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tv   Space Shuttle Columbia The Final Flight  CNN  April 13, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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and cnn >> what does it mean to be out front >> it's going there. >> we >> are just about three miles from the gaza border it's finding out something unexpected. >> well, this >> all of our conversations, its context, the economy has by far the top issue for americans in this election. >> curiosity. >> someone else needed jump in the race devolve all. it's about >> sharing that. >> so you can be out front two. >> let's go out front >> erin burnett outfront week nights at seven on cnn every night, you're going straight to the source. we begin with the breaking news tonight. oh, and inside the biggest stories, where is the common ground between you and the senate? and the white house sharing the latest with you, the source with kaitlan collins week nights at nine >> cnn breaking news i'm wolf blitzer in washington. we're following major breaking news over the skies of israel, a wide scale aerial assault is going on right now with waves
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of drones and missiles streaming into israel from iran. our team is on the ground in jerusalem. they've been hearing explosions, sirens going off as us and israeli forces have reported intercepting multiple or radian attacks, but we still do not know what the ultimate impact of this barrage will be, not the immediate damage inside israel nor the response that it might bring next from the israeli military our reporters and analysts are covering all of this. we have them located all over the region as well as here in washington. i want to go to our chief international correspondent, clarissa ward. she's joining us from tel aviv. first of all, right, now, we saw the sirens and the missiles being intercepted over jerusalem. what are we seeing there in tel aviv? >> we continue to hear wolf drones and jets overhead but the home front command is now telling people that they they do not need to stay close to
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those shelters anymore in some of those key areas that had been under a state of high alert florida. you can hear that in the distance a jet pretty loud when i can see it up there >> so the sense >> is that for now, at least things are a little calmer, a little quieter, of course, that could change. you could see that alert return, people being told once again, to be near to a shelter. but for the moment, it seems that the majority of the vast majority i should say, of the according to idf spokesperson rear admiral daniel hagari, 200 different the types of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, drones, killer drones as he referred to them, have been intercepted. most of them outside of the country. there was some damage according to the idf to a base in southern israel. we know of one seven year-old bedouin girl who was injured in the negative
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she is receiving treatment for those injuries that as a result of those intercepts that we have seen going on throughout the night but certainly feels a little bit calmer and a little bit quieter here as people wait to see what else may on fold throughout the night, wolf and the role of hagari, the spokesman for the idf, said, israel is ready for any threat and they will continue to be ready. we'll see what the israeli response will be. clarissa. thank you very much. i want to go to dick robertson in jerusalem right now. i take things have quieted down a bit in jerusalem. we're not hearing the sirens going off or the intercepting of the incoming drones or, or rockets missiles. is that right? it >> feels much comma we can still ask clarissa is hearing fighter jets. they're over tel aviv. we are still hearing them in the skies over here and
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given what the homed the instructions now from the home command that people do not need to stay close to their shelters. it does this feel feel as if the situation is changing a little bit. in fact, what we're hearing in around here now, the birds waking up in the morning. so it's no longer there, sort of panic of people shouting on the street that intercepts in the skies the fight, and the noise of fighter jets. it does phil much, much quieter people in the city will not have expected to have seen so many intercepts overhead in such a, such a densely populated area. so when they are waking up in a few hours time here, this is this new real allawati that they're going to be confronted with now, a very significant new reality for them. and of course, as we're now hearing that the prime minister's that the security cabinet has
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deferred to the prime minister's much smaller war cabinet to make a decision about how israel should respond so that perhaps will come in the coming hours, but the impact of what's happened across the country on the psychology of the population is going to be something that's going to weigh on their decision as well as the pressure and the conversation that will likely come from the united states and from that during that phone call from president biden were prime minister netanyahu, that is expected not to escalate this further, but it's hard to tell at this stage the first phase of analysis by the idf indicates very little damage of any significance that it is hard to estimate at the moment. the decision, the prime minister will ultimately take but as you know, >> nick or the israeli military has done the math and they realized that those drones are relatively slow. it could take
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eight or nine, maybe even ten hours for one of those drones to get from iran from a base in iran all the way towards israel going past or and syria, maybe jordan over towards israel. so these, these drones are as admiral hagari called them, these killer drones. they could be arriving in the next few hours as well. it hasn't it hasn't been nine or ten hours hasn't been a toll and i was struck by what general hagari, a rather rear admiral, daniel hagari >> said in his press briefing that the, there are still intercepts going on that that is still happening, that the fighter jets that we're hearing in the sky hi are still involved in that. and as courses his said, ten cruise missiles and dozens of drones intercepted outside of israeli air space. and as we're not hearing the intercepts here are the moment perhaps they are going on over the borders before they get to, before they
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get to israel. but the fact that the home command has effectively put people on notice that they can be a little bit more relaxed. they can, of course, turn that around in moments. it is a very, very effective alert system here, not just with the sirens you here and here, another jet speeding through the sky that in a second one. directly above me speeding through the sky. it is a very sophisticated system that can pinpoint a thread, let the population in that area no very, very quickly over their cellular phones. that jen is quite low that's heading off into the distance above me now what we heard from daniel hagari may still be playing out despite the fact that the population has been put a little more at ease for the moment yeah >> he said that over 200 of these iranian drones, he called them the killer drone have been intercepted successfully by the israelis. we'll see what happens in the next few hours.
