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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 11, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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as well in the wake of the world central kitchen attack, they said the changes were coming, right? they acknowledged responsibility. they said changes were coming. there's some discussion of putting this reflective tape on the vehicles of aid convoy voice or could easily spotted from the air. have you seen any measures like that taken >> i can't speak for the whole un are humanitarian community, but at unicef know we haven't seen a difference. we don't have that tape on our vehicles. we had this mission that was coordinated and when we still ran into it's dangerous incident and extended delays that ultimately prevented us from completing the mission and taking these important life-saving supplies to the children that need them know when we haven't seen changed yet and it's really needed urgently to make sure that hopefully as more trucks come in, as has been promised, that we're able to distribute that because these two things really go hand in hand the delivery and the distribution.
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>> no question. so before we go, you mentioned that aid. what happens to that aid? will it get delivered? >> we're hoping so despite the incident, we're going to try again, hopefully this weekend, we're putting in another coordination requests because it's just too important to give up. we've got treatment that we know can help the malnourished children in the north of gaza. and we desperately want to get it up there well, thanks so much for your time for joining us. and as i said last time we spoke please keep yourself and your team as safe as you can. >> thanks, jim. >> the news continues right here on cnn >> i'd probably next breaking news, we have exclusive new details about new york city at this hour, prepare for the first criminal trial of a former president. this has the president's legal team is zeroing in on what may be their only hope plus oj simpson's longtime manager is out for us he has 70 hours of footage of
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his former client and he's going to share the details of their very last conversation just before simpson died >> and real >> life pathway tonight you're going to hear from the pilots who found three sailors who had been trapped in a tiny remote island, found only because they spelled the world word help palm tree leaves. >> let's go out front >> and good evening. i'm erin burnett outfront tonight bracing for trump. >> we have exclusive >> details this hour into the preparations that are right now being made for trump's first criminal trial? starting in just three days, cameras, drones, bomb sniffing dogs, barricades federal and new york city officials have been calling on every resource they have for what will be an unprecedented several weeks and in a moment, we're going to take you inside the nypd is joint operation center where officials are combing over sensitive intelligence ahead of trump's appearance in the courtroom >> that >> courtroom will be one of the most secure rooms and all of new york inside a former
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president and a jury of 12 men and women who will ultimately decide his guilt or innocence and that jury may bail trump out this is important to consider because you don't usually hear this part of it, but think about it this way. it is a criminal trial. and in that case, juries must be unanimous so putting it another way, one juror is enough to prevent a guilty verdict. so you hear trump complaining about can't get a fair trial in manhattan will actually know the odds may be in trump's favor just looking at the politics of it. are harry enten crunch the numbers? joe biden won 87% of the vote. manhattan in 2020, they're 12 jurors. so if you do the math, that means there's about an 80% chance that at least one juror of that 12 is friendly to trump or just even a trump supporter? assuming that that jury pool is reflective of manhattan's electorate and that one is all trump needs, just one supporter to sink the government's case into a payment made to adult film star stormy daniels just before the 2016 election >> the whole
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>> trial is about whether that payment was made to influence the election and tonight, trump unleashed, once again on the judge in the case >> i was recently informed that another corrupt or new york judge, juan merchan gagged me. that's gagged. like you can talk but again, give me with respect to a case that everyone including the da fehlt should never have been brought. this judge, should be recused. and the case should be thrown out. he's totally conflicted. there's never been a judge more conflicted than this one. there has virtually never been anything like it >> so you can say all those things and the judge as a judge should remains quiet and above it, for engine grass is outside the courthouse in lower manhattan where jury selection will begin on monday morning and brynn, you have done extensive reporting here. what are you learning from your source? forces about the security preparations underway for this unprecedented moment
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yeah, aaron, it >> will be a robust security packages. how is conduct? can you describe to us it's one that has been practiced in disgust for the last couple of months. now within this courthouse here behind me, the handles hundreds of cases daily sleep, but this is a trial like no other it's expected to last six to eight weeks, so law enforcement really on a state, local, and federal level, needs to have this delicate balance of protecting the public. the former president, while all so allowing business as usual the crush of >> media >> protesters and supporters >> and the >> complicated task of protecting the presumptive republican presidential nominee, who was also the defendant this whole area is gonna look very different come monday >> yeah. i mean, obviously, a lot of maria, brenda is going to be frozen for the arrival of the ex-president outside manhattan criminal court. this
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is where donald trump's trial kicks off monday. police are preparing for what even they described as an unprecedented several weeks is there any difference from your standpoint on the ground now that trump is the presumptive nominee rather than a past president. >> well, that's why i'm saying obviously going to wrap ratcheted up. >> that means the building will be wrapped in a security blanket of cameras, uniformed officers, drones, bomb sniffing dogs and barricades >> this is just a small sample of what's available. >> cnn was given a look inside the nypd is joint operation center and intelligence and visual hub for the nypd and its law enforcement partners. >> it's a big challenge. it's a lot of moving parts to the attention of the nation and often the world we'll be on new york city for this entire event. >> this is the first criminal trial of a former us president in history. but donald trump has been in and out of courtrooms for the past year. this >> really is just a continuation of what occurred
