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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 12, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> right >> now, say >> $50 on the real still, find yours. >> chasing >> life with dr. >> sanjay gupta. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts happening. >> now, a key hearing in the classified documents case against former president trump at cnn reports that a trump lawyer in that case, who became a critical witness against him, his left the team why his exit is making trump world. i'm using >> the biden white house focungn two key ises in two crucial swing states right now, vice president kamala harris, on her way to arizona after the state revived in your total ban on abortion anthe president prepares a campaign roing in on the economy
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ahead. what it all means for the race, for the white house. plus prosecutors call it one of the most brazen betrayals in us history of former us diplomat accused of spying. what more we're learning about the plea and sentencing of a onetime us ambassador. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here. to cnn news central >> right now in florida, a trump-appointed judge will consider whether to dismiss charges against the two co-defendants in the classified documents case facing the former president the trump employees, in their obstruction charges should be dropped partly because they did not know the boxes they moved from mar-a-lago contained classified materials. but the special counsel says they were conspiring to help trump hide those documents from investigators cnn's katelyn polantz is here. caitlin, what can we expect as we watch this all play out
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>> well, we will be seeing the discussion of these obstruction charges. there purchase that donald trump faces, as well as his two co-defendants, walt nauta and carlos de oliviera. >> they and their attorneys >> work with trump and his attorneys. they're not so >> it's these two co-defendants. >> and it really does boil down to legal arguments that the judge is going to be hearing that say that he didn't no. enough in this issue that this was something in this case where these co-defendants, they just weren't aware of the benefit of moving boxes. they didn't know what was in them. and their lawyers are going to be arguing that allegedly they weren't acting with any corruption ten and so they shouldn't be charged. so we'll see what the judge does. we're not expecting ruling today, but every time there's a hearing before judge aileen cannon in florida, it's important and of course, half dimension still no trial date in this mar-a-lago
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documents case. we will wait and see if she has anything to say about that today. a big x factor still out there we've also learned that a key trump lawyer, whose own notes and memos actually gave the doj really a roadmap for this indictment is no longer representing the former president. what does that mean? >> well, it's a long time coming for evan corcoran. he's been distancing himself for the from the legal team of donald trump because he he's had to a judge compelled him to provide information in the investigation iran classified documents, where he became a key witness in that case. he had been taking notes of his conversations with donald trump and became trump attorney one in the indictment, a key person of the witnesses who is talking or who was talking to trump around these alleged obstruction charges. so in this situation with evan corcoran, the thing that he had heard from trump and wrote down in his notes that makes him such a key witness. he witnessed trump
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saying to him, okay, why don't you take documents that having corcoran had found that were classified to your hotel room. and if there's anything really bad in there, you know, pluck it out and evan corcoran says trump made a plucking motion. all those documents were supposed to be given back to the justice department. not all of the documents at mar-a-lago were but evan corcoran was trying to do his part. this is the final motion in his split from the trump team, and he really was the only remaining lawyer who had shepherded trump through early parts of that federal investigation and the january 6 case, >> all right. kaelyn, poland to always has all the details for us. thank you so much for that update. and let's bring in a legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers now, a jennifer great cu how do you expect judge cannon to rule on this? katelyn just laid it all out for us. there >> well, jessica, this actually is a very easy one at this stage of the proceedings. the
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motion to dismiss stage. you have to assume that all of the factual allegations in the indictment are proven our true. so the judges only question really is, if the indictment is if they prove what is said in the indictment, is there a legal reason why that doesn't constitute the violation of the statute at issue and the indictment alleges that they had reason to know there was an investigation going on, that they moved these boxes at trump's behest and that that was with the intent of obstructing or in some way impeding this investigation that they knew was going on. >> evan corcoran was >> about to search through these box is looking for responsive documents to a subpoena. so there's really know where to go for judge cannon other than to deny this motion what i'm watching for is whether she does it swiftly or whether she delays. that's been an ongoing thing with judge cannon to delay delay, delay, and not set a trial date as you were speaking to caitlin about so i'm looking really not so much for the answer but