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this situation clearly is continuing right down nic robertson in jerusalem. thank you. i want to bring in fred pleitgen right now. he's done a lot of reporting from inside iran he spoken to all the top iranian officials over these past several years. there's a statement that just came out. i'm sure you saw it already fred, from the iranian revolutionary guard-core, among other things, it said this, and i'm quoting now from the irgc statement, any threat by the terrorist state of america and the zionist regime from many country will be followed by a reciprocal and proportional response from the islamic republic of iran to the source of the threat. a clear, a clear warning to the us if it helps israel deal with these incoming rockets and missiles, the us will will pay a price for that. what's your assessment as someone? who's been to iran, you were just there are a few weeks ago and you smoke into these iranian officials >> well, first of all, i do think is there a direct threat towards the us by the islamic
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revolutionary guard corps? and i think one of the things the iranians have been saying wolf, is that the us obviously needs to watch out, especially in the region there, in the middle east with a us bases that it has in that region, the iranians obviously saying that they have their proxy forces on the ground. and of course tonight, they've also shown that they're pretty powerful in the air as well. certainly one of the things that we've been hearing here as we've been talking about all this in broadcasting and seeing some of the images is that not many people would have expected the iranians to be able to launch that many projectiles towards israel, talking about drones. and of course missiles as well. and especially for having so many of those actually reach israeli airspace and penetrate very deep into israel, then obviously being taken out by the the israeli forces. but of course, the us helping with that as well. so the iranians, i think it's a two-fold threat that we're seeing from them, right now are coming from the iranians on the one hand, they are saying that the us, of course they don't want them to help the israelis at all. but i
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think the iranians are already looking forward to what could happen next. it's been quite interesting to see some of the messaging that we've been seeing out of tehran. we've seen some from iran representative to the representation to the un saying that the matter could be concluded here are that the matter could be deemed as being concluded obviously saying the iranians believed that the israelis struck them, struck the embassy, killed a bunch of revolutionary guard top personnel inside that embassy compound, even though the israelis obvious seven and consider that to be in an embassy compound, the iranians now saying, we've struck back and it can end here. but then of course you also have that threat from the iranians telling the us not to get involved in all of this. and of course, wolf, we've been reporting about this matter over the past a little over a week since since it happened. and we have seen the iraq audience. on several occasions be at the foreign minister, be at others telling the us or urging the united states to
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stay out of this, to stay away. and that's the exact messaging that we're seeing tonight. again, one of the other things that we've also been picking up both was that the iranian foreign ministry has put out a statement also in the middle of the night it's quite unusual for them calling their actions tonight, calling the strikes by the iranians, calling their targeting of israeli territory self-defense and saying they believe that it's covered by the un charter. i want to read you some of that statement of what the iranians put out. they say that if israel strikes back and this is what they're referring to in that statement there saying, quote, if necessary, the islamic republic of iran will not hesitate to take more defensive measures. so they're calling all this a defensive measure to protect its legitimate interests against any aggressive military actions and illegal use of force. so the iranians are saying that they consider the attack on their embassy compound in damascus, which of course israel has not claimed
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responsibility for that. they consider that to be an aggressive act, and they consider this their retaliation. and again, the iranians are saying it could end here. but of course right now the messaging is, is that the ball is in the israeli court at the same time, the iranians are telling the us to stay out of it, especially with the threats that the iranians could make very real for the us in the region. of course, the us, a lot of military assets in the middle east and the iranians are saying they have a lot of proxy forces near those military bases, walls. >> and the statement that the irgc the islamic revolutionary guard-core, just put out. it said it would hold hold the united states responsible for what a term the evil actions of the israeli government. so there are clearly warning the united states if the us does get involved in helping israel at all? the us will pay a big price for this. is that right >> yeah, that's exactly what when i think they're saying and it's a threat that we've been seeing from the iranians really over the past couple of years
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and it's right that they've also made make good on a couple of times, if we look, for instance, back towards the trump administration and even the months before the us assassinated the irgc quds forces top general qassem soleimani, you had some incidents between the us and iran in the persian gulf for the iranians, then shot down a us global hawk the drone. that of course are hawk drone. that of course was the iranians displaying that they are not to be messed with and that they help to have military that is capable of hurting us assets. there were very few people at the time who thought that iran's own iranian-made air defense systems would be capable of taking down us assets. the iranians proved otherwise, then afterwards, after qassem soleimani was assassinated, they struck a us base, the al-assad airbase in iraq we're very few people believed that iran's ballistic missiles, whereas accurate as they turned out to be. and now tonight, the iranians have once again demonstrated that they've made a lot of progress. it appears as far as their cruise
