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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 12, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> intelligence officials, laying the groundwork to terminate career government officials deemed insufficiently loyal, we need to make it much easier to fire rogue bureaucrat to a deliberately undermining democracy? >> and with trump escalating his rhetorical warfare and advance of his trial next week on charges brought by the new york district attorney. it should be noted. there's a policy proposal for that, too. >> i will direct a completely overhaul doj to invest in again, every radical da and agn america for their illegal races in reverse enforcement of the law >> i think the point here is this, there's no question next week, donald trump faces the highest stakes legal challenge of his career. but if he survives that first criminal trial and any other that occurs over the course of the coming eight months and windsor reelection, he will enter the oval office, embolden personally and with more power than we've seen probably in decades from a president and a team. we're not hiding this, they're making very clear what they wanna do, how they wanted to do it, and that their supporters want them to deliver era i would say listen to what
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someone tells you, thanks for joining us. the news continues right here on cnn >> it's friday, april 12, right now on cnn this morning, the white house sending as president kamala harris, to arizona to front their fight for reproductive rights. the challenge facing potential jurors in donald trump's hush money the trial next week and house speaker mike johnson at mar-a-lago today for a joint news conference with donald trump more on what they plan to talk about. >> all right. 5:00 a.m. here in washington. so live. look at chicago so brightly lit up on this friday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. >> it's friday. we made it. it's wonderful to have you with us >> donald trump did this. >> that's the message that vice president kamala harris is going to take to tucson, arizona today where she
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headlines a rally focused on abortion rights just days after the arizona supreme court court upheld a law from 18, 64, bringing a near total ban on abortion. there democrats will be linking donald trump to that ruling by highlighting his role in overturning roe versus wade biden campaign, also launching a seven figure ad buy in arizona that argues republicans are out of step because of donald trump. millions of women loss for fundamental freedom to control their own bodies. >> the >> question is if donald trump gets back in power, what freedom will you lose next? your body and your decisions belong to you not the government, not donald trump. >> i >> will fight like hell to get your freedom back >> are trying to me now, is marianna al-fakhoura. she's breaking news political breaking news reporter for the washington post. >> marianna. good morning to you. i thank you for being here
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on this friday >> so >> this is a situation where the administration is putting kamala harris front and center in this fight over abortion rights. she obviously has had a tricky time in some ways in the vice presidency, especially early on. but this is becoming the place that she is carved out for herself. what do we expect? and that the administration has carved out for her, what do we expect? to hear from her today and how do you expect her to be received? >> yeah, you're right. she's seeing a lot of ownership over this and they kinda boot really quickly >> on this. i mean, specifically today's campaign events, so she could go off and criticize other former president or doing this basically go america, which is the biden campaign's messaging. they keep saying donald trump did this so that's what i expect to hear from her today. and just like really nailing down further. so >> now, let's listen to what donald trump had to say recently about arizona and this abortion law and whether or not it went too far watch your
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call. yeah and everybody else bring it back into reason so there you go. he says, i'm sure that the governor and everybody else will bring it back into reason. of course, worth noting, the governor is a democrat here but the reaction in the about-face from kari lake, the senate candidate, from knowing exactly the name of this law in the wake of the dobbs decision and saying it would be a great idea to put that in place. two, where she is now quite literally lobbying legislators seems to tell you everything you need to know about how people feel about the politics of this. >> yeah, the pivot was quite >> incredible, especially because it was such an archaic law is so, so, so deep into the logs of arizona law and she knew it directly when she was asked about in 2022. >> and >> now she's going around saying, you know, we we want but democrats in the house and the governor's mansion and the legislature to fix is very fascinating thing about that too, is that when this campaign cycle began, republicans behind the scenes were telling their
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candidates do not say, you're pro-life, you know, you should start talking about exceptions and how you support them. so the message has really, really changed after the 2022 midterms, you mentioned immigration as well. the border is kind of the flip side of this issue and i guess my question here is the thing that i think about when i think about arizona is in some ways it's gonna be about what issue is the primary issue at the moment that we are, that the country is voting in terms of how people look at this. arizona is a border state. i think it's worth noting that people who actually live on the border often think about it differently than people who don't. because obviously immigration has become an issue in states that are very far from the border, but it's often talked about in a different way. >> how do you see? immigration competing with abortion in terms of what voters care about and are focused on definitely right now, if you look at the plague, it is abortion first for a lot of democrats especially in states like arizona swing states like this.