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when he was on it on the civil trials, giving law enforcement a head start on how to prepare and what to expect includes being nimble in responding to immediate threats. >> we got word of that bomb threat this morning since trump's indictments, law enforcement says threats against judges it's district attorneys and others have become almost expected. >> we're gonna be looking at the threat picture on a constant basis. social media scrubbing just listening to people making calls are making threats online. how do you handle that? >> we want to >> find the basis of the threat. is it real? is it an online warrior? is it what kind of extra security preparations do we have to take? >> it includes also protecting jurors were told those picked could possibly be treated he did the same as jurors in trump's civil trial against e. jean carroll. >> they may >> be driven in daily from a secret location for their safety and moving. trump, who likely will spend most of his night it's a trump tower, will be a calculated choreography
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between the nypd and secret service who have triggered more robust security plants. >> just one precedent. yeah, it is. >> and that's >> why we've ratcheted up to make sure that everything goes off without a hitch and everybody goes home safe >> all right. let me take you inside the courthouse to that 15 floor. that's where the trial is going to take places can be shut down to the general public, come monday, the elevator, the former president uses will also be frozen inside that court trump will sit at the defense and it's table behind him will be secret service and an addition to that, there will also be court officers sitting in pews to create a protective barrier between trump and the general public. >> it's really incredible to think about it. all right, thank you so much, brian, with all that reporting, let's go now to our legal analysts, ryan goodman and mark o'mara, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor. so thanks so much to both of you. ryan here, brin and the massive security, all this reporting that she has done. and on monday you've got
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500 jurors who are going to parade and like they do every month but they're gonna go through all of this, right? there are gonna be well aware of this moment that they are walking into. does that have an impact? >> i think it must. it's just the gravity of the situation the enormity of the situation that i would think impresses upon them the historical moment and then if they do end up serving on the jury, that they have a task to perform of applying the law to the facts and it's such a more solemn experience and the fact of the security presence i think gives them an even deeper sense of it. they one hopes that then they perform their duties as they're supposed to as jurors >> so some mark in that the 500 that are going to walk in, right. you're only going to end up with 12 ultimately who are going to be the decision-makers . and you have been involved with so many jury selections and high-profile high-stakes criminal cases. trump's team. their >> goal is to get at least one person on that jury. just one is all they need right. to raise a question and i just shared harry enten math if you're going to say that these
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decisions are made on politics, which of course ryan is saying we all hope that they aren't if people are gonna their duty as citizens, but even looking at it from that perspective on manhattan voter rolls, you've got an 80% chance that there'll be one juror on that panel who will be a trump supporter are favorable to trump. so what is the defense looking for? how difficult is this going to be for them? >> well, actually, i think it's going to >> be quite easy for the >> defense from that perspective, because you're right. they have to get somebody on that panel and we ask defense attorneys don't like talking about moving for a hung jury, right? we want an acquittal, but the harsh reality is that political harsh reality is he does not want to conviction before the election. and a hung jury will put this case off another couple of three months potentially. yes. the defense team is going to be looking for that sympathy jury that's somebody who is really two lesson to trump, willing to like trump before they even walked into a courtroom and you're right, 20% of the people, even in manhattan lichen. but nationwide, we know there's a greater percentage of people that have a sympathy
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and empathy for trump. and that's what they're going to be playing towards. >> and ryan in that context, trump post that video today. i played a clip of it rally against the gag order from the judge, which it may be surprising to a lot of people watching it was to me, he's allowed to do that. the gag order actually is saying you can't you can't intimidate witnesses and you can't do that too. family members of the judge, but the judge himself is not included in that. so we're going to see a lot more of this, right where to see a lot more of this as he tries to inject this uncertainty and poison into the atmosphere around this judge so the jury has been told not to watch there's no jury in new york. there's no one who hasn't turned on local news or something and seeing some part of this, how do you get around that? >> it's very difficult to get around it. it almost another example is just being a new yorker getting in the backseat of a taxi that starts out with television news, local news and this is going to be biggest news around. >> it's going be the jury selection of the trump criminal trial, right? >> yeah. exactly. and also
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jurors have families and juries have jurors have friends and colleagues. and this will be a part of the information environment in which everybody is kind of stewing so the idea that these kinds of statements by former president trump don't reach the jurors one way or another is hard to believe and that might in fact be part of his strategy or his strategy might be just the general public, but this is an indirect effect. >> it's certainly is. i mean, mark, i know you believe that trump's team could actually play into the comments that he's been making about the judge to help him at the trial, walk us through that >> so i think they have to and they have such great environment within which to do it. because look, either he is an arrogant person who's again knowing the law and the processes or he is still innocent and he is so upset with being falsely accusedhat he h to prent himself like that. and quite hostly, if yolook at ithrough that lens, thenhe defense canean in it. they can say, you've to the extent you've heard of because let's face it, that's