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missiles are concerned, ballistic missiles are concerned, but also the drones as well. and i think one of the things that we've seen in from the iranians is that they've really put a lot of effort into that drone program. in fact, i was a couple of years ago. at an iranian drone show as part of one of their military days. and they were talking very openly about the fact that they believe that drones were one of those weapons that they could use to really take the fight especially to the us in middle east. so clearly now threats from the iranians, again, the iranians are saying, look, the us bases are there around and proxy forces are there as well. but of course, drones are a big threat to those us assets in the middle east as well, wolff? >> yeah, there's a very, very tense moment right now. fred pleitgen. thank you very much. we'll get back to you. jim sciutto is with me here in washington. we're watching all of this unfold, this whole situation could explode big time or it could it could come down. >> no question listen, this is an escalation. it's iranian attack attempts to strike israel, the defense is largely
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worked. it seems that's why the damage assessments to date and show very little damage on the ground there and the idf saying and intercepted the vast majority of at least so far and there could be more to come. but what we also do know that the us did already participate, that it was shooting in down some of these drones and missiles before they got close to israeli territory. we should also note there was some concern prior to this that is rarely proxies might target us forces in the region, and that does not appear to pretty in practice around iranian proxies target us forces in the region which they have done before multiple times. and as you know, is us forces have died. they did not in this case, which was a deliberate decision by iran. certainly bold aggressive, blatant to attack israel, but they chose in this circumstance, not to directly target us forces. and there's an enormous number of us forces was not just ground forces in the region, but of course us assets that have moved into the region prior to this which iran did not strike. and that's a deliberate decision not to
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confront the us directly now, despite the rhetoric, we're hearing from them and this warning the us away, let's be clear. the us is highly involved in israel's defense tonight, they moved assets into the region ships, et to be able to scan the skies for threats exactly like this and help israel take them out before they reached israeli territory. and our understanding is that us assets it's did take down some of these drones prior to reaching were significant that the commander of the us military central command, which is responsible for the entire middle east region, has spent the last several days and is real coordinating and projecting what the us and the israelis would do if iran did launch this kind of a strict, they were preparing for this, they were preposition beginning forces for this to help defend israel and also to help make clear to iran that the us was in position and could strike back if the us were to be targeted directly, which again, we should emphasize, iran did
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not do here. they've done before, they did not do tonight. and that's a deliberate decision. i think you can also say that those preparations from the israeli sayyed conjunction with the us and other partners in the region, saudi arabia involved largely worked, right in this defense that's not to minimize or downplay the severity of this attack, but those defenses hailed and we should note, folks i think are familiar with the iron dome, which is really the low altitude defense system four israel rounds are gonna be intercepted by the iron, iron dome. but some of the other threats that were intercepted by arrow, which is a higher altitude defense system. you have the david's sling, which is for medium range missiles. you have a multilayer defense with us involved as well. and that multilayered defense appears to have worked tonight. now israel is going to retaliate. i've been speaking to israeli officials. it's clear that they will the question now is, what does that retaliation look like? and unlike with any attack like this, you're always concerned and about escalation ladders
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because one side attacks you have this what we presumed to be an israeli strike in damascus against the iranian officials. number of weeks ago, you have this iranian response. israel response. and it's watching that escalation ladder to see how hi, each level goes. and that's the concern is that that can easily accelerate. >> this could explode into a full-scale war and who you could. >> but we also, there's been a relatively consistent it's an assessment going back to october 7, even when there are a great uncertain about escalation beyond that as involved as iran is, that the us is assessed consistently. it does not want a direct war with the us. even hezbollah does not the assessments is banned, want a direct war now with israel. so there are, there are assessments that they want to attack. they want to exact a price. they don't want it to escalate. that doesn't mean it doesn't go there, right? because these, these attacks
