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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 12, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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are prepared to help israel intercept anything that is incoming into israel. and the top us general for the middle east general erik kurilla. he's been in israel for several days preparing for this variety of scenarios. jeff, no >> question. and some of those assets be moved into the region are specifically for that task of potentially shooting down anything incoming. just briefly, alex, the us and around have been communicating directly and indirectly to what end? >> well, both public and private messages from iran to the united states, essentially saying stay out of it, that this is between us and israel. the us has responded saying that you should not go after us targets and don't escalate the situation. and that is a message that iran has been getting from a number of different corners from the europeans, from the arabs to what extent they will listen remains to be seen. we could back to a very calculated but very significant retaliation by iran. jim >> no question. we know all eyes are watching right now. alex marquardt. thanks so much for joining. thanks so much. all of you for joining us. the
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news continues right here on cnn happening now, breaking news, donald trump just throw another wrench into his hush money. trial. attorneys for the former president asked me the judge to change the jury questionnaire only three days before selection is set to begin. trump also saying he would repeat, would take the stand in arizona. meanwhile, vice president harris, cameras republicans on the issue of abortion rights for women. the southwestern state. now the latest backdrop in the battle over reproductive rights with an extremely restrictive civil war era lawsuit boon to take effect then we're also following breaking news. president biden warning, expect an iranian attack in the middle east sooner is words sooner rather than later. this, as israel intercepts dozens of rockets and the pentagon moves new assets to the region welcome to our viewers here in the united i didn't states and around the world, i will
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blitzer a urine this room the skis >> cnn breaking new, let's begin with a breaking news are coverage tonight includes donald trump's latest remarks. on his hush money trial. the former president claiming he would testify during the proceedings, which begin on monday cnn's kristen holmes is joining us right now from trump's mar-a-lago estate in palm beach, florida. kristen give us the very latest >> well, it's right. we just heard from from a joint press conference is speaker mike johnson alongside president, former president donald trump. and was really build as an election integrity, they wanted to talk about this issue of impacting elections. but the real news came after the fact during the question and answer session with reporters. and i will note, first of all, i will get to the trial, but one of the biggest moments came right at the top when i asked former president trump if he stood by
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speaker johnson at the time where he is facing this motion to vacate by marjorie taylor greene. take a listen to what he said >> we're getting along very well with the speaker and i get along very well with marjorie we have a speaker. he was voted in and it was a complicated process and i think very it's not not an easy situation for any speaker i think he's doing a very good job. he's doing about as good as you're going to do. and i'm sure that marjorie understands that that seems like a lot of support for speaker johnson at this time. he also was asked by me whether or not he would support johnson. johnson was to put forward a ukrainian aid package and he didn't shoot it down. he actually said that they were talking about it now, in terms of a loan loaning ukraine, the money instead of straight up giving it to them. >> this is >> a turn of events and one that johnson particularly need it. now let's talk about next week because of course this is history being made with
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first-time a former president is going to be sitting in court in a criminal trial. he talked about how as you noted, he wanted to testify you be willing to testify, and he also talked about that jury selection process. take a lesson jury selection is largely luck. >> it depends who you get >> it's very >> unfair that i'm having a trial >> they're testifying. i tell the truth. i mean, all i can do is tell the truth and the truth is that there's no case >> now we do expect donald trump to make the most of his court appearances isn't by that. i mean, tried to turn it into a media circus when he can. there are no cameras inside of the courtroom, but he will be stopping by the cameras on the way in and out of the courtroom. we're also told that he's likely to do at least on some days, remarks at trump tower after his courtroom appearances like we have seen during those video appearances before. >> but one thing to keep in mind and >> we were told by the campaign that this is going to interfere with this campaign schedule, that they were going to schedule these campaign events on wednesdays and saturdays