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for how long it takes to get there, what the timeframe is, right? >> then on this evan corcoran development, he's no longer part of trump's legal team, likely going to be a key doj witness. how big of a blow is this to trump >> well i'm actually surprised that this break didn't happen earlier. i mean, as soon as it became clear that he had had to turn over his nodes and was going to be a witness. i expected that he would exit from team trump. i'm surprised he didn't do away back then. so it is a blow, certainly his testimony always was going to be a blow once we learned about it, especially his extensive note-taking because even though testimony is damaging contemporaneous notes taken at the time really emphasize that so the timing i'm surprised it took so long, but yes, it's going to be a very powerful witness for the prosecution in the case. >> all right. jennifer rodgers for us great to have you on. thanks so much. briana >> monday will be an
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unprecedented and historic de in american history as the first criminal trial of a former sitting president gets underway, the road to this trial is salacious and it spans almost 20 years. and we should warn you that some of the deal details are definitely for adults only. former manhattan de a cyrus vance first began investigating alleged hush money payments, then trump lawyer michael cohen made to stephanie clifford, known in the adult film industry is stormy daniels. in the days leading up to the 2016 election, but it wasn't until the wall street journal published this bomb i'm michelle story on january 12, 2018 about cohen paying daniels $130,000 for her silence. that news of the alleged 2006 affair and a potentially illegal cover up broke wide initially, daniels denied the affair, fearful of legal action by trump, though she managed to say a lot even without saying much at all when she went on jimmy kimmel a few weeks later did you sign this letter that
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was released today >> i don't know that. >> wait a minute. that you can say. >> like my signature does, it >> doesn't look like your signature, so you're saying perhaps this letter was written and released without your approval? >> my march clifford spoke more openly about her allegations during an interview with anderson cooper on 60 minutes >> after you had sex, what happened? >> he said that it was great. he had a great evening and it was nothing like he expected that i really surprised him that a lot of people must underestimate me that he hoped that i would be willing to see him again and that we would discuss the things that we've talked about earlier in the evening branches right >> trump denied in a fair a month later giving this now infamous response to a reporter's question 30 payments wt, wave ask
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miael hen, mha's my ask michl com but by may the dam was breaking and trump's personal lawyer, >> rudy giuliani, was going over it in a barrel, as he said, trump had cohen had given michael cohen the money he paid to daniels i was talking about $230,000 payment. settlement payment, which is a very regular thing for lawyers to do. the question there was the only possible violation there would be was it a campaign finance violations which usually would result in a fine by the way, not this big storm storm troopers coming in and breaking down as a part hartman and breaking down his office that was money that was paid by by his lawyer. the way i would do out of his law firm funds or whatever finds doesn't matter. a present reimbursed that over august 2018, michael cohen in
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pleaded guilty to crinal charges in federal court, including yes. campaign finance violations over the hush money payments. he testified that trump repaid him and it cohen was directed to make the payments for the principal purpose of influencing the election by october, stormy daniels nose was out with a new book, full disclosure, and disclose. she did >> what has changed? why are you now allowed to say things? >> i have left beeps to >> give, so he did not have a condom? >> no what >> supposedly he's a german is weird, right? >> he was not a dermer foe. >> he was not at all >> yeah >> and you made love >> what's wrong with you >> i mean, laid there and prayed for death why did he if
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you were so grossed out by them, why did you have >> sex with them? >> i still don't know >> a couple of months later in december 2018, trump changed his tune calling the hush money payments, a simple private transaction done correctly by a lawyer. he said that on twitter, those shortly after that lawyer said it indeed was not done correctly under oath before congress >> did the president call you to coordinate on public messaging about the payments to ms clifford in or around february 2018? >> yes. >> what did the president asks or suggests that you say about the payments are reimbursements >> he was not knowledgeable of these reimbursements and he wasn't knowledgeable of my actions. he asked you to say that >> yes, ma'am. >> are you telling us mr. cohen? >> that the >> president directed transport actions in conspiracy with allen weisselberg and his son,
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donald trump jr. as part of a civil criminal as part of a criminal conspiracy of financial fraud. is that your testimony today? >> yes >> trump responded to that testimony. he tweeted that cohen was lying in order to reduce his prison time in summer 2019, then district attorney cyrus vance subpoenaed the trump organization for records of hush money payments, ultimately, as prosecutors debated whether a successful prosecution was a long-shot, the ants decided not to pursue charges, but in 2021, it was out with vance and in with alvin bragg if former new york state and federal prosecutor as the new manhattan de after more than a year-and-a-half in january 2023, bragg's office went to a grand jury with evidence it's about trump's alleged role in the 2016 hush money payments to stormy daniels by march of last year, the historic criminal indictment of a former president, followed by trump