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and escalation can have a momentum of their own but that's something to plug into the broader assessment as we look at next step, is a very dangerous moment to be sure, we'll see what unfolds. i want to go to our senior white house correspondent, mj lee. she's over at the white house for us doing a lot of reporting. how is the white house mj assessing? what is actually happening tonight >> well, wolf, i'm actually just getting this reporting right now that president biden is on the phone with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i know reported some while ago that they were expected to speak tonight. but again, i'll reporting right now from a source familiar. is that the two liters are now on the phone, so we will bring you that readout as soon as we get it. this comes after the president actually reconvened his national security team for a second time in the situation room. that first meeting earlier in the evening had luck after some two hours and then given the fluidity of the situation that team was brought together again, in the situation room, and wolf, what i'm being told by a us
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official is that the us is view broadly right now is that what we saw unfold over the last several hours or ron's attacks on israel were wholly disproportionate to the israeli strikes in damascus. that problem this retaliation, and that view by us officials has been an important factor in all of the discussions that have been happening in the white house at tonight, both in terms of figuring out the us is calculation's going forward ford. and then importantly, of course how us officials plan on advising their israeli counterparts about potential next steps. now, to be clear, when i'm talking about us official seeing what iran did as being disproportion fortunate. nobody here is claiming to know what the full scope and what the full assessment is of those attacks. that assessment, of course, is currently ongoing. but what the recognition here at the white house tonight is that getting
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that full assessment? it's meant is going to be a huge factor in the way that the us, again, potentially advisors their israeli counterparts on what they might want to do next. now, as we keep in mind that the president is again currently on the phone with these really prime minister just remember that this is a tough juggling act for the president right now, as we saw from the white house, the statement earlier in the evening, he is trying to reaffirm the us commitment to israel's defense and security ironclad is the word that he has used over and over again. but at the same time as you were just talking about with jim the prevention of a broader regional conflict that has been such an important goal for this admitted history. going back to october and something that they have been really sensitive to. so you can certainly imagine that this is going to be a point of discussion for the two liters. we're going to be really looking carefully at what language is used when we
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eventually get that readout from from the two liters phone call to see if there are any clues as to which way the president may have sort of leans in terms of his conversation with israeli prime minister of battle again, israel's potential next steps. >> yeah, those statements and the statement that will come out after the president's conversation, a phone conversation with the israeli prime minister benjamin ateneo will be important. but as they say, actions speak louder than words, and us actions right now in supported supporting israel have been very, very powerful and dramatic, especially the use of air defense systems to intercept incoming iranian rockets and missiles and bombs heading towards israel and destroying them in the skies even before they reach israeli aerospace, very significant actions unfolding by the united states and certainly this has been in the works for several days as the us and israeli military teres have been coordinating potential reaction
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strategy in the face of it, iranian attack were staying in close touch with you. mj will get back to you as soon as we get a former readout from the president's conversation with prime minister natatio, much more in the meantime of our special live breaking news coverage after a quick break >> houston. you are go for the birth >> three in this guy, >> parents, husband, son wives gone. if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever happen. >> thousands of pieces of debris are now pieces to a puzzle. i should have that test on day one. >> no, i wish i could've done something differently. what i can undo that you can just make it better, are those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale tomorrow at nine on
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>> without i'm able you, can see rockets and missiles, drone, armed drones coming in from iran towards israel, the israeli air defense system intercepting a lot of them. are, this is a video from earlier tonight that was unfolding in israel while we're watching all of this unfold, i want to bring in the former united states ambassador to the united nations, john bolton he was also a president trump's national security advisor. as you know ambassador israel's ambassador is calling for the un council to immediate le convene following these attacks, what's your your assessment of what's going on right now >> well, nothing's >> going to happen in the >> security council. that's for sure. i mean, what we had tonight was a massive failure of israeli and american
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deterrence, massive failure a 200 ballistic missile cruise missile drone failure and i think notwithstanding that, there appears to be very little damage fingers crossed until we get the final assessment and thank god if the desktop ball is low or nonexistent and while rad, let's thank george w bush for getting out of the hey, treaty of 1972 unleashing american missile defense capabilities. but once we see what the damage is, i think it's incumbent on israel and the united states to re-establish deterrence in a major way. and i think that means by definition israel's spots and there should be a response, should not be proportionate. it should be far stronger because when deterrence fails to re-establish it, you have to teach the adversary that any gain they may help to get by any future attack will be more than outweighed by the damage
