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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  April 11, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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approach hey, everything everything phenomenon a year >> thida green >> barely tap it to kota watson is already hold countless terrific. >> putting stroke >> for the uninitiated. >> those are crazy long >> incredibly difficult, and she does it with such ease, and the celebrations comes so naturally to her too. she looks like she belongs up there. yeah. >> i mean, what a future she has amazing all right. the lead with jake tapper starts right now
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>> i guess we'll never find the real killers the lead starts right now. >> he was a >> heisman trophy winner, best known for the double murders of his ex-wife, nicole brown on simpson and her friend ron goldman, crimes for which he was infamously acquitted. oj simpson dead today of cancer at the age of 76. plus the big event tomorrow built on lies people, donald trump and house speaker mike johnson are teaming up to school you on election integrity. this after they previously teamed up to try to undermine the 2020 election and super star comedian conan o'brien visits the lead. he's here to dish on his brand new entertainment venture >> cold it read my pants falling. >> i think my pants are falling down welcome to the lean. i'm jake tapper. we started in our
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national lead with the death of oj simpson from celebrated football star to the face of hertz rent-a-car, to a star on the big screen. oj simpson was beloved and then it all took a disturbing turn in 1994, that's when he was arrested and tried for the gruesome murders of his ex-wife, nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman. it's a case that became a nationally televised spectacle beginning when simpson fled police a white ford bronco the trial became a cob, international focus. were other issues often eclipsed the fundamentals, such as that nicole brown simpson was stabbed seven times in the neck and scalp that the gash across her throat nearly decapitated her. and the autopsy confirms she had defensive wounds on her hands it's ron goldman also stabbed multiple times in the face slashes, leaving his neck sever plus stab wounds in his abdomen and leg. it's believed goldman also tried to fight off the attack. the criminal trial of oj simpson captured the
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world's attention and sparked conversations about race and racism and policing and bias. and his acquittal after a mere four hours of deliberation by the jury, exposed deep divisions in the united states, simpson was later found liable for the two murders in a civil trial, and he went on to write a book that left many wondering if he was confessing. it was titled. >> if i did it confessions of the killer. the bottom line is for all the talk of his unique athleticism and the important discussions that is trial brought forward about race. oj simpson is going to his grave, best for getting away with murder. cnn stephanie elam kicks off our coverage oj simpson's legacy changed with each era of his life some only know him from that infamous slow speed chase. and the so-called trial of the century, >> if it doesn't fit you must acquit >> others recall sentence heyday as one of the best running backs and football.
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>> what a beautiful de, it is in las vegas. >> this is the last public statements simpson made on social media in february, about eight months after announcing he had cancer >> and good moment to say, thank you to all the people who reached out to me. >> my health is good. >> i mean, obviously i'm dealing with submissions but i think i'm just about overwritten. i'll be back home. golf course hopefully in a couple of weeks. simpson died two months later reaction from the pro football hall of fame celebrating his on-field success as quote, the first player to reach a rushing marc many thought could not be attained. and, uh, 14 game season when he topped 2000 yards, i'd like to express my condolences to the children keto, kaitlyn, who rose to fame as a witness in the murder trial, put the focus on oj's ex-wife, nicole brown, and friend ron goldman, who were stabbed to death outside brown's la home in june 1994, nicole was a beacon of of light that burden bright may, we,
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never forget her others reflecting on the polarizing life since and lead karen, everybody. >> i'm not going to hurt >> anybody football star led police on a shocking low speed chase on live tv after he was charged in the murders with every freeway over crossing, there began to gather more and more crowded once of people. >> absolutely 100%. >> but simpson thought the charges in a trial that divided america, it happened as racial equality in the justice system was front and center. following the 1992 acquittal of the lapd officers who beat rodney king and the riots that followed the nation's stopped in its tracks to hear the simpson verdict read on live tv >> oh, and james simpson not guilty of the crime of murder, was he framed by the police or did he get away with murder the debate raged at the water cooler, and simpson capitalize on it writing a book entitled, if i did it, which the
