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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 13, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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saying that they are prepared to help israel intercept anything that is incoming into israel. and the top us general for the middle east general erik kurilla here it's been in israel for several days preparing for this variety of scenarios. >> no question. and some of those assets being moved into the region are specifically for that task of potentially shooting down anything incoming. just briefly, alex, the lesson around have been communicating directly and indirectly to what end? >> well, both public and private messages from iran to the united states, essentially saying stay out of it, that this is between us and israel. the us has responded saying that you should not go after us targets and don't escalate the situation. and that is a message that iran has been getting from a number of different corners from the europeans, from the arabs to what extent they will listen remains to be seen. we could back to a very calculated but very significant retaliation by iran. jim no question. we know all eyes are watching right now. alex marquardt. thanks so much for joining and thanks so much all of you for joining us.
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the news continues right here on cnn well, welcome to all you watching us here in the united states, canada, and all around the world. i'm kim brunhuber. this is cnn newsroom don't wasn't biden, won in rainy and attack on israel could be the eminence want a live report on what it means for regional escalation plus >> this ban here in arizona is one of the biggest after shocks. yet >> vice president kamala harris in arizona ripping into donald trump over abortion rights, will look at how the former president's past comments on this because you could affect his chances in the battleground state and high winds couldn't stop tiger woods from sending a record of the masters. cnn sport's andy scholes jones be live from augusta national with all the details >> live from atlanta.
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>> this is cnn newsroom with kin group we'll get to those stories in a moment, but we begin with breaking news out of australia now, we're going to bring you a live look at sydney, australia police there, say at least five people are dead after a stabbing attack at a shopping mall. the news conference earlier, this our police said one of their officers shot and killed the attacker the new south wales assistant police commissioner said the attacker raised his knife at the officer and she opened fire and have a look here in this video, you can see people running from the scene to escape the violence. this was at the westfield ban dei junction shopping center one witness said the scene was pandemonium. was this >> no. i saw a woman lying on the floor in michigan, chanel's um, i didn't see him properly. i was running but it's just it was insane. it was insanity. i wasn't expecting it >> what it's about. i don't
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know if some guy running around stabbing people seem pretty random. probably a terrorist >> we just looked thank somedy who is injured down there. we're just looking because everyone waski see whatas going on. then we saw all these people runni towards us. and en we had a shot hnd drag this into the a dash sharp, and then we've got the lady they're trying lock the doors and then she couldn't lock the front door. so we went in the face which which has all locked, and then we were in there until the police came together >> emergency services confirmed to cnn that eight people, including a child, were taken to hospital. there's no word on their conditions. investigators say they're not ruling anything out when it comes to a possible motive angus watson joins us now from sydney via phone. so angus, i mean, take us through what we've been learning about this knife attack >> can ride here. now outside westfield bond adjunction, there is still a major police
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operation underway looking through the glass here at this mega mall very large westfield shopping center, you can see heavily armed police moving through the shops from the outside windows and heavy tactical gear with very large gun. this is still unfolding here. there is ambulances on scene oh, sorry. is checking to make sure there are no people still in this shopping mall. kim. now, what we know is this all happened just before 4:00 in the afternoon here in sydney when this area under junction was incredibly busy thousands of people enjoying a sunny day out shopping when a man and the police saying acted alone, entered the shopping mall with a knife, stabbing people. he the police say that he engaged. they say with at least nine people now, five people, as you say, have been tragically killed. and the man in question
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has been shot dead. now you mentioned that at police not ruling anything out, but they have said that right now, there's no initial indication that this was a terror attack. they are not ruling out terror, but there's nothing at this stage to say that that's what this man's motivation was taken. listen to what police had to say there's nothing the way are aware of at the same that would indicate any modi for any audiology we don't ruling anything out >> so kim, the prime minister, anthony albanese, has sent his well-wishes to the families of the people who were injured, saying that those people are in his thoughts, but we don't yet know who they are. we don't have any identification on the potential on the victim hey, kim or the offender >> all right. and we'll have will bring more information to our viewers as we get it. angus