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that will be called i'll give my president biden isn't what i was just sorry for interrupting, but give us your assessment of an appropriate israeli response to what iran has now done well, what what is what iran did tonight that i think was most significant was the firing of ballistic missiles and cruise missiles from its territory directly it, israel almost certainly at this point, none of those missiles contained, a nuclear warhead but you never can tell when the next firing, the next salvo of ballistic missiles might contain a nuclear warhead. so i think among the many targets, israel should consider this is the opportunity to destroy iran's nuclear weapons program. and i hope president biden is not tried to dissuade prime minister netanyahu from doing that and if he succeeds and if at some future point the
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ayatollah's are able to pull off what former israeli prime minister ariel sharon called a nuclear holocaust history will know who to blame >> so it was just to be precise, i'm ambassador bolton. you're recommending that israel launched an airstrike to try to destroy whatever nuclear capabilities the iranians might have. is that what i'm hearing? >> right? i think they should go after the nuclear fuel cycle activities that are well-known. their locations are well-known. and i think that would be the appropriate target because right now, iran has demonstrated it is not restrained by any concern about a direct attack on israeli territory from its attack, it has by its own admission, fired ballistic and cruise missiles >> and the only, the >> only thing that has saved israel is this amazing technology next time if the attacks come from a different location containing nuclear warheads, israel might not be
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so lucky. this is not time to play academic gains and message and signal. this is a question of power. people say they're concerned about a wider war. the wider war began on october the seventh. that was it's not an israeli war against arabs are palestinians, are gazans. it was a ron's attack on israel using the ring of fire strategy. that's the strategic environment. israel faces right now. and the main cause the puppeteer, the puppet master, is iran. and if you take away their nuclear capability that would be a dramatic cut to the regime, may be enough to topple >> ambassador, my colleague jim sciutto is here with me in washington. he has a question is a follow-up question for you? go ahead, you ambassador golden given, you know, as well as we do, that hezbollah and it's enormous missile arsenal, many thousands of rockets and missiles is intended in part by iran to be a pressure point. if
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israel were to strike iranian nuclear facilities and i wonder given the size of that, an order of magnitude bigger than it was, say during the 2006 war. whether you believe israel can today fight what would be a multi-front war, gaza in the south hezbollah in the north, iran to the east and if you would then envision the us directly involved in such a conflict well, i think for the >> foreseeable future, gaza is not going to be a principal battlefield and it's certainly not something that's going to engage full israeli military power. i think hezbollah put pressure on iran that's one reason why the iranian counter-strike took almost two weeks after the damascus strike by israel to say you need to put skin in this game or-awn. so i'm not at all sure what hezbollah's response would be. to israel taking out a nuclear power that hasn't done a thing
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for hezbollah the israelis clearly have thought about what to do to neutralize hezbollah perhaps their response, which also would be a pretty big problem for iran, would be to go after hezbollah. now, my point is there are a number of steps israel can take passivity at this point for israel would be a big mistake. i mean, from, i think from the israeli point of view, they should remember what winston churchill said in world war ii without victory, there is no survival. how >> close is around >> to actually having a nuclear bomb? well, i >> think about 72 hours that they can get if they send a wire transfer to the central bank of north korea and piane yang, and give the north koreans enough time to put a couple of warheads on an airplane and fly them too. tehran, there's a lot of talk about how close iran is compared to how close they were four or five years ago or before the trump administration
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pulled out of the nuclear deal, all of which assumes perfect knowledge of iran's nuclear weapons program. i think we should have enough experience with faulty intelligence by now, not to be so sure, not to know how much of a ranj uranium enrichment program is really being conducted under a mountain in north korea. the fact is they're very close. the fact is the nuclear deal of 2015 was flawed from the start by allowing ron any uranium enrichment capability, whatever >> ambassador bolton thank you so much for joining us. continue this conversation down the road >> glad to be with you. >> and we're going to have much more special coverage coming up from the region. we have live reporters on the scene also, i'll be speaking with former republican congressman i'm kinzinger. he's got some strong thoughts on what's going on right now between israel and iran. much more of our special breaking news coverage right after this
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universe experienced the difference prince at moon >> i'm rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn close captioning brought to you by rule or law. i kind of brands up to 70% off retail at rue la and rubella >> you never faithful >> sees the deals on happening before there south without incident >> those are the sirens going off in jerusalem earlier tonight. sirens going off as iranian drones and rockets,