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publisher ultimately never released, those never closure >> ron is always gone. >> the family of ron goldman who won a wrongful death civil suit against simpson in 19971 control of the book writes and released the book under the title, i did it confessions of the killer in 2007. >> i didn't know i was doing anything illegal. >> it wasn't until 2007. that's simpson would finally go to jail serving about nine years for kidnapping and robbery after he broke into a home to retrieve his stolen belongings. >> what we have is satisfaction that that this monster is where he belongs. >> a turmoil overshadowing what had been a trailblazing life >> and >> gloria already, who was the attorney representing the brown family during the trial, has released a statement as well. i'm just gonna read a part of it where she says simpson's death reminds us that the legal system, even 30 years later is still failing battered women. and that the power of celebrity menn to avoid true justice for the harm that they inflict on
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there for wives or significant others is still a major obstacle to the right of women to be free of their gender violence to which they are still suggested. she ends by saying, oj simpson is dead his victims finally, rest in peace and it's also just worth noting how much has impacted by this trial, jake, so many things happen. we saw play leasing changing here in the city and it's also worth noting because of that unrest at racial unrest in the 90s. that is why so many people who may not have been invested in oj simpson. we're just happy to see that someone who is rich and famous and black could get away with what other people did in the system as well too. >> it's definitely elam, thanks so much. so let's turn it out into high-profile criminal defense attorney mark argos, who was not part of simpson's legal team. mark, thanks for joining us. so as you look back at the criminal trial, you have said since that oj simpson was likely guilty. why do you think he was found not guilty? >> i think the bulk jury's got it right for a clay, i think in the criminal trial, he was
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found not guilty because you had almost the end situation that the detective, one of the league detectives basically caught lying stamp. you combine that with some of the other things to transpired der that case that criminal jury, which had to do convict or acquit based on beyond a reasonable doubt, which is the highest standard. get i think probably the right thing you then take a look fast forward to the civil trial where he was held accountable. it's a much lesser standard, and that jury found him liable. and my jue that jury had him testify because there was civil case you cannot invoke the fifth amendment. so that's pretty much why thinking worked out that way. >> we have. so the lead detective that you referred to mark thurman, firm and he it wasn't just that he was caught lying on the stand if memory serves and please correct me if i'm wrong. but it when he was he had lied on the stand about whether or not he had ever used the n word, right. and so that
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played into the defense's theory that he was simpson was framed. and here you had a motive for the for the framing that the lead comp was a racist. >> that's exactly right, jake, if i had a nickel for every time i've stood up in a courtroom and a da is said to a jury, why would detective lied? why would they lie? they're just out there to seek the truth. and here you add the exact thing that undercuts that kight of an argument that so many das and prosecutors rely upon. >> but that said looking at the evidence and knowing what we all know. do you think there's any serious question as to whether or not oj simpson committed those murders >> you know, before he died, i'd sat down with absolutely bailey, who was an integral part of that defense team and talk to him extensively about that. and i know he was it's very close even in later years with oj, he makes a compelling
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case of for his innocence and you would have to sit there and ask him the questions and listen to me. you can't do that anymore because he's passed away, but i you know, i respected le more than you can imagine. he made like i said, a compelling case for why there was reasonable doubt. >> how do you see the simpson trial changing >> how the >> public saw the legal system in this country? >> you know, it's interesting, you asked that too. right now. i've representing the bidet does brothers their writ of habeas corpus. their jury of the second trial was selected eight days after the oj simpson verdict. and the de a at the time was in an existential fight for his life because he he was perceived in la has not being able to win the big one. so there is the national discussion. but when you get to the internal politics of the la da's office at the time, it really had broad ramifications
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not only just in the da's office itself, but the law change dramatically in california, all of a sudden, you could get in all kinds of there was a zero tolerance policy for domestic violence calls by law enforcement. there were changes in what was admissible in cases that things that you could bring in into a courtroom, all of those things happened post the oj simpson acquittal and then it's a personal level. it derailed the careers chris darden, who by the wake, i think chris darden probably was on his shortlist for that probably, judgeships and just ran a couple of months ago. >> but >> for a higher office, i think judge ito, if you he had not presided over that case, might have been on the california supreme court, so there was all kinds of ripple effects that took place mark geragos, thanks so much good to see you have despite the infamous acquittal
