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tv   Space Shuttle Columbia The Final Flight  CNNW  April 13, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> i'm lauren fox on capitol hill. and this is cnn cnn's breaking news >> hello and welcome. i'm jim sciutto in washington, a massive wave of iranian attacks on israel appear to have subsided. say us officials, this is what it all looks like though. just a few hours ago the idf says >> iran fired >> more than 200 missiles and drones on israel overnight. with the vast majority of them but shot down before reaching israeli aerospace including by us forces stationed in the region to iran called a response to an israeli fairly strike on iran's embassy in damascus earlier this month, prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu has spoken with us president joe biden on the phone. he told mr. netanyahu biden did the attacks were largely unsuccessful, which he described as a win for israel, are mj lee has learned the president told the israeli prime minister, the us will not take part in any israeli offensive action against iran president biden will meet g7 liters on sunday to coordinate a united response to arounds action among its allies and israel mr. netanyahu addressed his nation earlier today >> marcia nema citizens of israel in recent years and especially in recent weeks, israel has been preparing for a direct attack by iran are defensive systems are deployed. we are ready for any scenario, both defensively and offensively. the state of israel is strong. the idf is strong. the public is strong, but two ball has luck. >> in iran, however,
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celebration broke out on the streets after the strikes our nic robertson is in jerusalem. are paula hancocks in abu dhabi first to you, nic robertson, you israeli prime minister addressing the nation. they're describing israel strong in the wake of these strikes, i imagine now we can expect a strong response from israel to these strikes. what is, what are you hearing on the ground there in israel about the possibilities >> it certainly seems that the prime minister will is leaning that way. and president biden is clearly advising can fit or certainly putting a limitation on how father how far prime minister netanyahu can go and read seems to be clear at this stage. i think there are still details we're waiting to get on the ground here, jim, when we understand the idf spokesman rear admiral daniel hagari is going to be speaking pretty
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much right around now. so i think a better assessment of him and a more detailed assessment of the damage that some of these missiles caused if he chooses to give it, never tim airbase, for example does seem to be that area did seem to get a significant number of strikes in an his last briefing hagari did say that there are a number of missiles had gotten through. he did indicate that the damage was light but i think it's in those sorts of assessments how many missiles actually found that targets, how accurate were they? that certainly going to inform for the prime minister his, and his war cabinet when they meet how strong and firm their response to iran should be if they're, if they're going to have one president biden telling him, take it as a win, but i think
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until we see the details and perhaps with daylight, that's going to help as well until we see the details of how much damage was done and how much of a threat. let's say another round of iranian missiles would, would, would cost israel if israel was to strike again it iranian interests islamic revolutionary guard corps figures. let's say in syria, again, and if, if, if a ram was to choose to respond israel is going to make put all of that in the calculation about what it needs to do next. >> no question. nic robertson, paula hancocks in abu dhabi. prior to this attack, a lot of countries in the region there, including countries that have, that have diplomatic relations with iran, with israel have been unhappy with the progress of israel's war in gaza. there has been deep public and private splits that said many of those countries are not particularly happy with iranian activities in the region. i
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wonder what response are you hearing in the region to this massive iranian attack on israel? >> well, jim, it's interesting because there is this delicate balancing act that many of these countries in this region have to play. you're right, they have been consistently saying for months now that there needs to be a ceasefire in gaza, calling for more humanitarian aid to go in and they have made their feelings are clear when it comes to the anger at what has been happening in gaza at this point. and then when you hear from the iranians themselves, they are justifying this by saying that it was an act of self-defense because of what happened on april 1st, talking about the strike on the israeli excuse me, the iranian consulate in damascus, which killed two revolutionary guard commanders and five others, something that tehran has blamed on israel. israel has
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not claimed responsibility at this point but it does go to show that there is this delicate balancing act, for example, in amman, in jordan, we have images showing that there were missiles or drones. some projectile being shot down in that area as well. it was filmed from the ground. of course, this just to the east of of israel itself. so it shows how difficult it is for some of these countries. these are countries, for example, with jordan that have us assets there that have relations with israel, also with the united states, but also have been calling for a ceasefire and do not want to be seen as being collaborating in, in any shape or form with, with israel or with the united states. so it is a very difficult called situation. but when it comes to what we're hearing from tehran, their messages quite clear that they believe that
