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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  April 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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with custom gear, get started today. i'd customer make laura coates live next on cnn glows captioning brought to you by, feel away, optimum, enhanced calming for cats. >> if your cat sprays outside the litter box, fights with other cats or scratches the furniture, they could be telling you they're stressed to help them feel more calm try feel away. optimum it's night for this hour, the life and death of oj simpson. i will talk exclusively with a juror who tells us what was liked the
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in the trial of the century plus hato kaitlyn, we lay it on oj simpson's property at the time of the murders and testified in the trial is here tonight on a special edition of laura coates live >> if it doesn't fit, you must acquit >> james simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder >> he was an icon, a superstar in maracas friend i'm just don't think justice was served. i don't think the jury did their job >> let me get to my out who couldn't prove a they were wrong to begin with, our innocent the beginning it is the story that trans fixed america in all americans star athlete turned movistar, his beautiful wife to brutal murders. and the collision of
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crime, celebrity policing, and raise that obsessed millions and exposed america's racial divide everybody. i mean, everybody knew oj simpson. >> if you >> didn't know him as a hall of fame running back, you knew him from commercials you, knew him, from movies like the naked gun >> but the story >> turned into a nightmare on june 12, 1994 when his ex-wife, nicole brown simpson and her friend, ronald goldman, were brutally murdered outside of for condo. oj simpson was charged with two counts of murder. then came the infamous hours long slow motion chase in that white bronco, you know, 96 million people are watching it live >> i understand we wanna go too live picture in los angeles. police believe that right now
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that oj simpson is in that car okay >> police believe he is in that vehicle >> he was simpson eventually surrendering and pleading not guilty absolutely what you must see tv was shocking moments like this if. >> it doesn't fit, you must acquit >> well, you know, 11 months later, a jury did exactly that james. simpson not guilty of the crime of murder >> the verdict dividing america along racial lines in a split screen that frankly could not be ignored. 13 years later, oj simpson would go on to prison, but not for the murders. he was convicted of robbery and serves nine years his family size that he died at his home in las
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vegas at the age of 76 after a battle with cancer but let's not lose sight of what this is all about. >> nicole >> brown and ron goldman, two people who were brutally murdered, leaving their loved ones, including children, grieving to this day the goldman families speaking out tonight saying the news of ron's killer passing away is a mixed bag of complicated emotions and reminds us that the journey through grief is not linear well, our first guest, new nicole brown simpson and oj, he was living in a guest house on oj simpson's property at the time of the murders keto kaylin was a key witness for the prosecution in oj simpson's murder trial and cato kaitlyn joins me. now keto kaelyn. thank you for joining us tonight. i mean it has been an extraordinary day to contemplate and look back to that time, which i'm sure it feels very fresh to, you when
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you think back to that time, you i'll go ahead. excuse me >> i was i was going to say listening to you and seeing everything. it just came up it encapsulates this last 30 years and i sat here and i read, lived everything that you would just said. and it's amazing that i'm older now and when people say the time goes by in a wink of an eye and your kid, you don't think that it does. all the stuff that has happened then. and today this morning getting about 99 messages immediately and coming into 300 messages. so i knew immediately that it meant someone had died. and that's how i was i found out about all this and i got to tell you that it was because i had so many calls, they came in. i decided to sit down i didn't want to do think, but i decided to sit down and write something from the heart and that's why i posted something on social media. and it's
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condolences to the kids of o. j of of are now and jason and sydney and justin because it will losing your father is never easy, but my heart goes out to fred goldman and kim losing a son and a brother and i don't know if it brings closure. i doubt after hearing that because they have to live through it every day. and of course, for nicole brown simpson, the beautiful who was this beacon of light who always was bright and shining. and i really stress laura that people don't forget. it's really about those two human beings that lost their lives in their prime. >> know cato, when you were reliving it, even through our brief introduction to this conversation where, does your mind go? >> what >> does it feel like >> take us back to them >> i went back to the actual of living at the estate. i go everything i'm listening because it's so it it's not in my mind anymore, but it's in the forefront now, if thinking of inviting myself, for
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instance, to that drive to mcdonald's, which i didn't know was mcdonald's and i thought about that of i invite myself, but i could tell he didn't want me to go and that's it becomes the most important timeline in the trial. and because of these sort of things that happen 30 years ago it's still to this day i've marked down everything i ever do. if i'm married now, but i've always made sure of where it was at this moment. i write down the time what song are heard in the radio just because i'm so aware of timelines that it's become so much a part of my life. and i think back of the invite, i think back of seeing the the justin in sydney growing up and laughing. so it's all these mixed emotions, it's like a video tape machine playing back all these memories. >> you've said in the past that you think that he was guilty, was there a time you doubted that? >> the very beginning i doubted it because i thought that he he