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in the criminal trial, ron goldman, family, as we noted, did when a civil lawsuit against oj simpson awarding the millions in a >> wrongful death case. how they ended up collecting that money after struggling for years. also had the one group of voters we hear from the least, the biggest factor they say will decide the 202424 presidential race. stay with us >> this situation with wolf blitzer didn't night it six. once cnn when i was 12 years old with cancer, i spent most of the year looking at a hospital window all i wanted was to be outside i owe the people at st. jude everything because i am 17 years cancer free >> my >> marathon is for st. jude and helping all of those kids with cancer who just want to be kids again >> skin craving. next level
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you by her firm, only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now stay internationally. the gruesome details of the murders of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman attracted a morbid fascination with the criminal trial of oj simpson cnn's jean casarez, who you maybe first met when she was covering the oj simpson trial for court tv is with me now and jane, you obviously covered oj simpson extensively. what stands out to you the most about the entire saga? and why the nation was so fascinated with it absorbed with it obsessed. >> i think the trials of oj simpson, they just changed the landscape and so many ways. i mean, it divided the country racially celebrity wise. i mean, this was an icon and somebody couldn't do something like this. and then you had this trial that was televised
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by court tv the court tv's cameras, they hadn't made the court tv network to have their cameras and the oj simpson trial. cnn and court tv aired at wall to wall basically, it was almost a year trial and you've got to see the demeanor of witnesses. you also got to see who they believe judge ito was out of his mind just just in ways that were not good for a trial. and so i think those aspects have gone on because following that, cameras were in courts all across the country covering major trials. will people could actually watch them. >> but >> the negative is that many judges after oj simpson did not want a camera in their courtroom, and that's a shame because you want to be able to see exactly hey, what's happening in the courtrooms of this country. >> yeah, but it wasn't just spectacle that even the tonight show made from became a spectacle that's rhinos and all that stuff. >> and people became witnesses, became famous, right? not in a good way. >> you spoke to the longtime attorney for ron golden's family today. the family obviously, he struggled for years and still struggles with
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the loss of ron who did nothing wrong and then they struggled to get compensation and they finally won a civil trial. >> they want a civil trial, but that was the beginning of the battle because david cole has been the goldman's longtime attorney. i spoke with him today and i followed this for many years. they struggled to collect anything. and the way oj simpson had put his assets together with a very enterprising attorney. things were in trust. they were in in real estate in florida that they just couldn't get to. but remember when the book came out, if i did it, yeah well, the goldman's got the right to the book and they changed it. it was i did it. >> it >> became a new york times bestseller and that is how they got some of their justice in actuality, because all they were left with was monetary justice from that civil verdict. >> yeah. >> and speaking of justice, there was the criminal trial for simpson in nevada about 15 years ago. he was convicted, sentenced to eight or nine years in prison. i think he did describe what you saw there. well, i was a >> correspondent for that and i was right there when it
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happened. i mean, that the preliminary hearing, it was like a so red carpet event and i couldn't believe it. these are felony charges. it was a life term he was looking at crazy case because it was his personal memorabilia. he and his friends went there to get it. some of them had guns. oj simpson, i don't think knew about that, but the charges were legitimate and i remember, you know, i'm licensed nevada. i knew the legal community and they were all saying why he's gonna get justice here. maybe california couldn't do it. we're going to do it. the judge didn't like him at all. i mean, he couldn't get a ruling in his favor and a jury convicted him and stuff 33 years in prison but when i spoke with him, he was in the hallway. he was talking to everybody at that trial. very nice, very down to earth, not just the media, anybody he would talk to when he found out i graduated from usc, he really wanted to talk about because that was his alma mater. and so there were two o'jays very, very different. he served nine here's your right of the 33 years. >> so one of the great things about this gig that i have is i