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they have done enough to show deterrence when it comes to what happened on april 1st, that they have shown retaliation and one of the quotes from the iranians was quote, the matter can be deemed concluded. so as far as they're concerned, they have done what they needed to do, but of course it's not up to them whether or not it's set concluded at this point the question is what what do the israelis do next? and they have also had an answer for that saying that if there is more israeli aggression is runs response, iran's response will be quote, stronger and more resolute listen to people talk about an escalation ladder. we're in the midst of one right now and question is, what are the next steps? so nic robertson, paula hancocks. thanks so much to both of you. west bryant is a retired us air force master sgt. author of hunting the caliphate, america's war on isis and the dawn of the strike so he joins us now from raleigh, north carolina. good to have you answer it strikes me that one
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headline from these, these attack, some 200 missiles and drones, including ballistic missiles that went into space and at least one of them apparently struck down in space by israel's arrow system. but also the us taking part in this striking down as many as seven cindy of these missiles and drones with node very little damage in israel and no casualties that appears in israel. that's remarkable. strikes me a headline of this is that they're getting very good at shooting down missiles like this the layers of defense is wrapped ellie us and other partners in the region worked here >> yes, and i think we're all relieved that there has been no is casualties and you're absolutely right. this shows the the, level of technical ability and tactical ability of the idea. and of the us.
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that's a positive thing. and i think i ran definitely took note let me ask you this. >> even though none of these missiles and drones appear to have gotten through to any targets can we still assume that iran is intent here was to kill? they fired a lot directly at israeli territory, which they have not done in the past and enormous swarm missiles and drones >> the fact >> that they didn't get through should i imagine as lead us to assume that they didn't want them to get through yes i i, you know, if you look at the response to the us strike on general soleimani >> back in 2020 the iranian response, which was missile barrage, is against our troops in iraq, fell short. we did have a lot of injuries, of course, luckily, no deaths. i think it's the same here. just i think technologically and
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tactically really, iranians just are not nearly as capable so to me, this was a bit of throwing a bunch of darts at a dart board and seeing what stuck for them. it's a little bit of a test as well to see if this escalates where riyad in comparison with the idf right now one target that iran did not shoot at us forces in the region. and there are a whole host of us forces in the region on the ground in syria in iraq pocket. there, there are a number of us assets in the red sea in the persian gulf, in the eastern mediterranean. it has an iranian proxies have in the past fired at us forces. they did not tonight. that's significant because there had been some concern that they might do show was that deliberate, in your view? avoid. a direct confrontation for now between iran and the us
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>> it was absolutely deliberate. i think around treads that line very well after the proxy attacks on tower 22, a few months ago, they iranian proxy force attacks ran was quick to come out publicly and state that they had nothing to do with those attacks. so they don't really want to escalate to the point where the us is taking military action. and i think there, there actually strategically being a little bit smarter because they're able to play that game if you will do as much as they can until the us gets involved. that's what it appears anyway. >> and now you have the us president communicating to the israeli prime minister, the us will not be involved. if israel chooses to strike iran directly west. brian, good davion, thanks so much yes. >> thank you >> thanks. >> we are learning more about exactly how the us helped iran
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fend off these attacks. we're going to go to the pentagon as are breaking news coverage continues plus, what the direct, direct iranian attack on israel could mean for the rest of the region. and for a ron's global partners that much more as are breaking news coverage, continuous houston you are go for the birth >> three in this guy. >> parents, husband, son wives gone. >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that can ever happen. >> thousands of pieces of debris are now pieces to a puzzle. i should have that test on day one. >> i wish i could've done something differently. what i can undo that you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale tomorrow at nine on cnn >> do you think that our democracy is at risk? >> we have to be very concerned