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pleading not guilty to 34 felony criminal charges of falsifying business records. this couldn't be the only criminal case against trump did actually flee, goes to trial before the presidential election. trump's lawyers have called it politically motivated. they've denied any wrongdoing on his part bragg had campaigned for manhattan da on his experience taking on trump as chief deputy aag, he had supervised the 2017 investigation into the trump foundation, a case that would lead to the charities closure and on primary de in june 2021, bragg tweeted as chief deputy attorney general of new york state. i didn't just sud donald trump and the trump foundation. i1 trump's lawyers accused bragg of revivim a so-called zombie case to interfere with trump's chances this to retake the white house. bragg has denied that >> the core of it's not money for sex. we would save the bot conspiring to corrupt a presidential election. and then
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you'll lying in new york business records to cover it up. >> and all along in this process, the trump team has filed motion after motion in an effort to quash or delay this trial last july. a motion to move the case to federal court denied last august, a motion for the judge in this case, juan merchan, to recuse himself because his daughter is a democratic political consultant denied though my sean did expanded gag order on trump as he ramped up criticism of the judge's daughter. and this year, trump's team filed a motion to dismiss the case entirely. it too, was denied. and then here in just the last four days, three attempts by trump to delay his hush money trial. >> all denied. >> jessica >> and here we are. extraordinary measures being taken ahead of the hush money trial. it will require an incredible level of security and unprecedented and strategic choreography between law enforcement and the secret service. cnn's brynn jin grass got an inside look at how the
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nypd is preparing. brynn, would you learn >> yeah, it does. again, they call this a robust security package. now, we know this is the first criminal trial of a former president, but this is not the first time as we know also that donald trump has been in court. and so law enforcement has really been looking so that's civil fraud trial here in new york to the e jean carroll defamation case trial here in new york to kinda take lessons, have discussions about it for the last couple of months and put this security package in place and it's going to have all the toys is what law enforcement told me basically that includes bomb sniffing dogs, barricades to set up frozen zones around that courthouse there's lots of security cameras, more personnel outside the courthouse and inside the courthouse. now, they have a lot to look at right? protest or supporters expected to be there the crush of the media. we're talking about protecting also a former president lot of that also includes threats that they continue to see online or made ever since this case even
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was brought about. here's what the nypd how they responded to, how they'll handle those >> we're gonna be looking at the threat picture on a constant basis. social media, scrubbing just listening to people making calls are making threats online. >> how do you handle that? >> we wanted find the basis of the threat. is it real? is it an online warrior? is it >> what kind >> of extra security preparations do we have to take inside that court has at 100 center 15th floors where this trial is going to take place. jessica, that entire floor is going to be shut down to the general public. it all kicks off as you guys been talking about on monday. >> all right. brand thanks so much. and silicon vice president kamala harris will visit the new epicenter of the abortion rights battle. she's looking to galvanize voters after the arizona supreme court revivim a 160 year-old law, banning most abortions plus the us military is moving more firepower to the middle east as fears grow over, a retaliatory
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attack from iran or their proxy forces within that region. and a little bit later, the former interpreter for super salt superstar baseball player shohei ohtani, just surrender to federal authorities these stories and much more coming up with jake tapper today on cnn >> the fund drives innovation fund. you can invest in some of the world's top tech companies, including those leading the ai revolution before they go public the future is now open for investment >> stay tuned to learn more about this limited time offer from renewal by anderson. >> have you been looking at replacing your home's windows or doors if so, i'm sure price is a huge factor. >> a renewal by anderson. we're really proud if our fair pricing policy, were typical middle-class family, we have a budget, we need to be aware of where money is going and the
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three days of campaigning. they're with an address in his hometown of scranton. >> and it should be >> quite a contrast. were told biden will highlight plans to race taxes on the rich to help the middle class, while former president trump will be facing criminal charges in a new york courtroom. let's bring and cnn's mj lee live from the white house in jail in 2020, heated so many events in pennsylvania and scranton. so not surprising to see him back there. what else are you learning about president biden's campaign? campaign plans for next week >> just it's easy to lose count of the number of times that the president has traveled to the state of pennsylvania. it is a state that is so critical to the president's path to reelection and also a state that happens to have personal significance for the president next week, we're going to see him making it's three back-to-back stops across the state, starting with his hometown of scranton and then he goes to the pittsburgh area before finally ending up in philadelphia later in the week. when we hear him speak in
