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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 12, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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to sell employees on this day. love this idea. there's a gallup poll found 70 cent of us workers. >> they >> are very positive. they support the idea of a four-day work week and 40 hours over the course of the week, four days that includes were talking about 46% who are extremely positive. so it's hard to get 77% of americans who agree. but anything, but they are on board with this idea. and i talked to kpmg ceo paul knopp, end. he said, listen, we should probably tap the brakes a little bit. he said four-day workweek is probably not imminent. he thinks that yes, companies are going to experiment here, but he doesn't think that this is something that is going to happen the very near term, but there is some research out there in europe and the us. it does suggest that four-day work weeks, they'd benefit worker well-being and productivity in the biggest trial in the world it's held in the uk after year, the vast majority of companies that try to four-day workweek, they stuck with it. a majority of those companies, they actually adopted it
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permanently. so i don't know. sorry. what do you say should we just make get official here at cnn for de work between do we have those powers that even a question. i mean, everyone in here is like golf, do it. >> well, that's that's official. >> dun dun, dun. let's make it a lot. across the land. okay. we can all agree that even although i heard you creep up to four-and-a-half, what four, >> we said four. all right. i'm just making sure but how do. you. can appreciate it? and do our cnn news central starts now >> all right. happening now, a crucl vote tt will answer a keques. doesouse speaker mike johnson had any control over his own party, senior republican member just told us he has no idea how this vote will . a key dona trump, attorneturn wness out how em incorporates exit from trump's legal team could impact the former president's assified docents case going forward in the bid
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administration canceling more than $7 worth of student loan debt this morninfind out who john berman with sara sidner. this very special our of news centraltars now >> happening very soon in this hour on capitol hill. a key vote on a bill that is really important for two reasons. fbi wants it to pass because they say america is absolutely unsafe from foreign threats without it. house speaker mike johnson wanted to pass to avoid another embarrassing failure and tried to keep his jaw important context here. >> this same vote failed >> just 48 hours ago after donald trump on truth social told lawmakers to kill it. but now another vote is about to be underway. and after that, the house speaker will hop on a plane to mar-a-lago to proverbially, kiss the ring on
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the first tightly gripping the republican party that is of course donald trump as he fights to keep his gavel >> and the confusion doesn't stop there once in mar-a-lago, trump and johnson are set to make joint remarks about something else, the upcoming election more important context, trump-led a failed effort to overturn results of the last election. johnson tried to help him cnn's alayna treene has brand new details this morning about what is going to happen at that florida event. but first, let's get to lauren fox on capitol hill give us a sense of what is happening now. i know this has been in the making. lauren is there a sense it may actually pass this time >> yeah. this morning the house has just started voting on a series of procedural issues. this first one is something that typically happens pretty flawlessly. the next one is the one that we care about. that is because it is the vote to pass what is known as the rule up
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here on capitol hill. this is the boat that failed just 48 hours ago, would 19 hardliners voting against it? now, we do not know if this is going to actually get them to pass. and if this is going to get them to the debate, but we do know that there are many members who voted against the rule last time, who aren't now saying that they are comfortable with the changes that have been made to this bill. the key change is that instead of this being a five-year, reauthorization of the federal intelligence surveillance act. it is now a two-year re-authorization. the reason a lot of hardliners believe that if donald trump wins in november, he will then be the president and can make his own changes to this bill that he wants to see. that is exactly why many hardliners saying that they are comfortable with it. this morning. but again when it comes to these rules votes, we have seen before them fall apart on the house floor seven times. in this congress alone. so we're just going to have to keep a very close. is sarah?