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israel appears to have now subsided after about five hours of attacks. the us president joe biden, told the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in a phone call earlier that he should consider tonight a when official say around strikes were largely unsuccessful demonstrated israel superior military capability. along with that of the us. but on the streets of tehran some are celebrating waving both palestinian and hezbollah flags raz attack was in retaliation for a deadly strike on the iranian council, uk consulate in syria, which iran blamed on israel. israel has not claimed responsibility. cnn's mj lee joins me now from the white house, oren liebermann, at the pentagon and mj lee, you described earlier that phone call between biden and netanyahu was some very clear and direct messages, some of support but also it seems
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the limitations of that support for israel and its potential responses >> yeah, jim, and if i could start with the official white house readout from the president's call with the israeli prime minister because i think the language there is notable it said i've just spoken with prime minister netanyahu to reaffirm america's ironclad commitment to the security of israel i told him that israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity to defend against an defeat even unprecedented attacks, sending a clear message to its, those that they cannot effectively threaten the security of israel. so quite clear there that the president is indicating here that in his view, iran was not successful in what it was attempting to do. and what i'm told by a senior administration official, jim, tonight is that the president in his phone call with the israeli prime minister said you should consider the
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events of tonight basically a win because ron's attacks were largely unsuccessful accessible. now, the data points that us officials are pointing to here is the fact that the majority of the drones and the missiles that iran had launched against israel were all intercepted including more than 100 ballistic missiles. they were all knocked out of this guy. and what us officials are saying is that basically nothing of value was hit. now, the other important headline, according to this official i spoke with about that phone call, is that the president also indicated to the prime minister clearly that the us is not going to be involved in any offensive operations that israel might launch against iran. so that is a really important note for us to emphasize it's here because we're talking so much about the us's involvement what the
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us might or might not condone an obviously they're coming from a place of wanting to make sure that the situation doesn't escalate. but right now are indication is that the president himself directly conveyed to the israeli prime minister. this is sort of where it ends. we will do everything we can as demonstrated tonight, that we will come to your country's defense but if you decide to retaliate launch a counter operation against a rock, against iran, excuse me, we're not going to be playing a role in that now, the president's statement also did say that us assets and personnel were not attacked tonight that obviously is also going to be huge relief to this white house, given how important it was that not materialize and the warnings that the us had sent directly to iran, basically saying, don't even think about coming after us and coming after our
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assets in the region. now, i think the the space of what us officials in the coming hours and coming days might potentially sort of say to their israeli counterparts to again, possibly urge them to practice restraint. you can easily imagine that being the advice that us officials may give israelis at this point that's sort of the space i think that we need to be in and we need to continue reporting out in the hours and days to come given that that is very much what the white house hopes to see, they do not want this to escalate even more than it has of >> course, it'll be up to the israeli prime minister and others to make their own decisions, how they respond, and do they listen to that? us limitation? mj lee. thank you. oren liebermann at the pentagon should this was quite a remarkable defense against what was quite remarkable iranian
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assault on israeli territory here. can you describe the numbers in there is exactly how us and israeli forces managed this defense >> of course, and i'll pick up on a few points from mj here, the us had promised it was committed to israel's defense. and it very much showed that according to two us officials, us forces intercepted more than 70 drones that were targeted towards israel. that terception included fiter jets, althought'unclear what types of fighjets the us has a numr in the region including f5 teens and f 16s. it's also unclear if there were also ground-based aerial defense system that were part of that interception. but the number itself is what significant here. more than 70 iranian drones targeting israel were intercepted by us forces in addition, at least three ballistic missiles were intercepted by us warships operating in the eastern mediterranean sea. there are two us destroyers there that picked off at least three, potentially four of those ballistic missiles. this is