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but when you talk about immigration, you see the border difference in arizona. you have a lot of folks looking for a moderate middle ground solution. someone who they want to see the right laws passed so that people can come in legally and do work and maybe go back over if they want to be able to come here and do the labor that is needed. but they're also tired of that constant flux of people that we're seeing on cnn all the time. and so i think that there's more of a moderate you know, centrist position in arizona, but then you have a lot of republicans you know, kinda shutting down deals like the one they had in the senate, which is earlier this year. and i think that a lot of people over the border are getting frustrated with things like that when they see no action being taken >> one thing that hangs over arizona is the legacy of john mccain, who of course that was the senator there became famous as a maverick, right? someone who was willing to break the mold, obviously his brand of republican politics has really gone by the wayside in the years since he passed away, he obviously saw a trump come to
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power, but it's snowball has continued to build kari lake, the senate candidate there or had previously told mccain republicans to quite literally get out of her events. she kinda went to war with the mccain family. she seems to be trying to reinvent herself around that as well. i mean, do you see that as something that has the possibility to be six vessel successful amino voters going to buy the idea that she potentially is capable of, quote, unquote, big tent republican party or not, it's a bridge too far. yeah. >> i actually just spoke to former mccain strategist and he told me that it feels like it's a little too late. and you know that it's already a little bit too much on the record and that democrats are definitely going to pull the tapes if she starts moving this way and say these things, they're going to say actually she just said this two years ago, which is you don't have what we saw this week with that abortion law. so again, she could continue pivoting and she couldn't continue really changing her record, but there's tapes, there's a lot of quotes out there and it's really hard to pay. but from like that hard right to life, a
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little bit of a center. >> when you've >> spent the last two years offending donald trump you know, she has been right. >> and she tried to reach >> out to meghan mccain, john mccain's daughter, and suffice to say the response from meghan was not something we can put on a family networks. mr. early in the morning, but the answer was yeah, we're not we're not going to have that right now, aren't very on alfaro. thank you very much. for starting out today. i appreciate it >> i coming up next here, the challenge facing prosecutors and the defense when jury selection starts in the trump hush money trial plus pulitzer prize winner david hume can really is here. we're going to ask him why he just resigned from the board of the gerald r. afford presidential foundation? >> plus the us and japan coming upith a new plan to try to counter china >> there's debris in this guy husbands and wives gone >> wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow up space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on
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>> i'm evan perez, federal court in washington, and this is cnn welcome back, president >> trying to send a strong warning to china that the us stands firmly with japan. and the philippines and i wanted to be clear the united states united states defense commitments to japan and to the philippine are iron their iron clad as i've said before any attack on philippine aircraft, vessels or armed forces. in south china sea would invoke our mutual defense treaty president biden hosted the first ever trilateral summit with the leaders of those two countries on thursday, cnn's max foster joins me now, live from london. max, good morning. always good to see you. >> what is >> the context here for what the president did here, it's a pretty unusual thing to do and it seems to be a clear attempt
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to display this its unity between the us, japan, and the philippines. how, what is the message that they're trying to send a china >> was it just almost exact? same wording, wasn't that they were playing out yesterday when he was referring to iran potentially attacking israel. israel, a key ally and saying that basically would step in to defend israel if it was attacked doing the same for these two countries in asia, of course a completely different region and a completely different threats. so it does speak to china and seeing that as a threat because when you talking about attacks on this, on these areas of c and these islands it can only be china that he's of course referring to and arguably, it's a more exist such existential question than the one in the middle east right now, because when we're talking about what's happening in the middle east, he was really trying to prevent that conflict escalating in the