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was just said there is nobody in this panel who has not heard about this case and for that matter, has not made some previous position about we're not trying to get people will haven't heard they've been hiding in a corner somewhere. but we want people who will acknowledge what they've heard about it >> and the defense >> can play into that by saying you've heard my client my client, you've heard him complain about the process heard them complain out the judge aryou okay with somebody who believe is so innocent that he has to speak out what a great difference question to present. >> and i'm glad we have u because we get a real insight into their their worldview because you've done these, these crucial defense cases. thanks very much to both of you. next, i'm going to speak to oj simpson's longtime manager. it a roller coaster relationship is simpson over decades. and tonight, he's going to tell you about it, sharing some of the 70 hours of video he owes. build up simpson and the details of their last conversation just before simpson died. plus we have new video just into outfront product southern border. >> this >> video that we've just gotten is a group of migrants
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crossing into california evading mexican authorities, right before our cameras are david culver is there. he saw his live into quanta after this and breaking news congresswoman marjorie taylor greene tonight says she will go ahead with trying to oust mike johnson, even if trump backs johnson. and she is just speaking to our motto raja, we're going to bring that to you next >> 170 million americans find community on tiktok i'm patriotic kenny wanted broke down. i went enjoyed the >> i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy within 24 hours, people had donated over $5,000 >> your kid set up the >> patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters. tibet terms none of this would have happened without tiktok. >> keep tiktok >> i met with the turbotax expert because i had two full-time jobs, lawyering and
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that's 180501, 3636 called now, i'm rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this cnn breaking news, the family of ron goldman, who was murdered along with nicole brown simpson, speaking up for the first time on the >> death of oj simpson saying moments ago, and i quote, the news of ron's killer passing away as a mixed bag of complicated emotions and reminds us that the journey through grief is not linear. the hope for true accountability has ended >> simpson >> was acquitted, murdering goldman and nicole brown simpson in 1995, criminally, part of his spectacular downfall and football superstar tom form and covered the oj simpson trial. he was there, sat in that courtroom and begins our coverage tonight out front >> police believe that >> that oj simpson is >> in that car for two hours over 60 miles, almost 30 years
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ago, the low speed pursuit of an american icon team and american sensation, people were leaving their homes and their work and where they were, and they were racing to these overpasses. >> and when the white broncos stopped for oj simpson to face murder charges over the killing of his ex-wife, nicole brown and ronald goldman the country was hooked and that was our first introduction into reality tv. and what it looked like, we were obsessed. >> simpson was a superstar, a heisman trophy winner in college. one of the most dazzling running backs in nfl history for many black families, in particular, a runaway success nobody does it better than juice was a beloved celebrity and commercials and movies >> how your body >> says >> damon, as good as new one a week >> and he had his role as defendant eclipsed everything else through 11 months of court proceedings and nonstop media coverage the nation was
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captivated by daily debates over dna evidence, police procedure, and dramatic moments made for tv if it doesn't fit, you must acquit when the verdict came down, not guilty of the crime of murder. my one estimate, 150 million people watched live many splitting along racial lines over whether the ruling was just or just wrong. >> it's just a >> massive civil suit by the victims families did not go as well for simpson and he was in order to pay tens of millions in damages, he lost his house and heisman but kept hundreds of thousands and pension funds are >> family is grateful for a verdict of responsibility, which is all we ever wanted. >> simpson had future legal problems two, in 2007, he was arrested after an armed robbery involved having sports memorabilia, he said was his i'm sorry i didn't >> mean to steal anything from
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anybody and i didn't know i was doing anything illegal. >> he wound up convicted and sentenced to 33 years in prison. he was paroled in 2017. and through it all, he maintained his innocence in the murders that changed his life. and american society too, right now i'm at a point in my life. well, i want to do is spend time with my as much time as i i can with my children and my friends and i've done my time >> you know, tom, it just brings back so many memories for those of us who remember where we were in those moments. a verdict of the bronco and you were there in that courtroom through so much of this. we've got >> video a video of you you know i can it's obvious who it is. you were covering the oj simpson trial from beginning to end. tom, what stands out to you the most from all those months that you spend in court aaron as those months went by, i didn't spend a lot of time in the courtroom itself. i spent a lot of time covering
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everything around that and all the analysis outside one of the things i was really struck by was how early you could see this divergence happening? we're parts of the community enlarge part the black community was saying, yes, you have to be suspect of police evidence. you have to be suspected prosecutors? yes. we're listening to what the defense has to say and many people in the white community the opposite. we're like, well, no, you trust the authorities? they have a case here. they're pursuing it. you could see that happening for months before you got to the verdict so the response after the verdict was really no surprise. >> i was really amazing >> we remember that white bronco chase. i remember where i was watching that with a group of people. cnn's larry king was on the air at the time and you see him here the entire country glued to the tv watching all this play out in real time. been really it changed. in this particular moment is a part of now american history, cultural society. did you have any inkling at that moment you'd be spending the next 16 months of your life covering this case.