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possibly the first time warships based are operating in the eastern med, have intercepted launches like this this since the beginning of the war, we have seen intercepts by warships in the red sea. but if i'm not mistaken, not yet in the eastern med, so the us clearly showing that it will work with israel on its own defense. and after that, what wasn't picked up was largely intercepted by israel's own aerial defense arrays, which are very capable and very significant in terms of the conversation patients between the us and israel defense secretary lloyd austin also spoke with his israeli counterpart, yoav gallant several hours ago, according to a us official familiar with the contents of that call, the us asked to be updated and notified when israel carried out a potential response to this iranian attacks. so the us and israel tries i understand the same page. we clearly saw they were on the defense. will they stay together on the same page moving forward here? that's where all looking at you remind me or in the was not happy that it was not given a
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heads-up prior to what? israel has not acknowledged, but it is believed. and israeli strike on those iranian military leaders in damascus, correct >> correct. and that's the source of this request for a notification or an update. the us was not given a heads-up before that presumptive israeli strike on the iranian consulate in damascus. in fact, the notification occasion was given with warplanes already in the air, so impossible on that short notice, especially given how close damascus is to israel, to notify not only the pentagon, but also the other parts of the us national security apparatus that would certainly want to know information like that >> no question. oren liebermann. thanks so much arounds permanent mission to the united nations issued a statement late saturday night warning, israel against quote, any military aggression again, and condemning the un security council for quote, failing to uphold international peace. joining me now to discuss where this goes from here is nicole gray have ski she's a fellow
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in the nuclear policy program at the carnegie endowment for international peace. thanks so much for joining tonight. >> thank you for having me >> so after this strike on israel iran is declaring it concluded. that's at least from morons perspective, but there is enormous expectation that israel responds to this tell us what are the potential scenarios here for an israeli military response >> well, there's various scenarios that we could see occurring. >> israel >> could target iran directly iranian territory today, iranian nuclear facilities. this of course is an unprecedented in the past, israel has let's conducted covert operations against iranian military and also nuclear facilities. but this would obviously be escalatory. it is directly on iranian territory. israel could also target iranian assets in syria. and this has been something
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that has occurred in the past as well >> beyond the >> april 1st attacked in demand vasquez, israel has frequently targeted iranian assets there. so there's a wide range of responses in terms of israel but there is also the extent of this and how, how far will this go? i mean, obviously ivan's message, the un mission was essentially a effort at de-escalation however, it's unlikely that the israelis are really going to take it as that. and acquiesce essentially to iranian strikes on its wall is israel has targeted, for instance iranian nuclear scientists targeted killings on iranian territory to have a military missile or air for strike on iranian nuclear facilities would be new and i wonder, is that something that israel could do without us involvement and i suppose if it were to do it would that draw
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the us into a conflict with iran, hold the us responsible for such an attack >> will israel certainly has the capabilities to do so from what we're seeing from the iranians, it doesn't seem like they'd like the united states to be involved in this from at least from the iranian perspective, it seems like they'd like to keep it between iran and israel. there's been statements warning regional states against israeli using iranian airspace. so there's been this effort to keep it contained between iran, israel, it's unlikely that iran would encourage any kind of attacks on the united states today, it's just because iran does understand the capabilities united states has, which is obviously far more superior than israel's. that being said, israel does have the capability to do so and to launch strikes on iranian territory. so ron didn't go into this with the assumption that israel wouldn't retaliate. i think that's quite clear. this is probably something that was a trade-off
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when iran was contemplating whether or not to strike israel, israeli territory directly. so there's an anticipation, there's been movements of elise from open source information and movements of missile defense systems within iran. so there is an anticipation that potentially this would result in a military strike on iran. >> you focus on nuclear policy at carnegie >> are there >> potentials for a nuclear escalation in this conflict? depending on how israel responds and how iran might respond to any israel, israeli response >> well, i guess the nuclear dimensions, this would actually have to do with the ron civilian nuclear program. it's very unlikely israel igoin to use a nuclear weapon to reond to iran.ut iran does have a new their programhat is really inteifying and growing in terms of its work that's essentially what you need to make a nleareapon.