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middle east. what we're talking about in the indo-pacific area is potentially the us coming up against china, which is what everyone fears more than anything so it was a very clear statement from the us they would defend these countries in asia if there was any threat coming from china well, and max this of course comes as the chinese military has the fill, filipino government is upset about >> harassment of their ships in the south china sea. the us says that that's in violation of international law. and of course hovering also over all of this is the question of taiwan and what china might do there. >> can you >> give me a little bit of the global perspective in terms of how the countries that the allies, that the us has kind of across the world. >> how >> do they think about the threat from china and competition from china? i mean, we've seen it show up in different places. huawei it is a great example, right? the
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chinese telecom company and whether they should be allowed to install and build some of these major telecom networks. the us says no, but i know it hasn't always been kind of agreed upon in this way with the europeans, where does that all stand? >> what the territorial disputes. so the us is standing by countries like the philippines and japan when it comes to territorial disputes with china is claiming parts of their land effectively. so it's defending territorially, but it's the much bigger question about economic dominance let's in the world as well, who gets that? is that the us or china? the stronger china can grow, the more, the less dominant us is less power has around the world. i think it's as simple as that.if chindoes overtake the in terms of ecomic minance, then with that comes political por ll, and polical leership. so the whole world would affected. you'd start loing towards china for
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making big decisions that affect the world more an america. so it really does affect everyone anit's really vital that everyone really understands that tension. what's so important about it. but now we also know that was a pretty clear response from the us the militarily, at least they will try to restrict china's ambitions >> really interesting. max foster for us on this friday in london, max, thank you very much. have a good weekend. hope your weekend. >> see you soon. all right. coming up here. why conservatives who sank the foreign spying bill may now be warming up to it after so changes plus tr swift's music back on tiktok, just in time for her new album >> are you four all-star de, return for a waterfront redemption showdown like to bring it, but only one will make us flash. i think we nailed it, rocked the box season finale, monday night. at nine on hgtv >> zyrtec allergy relief works
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. about the bosley guarantee >> manu raju on capitol hill
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>> and this is cnn all, right 21 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. manuel rocha, the former us ambassador, accused of spying for cuba in court for a plead hearing today. >> he >> is expected to plead guilty to conspiring to act as an agent foreign governments the biden administration announcing this morning that they are canceling another $7.4 billion of student loan debt. in total, the administration has canceled 153 billion in students debt for nearly 4.3 million people georgia's republican lieutenant governor burt jones, under investigation for his role as a fake elector for donald trump in the 2020 election. he is one of 16 people who tried to subvert the state's electoral college, allegedly >> me taylor swift's music back on tiktok following an ongoing dispute between the platform and her music distributor
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universal music group. this comes ahead of her new albums. set to release on april 9, all right. time >> now for weather storms that ravaged parts of the south. now, moving off the east coast, leaving thousands without power, more than 30 million people also under wind advisories this morning from the great lakes. all one of the east coast, are weatherman derek van dam is back with us and he's tracking all of this. derek, you've had a banner week with the eclipse and all the rest of it, but i'm thrilled to have you back in the morning. what do we have? nice to be back? yeah. you know, it's the storm that just never wants to end. i mean, this is the same storm i was chasing tornadoes with yesterday in louisiana and miss scipy now, moving along the east coast, and it's bringing heavy rainfall to the western suburbs of pittsburgh. this is oakdale, check this out. this is just some of the footage that we're finding overnight. there were swift water emergencies and rescue is taking place overnight in this western suburb of pittsburgh,
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whereby the way they broke a the daily record of rainfall, 2.77 inches of rain yesterday. in fact, that was the 25th wettest day in pittsburgh's history. and that is going back 100 years. so that's really saying something. are you can see that swath of heavier rainfall over western sections of pennsylvania right now, the flash flood warnings have been lifted it did, but they're still flood warnings in place across this area. so we do have swollen rivers from the recent rainfall. this is the storm system again, that's got a large cold front that extends all the way to the south and east that brought the tornadoes to florida and into mississippi and alabama yesterday. now, look at the excessive rainfall today. this time we're focusing our attention across ports, parts of new hampshire. and into main upstate new york could see some snowfall out of the system as well into the mountainous regions that are on x for instance. but a widespread one to two inches of precipitation is still coming across the northern sections of new england. and then i want to focus our attention on monday. this is a serious concern.
