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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 12, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

10:00 am are you for all-star teams return for a waterfront redemption showdown. >> we're going to >> bring it, but only one will make us flash. i think we nailed it rocked the block season finale, monday night at nine on hgtv closed captioning is brought to you by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you cora, i can having utis for ten years. >> you, cora. we make uti relief products. >> we >> also make proactive urinary tract health product. you korea is a lifestyle tried today at your >> these fees cnn breaking news right? >> we're following breaking news here at the top of the hour, the house voting right now on a modified fisa bill, let's go straight to capitol hill and lauren fox for the very latest lauren >> hi, brianna. yeah. they are just in the midst of voting on
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this final version of the bill. but a couple of things have unfolded. in the last half an hour. one of them is that a key amendment that was really important to some of those hard line republicans failed. they'd failed on a ti, the vote was serenely close, 212 to 212. so what you were seeing play out on the floor, right now is a vote on the underlying bill. the final version of this legislation that does not include an amendment that was very important to some of those conservatives that would have required a warrant. >> even >> american citizens sam was picked up in some of those dragnet searches that are part of the federal intelligence surveillance act, section 702. so right now, what you're for seeing as many more democrats voting for this legislation, then republicans, of course, there are some democrats who are on the side of the privacy concerns that hardline republican pins but this is a very interesting moment for speaker johnson. this is something that a lot of hardline conservatives are
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blaming him for saying that this biggs amendment sworn amendment didn't get included their frustrated. i just talked to bob good a conservative who said that this is the reason it didn't pass was because leadership was post to it. so it's going to be really interesting to see what does this mean for johnson's future? i also just spoke to marjorie taylor greene a few minutes ago. i asked her if this makes her more we're likely to push forward with that motion to vacate. she said that is not what she's saying, but she is very frustrated with johnson's leadership on this issue. brianna >> all right. and so right now is we're looking at the vote here. can you see the tally there, lauren, what are we expecting here is this is going to play out timing wise >> well, i think that we are waiting to see whether or not this path is right now. yes, i can see the tally. it looks like they are vowed to call this vote, right now. i can't hear exactly what he's saying there at the desk, but this vote is obviously looking like it's going to pass. >> and we are waiting to see
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that final announcement. but one thing i will just keep in mind for you here is that this was an issue that if the warren actually pass it was going to make it very difficult to get this through the united states senate. the fact that that amendment went down means that it may have, an easier time getting through that chamber, getting signed by the president. and enacted before the april 19 deadline. brianna >> all right. you're saying here that this bill is actually passed? >> yes. it did just pass. we were watching that happened before fries there. lauren fox. thank you so much for the very latest on capitol hill. this modified surveillance bill passing, having to do with section seven of the foreign intelligence surveillance act. thank you for that report. jessica. >> well, as that is all unfolding on the house floor embattled house speaker mike johnson is on his way to mar-a-lago. he's going to hold a joint news conference with
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former president donald trump looking to emphasize their close ties as johnson faces a direct challenge to his speakership as lauren was alluding to there. gop congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is standing by her threat to force a vote to remove johnson as speaker. cnn's kristen holmes is joining us now, live from west palm beach and chris and let's start first with what this press conference is supposed to be about election integrity worth noting here, that trump continues to make false claims of widespread fraud in the 2020 election in the johnson played a key role in trump's efforts to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 election. what more can you tell us >> yeah, it just you were expecting two things out of today. one, we are told that they are likely to re-litigate the 2020 election not surprising given the fact that donald trump still continues to do that at rallies behind the scenes all the time. and we know the johnson was a key player behind the scenes in trying to get that election over but the other thing they're going to go, go draw