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>> i know you well, we well as well, we're expecting that vote happening during this hour. i want to go to you now the late and treatment johnson's headed to mar-a-lago not talking about fisa, not talking about this, but something completely different that keeps getting litigated. give us a sense well, that's exactly right, sarah, mike johnson is heading to mar-a-lago and part to emphasize his close ties >> to the former president as he faces this threat from some of his house republican coeagues over to sip him of hispeaker's vel. n, i'm told frosome of donald trump goal of this event today is to really foc on what they are lling so-called election integrity.nd pt of that is really this emphis on ste proposaland lawsuits that would allow ultimately ncitizens to vote in the election. but i want tbe very clear here. sarah, there is already a federal law in place that bans noncitizens from voting in elections. but this is really something we've seen
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donald trump and republicans fos heavily on ahead of november, it's this idea, something that donald trump s claimed repeatedly ithe past thatndock documented migrants are coming into the country to play a part in the election to potentially vote for democrats. the're arguing democrats want these immigrants to come into the country and play a role and impact the 2024 election. now, again, i think really the message of this event today is to try to link this issue two of election integrity with voters real concerns over gratio and again, something that republicans a going to continue to try to do in the lead up to november. now, i do also want to point out that there is some nuance here. we do know that in some cies non-citizens are allowed to vote in some non-federal elections. places like the school board elections, for example, but that is not a widespread problem. so that's at we're looking at today. and i do also just want to point out that they are billing this event between johnson and trumas a press conference.
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wever, it's ilear if they're actually going to take questions. trump's advisers say that they're going to, but as you know they may say that it doesn't al mean they will. sarah.h, they y be talking aut election integritynd over an over and or again, we kn that the was no widespad fraud in the 2020 election but we know that johnson has also have to see what happens there all right. well, on a train thank you. >> john all right. this morning, vice president kamala harris is ing to arina after the state's supreme court. they're chose to hold an aboion ban written the 1800s. in her remarks that she will deliver. she calls arizona's choice, quote, one of the biggest aftershocks yet from the reversal of roe versus wade she's going to try to place the blame squarely on donald trump, basically saying donald trump did this with us. now republican strategist, former rnc communications director doug hi, also cnn political commentator and former communications director for vice president kamala harris, jamal seven. so you all let me start with you she is going to say donald trump
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>> did >> this. >> it's a >> subtlely different message than what democrats have been campaigning on an abortion for two years. how important is it to put this squarely on trump? >> well, it is important because it happens to be true donald trump is the one who appointed three supreme court justices who voted to get rid of row and make an undermine or remove the right to abortion for women. so the vice president has been very forceful about this. i was in the white house when the dobbs decision came out. i remember the de but this happened. i remember her anger really about this and the way she questioned the staff. and really wanted to get her lawyers to figure out what all these what does what does judgment mit and then what it was going to mean for real people. and so going down there is a continuation of two years from this vice president to talk about we'll impact of donald trump removing the right to abortion for women. but it's had the impact. it's had on women, whether they're being pursued for having miscarriages by legal authorities or they're
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being denied access to abortion care, even 10-year-old victims so this is something that she feels very vehemently about. >> you know, doug, that trump to an extent feels vulnerable about this because he's doing everything he can to distance himself from it, isn't he saying he would not sign a national ban criticizing the state supreme court decision in arizona are saying he thinks it will be reversed somehow. but do you think there is some vulnerability there that's saying prompt, did this can stick >> i think it can stick and jamal and i have many things that are not in common, but one thing that we do, i also was in the white house, the de the dobbs decision came out i was actually on a west wing tour and you could sense within the west wing that the game had changed basically, there were a lot of closed doors, a lot of people were having very private meetings about what to do next. and you understood that the conversation might be changing here and that shore has been
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the case. what we saw in the special elections and in the midterms as well. and part of why this is a vulnerability for trump is because we have a lot of footage of him saying i alone can do what she says on a lot of things, but i alone terminated roe versus wade. i alone kill killed roe versus wade. so they're going to use that time and time again. i think it's smart for them and it's why you're seeing trump try and talk about nuance so they're donald trump is not a nuanced messaging guy. he is blunt force trauma, and that's usually it. but it demonstrates the donald trump does get that this issue is not a winner for republicans right now, and that he wants to talk about this issue differently and also talk about different issues. >> so jamal, akshay has got some interesting john luke quick well, i was just going to say hey, just going to say, let's just do rock the rock pocket protector. >> i think your question may be heading in that direction. >> go ahead. >> well, so the rob politics, this situation just for a