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we're several days out, but we're giving you as much of a heads-up as possible. the planes specifically throughout central oklahoma extending into texas there is already a 30% risk of severe weather that doesn't happen that often this far in advance. so we're going to keep a very close side of this weather pattern heading into the weekend and then monday, that's the the big day if you're in oklahoma city, you want to be prepared. >> all right. very good to know. are weatherman van dam, derrick. thank you. i'll see you next hour. take care. >> all right. coming up next here. no more delays. donald trump, just three days away from standing trial plus, he just resigned from the board of the gerald ford foundation in defense of liz cheney, david hume can really explains his move next >> sunday and ninth of speech are still mofolo story with anderson cooper the james webb telescope are, we alone? followed by the two parchment of space shuttle columbia, the final flight. sunday starting at eight on cnn.
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won't make me drowsy. nothing beats allegro the fastest non drowsy 24 hour allergy relief i'm >> paula reid in washington and this is cnn i've looked at capitol hill on this friday >> morning here in washington. good morning to you. thank you for being up with us. some kasie hunt, republican holdouts in the house appear to be warming up to newly modified legislation get reauthorize is the foreign intelligence surveillance act. it's known as fisa. >> we're expecting a vote >> today on the new version of the bill essentially, it would reauthorize this tool for two years instead of five years. now, what does this mean? that if donald trump wins the presidential election three authorization will spire during his time in office and allow
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him to overhaul the fisa laws the house speaker mike johnson heads to mar-a-lago today to meet with the former president sources close to johnson. are hoping that trump will provide cover as far-right members of his conference continue to threaten his job mike johnson doesn't have the trust of the conference and that's become very clear message to members. i'm talking to support the letter that i sent and they completely agree with it. it's a very serious letter in the motion schindler vacate is real >> all right. dreamy now to discuss julie julie grace barofsky, capitol hill reported for axios and mark childress, former january 6 investigative counsel. good morning to both of you. thank you so much for being here. julie, greatest. let me talk to you about the politics before we talk about some of the legal implications here with marcus for johnson, this isn't incredibly consequential day for him between what we're expecting to see on fisa and what we're expecting to see with him. and donald trump down in mar-a-lago. >> what are the things that
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>> you have your ion as he tries to navigate a very complex path to keeping his job. or maybe it's not complex, maybe it's very straightforward, but it's tough. >> now. >> he's really got to thread a needle right now and he's kinda come under fire for conservatives following appropriations packages, they weren't thrilled earlier this week with how fisa panned out. i mean, i think leadership is kind of off guard by 19 people voting down that rule, not just a handful and think they initially thought it was going to pass on wednesday, but didn't think they'd have to finesse it this it's much now the two-year sunset that's big conservative are saying we'll get another bite at the apple of trump wins and those kind of enough to get most of them over the finish line. they're feeling good about the whip count last night. >> so we'll see eight, >> 30 is when when they have this vote, whether they managed to get everybody on board there, there were still a couple of people with reservations, but i mean, we've heard marjorie taylor greene say that pfizer it's a huge thing, four and ukraine funding still being discussed. so i mean, he's, he's having difficulties, but that being said, dems have said that if this motion to vacate comes to the floor, that some of them are willing to bail them out
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there so, julia grace, what do you think that mike johnson needs trump to do for him today to strengthen his hand? >> well, i think it he needs to trump to kind of show that he has his back on things. trump didn't come out and bail kevin mccarthy out. he didn't put out any type of post on social media defending him when the last motion to vacate happened and i mean, i've talked to people close to present trump that feel another motion to vacate could hurt him in november, so that world's kind of trying to trying to push back on that a little bit. so his odds are better in november. so i think kind of just kind of pushing out that they've got a strong relationships that huge for johnson. just the fact that they're doing it at all it says a lot. >> so marcus >> the fisa renewal has become a real hot button that we saw this in the beginning of the trump administration at when they were on track to renew it. and it was taken down by a trump tweet back when paul ryan was the speaker of the house johnson was spoke to reporters on capitol hill day before yesterday, tried to explain why