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missiles were flying over jerusalem are watching all of this unfold in jerusalem and tel aviv good high-fat other cities as well. the iranians launching more than 200. what the israelis called killer drones towards israel. most of them have been intercepted by israeli air defense systems, and that system works to be well, right now, i want to go to the pentagon oren liebermann, is standing by. understood. you're getting some new information on the defense secretaries we're station with his israeli counterpart >> just a short time ago, defense secretary lloyd austin spoke with his israeli counterpart, minister of defense yoav garland to two had been in regular communication over the past days, weeks, and months. but obviously this is a very different situation and they got off the phone just a couple of hours ago in that call, according to you? official familiar with the call, austin asked gallon to update the us on what israel's response would be to notify them how and what that response would look like. this is obviously important the us and
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israel have gone to great lengths to make sure right now they are on the same page and lloyd austin trying to make sure it stays that way. terms of what happens ahead here with israel's response to this iranian attack, the context here is that the us was not given a tremendous amount of heads up, barely any at all in the israeli strike on the compound in damascus. that consular compound of iran, which killed seven islamic revolutionary guard-core generals, including one the more senior generals, israel, according to a us official, effectively only gave the us notice when the planes were already in the air. so that message couldn't really be passed around and make to make the us government aware of what was about to come. here are the us being much more forward and explicit, austin telling us israeli counterpart please notify us, give us a heads-up. when you intend to carry out your response to this attack >> interesting, very interesting. did died, did dagger the defense secretary get a specific answer from golan? would israel in fact give the us advanced word on
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what it's planning on doing. >> that's an excellent question. i don't know the answer to that at this point, we will certainly learn in the hours perhaps days ahead more about what this relationship looks like right now again, the two speak regularly and given the level of coordination and cooperation right now, especially for example, with general erik kurilla, the head of us central men. not only in the region, but having spent a couple of days in israel, it seems likely that israel would notify an update the us on its intentions here. of course, the biden administration is still trying to avoid a regional war in is certainly tense situation very tense in de, very dangerous situation. we'll see what happens, but i suspect you're right that the israelis would give the us advance word. i want any military retaliatory strike would entail orange standby. we're going to get back to you right now. i want to bring in a cnn senior political commentator, the former us congressman, adam kinzinger congressman. thank you so much for joining us. first of all, give us your reaction to this direct attack.
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from iran against israel >> what wolf, it's very serious. i mean, this is obviously a direct attack, as you mentioned, this is unprecedented. it is unprecedented, but it was significant. and i think this attack was intended to not just do damage, but to kill israelis what iran didn't count on was frankly, how good israel's air defenses. i mean, they shot a missile down and fragrance space. and we saw one of the arrow missiles. there's video out there of it, which is incredible they did not count on the us and israel's allies, probably we partaking as deeply as we did been able to take out the drones that we have. but this was a significant attempt to kill israelis. israel has no option, but to respond and it's important to keep in mind in all of this debate two, because this is obviously happening today and something that we're interested in. this is what ukraine has to deal with every night, every night,
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they get shahid drone sent by russia supplied by iran and ballistic and cruise missiles shot by russia. in many cases, given to them by around so that could also help to tell what arounds or israel's response should be to iran. for instance, going after their capacity to make the shahid drones >> congressman jim sciutto is with me here in washington. he has a question for you. go ahead. you congress, when you may have heard ambassador bolton advocate for israel to respond by striking iranian nuclear facilities i wonder if you agree and if you believe that if that were to take place, that the us would be drawn into such a such a conflict. >> i mean it's possible, but i think the ambassador made solid points, which is ronna shown a willingness and a capability to attack israel. we know they're very close to a nuclear weapon. and i remember all my time in congress been promised by every
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administration that if iran actually does get very close to a nuclear weapon, that will be prevented, iran will never have a nuclear weapon but while we're at that moment now. >> so while i'm not >> sitting here saying that maybe the right response on this as to attack the nuclear program. the question is, we are on the edge of that moment and we have to accept as a country we will either have a nuclear armed iran or we won't, and we may have to do something about that. us and israel probably largely on israel. so is it the best response on this attack? i don't know. i'll leave that up to the israelis, but i can tell you what certainly needs to happen. i think is going after a ron's, but this is a very directly proportional net response is going after iran's ability to make the exact drones they sent against israel. and that they're supplying. this is a sayyed benefit that they're supplying to russia to attack ukraine with our standby for a moment, adam, jeremy diamond are corresponded is in northern israel right now. and there's some very intense developments voting where you are jeremy