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because he's in court every other day but this upcoming week, he does not have an event on wednesday, so he will be in new york the entire week. wolf all kristen holmes in palm beach for us. kristen, thank you very much. there's more breaking news. we're following right now. attorneys for donald trump have just made a new request of the judge overseeing this hush-money trial only three days before jury selection is set to begin monday morning. >> let's >> bring in cnn's kara scannell. she's got the latest information for us, cara, what is this last-minute request? >> so trump's team wants the judge to alter some of this one main question that he's posing to the jury pool. the judge said he would ask all the jurors when they commented, assemble of right off the bat, if anyone thought that they couldn't be fair or impartial or for any other reasons such as travel hello, religious commitments, be unable to serve on the jury. anyone who puts their hands up, the judge said he would excuse saying that polling people individually is time-consuming and doesn't
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generally yield any different outcome. trump's lawyers are asking the judge to separate those questions. they want to know who says that they can't be fair and impartial distinct from those who said they can't serve because of some other commitment. this is all because they're trying to build some data as far as their appeal goes, as earlier this week, they asked the judge, they as an appellate judge to stop the trial that was denied. one of the reasons is there have been arguing that trump gap get a fair trial in new york in manhattan, where this jury pool will be pulled from because manhattan nights have tended to vote democratic they wanting to build some data. now for that appeal by trying to understand how much, how many people in the jury pool say that they would be biased against trump and they want to separate that from people who just otherwise couldn't serve the district attorney's office will have a chance to weigh in on this, though it is just a few two days away from jury selection and it'll be up to the judge to decide on monday morning how he's going to handle that. but everything for now is still ago. wealth >> monday morning, we'll i'll be watching this jury selection
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as it unfolds. kara scannell. thank you very much. let's get some more. donald trump's legal troubles with our senior legal analyst, elie honig. and see you in an anchor, kaitlan collins well you how unusual is this sort of request to amend jury questions on this? the eve of the start of this historic trial, first time in american history, a former president will face criminal charges in a trial. how do you think the judge is likely to respond? >> well, we'll donald trump has made a series of unreasonable motions that have failed throughout this week. but this particular request is completely reasonable and i think fair and it wouldn't even surprise me if the de agrees. so here's what the judge said. he's going to do. he said he's going to start jury selection by say, is there anyone here who cannot serve either because of hardship, meaning? and you have a job that prevents you or some other impediment or because you have such strong bias, you can't sit on this case and all the trump has said he wants the judge to do is separate those into two different questions so that if if and when he needs to appeal, it will be able to say, look how many people we lost that of
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our jury pool because of bias that will take essentially zero extra time and it actually will make for a clearer record here. and i think it makes sense for the judge to do it. i think it's a perfectly reasonable and rational request by trump's team >> important. kaitlan collins, what's your takeaway from hearing? donald trump called the jury selection process and i'm quoting him now, largely luck i think it shows what a focus this is. this is going to be what kicks off this entire process will, starting on monday and it it has been an intense point of focus from trump's legal team for the last several days, even as they've been trying to delay this trial time and time again, 12 efforts in total, none of them which worked. i should note. and the last several weeks this is going to be going forward and they have been hyper-focused on what this jury is going to look like because as ellie has noted it's not necessarily about what the actual arguments are going to be, what it's going to look like. it's what the jurors decide that means i mean, we've seen just the emphasis of that in the last several days. and it also shows trump is basically reluctantly accepted,
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reluctantly accepted that this is going to be starting on monday despite all of those efforts by them to delay it and they know what influences house on the jury. the question i have is how it changes trump's behavior inside the courtroom because we've seen where he's been a courtroom and there has been a jury in there, whether it was deciding how much e. jean carroll was going to be awarded in her defamation damage images where trump will speak loudly when he talks to his attorneys are all have those moments where he makes clear that he is displeased with what's actually taking place inside the courtroom does he do that once this jury has been empaneled in this case, is going to be a big question. he often thinks that he can sway people when he says wolf, that he's going to testify i mean, you got to remember that with with a lot of doubt because he's said that before. i remember during the robert mueller investigation, he claimed he was willing to testify. he never wants went and sat down and did an interview with them against the advice of his attorneys. they said he shouldn't. and so we'll see if he actually ends up getting on the stand in this case, we will find out le what are the unique challenges of selecting a jury in this? okay.