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he suddenly has changed his mind about fisa because he used to be very much opposed to it. >> i know we were >> looking to see if we could find the sound, but basically the answer to the question was, well i became speaker, i became a member of what's known as the gang of eight, which gets high-level intelligence briefings. >> suddenly i was told told what this program actually does for the country, and it changed my mind. what does the program do for the country and why and y has the way that the law is written and the way that the law exists around spying on americans. why is it the issue that it is with conservatives? >> well, it's like it's a critical tool for defending the homeland. i think if you talk to intelligence officials, they would say, look, if you look at section 702, which is the key section within fisa, it allows intelligence officials to collect communications of foreigners. so non-us citizens, their text messages, their phone calls, things of that nature. but and the global world that we live in right now, that also sweet sen. americans communications as well. but when they're talking, when they're talking to someone who's who's overseas, right. but you talk to the fbi,
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they can search these communications and it sweeps up americans data as well mr. ray went on capitol hill and talked about how there's already been some reforms in place that the fbi director about nine even collecting these americans data such as not opting in to search 702 data and other things of that nature. but this is a pretty critical tool for, looking at communications of folks outside the us who might be trying to plot terabytes against folks here on, on the homeland it's very telling that for someone like johnson who is so conservative and who was buying the party line that this was a problem before he suddenly learned what it could >> do in a more detailed way. >> he switched his position. >> marcus, let's talk for a minute about what is the looming major story of next week, which is the trial, but is set to begin for donald trump, the criminal trial, the first time in american, former american president will go on criminal trial. it's going to be what we expect a week or so of jury selection what are you
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looking for here? i mean, they seem to have exhausted their options in terms of trying to delay it because they've done that and that's what they've been doing this week. what's next? but we're going >> to try are finally going to trial on monday. i don't see any way that it gets delayed from monday you can't win a trial at jury selection, but you can definitely lose a trial. and i think that's why i really interesting here. is so important, right? it's that first step in deserving if the prosecution even getting either going to conviction or if you're defense council finding that jury that will actually acquit, which is very hard to do, are finding more realistically that one juror that will make it a hung jury. and so what we're going to see is just a series of questions from both sides and from the court to try to determine whether this jury is actually able to be impartial. it's not whether you have feelings about the former president or have feelings about the case, but can you put those feelings to the side? can you follow the court's instructions? can you be impartial? unfair, and you're going to ask questions to try to, to try to get answers that show whether the
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juror can be fair and use strikes for cause. that's really what you wanna do. you wanna be able to strike a juror for cause because they're saying things like, look, i can't be fair in this trial, jurors will really say something to that effect. i think it will be probably have some funny moments throughout the week of what jurors are saying. they're on their questionnaires are outward of the court but this is a very serious week or two and i wouldn't be surprised if it lasts even more than a couple of weeks. i'm in my experience, i've done trials that what heir might last a month depending on how significant the cases. >> well, and then in this case, it's very significant when you say you can lose it at boy de or i mean, is it more likely that the prosecution final the situation where they lose or the defense that's that's an interesting question. i think it's more likely because you're a prosecutor, you're the one presenting the evidence. i think it's more on you to make sure that you're getting a jury that that can be fair and follow the court's instructions. i felt as a prosecutor, if the jury can follow the court's instructions, you're probably in a good place place because you've brought these trump those charges a grand jury has returned and indictment so you