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watson in sydney. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> you information from >> us sources about a possible iranian attack on israel, a senior administration official and a source familiar with the intelligence tells cnn they expect iran to carry out strikes inside israel. they also say that iranian proxy groups could be involved in the attack. iranian attack on israel could be retaliation for the israeli strike on an iranian diplomatic compound in syria last week, that attack killed three iranian generals and several other people at the white house on friday, us president joe biden says an attack from inside iran or from its proxy forces and other countries could happened suit and harris you. >> come >> around. mr. president >> expectation don't cnn's jomana karadsheh is live in
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london. so jomana, what is the latest on this threat from iran? >> well, you know, kim, since that strike by the israelis on april 1st, that killed senior commanders of iranians irgc, the revolutionary guard in that strike on the diplomatic, the console or compound in damascus, everyone in the region has really pretty much been on edge special chilean israel, as they wait and anticipate the iranian response and the iranians have been clear saying that they will retaliate and it is something you would expect after such a brazen attack by the israelis on high level commanders from the iranian revolutionary guard corps. so the question has been since then, what sort of a retaliation are we going to be seeing? what form is it going to take? what is the scale where, how will it be iran directly? quickly carrying out this retaliatory strike or
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strikes, or are we going to be seeing iran using its proxies and allies in the region to do this. now, what we are hearing from various us sources, us officials, in the last 24 hours is that they're saying that this is pretty much looking imminent at this point as you heard from president biden, there, they are also saying that this is going to be iran carrying out an attack inside israel. it could also potentially be using its proxy sees in these attacks that it would potentially involve drones and missiles. and one, and the number of us officials as well, telling cnn that they have intelligence that the iranians have been moving assets, military assets, and weapons inside the country, including drones cruise missiles, according to one official, up to 100 cruise missiles being readied. it is unclear whether this is going to be used in the iranian retaliation or if this is posturing kim because israel has made clear if it is
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attacked, it is going to respond as well >> inside >> iran. so if this is iran posturing in anticipation of any sort of response let's but we also need to keep in mind we have also heard from sources kim saying that the iranians, one to respond as they have made clear, but at the same time they want this to be a calculated and measured response. the big question also remains not only how will iran respond, but how will israel respond to any sort of attack by the iranians as well? >> yeah, so much is still unknown appreciate the update. jomana karadsheh in london. appreciate that now, joining me is fox on sabbat? he is a senior research associate with the geneva graduate institute. thank you so much for being here with us so to build on what we were just discussing there in terms of ron's likeliest options to iran could. for example, carry a type of for tat and an attack on an israeli diplomatic
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facilities bloody in another country. they could attacked israel directly. >> and >> you think the likely here might be an attack carried out via one of ron's proxies. what do you think is the most likely scenario here? >> my good. >> we're >> having this meeting, having me on this question so i wanted to likely to retaliate using and what its proxies simply because they may be seen as up to snuff in terms of responding to the damage that israel pulling down on a facility as well as play long number of more junior officers. >> think >> some food on direct retaliation volume on itself. those in an order for monday supplemented attacks from its absolute resistance to the law, i saw a lot with them work groups in syria and iraq. >> you talked about sort of pleasing hard liners. i wonder who's actually making the
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decisions on this and what role do those hardliners play here? >> but the most senior level these types of decisions are made by the supreme national security council, which is hottest decision-making body on national decision, national security questions and enforced attack of this level would have to have the sign off supreme leader ayatollah headed combinator probably at this moment, the instinct of view, very senior decision-makers is to based on classic which is then if the attack is perceived as being too weak willed, anger inside you have iran has not responded firstly, enough to the assassination and killings of iranian honore see officers even going before october november, and december, but israel i'm talking to you i'm
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going to also israel's very likely to condemn such strong messages have been going back and between the us and iran through >> diplomatic channels. how effective do you think that diplomacy will be and how likely is it do you think that despite that this attack or after after the attack and israel's response, it might trigger an offensive spiral that might eventually involve the us number and a level of messages that have been going to your mom, both from the united states, in directed for european officials through officials, through turkish officials, as well as others unlikely somewhat effective in scaling back the of the response. the other side of the goldilocks allowed in there were discussing is that iran attack is too strong, that israel will feel forced to
