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tv   Forensic Files II  CNN  April 14, 2024 1:00am-1:30am PDT

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>> cnn breaking news >> hello, and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm alex marquardt live in washington this morning with our continuing breaking news coverage of iran overnight strike on israel in israel, it is now 11:00 a.m. and there is an uneasy, calm life getting back to normal following a massive historic and unprecedented iranian attack overnight the idf, says that more than you can hear, the sirens going off interceptors in the sky. the idf says the more than 300 missiles and drones were fired on israel overnight 99% of them according to israel, were shot down. those few that got through hit an airbase in the negative, that's in southern israel but they just cause minor damage. tehran says that the attack was
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their response. there retaliation to an israeli strike last week on iran's embassy last week in damascus, that left some seven members of the revolutionary guard, including a senior commander dead. but now iran is saying, is the matter can be regarded as concluded after this retaliation at the same time, israel's foreign minister is now repeating an earlier statement that if iran attacks inside israel, israel will then have to strike inside iran. and that is the main concern right now us president joe biden has spoken with his israeli counterpart, prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they spoke by phone according to a us official, president biden said that the attacks had largely fail, which meant he said this was a win for israel. prime minister netanyahu also posted a statement on social media. you can see right there saying, quote, we have
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intercepted, we have contained we shall win. now that the attacks are over and they lasted some five hours airspace in. israel, jordan, and iraq have all reopened and you can see all of that air traffic there in the sky throughout the region. notably, you can see that big blank spot there in the middle over iraq. but airlines are also avoiding flying over iran, which includes it's a vital corridor for global commercial travel i want to get to cnn's international diplomatic editor, nic robertson. he's in jerusalem. nick, you have been on air reporting since the very moment those first sirens sounded in the wee hours of the morning over jerusalem, telling us about the the intercepts that we're going up to take down the drones and missiles that were incoming. it appears that the life is slowly returning to normal and israel,
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what's the latest from there, and what sense are you getting about what may still be to come? >> yeah i think there's two strains of thought, if you will, that are being expressed by leading politicians president herzog's today saying that congratulations to the army, to the air force, to the intelligence services for a job well done, thanking the united states president biden and the white house as well, which really, i think underscores how really, how big a sense of relief there is here that iran could fire so many missiles, 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles, and 120 ballistic missiles. and the attack been deterred so effectively. but as you just mentioned the foreign minister, israel katz has said that what he said last week stance that an attack by iran on israel will, will bring an
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attack by israel on iran. and certainly what the prime minister is saying that together we will win implies that that is still a possibility and the defense minister has also left the door open there. what am struck by as we stand here right now watching the dynamic play out at the moment within the narrative that emerges from officials in israel. overnight, we understood that there had been a security cabinet meeting that had then determined that they would leave the decision of how israel would respond to the war cabinet and the implication was a war cabinet would be meeting in fairly short order where we haven't heard anything about a the war cabinet meeting, or if they have what they've determined, there's a broad cabinet session are expected later this afternoon here in several hours so that's sort of implies that
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whatever public position israel is going to emerge and take over striking back or not to iran this is sort of getting a little more thought and a little more time put into it. but i don't think anyone should be under the misguided apprehension that is throughout doesn't actually want to strike back. that's the expectation >> nic talk to us about the us of it all because of course the us as well as other allies like the united kingdom, they came to israel aid last night, the us helping take down dozens, we believe of drones and missiles incoming. and now we understand from the white house that president biden is telling israel clearly that the us does not support, would not support any kind of retaliation against iran. so how does israel balance this unprecedented attack? and they if they're feeling for a need to respond with what is being said here in
