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tv   Forensic Files II  CNN  April 13, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am PDT

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there's no challenge because he has a coalition in the parliament, which is quite solid. this street things differently. but in israel, the parliament votes for the falling of a government. and we will have to continue with netanyahu at least for the short future good to have you, gideon >> always a pleasure. thank you. gideon levy >> thank you become cnn's christiane amanpour joined us. so next to discuss what is going on around this region after iran's direct attack on israel >> there's debris in this guy >> parents husbands and wives were so could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow up, space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale tomorrow at nine on >> from tried and true to try
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something new >> so many >> ways to save >> life, ready wallet, happy. that's a 360 s5 by whole foods market >> sunglasses brand new brand >> for moderate to severe crohn's disease, sky busy is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improved damage to the intestinal lining. >> serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections, or lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to liver problems may occur in crohn's disease >> control of >> crohn's means everything to me mr. gastroenterologist about sca receives learn how fv could help you save file 100% free with turbotax free edition
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>> you will mate to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise in three seconds. why this couple will share a perfect moment >> but we got to sell her houses. well, almost perfect. don't worry, just sell directly to open door and close a matter of days when life doors opened, we'll handle the house welcome back. i'm becky >> anderson in abu dhabi. time here is just after ten, 30 in the morning. israel says nearly all of the 300 or so iranian missiles and drones that were launched overnight were taken down by the idf and their
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partners in inverted commas the attack lasted approximately five hours. us president joe biden spoke to the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and he urged him to avoid escalating the situation further but speaking on army radio israel's ministry of foreign affairs, israel katz has reiterated comments that if iran attacks inside israel, his country will strike inside iran while israel has been preparing for iran to strike. here's what mr. netanyahu said on saturday, right before the tax russian citizens of israel in recent years and especially in recent weeks, israel has been preparing for a direct attack by iran our defensive systems are deployed. we are ready for any scenario, both defensively and offensively. the state of israel is strong, but the idf is strong. the public is strong. >> let's bring in chief
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international anchor, chris amanpour christiane, you just heard there from the israeli prime minister this was a wave and unprecedented five, our wave of attacks defended not just by the idf, of course, but by israel's quote partners and gideon levy who is on the editorial board of israeli media organization eretz is very specifically said, israel was saved by its partners are very specifically by the united states and its support overnight, your thoughts >> i'm becky. let's be clear, in 45 years since the islamic republic and the antagonism between israel and iran, there has never been attacked by iran inside israel. so this does actually cross, cross a threshold. and the actual we'll future right now rests on whether israel will listen to
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the united states and not retaliate for the retaliation it was a massive aerial attack in terms of hundreds of drones, cruise missiles, and other surface to surface missiles that flew from iran on over various other territories, including apparently some from yemen, some from hezbollah, et cetera it appears according to reports that israel has responded in lebanon on hezbollah targets if that is confirmed and we will see whether there's any further retaliation. united states has said since october 7, that while it stands with israel and its right to defend from what happened on october 7. it had really implored, in fact, pleaded bag and sent all its officials military diplomatic, cia, the president himself, to warn israel not to escalate because there had been no intelligence supporting any claim that iran had anything to
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do with october 7. so what you have right now is having, taken the action it did in damascus early april for we don't know why they obviously don't say that they did except that then they say israel believes it struck a military building of quds forces. iran says it was also a diplomatic base and it was it was wrongly struck. obviously, that would be around position at the united nations, iran in its statement last night, said that it was abiding by the provisions for self-defense from so-called article 51. and as you've mentioned, as you've reported, it says, this is this matter should now be considered concluded. but if israel, quote, unquote, makes a mistake, again, iran will react even more strongly. those are the words of iran and said that iran is telling the united states is big capital letters must stay away from this.