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and what do you remember about that white bronco chase? >> what i remember most of all about the white bronco, remember we weren't really in cell phone time at that point. people were picking up land lines and calling everyone and saying, turn on your tv. this astonishing thing is happening and we're watching this slow motion chase down the road and we'd seen many car chases in la. they were publicized at various times, but nothing like this, and everyone's saying oj's in that car. i'm telling erin people who didn't live through it, who didn't see oj play football like i did back in his de when he isn't the nfl it's hard to understand what a gigantic figure he was so very, very high. >> two >> fall, so very, very low is absolutely incredible as you say, one of the things even then that stood out was just this odd? is suspended nature of it. and how slowly it seemed to move. all right. tom. form. and thank you very much. you're welcome
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>> out front now, norman pardo, he was oj simpson's longtime manager. and as more than 70 hours of tapes of oj during the time that they spent together traveling the country. and norman, i really appreciate your time. hi, i'm tonight. as we think about this and historical figure that he was, you've known him since 1999. you were part of his inner circle for years and i know you say there were a lot of different o'jays what do you mean by that >> like a chameleon you would change from one day to the next it'd be like ago j to a business object you couldn't tell when he's going to switch i don't know if he meant to do it all the time, but he did he would fit into any environment he was at it is a budget of high rollers. >> he did write it >> if there was a bunch of people, you know pamps fit
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right in if was just it was amazing. watch the different oj's appeared >> he did post a video in february, so so very recently here, very proximate to his death. and i just wanted to play it for you. here it is. norman my aunt is good. >> i mean, obviously i'm dealing with some issues, but i think i'm just about over it and i'll be back on that golf hopefully in a couple of weeks >> as i mentioned, that was just february and i know you talked to him very recently, much more recently than that norman what was that conversation like and how did he sound sounded >> like? okay. just not quite as you know i could tell he was damaged by his voice, but at the same joke and it was time i think for us to get together and talk for a few minutes.
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we'd had a very roller coaster relations. >> i guess you would >> call you got to angry with me when i when i was doing that movie, who feel nicole, he didn't like that at all. he didn't like me contact and the other was willing to night of the murders so he stopped talking to me. now, no, you anymore and he erased me that's what oj does when he's done with somebody he just eracism but then we got back together and i think he just wanted to he knew what was happening to him and he didn't want to leave and bad terms >> that's all i can think of. >> i mean, you mentioned obviously you did in your in your work at the time, 2013, right? you implicated him in the murderers >> did was this last call? i guess it sounds like what you're saying. was it a reconciliation after that? i mean, did did you get the sense that it was yes. i don't want to use the word apology. you tell me what it was, but a goodbye >> he wanted to put it on the
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past and i did do as let's just put it to pass, call it a day and we both agreed to that and then we just talked happy talk about the things we had done. and because sometimes the person when he gets real sick wants to hear happy thoughts. you >> have recorded. i know more than 70 hours of tapes of the time you spent together, norman, as i said, you we spent a lot of time together and you knew him and all these different chameleon oj's, as you said, and that one point of the tapes that you shared with us, there's a song playing about oj. and in this song, it's about oj having killed his ex-wife. he's on your tape listening along so here's some of that do you remember anything about that moment as you were rolling on him with that song, was fascinating >> i thought that was
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fascinating to watch his expression because very rare you get the expressions from somebody who's actually being called the murder on. and then saying in with them >> no, >> why that's why i put it on >> i don't know if i >> mentioned it, but oh, jay tapes is where i put all the putting them up there. we've got to think the public needs to see the different phases of oj and maybe they could take a little bit from the tapes that i did >> i >> thought it was really strange that he was saying with that >> yeah >> but that's just me. i mean, i don't know if you look at his expressions. he's getting into the song your ice cream melting and all the whole nine yards >> how could you even looking at him though >> yeah react to that? >> i mean, knowing that at that point, >> you come to the conclusion that you implicated him, that, you know, in the murders, that he could sit there and sing along with that song. could you ever understand the psychology
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of that, given how well you knew him? >> take us because in his mind he didn't do it because he didn't actually do the murders. and oj not a great guy, not not even not that nice of a guy. he's not a bad guy. he's just is he a murder? that's the question everybody has asked themselves. and one way to do that is actually did watch him watching matter listen to it good you everything. it took me 20 years of investigative work to figure out what happened. wasn't something you're going to learn overnight >> because >> there's too many smoke and mirrors out there right now. >> hello norman now you've had a chance over all these decades to think about it, to study it, and you have that conversation with him just recently. what do you think? >> he leaves behind? >> if for lack of a better word, what's oj simpson's legacy >> he's going to leave the item mystery that everybody is going to wonder something that people would talk about