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attention to today is this idea of non-citizens voting. this is something that has become somewhat of a republic we can rallying cry that i want to be very clear here from any data that we have, that this is a big issue and also there is a federal law banning neurons citizens from voting in federal elections. that elections at both johnson and trump would be dealing with but again, republicans have really seized on this issue, donald trump has said that democrats actually want undocumented immigrants coming over the border to help them in the 2024 election. part of this is linking this issue of elections to immigration issue that republicans know is hochul to so many american voters we expected me talking about this today. i do want to add a little bit of nuance just so that we are clear. there are some cities and states who allow noncitizens to vote in local while actions like school board elections. but this again, is not something that is
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widespread >> all right? kristen >> holmes, worse in west palm beach, you'll be there. is that all plays out this afternoon? thanks so much. >> and joining us now to discuss, we have former republican congressman of illinois, joe walsh and also sarah matthew. she served as deputy press secretary during the trump administration. joe, i mean through there to promote election integrity and without irony, no, no less >> yeah. >> brianna and jessica, can we just for a moment, pause and not brush by this and get into the politics like, what does it mean that speaker johnson's down there by his side? johnson's down there with trump to talk about election integrity donald trump tried to overthrow an american election. he's been indicted twice on his efforts to overthrow an american election brianna i'd add this donald trump on the
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stump at every one of his rallies so far this year is telling his voters, again that either he will win or the election will be stolen from him so all ready, he's undermining our election. we cannot become numb to what this is >> sarah, it's worth noting and kristen touched on this. there is no a federal law prevents any noncitizen for voting. so no state is allowing that to happen. there is some nuance with these local school board elections that sort of thing. we just had that map up why it's almost like we're in upside down land where you just you have the facts that we just laid out that joe just talked about that >> we know that there is a federal law preventing this. why do they keep talking about this in this way? >> well, it just furthers trump's narrative that the 2020 election was stolen from him. and so he wants to spread
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misinformation like this as we all know, that federally, illegal immigrants cannot vote in our election systems. but he wants to perpetuate that narrative that they could because he thinks that it will help him not only prove that his claims about the 2020 election, but it also plans to seeds of doubt and case he loses in 2024. i think that that's what he's starting to do. we saw him do this in 2020 when he talked about mail-in voting and how fraudulent it was. it was hen trying to plant the seeds because he knew do that there's a chance he could lose to joe biden just as he knows that there's a chance that he could lose in 2024 again. >> and sarah, just because johnson is visiting mar-a-lago, it doesn't mean this is all going to work out for him with trump's support. we should remember that. how do you look at this moment for how? >> this, for >> what it could mean when it comes to johnson's. i guess, trajectory, if you will i,
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think something that's really important to keep in mind is that loyalty is a one-way street with donald trump. and so obviously speaker mike johnson was one of trump's most vocal spreaders of the big lie that the 2020 election was stolen. he's going down there today to hold this press conference to talk about election integrity a gritty. and he's doing that all because he knows that he needs to save his speakership because he's worried that trump's close ally marjorie taylor greene will force this vote on a motion to vacate, and will oust him from the speakership. but it's kind of pathetic in my opinion, just because it seems like right now speaker johnson is a little bit more concerned with keeping his job than actually doing his job and his job is to put a vote on the floor for ukraine aid. but he's afraid to do so because he knows that it will upset folks in the conference like marjorie taylor greene, and donald trump because he knows that donald trump is not supportive of ukraine aid, but mike johnson has a moment to really change the course of
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history honestly, with this ukraine aid on ukraine is running out of ammunition and putin looks more and more likely to win. there if we are not helping them in their fight for freedom. and so right now, mike johnson's downs going to mar-a-lago, trying to kiss the ring to save his job, but i wish like you would actually do his job >> joe, that is a big question. is, is it will bring up ukraine at all while he's down there because that is a giant issue in front of him that is as you just laid out, like so very important in the span of history and what it means for ukraine in its war with russia. but beyond that, there are also all of these dynamics at play, which is you have president trump who is running for reelection. you have mike johnson, who's trying to save his job, and you have marjorie taylor greene, who is a close out why of trump's who's threatening to oust johnson? well, how do you think those dynamics are going to play out both today and in the weeks to come >> they can't govern jessica.