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and also some of its research and develoent. so a nuear program has be growi exponentially since the trump administration's withdrawal from the jcpoa, the iran nuclear deal but it hasn't made the political decision to weaponize or to convert its civilian program into one of military nature >> and you can >> potentially see ron holding this over. >> the whole conflict. it has loomed large about iran's potential to break out and so that's i think the nuclear dimension of the conflict it's not so much a nuclear strike either by israel or iran, potentially weaponizing and responding in that sense. >> yeah, thereby, by some estimates, iran already as the fissile material to make, perhaps more than one nuclear weapon if it were to decide to make that leap. but nicole great. thanks. so much for joining us this evening >> thank you for having me >> well, daylight is now revealing what damage around was able to inflict with its
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barrage of more than 200 missiles and drones over the span of five hours overnight iran's ambassador to the un says the strikes targeted israeli military sites. this in retaliation for an alleged israeli strike on syria which killed seven iranian islamic revolutionary guard-core officials. israel's military says its forces, and us forces intercepted most of the iranian missiles and drones over the night with the vast majority of them destroyed outside israeli territory. in the hours before daybreak, iran's proxy has built launched dozens of projectiles from lebanon into northern israel. now, israel, three man war cabinet is weighing its response to the attack just moments ago, the israeli prime minister netanyahu posted on x, formerly twitter, we have intercepted we have contained together, we shall win i want to speak down
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to fabian heights, he a research fellow for defense and military analysis at the international institute for strategic studies. thanks so much for joining tonight. >> thanks much. >> was this attack a failure by iran >> well, i will have to say we will probably have to wait a little longer to get independent confirmation for the amount of damage that that had attack occurred incurred within israel but so far the statements eight by both the us and israeli officials indicate that iran hasn't really unable to penetrate israeli defenses to the degree that i wanted to i would say if that turns out to be true, it's a huge problem for iran because that deterrence relies on missiles there deterrence relies on drones. and if it becomes obvious that they are not capable of inflicting a lot of damage, then that deterrence, deterrence potential will be degraded it's a good point here because the combination of
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israeli defenses which are multi-layered, it's good. they go far beyond iron dome, which is for lower altitude threats, right up to two arrow which extends into ballistic missiles fired through space, but also us forces in the region, both fighter jets surface ships that shot down, well, 70 some odd drones and missiles that were part of this attack here what does that show you beyond iran of the combined us and israeli capability to manage attacks such as this, because this was a, this is a big attack you're not advancing and the west has been quite concerned about ballistic missiles and drones because with these systems, you >> can really attack the depth of the adversary even if you don't have as superiority and for the west, it was always big issue that they had air superiority and their hinterland there rear areas were safe. so these systems have been a large concern, but now that we can see that missile defenses have gotten better and better, that concern might become a little less urgent that has been previously
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i spoke earlier with a republican congressman mike lawler, and i asked him if this >> strike might push through this supplemental, this additional military aid package with aid intended for israel, not just for israel, but also for ukraine and taiwan. it's been sitting there. republicans in the house have been blocking it. might this push it to the floor? finally, this attack on israel, i want to play the question how the congressman responded and get your thoughts. have a listen congressman as you. know republican speaker johnson has delayed putting the supplemental to a vote on the floor, which includes aid both to israel and to ukraine pain do you call on him now to do so this week >> look, i believe very strongly we need to get aid to israel, to ukraine, and to taiwan. it's why i've introduced defending borders, defending democracies, which
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would provide 66 billion and lethal aid as. well as border security here in the united states, we have to recognize the threat at our own southern border but let me be very clear about this house republicans passed aid to israel back in november of last year. chuck schumer and senate democrats sat on that for months, refusing to take up that supplemental aid package for it israel. we obviously have to work together to get this done. so yes, i'm calling on speaker johnson to bring a bill to the floor. this week. i'm calling on chuck schumer and the white house to work with house republicans. we are in a divided government. we have to work together. there has to be compromised. we need to help israel. we need to help if ukraine, we need to help taiwan, and we need to secure our own borders, the world is under attack, and we all have a responsibility in an obligation to get this done >> is it possible fabian heights that iran has just done ukraine a favourite tonight