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probably forever. they're teaching in schools >> i mean, that's why i'm >> on tour now the school's want me to speak they want me to talk about what all happened so that's what i'm doing right now. >> because people still want to >> know what happened that night and never know, not he did >> well, norman, i really appreciate your taking the time to speak with me and to share some of this thank you >> i appreciate you having me on your show. >> thank you >> can't keep watching and can't stop watching that video of him singing along to the song about him killing her will coming up on cnn. laura coates as a special our at 11 on the life and death of oj simpson, you're going to want to tune into that next we have new video just into outfront of migrants evaded authorities illegally crossing into california this we just got this video are david culver is there, saw it where it take you live? quantum to see exactly
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how they did it. >> and breaking news, new >> images just into out front of the sailors who were rescued after being stranded on a remote island. they spelled the world help on the sand and a coast guard commander will be speaking out about the rescue for the first time out front >> the wind in your hair the sun at your back >> nothing >> but nothing all around you? get out on the water >> in >> florida keys at key west the introducing nets, black psoriasis, he thinks is flaky red patches are all people see. >> oh, tesla is the number one prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis, hotel because i can help you get clears. don't use
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favorite pair of jeans today. i'm taylor available on the apple app store or android cnn this morning >> with kasie hunt. tomorrow at five easter closed captioning brought to you by field away optimum enhanced calming for cats. >> if your cats springs outside the litter box, fights with other cats were scratches, the furniture, they could be telling you they're stressed to help them feel more calm, tie, feel away optimum tonight, we have new video just two out front. this is video from the southern border. we have a drone there and it captured a group of migrants illegally crossing into california and heading towards us border patrol officers. they were able to evade mexican authorities who say they're ramping up enforcement on their side of the border to keep migrants from reaching the us so our david culver is out front there at the border into mexico, and david, it was you and your team who captured this video of these migrants as they were crossing the border, what did you see? how did they do it? >> hey, there, aaron. yeah. we're here with migration
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officials from the mexican side and we've been spending the past couple of days trying to get a better sense of these revamped efforts to try to stop folks from illegally crossing. and it's interesting because having covered the border now for several months and going back even more than a year, is this the toughest level of enforcement i have seen? at the us-mexico border and it's coming from the mexico side right now. and the video that you pointed out, we were there with mexican officials as they were showing us some of the vulnerable spots on the wall while in that answer your question is how many of these migrants are still getting through? they'll either, as you can even see behind me, use portions of the wall and have equipment to cut out little squares and usually they're doing that with smugglers who are backed by cartels and able to get in. or you can even see up here on this portion of the wall, there's markings higher up and there's a lot of them they have made these ladders that essentially they'll throw up and then they'll scale up the wall and continue down the other side. now, when they get to the other side of this one here, they're on us territory tori, but there's yet another wall in this portion that keeps him from entering the us right
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away. so they have to be processed and many of them are trying to get those claims for asylum process by a us officials, aaron, it is amazing, david, what you're showing us, what you're seeing in plain sight, the markings, the places to throw the ladders up just just seeing it. so tangibly and these crossings, i mean, obviously you've got the united states has a crisis on its hands, but what's fascinating from what sounds like what you're saying is it's mexican authorities who are taking action that residents in mexico are increasingly frustrated with the migration crisis as well. so what are you seeing on that? >> so we were hearing that and we wanted to see it firsthand there and then that's why we came down here and wanted to spend some time with mexican officials and to see what they have put together as far as these new efforts is quite striking because it is in many places along the border much more than you'd see from the us side as far as a law enforcement presence, as far as what residents think. and i'm gonna show you where we are because this gives a bit of a better context. this is
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actually a neighborhood here. if you, if you pan, this is a private community to backs up, right to the us-mexico border. >> and it's interesting because we've been in touch >> with residents on the us side and they're angry and they have shared with us over the past several months that they have these migrants coming through there property and that is frustrating them. the same type of frustration is felt here on the mexico side and communities like this, this is actually a private wall are dealing with smoke glares who will come through and they'll drop off groups of migrants in areas like this. and then even in this portion, you can see they have pulled back some of the barbed wire on this private cement wall and they use that then to climb over the actual border wall. and so what has now been the result? >> well, the folks in this >> community have petitioned their state's governor of baja california, who in turn has had the mexican national guard and we saw this just a couple of hours ago patrolling neighborhoods like this, once you have to imagine that aaron you have in your own community national guard member, at least