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let's just be honest, my former republican colleagues cannot govern and they've proven this over and over. look, i have no doubt that johnson will get on his knees and bag trunk to help him on ukraine because i think johnson wants that vote on the floor. but he just right now doesn't have enough courage to do it that republicans have proven their utterly dysfunctional. and i think they know, i think most members of that caucus no, they're going to lose support of the house, but jessica, i need to say this one more time, referring to trump and election integrity. and you said it's it's like we're an upside down land. yes. but this is what trump wants. and this needs to be said, and this is dangerous. everything trump's says now about the 2024 election been stolen will incite violence, will incite a january 6 will
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insight his supporters to get violent and donald trump wants that that cannot be said enough. trump wants there to be violence, just like he did after the 2020 election. >> it's not academic. we all saw january 6. we know what can happen. he knows what can happen joe, sarah, thank you so much to both you. we do appreciate your time. today >> here in the next hour, a federal judge is going to be considering whether to throw out these charges facing trump's two co-defendants in this classified documents case. the trump employees are trying to get their obstruction charges dismissed. they claim they didn't know that they were moving boxes of class ossified materials from mar-a-lago. >> and one of them, walt nauta, claim the boxes contained random items like news clippings and hairspray. that's according to a newly released fbi transcript. cnn's evan perez is outside that federal courthouse evan, tell us more about this hearing today and this transcript well,
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yes. >> so in the next hour, we're going to see lawyers for walt nauta and carlos de oliveira. these are employees of the former president. they're still employed by the former president and they're accused of helping to move some of these boxes that contain that the prosecutors claim say contained in these classified documents that are at the base of this of this of this case in this trial, they're asking for these obstruction charges to be thrown out because they say they didn't know what was in these in these boxes and they did not obstruct, they did not try to block this investigation, didn't know that there was an investigation going on i'll play you just a little bit of brian butler, who we anticipate is going to be unimportant witness for the prosecution. he was identified in the indictment against all of these menn as employee five, and he talked to kaitlan collins about his interactions with walt nauta with regarding these boxes. listen during the us getting luggage, walt asked, hey, i need a minivan. sure. go
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ahead and >> then he left and i was i didn't think anything of it. it was a little odd the way he asked me. i mean, it's stood out now after all this but him in carlos were gone at that time i didn't know because typically he wouldn't go get a vehicle, drive himself in, get luggage >> so it was unusual for him to make that ask of you? >> it seemed odd to me once i figured how everything went and what we expect, of course, is that butler will be an important witness for the prosecution. >> but last night >> we saw for the first time was not as interview with the fbi, which has happened back in in may of 2020 he two and he described he minimized what he thought was in those boxes list. i'll read you just a part of this exchange with the fbi in which nada says this, he describes a lot of his personal items. they carry their all in
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the same box the fbi agent says, but now you've looked inside these boxes, nada doesn't respond to that. he says his personal items and the fbi agent says, so when you say personal items, what our personal items and not a response hairspray shampoo of course brianna and jessica, we now know from this indictment, the fbi says and the justice department says that there were highly classified documents are part of the reason why nada was being interviewed was they wanted to know what damage had been done to national security by then being stored at mar-a-lago now, we're to wash her hair with compartment and information. i will say pretty strange trump to be clear, evan is not there today at court. i wonder if the judge's decision could it could affect his case? >> absolutely, look i think that's the context that hangs over all of this. if these two co-defendants are able to remove, these or get rid of
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these obstruction charges, then you can bet that trump's attorneys will come back to this court and say that they should have removed the charges against him as well. he is alleged to have conspired with these men to obstruct this investigation. of course, there's a lot more evidence. the prosecutors say they have that indicates trump trying to obstruct this investigation beginning with of course, the fact that he refused to comply with a subpoena asking for him to read for him to return these documents. jessica, brianna >> all right. evan, thank you for that report. live for us from florida. >> and >> to head this hour on cnn news central, vice president commonly here harris is in arizona today, days after the state supreme court revivim a 160 year-old abortion ban, a republican lawmaker joining us next star says the civil war era law will be repealed next week. >> does his >> democratic colleague believe him? we'll be asking her next loss is bracing for rhonda retaliate after a deadly strike