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get to ask people like you off camera straight shooters, smart. know your stuff, what you really think about something that you're covering now he's gone so you can say whatever you whatever your opinion is and i don't know what you're going to say don't you think he did it >> as a correspondent ideal in the facts? the criminal trial of oj simpson in los angeles lasted almost a year. think about the amount of evidence that came out in that year from forensic evidence to eyewitnesses to a circumstantial evidence the deliberations and the verdict about three hours. yeah >> think about that. >> does that make sense? really? >> so a lot of people >> believed that it was based on emotion. >> this >> was oj simpson and they didn't want to convict him. >> yeah. and mark furman certainly helped feed any scan and that dream team, the defense was phenomenal. >> and
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>> it's all about reasonable doubt and all about the best lawyers that money can buy. >> and meanwhile, the goldman's were devastated and they were the victims, the living victims that had to endure this for their lives jean casarez, thanks so much >> donald trump will >> have a rather high profile visitor at mar-a-lago tomorrow. how speaker mike johnson, the topic of their big news conference, deserves a bit of context and were nice enough to provide that for you next houston you are go for the degree in the sky >> parents, husbands and wives? god. >> if he work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing. i can never happen >> thousands of pieces of debris, pieces to a puzzle. i should have that test on day one i wish i could've done something differently, but i can undo that. you can just make it better. are those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn. hey, they're brenda it's carroll actually, which like
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five-star reviews, >> women everywhere i breaking up with bad d breath browse, >> tom and roger on capitol hill >> and this is cnn >> in our politics lead tomorrow. a very special house guest for former president donald trump. he will welcome house speaker mike johnson at the mar-a-lago resort for a joint news conference the topic
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is election integrity, which might sound nice except in the past, the two men's definition of election integrity was built on demonstrably false or misleading claims about the 2020 election. even before trump lost the 2020 election, he was lying about the security of mail-in ballots, laying the groundwork perhaps to ultimately klain fraught in the case in case he did lose the balance, get handled by many, many people by the time they even get there. and it shouldn't be allowed. and the democrats know it's a hoax and they know, that it's going to cause problems mail-in ballots were used in an overwhelmingly secure way and more prevalent than usual only because of the coronavirus pandemic, they were used to great >> effect by many republicans in states that trump won, including by donald trump who voted by mail in florida which he one of course, trump did end up losing to president joe biden overwhelmingly on a national basis. but there was
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no mass fraud as his attorney general said, in december 2020. but since trump had already primed the american people with lives, he continued down that path full steam ahead. here he is in georgia that saint in very month >> i don't run the elections. i don't run to see if people are walking in with suitcases and putting them under a table with a black robe around. numerous times we fell on fletcher's and every single time that glitch went 100% of biden and nope percent to trump >> and his own justice department looked into those very claims and found them false. and these wildly false claims nonetheless took root in the minds of millions of his supporters enough so that huge crowds of americans gathered in washington wanting to capitol on january 6, 2021 many of them attacking police officers and chancellor hanging mike pence with the intention of stopping the certification >> what of what was in >> reality a free and fair election, one that donald trump happened to lose. now that violence committed in his name has not stopped him from continuing to lie about the
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election over the past four years. he just can't let it go >> they rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the brennan is it angela election in 2024 >> as he did in 2016 and 2020, he seems to be laying a possible groundwork to ultimately klain election fraud in this year's election should he lose, even though right now according to policies in the lead. now speaker johnson's participation in this joint news conference seems to be aimed at currying favor with prompt, given the fact that the maga caucus in the house republican conference is threatening to remove him as speaker members of it anyway, the previous house speaker, kevin mccarthy, he went from condemning trump for the january 6 riots to just 17 days later, a flying to mar-a-lago to kiss the proverbial ring. there's the infamous photo with mccarthy acting as though he had not just slammed trump days before saying, quote had it with this guy. many republicans
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ultimately blamed mccarthy for bringing trump back from political death with that trip. but despite that loyalty, he showed trump all kevin mccarthy, god from mar-a-lago, was this keepsake photo and perhaps a t-shirt? trump did not back him when his job was in jeopardy last october so current house speaker mike johnson, maybe in ways following that same political path though trump is far more powerful today than it was in 2021. but johnson's track record of backing trump's election lies back in 2020, suggested he entrapped are already in lockstep on this issue in december 2020 as trump font state election results johnson spearheaded one of those efforts you organized more than 100 house republicans to sign an amicus brief in support of an entirely bogus texas lawsuit, one that used lies and bizarre claims to try to push the us supreme court to invalidate the electoral votes from four states that biden one if they had done that, it would've handed the election to trump, but the us supreme court