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flew to chicago. he there's no possible way even when 40 tech divs came to my guest room, i didn't know it was going on. it just let these four guys in. they didn't say they're the police yet until they told me and then they asked me what i was wearing. they walked around the room. they look to the bottom of my shoes and i said des this plane crash, but nothing made sense. it was a it was a fog and then with time passing and more and more that would come out, i changed my mind ease, a guilty man, i believe did you think there would be a time when you would speak with him and he would tell you that >> no. as a matter of fact, there was a time though it's a great question, laura and i remember a time where my mind was swayed when after the murders, he brought me into the kitchen, whether it's people there, i having dinners and consoling and he just said to me, you remember we ate, we age our food in the kitchen i remember completely that was such a lie that when we came
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back when donalds, he was at the door of the car and i was 20 yards away walking into his house going to go in there and then i looked at he wasn't there. i said, oh, he doesn't want to be around me. and that was the last one that started the whole timeline so i knew that was a big lie. and i didn't know why it was lying i've >> always wondered, i remember watching your testimony and your name, frankly became a household name. people knew who you are >> it was such a high profile riley on from months. everyone associated with it, i have always wondered what this trial meant to your life and going forward it's it's i came up from milwaukee, wisconsin to become an actor. i became famous for all the wrong reasons. i became worldwide famous, and it's something i always wished for, but i know we came for the wrong reasons. the two people lost their life. >> i'm aware of that. >> and i can't change anything in the past. i really
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everything i do is for the present and the future. and so i always try to just not look back at dark and always look at light and to always pay it forward because that was my blueprint that i was going to be involved. this does nothing i can change, but i can make everything so much better in my life. and i hated that in the beginning, the court of public opinion that came out in the beginning just called me every name that i knew wasn't true from a liar or freeloader, a dummy a pariah, even assassins target. and i was none of those things, but couldn't change the court of public opinion yet, and it took so much time to make sure that all those things that that really affected me and hurt me as a person in my family that i know i would overcome them. and i think it took almost 30 years, but i think everything came out noun. i share him a better person for it and i really think that i paid it forward
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and i tried to always make other people better. and that's because of my late parents always saying, make the other person better and i live by that motto and and that's i believe that's true. it's come to fruition that i'm become bringing the light. >> well, that's a beautiful sentiment that your parents have instilled in you and i thank you for for joining us, i just one more question for you and i did you ever stay in touch with him after this trial >> no, i never stayed in touch with anybody really. i mean, i had some facebook messages from tania. did kim goldman's podcasts, but no, because i really, really believe that that was such a dark period that everybody had to grow row and so i didn't want any more growing, but i did see him in a deposition after the first break, an hour-and-a-half, i said some truth things that were derogatory and we ended up in the men's rooms together. and i was scared on my mind, so i walked out and that was the last it's contact. and he just said, hey, what's up after i had just been taking a
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deposition on him. >> wow, >> keto kaelyn. thank you so much for joining us. >> laura. thank you so much. and thank you for your time. it means a lot. >> thank you i want to bring in three oj simpson insiders, marquardt, say former cnn correspondent who was the face of cnn's coverage of the oj trial. he is currently the chief brand officer at the african american leadership forum. also with michael eric dyson, distinguished professor of african american and diaspora studies at vanderbilt university. he's the coauthor of unequal, a story of america also her jeffery toobin, a lawyer who extensively covered ththe oj simpson trial he's also the author of the run of his life, the people versus oj simpson. i thank you all for being here today. jeffrey leji, biggest. begin with you here. talking to kaelyn kaelyn seems a bit surreal for so many who
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remembered his testimony, like myself, what's your reaction to things he said >> well, you know, he certainly said nice things about how he wants to live his life and sympathy for the victims. but it is worth remembering that his testimony was equivocating an awful for the prosecution. and seem to me and to many others very much shaded in favor of oj simpson. so it's all well and good that he thinks j was guilty now. but if he had given more straightforward testimony in the trial all those years ago who knows the result might have been different. i mean, he he i don't want to pin the whole thing on him because they were so many factors at play but i mean, that was really bad testimony. that was a tremendous disappointment to the prosecution. and i can see why. >> well, the burden remained with the prosecution to prove