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washington >> indeed. and i think we can add to that equation as well what we've heard from iranian officials saying that through their swiss intermediaries, they have told the united states under no uncertain terms that if the united states was to aid israel in response attacking iran, then us troops stationed in the region, their safety couldn't be guaranteed. so that is very clear warning from from iran look, i think, you know what what president biden and prime minister netanyahu spoke about last night or early hours of this morning, we know that they have huge differences. they had huge differences over the war in gaza and despite president biden's pressure on israel to curtail the killer killing of palestinians in gaza. some more than 33,000. now to get more aid into gaza, it has taken a long time and an extreme amount
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of pressure to bring that about. so to think that a prime minister netanyahu might bend the two, president biden's wishes. and will that iran, that israel doesn't escalate this by retaliating against iran we don't know, of course, but that seems given the recent track record unlikely >> all right. nic robertson injuries, some. thank you so much for all of your terrific reporting overnight and into the morning. really appreciate it. meanwhile, introns capital tehran. crowds of people have gathered in the streets to celebrate. take a listen ron, state aligned to tasnim news agency showed that demonstration with people chanting, honking car horns, waving palestinian flags in tehran's palestine square, showing their support for for that attack by iran against israel hoda, brigands, cnn's paula hancocks joins us now
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live from abu dhabi. so we've seen those scenes of celebration. paula, despite the fact that there was no real success, if you will, in this attack against israel. what are we hearing from iranian leaders this morning? >> well, alex, it's worth noting that of course we don't know about those rallies and the celebrations. we don't know whether it was government organized, of course, and we would expect that that is not the majority, or at least all of the uranium people that feel that way as we know, the government does not have a great support among many of its people at this point, but we are hearing from tehran at this point. we are hearing for example, from the commander in chief of the revolutionary guards saying that whenever israel attacks our assets, our people, we will respond from our territory saying in the latest operation is indicative of this new equation. and what
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this really points to alex is the fact that this was the first time that we saw around launching an attack against israel from iranian territory. of course it was the first time, but what we're hearing here in this from the revolutionary guards commander in chief is that the first time has happened, it will be easier to do it again in the future. so it is really showing that this is an escalation. and then also was nick had mentioned we did hear from the chief of staff for saying that the military operation has concluded and there has been a warning to the united states any retaliation from israel if it has us support, then that means a response from from tehran will be against us bases we have seen dozens of attacks against us bases in syria. and in iraq over recent months. but what we're hearing overall from tehran is that they believed that this was self-defense. they refer back to that attack. the strike on a
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rainy and consulate. they called it in damascus, which they blame on israel. and it had killed seven people. it killed among those sets seven to come manders of the revolutionary guards. and i say that this was a retaliation to that they had warned there would be a retaliation. this is what happened. and as it was on a compound, that had it's its embassy and consulate buildings, it was effectively on iranian soil. so it was acting in self-defense also criticizing the un council for not having condemned at that particular attack. of course, the question now is, what will the israeli response be if there is an israeli response? and we have also heard from tehran saying that if there is they. call it a military aggression. iran's response will be quote, stronger and more resolute. alex. >> yeah, very interesting to see the messaging coming from tehran, both in the leadup and
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following this attack, iran essentially saying this is just about israel telling the us to stay out of it and then just as those air-raid sirens started sounding in jerusalem last night, iran essentially saying it's now over a real effort by tehran to compartmentalize this and perhaps hope that this is it and leave it at that. but of course, that is four now, israel to decide paula hancocks in abu dhabi. thank you so much for that reporting. i want to get straight to whitehouse reported kevin liptak, who joins me now kevin a very busy evening at the white house, multiple sessions in the situation room. we saw the president surrounded by his top national security officials. we know that the president has spoken with prime minister benjamin netanyahu what is the latest from the white house? >> yeah, i think there were some tense moments in this room, less night. and remember alex, president biden had to rush back from his beach house in delaware in order to get to those real-time monitoring devices. so that he and the