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second, is we remember in 2022 when everyone was looking at the economy right now, we're talking about inflation and some of the questions on the economy. remember in 2022, everyone was looking at the economy and saying democrats are missing the ball by not talking about the economy enough. well, we found the white house was that there was a cohort of voters who while they were concerned about the economy, they were also concerned about the state of our democracy and what was happening in terms of how are we going to deny keep the january 6 protesters at bay at the same time, they were concerned about abortion and how they're going to protect the right to abortion care for women and the men who care about them. and so i think we talked about that the vice president talked about that throughout the fall and what you saw was that democrats did well and there's elections and the democrats and the pro-abortion position has won every time it was on the ballot. in states like arizona, where you're going to see that on the ballot again, it puts the president in the game in a way just to be robbed political about it, it puts them in the game i'm in a way that maybe he was a little sliding a few weeks ago >> and it is important to note
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this event in arizona today for vice president harris said is a campaign event which means that is it's very likely that she will not restrain her language in any way when she's down there speaking on this issue, doug, i wanted to shift gears there's a new reporting out of axios this morning, which reports that the democratic national committee helped pay president biden's legal fees for the special counsel investigation into him in his obtaining of maintaining classified documents. there a small amount compared to the legal fees like by paid by the rnc for donald trump a very, very, very small amount, but the fact that the party, it did pay for some of that how much do you think that sticks to president biden >> well, you know, we don't really reward consistency in our politics anymore or political thought. but the reality is democrats have had not a field day. they've had weeks and weeks of field days on the rnc spending money on trump's trials, on trump's legal fees. i think most of those criticisms have been very
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fair, but you have to then be consistent regardless of what the amounts are, they've been engaging in some of the same activity that they've criticized donald trump four. and if we're going to be consistent, again, not always rewarded in 2024 in american politics, then you can't, if you're in a glass house, you can't throw stones and look glass houses is my least favorite, billy joel oh, album. and they're all actually my least favorite. but it's very true that if you are building that glass house, you can't throw stones. and this is a problem for the democrats as we go into trump trials and questions about the rnc funding. this now gives the rnc a talking point that it's short, didn't have as recently as this morning it's all rock and roll to me, doug. hi jamal's him and say, could both. so much for being with us this morning. i appreciate it >> thanks >> all right. i trump attorney in key witness in the prosecution's classified documents, indictment has left donald trump legal team. so how might that impact the case and we're standing bought for ward from poor or we expect to a
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former us diplomat accused of being a spy to enter a plea today $7 in student loan debt to be wiped out. this morning. might you be one of the borrowers who will see relief? >> the situation with wolf blitzer denied it six unit >> all the mouth is ready to conquer the roads >> there is a general in genuine feeling of hope coming from people >> there is a >> legend here that when you come to angolan visit the kwanza river and drink from its water you'd never want to leave is your shower trying to tell you something is getting >> in and out of the bathtub becoming a safety concern. are you worried about the cost of a bathroom remodel that could go
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online tools to fill prescriptions, process insurance claims, and mike deliveries. but but some in washington want to undermine the technology tools we rely on. their misguided agenda will empower are foreign adversaries. and hurt small businesses like ours our leaders need to strengthen, not weaken american technology >> sunday and ninth of space for stoma, whole story with anderson cooper, the james webb tell us go are we alone followed by the two part finale of space shuttle columbia, the final flight. sunday, starting at eight on cnn >> let's significant shake up on donald trump's legal team. a key attorney in the classified documents case, evan corcoran it's, no longer representing the former president according sources, speaking with our kaitlan collins, if the case goes to trial, prosecutors are expected to use corcoran as a key witness. corcoran became a central figure in the indictment because of his meticulous notes and memos about his interactions with
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trump concerning the classified documents, word of cochran to departure comes just ahead of a hearing today, for two of donald trump's co-defendants in the classified documents case, cnn's katelyn polantz is with us now just give us a sense of why coke cochran's departure from team trump is a really significa issue >> well, sarah, this is the reality fodonald trump as a criminal defendant. the lawyers he has around him taking him to trial in any of the cases. they are not the people who were shielding him or trying to shield him, protect tim worked for him as lawyers during the investigations, the federal investigations around classified documents, and january 6 evan corcoran was the lead attorney for him during those investigations, trying to hold off the justice department from getting access to material in the white house from what mike pence, knew and what he himself as donald trump's lawyer, had witnessed as the
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federal government was demanding national security records back from the former president. >> the >> reason evan corcoran became a key witness and appears as trump attorney one all over that florida indictment in federal court related to the documents. >> is that trump misled him allegedly in the indictment corcoran was compelled he was forced by the justice department and the court to share what he knew and the notes he had kept of his interactions with trump while the fbi and the justice harm we're seeking those records, he had gone into trump's storage unit at mar-a-lago when june of 2022, to collect everything that was there. and to turn it back over to investigators that were coming down to get it all under the subpoena and he interacted with trump trump said to him, according to corcoran notes, did you find anything? is it bad? good. >> at the time, corcoran and found about three dozen in classified records and put them in an envelope. he was going to