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want people just to follow the evidence, follow the court's instructions, and you probably get a conviction. so i'm sure the prosecutors are putting a lot into finding 12 jurors that can follow instructions because it counsel, you're looking for that one who can be independent or maybe hold out in that juror room from that maybe following the rest of the 11 and maybe being independent thinking per say, interesting, julia grace briefly, what are you hearing behind the scenes from republicans on the hill about next week's trial. >> i think republicans and see largely going to hear that it's a witch-hunt to that i've been talking points. we've heard before. is there any disparity between those talking points and what people say in private >> someone's done. i mean, you talked to some of the moderates who kind of food feel that things will be fair for him and the narrative that he's putting out there is an accurate but i think from the public front, you're going to hear a lot of this is just being used against him coming in 2024 and i think that's just going to continue and i think the president trump will probably go out and try and raise money off of it. i
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think congressional republicans will probably try it can you use use that to raise money and argued that are just conducting themselves in a way two undermine him in 2024. >> all right. >> marcus children's julie resp roughly. thank you both very much for being here. i really appreciate it. >> all right. pulitzer prize winning photographer david hume can really stepping down in protest from his role on the board of the gerald ford foundation. he's accusing the organization of aiding and abetting donald trump in resignation letter, letter submitted earlier this week can really called out the foundation for refusing to honore former republican congresswoman liz cheney can really believe she was rejected because the group fears retribution from trump. cheney, of course, has been one of trump's most vocal republican critics. >> the other thing that people have to realize is what it means if a president, the united states, won't enforce the rulings of our courts. and that is absolutely what he said. he will do. he's gone to
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war. the rule of law. >> and a president who won't enforce the law creates a situation where things just unravel right now and in this election cycle, i'll do whatever i have to do to make sure donald trump's non-electric can only says in his resignation letter, the country is fortunate to have cheney, quote, still out there on the frontlines of freedom and quote and david hume ketterle joins me now. david. good morning. good evening. i should say to your urine los angeles and i think you are at the end yeah. i really appreciate you taking the time to be here and to help us understand what went on here because i have to say we can start big, big picture with this, then we can dig into your career and what this means from that perspective. but they basically it sounds like they did this because they are afraid of retribution from a possible future president trump. and honestly that reasoning was what struck me as part of the most chilling one of the most chilling things
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about what we saw here >> right? >> i think that's true >> it's >> like i'm trying to napalm the ford foundation. >> it's >> this is a microcosm really, what's going on around the country? >> and people >> are fearful, they're they're, they're, they're hunkering down. they're not stepping up and when you look at liz is an example and you have to understand, i've known liz since he was a little kid. and she's always had a lot of results and it's very clear right now, but that's the big problem where people worried about somebody that hasn't even happened yet and may never happen. hopefully. but i just keep my eye on what liz is doing and i wanted to see the organization in the name of jailed. are ford honore her.
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this this is the kind of thing that he would have set up for. and the whole idea of the gerald ford medal for public service is about strength of character and integrity. >> and she's like the poster child for this award. i mean, i don't see where anyone else should have gotten it. and so we had a big falling out over this whole thing. and they wrote >> that the executive committee concluded that giving the metal to her in the 2024 election cycle might be construed as a political statement and expose the foundation to the legal risk of losing its non-profit status. >> with the irs. they were concerned about their fiduciary duty. this also seems to expose how other organizations prop for profit companies as well. maybe thinking about the potential ramifications of another trump presidency.