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scranton, expect to hear remarks that are really heavy on economic populism. we know that he plans on talking about his its plans to raise taxes on the wealthiest americans as well as cooperations and of course built into this is going to be the contrast that he wants to make against former president donald trump. the campaign has accused trump of promising tax giveaways to the wealthy. now, zooming out. of course, jess, this is all about the president trying to sell his record on the economy more broadly, even though we have seen some strong economic indicators in recent months, we know that there are plenty of americans who are not satisfied with his record on the economy. you take a look at this recent poll and some six in ten americans say that they do not approve of his handling of the economy he so certainly, this is an issue where the campaign is very aware that they have to make up ground before november just all right. >> senior white house chorus want to mj lee for us. thanks so much. brianna soon vice
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president kamala harris will be speaking in arizona as the fight for access to abortion intensifies in that battleground state >> on tuesday, the state supreme court reinstated a near total abortion ban that dates all the way back to the civil war era in remarks, harris is expected to say that the band is quote, one of the biggest aftershocks yet following the united states supreme court's reversal of roe v. wade, and she's expected to place blame squarely before former president trump. trump has repeatedly taken credit for overturning roe and has said abortion legislation should be up to the states. but now he says that this particular law goes too far moments ago and a new truth, social post, she called the ban in arizona inappropriate. he called on the legislature there to act immediately. well, this week, democratic and republican efforts in arizona to repeal the total ban there in both the house or senate, in both the state senate and the house respectively were blocked by republicans in the house.
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democrats heckled the gop colleagues after two republicans move the chamber into recess until next wednesday >> i'll in favor of that motion, but i you know, is how and joining us now is arizona state representative matt gress. he is the republican in the house who and stick with me here, brought up a democratic author bill in the house in an attempt to repeal the 18, 60 before era abortion ban before his fellow republicans scuttled his attempt sir, thank you for taking time to be with us today. i do wonder. have you talked to representative livingston who led the effort to put the house into recess? >> i am talked to him and i think that the feeling among him and many others and the republican caucus is that they wanted time to kind of process
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what this bill means in terms of the legal implications the ruling happened 24 hours prior to us convening in session. so i think lawmakers wanted a little bit more time to consider it in my personal view, i think that we need to repeal the territorial law as quickly as possible because i don't believe that women or doctors should be locked up for abortion this bill that's what the territory is he good to go now on what you were proposing >> members in our caucus are still continuing to discuss this it will continue through the weekend and into next week. there are a wide variety of views on this issue on both sides of the aisle, as you can imagine, because it's so significant and deeply personal. so we'll continue to have those conversations. >> so you said that you believe
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there's going to be a vote on wednesday. why are you saying that? if there's a possibility that someone in your party may try to thwart you on that there's no doubt about it that there are some republicans who will not support the repeal and that is their deeply held conviction and there are republicans who came up to me and who have reached out to me to say that they are looking closely at crossing over to vote to repeal this law. so those conversations continue to happen in the legislative process. it's continuing to reach out and talk to members and walk through any of their concerns. but i think we can all agree. hopefully, democrats and republicans that the territorial abortion ban goes too far >> okay. so the arizona house speaker, ben toma, did a radio interview yesterday. he said he's looking at this option of
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getting an abortion initiative on the november ballot. there is, as you know, already expected to be one which i know that you have some issues with but he's saying basically governor katie hobbs is not going to sign into law something similar to the now repealed 15 week ban that was passed in 2020 to talk to us a little bit about whether you'd like to see an alternative to the initiative that we've already that we already know is in the works because of that mental health exception in why in particular, you have an issue with that >> well, right now, voters are going to have a choice between a territorial band and near complete ban on abortions. and the abortion access initiative, which i think goes it's too far. i haven't seen any specific proposal yet, but i do know that republican members are coming up with some ideas