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kick that lawsuit to the curb and on january 6, just before trump's supporters overran the capitals, then congressman johnson posted on then twitter quote, we must fight for election integrity, the constitution and the preservation of our republic. it will be my honor to help lead that fight in the congress today. johnson condemned the violence hours after the attack, but still voted with about two-thirds of house republicans to overturn biden's wins and arizona and pennsylvania, based on those same election lies and conspiracy theories in january of this year, speaker johnson was still refusing to admit that biden won the election but you recognize that president biden won the 2020 election. can you just put that biden was certified as the winner of the election. he took the oath of office has been the president for three years, though. constitutional advice hi, waited in the run-up to the 2020 election, not, not always in bad faith, but in the aftermath of covid, many states change their election laws in ways that violated that plain language. that's just a fact it's actually not a fact. it is an opinion. one not shared
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by the republican governors and republican secretaries of state. and the election boards and the judges, including many appointed by trump and us supreme court justices. and every serious person who took an actual look at what happened tomorrow at trump in johnson's news conference, we may hear more falsehoods about 20:20 under the guise of election integrity, i guess we shall see how much integrity is actually present when they speak trump is also spreading lies about election interference as he prepares to go on trial monday in new york, he will become the first ever former president to ever face criminal trial. this is the hush money case involving payments to former porn star and director stormy daniels. trump is lashing out at prosecutors and judges and the justice department and president biden. and that gives us a glimpse of what another trump term might look like as cnn's phil mattingly reports for us now, one word might sum this up and that word is vengeance
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>> just days before donald trump becomes the first former president to go on criminal trial >> talk coming out of the doj i think this has never happened before. >> his unyielding fact challenged rhetorical defense on the campaign trail, obscured a stark reality. >> are these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement what he alleges is the exact authority trump plans to claim in a second term according to a cnn review of campaign policy proposals and conversations with >> advisers and allies threats, level of his opponents. >> i will >> appoint a real >> special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president and the history of the united states of america, joe biden ready to be acted out if voters return him to the oval office as one washington republican who talks to the trump campaign framed it. democrats hit first we are going to hit back harder when confronted with the lack of any evidence of white house involvement, republican said that's what he believes.
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that's what his people believe. and i'm like last time this is his party now in many voters don't seem to mind. trump has repeatedly attacked prosecutors and judges, their families, their relationships, former officials and his political opponents. he called for former gop congresswoman liz cheney and the rest of the january 6 committee to be jail even floated execution the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, the guy accused the president of being on cocaine last week and nobody even blinked one biden campaign official said, when asked about trump's strength in the polls. draw this animating feature of trump's 2016 campaign never actually came to fruition and no, trump's affinity for vengeance existed long before that first campaign. if given the >> opportunity, i will get even with some people that would just loyal to me hey, and was often raised in his first term. >> one of my favorite preoccupations during my time is national security adviser was counting how many times trump said john kerry should be
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prosecuted. >> it ran headlong into advisors congress, and the courts lows to bend to as well. >> i am your warrior, i am your justice. and for those who have been wronged and betrayed i am your retribution, i am your retribution. >> this time is different. >> four indictments and 88 felony charges have sharpened trump's privately raised desire for revenge. >> if they do this and they've already done it. but if they want to follow through on this, yeah, i could certainly happen in reverse. >> congressional republicans who pushed back on trump are gone or on their way out. almost always replaced by loyalists who owe their election to trump's endorsement. federal courts blocked or forced withdrawal of an unprecedented number of trump rules. they are now stocked with hundreds of young and sharply conservative trump appointee it ties at the same moment, trump and his advisers embrace a maximalist theory on his presidential authority. the advisers who blocked trump's