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their case. and obviously each witness is going to be beneficial or detrimental in that endeavor. mark, let me turn to you. you've covered every aspect of the oj simpson trial for cnn. i talked to me about the racial dynamic at the time because that was very much part of the story. did it change the way perhaps americans viewed race and the justice system? >> well, it certainly showed us that 30 years ago the country was tragically racially polarized. it's probably even worse today because of social media how it's uncovered. some of the covert aspects of racism we started out covering the trial and race was really never mentioned somewhere. somehow along the way i don't know who we point the finger at. race became a factor we asked on that point, michael, bring you
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in on that point. that's a very interesting one that you've just raised on that you've written before in your books about race having three key points, context subtext, and pretexts in your work i want you to watch this moment here that happened on the oprah winfrey show when the verdict was read >> we, the jury and the unbaked in title action, find the defendant or oren thought james simpson not guilty of the crime of murder and violence a felony one of the information i just didn't land reported the public seems to be more aligned in this 2015 poll that we have. and it was the end of that trial where you look to see how many people who thought oj was guilty along racial lines. but talk to me about the role that race played in the perception of this trial. well, there's no question, laura, that
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>> there was a split screen of racial perception the oj simpson case was erase quake. it trembled the ground beneath our feet because it exposed to us. it didn't create it. it exposed to us the fault lines that trace beneath the terrain of american society they had already been to america as one white, one black, unequals, separate as the kerner commission had predicted back in the late 60s. and then we saw rodney king being his psalters, the police people who beat him mercilessly acquitted so oj was the culmination of a long trail of travesty, of tragedies, of hurt and pain than african american people had endured. and oj simpson was the perfect avatar for such beliefs. and the reason he was a perfect ideal is because he was the white man's black person he was beloved in white
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america. he was celebrated the juice hurts commercials being celebrated for his race less ness, but time magazine darkened his face. america saw him through a different prism, and now he became the very embodiment of all that was stereotypical what about black masculinity? and of course, the hateful denunciation of what that blackness in america. so oj, whether he wanted to or not, became a symbol and a prison through which we viewed the landscape of american race. >> let me turn to you >> go ahead. jeff, wouldn't know more. i was the one who brought race into the, into the case. very early on because i was the person who broke the story in the new yorker that mark fuhrman, who was the key detective in the case, who discovered the bloody glove had once applied for a pension from the los angeles police department on the grounds that he was such a racist that he
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couldn't function anymore appropriately as a police officer, it tells you a lot about the lapd that he lost his case and was told to go back to work as as the police officer mean, the lapd had an appalling history when it came to race. and of course, the rodney king case, what was the most vivid demonstration of that. >> however, the tragedy >> of the oj simpson case, in my view, was that even though that was a little the gentleman complain about the los angeles police department in general oj simpson got away with murder because he was the unjust beneficiary of that long. and unfortunate history. oj simpson killed those two people and he got away with it by his his lawyers doing their job exploiting the ugly history of los angeles. >> well, i will say that's my
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gut >> before you do, i >> want to hear about all of you, but before you do i think justly heard this throughout the years, decades worth and my question is always the same, which is, can we have it both ways in america that we can believe in our jury system when it's the verdict that you'd like and disregarded when it's a verdict, you don't like and suggests that the jurors were somehow misled in a different way. it's always an interesting question as we approach important trials coming up as well, what was the point she wanted to raise michael? >> well, i want to first address jeffries point there about the heinous snus. it is true that it was tragic, evil and an unforgivable assault upon to human beings who lost their lives. but to save. that was the greatest tragedy in light of the accumulated indignities murders denials of opportunity, failure to give just due to african american
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people in the court system that my friend is a weighted tragedy that we can not merely dismiss. so it's not either or what happened to those two people was a heinous crime. what has continued to happen to african american people? but before that crime and after that crime are testimony to the deeply entrenched systemic inequities that continue to flagrantly deny opportunity for african american people. and we've lost so many lives as a result of that. and we've got to weigh those on the scale. they are both. i'm not trying to say one is worse than the other, but two the suggest somehow that those accumulated indignities are not themselves the story of this would be equally problematic as well. and yes, we can't have it both ways when we liked the outcome, it's great when we don't, it's horrible. this is what happened to white america. >> you got >> just a small taste of what african american people have had to deal with daily. that didn't the refusal to acknowledge that a case that was should've been open and shut was against us. and