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talking about that and i'll take a look at that. i'm proudly pro-life. i've supported efforts to respect women and protect two new life. i think that the 15 week timeframe is an appropriate time frame width exceptions that need to be included. so we'll continue to have those conversations with colleagues, but we need to provide voters this november with a real choice between respecting women and allowing for them to make a deeply personal decision with their family, their doctor and the clergy >> that's >> really what we need to be doing. >> can you answer my question about the mental health exception, though? and just to be clear, i just want to put up with the abortion ballot initiatives says about it just so folks know what we're talking about that there would be a good faith judgment of each treating health care professional is necessary to protect the life or physical or mental health of the pregnant individual that would be the
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exception. why is that? it issue for you? >> well, first of all, the medical health professional that they cite is any medical health professional entitle 32. >> it >> includes a range of different health care professionals like podiatrists, for instance, that's a title 30 health care professional who has no business a weighing in on the medical necessity or the mental health net necessity of a pregnancy. so i'm worried that that provision and there are many other problematic provision. any it's a trading say, it's a treating health professional. so unless you're pregnant in your foot there, they're probably not going to be the person treating the person just to be clear >> well, that's not how some legal scholars are reading this they've looked at it and the way that it's written, it does differ to title 30 to healthcare professionals. there
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isn't. and you can have a number of different health care professionals it's entitled 32 that are treating you. >> and >> the way that this is written in such a broad manner, it really opens up the door to i think putting women's safety and health at risk. >> what do you think they're going to do when it comes that mental health exception lie about it it's here's the deal. >> again. what we need to be focused on is providing safe health care to women so that they can make an appropriate decision within a reasonable timeframe and with reasonable exceptions this bill and that's coffee only problem with the bill, but there are several others that were taught, but that's really talking about, we're talking about reasonable exceptions that's that is what this discussion is about whether or not you think something is a reasonable exception because, you know, this seems to be headed to a choice that is going to be very likely a
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choice the ballot initiative. so let's talk about this because this is going to be a difference >> why >> what do you think they're going to do with that mental health exception? >> brown my view is that ai 15 week timeframe with reasonable exceptions that we've talked about, including rape incest, and life of the mother is a balance between respecting. women. and protecting new life the way that, that measure has been written is a way that allows abortions to occur for almost any reason up until birth. >> that's how it's written now you may take issue with that, but the authors of this initiative has been very clear that they want to enshrine in abortion policy that's how it reads, and that's how it will be ilemented.
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>> iust want i'm not i'm not taking issue with it. you said the life ofhe mother and he cdc analysis this even before roe was overturned, found that pregnant people are health conditions than any al other cause. what do you think of that 22 the leading underlying cause of pregnancy related death well, i'm glad you ought that up, briana, because i believe that people who focused exclusively on abortion to the detriment of a >> larger issue. and that is women's health in arizona, according to our department of health services, 90% of deaths of arizona moms at&t had with pregnancy-related complications or postpartum complications, who died 90% of those deaths could have been prevented with access to adequate health care. that's why i've supported measures to bring more ob gyn
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into our into our state, including in our rural and tribal areas but it misses the larger point here that we have to do a lot more for women's health we know that studies have shown that women have been disproportionately misdiagnosis that their pain has been dismissed that our research dollars, we're spending 10% of the nih research dollars are not what we're talking about, what we're talking about people with seous, we're taught. i understand, but i mean, yes. i hear on pain but we're talking about people with serious mental health disorders in somcases subsnce use disorders that are comorbid with those mental health disorders certainly the things you're talking about addressing pain not being dismissed. i think a lot of people can get on board with that, but we're talking about something different here >> i don't see it that way. they'll briana because we're talking about access to health
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care. if a person has a serious mental illness or they have an addiction, that that can be treated. and there are many women who are pregnant who are addicted to a substance of some sort, and they're getting treatment through their pregnancy. not all and that's a problem. and we need more medical health supports and more health coverage for women while they're in pregnancy. >> i mean, >> we do have some pretty perverse incentives, right now. just two years ago, our state medicaid program paid a fraction of the cost for childbirth, even though we cover half of all the births in the state so when you talk about access to health care, i think that's where we really need to be focused on. but, you know, treating abortion as the end-all and be-all to mental health and that's the way that the initiatives written. i think misses the mark and that doesn't align with the values of arizonans.