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respond from his mom, one and furthermore, could who don't calculation here either from the attacking two weeks, please don't and so these types of different play a role in helping your while to kind of scale it's been contemplated we will have to leave it there, but really appreciate your analysis far as on sabbat. thank you so much >> all right. still to come, what donald trump is doing, the help us house speaker mike johnson, who faces the threat of being ousted by hardline conservatives, plus trump's first criminal trial begins on monday and he faces possible jail time and take a closer look at how challenging jury selection could be. that's all just ahead. stay with us >> okay. everyone? our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition are strength and energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune
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allies. we are going forward word for word together >> if you have graves disease and blurry vision, you need clear answers. people with graves could also get thyroid eye disease, or ted, which may need a different i'm dr. find a ted is specialist at is-it >> did you know some dish soaps don't remove all the grease even with scrubbing >> i just clean them, tried on platinum, it removes 99% of greece and food residue. that's why don is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. don platinum, kliger to the squeak >> president donald trump showed but his support for house speaker mike johnson during a joint press conference at mar-a-lago on friday. now it comes amid a push from fellow republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene to oust johnson from the speakership. trump said johnson is quote, doing a very good job, adding that he knows green has a lot of respect for the speaker. trump also spoke about his criminal hush money trial well,
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let's set to begin monday in new york. curious >> jury selection is largely luck it depends who you get. it's very unfair that i'm having a trial. they're justifying. i tell the truth. i mean, all i can do is tell the truth and the truth is that there's no case despite trump's continued efforts to delay the trial, sources say he will be in the courtroom when jury selection starts on monday. he's charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records stemming from payments made to adult film star stormy daniels before the 2016 election? cnn's jessica schneider is in washington with more >> this is election interference. >> donald trump's outsized personality could present a challenge to lawyers monday as they set out to find 18 unbiased manhattan residents to decide trump's criminal hush money case you have a former president of the united states, someone who is very controversial how difficult is it going to be to seat a jury based on the defendant here?
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>> i think it's going to be difficult. it's going to take a long time. dr. leslie ellis has >> worked as a jury consultant for 25 years. she estimates it could take more than a week for lawyers to settle on 12 jurors plus six alternates, and for both sides, it may be more about weeding out the wrong ones than finding the right ones. >> one of overriding premise of jury selection is that it's a misnomer. it's dri d selection. it's sort of finding those two or three people who really scare you for whatever reason ben and to get rid of them, hundreds of potential jurors will arrive at the manhattan criminal courthouse monday morning, once inside the courtroom, they'll come face-to-face with trump. he has the right to sit through jury selection and sources tell cnn he plans to be there. anyone with conflicts like knowing someone involved in the case or strong biases? they can't disregard will likely be immediately dismissed then the work begins. each juror will have to answer 42 very specific questions out loud inside th
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courtroom. they range from where they live to whether they support extremist groups like q and on the proud boys or antifa, they'll even be asked to disclose what news organizations they listened to. really getting to understand who this juror is, what this jurors is going to do when he or she gets the evidence house is jurgen to interact with this code jurors, it's your own opportunity to get a feel for them as people and not as number 123, et cetera, this jury will be very different from the last one trump faced during the e jean carroll defamation case. that jury was in federal court and the jurors came not only from manhattan, but also a diverse array of surrounding counties this jury will only be drawn from manhattan. we're voters overwhelmingly shows joe biden in 2020, nearly 87% to 12% political affiliation it doesn't necessarily mean bias, right and that's what they're going to have to figure out there may be lots of reasons for somebody to vote for a candidate that don't
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necessarily de facto translate into a bias for or against the other candidate. >> the jurors who >> ultimately gets selected will not be known to the public. their name sims, images and identities will not be released even though lawyers on both sides, we'll know their names. dr. ellis says trump's attorneys and prosecutors will have to be on high alert for any potential juror who might hide their true feelings. an effort to ultimately append deliberations. >> i'm not a big believer that stealth jurors are everywhere, but in a case like this, there's definitely a higher risk of a stealth juror, meaning someone who intentionally keeps quiet about an opinion to get on the jury. they're not that common. they're not as common as a lot of people think. but here that's a real risk the jury pool will initially be about 500 people. there'll be called into the courtroom 100 at a time where they'll immediately disclosed any conflicts they have in the case and then potentially be dismissed the potential jurors that remain will answer 42 in-depth questions, and then there'll be further question by lawyers