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that's look that's from history, not only immaterial forward, we're talking about african-american people going to court every day and not having juries of their peers. we're talking about evidence that has been set in place i tried to convict them. so the point is that this is a very complicated reality and the jury trial is the best hope we have four array arriving at any sense of justice in america. >> mark, i'll give you the last word. i remember your coverage so well the irony is it is being discussed, this much in this heavily about race is >> ironic because oj was someone who ran from his race. oj was the person who was supposed to be on trial, but the defense team was successful in putting the la apd, the evidence gathering process. mark fuhrman, the botch glove on june 15, 1995, on trial it's, a really fascinating point to think about the ways in which the defense strategy
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shape the perception of what otherwise could be >> described as a legal inkblot test what a pleasure to speak to all three of you. mark watts, michael, eric dyson, jeffrey toobin. thank you so much. thank you >> so that was the >> perspective from just some of the people who covered the trial we're going to actually hear from someone who decided it in a cnn exclusive juror number two do is live with me, max houston, >> you are go for diverse. >> there's debris in this guy hey parents, husbands and wives gone. >> if you work in spaceflight, >> this is the worst possible thing. i can never happen >> thousands of pieces of debris or now she's to a puzzle. i should have >> that test on day one >> i wish i could've done something differently. what i can undo that, you can just make it better, are those that follow up space shuttle columbia the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn. >> hello ghostbusters
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jerry was pretty irresponsible. >> money >> can buy >> justice again, just don't think justice was served. i don't think the jury did their job those just a few of the very strong reactions to oj simpson's acquittal for the murders of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman, 28 years ago the reactions that verdict put america's racial divide on lol someone say, full display and some of the jurors are so dealing with the fallout from their decision to this day and the attention that thank garners. now this was the moment two decades after simpson's acquittal that kim goldman, sister a ron goldman, met juror yolanda crawford the decision that 12 jurors made change the trajectory of my life and our family's life. and it's hard to understand how two people can sit in a room and hear the same exact evidence and come to two completely different thoughts >> well, joining me now is the juror from that clip, ms yolanda crawford. thank you so
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much for joining me. this evening. i have been like so many people. i remember watching this all unfold for all the time that you were in the courtroom, you were sequestered, of course i do wonder what you make of the continued fascination with that verdict >> it does like it's been 28 years >> i look at close to >> 30 and it's just overwhelming and that there's still such so much attention that's brought to that case, and i would hoping that eventually it would die down a little bit, but it just doesn't seem to go away >> you ever have pause or any thoughts that you made the wrong choice? >> never i've always been very comfortable with my decision and the decision of the 11 other jurors. we were in that room. we know what went on and again, our decision wasn't based on what we filled in are good whether he did it or not,
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it was based on what was presented at. that trial? the evidence that was shown that was given to us and we had to consider. and at that point, there was reasonable doubt and it was something that you cannot deny, and that's why the verdict came so quick. >> there are some who have talked about this many, in fact, who talk about this. and this decision in light of the fact that it came and the trial after rodney king and the recorded beating that we all were witness to, that this was somehow a referendum broadly on race in america did you see it that way when you render your verdict >> not at all. not at all >> it was based >> on like i said, the evidence that was presented by both the prosecution and the defense we looked at the actions of the police officers that were involved in the case. mark fuhrman number one, the things that he did, the things that he said him cabinet take the fifth during that trial, that rot doubt. and how could you deny it? how could you overlook it
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there was just something that we we took in and we had to consider. and again, it was the reasonable doubt whether or not oj killed nicole and ron goldman i don't know. i'm not sure of that i'm not certain of it. i can't say for certain that he did, but they're definitely reasonable doubt that we have and i'm very comfortable with the decision that i made did you get a sense from any of your jurors that what happened to rodney king was considered at all during your deliberations >> not during deliberations, i think after after years later i heard some things that were coming from a couple of the other jurors that that i didn't like what i heard that came from them, but it wasn't it wasn't talked about during the jury room, during deliberations. >> you understand heard part of my conversation earlier with jeffrey toobin and michael eric dyson, just to name a few. and of course, cnn corresponding recovered this case what's your
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reaction to the way that it is being discussed >> i listened to your last segment with jeffrey toobin. the toobin. and when i heard him put a lot of that blame on keto kaitlan i thought that was tasteless now, it was correct. i don't think keto kaitlyn testimony favorite oj simpson at all. i think he said what he thought happened that night showed a detective berman where he was and the things that he heard and that's all there was to it out. i didn't put much weight. if you end to his testimony is in regards to o'jays innocence or guilt what did you make of the performance of the prosecution team? marcia clark, christopher darden, compared to what was described as the dream team, defense council led by of course, johnnie cochran on behalf of oj simpson. were you looking and evaluating their performances?