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>> all right. i do just want to be clear, just to state the facts before i let you go because you say it's up to nine months. it does say viability. i know you take issues with the exception. you see that makes it a nine month bill. but when we look look at the arizona's statistics, 94% of abortions have been before 15 weeks. abortions after 21 weeks are only 1.6%. they're extremely rare we tend to know that those are actually very much wanted pregnancies. in those case, and they're very in those cases, they're very extreme situation patients usually. but arizona state representative matt gress, i really appreciate your time. obviously, this is a it's a fraught subject and a lot's going on in arizona. thank you so much. >> thanks brianna. >> we'll be right back >> there's debris in this guy parents, husbands and wives gone over so i could have done something differently. you can just make it better for those that fall hello
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>> but 8775383882 or visit home served smerconish tomorrow with nine easter now that betting bombshell rocking major league baseball, the former interpreter for la dodgers superstar shohei >> ohtani, has just surrender to federal authorities to face bank fraud charges. prosecutors saying the ex-interpreter's but trade ohtani's trust by stealing a staggering 16 million to help cover his game gambling debts, seen as nick watt is outside the federal courthouse in la. >> nick, what >> more are you learning >> well, as you say, ippei mizuhara has turned himself in this morning. we haven't seen him yet, but we do expect to
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see him pretty soon when he makes his appearance here in this courthouse behind me now, we have not seen him since a few weeks ago when he was basically trying to say that shohei ohtani had loaned him this money. he's expected in court, but he is not expected to enter a plea. now, there are still some questions even after reading through this long complete one is we're told that ippei mizuhara, one about 100 million gambling. he lost about 100 million gambling and were told that he stole 16 million from shohei ohtani. so that's still so like by my bad math at 24 hold it. i can't quite account for >> the >> other thing that's really interesting from the complaint is reading the text messages or the evidence seems to be text messages between the interpreter and the bookie. i'm going to read one from the bookie. this was from last fall when the interpreter seemed to
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be in a bit of a whole and didn't necessarily have the cash to pay up. this is from the bookie. i'm here in newport beach and i see victim a that's ohtani walking his dog. i'm just going to go up and talk to him and ask him how i can get in touch with you since you're not responding, please call me back immediately. then there's another text which is from march 20. this is just as the story was breaking. the bookie asks the interpreter, obviously, you didn't steal from him the reply comes back from ippei mizuhara. technically, i did steal from him. it's all over for me. now. >> one of the things that is >> also now very clear is that shohei ohtani had absolutely no idea that this was going on. the interpreter was basically managing the bank account, keeping everybody else out of it, keeping shohei ohtani out of it. so shohei ohtani is really being described here as an absolute victim. had no idea. so he's in the clear, but
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listen, it's not as if dodger fans ever doubted their golden boy who is playing like a dream, doing what he does best while all of this nonsense goes on behind jess. >> all right. what fourth in los angeles land all out. thanks so much. briana >> we're getting some new details on that breaking news that was coming to us out of texas were told there are multiple serious injuries after a tractor trailer crashed into a department of public safety office. this is happening in branum. it's about an hour northwest of houston. the sheriff they're telling cnn he now believes this was a suspect under aest.ideo says a fr sce. as see, tolthat thiwas g. there building wre driver's censere ed wil continue to follow thaand ing you thvery latest 40 rockets just fired aisrael
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from lebanon. we are following breaking news out of the middle east his, these are live pictures will be back with more next >> sanity it's a safe space >> you have a show were right and left talk to each other >> cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tomorrow at eight two months, cnn >> so how long have you lived here >> 40 years. >> and how are the restaurants around here? >> are they good, bad man. what's the average household >> income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon. where do you get your hair done? >> the lou, what >> we've got to go thousand more parts >> we bring you the best neighborhood info >> okay. ready to washington >> one second. i got to finish