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wishes, replaced by trump devotees. >> i put great people in, but i also put people that i made a mistake with her form, the backbone of expansive policy proposals targeting justice department national security and intelligence officials, laying the groundwork to terminate career government officials deemed insufficiently loyal, we need to make it much easier to fire rogue bureaucrat to a deliberately undermining democracy. >> and with trump escalating his rhetorical warfare and advance of his trial next week on charges brought by the new york district attorney. it should be noted. >> there's a policy proposal for that, too. >> i will direct a completely overhauled doj to investigate every radical de and agn america for their illegal races reverse enforcement of the law >> i think the point here is actually something you raised before the piece ran, which is he's more powerful now. >> oh yeah, it >> was in 2020 and there's no question about that, but even more important, everything around two has shifted the entire system has started to bend more and more to his will
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and beneath that our actual policy proposals, actual personnel who are just there to try and keep him from doing things. they support actively what he wants to do. donald trump in office as the next president united states, should he win more powerful with more power consolidated within the oval office and perhaps anytime in decades, any won't have to worry about being reelected exactly. phil mattingly, thanks so much. appreciate it. why won't republicans led the electrolytes go republican new hampshire governor chris sununu wants nikki haley's top surrogate, but who now backs trump joins me next you're shipping manager left to find themselves leaving. you lost unique to hire. i need indeed >> indeed you do deed instant message instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description visited d slash higher, cracked windshield schedule would say a flight and will come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way and she could track us and see exactly when we derive a
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and many taking invoke saw clear are almost clear skin or invoke can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb series infections in blood clots. some fatal cancers including lymphoma and skin heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant >> help heal your painful skin, disrupt the pitch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about brynn voc >> learn how advil can help yoyu save i'm evan perez at the federal court in washington, and this is cnn >> in our politics lead republican speaker mike johnson. he's the one with the house speakership title, but he's not the one with the gavel that power really an actuality belongs to former president donald trump and he continues to wield it for his benefit. even going so far as to have the speaker come to mar-a-lago tomorrow to push a
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press conference on what they're calling election in 20. we shall see what that means. let's bring in republican governor of new hampshire, chris sununu to talk about the current state of the gop. so governor in all likelihood, i'm anticipating that given what trump and johnson have said in the past, that they're press conference about election integrity will actually be about election lies about what happened in 2020. and i'm wondering how much you think it's good for trump and the gop for the focus to continue to be on these wildly discredited lies about the 2020 election. yeah, it's not good. no, it's not good at all. and this does follow up. i think the rnc and lara trump put out some email blast trying to raise money on election denialism recently. again, you're not bringing in a single new voter on that issue. my guess is they need to raise money, right? trump has been outraised and driven so far on the financial side. so there's still trying to even though he's through the primary, he's really trying to gin up that base, get people riled up, get people to make those contributions, get some of the
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bigger contributors in their show some, some partnership with the speaker. so hopefully he can get a few things done. but at the end of the de i i really think this is about raising money and my hope is that again, because i think to your point, it hurts republicans. we all have to kind of answer for it. so to say, and none of us want to do that, especially if you're running for office, you want to running drone issues and what you're going to bring to the table. my hope is that a lot of this pivots this summer, maybe it's during the convention or shortly after the convention that there's a message pivot here. but right now, he's still just trying to gin up the bass was something that i think we can all agree isn't bringing a single new voter to the table. >> if i had a nickel for every time a republican talked about waiting for that pivot. that'd be a well, i'd be a wealthy man. >> i have >> to say though, riling up a base for campaign contributions based on lies, that's one thing, riling up a base on it. an issue that has literally resulted in violence and death, like what we saw on january 6, 2021 >> that's >> that's an altogether different thing. and it does seem that it's not just an