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and how long would that take >> well, this is a unique historical challenge that everyone's facing come monday. now, we have, first of all, a defendant, donald trump, who has 100% name recognition universally known and recognized. but we've had that before. we've had situations like that before. what makes trump, especially unique as he it tends to evoke such strong emotions politically and personally, such strong feelings for and against and candidly in this pool of manhattan night, it's predominantly against. he also happens to be running for president later on this year. and so the trick here is going to be for the judge and the parties to sift through people. first of all, you'll get rid of people who say, i just feel too strongly. one way or the other. i can't i can't decide on that. but the trick is gonna be, what do you do with people who say, i can be fair here? yes, i don't like him politically, but i can be fair here. that's where the instinct and the strategy is going to come into play here, it will be very, very sensitive indeed, kaitlan monday will be at historic de as i said, when the first criminal trial of a
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former, you wes president actually begins, what should we expect from that day? >> i think it's, it's hard to know wolfe because yes, we know what a criminal trial looks like, but we've never seen anything like this before and something that typically most people probably wouldn't pay attention to, like jury selection is going to become a huge point of focus. and as trump is saying, nope it may be one of the most important factors going into this. and so i think it's just to prepare to expect the unexpected. i mean, there won't be cameras inside the courtroom, but are reporters will be in there will obviously be covering the key moments of this and what it looks like and what it means. i think another thing for the trump team that they are watching closely and that it's not so clear until actually happens, what it's going to look like is how he responds when all of these people from his past and get up there on the witness stand in front of him and it's not just the michael cohen's and the stormy daniels and maybe the karen mcdougal's. it's also people wolf who used to work closely with him. people like hope hicks, who certainly could be called to the stand. all of that is going to be something
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weeks as this gets uerway >>aitlancollins and el honig to botof youtandby. w're gna get back to you. there's more we need to discuss justhead. ce president mala harris rips into donald trump and republicans over thessue of abortionigs for women, why she'accusing theormer present ofaslighting voters us new comments from president biden. now what he believes is the timeline of a potential iran strike against israel. stay with us you're in the situation room our pharmacy has been in business for nearly 100 years. a wife and i have run it for the last 30 america i can technology is making this more efficient and customer-friendly. we use online tools to fill prescriptions process insurance claims, and make deliveries. but some in washington sen. want to undermine the technology tools we rely on. their misguided agenda will empower are foreign adversaries. and hurt small businesses like ours are later
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ketoacidosis >> close captioning is brought to you by skechers hands-free slip ends just slip in. that's all i need to do with my new hands-free skechers, into. it's like slipping have an invisible built-in shoe horn. so my foot slides into place what could be better? >> i'm drugs, i want to be on the campaign trail in omaha in this is cnn >> there's more breaking news. we're following right now. vice president of kamala harris, ripping into republicans on the issue of abortion rights. cnn, white house correspondent priscilla alvarez is joining us from tucson, arizona right now. priscilla this was a direct attack by the vice president on donald trump and his party >> this was a window into 2024 as the two go back and forth on this issue of abortion only moments after former president donald trump said that we broke roe v. wade, and also that states were doing exactly what they should vice president kamala harris hit right back hey, listen
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>> let's ago >> standing beside speaker johnson donald trump just said the collection of state bans is quote working the way it is supposed to and as much harm as he has already caused a second trump term would be even worse donald trump's friends and the united states congress are trying to pass a national ban and understand a national ban would outlaw abortion in every state even states like new york and california and trump wants us to believe he will not sign a national ban enough with the gas lighting, enough with the gas lighting?