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lebanon's iran-backed hezbollah militants are taking responsibility for the attacks. and this is all happening, is the white house says it is watching very, closely amid would officials call a real incredible threat against israel from iran or its proxies user concerns that follow an israeli airstrike. you see it here on iran's consulate in syria last week, it killed vowed to retaliate for this er something that cld happen as soon as this wk, according t today that it is sending addional assets to the region to deter potential attacks are joined nowretired air force colonel cedric leighton. he is a cnn milita analysts and you heard it there 40 rockets fired into israel from lebanon, aryou seeing this moment? ow obably not the opening salvo rael'attack on its consulate in damascus. buthat probing action bhezbolla
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hizballah has been doing aot of these kindsf attacks really ever since the seveh so i've october even before that. sohat we're seeing now is kind of a simmering pot, if you ll, onhe sve of the middle east. but thapart is t boilg over at e prest time, but it could very easily if they're pro mean, is ere something kind of tactical about what 're doing or doing, wthey're trying to do is they're trying to actually see how the israelis i'm going to defend themselves, how goodre they at shooting down these missileswh kinds of weaknesses ahere ithe israeli air defense system in their rar stem those are thnds of things that iran and hezbollae looking at. and if they can trapolate from that, perhaps a path to ey're gng to do that what t, are you expecting that are retaation for thconsulat strike would look like. d who would come from, it would come fr the proxies and we can expect two different things des terrorist attacks of a small nature, ke we've seen for decades now, what i'd expect iforms of dnes that
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would go after a certa targets within israel an oughyber attacks c as we. fect both commercial and govementstablishmes in israel because israel has a very booming tech industry, target for theradients to hit. you. >> talk us a ttle bit any rt of retaliation. e to >>o what we know so far it' kinda really days right now, but we have air assets that are that are moving and you're e going to be pre-positioned a, either a basisn euro we're in the middle d they' should the iraans attacknd basis that the us s in eithe ir or syria or theulf stes. we don't exct the iranians to attack any of those, and we don't expect prox do th, although the proxies areind of waiting to see what will happenith seral otr things that are goin right now. one of those is iq' ime minister visiting th unitedtate the 1h of
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april.nd he's going to want to have us forces widraw from iraq if thosforces are wiawn fromraq, that will be seen as an iranian victory and ey won't tack us that point. >> it feels a little bit like people are holding their breath as they wait to see what happ i mean, even we look, it seems like the dow kind of what the bed tay aittle t actually dropping 500 points because there are concerns that there can be a conflict this could affect oil prices on so many fronts that this could affect people's lives really all around the world. how are you seeing that? so this could be a >> really the dallas dropping like this is kind of a precursor to what we see from an economic standing and point because it could cause a lot of economic dislocations. we already see economic dislocations because of what's going on in yemen with the houthis attacking shipping in the red sea. the same kind of thing could happen almost anywhere in the middle east and around the middle east. and because we are still dependent on petroleum, the middle east is of course, the big producer
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of petroleum, natural gas. all of those things could perfect commodity prices and could affect not only the regular inflation rate in the, but all around the world as well. >> yeah, big ramifications here as we're watching this, cedric, always great to have your input. thank you. you so much. >> and house speaker mike johnson, heading to mar-a-lago, hoping that forging closer ties with former president trump, maybe it will save the speakership what the form of president is expected to get out of the meeting as well ahead >> there's debris in the sky parents, husbands and wives gone >> i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two parts fanelli, sunday at nine on cnn, you can catch that 5% on travel purchase through chase with freedom unlimited by a better plane seats switched to a king suite and focus silent retreat silent retreat >> rb will chase freedom on
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consultation, again, that's 1807123800. >> i'm jeff zeleny on the campaign trail in omaha. >> and >> this is cnn house speaker.
12:00 pm
on the defense and a former president going on the offense. mike johnson heading to mar-a-lago to kiss the ring as trump's stokes election fraud claims but will it save johnson or will it sink him plus a potentially consequential hearing in the classified documents case as two of trump's co-defendants look to get some charges dropped and as a trump lawyer who's become a key witness in the case, leaves his legal team >> and vice president harris lands in arizona. the current epicenter of the abortion rights battle. the state's reversion to an 18-6 is there a band could be pivotal in a critical election year, we're following this high-profile trip and other major developing stories all coming up right here on cnn news >> former president trump will hold a joint news conference at his mar-a-lago club with


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