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>> i >> think in terms of the defense, israel has hugely sophisticated anti-missile defense. the iron dome, all sorts of other things that the united states has provided it with over decades. >> and if >> you see what, what, what ukraine can do with barrage of russian and iranian and drones. a russian missiles and cruise, ukraine has been able to knock down the majority of those. it is not surprising that israel and the united states were able to intercept the vast majority and that damage according to israel, has been very, very limited joe biden very pointedly said don't to take her on deck ron, did attack, albeit telegraphing this attack some days ahead of time not necessarily saying how and where, but certainly suggesting this attack would come how
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would you describe the way that the biden administration has has dealt with this period? this is certainly a somewhat of a distraction to what is going on in gaza. >> and we >> know the us putting an enormous amount of pressure on israel to get a ceasefire deal concluded. there will be a temporary ceasefire deal in order to get the hostages out and get the humanitarian aid in. how do you perceive the way that this is all being dealt with >> becky? certainly president biden, they all say that they all they all sing from the same script, right? they also withstand with israel defense, we will help defend israel. >> and then obviously they tell all others all the axes in the region. and iran particularly with the so-called axis of axis of resistance, that it started back in the early 80s in response to israel's in of
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lebanon back then, it's tried to keep its tried, it's best to keep this all from escalating. if you remember iran did in fact, through its proxies kill three american service people based in jordan >> the united >> states was very clear and it responded and it apparently killed 45 of those people who whoever they were, iranian z rockies munitions. and there has been no more action between iran and the united states in that region since that up until now, also the routines had backed off from there heavy action in terms of attacking and threatening ships in the red sea right after october 7 this now bring it back to a boil and it really is up to the united states and israel to decide whether this is one and done by iran in response to what israel did. and we still do not know why what was the
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cows is bell what was the actual reason for israel striking that facility in damascus other than a target of opportunity. so to speak, what was the reason and clearly, just as hamas knew, i don't know whether it's understood the russia of the response after october 7, israel clearly would have known that there would have been a response to what happened in damascus and if it didn't know, iran was telegraphic it every which way for the last 13 days. so this is something it's almost like plan. it was very fortunate that all the defense's word israel has and the united states have much more competent and heavily armed developed and modern military machine. although iran has plenty of missiles and drones, it does not have an f force of any note and. it doesn't really have a c4's that is threatening. but this is where we are the
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problem here. >> does >> netanyahu listened to president biden and up until now, it is being very questionable. in fact, many allies we're very, very concerned israeli allies and us allies have been quite shocked and surprised throughout the six months of this war on gaza since the horrors of october 7, that to them, it appears that this israeli government is not listening and we have heard many, many times these negotiations for a ceasefire have moved as you've just been reporting, one step forward, three steps back. the latest frankie before this was even israelis leaking that the best side of the negotiations were slow rolling it. so this is a really, really difficult moment for the people whose families are still in gaza the israelis who are still in gaza. it's horrendous for the 33,000 plus gazans who've been killed. it
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is catastrophic as well for the famine that has set in according to the united states and pictures we see. this is a catastrophic situation and as-yet, we see no joined up full process doesn't stop it. going on now, but what even more important for any day after reality very, very difficult. >> i lack of a political pathway forward is as a number of people, i've spoken to in the past 24 hours suggested is really aggravating the situation. even further at present, it is extremely complicated. there is real concern. chris john, thank you. real concern around the region where i am profound concern about what could happen next and appeals for real de-escalation at this point we will see what the israeli response to this retaliatory
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attack, attack from tech ron will be in the hours to come. well, as we wait to see how israel response to these unprecedented attacks by iran, we are seeing more israeli politicians reacting. netanyahu's far-right minister for internal security, it's ben-gvir. remember what his job is in? security posting on x >> impressive defense. >> so far? now, we need a crushing attack or compare that with israel's president isaac hertz on posting. bless you dear soldiers and commanders of the idf and iaf bless the coalition of nations led by the us. and at potters, bless my sisters and brothers the people of israel for their exceional show of resilience together, the forces of good will overcome the forces of evil will still come some us lawmakers are calling for more support for israel in the wake
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of iran's attacks, details on that are just ahead >> tomorrow a negative >> space for stoma, whole story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope. are we alone? >> followed. by the two parts of an >> leo space shuttle columbia, the final flight tomorrow's starting at eight on cnn >> always dry scope before you run >> hot dog died, god makes sure it's time. we listen to science one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day science that matters >> for moderate to severe crohn's disease, sky rosie is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improved damage to the
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intestinal lining. >> serious allergic reaction and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. >> control role of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about sco rizzi learn how fv could help you save all yeah take it from your inner child. >> what you really >> need in life is some fricking torture what gallager coordinate rt that totally torqued out crossover >> covid-19 i'm not waiting. if it's covid pexla >> packs little bit is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 at a high risk factor for becoming severe, it does not prevent fan covid-19. >> my symptoms are mild now but i'm not risking it if it's covid packs loaded, pexla must be taken within the first five days of symptoms and helps stop the virus from multiplying in
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your body are taking pexla with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how id or other medicines work including hormonal birth control is critical to tell your doctor about all medicines you take because certain tests are changes in their dosage may be needed tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, hiv-1 are planned to become pregnant or breastfeed don't take packs, love it if you're allergic to nima, 12-year ritonavir or any of its ingredients series side effects can include allergic reactions, some severe like anaphylaxis and liver problems. these are not all the possible side effects. so talk to your doctor commercially insured patients may pay as little as $0 and the us government is making packs little bit available to medicare, medicaid, and uninsured patients for free terms and conditions apply to both programs. learn more at pax low slash paxos and ask your doctor today if it's covid packs lovin 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form ten, 40 and limited credits only. see how a
