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish, try turbotax live full service, visit today, brand power helping you buy better money. >> this more what to you by intuit turbo tax. make your moves count >> we're about an hour away from the release of more inflation data wall street will be watching today's ppi inflation report closely after yesterday's consumer price index signaled bad news for those of us, all of us hoping to see a slowdown in inflation and a rate cut from the fed. cnn's matt egan is joining us now. what are we expecting from today's report because inflation is just being very stubborn? >> it is sarah, we are bracing
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for more potential inflation trouble. today's report measures wholesale inflation. it's implant within the pipeline before it gets all of us as consumers, the expectation is it'll cool off on a month-to-month basis. but accelerate on an annual basis to an 11 month hi moving in the wrong direction this is just going to feed the sense that this economy, and frankly the white house, they have an inflation problem. again, not a severe is the one two years ago. >> but inefficient is proving to >> be harder to conquer than people had anticipated. a lot of economists are throwing around the word stubborn some even comparing it to a toddler that is refusing to leave the park, that yesterday's report was the third in a row that was hotter than expected. again that is disappointing because it means the cost of living is going up too fast. things like gasoline and housing, but also other stuff like car insurance, car repair, baby formula the cost to go to a vet because to go to a sporting event, all of those have don up and this is also disappointing for all of
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us as borrowers, right? if you were hoping to catch a break on a mortgage or a car loan, you're trying to pay off your credit card debt, you might have to wait a little bit longer, listened to what president biden said yesterday on the prospect for interest rate cut from the fed well, i do stand by my prediction that before the irs out to be a rate cut, this >> may delay it a month or so. i'm not sure that i don't we don't know what the fed is going to do for certain we don't know what the fed is going to do for certain, but we do know that doubts are growing on wall street about a rate cut in june. look at this just a month ago, markets were pricing in a 71% chance of a rate cut even two days ago, we're looking at a 60, 40 chance now down to just the chance. we're hearing from goldman sachs. they had thought three the rate cuts this year. now, they say to barclays says one, and we even heard from not one, but two former obama economist larry summers and jason furman
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day suggested that maybe the next move from the fed is not a rate cut. it could actually be a rate hike. now, too early to actually forecast that. but it speaks volumes that we're even talking talking about rate hikes right now. >> yeah. and i know you're reporting that moody's chief economist has said that gas prices could be the big mover here, can create real problems for the economy as well. we will see this is not good news on inflation. had he can thank you so much, sir? >> all right. this morning, donald trump failing in his latest bid to derail his criminal trial here in new york for the third time, it just three days a new york appeals court judge denied his request to delay the trial. it's going to start on monday unless something really unexpected happens. cnn senior crime adjusted reporter caitlin poland's is with us now. so i mean, there are a couple of days to go, actually four until monday. so what next >> well, that's out. we'll have to see what the next couple of days bring, but what we saw monday, tuesday, wednesday, where these last gasps of trump's defense team trying to put everything on
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hold so he wouldn't have to go to trial on monday in new york in that hush money case, the accusations of falsifying business records and facing the jury for the first day of jury selection, where we are now, that trial is going forward on monday. it will begin with donald trump as a criminal defendant in court in manhattan, facing the potential juror pool as that process gets started, what happened over the last couple of days was monday, his his team went to court when to an appellate judge and ask them to put things on hold for one reason, moving the trial, the appellate court said, no, we're not gonna do that tuesday. it was about a gag order and the appellate court said, no, we're not gonna do that either. and then yesterday another scramble to get before an appellate judge with a smorgasbord of things that trump's team was trying to use to say put everything on hold. they wanted to have a stay a pause because they want to look
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at the recusal of the judge in the case. they want to get him off of the case wanted to bring up presidential immunity issues. some questions about filing during the trial and the appeals court said, no, we're not going to put this on hold. it's moving forward. these are not things that you are arguing with merit here at this time to cause the trial to stop the district attorney's office in new york says there's great public interest for this trial to begin on monday. and so it's certainly looks like it will but you never know what a new de will bring in court. filings are possible. and of course, there's a hearing tomorrow for donald trump's co-defendants in his other case, the mar-a-lago classified documents case in florida, john of course, there all right. caitlin, for us is 40. thank you very much for that, sarah. all joining me now to discuss trump's failed delay tactics, is cnn legal analysts, norm eisen. he is the author of brand new book. it's appellee time norm. it's called trying