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that this might be the event that gets that aid package across the finish line >> well, i would say that depends on the and internal politics and the n's i would say that ukraine is actually made similar experiences to israel. and the way that i'm american made western-made air and missile defenses have turned out to be quite formidable, but i'm russian threat what ukraine is also shown this, that you need the numbers and the stockpiles that are available in the west are not endless. and the wrapping up production takes a lot of time so i guess now the big question is, where as america lawyer global commitments, what do you prioritize and how assign the arsenal that you, that you have no question, maybe in hi, thanks so much for joining tonight >> thanks much. >> are breaking news coverage continues after a short break morrow a ninth, those for
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dish one. you're telling me you can get directtv, got good stuff and you don't need a satellite dish i used to love doing my business on those things. yeah, won-sik pigeon then dishes kept the reynoso are beaks. we just have different priorities satellite free directtv never thought i'd see the day or lifespans are quite short, extreme >> directv her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> i'm evan perez at the federal court in washington, and this is cnn >> let's review again what we know now of a ron's strikes on israel. these are scenes from the streets of tehran after word came out that iran had launched its attack several hours ago celebrations on the streets there. the idf says the iranian strikes involved more than 200 drones and ballistic missiles. it says, however, most were shot down before reaching israel's airspace, us
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president joe biden said to meet with g7 liters on sunday to coordinate a united response among israel's allies. secretary of state antony blinken says he will consult our allies in the hours ahead mr. biden spoke with israeli prime minister netanyahu. we affirming the us commitment to israel's security, but saying the us will not participate in any israeli offensive operation directly against iran the prime minister posted on x, formerly twitter. we have intercepted, we have contained together, we shall win the latest international reaction is coming from china, which expressed deep concern called the escalation, a spillover from the war in gaza >> hours >> before around strikes on israel and israeli linked container ship was seized by the revolutionary guard-core near the strait of hormuz this according to the iranian state news agency, irna cnn's paula newton joins us now with more
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>> this is >> is this considered an element of the broader attack that this seizure was tied somehow to these drone and missile strikes on israel. well, >> given the fact that it was carried out by the revolutionary guard, its name av core, likely that is an in fact, it's not such a subtle message, or write a gym you and i both know from the uranian regime saying, look, we have other things that we can do and ones that strike at the very heart of the global economy. and specifically the us. and this is why we're looking at that very dramatic video. this was a container your shipped again, was seized by the iranian revolutionary guard. >> now it's run by a company that's >> called zodiac maritime lins a here though is that it is apparently linked to an israeli businessman now, what's important here is where they did this. this was very close to the strait of hormuz >> basically bonds payable for the shipment of about one in five barrels of oil per day. it is a choke point, but jim, as
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you know well, this is also a strategic asset, a weapon, even for iran, when they choose to use it it's basically a message saying that we can stall supplies of energy and other goods through that right there. if we feel we need to, and it comes at a particularly vulnerable time for the biden administration is trying to deal with inflation, trying to make sure that those gas prices, oil prices stay where they are and do not elevate anymore. i mean, jim, look, oil prices already at nearly six month highs, they had already priced in something like this. gemma i would say that it's not another question that oil might even go down when the markets open at the beginning of the week, but that's not the point. the point is, this will continue to be a very vulnerable point that leverage point that iran will use. and it is a reminder again, directly to the us administration not to get involved because it can in cause headaches on the global stage. >> no question. a lot, a lot of ways to inflict pain beyond military power, including
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economic means paula newton, thanks so much and are breaking news coverage of the iranian strikes on israel continues after a short break >> some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you with all sdi because you you are not doing this save a dr. wise and get a rate based on you you're in good hands with allstate from