11:48 pm that's me is weighing. its response after iran launch more than 300 missiles and drones towards israel overnight 99% of those were shot down by israel's military and their quote partners. according to the idf, these pictures shows some of the israeli pilots returning to the never tim airbase in the negative desert the idf says the base was struck by the only uranium missiles that did reach israel. but that one think cause light structural damage in the basis. they say still running far as georgia's is a professor of international relations at the london school of economics, good friend of this show and the author of making the arab world. he joins us now live via skype from brussels, far as good to have you. what is your assessment of what we have witnessed? just overnight >> what i mean, i think the
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first point is that iran has delivered its message it was an unprecedented attack benjamin netanyahu and the war cabinet dad iran to retaliate. and juran stood up i think what you're on is trying to do is to restore its balanced without really triggering a direct pool. other with the united state and/or israel. but that key we need to tell our viewers this is a precipitated crisis. this is a man's made, a crisis. it was benjamin netanyahu provoked iran by attacking its consulate in syria and killed six top commanders again, we need to tell you a view is that israel has been killing top iranian scientists and commanders. and diplomats for quite a few years
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inside iran itself. and iran has really avoided a by rack clash because iranian leadership fears that israel is trying to drag it in into war with the united states. but the killing, but the attack on its consulate in syria was an attack on iranian sovereignty, was at attack on the iranian state and the iranian leadership could not afford not to respond and restore tried to. their deterrents follows if it is retaliation was inevitable, and let's be quite frank. well telegraphed around this region and to both to us and israel. israel's response to this is not inevitable will benjamin netanyahu listen to us president joe biden, us is thrown its support behind israel's defense overnight,
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very, very visibly getting livius said to me that israel survived overnight because of the role played by the us and its other partners as it were around this region. >> so >> the question is, isn't it, what happened? his next, you know, becky, you asked earlier your panel about joe biden strategy towards israel and the israel onslaught in gas. i think and i was really trying to come in even though i was not part of your panel i mean, what what has been the overarching strategic goal of joe biden since october 7, was to really prevent the escalation of the war from gaza into neighboring countries. i think if you asked me bluntly and critically the biden administration strategy has failed and has failed miserably. that is, joe biden is sleepwalking the united
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state into another war in the middle east, not only joe biden has failed to influence the decision of netanyahu and his war cabinet in fact, netanyahu has played joe biden, has outmaneuver joe biden did israel consult with the united state when it attacked the iranian consulate in syria the united states criticize the provocation by netanyahu. and yet joe biden now says, we have an ironclad commitment to israel's security in understand back. i understand that the united states support israel, but at what cost and what are the limits and is the united states willing to be dragged into another war in the middle east because german netanyahu's goes political interests and strategic interests as well far as it's good to have you. >> thank you very much >> indeed, for your analysis far as changes. here on cnn, we'll be right back every
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about sky resi learn how advocate help you save israel's war cabinet is weighing its response to iran's aerial attack as strikes appear to have stopped for now, the israeli military says 99% of the more than 300 projectiles by that israel, by iran overnight were intercepted. and only a quote, small number of ballistic missiles actually reached israel what official says us president joe biden told the israeli prime minister, he should actually see the win as, sorry, the night as a win >> all reaction >> from capitol hill has been swift following the attacks, mitch mcconnell released a statement encouraging president biden to show support for israel by leaving an international effort to make iran pay for its actions the senate minority leader writes, quote president biden has insisted that america's commitment to israel's security
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is ironclad. it is time for his administration to match words with actions iran's leaders must know the things they value most are at ri mcconnell also urged biden to give israel the time and space. a quote, finish the job. again to mass one, becky anderson in abu dhabi, i will be back with more of what is our breaking news coverage after this? short break? >> that >> after a night, when iran fires more than 300 missiles, drones, and ballistic missiles to holds the territory of israel. what happens next is what we will discuss
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>> for moderate to severe crohn's disease. guy rizzi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improved damage to the intestinal lining serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to liver problems may occur but in crohn's disease, control of carlos means everything to me asked her gastroenterologist about sca receives learn how we could help you save covid-19 >> i'm not waiting. >> if it's covid pexla packs little bit is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderat e covid-19 teen at a high risk factor for becoming severe, it does not prevent covid-19. >> my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risking it if it's covid packs loaded packs lovin must be taken within the first five days of symptoms and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body are taking pexla with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how good or
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other medicines work, including hormonal birth control is critical to tell your doctor about all medicines you take because certain tests are changes in their dosage may be needed. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problem from hiv-1 are planned to become pregnant or breastfeed, don't take packs, love it if you're allergic to nima 12-year ritonavir or any of its ingredients. serious side effects can include allergic reaction some severe like anaphylaxis and liver problems. these are not all the possible side effects. so talk to your doctor >> commercially insured patients may pay as little as $0 and the us government is making packs lovin available to medicare, medicaid, and uninsured patients for free. terms and conditions apply to both programs. learn more at pax low slash paxos, and ask your doctor today if it's covid packs lovin >> one barbarous was the turbotax. >> i wrote four generations of family tradition >> i want to make perfume >> so i meet barbers, new psyche, count i guarantee
12:00 am
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