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>> i mean david, how do you see that? especially >> considering and you were fords photographer when we can show our viewers what it was like for you to be behind the scenes, working with him and some of the beautiful photographs you took not just of ford, but many presidents into the future as you have document did so much of our collective history over the course of the last 40 years for ford. and what was going on with nixon as well. and the way he played a role in trying to unite the country and also to keep its democracy intact. there does seem to to be some particular symbolism here >> well, going back to the award and a non-profit status, which they're kind of leaning on that one they should have thought about 2004 where the then vice presidential candidate, dick cheney, father of less was given that award by
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the foundation, and he was they were going into a second term, but he was a candidate for vp was george w bush and so liz never declared her candidacy number one. >> and they just kinda pulled this one out. i know this is what was bugging them and that's this is the crux they're leaning on. >> but >> this is why i just i quit and i'm not a quitter. and president ford would have been ashamed of this. quite frankly, i mean i can't imagine a more different human being and gerald ford than donald trump. and as you mentioned, i photographed every president since lbj. so i know what they look like and how they act and how they do things when you say
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it's a crutch, what's really going on >> afraid of donald trump, that's what's going on. that's what liz is saying. its effect i've been really heartened actually, this. i got no pleasure out of doing this >> i'm >> not an in front of me behind the camera person out front person. and they're afraid people but reaction i've gotten to this, which i'm kind of stunned really, it's been like 99% positive it's hard to imagine >> no one >> agrees on anything anymore. it seems i've just had a real outpouring of support. but really it's for the country and it's for liz and she's the leader of the pack. and i admire her. she's got real courage >> well, david, i mean, you
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it's i've seen you out with liz cheney as you've documented at parts of her life. and i obviously learned so much from you watching you cover presidential campaigns early on in my career. and it really did resonate. it stuck out to me when i saw that, you had made the decision to do this considering how much you've seen so far are are forever for our viewers, who, as you say, you are usually behind the camera. i'm not sure our viewers probably realize how many of you are images they actually know and are familiar with and so i'm very grateful to have you here today and grateful for the role that you've played for all of us in documentary history. so thank you for taking some time this morning. >> thank you very much. >> all right. david him ketterle. thank you >> coming up next here, the house speaker, mike johnson headed to mar-a-lago hoping for cover from the former president plus tiger woods in the hunt at the rain-delayed masters
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>> 2024 stanley cup playoffs because it a buyback. again, april 20, close captioning is brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip ends just slip in. >> that's all i need to do with my new >> hands free sketches, lipids >> it's like slip ends have an invisible built-in shoe horn. so my foot slides into place. what could be better? welcome back today, former >> president trump and house speaker mike johnson, hold a joint news conference at mar-a-lago. both men expected to discuss state proposals and lawsuits that they claim will allow noncitizens to vote sources say the event was johnson's idea and that he's hoping it will provide them with some political cover. well, he gets to fill out the former potential president on possible excuse me, the former president on a possible ukraine aid package joining me now is isaac are in-store if he's national political reporter at the washington post and he's the author of the new book, finish what we started, the maggots the movements, ground war to end democracy. isaac,
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good morning. it's wonderful to have you here. so let's start with what we're going to see play out here. there's a big difference between donald trump when he came in in 2016 and a potential donald trump additional presidency coming in in 2024. and that's, that mike johnson came of age politically with donald trump. that's very different from the speaker that he had in paul ryan when he came to washington in 20 what difference is that going to make in terms of how trump tries to pull the levers of power if he's reelected, it's also very different from kevin mccarthy as the speaker. mike johnson being one of the leaders in congress chris in trying to help trump overturn the results of the 2020 election and there's a scene in the book where i'm with steve bannon on the day that does mccarthy in while he's coordinating with matt gaetz and others inside the capitol on trying to make that happen. and so this is a what we're seeing with johnson mcconnell on his way out and the recent