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on tehran's embassy in syria. new reporting on where us intel officials believe an attack could happen and us drug shortages hitting an all-time high. what's causing this? and the plan to fix it. >> that's coming up cnn saturday morning starting tomorrow at eight on cnn. >> if you're shopping for a home only shows you homes for sale source directly from professionals, meaning you can trust every home listing isn't realistic, don't all have to do that. not really. trust the number one app real estate professionals trust. >> were you worried the wedding would be too much now >> another destination. why do we just got by purposes? does it knapp book? it's mega in epoch, my daughter who gets made someplace more expensive. i can't make my kid back within power, we get all our financial questions answered, so we didn't have to worry can we get out of here? >> i thought >> you'd never ask. join 18 million americans and take
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where the vice president will be speaking here in just a few hours, and priscilla abortion obviously has become this key issue in the battleground state ahead of the presidential election, what more can you tell us about harris's visit? >> that's exactly right. briana and it's one that the biden campaign things can really mobilize voters come november. so the vice president, coming here to tucson, arizona, where she is expected to hammer home the threat that the campaign says, donald trump poses on personal freedoms and also health care tying these unpopular abortion bans directly to donald trump. now, a prepared remarks we're shared with reporters ahead of time, the vice president is expected to call the overturning of roe a seismic event and go on to say at this state court ruling is one of the biggest aftershocks yeah. she's also expected to go on to say that here's what a second trump term looks like more bands, more suffering, less freedom. now of course, the biden campaign does see abortion as a salient political
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issue heading into november. and this week following that ruling the biden campaign and put down a seven a seven figure add on the issue again, squarely, putting the blame on donald trump on what is unfolding on abortion and what the vice president, as she has crisscross the country has said is the chaos and confusion that as unfold well did across the country of course she has been uniquely positioned on this issue starting in january when she kicked off a reproductive freedoms tour now when talking to a democratic strategist, what this arizona court ruling really boils down to is another data 0.1. the democrats can point into as they build their argument ahead of november on the issue of abortion, a very critical issue to get voters out to the polls in a critical battleground state like arizona, that president biden only narrowly won in 2020 against former president donald trump brown afterwards, priscilla, about the bigger strategy here when it comes to this issue of abortion, that polls show voters
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>> trust biden significantly only more than trump on >> well, it started months ago and again, the vice president was positioned buying her team to tackle this head on over the course of the year with that reproductive freedom store that she launched. and that has included six stops nationwide, including one last month here in phoenix, arizona. the idea here is for the campaign to make it very clear that the overturning of rohde was directly tied to donald trump that is what the vice president is expected to really hammer home in her remarks today and also make that clear in advise across the country. and by putting out these abortion-related as only here in arizona, but also in texas. and in other states. and also, of course, this is an issue that if it is on the ballot, like it could be here in arizona, it could help bring voters to two suppose in an election where voters are apathetic and may not be as of louisiana, about either candidate. it's these types of measures i could really get
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them to come out and vote and that could be the case here in arizona. so at the end of the day, this is just another issue that allows the biden campaign two seize on and to try to use to make sure that voters are showing gop in november. >> all right. priscilla alvarez live four is from tucson. thank you for that report. jessica >> this week chaos erupted on the arizona house floor after lawmakers tried to vote on repealing that states 18, 64 abortion ban, take a look republicans want that effort then quickly adjourned for the week, prompting democrats to chant and protest on the chamber's floor, including arizona state representative antilles or ties who joins us now. great to have you here with us first. i just want to know where things stand today with the efforts to repeal this band. we know one republican lawmaker says that this should be banned or overturned by next week. do you think that's
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true? >> republicans had two opportunities to do the right thing and overturn this 18-60 for abortion ban on wednesday. they voted two times to block our attempts to do so. i was deeply disappointed by that. we are adjourned until this upcoming wednesday and democrats are going to continue to fight to repeal this we want a clean repeal republican say they need more time to talk through their strategy, but we have the language we're ready to go. this shouldn't be about strategy. it should be about repealing this archaic ban and saving patients lives >> and so what does that look like? practically, how do you get? them to go with you on this? what kind of outreach, if any, are the democrats doing >> look, republicans got us into this mess and they now have seen exactly how outraged the public is. they have made public statements that they are