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trump, a guide to his first election interference, criminal trial. thank you so much. much for joining us, norm. let's just start here trump's been rejected three times and three days. >> what do you think >> he thinking about all of this isn't unusual because it's pretty useful when someone tries again, a case dismissed that the judge doesn't dismiss it, correct? >> that is a normal circumstance, sara, i think what trump is thinking is that he faces a grave risk of possible conviction and a possible sentence of incarceration if he is convicted, of course, he's innocent until proven guilty the way that judge merchan the judge has started talking about the case is part of that parallel that is leading donald trump to this frenzy of failed delight tactics. judge immersion in his decisions on the case, but also in what he
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is going to read the incoming possible jurors starting on monday. he says, this is a case of alleged criminal election influence. in other words, the judges started to talk about this case, not as a hush money case, not as personal packet dylos but as attempting to interfere with an election that gives the subtitle to trying trump. and i think trump is anxious about that because if these 34 felonies are a democracy matters, sara that poses potential legal but also political exposure for the former president yeah, it makes it a much bigger deal politically certainly for him. >> you >> know, there's his gag order in place and he seems to be opening daring the judge to call him out for potential violations. he fired off a whole number of posts, as you know, on social media, including one which was a response to the disgraced
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attorney, michel avinatan, who represented stormy daniels, who was formerly representing her back in the de michael. he wrote about michael cohen and stormy daniels two likely witnesses in the case. saying this because michael 79ad, he did an interview yesterday. thank you to michael. have 90 for revealing the truth about to sleaze bags, who have with their lives and misrepresentati ons costs. our country dearly. you see those things. these are people that could be they are on the witness list of michael cohen and stormy daniels and he calls them sleaze bags and says there are lies and misrepresentations is that a violation of the gag order? what happens here >> it's certainly a violation of the gag order in trying trump, we include a list of the likely witnesses based on our analysis and cohen and stephanie clifford, also known as stormy daniels, are
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certainly witnesses in this case. and i suspect that what is happening, we may not see it in plain sight. sara but what is happening is the judge has called the lawyers in or the da have sent a letter so far not public saying, hey, they're violations of the gag order happening here. so and i do think that will come into public trump always does this. he did it with the civil fraud action before, judge and goren, he tests the limits, the gag order has already been extended to include family members because trump was attacking family members of the judge. so we can expect some fireworks on this. it's part of trump's strategy to send a bad signal to his potential supporters in the jury pool. hey, i'm being picked on but this is a very savvy judge. he's not going to allow this to take the jury pool yeah. >> the one major thing you cannot go after witnesses in a
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case they are supposed to be protected as well as jurors nor mies. and it is always a joy to see you. thank you so much. john. >> all right. this morning redemption for a police dog dropout. roger, he is the dog. sprang into action after the seven point four magnitude earthquake hit taiwan, where he helped search for bodies under the rubble. but the compassion he put into emergency risk to it was a bad match for his first calling. he failed out a police classes because it was deemed too friendly and to playful for professional drug-sniffing. but luckily for all he found something else. he now has as seven rescue operations under his belt or color. and he is still plenty playful. he likes reporters. we are told which puts him in good stead. and we are told the plans to retire next year when he will be nine, which is 63, and doctors too friendly and playful john, that describes you hear that describes you. my
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friend said by no one ever what an adorable dog okay. >> three fishermen stranded on a tiny remote island in the pacific how they managed to get their rescuers attention. you're going to want to see this. that's ahead >> good stuff brought to you by miracle league somebody would ask or something and she would just walk right past he didn't know they were talking to her. >> i just could not here. >> i was >> sensitive to get the hearing