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on both sides. so this could be a cumbersome process that takes more than a week. that means opening statements might not begin until the week of april 22. jessica schneider cnn, washington and you can watch cnn's special coverage of the trump hush money trial monday and 9:00 a.m. in new york, 2:00 p.m. in london >> all right. after the break, israel now says it will flood gaza with aid. for famine malnutrition are already there and that's neck plus former president trump signals he could get behind more aid for ukraine, but he won't give it away we'll explain. >> stay with us there's debris and this guy parents, husbands and wives, sky >> i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale tomorrow at nine on cnn >> stay tuned to get this fight piece ultra non-state bag. where is it free from granite,
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unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. info >> you >> jones mitchell. well
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>> welcome back to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada, and around the world. i'm kimberly hubert. this is cnn newsroom, an update now on the breaking news in sydney, australia, police say there are at least five people who've been killed after a stabbing attack at a shot shopping mall. one once ago, australia's prime minister said the attack was beyond words or understanding a news conference last hour, police said one of their officers shot and killed the attacker. the new south wales assistant police commissioner said the attacker raised his knife at the officer and she opened fire one man told reporters, he saw what happened. listen us >> got and getting coming home on the bus just coming around the corner. i saw ye, i follow a a gennd yellow t-shirt and he's gone that but then i saw him go the other way and i heard people yelling and screaming and running.o i said, ay, and they must be something goin. i s the yellow wanted a copper so sorry.o her and i followed it all the way upstairs up near there and our followed a
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justice. we got to around the clock, around the corner because i saw them coming in justice will be coming around the corner. there it was he just come here and just start a flattened towards us in order he was put it dan and then she shot him. but we are not in vinci. she didn't shoot him. well, he wouldn't give ganim who's on the rampage. he was on a rampage emergency services confirmed to cnn that eight people, including a child, were taken to hospital. there's no word on their conditions. investigators say they are not ruling anything out when it comes to a possible motive angus watson joins us now from sydney via phone so angus still a lot unknown, but take us through what we are learning about this horrific attack jim wright here outside westfield in bondo junctions, sydney's east. it is still a scene of our major police undertaking underway federal and state police officers here onto the on site as well as ambulances
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and paramedics we are not sure right now what the status is inside the more there is a possibility that there's might be people inside that's what the police they're looking for. people still hiding hours after this attack happened when around three, 30 in the afternoon, a man who police say was acting alone, entered this very busy shopping mall, swinging and knife, stabbing people, killing at least fires. one of the people that he injured was a baby through his now been saved. so hospital. kim. so as we just heard from the witness, there the attacker was taken down, shot by a police officer. now, prime minister anthony albanese, just speaking now labeled her a brave hero. she was alone. she did not have any backup, nor did she waits for other police
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south goes to arrive before she entered the mall track down the attacker and shot him dead there the prime minister saying that if she hadn't done that, put herself in danger in that way, that more people would have died. qin >> an act of bravery and heroism for sure. and angus so a public attack like this five dead, at least several injured, including a trial. i mean, it's not something australians are used to seeing. how are people they're reacting to this tragedy? >> with shock could certainly kim, this is not expected here in sydney. this was a beautiful saturday afternoon, people out shopping in a busy and vibrant area of town, enjoying themselves going about their business. and this attack occurring is just taking people absolutely by supply at price. and we pour that you heard from
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the prime minister as well, saying that there aren't words to describe the horror that people here have seen just as they go about their business. m police here w marshaling the situation much more the motivation for this t about horric actf violence. can weust't know yet >> yeah, police y the threat is over, buthe motive ill unknown. angus angus watson in sydney. ank you so much. appreciate it >> all right. >> now, the violence and turmoil in the middle east, two sources tell cnn they expect iran to carry out strikes inside israel. now that comes from a can you hear administration official and a source familiar with the intelligence last week israel struck in iriaconsulate in syria, us president joe biden says he expects iranian retaliation ll happen sooner rather than later asked what message he wants to send to
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iran, biden replied, don't israel says it carried out airstrikes on friday against ron back hezbollah in southern lebanon. the idf says the strikes hit military buildings. hezbollah was using hezbollah says it retaliated by firing dozens of rockets into israel now amid the israel-hamas war, the united nations has warned repeatedly that palestinian civilians were at risk of famine, was jeremy diamond reports, it's happening now in parts of gaza rami uttar has been waiting two months for this single box of humanitarian aid cans of meat and vegetables to feed his family of seven, a gunman was. >> this will be gone in ten days. he says his frustration unmistakable, and i'm going to celebrate. i don't know how it's going to be enough for evan people. i've been suffering here, being stuck for the last six to seven months and the un hasn't brought me anything to at least satiate my hunger six months into the war. famine is creeping into parts