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here on the mexico side. now, coming through and setting up camp in some places to patrol and tomorrow, we're going to have much more on some of the remote camp that mexican officials have deployed two and set up an infrastructure and we're going to show you that exclusively when we do and you have 24 hours from now. >> wow, it is absolutely incredible. and just so amazing when you see them actually just walking through the scrub there, it just said that instability, that uncertainty that is so pervasive and permeating both sides of the border from what you're showing. all right. david culver. thank you, david mentioned and he will have that exclusive report out front tomorrow. that rare look at the conditions on the ground at some of those remote sections of the border wall where he is going to take you tomorrow and you don't want to miss that, so we'll see you too. morrow, david >> all right. and i want to go now to the democratic congressman from new york, tom suozzi he's on the house homeland security committee. he won the special election to replace george santos in large part because of his focus on border security, which you are incredibly focused on. congressman suozzi. so you
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heard david cole verse report and i don't know if you could see the return, but it is incredibly powerful to look at the wall and see the markings where the ladders are thrown up, where the barbed wires pulled back, the context here, congressman, we've got a new axios poll tonight that finds 42% of latino adults in america support a wall or offense on the us, mexico border and that is not just maybe larger than many listening may expect. it is also up 12 points. in the past three years. should president biden be hearing this as a blaring wake-up call absolutely this is a problem that the american people are concerned about. and i've always said that the best elected official, the best politician is the one who says what the people are thinking united stateof aca with he the republicans, independents about the border but they're concerned about what they see on your show tonight. what they see as chaos. and a wall is not going to solve it by itself. but listen, make it part of the
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solution. let's get a bipartisan solution like the senate bill that was negotiated by james lankford, one of the most honest ethical conservative republicans in the senate, along with senator chris murphy and senator kyrsten chiller brand cinema. let's use that bipartisan compromise and let's push it forward. >> well, part of the reason that this is hitting such a chord, there are many reasons, but is also the fear of the fear of the unknown. what is coming across the border. >> okay. and the former national intelligence director james clapper, i recently had a conversation with him, congressman, he told me that his quote, very concerned about terrorists exploiting the southern border. he said that was in his words, a serious national security concern in that context today, the fbi director chris wray, warned about his growing concern, and i want to use his words directly about the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, akin to the isis k attack we saw at the russia concert hall now in that
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congress hall concert hall, a crocus, 144 people were killed what more do you know about chris raise warning? >> i know that people are concerned. people are worried that uncertainty of what's going to happen because of this open border is making people worried. and we have to recognize that people said to me during my campaign. and even now, oh, the board of the board of the border, that's a republican issue. no, it's not. it's an american issue and we must address it now, the president has started addressing it much more. he talked about in the beginning of his administration. now he's talking about it more and i'm hoping he'll take some unilateral action and we can force a bipartisan compromise because we had a deal on the table that was endorsed by the wall street journal, the us chamber commerce even the border patrol union president was a big trump endorsed the deal and president trump swooped in and said, oh, i don't want to give biden a victory. i want to run on the chaos. well, that's unacceptable. let's make a deal
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let's actually address this very real problem. >> all right, you just, as i >> mentioned, obviously your house homeland >> security, you did also just returned from ukraine. and so i'm sure that what we heard today from the american general kris kovalenko, who happens to be the head of the us european command and the supreme allied commander of nato stood out to you. i mean, it stopped me in my tracks. >> it he said >> russia's military. again, i want to quote them directly, has grown back to what they were before the war began >> with that, it's incredible, congressman. we've been hearing about the decimation of the military, their inability to provide for their inability to mobilize mass death of of russians on the front lines. and now we're hearing there back to the way they were before the war began. congressman, it's shocking. i mean, this seems to be proof, at least of the efficacy, the perhaps even the failure of us sanctions to say the very least the sanctions have to be enforced more strongly, but we need to recognize russia is conscripting more soldiers. they're building more weapons