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some of them are open to repeal filling this ban. so democrats did what was in our power as the minority party. we put the vote up on the board on wednesday and republicans blocked it two times. so if they are serious about repealing this horrible ban that will lead to deaths than we need them to start with. dipping their votes and put this back up on the board on wednesday, it remains to be seen whether they are serious about doing that. >> but what i'm hearing from you as at this point, you haven't had any outreach with any republicans who say they're open to overturning this ban personally, i have not. but our democratic leadership has been in continued conversations with republican leadership. we are ready to go and what we are hearing from republican leadership is that they are not ready to go. they have a lot of tension in fighting going on because there are some republicans who want this extreme theme abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or
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incest to stand. so the tension point remains a the republican colleagues in the arizona legislature >> and we know that republican arizona senate candidate kari lake has pushed back against this band. what does that say to you? >> obviously, >> just to remind everyone, arizona is a toss-up at very key senate seat, a swing state in this presidential election. what does it say to you that kari lake has pushed back against this ban? >> there has been a seismic shift in the political landscape here in arizona. we are seeing not just kari lake, but lots of other republicans starting to flip flop and back pedal. >> they >> do not want voters to know that just a couple of years ago, they were celebrating the fall of roe. some of the republicans in the legislature even voted onto 2022, 15 week abortion ban, which was at the heart of this supreme court case. and the legislative intent in that ban actually said that they agreed that the
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18 64 ban should not be repealed, should roe fall. so i think that voters are really seeing through the backpedaling that's happening and they're not going to fall forward in november >> and in the meantime, arizonans are planning to vote on a ballot measure in november that would restore access to abortion at the point of viability, which is approximately 24 weeks. in the meantime, we're also hearing reports that the arizona house speaker perhaps may put forward. hizon, his party's own ballot measure as well. what have you heard about that as a potential option >> if the republicans are planning some kind of game with people's lives, like putting a competing valid initiative on the ballot. they need to be ready to answer for that the arizona for abortion access ballot initiative has collected more than 500,000 signatures the signatures are going to be due in july. i feel very
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confident that it will make it on the ballot and that it will pass overwhelmingly. i've collected signatures for the petition myself, people across the political spectrum are excited about this initiative because they want politicians and judges to stay out of our private, personal medical decision. and i gave so t whatever the republicans put up will not make that a reality >> and just quickly before i let you go, arizona has a lot of independent voters. it's something that they're known for their in that state is this an issue? are you hearing from independent voters? is this it's an issue that you think is going to be persuasive to them >> oh, absolutely. and the polling shows it right? look, abortion is a very personal, private, and emotional decision for a lot of people. >> but i think >> overwhelmingly, when you do talk about all of the circumstances that can happen happen when someone is pregnant. all of the risks involved, people really do agree that the government should not interfere in these most private personal moment,
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especially when you have people that have a non-viable fetus and are having to make that decision about whether they need abortion care we are seeing in other state doc there's turning them away from help until they are septic or until they are hemorrhaging and they are leading to death and trauma and arizonans do not want that. they want patients to be safe. they want pregnancy to be safe, and they want people to have the final say for themselves when it comes to their pregnancy outcomes all right. >> arizona state representative amylase or ties. thanks so much for making time this afternoon. we appreciate you. >> thank you >> next the us is preparing for a potentially imminent attack on israel by moving additional assets to that region. what we're learning is iran bounce to retaliate for that deadly strike on its consulate. and shohei ohtani's former interpreter is as you to surrender to federal authorities today after allegedly stealing millions for the baseball star. these stores and more ahead on cnn news
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love lorrie. every step covered >> closed captioning brought to you by our, firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with ms ophelie kalisa. now breaking news out of texas and you are looking at live pictures. there were a tractor trailer has crashed into a department of public safety office all of this is happening in branum. that's just outside of houston, texas >> there are reports of >> multiple serious injuries. >> again, that tractor trailer >> crashing into that building. the department of public safety is telling people to stay clear of that area as investigators