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of gaza humanitarian aid agencies have been sounding the alarm for months, but now amid ramped up, us pressure, israel is suddenly taking major steps. to increase humanitarian aid. >> we plan to flood gaza with aid. defense minister uav golan said this week describing a new phase of humanitarian assistance that we'll see more aid flow into israel's port of us stood and into gaza via a new northern crossing point overnight, the first trucks of food aid crossing into northern gaza via that new crossing point israel says it has nearly doubled the number of humanitarian aid trucks getting into gaza over the last week. screening close to 400 trucks per day because we're dealing with the wrong part of the system. what jamie mcgoldrick, the un's >> humanitarian coordinator, says it's clear israel is suddenly shifting its approach to humanitarian aid. >> well, that's for sure. i mean, there has been changed. we've been asking for this for months the fact we would ask
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for more say kerem shalom to be open longer. we've asked for more routes and a corridor from jordan mv asked for all of the things that no. stout to say they're going to give us but ask the question, why didn't get it before four months, israeli leaders have rejected accusations that they are limiting aid into gaza or intentionally starving its population well, our policies do not have famine, but to have the entry of humanitarian support as needed and as much as is needed. >> but the sudden ramp-up, almost like flipping a switch, suggests israel could have done a lot more, a lot sooner. >> well, i think it was never seen to be a priority. i mean, i think for them as the war aims the objectives of the war that was first and foremost we're be seen as a sort of a second priority or even a nuisance value data from unrwa, the un's main agency in gaza, shows that israel has steadily allowed more aid into gaza since opening up humanitarian crossings on october 21, with the exception of february, when the number is but aid trucks
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dropped to less than 100 per day before slowly increasing again in march. >> but those numbers are all >> well below the 500 humanitarian aid and commercial trucks that entered gaza every day before the war. the impact of insufficient aid has been obvious four months it is marked all over the emaciated face of little leyla as you need barely three months old. she is among the 30% of children in northern gaza who are suffering from acute malnutrition and who desperately need more aid. now jeremy diamond, cnn jerusalem ukraine says at least two people were killed in a barrage of russian strikes over the past >> 24 hours. officials say more than 20 others were injured in attacks targeting at least three ukrainian regions, about 20 settlements in the northeast took artillery fire on the donetsk region was struck by
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mortars and artillery more than 2000 times meanwhile, former president donald trump may get on board with more aid for ukraine if kyiv eventually pays it back he spoke after >> meeting house speaker mike johnson that trump's resort in florida on friday, johnson has been holding up some $60 in military aid for months ukraine's president warned in recent days, his country will lose the war without more us help. trump, who is the presumptive republican presidential nominee said this we're looking at it right now and they're talking about it and we're thinking about making it in the form of a loan instead of just a gift, we keep handing out gifts >> of billions and billions of dollars and we'll take a look at it. >> vice president kamala harris is on the offensive over reproductive rights, and she's blasting trump or his role in rolling back abortion protections war on her push to energize voters after the break, boss will look at where arizona voters stand on on the issue. and if it turns the state from red to blue, stay with us tomorrow.
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save an average of 5%. learn more at after bragging about his role in ending the constitutional >> right to abortion in the republican presidential candidate donald trump says, he no longer supports a federal abortion ban. that's just one of his recent flip-flops on the issue. here's what he said on friday you have both yourself pro-choice and pro-life. which one >> would you know exactly which one it is >> wow, vice president kamala harris blasted trump at a rally in arizona harris warned that a second trump presidency would be worse than the first when it comes to reproductive rights. she also slammed arizona's supreme court recent ruling upheld an 18 64 law banning almost all abortions. cnn's priscilla alvarez has more from tucson >> vice president kamala harris, his trip to tucson, arizona provided a window into 2024 and how democrats are
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framing the issue of abortion and how they plan to attack former president donald trump only moments before the vice president took the stage. donald trump said that he broke roe versus wade and also set the stakes are doing exactly what they should on the issue of abortion. the vice president immediately heading back and just minutes ago standing beside speaker johnson donald trump just said, the collection of state bans is quote working the way it is supposed to >> and as >> much harm as he has already caused a second trump term would be even worse donald trump's friends in the united states congress are trying to pass a national ban and understand a national ban would outlaw abortion in every state even states like new york and california and now, trump wants