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columbia, the final flight, two part finale sunday at nine on cnn >> all right. knew this morning chaos inside the arizona state capital where republican lawmakers blocked efforts to repeal an 18, 64 ban on nearly all portions democrats and some republicans tried to roll back the band after the state supreme court upheld the law. now, axios is reporting that the republican house speaker their opposes a repeal. it would not allow a vote ban. it joining us now, congresswoman nancy mace, a republican from south carolina. thank you so much for being with us this morning. you've called the arizona law extreme, yet axios as i just said, is reporting that the republican house speaker in arizona will block any attempts to change it. what's your reaction to that? >> that's like pulling the pin out of the grenade today on the
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issue of abortion. that's wrong. and in the post roe v world era the government needs to listen to the people every state should put this issue on the ballot. it's in the hands of the people. let the people decide for themselves. >> what >> they want to do and how they want to do it arizona's 18, 64 law is a terrible law. it gets does away with all virtually all the exceptions, rape, incest, and even life of the mother. it makes it a felony at those doctors in jail. >> i don't know >> anybody in my state at least who would support that kind of thing. and i can't imagine that the majority of arizonans would support it either. that needs to be repealed, needs to be repealed immediately. >> so donald trump and you, it sounds like are saying that the decision on abortion should be left up to the states. arizona is a state alabama is a stain, no exception for rape or incest. they're south dakota is a state, missouri is a state, oakland hamas the state. these are states that do not have the exceptions that you are supporting so what do you
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say to women who live in these states >> well south carolina. and when we were doing our fetal heartbeat, bill back in 2019, there were no exceptions for rape or incest for example. and i wrote an amendment and i put all of those exceptions in there. and in fact, we were one of the first states in the nation to have exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother. i would encourage these states to listen to to the people, which is why i'm encouraging them. put it on the ballot, let the people decide listened to your voters, listen to your constituents, and i'm a republican, i'm a pro-life republican, but i'm also sensible in listening to suburban women because i am one. i'm also a mother and i listened to constituents in my district too. we don't always agree, but we do know we want to show compassion, which is why when you have these, i think sometimes barbaric, a draconian laws in these states. it's up to the people to have their voices heard and to start encouraging the lawmakers and encouraging the government to do the right thing here, which is why i've been so vocal.
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john, you know, i'm one of the few republicans who has been very vocal on this since roe v. wade was overturned >> i want to shift gears now to what's been happening inside the us capitol. you help take the fisa reauthorization rule that was supported by house speaker mike johnson republican congressman tom mcclintock of california is calling on you and others to be sanctioned for voting against the rule. how do you feel about that >> absolutely not. i mean, we had an opportunity to reform fisa and, you know, are side decided not to and we need to have a real discussion about how we can balance our national security, our nation's sovereignty, while also at the same time protect law-abiding citizens in there our constitutional rights americans should not be spied on without a warrant i look at the border, for example, we're allowing we haven't done anything about the board. we have terrorists coming in every single day. let's get serious about our national security, both at the border and in fisa. while we also protect american citizens rights i think it can be done
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>> lindsey graham center from the state of south carolina, as you know, says that anybody who supports shutting down fisa and making us blind to terrorist threats will equally own future calamities that are certain to come if we let our guard down well, this is part of a negotiating tactic. i will tell you as soon as i leave cnn studios today, i'm going to meet with fellow republicans to talk about the next steps in reforming fisa and how we can use use the 19th, the block of 19 to be able to do that. when we talk about national security, i'm serious about it. i said on the house armed services it's committee, but here we are. we're a nation with wide open borders at this, at our southern border, not doing anything about the terrorists that are coming through every single day. so let's get serious about national security. let's secure our southern border. let's do fisa, but do it while we are protecting law-abiding citizens. that's all we want is to ensure that our american citizens constitutional rights are protected. >> so donald trump sent out a