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>> now the vice president also went on to say that former president donald trump wants to take the united states back to the 1800s and reference there to the law that the arizona supreme court ruling revivim this week calling that inflection point and also tying the former president directly to these unpopular abortion bans, dubbing them, trump abortion bans. of course, the vice president keeping this front and center as democrats tried to seize on this issue a salient political issue for them going into november, hoping that it will mobilize voters and turn them out to in the state. we also learned that this week the biden campaign will four more hormone money into ads, abortion-related ads that are going to be airing in this battleground state. wolf priscilla alvarez >> reporting for us, priscilla, thank you. our political experts are joining me now with more analysis and kaitlan collins, let me start again with you, the vice president put the blame for this near-total abortion ban squarely on trump? hello what we just heard from her signal, how 2024 will be fought on this
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specific issue >> yeah. i mean, welcome to the next six months of our lives, wolf, because that's the split screen that just played out right there before us. this was not what trump was extensive, sensibly going to be talking about at that press conference. but obviously he got questions on it given what happened in arizona this week where that ban from 18, 64 was reinstated into law. and so now trump is dealing with this issue that he thought he had put to bed by saying that it will be left up to the states as he did on monday. and now he is dealing with these questions. and i think it's obviously very clear by his answers there on what he believes this is going to look like, saying that there's not a need for a federal abortion ban because roe versus wade was overturned. and then claiming wrongly that all legal scholars agreed it was an issue that should be decided by the states. obviously wolf, we've heard from legal scholars on his heir who have said that they don't agree with that, but that those telling moment was when trump was asked if he's pro-choice or not, and he didn't answer
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the question. he was asking me is pro-life or pro-choice. and he said, you know, the answer to that question, but of course, wolf, that has been one of the famous issues that trump has waffled don and changed his position on over the last several decades. and so he did not say yes or no? now one way or another, people like ron desantis is that they do not believe trump is actually at his core, pope pro-life than this is just a matter of political convenience for him. and that is why his position has changed. you're going to see how the vice president is using it like she did just there in tucson today? >> alice stewart, i want to play that clip that moment that katelyn just a reference listen to this issue said that he would sign it federal abortion ban. a congress sent to your dad. why should americans structure word that would not do it? now if you were real, because we don't need it any longer because we broke roe v. wade and we did something that nobody thought was possible. we gave it back to the states. >> both pick yourself pro-choice and pro-life. which one
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>> but you know exactly which one it is. and when i was in new york and when i was a democrat also just like ronald reagan, ronald reagan was a democrat, sort of a very similar path. >> but >> if you look at what we've done with roe v. wade, we did something that everyone said couldn't be done and we got it done and i give great credit to the supreme court and the justices for having the courage to do it what they did is very simply give it back to the state >> me, alice stewart, how do you think conservatives are going to react to that answer from trump? >> well, they understand like president trump does, that there is a political liability to this issue right now. look, he was extremely pro-life in this the republican primary, but turning into the general election, needing to appeal to broader electorate. he understands you need to moderate the position on this and look, i think it's important from a political standpoint in a communication standpoint, der really button up the pro-life message in this post, world and vice president harris was exactly right when
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this is back in the hands of people in the states and they're looking at the decision of more bands, more suffering and less freedoms every time this issue has come up at the state level, it has gone to the pro-abortion crowd and it's a very energizing message. so i think it's important for trump and republicans up and down the ticket to make sure that we understand that you can be pro-life, you can be a anti-abortion, but you also understand the political reality and make sure we communicate. look, we must have exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother. we need to stop talking about bands and talk about abortion limits and do everything we can to pivot from abortion to issues that are top of mind, such as the economy, immigration, and national security i good luck with that. >> first of all, you just saw the defendant in chief donald trump bumbling, stumbling duck and dodge, and he sounded like a defendant. and you also saw the prosecutor in chief vice