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hand back over and then trump looked at him and made according to corcoran, a plucking motion and said, why don't you take them with you to your hotel room? and if there's anything really bad in there, you don't, you know, pluck it out ultimately >> corcoran did >> not know the extent of the classified records that were still at the property of mar-a-lago those were records that were later found by the fbi in a search in august of 2022. and now he's geared up to be a key witness. at a trial against donald trump. >> katelyn polantz. thank you so much for that. i appreciate it. >> we >> are going to continue this conversation with defense attorney shan wu, who is joining us now. thank you so much for being here this morning when you look at who corcoran is, he is a former attorney the attorney-client privilege was pierced. how important is his potential testimony to prosecutors? if and it's a big one at this point, the case goes forward if
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it goes forward, he is an absolutely critical lynchpin because of as caitlin was reporting who he >> was and what his role was being right there having that face-to-face interaction with trump it's an extraordinary position for an attorney. i know evan, we'd were colleagues for many years and i have always felt that he was in an impossible position and needed to have withdrawn from the case ages ago. somehow, for some reason, he managed to stay on trying to navigate this minefield first triangle assert the privilege that was pierced now, at this point, it's quite obvious that he's in a position where he can possibly stay on trump's legal team really in any manner whatsoever because he's not just a witness there's a critical witness, and of have determined that trump cannot shield him from this testimony. so it's really an extraordinary position and frankly, i feel badly for any attorney in his position yeah, he and we should be clear. he
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wasn't an attorney for donald trump on the classified documents case because of what happened here, but he was still an attorney for donald trump on the january 6 case the federal one. so it is fascinating to watch how this happen and just about everyone we've talked to said, it's just no way for him to throw that needle and stay on team trump. i do want to get your thoughts on what you make of donald trump saying no, no, no, he's still spokesperson saying, hey, he sees he's still he's still my attorney >> right. i i'm not sure whether a spokesperson is trying to say there, but maybe they can keep him on the payroll and still pay him to be in 20. there's nothing improper about that. but his position is ethically compromised. i mean, he's being called as a witness. he can't possibly continue to give zealous advocacy and that shields already been pierced. i mean, neither he nor his client can trust in that shield to preserve the future of their confidential communications. so
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he really just can't be truly involved in strategy. nothing says you can't keep them on the payroll. but he can't really do substantive defense work at this point >> shan wu i appreciate your time. thank you so much for being here. and in another case the historic first criminal trial of former president donald trump begins with jury selection in new york city. that is on the hush money case. what's the name for special live covers the trump hush money trial starts monday morning at 10:00 a.m. our here on cnn and streaming on max. all right. republican house speaker mike johnson fighting for his job. he's hoping a meeting today with donald trump might help but could house democrats step in? will they step in to save hi plus e biden admiraon is forgivg morehan 7 billion student loans >> who will see theidebt pontially ped away there's
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can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. that's one 3636. called now, i'm sunlen serfaty in washington and this is cnn a new round of student loan debt cancellation this morning this time, president biden canceling >> $7.4 billion also today, vice president kamala harris heads to arizona after the state supreme court there reinstated a near-total ban on abortion portion from the 1800s. cnn's arlette sides at the white house this morning, a lot of activity, there are less. >> yeah, john and president
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biden is trying to offer a bit more relief to borrowers who are saddled with high student loan dad, i'd issue that of concern for many voters heading into november's election this morning, the department of education announced that it is canceling using an existing program to cancel about 7.4 billion in student loans that would impact around 277,000 individuals in total. this brings the entire amount that by and it has canceled so far to 153 billion for nearly 4.3 million borrowers, the most that's been canceled in student debt by any president in history. now, this analysis ultimate today comes just a few days after president biden rolled out a sweeping new proposal to reduce or wipe out student loan debt for millions of americans essentially, a do-over of his first student loan forgiveness plan, which was struck down by the supreme court. the hope here is that this plan would be in place by the fall in time for voters as they're set to make up their minds before november's election. but this also marks
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the latest attempt by biden to show that he's trying to bring down costs us for americans, you often hear him talk about reducing the price are per description drugs taking on junk fees, student loans is also an area where the white house believes they've done a lot of work on, but it comes at a time when the president has insistently faced pessimistic views of his handling of the economy and many americans are still feeling like their financial states are not doing any better. the president got some tough news this week. when a key inflation report found that prices had ticked up in the month of march, really highlighting the fact that inflation has been a very stubborn current political issue for biden in this campaign. now, the biden campaign is also eager to draw some economic contrast with former president donald trump campaign officials. this morning telling me the next week, president biden will hit the battleground state of pennsylvania. he will be there over three days and three different cities. and his very first stop is his hometown of scranton in pennsylvania. officials tell me that the