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tell our viewers >> yeah, that's right. rule if we are in northern israel and in just the past hour, there were 25 projectiles that were fired from lebanon towards the golan heights my team and i as we arrived here, we actually were able to hear what sounded like multiple it's reception's of those projectiles, the israeli military is not specifying whether those were drones or or missiles in this case but we do understand that these were fired from lebanon earlier this evening. of course this area in northern israel did get projectiles. again, unclear if drones or missiles that were fired from iran as part of that large-scale attack that iran carried out out on northern israel as well as in southern israel we also understand that hezbollah claimed responsibility for firing multiple missiles multiple rockets earlier this evening in the direction of the golan
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heights as well. and so this is what's critical about this part of northern israel, is that this is really the intersection. both of this proxy battle that iran and israel have been fighting for months now as hezbollah and israel i have been trading fire across the israeli lebanese border for months now since the beginning of of this war. but also now the site of ron's latest response. and ron's first attack against israeli soil. now, we do not have any reports of any of those drones or missiles that were fired by iran actually hitting targets. here in northern israel. no reports of any hits on the ground. it appears that the majority of those projectiles were intercepted either here in israeli airspace. we do have video of some of those intercepts happening over the golan heights. but also cross the border in syria, there were also multiple interceptions
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that were reported there as well. well, those interceptions, i think we're largely done by the united states air defense system has been working together with the israelis to prevent these iranian drones. these rockets and missiles cruise missiles, and others from coming israel, the us is deeply involved in that jim sciutto has a follow-up question for you, jeremy. go ahead. you jeremy, i wonder if because that cross-border fire both from the lebanese side of the board of the serious side of the border has been going on for some time, going back to october 7. in fact, predating october 7 is the pace tonight at all increasing because of course, the question is ben, would hezbollah get involved in any significant get a way open up a northern front in this war? or is this more in line with what we've seen in recent weeks and months >> yeah, jen, it's a great question and it is really hard to tell at this point. i mean hezbollah and iran certainly do speak, they do coordinate their
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military activities, hezbollah is one of ron's most significant proxies in this region. but whether or not the barrage over rockets that we saw from hezbollah earlier was coordinated with this iranian attack on israel, is hard to tell and actually, i'm seeing what what looked like some interceptions in the other direction here, not hearing any sirens or the sounds of that, but i did just see some flashes in the air and i would just note that this area, i mean, they are used to having these interceptions now they are used to seeing these barrages of rockets coming from lebanon over the course of the last several months. and they also are used to the sound of of jets. and as i can here, here, jets just continuously flying overhead. and yep, i just heard the booms from what i thought were were potential interceptions and so the delay there i don't. know if you can hear that on my microphone, but but those definitely sound like
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interceptions. the light obviously travels faster than sound, so you can see those first. and i'm hearing that's the third boom that we just heard. it must be at some distance, so there is a possibility that that could actually be intercepted in syria rather than in the golan heights. we i'm just checking my phone to see up there were some siren alerts in northern israel in the golan heights. indeed, not far from are not too far from our position actually, maybe a distance of ten kilometers or so what's also interesting is that the home front command here in israel, actually before this latest barrage that we had over the past hour, they had actually told residents in both northern israel as well as southern israel who had earlier been instructed to stay near shelters that they could return to normal, indicating that that large-scale attack from iran, that the threat for now at least was over. and yet what we are seeing instead is more
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rockets being fired from lebanon likely by hezbollah indicating that this is going to continue on as it has for months now as you were just mentioning jim it's worth again, jeremy, i just want to be precise right now. so in addition to ram launching all these drones and rockets and missiles towards israel it looks like they're proxy in southern lebanon, hezbollah is beginning to do the same thing. you saved at least 25 projectiles have been fired from lebanon by hezbollah, not the lebanese military and lebanese government has balah forces. this iranian proxy in southern lebanon towards israel. so it looks like they're getting involved directly in this iran attack against israel. but as that what i understand, yeah. >> and this was and this was not the only barrage that we saw coming from lebanon tonight earlier in the de, hezbollah said that it had fired multiple rockets and the direction of an israeli military base in the