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post on social media yesterday morning before this rule went up for a vote he wrote, kill fisa. it was legally used against me and many others. they spied on my campaign exclamation point, exclamation point, djt in 2018 when he was president did he posted on social media, just signed seven zero bill to reauthorize foreign intelligence collection. this is not the same fisa law that was so wrongfully abused during the election. i will always do the right thing for our country and put the safety of the american people first. so yesterday said it was used against him in 2018. he said it was not. do you think he's confused >> well, i think there has been information in the last couple of years, the last six years, at least that showed that his campaign was spied on >> i know it's i know that it's a complicated thing, but not by 702. it wasn't rule 702, which is what your voted to reauthorize yesterday. there's no one who's well, i i'm a constitutional conservatives, so i have voted, i, for example, to put members
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of my own party hold them in contempt when >> we've had those votes, i've done that with democrats and republicans alike. so for me, i don't really care who's in power or who says what i want to do the right thing for the people i represent my state and my nation. that means protecting the constitutional rights so if every single american house speaker, mike johnson is under continuing, continuous threat, it seems over his role as speaker of the house, what do you say to marjorie taylor greene maybe others who want to push him from power well, the bill that she filed was not actually a privilege resolution, so there's not going to be a vote to my knowledge, at least anytime soon >> on a motion to vacate mike johnson, i think mike johnson was delta bad hand. the difference between him and the former speakers that i believe mike johnson when he talks me, we have conversations. i don't get lai ju we know we know where the pieces are on the chessboard with them and he's honest, so yesterday he came out and supported the fisa in the conference meeting. he's
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truthful to conference members and to the people of this country and honesty and integrity or something that is sorely needed in washington dc carnival, the nancy mace from south carolina. thanks for being with us. let us know what happens in these negotiations. you're about to walk into when you leave the cnn's duty. thank you, john revise. appreciate it. is there hi john on our radar this morning and avoidable event and it's shocking. lack of response that is special grand jury finding that the 2023 shooting of a virginia teacher by a six-year-old student could have been prevented a panel investigating the shooting at richneck elementary school also found what they said was a shocking lack of response by the former assistant principal, despite several war mornings about the six-year-old, the assistant principal later resigned the panel made a number of recommendations for the school district in its 30 page report, the newport news commonwealths attorney's office will hold a press conference later today to discuss the findings and caitlin clark, the highest scoring player in college basketball history, men
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or women mind you, is getting a well-deserved honore, iowa's sensation will have heard number 22, jersey retired after she had such an incredible seizing. make it once again to the and double, a women's championship game. she will be only the third hawkeyes women's basketball player to have a jersey retired and how did three men? stranded on an island finally, get rescued after a week in the pacific, a little creativity with them and they use what they had around them. they made a help message with palm fronds, coast guard officials say the trio were fishing when they're scif was caught damaged by swells, so they swam ashore on it a very remote 31 acre island and micronesia and wrote the message. and just waited and maybe jet spotted the sos. and when help arrived, the coast guard petty officer so who spoke the local language soon realized he was actually a distant cousin to the castaways >> what on news heller a movie
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or something that wasn't surprising ending. yeah, it's already twist >> the whole thing. i like it was his cousin and they had a snack together. i'm still there maybe a lunchables, hopefully not a lot of sodium all right. happening to >> hey, severe storm >> and flood threat is expanding to include more than 65 million people from florida up to new york we are getting reports, new reports of flash flooding in florida, at least four tornadoes were reported in louisiana and texas. one of them touchdown biden, louisiana were ten people were hurt, seen as derrick van dam is there this morning. derrick, what are you seeing >> yeah, i'm >> john, it is a miracle that no one was killed so during this terrifying tornado that touched down here in slidell, louisiana, roughly at about 10:00 a.m. in the morning. you can see some of the damage behind me. this building just it's obliterated by the ef1 tornado wins. that's winds between 86 to 110 miles per
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hour. but certainly the most catastrophic of damage came in the apartment complex that's directly behind our live shot. this is the courteney heights apartment complex will take you into the air so you can see exactly what it looks like. and we were analyzing this video so yesterday and it almost appears as if a tin can was peeled back on the top of this building, like the roof was literally pulled back by this ferocious wind that came through there were families inside exposed to the elements, wind, rain, and the sound of a tornado. we talked to a married couple in a home just behind the courteney heights apartment complex that you're seeing now, they had quite a remarkable story to tell. have listened >> i see, i'm trying coming in. so i thought i would unlock it for them. so i'm trying to open it and it wouldn't open and i didn't know he was supposed to win. >> we'll >> me back so i can be back and all of a sudden i hear a noise and that's when the tree fell on my truck that i just got out