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electoral issue. >> it's a moral one. >> these lines have literally cost people's lives. you >> and i would with all that, i think you and i agree on the tragedy of january 6 on this election denialism is an absolute joke. but at the end of the day, what's astounding is that when you look at the polls where people will be voting on this november, it's not really a top issue, right? the top issues is still the border and inflation and things of that nature. those are the issues that you see out there that are really affecting people's lives. i think it's very serious issue. i absolutely do. i think it's on both sides of the aisle, but obviously trump is these standard bearer for this 2020 election denialism. it's absolutely terrible. nobody won in 2024 wants to be talking about 20:20. that's just that's just the case. so at the end of the de, it doesn't help republicans, but shockingly enough, it's, i don't think it's gonna be a dry fiverr for those swing voters. and there are some out there, right? and that's what everyone's gonna go after those independent undeclared swing voters. where are they going to go? they're not putting that top on their list it's really what's hitting them at home in the pocketbook,
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their personal debt, they can't buy a house. the borders and absolute mess and more importantly than anything, i think people want a color culture change. all right, and i've always said, i'm shocked his anyone i thought biden was going to run away with this thing, but biden is doing that bad of a job that he's left at an opening for trump to actually potentially win in november and so again, it's what people are feeling at home. i think that are going to drive there results when they go to vote in november democrats are surely hoping that abortion rights is a driver when it comes to those swing voters. and we've seen the issue bring out majority's supporting abortion rights in one way or another in not only places like california, but places like kentucky and montana, and kansas and ohio this week, trump started the week saying that abortion should be left to the states. then he criticized arizona and florida for their positions which are abortion bans, essentially in arizona and six-week ban and florida. do you understand what donald trump's position is on this issue and how and how fearful
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are you about this issue hurting republicans? in november, you have some big races in new hampshire that you want republicans to. well, i'll say this. i think it actually could be a bigger problem for democrats. i really do and i actually agree with the former president's position. it is now a state's issue. i mean, i i wanted roe v. wade upheld and all of that, it wasn't now with the state's issue. and i think what the former president saying, hey, we don't agree with what's going on in arizona let the voters of arizona are going to have the opportunity to fix it. the voters in florida, the voters of texas, whatever your state is, that's where there's a lot of accountability in the system. the voters can change, the legislature, have ballot initiatives, whatever it might be. and that's, that's, our that's our new reality going forward. now, on the other side, when what biden is going to have to defend, now he has to to deal with the national question. what trump is saying is i'm not even going to talk about a national ban and national questions. hey, joe biden is nine months, okay. is the day up until till birth okay. to have an abortion. now, biden has to answer that. if he wants it to be a national issue, i think that's the strategy here. we'll see how
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it pans out. i don't think this is gonna be a driver as big given issue and it was really the issue of 2022. it's not gonna be as big of an issue because it's more of a state's issue. and this many problems here and there. but again, i think the voters are going to have the opportunity to fix a lot of that. i think there's maybe a dozen states or so with ballot initiatives on abortion, but not all 50, right. new hampshire week, we have a lot simpler massachusetts and york. what is this? what is >> this nine month abortion thing? i've never heard of anyone getting an abortion like one day before their due or republicans talk about this. that's the question that will be asked if i've never heard of it happening. right. but i'm just saying in let's say they got they were actually to get on a bait stage. trump will say, look, i'm leaving it to the states. hey, joe biden, how many? two weeks as good enough for you? and now biden whatever that number is, he's going to have to figure out an answer for that, where it's trump is saying, i'm deferring it back to the states. that's what this is all about. so it'll be an interesting dynamic to see how the conversation evolves. it's not just one sided and by the way, republicans, a horrible
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about the messaging on this thing, right? that's why i liked the message of let's leave it to the states. let's, let's let the accountability happen at the state level in terms of the messaging. but a one size fits all there's this issue is never going to be one. it's really not it's a ping pong ball that's going to go back and forth that the national level there's gonna be a lot of money made on it, but at the end of the day, you got to ensure reproductive rights of women. you got insurance for people have choice. that's big, that's what most americans believe in. and the states will have to figure out how to, how to get to where they're voters want them to baker, new hampshire governor chris sununu. thanks so much. appreciate it. >> coming up. the so-called biden's super fans who are all into reelect. the president, the biggest factor they feel they're up against, and it is not donald trump welcome to lobsterfest is your party ready >> ready to tango with tails on tail on tails, try the lobster lover's dream while you can. it's one of the ten next level lobster creations lobsterfest