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president harris is in her element on this xu this is the vice president harris, the republican party doesn't want to see because she's comfortable in this role. she is a prosecutor. she was a district attorney, she's an attorney general when she was in the senate, she knew how to proceed, would put people on the hot seat and grill them and drilling. and this is her at her best today is the best use of perfectly campaign. she's spanked him. she walked in, she made him look horrible. the split-screen is embarrassing and it's going to be this way for the next six months. she takes us partially. this is a you can see, this means something to her. what she's talking about, freedom for women. she's talking about her own sisters. you talk about our own nieces and people she knows. she cares about it that was vice president harris as a prosecutor in chief on this issue that republicans are in trouble. trump >> kaitlan could trump saying arizona's near-total abortion ban did that go too far? does it complicate democratic
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efforts to pin the blame for this? law on him >> it remains to be seen who voters hold accountable and how they vote, especially on that abortion measure that we do expect to be on the ballot in arizona come november wolf, but it's a very difficult position. i mean, just watch what kari lake is doing. she is someone who had this comment recorded where she was saying that this law this abortion ban, was a great law that was on the book. and she seemed to say it with all the genuineness in the world. and now she has had to completely flip-flop her position on that. she's putting out 5.5 minute long videos where she saying that that video that should not be the law of the land in arizona. trump himself is turning to the democratic governor in arizona, saying that they should fix this immediately. of course, that's the person that he wanted to lose to kari lake when he wanted her to be the governor of arizona. so it puts them at an incredibly difficult position. i don't think any republican will not concede that fact, at least not privately. wolf. and so it just makes it difficult because trump saying, leave it up to
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the states, but then he doesn't like how oh, it's left up when it is left up to the states and arizona at least. and so i think it does make it a very complicated message. and it would tight rope for him to walk before the next seven months play out. >> good point events should president biden have come to arizona himself to address this critical issue in this key battleground state i think he did the right thing, sent in the attack dogs and then the prosecutor send in a vice president harris, i think a lot to have been frustrated. she has been used more when you in june when she's got an issue that she cares about passionately like like this one. and you put are in front of a crowd and let her do what she does to prosecute the case. she's unstoppable. she did fantastic today. they should use her over and over again. you bring him by later on wherever you want to, but don't take the deck gum handcuffs off or count kamala harris, let her get out here and fight for this issue >> sensitive issue indeed, alice, give me your final thoughts >> i can't disagree with fan
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at all. i do think the vice president made a very compelling argument. she certainly was full of passion and them and vigor, and also the fact sending her out on the road on this, she's not really bound by the hatch act, so she can be a little bit more political say than the president. so i think it's a good use of her, her talents and the messaging and republicans really need to wake up so this is going to be the message, certainly in arizona, it's a galvanizing message and we caught the car or the dog that caught the car. now we have to figure out what we're going to do in this post world as democrats motivate pro-choice voters, we need to motivate pro-life voters and realize that trump's policies are better than biden's. >> we'll see how it all on false. >> we're going to backtrack hello, are you all right, guys? thank >> you very, very much. important note to our viewers. be sure to watch kaitlan on her program, the source at 9:00 p.m. eastern later tonight, right here on cnn. and coming up waves of rockets fired into israel today as the country remains on high alert for a potential retaliatory strike
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from iran will have a live report from jerusalem on the escalating tensions. that's coming cnn saturday morning starting tomorrow at eight on cnn >> we talk about cash back and kevin hart. not again static gain talking about cashback, we talking about cash back. >> and i talking about bragg. know. >> we talked about cash back and we talk about cash. we talked about cash we've been talking about practice for too lone word, no practice. we talked about cashback, talking about cashback, we not talking about a guy. >> cashback like a pro with chase, freedom unlimited. how do you cash >> chased >> make more of what your freedom unlimited? >> now, adt professionally installs google nest products >> you're a all set are in the system. >> we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt one,
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>> sot luxury mattresses made affordable >> great teammates trust each other. we're going to do a trust walls stand up. you close your eyes. i'll say >> for trust. >> what summary of dark >> i told you it was a dummy >> there's breaking news. >> we're following president biden does not warning that an iranian military attack on israel could be imminent. those remarks coming with the middle east, i'm very high alert right now as the us sends more assets to the region, listen to this >> on, israel from iran, mr. president expectation suitable. >> what is to iran in this moment