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of that's a split-second decision between life and death for that that gentleman we're so grateful and thankful that he got out of harm's way, but he was describing how the tornado or the wind was trying to suck him backwards away from his house. so quite dramatic. now that same storm system is moving up the east coast and i want you to see the severe weather threat today. i'm going to highlight the florida peninsula and into southeastern sections of georgia, but then i also want to bring your attention to that shape he didn't have orange across the eastern sections of the ohio river valley western west virginia. this is an enhanced risk of severe storms today, a few tornadoes still possible damaging winds and large hail. and then the other threat here is also the flooding that has been ongoing we're focusing in on the florida panhandle and that area had a flash flood emergency in and around
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tallahassee earlier this morning? that's moved on the bulk of the heavy rainfall today will be across the coastal areas of the carolinas. john, really dramatic really dramatic pictures and i do have to say the fact that you're drawing in an ipad and the midst of tornado damage showing up on our screen right here. i want to know how you can do that when i can't get my email to war, but that's a whole other derrick fans can great. to see you. thank you very much. >> sarah. it's a very good point, john. we need to talk to someone about that. all right. today, the white house is expected to announce an expansion of joint patrols in the indo-pacific as tension simmers between china and the united states, the announcement comes ahead of the president's historic meeting this morning with the leaders of japan and the philippines. part of the move to strengthen ties between the three nations and counter beijing, cnn's arlette saenz as joining us now from the white house what does this expansion look like at this moment? >> well, is there a president biden and the leaders of japan and the philippines are hoping to project a show of unity with
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their meetings and announcements today, amid aggression from china. now, the president biden will meet one-on-one with president for ferdinand, ferdinand marcos of the philippines. and then they will expand that to a large sure. trilateral summit that will also bring in japanese prime minister because shiga, it's a historic summit. the first time the leaders of the three countries will be meeting together. but maritime security it's really expected to be at the top of their agenda at a time when senior administration officials heading into this summit, so that they are very concerned about china's aggression in the south china china's see a lot of that concern centers around the fact that china has taken aggressive actions towards filipino ships at times firing water cannons at their crews today, they will be making an announcement that there will soon be joint patrols by the coast guard's of each country in the coming year, a senior administration official says that will incur clued the us coast guard, bringing on members of the japanese and filipino coast guard onto their ships of
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training. and it also comes just on the heels. i've heading into this summit, there were those joint military exercises conducted between the us, the philippines, japan, and australia. really trying to have this show of unity and force as they are facing this aggression from china in the region. but really this trip from these two visits from president biden of the japanese lead peter and also the filipino leader really highlight his emphasis on the region and trying to rebuild those alliances as they are fine trying to find ways to counter china's going forward arlette saenz. thank you so much for that. we are now going to speak with michelle yi, he li, the tokyo bureau chief for the washington post to further discuss this president biden clearly trying to forge closer ties with japan and the philippines in an effort to counter china's increasing influence and aggression and especially in the south china sea, what do you think are some of the most important items?
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that should come out of this meeting >> some of the most important items should come out of this meeting is the two liters first of all, president biden and japanese prime minister kishida discussing joint cooperation on defense matters on exporting japanese defense materials to the medicine states and coordinating how the us military in japan can work closer, what the japanese self-defense defense forces, the japanese military. and this is all to prepare in case of a potential attack a potential crisis in the south china sea. in terms of the trilateral cooperation that the three liters will discuss. it's definitely going to be in maritime security to really ramp up the security around the philippines to protect and help the philippines in case of even more overtures from the chinese and also beyond maritime security, they will discuss economic cooperation technology technological cooperation to show that it's really more than just married our time, but that the three liters are


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