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and medical personnel respond we're of course going to keep an eye on this story for you and bring you any developments. brianna, new today, the defense department is moving additional assets to the middle east region ahead of a potential attack on israel by iran or by one of its proxies. >> the >> move follows in israeli airstrike that hit iran's consulate in syria last week and killed a dozen officials iran has vowed to retaliate, which could happen as soon as this week, according to sources israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu met today with his war cabinet and also met with senior defense officials to discuss the potential threats we've seen in natasha bertrand joining us now from the pentagon, are going touch with the white house says it's monitoring the situation very, very closely. they're not the only ones we actually saw the dow respond here dropping more than 500 points there is fear that this could actually affect oil prices if there is some kind of retribution from iran on israel, what are you learning about us officials and
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how they're preparing? >> what we've just learned, briana, that the pentagon is also surging additional assets to the region in order to bolster deterrence as well as to increase force protection for the us troops who were stationed in iraq and syria. and the broader middle east. we know that the pentagon has been trying to bolster in particular, air defenses four for these units, especially because they came under attack by iran-backed proxy forces, over 100 times between october and february. and the fear of course, is that iran-backed proxies as part of this broader retaliation that iran is apparently planning could target us forces as a part of that. now as of right now, the us is not anticipating that iran is it's going to directly attack american troops because they are trying to calibrate their response and not bring in the to a broader conflict enforced the us to respond very forcefully. they don't necessarily want to escalate this in an extreme way, but still just in case the pentagon is sending these additional
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assets to the region were told now this all comes of course, as the us has been in direct consultations with the israelis, with the iranians to try to lower the temperature altogether, but it comes as a direct result of that israeli airstrike on what iran says. its consulate in damascus. and we're just getting your reporting as well that us officials were pretty frustrated with there's really counterparts about the lack of information that israel actually gave to the us before carrying out that strike, which was likely. and as we see, it has been extremely provocative, especially in a very tense moment in the region, according to us official, the us was not informed of this plan by these release to conduct the strike until those is really planes were actually already in the air. and of course by that point, the us didn't have time to move the additional assets or any kind of force protection into the region that it might have liked to and so they're all bracing for a potential iranian palliation at this point. it just remains to be seen what exactly that's going to look like burrata.
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>> all right. we will be bracing as well. natasha bertrand. thank you for that report from the pentagon. we appreciated coming up fighting cancer. it's already hard and now patients are worrying about whether there are enough chemo drugs to treat them. what we know about the major drugs shortage here in the plus worker burnout is a real problem and now a new survey shows nearly one-third of large american companies are considering new work schedules to address it >> how it really happens. >> sunday, april 28. good night. what cnn >> with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day physically, it's clear that i'm the dad. okay. which >> data is paying? >> you at simply safe. >> we >> build advanced security sensors and cameras for your whole home, powered by 24/7 professional monitoring and
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that's 1807123800 degree in this guy, parents, husbands and wives wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn >> chances are your family has already experiencing firsthand the foster frustrating nationwide problem according to
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two groups, tracking drunk shortages since 20, drug shorges are now at a record high in ththey found a lack of supply for several hundred drugs that treat conditions like cancer and adhd. cnn medical correspondent meg tirrell joins us now meg, what are you learning about this? >> yeah. jessica, i mean, this has been on our radar for a long time and unfortunately, the numbers now show we're at record levels in terms of these drug shortages, the american society of health system pharmacists has been tracking this since 2001. we are now at 323 drugs that are in active and ongoing shortage. that is highest that they have observed in that 23 year period. i know this is affecting all kinds of different medicines and the average shortage has lasted more than two years and affects more than 500,000 patients, many of them older americans who depend on these medicines, the most common type of drug to be in shortage or central nervous system medicines. these include adhd drugs. we've
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heard a lot about the shortage of adderall and similar similar medications. also pain drugs that hospitals rely on. there's also a shortage of antimicrobials, including antibiotics like amoxicillin, which is affected many families. their kids get ear infections and other respiratory illnesses, chemotherapy the drugs are also in shortage. this is causing huge disruptions for patient care across the us, jessica, yeah, it has to be so frustrating for so many people. do we know why this is happening? and is there any solution? >> in some cases it's because demand has gone up. we've seen that with the adhd drugs situation, although that's not the only reason there can also be manufacturing issues that play into this situation. most commonly drugs that fall into shortage sort of fit. one category. they are often older medicines that have lost patent protection, so they're less expensive. >> now and the last they are still complex to manufacturer and they have to be done under these pristine conditions. and so they're very expensive to make. but the companies make less money from them. and so often you see that they want to prioritize drugs that they make