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us to believe he will not sign a national ban enough with the gas lighting, enough with the gas lighting? >> president also said that donald trump wants to take america back to the 1800s, referring there to the law that the arizona supreme court ruling revivim earlier in the week than all so saying that that decision was inflection point and trying to tie these unpopular abortion bans across the country to donald trump calling them, quote, trump, abortion ban dance of course, the biden campaign sees this issue as a salient political one heading into november and one that they're trying to use to mobilize voters to the polls. later this year, the vice president uniquely positioned on this issue she, earlier this year launched her reproductive freedoms tour. she's on six stops nationwide where she has repeatedly talked about this and tied the overturning of roe to former president donald trump. now the biden campaign is also pouring
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more money me into the state of arizona where they will be erring more abortion-related ads in this critical battleground state were voter turnout will be important for the biden campaign are still alvarez. cnn tucson, arizona for more on this. i'm joined by barrett marcelin, gop, political consultant. thank you so much for being here with us so you're in arizona, you're seeing plenty of visits from high profile democrats these days. obviously, they're keen to seize on this abortion is a winning issue. they want to transform the 2024 race into another referendum on abortion rights. so what do you make of what the vice president said? and the efforts especially to tie donald trump to these policies well, first of all, thanks for having me on kim. i appreciate it. >> well >> look, there is no one else to blame that is still alive at least for the 18, 64 pre-state
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hood law that bans virtually every single abortion. donald trump will be the one who bears the brunt likely four letting this essentially come into law this is a hugely winning issue, at least in arizona. we are a swing state. the biden administration hasn't been kind arizona interest rates for homes are 7% gases, $4 a gallon and even eggs are $304 a dozen it was he, the president faced a lot of headwinds, but this issue turns potentially turns arizona for my trump's state to a biden state. so it's no doubt they will take advantage of that here in the state donalds don't stop, ran away from a national ban and did call for abortion to be decided by the states. and then a day later this arizona decision, so i mean, you've called this issue an albatross around
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trump's neck. will that albatross stay put basically throughout the race, given that he has come out and say so the arizona law goes too far, will that make a difference? >> well, the problem is is he has said many things about abortion it depends on the day >> and while >> sure. leaving it up to the state's is is great and it has been a republican ideology for decades. >> the >> problem is in arizona, leaving it up to the state's means, a near-total ban and that is not where the arizona electorate is. there will almost certainly be a initiative a citizen initiative on the ballot in november. so donald trump will be running at the same time that there is a initiative to wow abortion up to 24 weeks, which is much more liberal than the 15 week abortion ban that we sort of current law for a few more weeks. >> you talked about the >> electorate there. so i want
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to ask you about this. the argument, i guess is that it won't hurt trump with his own voters who understand as it's you said, he has no particular ideology and they'll, they'll stick with them no matter what he says or does i guess, but you've seen the polling among independents that almost seven and ten independence support a federal right to abortion yeah. >> but it is not just independence. it is right-leaning independence, but moderate republicans and even some conservative republicans who would consider themselves pro-life they still want for abortion to be legal, though rare. and if you give them a choice of zero or maybe something a little too liberal, they are likely to pick something a little too liberal that goes a little too far rather than an absolute ban and that's the problem for republicans up and down the ballot, starting with trump and us senate candidate kari >> let's talk about that up
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and down the ballot. you've already said arizona, of course, a battleground state and not top of the presidential race there's a toss-up senate race, a pair of close congressional seats up for grabs. i mean, many arizona republicans have been pretty consistent calling for strict abortion bans. now, there the no proverbial dog that caught thmail truckn this issue and now th'rerying to run as far as they can the other way nate candidate kari lake's flip-flop on the issue comes to mind. so how much more competitive does this issue make those seats? >> well, i think you see what it does. kari lake was a staunch pro-life candidate in the last election that she lost for governor. and now she's practically pro-choice >> it >> is an amazing flip-flop that we have seen from her in such a short period of time because one thing she does understand she doesn't understand where the arizona electorate is, and they are not supportive of an 18, 64 law that practically bands abortion in the state so
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she is at least smart enough to flip-flop what we're seeing in arizona is obviously a battle that will see across the country in 2020 let me four, republican say they want to take the abortion issue off the table. so how do they do this when polls show so many people care deeply about this issue, including their base. >> yes, the problem is it's been laid on the table and look, it has been republican ideology for a couple of generations, right to get rid of roe v. wade and bring it back to the states. and that is exactly where it is. and now that that has occurred it's a problem for in a even in a still a republican state, still conservative state, but also a libertarian state, such as arizona because there is support for having some legal access to abortion. and republican candidates are going to have to go up against that this cycle