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>> don't >> cnn's jeremy diamond is standing by for his live in jerusalem. he's got an update. so what does israel bracing for right now, jeremy? >> well, wolf tonight is really forces are certainly on high alert, anticipating a potential iranian response, one that could even come on israeli soil in response for that israeli strike that. killed a senior iranian commander in damascus, syria earlier last week, the israeli military's top up general, general herzi halevi, saying that israeli forces are prepared and ready to respond to any scenario. and tonight already we've seen israeli forces responding to a barrage of rockets that were fired by hezbollah towards northern israel. about 40 rockets were intercepted or fell into open areas in israel, two explosive drones were also intercepted by israeli defense systems that is not the iranian response that we are waiting for though we're waiting for something perhaps much more significance from a
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itself or its proxy forces israeli officials say that they are prepared for any scenario. there are also trying to deter a potential iranian tack by stressing cooperation with the united states today, top israeli officials were spotted with general kurilla, the head of us central command, putting that cooperation in the spotlight >> i know you're also following a deadly settler rampage in the occupied west bank that just occurred. what can you tell us about that? >> yeah, that's right. well, if hundreds of israeli settlers stormed an error village in the west bank today, setting fire to homes as well as cars. one palestinian man was killed by an israeli settler, according to the head of the village council, mean abu alia, the israeli military said it said as soldiers into disperse the riots, it also said that its forces came under rocks that were thrown at them and that they responded with fire. the settlers, we should note, we're looking for a 14-year-old boy
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who went missing about a mile away from that village. but wolf there is no evidence that the palestine kenyans in that village were involved in his disappearance at all. will. >> all right. jeremy diamond in jerusalem for us. thank you for that update. i want to bring in democratic senator chris. these are key member of the senate foreign relations committees, also the national co-chair for president biden's reelection campaign. senator, thanks so much for joining us. how eminent do you think? think this array reining in retaliation could be imminent is a very, very powerful would word, could this be a multi-pronged attack from a proxies, not directly necessarily from iran well, if it certainly could, hezbollah is one of the most capable, best equipped, and armed of the iranian >> proxies that are arrayed around israel's borders. the who ties in yemen, who had been harassing civilian shipping in the red sea. hamas, obviously, which carried out a barbaric attack on october 7, and a
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whole series of militias in syria and in all of those are iranian-backed, trained and equipped proxies throughout the region. any one of which could carry out attacks on israeli and american interests i am, of course encouraged to see that our president is standing strong with israel, sending one of our key military leaders to plan and consult, dispatching warships to the region and making it clear publicly and privately to iran that they should not think the united states will in any way step back from defending israel from an iranian attack >> the commander of the us military's central command, which oversees the entire middle east, is now in israel for those coordinating talks, the pentagon at the same time as you know, senator is moving additional military assets to the region, to the middle east. how high is the risk of all this spiraling into a much larger regional conflict, potentially involving the united states well, that's been
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a significant risk since those october 7 attacks by hamas terrorists on israelis and president biden moved decisively six months ago by deploying two aircraft carrier battle groups of thousands of marines and other forces to the region and issuing clear sure and direct pushback to iran at the time and when militias attacked a number of american basis and facilities and personnel in the region of president biden took action and we haven't had any more attacks on americans in the last several months this is a real risk. iran is a real threat to stability, security, and peace in the region and the united states and our other regional allies, obviously principally, israel, need to stand firm. one of the reasons that hamas carried out this horrific attack back on october 7, six months ago has to stop the recognition by saudi arabia of
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israel and the potential reconciliation of israel with much of the arab world. that's long been iran. goal is to keep israel isolated. it's important to remember that iran has gone to great lengths to train arm and equip a whole series of proxies throughout the region that have continually contributed to chaos and destabilization? >> yeah, we saw some of that unfold just a beginning part of it earlier today in the northern part of israel, we saw those rockets, those missiles coming into kiryat shmona, the israeli town in the northern part of israel, audie israeli settler attack and the occupied west bank today, a witness tells cnn senator that the idf, the israel defense forces arrived on the scene but didn't stop the settlers. how should the biden administration respond to that >> well. i, don't know the details of today's incident, wolf, but broadly across the last couple of months the administration has engaged forcefully when there have been incidents of settler violence that seemed to be in some ways