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golan heights, where it has directed rockets in the past as well. again, the question that jim raises is a good one in terms of how much is this part of that iranian response? how much of this is part of what we have seen over the course of months now, which is hezbollah hello, firing rockets into the golan heights, into northern israel. that that part is what's tricky to distinguish here there's no indication that even as iran may, may suggest may have indicated earlier tonight that this was its response to those strikes in syria, that the response was over as far as it was concerned? there's no indication that that means that hezbollah is going to stop firing rockets into northern israel, nor does it mean that israel is going to stop conducting airstrikes into southern lebanon, which we have also seen at a similar clip over the course of the last six months. >> all right. jeremy, he's just be careful over there will stay in very close touch with your jeremy diamond is in northern israel. it looks like hezbollah is beginning to
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launch a lot of rockets and missiles towards israel from southern lebanon. we'll watch that unfold. this is quickly escalating, not just iran launching rockets and missiles and drones towards israel, but now they're ally, their proxy in south lebanon, hezbollah doing the same thing. so it's clearly escalating. i want to bring in republican congressman mike lawler of new york right now. he's a member of the foreign affairs committee as well, congressman. thank you so much for joining us. how worried are you that this could explode into some sort of full-scale war? >> while the world is a tinderbox. >> as >> we've seen, china, russia, and i ran had been working together and then unholy alliance to destabilise and undermine the united states, israel, and the free world when you look at what is going on right now in the middle east i ran is the greatest state sponsor of terror. they have funded hamas, has below the houthis and other terrorist organizations as their proxies
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in their war against israel. they want to eradicate the state of israel off the face of the earth and obviously with this direct attack tonight, we see that they are finally putting their own missiles and rockets and drones behind this effort and that is deeply alarming. it's why i have fought to get at iran's funding by putting secondary sanctions in place on the purchase of iranian petroleum, which is how they are funding so much of their war against israel. the biggest purchaser of iranian petroleum is china. it's why we passed the ship act through the house in november. and i'm calling on senator schumer to pass this through the senate immediately. we have to crack down on their funding source at $8 increase iranian petroleum sales since joe biden took office because they have weaken the sanctions against iran we
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have to crack down on this. so i'm deeply concerned about how this entire situation couldn't explode and how israel is going to defend itself on multiple fronts >> very quickly, congressman, before i let you go, what does it bigger threat to the population? israel right now, these rockets, these missiles, these drones coming in from iran or potentially what hizballah is doing. the thousands of rockets and missiles they have in south lebanon, which could not only hit northern israel, haifa, but reached tel aviv and all the way down to a lot what's a bigger threat to israel right now, hizballah or the iranians >> well, frankly, the wolf, they're one and the same hezbollah is funded by iran and obviously we need to be working with the israelis to ensure they have all of the air defense capabilities at their
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disposal. and you see how important iron dome is but this multiple fronts, war, which is unfolding before our eyes obviously, is a great danger. and i listened intently to ambassador bolden he is correct. we absolutely need to work with the israelis to take out iran's nuclear capabilities this is a grave threat. the world is in the most precarious place since world war ii. we cannot be a bunch of neville chamberlain's in this moment, we must be winston churchill, victory at all cost, israel must defend themselves and to all of my colleagues and congress will have been calling for ceasefire for the past many months that have been seeking regime change in israel >> enough >> get behind the israeli government, work together to ensure the free world is victorious. because if not the
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consequences will be dire across the globe. >> congressman lawler, my colleague and friend, jim sciutto is here. he has a quick follow-up for you. congressman, as you know, republican speaker johnson has delayed putting the supplemental to a vote on the floor, which includes aid both to israel and to ukraine do you call on him now to do so this week >> look, i believe very strongly we need to get aid to israel, to ukraine, and to taiwan. it's why i've introduced defending borders, defending democracies, which would provide 66 billion and lethal aid as well as border security here in the united states, we have to recognize the threat at our own southern border. but let me be very clear about this house republicans passed aid to israel back in november of last year chuck schumer and senate democrats sat on that for months, refusing to take up that supplemental aid package four israel we obviously have to work together to get this done. so yes, i'm calling on
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speaker johnson to bring a bill to the floor. this week. i'm calling on chuck schumer and the white house to work with house republicans. we are in a divided government. we have to work together. there has to be compromised. we need to help israel. we need to help you ukraine, we need to help taiwan, and we need to secure our own borders the world is under attack, and we all have a responsibility in an obligation to get this done. >> congressman mark lawler. thank you so much for joining us. we'll continue this conversation down the road and we'll have more of our special coverage straight ahead.
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