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national security apparatus we're able to watch this in real time. of course, president biden is in something of a tenured us here he is hoping to prevent a wider conflict from exploding in the region, while also demonstrating stalwart support for israel and its defense against iran. and of course, this does come at a moment of heightened tensions between himself and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but i think in a statement that the present it's an put out last night. he is trying to make clear that there is no daylight between himself and israel. and this particular issue of defending the country against iran. and in a statement, the president said, i've just spoken with prime minister netanyahu to reaffirm america's ironclad commitment to the security of israel. the president goes on to say hey, i've told him that israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity defense to defend itself against an defeat, even unprecedented attacks, sending a clear message to its fos that they cannot effectively threatened the security of
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israel. and so i think reading between the lines of that statement and also talking two american officials those president biden is essentially telling netanyahu here to take the win that they do view. its response to these iranian reprisals as successful. they don't think that arounds drones are missiles hit anything worthwhile. and israel, the vast majority were shot out of the sky hi, in president biden is essentially telling his counterpart that this should be considered a win. the other important thing that we've heard from officials is that president biden told netanyahu that the us would not participate in any offensive operation against iran. so essentially drawing a line on what the us is willing to to going forward and certainly what american officials are going to be looking for sunday and heading into the next week is how israel will respond to this attack. and certainly that has been a topic of discussion since even before these drones
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were launched yesterday. now, president biden in this statement does say that he will will convene a meeting with members of the g7 later on sunday, to discuss the diplomatic efforts to contain this crisis and the region. and he also notes that he hasn't seen any attacks on us forces in the region, but that he will remain vigilant to all threats and will not hesitate to take all necessary action to protect our own people, alex. >> yeah. >> i really important statement from the white house there you're absolutely right reading between the lines that is clear that the white house is saying just, let's leave it at this. you did very well last night. of course, the us has a lot of leverage because there was so much americans port last night and so much ongoing us support for israel's war in gaza. cnn's kevin liptak. thank you very much for joining us this morning. i want to get right now to sanam vakil, who is in london. she's the director of the middle east and north africa program at chatham house leading the iran foreign
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projects. and i'm thank you so much for joining us. this morning >> i >> just want to get your sense broadly now that the dust is settling, we know what iran fired at israel. we know to what extent some of the proxies got involved. is this what you expected would would unfold what is your sense of where things will go from here? >> well, good morning or and i'm sure it's been quite a long night for you >> the >> reaction i think right now is that iran pushed back against israel and tried to make it clear that the past number of months of israeli efforts that degrading iran across the region and pushing back you can the axis of resistance has been achieved from iran's purposes, iran has directly attacked israel, which was a bit of a surprise for my, my take. i think it's really changes the nature of israel and iran is confrontation which for the past number of decades has been very shadowy and gray
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as is oftentimes described. and now with this attack, everything is out in the open and the onus is now on the israeli leadership to decide if they are going to counter attack we've been talking about how iran has now crossed this rubicon in terms of directly attacking israel from its >> own territory onto israeli territory. but how does that shift things? >> well, it is a big escalation. >> iran >> for the second time in three months has launched strikes against another country, breaching their sovereignty from iran perspective. this is in response to the damascus consulate attack on its don't territory. and so it sees this attack on israel as legitimate but this changes things because what we can really see, we are
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at the brink of a potential broader regional war. and one where israel and iran can keep going back and forth, trying to re-establish red lines and deterrence >> and >> if israel does respond to what it sees as an serious escalation iran has attacked israeli territory for the first time ever directly. >> this will the israel perhaps doing the same. and who's going to de-escalate in this moment >> when you look at the public statements, i'm struck by how even in the lead up to this, it appeared that iran wanted to retaliate and send a message and save face. but that last night hey as the rockets and drones were kind of entering is really airspace, they said, okay, this is over. and to me that says that they don't want their role at least to expand. they've been more than happy to have their proxies going after israel and going after us interests throughout the region