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president they are will really seek to highlight the differences in the two candidates, tax policies, arguing that biden is working for middle-class us americans, while former president trump is working for wealthy americans, we have often seen biden trying to return to his hometown using it as the backdrop to make his appeal to working class voters. that will be no different. next week, i'll also note that that is the president is in pennsylvania. we will have a pretty stark political split-screen as former president donald while trump is expected to spend most of the week in new york for his criminal trial >> well, that signs at the white house this morning or let thanks so much, sarah. >> all right. this >> morning, vice president kamala harris will travel to tucson, arizona as the fight for reproductive freedom was electrified by a newly passed law on abortion revived from 18, 64 and arizona, her visit comes after the state supreme court reinstated a near abortion ban that dates back to the civil war era. i want to discuss now with arizona state senator ever birch thank you so much for joining us. we will
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talk politics in a bit, but i want to talk to you about your personal experience. you've spoken about your own abortion and you're a nurse practitioner when you look at what has happened now in arizona and what the law the land is there. what is this been like for you >> well, i think that disappointing would be a really dramatic understatement. the timing really couldn't be any worse it anymore ironic. i just had my abortion procedure less than three weeks before this decision was handed down. and what we're really looking at here, if this goes into effect, is an impossible scenario for medical providers in arizona where they really have to make decisions in critical circumstances that are life and death, and that really isn't the sort of legislation that we should be promoting. in the state of arizona >> when you look at this, now, turning to politics do you think this issue is even larger
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than immigration and immigration has been a huge issue in arizona perhaps the top issue, and it became a top issue in polling for americans across the country. and now you have this law put in place that is getting a ton of attention do you think the democrats are? a really going to be able to get a boost in the state because of it >> well, i'm certainly not going to diminish the issue of immigration. we have serious problems with immigration in arizona and things that need to to be addressed in a really comprehensive and collaborative way, which isn't what's happening, but that's the same thing that we're experiencing with the abortion conversation. we should be having these collaborative conversations in the arizona legislature, but instead, they are having closed door meetings where democrats who have been advocating for reproductive health hair for decades are left out of the conversation. so that the legislative republicans who have been eroding reproductive rights for for arizona's for decades, can decide amongst
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themselves what they're going to do about this issue. do i think that that's going to move voters to come to the polls and do i think it's going to move the needle in november? number for arizona democratic candidates des i do. i think that it's going to get people energized? i think that people are going to be more politically engaged than they have been before. and i'm hoping that we see the effects of that in november >> i'm curious. i know you're democrat, but i'm curious what you think about if you're a republican counterparts. i wanted to talk first about don from but he made a big policy announcement as you know, saying, look, his policy is that the states will decide what to do when it comes to abortion rights. but when arizona actually did so and they made this ruling, he retracted or reacted this way. listen to what he said the governor and everybody else bring it back. good reason >> so he says, i'm sure the governor and everybody else are going to bring it back into
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reason. is that what you're hearing there from republicans? >> no, of course not. >> we >> had an opportunity to bring it back into reason on wednesday and it is simple solution to fix this problem in arizona, all we have to do is repeal the ban. it's something that we could have done at any point in time. we've been in session since january, and the bill was sitting in the house i was collecting dust where it couldn't get a hearing so we could have fixed this problem at anytime. they have proven and shown us that they're not interested in that. what i think is likely happening now and what the legislative republicans have told us, what leader toma over in the house has said publicly is that we're going to put the brakes on this and we need to have talk about it and we need to consider what we're going to do next and what that means is they're going to try to decide how they can use this to their advantage, how they can put something else into the conversation, into whatever of the bill is or the solution that they come forward with to make it probably at least something that democrats can't vote for, or something that is
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not in line with what the people of arizona want. if we were going to do the right thing, we would have done it on wednesday, we would have just done a straight repeal of the band, but when we have extremists like donald trump and kari lake at the top of the ticket. and then we have stream this leg, shawna booleq and like matt grass here in the arizona legislature, those kind of things can't get done. and i am exhausted hearing republicans asked democrats to clean up their mess. donald trump can say that no, this is too far, but this is your problem. this is a problem that you create it and we're not seeing any accountability. and what we're experiencing an arizona is a problem that donald trump and legislative republicans created. and now they are expecting other people to clean up their mess without taking any accountability. and we just can't stand for it >> you mentioned on trump, you also mentioned a senate candidate, kari lake, who has flip-flopped now on this issue it will be interesting to see how this all plays out there.