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replacement of ronna mcdaniel is the conclusion of trump's supporters takeover of the republican party establishment, the republican party apparatus, filtering its way up to the top. >> really interesting what i know, you, as you were reporting the book we're with some of these maga supporters when one of the indictments came down, for former president trump, where of course, seeing his first trial set to start on monday. ron desantis was out there saying hadn't been indicted, i might have one. what did you learn? >> yeah, i happen it was a cigar party on the sidelines of the georgia gop convention and it has one. does it happened to be well, i'll help keep the mosquitoes away, but it happened to be the night that one of the indictments came down and i always in some cases, breaking news to those supporters and it helped me learn about why they why they identify so strongly with that and how they relate to the idea that if that could happen to him with all of his power and
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resources, the what chance the rest of them have and the alienation, the the struggling to recognize the america if they thought that they knew when you talk about the maga movement and you mentioned steve mann and and how you've done a bunch of reporting at with him. how do they think about third party candidates in their attempts to do what they're trying to finish, what they started as you say, >> yeah. so part of the story of the book is, if you think back to 2021 trump was playing with this idea of a third party as an implicit threat to republicans who might have convicted him and am part of what bannon was doing here with encouraging trump's supporters to go into the republican party itself was to get them away from a third party, which would have been counterproductive from his perspective >> now that >> the takeover, the republican party party is complete, the value of a third party as a spoiler is definitely something that you can see the trump campaign and trump himself playing with when he attacks
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rfk for being too left-wing, is he attacking him or is he kind of promoting him for people who maybe aren't enthusiastic about biden. >> very interesting. all right, isaac armstrong, the book is finished. what we started the maga movements ground war to and democracy, aza, you're going to stick around for the rest of the show with us. thank you very much >> our time now for sports, the world's best golfers will be back on the course about two hours to finish up the first round of the masters. andy scholes has more from augusta, georgia and this morning's bleacher report, andy, good morning >> good morning. kasie. so we were delayed here two-and-a-half hours yesterday due to those storms but it turned out to be a really nice day other than the wind, it was a wild seed out there on the course yesterday that gsk getting up to 40 miles per hour, but that window didn't seem to bother bryson de shampoo too much. the former us open champ birdie, his first three holes into eight birdies on the de, he's your leader right now, it's seven under this was bryson is best masters round of his career. and after a few down years, which included him missing the cut
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last two cuts here in augusta, the now live golfers says he's found a new approach to the game. this is keeping it simple it's been a journey to say the least, one that i have thoroughly enjoyed, but also it's >> taken a big toll on me and numerous actuations. i'm just doing the same thing every single day in and day out. i'm not trying something new. i'm trying to figure something out. and that's what i feel like it's just accumulate into play in some really good golf as. >> a tiger woods is one under three, 13 before play was halted in his first round due to darkness i watched tiger out there in the course yesterday. look pretty good, but the big challenge is going to be today where he's now going to have to finish his first round and play his whole second round. one, d3 holds total that a lot of walk in here in augusta and a tiger is tried to set a record today and make his 24th straight cut at the masters. now, scottie scheffler, huge favorite coming into this tournament, he played like it around once shooting a six
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under 66 scheffler, he won his first mass is two years ago and has never been outside the top 24 appearances here. it seems like nothing's going to stop them step for maybe his wife going into labor. the couple is expecting their first child at the end of the month, kasie scheffler said he's not too concerned about it. he would leave if he asked you if his wife goes into labor, what does story that would be of scheffler as the lead on sunday and his wife goes into labor and he's got to lay, but he says she's not showing any signs right now, so he's not too concerned >> well, choosing between seeing your baby being born in that green jacket. i don't i don't envy him that choice, but it's obvious slate what me. it's with the answer is, andy, thank you very much. i really appreciate it. >> all right. coming up next, how new york city is preparing for the starch of donald trump's hush money trial >> with verizon business unlimited. i get 5g truly unlimited data unlimited hotspot data so no matter what,
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unexpected. i relish all of our conversations, its context. >> the economy has by far the top issue for americans in this election curiosity someone else de, to jump in the race and evolve all. it's about sharing that. >> so you can be out front to >> let's go out front. >> erin burnett outfront week nights. it's seven let's cnn >> weeknight today. >> tonight out three, 60 new reporting to get the full story >> the will to fight. how important is that b under three, you have reasonable grounds to believe that alleged war crimes have been committed have >> compassion. >> let's real trauma. would you have been through seek truth? >> israel in full control of its territory and go with a search for answers takes you. anderson cougar 360 weekend thank today on cnn, were how solomon in new york >> and this is cnn


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