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>> i'm sure i was i don't think they measured up. i think especially christopher darden he probably wasn't the right guy for the for that ty he seemed >> i want to say at times very nervous not confident, unsure of themselves when he asked odata try on the glove, i looked at at him like he was crazy like, why would you have them do that? but he did it anyway >> that was crazy. i think just saying to me, why did you think that was a crazy moment >> because he didn't need to have them try and the glove. >> we looked at the glove, >> we can see the glove and it was a big glove and we assume that it would fit so when you had them try it, when he had them try it on and it appeared to be tight or too tight it was just something that that
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backfired. it was something that he did not need to do >> we >> could you know, again, we can look at the glove we saw was a big glove and we would have assumed that naibe it fit but he just sees me opportunity to have something different. >> that's fascinating, that you assumed that it fit until he put it on, which of course led veteran from this line. if it doesn't fit, you must the quid i am curious as well about what it was like for you meeting kim goldman what was that moment like for you >> i mean, i've i've i've said in the court room and watched her daily so i was familiar with her it was shocking to see her on that set because that's not what i was told that i was there that was a gotcha moment >> but it is what it >> is, not just had to deal
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with it at time, but i wasn't prepared in return it was uncomfortable, but it had to happen >> no one told you that you were going to meet her that de i just put you on the set with her? >> that's correct >> how did you feel about that? and how this case was viewed? what did you what did you think they wanted you to do >> i'm not. sure what their thoughts were, but again, that was a big surprise, that was not what i was told that segment was going to be about so but, you know it was a little tacky you want to tell me what it has it been like for you know, you are part of this this trial. you were a juror in a case as you have begun, as talked about the last thing and staying power of the fascination of the trial as well. how has your involvement affected your life, if at all?
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>> i've i was able to move on and then, you know, cool about starting a family and just push myself away from the case. but from time to time, i would always get calls for interviews. and sometimes i would do them as sometimes i wouldn't but it hasn't had that type of impact on me. again, it's just something that i pretty much adjusted to win, something involving the case or someone involved in the case is relevant. but that day i can expect a call from a producer wanting an interview >> did you have any reaction to his death >> i was i got a text message early this morning for my coworker and i didn't know if it was a gop or not. so i'm not text back. and did he die? and he advised me that, yes, you did. i don't watch tv anymore. i don't turn on a tv in my home so i hadn't seen any
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news, but i i started getting phone calls shortly after that, so that's how the news came to me. >> well, there's a great show you should watch on television. it comes on 11:00 p.m. eastern has called laura coates live. i'm just ingestion before you, ms yolanda, if you have one show to watch that the one you should. thank you so much for joining me tonight >> thank you. thank you. >> up next, this shocking moment when oj simpson called into larry king live and it was the day after he was found not guilty. >> on the phone now, is oj simpson how are you >> what oj simpson >> told larry? plus was the prosecution outsmarted by the defense during the trial of the century stephen a. smith has said prosecutors did a horrendous job and he is here to weigh in the lead with jake tapper tomorrow at four and cnn
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>> are you all-star teams retard for a waterfront redemption showdown. >> like in a bring it, but only one will make us flash. i think we nailed it, rocked the block season finale, monday night at nine on hgtv >> one of oj simpson's first reactions is acquittal happened right here, live on this network it was october 4, 19950 j actually called in to cnn's larry king live. listen to this on the phone now >> is oj simpson how are you? >> i'm doing fine and the one i want to thank you a lot because so many of my friends have told me that you've been fair. my basic angers people that hurts that i've followed the case i've heard experts say this was the testimony today, and that wasn't the testimony that day. there was so many times i went back to my cell and i watched i go to my