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plans. ukraine has done a fantastic job fighting back, but right now, they're running out of ammunition. and we need to help them as you heard, the japanese prime minister say today this is important for all democracies throughout the world and there was happily surprised to see how much bipartisan support there was for the prime minister of japan's comments about the need to fund ukraine and to support ukraine. that support is in the united states congress, we need speaker johnson and to put it on the floor, stop letting marjie taylor greene and the other extreme is block him. let's get this on the floor. i promise it will pass. >> all right. what congress is suozzi, i very much appreciate your time and you just mentioned speaker johnson and marjorie taylor greene. we do at breaking news because marjorie taylor greene has just spoken to our manu raju moments ago and she's updated him about her plans to oust the speaker mike johnson even if he has trump's support. so manu has a breaking details. there. plus we have we're breaking news because for the first time
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tonight, you're gonna hear from a coast guard commander who spotted the word help on that sand of a remote island leading to the rescue of three sailors. we also have new pictures of their rescue this hour for you >> looking for a bladder leak pad that keeps you dry. >> all of the things that you're looking for in a pad that is always discreet look at how it absorbed all the liquid. oh, my gosh, i lock in it right on in and look at that totally absorbed. i gotta get some always discreet >> sail through the heart of historic cities. an unforgettable scenery with faking, unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks loca life and cultural treasures >> because when you >> experienced europe on a vice can long ship, you will spend less time getting there and more time being >> viking >> exploring the world in
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with ozempic file 100% free with turbotax free edition, roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form ten, 40 and limited credits only. see how a that's me >> breaking news, congresswoman marjorie three taylor greene, not backing down just telling our manu raju that she is going to keep trying to expel speaker mike johnson even if former president trump supports johnson tomorrow of course, johnson and trump are supposed to meet at mar-a-lago to discuss what they are calling, quote, election integrity sunlen serfaty is out front with the breaking details >> i things that motion to vacate is also being supported by quite a few members and our conference that said, that's an internal house issue with our elected speaker of the house totally two separate issues hopefully they have a great meeting tomorrow in the middle
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of the moles precarious moment of his rookie speakership. i think >> the, the, the sword hangs over mike johnson's net speaker. johnson making the trip to mar lago tomorrow to appear side-by-side with former president trump and talk about what the speaker's office >> is billing as election integrity. the pivotal meeting coming as speaker johnson is fighting for his political life from a challenge from trump's close ally, marjorie taylor but greene, i absolutely loved president trump. i have a great relationship with him. >> merger taylor greene, escalating her threats against the speaker to oust him. >> the current speaker of the house we have right now is getting rolled in every single meeting he is negotiating from weakness only intensifying the thorny intraparty relationships that johnson and trump are attempting to nap the gates we may appear together tomorrow. we stakes high for their party in an election year, mike johnson has a literally turned into mitch mcconnell's when
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and warned it. even democrat me. >> tell cnn that amid greene's threat, allies of johnson have asked trump to either publicly support the speaker or at least stay out of it. all together. >> and >> sources close to johnson don't dispute the timing of the visit, potentially only helping johnson, though this was a pre-planned event. this is not inconvenient for us. it's convenient for us acknowledging the speakers appearance with trump is beneficial for them right now, the meeting coming only two days after trump dealt speed speaker johnson an embarrassing blow to find johnson and republican leadership, trump urging house republicans to kill the reauthorization of the controversial surveillance law, fisa, leading to its failure on a procedural vote. despite this, johnson and trump have been slowly growing their relationship since johnson surprises sent to the gavel yesterday. nobody mistaken if >> and then we
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>> put out the word speaker, the house johnson and election denier. the >> constitution was clearly violated in the 2020 election, has visited trump at mar-a-lago at least twice. >> an >> endorsed him in november. >> that was one of the closest allies that president trump had in congress. >> johnson's predecessor, former speaker kevin mccarthy, was even closer to trump. >> i think the president has >> done a tremendous job when trump personally helped him get elected speaker, it was then marjorie taylor greene greene who stepped down, fielding calls from trump to help sway mccarthy's a posers, mr. speaker, amir, four months later, it was trump, however, that declined saving his job when mccarthy was faced with his own rebellion from his right flank a feat johnson is hoping to avoid and he's intraparty dynamics in this threat to speaker johnson providing quite the back backdrop going into tomorrow's meeting, a source close this speaker tells me tonight that they would of course, welcome anything that president trump
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wants to say in support of speaker johnson but they're not aware even at this late hour how much or how little he will get into it that he is the one that ultimately decides aaron sunlen. >> thank you very much. next, we do have breaking news as we've just gotten some new images of the three sailors who were rescued after being stranded on a remote island in the pacific ocean. and we're hearing for the first time i'm one of the pilots who found them after for he saw the word help spelled out on the beach >> did you know there's no t in skechers >> he's always been scheduled t and these sketches slippery is ten, these sketches, libyans >> this with you, every step of the way we're going to take everything down to the front design and products to removal and installation. we handled