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>> we fascinating to see how this plays out in arizona and across the country. barrett marston. thank you so much for speaking with us. really appreciate. >> thank you. have a great day. >> still had tiger woods overcame wind and weird yes. during day two of the masters and 70 record for the legendary courseport's andy scholes joins me next it's from augusta national to tee it up for us. stay with us >> saigon, 1975, jesus spy sleeper and two faces >> you worked for me while pretending to work for now let's get down. let's get phone could get why are you concealing >> supervisor streaming exclusively on macs >> every night at the same after dinner, you start soaking, scrubbing, scraping
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>> that's all i need to do >> with my new hands-free skechers lipids. >> it's like slip and have an invisible built-in shoe horn. so my foot slides into place. what could be better >> well, we've officially hit the halfway mark at the 88th edition of the masters and the weekend begins with a three-way tie, a the leaderboard cnn sport's andy scholes joins me now, live from augusta ahead of the third round and andy, i understand that it's also known as moving de. so explain that and who's making a move today? >> well, it it's called moving de because we get to see who can move up the leaderboard and really have a chance to win this tournament on sunday. and hey, tiger woods is still in it. he was able to survive though wind gusts we had out here yesterday in augusta and make a record 24th straight cut at the masters title your head for birdies and for bogeys on the day to finish it, even par
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that leaves him at one over through the first two rounds of this tournament. certainly an impressive showing for tiger. he had a finished his first round yesterday morning and play a total of 23 holes on the day i'm tired >> i've been off for awhile >> competing grig. its spin alg in 23 holes a long day but latin, i really did some good fighting today and was we've got a chance the tire tees off at 12:45 eastern later today, he seven shots back of the lead. you got three guys tied at the top of the leaderboard right now that scottie scheffler, bryson dechambeau, and max homa. scottie scheffler >> he's ranked number one >> in the world right now, the overwhelming bedding favorite coming into this tournament, he's looking for a second green jacket after winning think two years ago, he had to play late in the afternoon yesterday and he was able to
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survive those crazy wind gusts. now, homand meanwhile, he had his best start ever to a major in his career here in augusta this year, the 30 three-year-old has become a fan favorite you know, over the past few years, he's looking to break through for the first time. >> homa, one of only seven golfers to shoot under par here yesterday. and tse brutal windy conditions, his best finished ever at a major is tied per tent at the open championship last year. so he's certainly hoping to beat that. and let's take a look at the leaderboard where we stand right now. >> so this is a >> very important leaderboard, 36 out of the last 37 masters winners, including the last it's 12. they have been in the top ten following the second round. so history tells us one of these guys is going to win the masters this year. now, 2020, us open champ bryson to shambhu. he was doing everything. he could to make sure he stayed on top of that leaderboard yesterday, check him out on 13. so he went into the trees and he had the idea to try to go right. but one of those masters iconic patron signs was in the way. so he just went over and yanked it out of the ground to give him
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the shati wanted well, a rules official came over and said, yeah, you can't do that. so he had to put it back. bryson, those still able to birdie the whole and he certainly gave everyone a nice laugh i think that the signpost i was trying to direct people, you know, i tried to give a look go the restrooms are i had a great shot >> out around the corner and was able to take advantage of a pretty open entrance to the green to that back right flag and i mean is pretty pot >> it came not very often you see one of the players just walk your route. one of those giant sides. yeah. >> i don't know much about golf, but i'm pretty sure you're not allowed moving the furniture, right? >> yeah. yeah. now it's not supposed to do that, but yeah. yeah, it's not going to be in as wendy as it has been out here today came. it should be beautiful, so we're looking forward to round number three here in augusta. >> all right. well, look forward to any scholes. thank you so much. appreciate it.
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baseball superstar shohei ohtani is hoping to move on from the gambling scandal involving his former translator. he thanked investigators and says he wants to focus on playing ball for the los angeles dodgers. it's his first public comments since accusations emerged as former translator stole millions from them to fuel what prosecutors there's call a voracious appetite for illegal sports betting. the former translator surrendered to authorities on friday. he faces a federal charge of bank fraud and up to 30 years in prison if convicted, he was released on bond and is expected to enter a plea next month. and finally, it's been a busy week for prince harry and duchess meghan, the pair attended a charity polo match in florida on friday, a day after netflix confirmed they would be producing too new shows on lifestyle and polo. >> the >> royal salute, polo challenge benefits center ball a charity harry founded with prince say-so of less ss-20 to support
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