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more money from. this causes a lot of issues in the manufacturing process for these medications. you see companies even going bankrupt in the generic drug space, which has led to a lot of disruptions. so oftentimes when ere'a ortage, the governmentill country, for examp, mther hospitals will try tswap i different ses,ut tse can lead to dosing errors. that's al really just a band-d on the prlem. and they say broader fied to beade like increasing seeing transparen. >> all right. nchu with brianna. e. thanks so much >>ow, some of t oth headlis that we're watching this hour, the cdc says the recent uptick in measles cases threateni the diseases elimination atus in ththere have been more than 100 cases since januar wch is significantly more compato other r years. i20 ghly ctagious yet prtable diase ached eliminatstatus, meing that there were no obreaks persisngor aear or more also the former interpreter for
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tani one is expected t surrender to federal authorities later today, the us attorney says, ippei mizuhara stole more than 16 million from ohtani to fuel his gambling debts. the justice department says, ohtani, who signed a $700 million two contract with the dodgers is considered a victim in this case >> and president >> biden is canceling another round of student debt. his administration announced that it is forgiving $7.4 billion for more than 277,000 borrowers so far, the white house has authorized erasing more than 150 billion million dollars in student loan debt next, how does a four-day workweek sound? can i go home right now? that's my question. will more companies? >> we're >> actually thinking about it. i will have that next >> every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your de,
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a month called 188 to four. four. is it home >> i'm rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial ma victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 >> the latest gauge on how americans are feeling about the economy is down today and it shows americans fueling steady despite a recent tick up and inflation university of michigan said its numbers moved sideways for the fourth month in a row with sentiment edging out lower in april to 77.9. >> and >> look at this graph for the big picture, sentiments still isn't back to where it was before the pandemic hit but it's sharply higher up from the record lows almost two years ago when inflation was at
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a 40 year high. meanwhile, americans expectations of inflation ticked up slightly in april showing some frustrations with lingering higher prices. >> briana the us job market, is still running strong, but with us companies struggling to find people to hire other workers have to pick up the slack. and many americans say they feel overworked. a new ceo survey finds that nearly a third of large companies are now looking at shorter work weeks to fight employee burnout cnn's matt egan is joining us now. all right. matt, before i guess we just leave because maybe now we have friday off. you've been reading the new survey. what does this show? >> oh, but i don't know what you think, but a four-day work week sounds pretty sweet, right? more time to see friends and family to run errands weekends might feel even more relaxing and we do know that a lot of companies are desperate to attract talent right now. and frankly, to keep the talent
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they have from birth turning out. and so maybe that's why this kpmg survey shows that 30% of ceos of large us companies say they are exploring shifts since schedule, including a four-day workweek or a four-and-a-half day workweek. now, i spoke to kpmg ceo paul nop and he said, you know, we probably have to tap the brakes a little bit. here. he said that companies are going to experiment here and there with four-day workweek, but he doesn't think widespread adoption is imminent >> still though we know >> that workers would not have to be sold on this idea, workers love a four-day workweek. there was a gallup poll found 77% of us workers support the idea of a 40 day work week that includes 46% who are extremely positive. it is awfully hard to get 77% of americans to agree on just about anything. but they're on board with this idea. so briana, i don't know what you think. you have a lot of pull around here. what do you think you've declared right here now, we have a four-day workweek care at cnn yeah.
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>> no, that's way above my pay grade. look, people also like to breathe right? it's like the fact that people did pulling on that kind of cracks me up. of course they would love this idea matt. thank you so much. we're going to continue to follow this. this is very important you're on it >> thanks. so next, a critical hearing about to begin in florida is two a former president trump's co-defendants try to get their charges dismissed. how the judge's decision could impact the former president >> there's debris in this guy >> husbands and wives gone >> so i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn. hey, brenda, it's carroll exactly so which like are we operating on? >> you mean arm? >> it's all connected asking the right question can greatly impact your future.
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