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attorney room. i talked to my attorneys and some witnesses and we say what these experts looking at the same are hearing are they in the same courtroom with that we were in the day >> he went on bank, his defense team, especially the man you saw there nodding johnnie cochran for what they did. i want to bring in steven a. smith to weigh in on the trial and far beyond he of course, is the host of first take on espn and the steven a. podcast and show on youtube. even really glad to have you here today. i mean, that was quite an incredible moment the day after his acquittal calling into the show, complaining about press coverage and complaining that reporters were getting the story totally wrong. what's your reaction? >> well, he's lucky. i wasn't on the jury. he would have been under the jail. i've always thought he was guilty. i thought he was guilty of double-murder. i felt adamant about that i thought that there was a preponderance of circumstantial and forensic evidence that was against him obviously, you know, the law hell of a lot better than me, but i just thought that for me
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personally, i've often joked by war lawyer, there's no way to johnnie cochran, would it be in me with that level of evidence and over the years i've become friends, would call douglas, who was on the legal team. remember the legal team for oj simpson? i still speak to him. this de i'm very fond of him. he's a very successful lawyer in los angeles and one of the things that he said, do you have any idea how great johnnie cochran was? i said of course we do, we all do is just that the preponderance of evidence that was against oj simpson considering the circumstances, i thought he was guilty is how having said all of that, i wasn't as angry as white america was at his are not guilty verdict because in light of what has happened with rodney king and the history of the lapd with african americans it was a foregone conclusion in my mind that the preponderance of evidence was going to have to be iron clad and not only that, the defense was going to have to the prosecution rather was going to have to have an ironclad case and they were going to have to execute it. ics exceptionally well in order for him to be found guilty in
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light of the climate in los angeles at that particular moment in time. so i wasn't surprised by the verdict, but just me speaking in his individual when i saw the evidence, when i sought a court case, watching it on tv, all of those mumps, you're right. i thought he was guilty and i still think he's guilty to this very day. >> well, you know, obviously there's the preponderance of evidence standard in the civil context. there's the beyond a reasonable doubt in the criminal context, what was it about you watching this trial? what was the evidence and made you say this man is guilty, which of course is not what the jury found? >> all right. well, first of all, it was the blood and the bronco. number one, it was the incident in question and how volatile and nicole brown simpson god rest are so nearly been decapitated. it was somebody it was, it was some of those things as well. but also as, a black man, you're in a white bronco, you got owl cowlings and in the gps driving you home. he's worried that you're going to shoot
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yourself. he's begging the police to backup. >> and >> what have you and i'm thinking along the lines that what they got you, you know, they they they've got you dead to rights. and as a result of that, you feel that way. and because of that, you willing to take your own life rather than going to jail for the rest of your life. it was a combination of all of those things. i don't remember every single detail because there's been many, many years since i've paid attention to it to be quite honest with you. but as i was watching that unfold and watching the case unfold over the years, i just felt that it was a classic case. base of marcia clark and christopher darden doing a poor job of a process as prosecutors in this particular case, more so than it was about his innocence. i just felt that there was so much circumstantial evidence against him. and i it was perceived by me to be a crime of passion rage. and when you heard about the history of him, when nicole brown simpson and we all the years i've been back-and-forth in la. i can assure you. i've heard many, many, many stories about his
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behavior and how he was towards her as well as various others. it just seemed to be very, very reasonable to me, but again, i wasn't a member of the jury. i didn't watch every three single day of the trial, so i'm certainly not going to sit here and pretend that i did that without rodney king. >> would there have been oj acquittal? >> i don't think so. i don't think so. i think rodney king had not happened. that's just my personal opinion, laura, i don't know for sure. but i'm just of the mind said that rodney king not happened, then. oj a not guilty verdict for oj, probably would not have happened and listen, when i think about nicole brown simpson and i think about ron goldman especially ron goldman, of course, both lives being lost. so heart wrenching and what have you, you don't wish that on any human being with any kind of so you don't wish that on anybody let's be clear about that. but to see ronald goldman is father to know that he had no relationship with oj and the perception is that he