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either facilitated or tolerated by idf. and in particular reserve elements in fact, at one point, a number of months ago now, the administration issued some visa sanctions against individuals who seem to be inciting violence in the west bank. the west bank is a potential tinderbox. and there were recent press accounts that iran had been smuggling weapons into the west bank. i think it's important that we work closely with our partners in israel to tamp down any possibility of either settler violence or of another wave of uprisings in the west bank that could further destabilized the whole region senator chris. >> thank you >> so much as usual for joining us and just ahead. we're looking at the timeline that led to donald trump's criminal trial scheduled to start on monday when we say it will be on time, they expect it to be on time >> turned shipping to your advantage, keep those
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don't wait- call today. at >> i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles. >> in this is cnn >> there's more breaking news coming in right now, the judge overseeing donald trump's hush money case has just rejected trump's latest attempt to delay the trial. it's set to begin on monday. brian todd has a closer look now at how this historic case all came together
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>> it wasn't until almost 12 years after the affair allegedly occurred that the world first learned of the allegations of hush money payments to stormy daniels in january 2018, the wall street journal reported that in the weeks before the 2016 election, donald trump had arranged a $130,000 payment to the adult film star to keep her from publicly discussing their alleged 2006 encountered later, former trump attorney michael cohen testified that trump directed him to make payments today. venules quote, for the principal purpose of influencing the election. and that trump later reimbursed him. cohen serve jail time for campaign finance violations related to the hush money payments and gave jarring testimony to congress. >> i am ashamed that i chose to take part in concealing this to trump's elicit acts, rather than listening to my own conscience >> donald trump has always denied having an affair with stormy daniels in april 2018, trump was asked by reporters about hush money but later in
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2018, in an ethics filing, trump acknowledged reimbursing michael cohen for more than $100,000, but didn't say what it was for daniel spoke to anderson cooper in a cvs interview about the alleged payment. >> was it hush money to stay silent? >> yes. >> i believe without a shadow of a doubt in my heart. and some people argue that i don't have one of those, but whatever that i was doing the right thing, that same year, the new yorker magazine detailed reports that trump had had an affair with former playboy model, karen mcdougal she spoke to anderson cooper about it >> the only regret i how about their relationship that i had with donald was the fact that it was married the wall street journal reported four days before the 2016 election that the publisher of the national enquirer tabloid had paid mcdougal $150,000 for the rights to her story shortly after trump became the republican nominee for
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president. but that the inquiry hi, we're never published. the story, catch and kill, that is pay someone and then kill a story that would be damaging to donald >> i knew the story wasn't going to be printed. they didn't want to hurt him >> trump has denied having an affair with mcdougal. he was indicted a year ago on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to the daniels hush money payments. he's pleaded not guilty. cohen daniels and mcdougal are among those expected to be on the witness list for this trial. how credible a witness would daniels be? >> she seemed like she would make a very good witness if i were trying the case, i'd be happy to put on the stand what really helps the prosecution here is what she is talking about is all corroborated in the documents >> the trial is scheduled to begin monday with jury selection, potential jurors will be asked 42 questions, including their feelings about donald trump, whether they ever participated in a rally for or against trump, and whether they can be fair and impartial, but they will not be asked what party they belong to for who
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they voted for, wolf, interesting, very significant. brian todd. thank you. coming up, there's new reporting on chaos at colleges here in the united states. the change meant to make the federal financial aid process easier is actually making it harder for students how it really happens. >> sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn file 100% free with triple tax-free addition, roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form ten, 40, and limited the credits only. see how it will >> that's me >> so which like are we operating? asking the right >> question can greatly impact your future? >> sure. you're an orthopedist, especially when it comes to your finances, a us certified financial planner, i'm a cfp professional cop professionals are committed to acting in your best that's why it's gotta be a cfd. >> it's so important to have that good night sleep because of injuries over the years, especially after i retired, it
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[ laughs ] aah! protect everything your family does online with aura. made affordable >> great teammates trust each other. we're going to do a trust falls, stand up, you close your eyes for trust. >> what summary of dark >> i told you it was a dummy >> can i president biden is touting another round of student loan relief, seven billion for 277,000 borrowers but for more than 1 million high school seniors, the disastrous rollout of a new financial aid form is throwing college plans into chaos. cnn's renee marcia has details maryland high school senior dakota west has her sights set on running, tracking college and studying to be an >> ob-gyn. but with just weeks to go before the decision deadline for colleges and