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but for now, arizona state senator of a birch. thank you so much for taking the time to come on this morning and talk about this important issue. >> thanks so much for having me. >> sure. john. >> all right. breaking news just moments ago, the house held a vote that really could show how much control mike johnson has over republicans. there will tell you the results just after this every >> weekday morning, cnn's finance five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less, cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays starting april 15 on macs >> they get it >> they know how it works >> and more importantly, the works for them >> i don't have any anxiety about money anymore. >> i don't have to worry about a mortgage payment every month. >> it allowed me to live in my
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>> all right. >> we do have some breaking news. what you see the hair on the screen is a vote, a procedural vote in the house of representatives normally this would not be such a big deal, but this time that vote you're seeing there signifies cao speaker mike johnson's control of his own party where it might be headed. this is a vote on a rule to allow a full vote on reauthorized surveillance bill of fisa surveillance bill, lot of that sounds complicated, but what you need to know is that mike johnson was sort of embarrassed if few days ago when republicans voted against him on this narrow procedural measure, but this time, this morning, just minutes ago, we're looking at it right there. it passed and no republicans voted against him with us now is democratic congressman from florida, jared moscow has congress and nice to see you this morning. the rule of fisa rule past as this mean,
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house speaker mike johnson, all his problems his own party are over the thanks, john. thanks for having me. no, it doesn't mean that i mean, look, they've had more rules go down this congress since the last time that happened and wasn't 70s. and so this is an historic congress, right? they've removed the speaker that never happened. they impeached a cabinet secretary that hadn't happened 150 here's they removed a member of their own party that hadn't happened in 20 years and they've passed i don't know, 50 bills, i think which the average is about 400 are way beyond the pace and think, i don't think we've sent a policy bill to the president since the middle of last year. and so look, it's good that this rule past so that we can make sure that we're keeping americans safe from terrorist threats around the globe. but know that the function this dysfunction of the uh, hundred and 18th congress has not over just because they've passed one rule, they were able to convince donald trump to stop telling his members not to vote for >> so house speaker mike
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johnson was seen on the floor with marjorie taylor greene just before the vote don't know what they talked about, what we do know is she has been talking about calling for a new vote to oust him from the speaker's chair if that were to happen, if it were to get to the floor again, where republicans pushed to remove the speaker democrats, they get to vo2, you get to vote two. how would you vote in this case >> well, like i've said, i mean marjorie taylor greene doesn't have the votes. she doesn't have the votes to remove the speaker she doesn't have the votes to rename a post office democrats never let her do that this is someone who wants to secede from the union. and so no, i am never going to allow marjorie taylor greene to stand in the well of the people's house and give a speech to remove a speaker, which then would elevate her power wise in the house. so if that motion were to come by,
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marjorie taylor greene, there's no way but i will sit by and let her do that. >> so if it comes from marjorie taylor greene, you would vote to keep mike johnson in the speaker's chair >> well look, we obviously want to make sure that just like last time our leader hakeem jeffries, is negotiating with republicans. we want to make sure that he has the support of his caucus. but as a american as someone who took an oath to the constitution, there is zero chance that i would let marjorie taylor greene sit in the well of the people's house and pick through the next speaker would be zero. >> what would that look like? would that look like you not voting for hakeem jeffries and actually casting a vote for mike johnson >> yeah. no, that's not what the vote is. >> so you >> don't vote on the speaker, right? it's different from what you saw on television again here, i cast my vote or hakeem jeffries and they cast their vote for kevin mccarthy, the vote is on a a motion to vacate and there'll be a motion to table that. so first, you'll vote on the table. right. and