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brenda. >> it's carol exactly. >> so which like are we operating on? >> you mean arm >> it's all connected asking the right question can greatly impact your future. >> you share your an orthopedist actually, i'm a sagittarius especially when it comes to your finances, >> give a question. >> are you a certified financial planner? >> yes. i'm a cfp professional >> cop professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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20% for a limited time >> i mourn liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn breaking news and this breaking news is a miraculous story that we are happy to report outfront has just spoken to a coast guard pilot responsible for the rescue of three fishermen on a remote island in the pacific ocean they made this help sign out of palm leaves after their boat hit a coral reef and started taking on water and they took shelter on this extremely small uninhabited island. so a coast guard plane
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goes out flying hoping against hope, searching for the menn and literally spots the plea for help spelled out. and that pilot is speaking out now to outfront tonight. >> we could see it from a couple of thousand feet up in the air. we noticed the island first and then on the first circle, we were able to see the help sign were later able to tell that it was made on a palm fronds. we were able to establish communications with them via hand-held radio they all confirm that they were thirsty and hadn't had water for awhile, but that they were able to receive the survival kit from the naibe that responded from kadena, japan and so they said it the their medical condition was good and they didn't require anything else >> it's amazing. and commander arnold and his team rescued then the menn had lived on the island for more than a week, surviving off coconuts and what little water they could get and in another incredible twist, when the coast guard reached the island, we've learned the three men were surprised to
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hear that one of the rescuers who came along actually speaking in their local language even more surprised to learn that the three fishermen and that rescuer were related distant cousins, an incredible story >> and now >> tonight, payback, former president trump is determined to address his personal grievances and punish his political enemies if he's reelected >> and we've got new >> reporting from cnn's phil mattingly, and fill is going to show you exactly who trump is going after, what he plans to do and how phil mattingly is outfront >> world just days before donald trump becomes the first former president to go on criminal trial. it's all coming out of the >> doj. i think like this has never happened before challengrhetorical defensen thcampaign trailbsred a stark reality. >> are these rical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcemt. what alleges is the exact
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thorittrump ans to cim in a second te according to a cnn review of campaign policy proposals in conversations with advisers and allies the threats level of his opponents. i will >> appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president and the history of the united states of america, joe biden, ready to be acted out if voters return him to the oval office? >> as >> one washington republican who talks to the trump campaign, framed it. democrats hit first. we are going to hit back harder when confronted with the lack of any evidence of white house involvement republican said that's what he believes. that's what his people believe. and unlike last time, this is his party now, in many voters don't seem to mind trump has repeatedly attacked prosecutors and judges, their families, their relationships, former officials and his political opponents. he called for former gop congresswoman liz cheney and the rest of the january 6 committee to be jailed is even floated execution. the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, the guy accused the president
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of being on cocaine last week nobody even blinked one biden campaign official said, when asked about trump's strengthen the polls. after all, this animating feature of trump's 2016 campaign never actually came to fruition, and no, trump's affinity for vengeance existed long before that first campaign. >> if given the opportunity, i will get who is some people that would just loyal to me and was often raised in his first term, one of my favorite preoccupations during my time as national security adviser there was counting how many times trump said john kerry should be prosecuted. >> it ran headlong into advisors, congress, and the courts lows to bend to his will. >> i am your warrior, i am your justice. and for those who have been wronged and b trade, i am your retribution, i am your retribution. >> this time is different. >> four indictments and 88 felony charges have sharpened trump's privately raised desire for revenge.
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>> if they do this and they've already done it. but if they want to follow through on this yeah, i could certainly happen in reverse. >> congressional republicans who pushed back on trump are gone or on their way out, almost always replaced by loyalists who owe their election to trump's endorsement. federal courts blocked or forced withdrawal of an unprecedented number of trump rules they are now stocked with hundreds of young and sharply conservative trump appointees at the same moment, trump and his advisers embrace a maximalist theory on his presidential authority. >> the >> advisers who blocked trump's wishes, replaced by trump devotees. >> i put great people in, but i also put people that i made a mistake with perform the backbone of expansive policy proposals targeting justice department national security and intelligence officials, laying the groundwork to terminate career government officials deemed insufficiently loyal, we need to make it much easier to fire rogue bureaucrat to a deliberately undermining democracy. >> and with trump escalating his rhet