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ready for monday now for free visit ai or download the app. >> rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn >> and we're back with our 2024 lead my stroke, please >> yes. >> in an election is my jam. i got i don't know if you knew that we've learned a lot about the maga base over the last eight years as donald trump himself says, he could go out on the fifth avenue and shoot someone and not lose any of their support. but we don't hear a lot about passionate joe biden supporters. these aren't just people choosing him as the
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lesser of two evils, but enthusiastic biden voters who are now fiercely working to get the 46 president reelected as so get cnn's mick you mark as now reports abscissa clark, retired marine master gunnery sergeant, and a lawyer, joe biden, fans, supporter super bowl >> right there with the country headed toward a highly competitive and hard-fought election i didn't superfan voters like cecil clark, who made a critical difference in this battleground state in 2020. want to repeat history, then to lebanon? that's a clear victory. >> so you like a lot of democrats are very worried and motivated by your dislike of donald trump. do you like joe biden i like joe biden. do you love joe biden? >>ell, i loved you. biden. i think he's a great american. >> this is clayton county is suburb south of atlanta. and in 2020 a deep deep blue patch in
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georgia where biden won by fewer than 12,000 votes. >> prize battleground. in this election, i remember actually watching residents lead is shrink on election night when the numbers were coming in and clayton county actually put biden over the time. >> that screaming, holland at the television, like yes. yes yes. >> i was just crying because i knew all the work that we did in this county, yet support for the incumbent president has faded since 2020 including from his own party. >> my biggest concern is people not voting. that sincerely keeps me up. >> so is this gonna be more of a negative? you're concerned more about donald trump, or you're voting for joe biden. >> i think we need to focus squarely on voting for joe biden. people are still asking the question, how is the president and the presidency affecting and improving? my
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quality of life and i feel as though the moment that our president or the administration can answer that question for the everyday citizen that'll be the de that he's definitely on his way back to the white house. you get cards from the white house >> almost every year? yeah yeah. this is the latest one from joe biden and family. >> how difficult is it to here democrats talking down joe biden it's really hard to hear and you know, as passionate i am >> it does >> become a little bit disheartening. >> but if you could change one thing about joe biden, what would it be shuffled with? >> just improving upon the messaging? that gets down to the lowest of us. >> now, always be present for all americans. >> but when his state of the union message, i was just like standing up in my bedroom, clapping by myself that >> oh, my goodness, zhao
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>> i wish she could have inspire the confidence of more people primarily just so you can get them to the poll. you know, he may have with his aid, loss of steel, we all lose a step, but the man's mind is still sharp. it is joe biden and donald trump. and i believe it or not i believe joe biden is going to win bigger than he won in 2020 >> they are keeping the faith down in georgia, at least clayton county look, but democrats, there are they're having the same problems are having everywhere in the country right now. and they believe that they can find more boats are people who have moved in, people who maybe haven't voted for the last couple of election cycles, they've identified 90,000 new voters, possible new voters that they opened it turn into real votes come number, i got a lot of work to do according to need. a lot of work to do. miguel marcus, thanks so much. and about four minutes or so. the court's closed for the day in new york, will donald trump's legal team file a fourth appeal this week? is limited options to delay this big trial set to
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online to get 50% off your first application >> carbon >> let's see an infill >> sunday, april 21 at nine welcome to lead. i'm jake tapper in this hour comedian conan o'brien comes here on the le, the major new project he's about to launch. plus what he made a returning to the set of the tonight show last night years after all that late night drama class with the clock ticking, donald trump is running out of time to find another path toward an appeal. can he get out of his first criminal trial or at least he's delay it before jury selection starts on monday, coming up, the options still on the table, and leaving this hour, the death of oj simpson today, his life and successes overshadowed, of course, buying murders and a trial and that controversial acquittal, not to mention his hypothetical, probably not hypothetical murder confession written out in a book who can forget in 1994 hearing that simpson was simpson was charged with murdering his ex-wife, nicole brown