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universities west is in limbo. >> i wasn't expecting april to come around. i still wouldn't know what let's google. i was going to that she's been accepted into eight schools, but like more than 1 million other high school seniors across the country, west can't make one of the most important decisions of her life picking which college to attend all because of the us department of education's does the asterisk rollout of the new free application for federal student aid form, also known as fasfa. >> it's nerve-wracking. it really is financial aid >> packages detailing what scholarships and grants students will receive usually go out by march but she liked most other students have not received a package that means she doesn't know if she can afford to attend a particular school. >> it's not like we are sitting on a pot of gold and being able to plan for things like this. >> it >> helps to set you up for success. the average >> cost of attendance in the 2021, 2022 academic year was
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more than $55,000 per year for a private non-profit institution. and $26,000 per year for public congress issued a bipartisan mandate to simplify the historically burdensome financial aid app location form. >> that is >> the gateway to billions of dollars for students who need help affording college >> form the hundred and eight questions. >> it's now down from a maximum of 108 questions to as few as 18, making applying to and affording college easier. but the new form rollout has been plagued by delays, data, errors, and technical glitches. >> i press zero for the representative. she's like we experiencing historically high called valleys >> students have flooded social media to vent their frustrations. >> this rollout has been >> disastrous on capitol hill this week, justin drew greg, or testified on behalf of college and university financial aid offices. >> we are in an awful place
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today. 20% of the files that schools have our riddled with errors and another 20% of the files on top of that, on average, don't have the numbers that the financial aid office is need to actually calculate any awards. >> the education department says, the fasfa website is now running glitch free. can you explain how did all of this becomes such a mess? >> we had to re-engineer systems that in some cases are older than the parents who were filling out the form but our focus right now is trying to get financial aid information to schools. so that they can make eight offers to students as quickly as possible. >> well the education department says that they've >> processed more than 7 million applications. they're still working though to make corrections to applications sent to schools with inaccurate information. now students who still need to make corrections to their applications and have been unable to, they will be able to by early next week.
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that's according to the department of education. and on capitol hill democratic lawmakers are turning their focus to a federal contractor, general dynamics, which received a $121,000,000 contract to modernize wolf this online portal so they want to find out what role they had to play in this really botched rollout. >> they're going to figure this out, renamed marsh. thank you very much. excellent reporting. and we'll be right back with more news >> it looks complicated that's why vision >> works, organizes our frames by shape and price. so it's simple to find a pair. you'll love. >> there the shapes. that's the price. >> vision works. see the difference at granger. >> we know the ones who get it done where a lot of hats that's why we're always here for you with professional great product and the knowledge to help answer tough product question call, click grainger or just that hi brainard for the ones who get it done
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course, he surrendered his passport, no travel. he's not allowed to gamble on or offline. he's not allowed to even speak to a bookmaker and the judge said he must seek gambling addiction treatment >> mizuhara's lawyer >> said he was planning on doing that anyway. >> i just want to read you the last couple of lines of the >> complaint against mizuhara. this is allegedly a text from the bookie to mizuhara, the interpreter. it says obviously you didn't steal from him the reply from the interpreter technically, i did steal from him. it's all over for me a couple of questions still remain. he apparently $140 million lost 180. that's a $40 million shortfall we're told him and he stole 16 from shohei ohtani. so some of the math doesn't quite add up their another condition of his bond. he's not allowed to contact shohei ohtani. he'll be back in court may 9th. meantime, shohei ohtani, the golden boy of the dodgers, and $700,000,000 man. he's playing great the dodgers
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are gonna be playing again tonight. couple of hours from now, dodger stadium, just a mile up the road against the padres. will find nick what reported frehse nic facts and to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. the news continues next on sienna >> tonight are three 60. the first former president ever to face criminal trial says he would testify, but that does t mean he will new filings and new details tonight so with arizona. now, back to 18 64 oabortion vice present harris goes there to make try to make sure that it is voting issue this year. and an exclusive look and how one big city is fighting a national problem. wholesale outbreak of retail theft that's costing businesses billions. >> good evening. we begin tonight with breaking news, two big >> items go into monday's new york hush money trial. the first of four criminal trials that donald trump is facing. there's breaking news is


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