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just came by and he was in a wrong place at the wrong time and to have that happen to him and for nicole brown simpson to reportedly haven't had to endure what she endured from oj for years and death. that to happen your heart just goes out to them, but unfortunately it that particular moment in time black folks were saying there's a lot of lives that have been lost from our community at the hands of transgressors who happened to be law enforcement officials and that was more pertinent and profound issue. and the african american community then oj simpson and the gold brown simpson were ronald goldman i mean, jay-z said it best when listen, we didn't have black folks and i think you know, i don't want to speak for you, but it's hard to imagine that a black, a black person in america didn't remember oj saying, i'm not black, i'm he wasn't somebody that ingratiate himself would not community. i'm not i'm not happy that the man is dead. i'm not happy they depend passed away from cancer. i lost my mother to cancer in 2017. i'm very sensitive to that
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issue. i don't wish death upon anybody. but in the same breath, this was a man that had detached himself from his community. he was the first black athlete ever given a national ad campaign by hurts and 1970 he five, he prided himself on being different and separate and apart from his own race of people, these effects. and so when you look at it from that perspective, and only time it appeared he found his blackness was when he was indicted on double murder charges, and he needed the support of the black community you did have a lot of white folks in america looking at the black community, like we were absolute fools, would be a supportive of him in any way because they knew that about him as much as we did stephen jay smith i mean, just the way in which this case, this man that trial has been viewed >> it is >> so eye-opening to hear your perspective for so many people across this country who may not have thought of it in the way you have but certainly these
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are the conversations we're really having and our homes, steven a. smith. thank you so much. >> it's true. >> thank you so much. take care >> well, he was a larger than life personality who went from football superstar to the big screen and then it all came crashing down, will trace the rise and fall of oj simpson next nobody what it takes to ritual >> ltd, or they're buying car faster >> 2024 stanley cup play again april 20, cracked windshield schedule would say the flight and will come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her
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>> nobody does it better than her >> dotsub be on >> my been in this new one a week >> that's the american icon oj simpson for trade as a hero and athlete, a friend. but it's not the man we're remembering today. this is the story of o j. it's a story about a man who changed american culture. then everything changed for him. oj became the man with the glove acquitted in court, but not in the court. public opinion. late night shows made him the brunt of their jokes >> sure. we didn't make it. you're not guilty. a barbecue oj bowl. we are glad to have you back on the sidelines and not in the both okay well, let's go to the tellers treated now, here's a play. your office has been using a lot this year. now, you lined up, you're half bag right behind your quarterback. you're tidy and has been running a
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pattern. now we kelly page play action the defense is frozen, allowing your wide open to be open on the other side, opening a hole in the middle and a scene on the cable news made him their headline 95 million people watched the bronco chase, 150 million people tuned in to watch the verdict and as a result, oj helps solidify the power of cable news. in the year after the oj verdict, fox news and msnbc were created. >> but it wasn't >> just cable news. they've got a major boost from o j ever heard of reality tv? how about the kardashian? >> well, maybe you've >> heard of one mr. robert kardashian, father. did kim courtney, and chloe. he was one to n of course, robert junior. he was one of o'jays best friends and lawyers, a member of his dream team of lawyers
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with the country, be keeping up with the kardashian if not for oj >> my father was and still is such an influence and inspiration to me and i credit him with really opening up my eyes to racial injustice it's because of him that i met my first black person wanted to take a stab in the dark at who it was >> i know it's sort of weird fair to remember the first black person you met, but oj does leave a mark or several or none at all. i still don't know >> then the country well, it's not over oj, the 2016 drama, the people versus oj, was that year's most watched new show, according to variety with an average number of 7.5 million viewers per episode. and here we are all coming together for an entire hour to reflect on oj simpson thank you for watching our coverage continues
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