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you look at live pictures there of jerusalem as day breaks in israel update from the idf, the israeli military says that 99% of iranian missiles and drones fired it. israel were intercepted and that there were more than 300 projectiles fire. this is higher than we knew until recently the estimate had been around 200 so a significant increase in the number of iranian drones and missiles but it israel. and yet 99% of them in intercepted the israeli defense forces spokesperson, admiral daniel hagari went on to say only a small number of ballistic missiles reached israel. the remaining ballistic missiles or cruise missiles and drones intercepted before reaching israeli territory. quite a large number of iranian missiles and drones fired in
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addition to that update, the un secretary general released a statement a short time ago saying, i am deeply alarmed about the very real danger of a devastating region-wide escalation. i urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint to avoid any action that could lead to major military confrontations on multiple fronts. in the middle east. >> i have >> repeatedly stressed that neither the region nor the world can afford war. those the words of the un secretary general antonio guterres the un security council will convene the late later today, sunday following a request from israel's un ambassador iran's mission to the un is warning that if israel commits what it called, any further military aggression, two rounds response will be quote, stronger and more resolute cnn's fred pleitgen has more on what we're hearing from iran >> the iranians have said that the massive strikes that they unleashed on israeli territory were a direct retaliation for
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the strikes on the iranian embassy compound in damascus. that of course, the iran let me and say killed several top-level members of the islamic revolutionary guard-core. now, the israelis, of course, have not claimed responsibilities for those strikes in damascus, but the iranians have said that they do hold israel accountable for it. and so they say that right now the retaliation was for exactly that the iranians put out a statement or earlier where they said that with this retaliation as they put it, the matter can be deemed to be concrete looted, in other words, it could stop there, but the iranians are also saying that all of that, of course, depends on the united states and depends very much on israel as well. in fact, the iranians are saying that if israel does decide to take this further to retaliate once again that then the iranians would, for their part, also launched what they call a proportional response to all that the iranians were
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saying that the strikes that they conducted, which force involved a lot of drones ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles that they consider that to be an act of self-defense as they put it at the same time, they warned both the united states and israel not to take things even further. one nuance that was very important in all of this is that the islamic revolutionary guard-core actually put out a statement as well were they also said that they hold the us accountable for any actions that israel would take and told the us, as they said, to stay out of the matter. of course, the iranians threatened the united states quite frequently in the middle east. one of the things that we've heard repeatedly from iranian officials. well, so from former members of the irgc is that they say the united states needs to understand that next to every military base, or almost every military rebase that the us has in the middle east, that there is an iranian backed militia out there that could attack us assets in the middle east. so certainly the
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iranians are saying that for the us, this could get very real, but at the same time, they also say that they don't want this matter to be taken any further. however, they do say that if the israelis do launch attacks against iranian territory, that iran would be ready for pleitgen. cnn, berlin >> the latest wave of iranian strikes against israel appears now to have subsided. israel's war cabinet, weighing its response to this attack, the israeli military it's sunday. as we noted, a short time ago, 99% of more than 300 projectiles. that is drones and missiles fired it. israel, by iran were intercepted only a small number of ballistic missiles reached israel with the remaining ballistic missiles, all cruise missiles, and all drone once intercepted before reaching israeli territory. this from the idf spokesperson, rear admiral daniel hagari, official says us
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president joe biden told the israeli prime minister, he should actually see the response to the attack as a win since iran was largely unsuccessful and israel's superior military capability was put on display along with us help and shooting down many of those missiles and drones i'm jim sciutto in washington. thanks so much f joining u this eveni. are breakingews coverage continues after a short break with becky anderson, live from abu dhabi >> i'm something of a magician
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