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so democrats could decide to table the motion so we don't even get to the actual vote if the table were to fail, then the motion to vacate is either just yes to declare the speaker's chair vacant or no, to declare the speaker's chair vacant, it's never on the person so that's why when i'm saying is i'm not voting for my johnson. i'm not saving mike johnson. i'm voting against marjorie taylor greene. >> got it. >> even though in a >> way you wouldn't be voting for mike johnson, who's good owing to your home state today to mar-a-lago to hold a press conference with donald trump when they are going to engage in election conspiracies. once again, you're okay with that? >> no, of course not. but remember, we're pretending like this motion to vacate by marjorie. she makes it and it fails somehow the speaker is going to survive, right? it's very likely that once we start down that path right, that hit the clock is ticking on him anyway, which is why i'm saying i'm not interested in saving mike johnson. i'm just not interested in turn turning this body one of the greatest
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legislative bodies ever created, turning this over to marjorie taylor greene. >> i just wanted to ask you because say is friday, monday something historic? boric in this country happens, which is that a former president will go on criminal trial. here in new york city. i just want you to reflect on that. what that's gonna look like, what that's going to feel like when donald trump is on trial here? >> yeah, i said this when he was first indicted and then it was indicted like three more times after that that this is a sad day for america, no one should be jumping for joy that donald trump has gotten himself in so much trouble that he has nine the indictments that's not good for america. and so look, he deserves a fair trial. and whatever the verdicts are, the verdicts are going to be but it is not a good day obviously, for the country and no one should be celebrating the fact that we now have a former president dealing with 90 indictments >> congress mujeres moscowitz.
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18050 3636 called now, i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon >> and this is cnn this morning, an inside look at the most powerful telescope ever built for the whole story seen kristin fisher explores the james webb >> telescope and how it's helping shape what we know about the universe the james webb space telescope unprecedented in science and scale because effectively, the
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best time machine that we've ever created >> james webb is revealing the cosmic story where do we come from? are we alone in the universe? these are big questions >> unlocking the secrets that we never knew well over 10,000 individuals, $10 billion behind schedule over budget >> there's thousands of ways this can go the hadley and one way it goes right >> james well begins a voyage back to the birth of the universe >> and those other worldly images displayed on a cosmic tapestry this is a historic moment for humanity and i feel we are super privilege that we can actually see this >> hopefully we'll be able to see reflection of ourselves and to learn more about where we came from >> its breadth >> to replacing our reality by
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rekindling a child-like imagined nation >> we are all astronomers as a kid, as an adult, you look up, you say, what's out there >> so. we spt two years following o scientific tms. as these scientists became some of the very first scientists to ever get their hands or eyes on the most powerful telescope ever built. and you could see one of those astronomers they're dan milli salvage, getting them emotional as he walked into webs mission control for the very first time. and, you know, john, i think there has been so much said about the hardware of the webb telescope itself. how what a magnificent machine it is. and of course, we've seen all of these incredible images that the webb telescope has produced. what we wanted to do and what makes this story different is we wanted to shine the spotlight on the scientists themselves because it's up to
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them to come up with the questions that the telescope will then try to answer. and john these are really some of the questions that cut to the core of you know, who we are why we're here, and what this all means really is so fundamental and it's so great to hear the stories of the people behind it. you're talking about hands and eyes and you were talking with telescope just makes me nervous that someone's gonna go a fingerprint on the telescope. but you can't do it with the game. so if i know, i know, you can't do it with this one, but it still makes me nervous. kristin fisher, this is going to be so terrific. thank you so much. be sure to turn into an all new episode of the whole story with the cooper, one whole hour, one whole topic areas sunday, 8:00 p.m. eastern pacific only on cnn. >> i don't know what it says about me. my favorite images the dying star so i love that image >> you so much for joining us mr. cnn, news central. >> jim acosta up next with newsroom when barbara switch to turbotax, i wrote four generations of family tradition. >> i want to make perfume
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