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for the past six months. but do you think that iran does, now want to expand its role and have more of a direct role in this conflict? or does it still want to sort of look in the shadows >> iran, since october 7 has been abundantly clear. it doesn't seek a direct role in this, in this gaza war. it's been quite happy to operate behind the scenes and have the access is resistance continued to pressure israel. why this moment is so dangerous is that we are now in a new frontier. there has been a direct strike on israel, and i do expect israel to counter strike. what was quite interesting is, as you mentioned, that immediately after the strikes were launched, in the middle of the night, iran did say the operations are over and they tried to draw a line on where they are but add it's important to note that iran's attacks were very calibrated. it took over two weeks to plan this
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operation. they pickheir targets relatively carefully. there was no a loss of l very minimal damage, and israel's deterrence capability succeeded. there was an international coalition that worked alongside the israelis to make sure nothing got through. this is potentially build as much more of a success for israel than it is for iran. >> but >> iran can take the boxes of showing strength, changing the nature of the adversarial relationship with israel and at the same time tried to walk back into its defensive position. >> so now on the united states is essentially said that iran response was disproportionate compared to what israel did in damascus >> why >> was that? iran feel the need to carry out something like this so dramatic, more than 300 drones and missiles in response to that israeli strike against the consulate in damascus
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>> well, since the war in gaza has began israel has been simultaneously been looking to degrade iran positioning across its borders and lebanon and syria, and iraq. and over the past six months, we have seen over 18 irgc commanders killed. some of them very senior alongside this strike on the damascus consular facilities. for iran. this was really a red line if it didn't draw draw a line in the sand on israel's persistent attacks designed to push back against iran's role in the region. i think from a wrongs perspective, it's saw israel continuing this campaign against iran. so this was really about restoring deterrence, but we just don't know if that has been achieved just yet. >> yeah, certainly the most significant strike against iranian figure since qassem soleimani was killed by the us some four years ago, sanam vakil from chatham house in london. thank you so much for
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joining us this evening. really appreciate your time and your thoughts. >> thank you. >> and still the calm. it wasn't just a ron hezbollah in lebanon also launched dozens of rockets at israel overnight. so will these tend to shins now grow into a broader, more full-blown regional conflict. we'll take a look at that just ahead. stay with us >> how far would you go? does that the ambiance of your face, try the air wigwe with airway essential myth infused with natural essential oils, defile your moment with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days now that's a breath of fresh air. >> choice. hotels is a family of brands with the hotel for any traveler you want to be. like number one chef, dad, cooking up a free hot breakfast for the entire family had a comfort hoda, mom made this >> i added the garnish >> stay twice and get a free night when you booked direct
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closed captioning brought to you by gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it has the designers that get your >> heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. they'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70%, an sop today i look, let him i'm looking at those are the scenes overnight in southern israel as iran >> launched its attack against israel with more than 300 drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles us president joe biden is now expected to meet with g7 liters to coordinate what's being called a united diplomatic response after that retaliation by iran against israel for israel's attack last week against the
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iranian embassy in damascus. present biden also making it clear that the us will not participate and offensive operations against iran. that is according to a us official. >> but >> the us did help israel dramatically during the iranian attack last night, us official saying that american forces intercepted more than 70 iranian drones and at least three ballistic missiles there were heading for israel, us fighter jets and warships in the eastern mediterranean sea. were also part of that effort cnn state department reported jennifer hansler joins me now jennifer, what more we hearing from us officials today? >> well, acts are really hearing across the board from us officials this widespread condemnation of a ron's attacks on israel. we've heard from the secretary of state antony blinken, we've heard from secretary of defense lloyd austin and watch redo part of what his statements said from earlier today. he said, we condemn these reckless and unprecedented attacks by iran
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and its proxy sees and we call on iran to immediately halt any further attacks, including from its proxy forces and to de-escalate tensions. we do not seek conflict with iran, but we will not hesitate to act to protect our forces and support the defense of israel so. we see us officials are not yet breathing a sigh of relief here. there is still the potential for a massive regional conflict gracian, if either side chooses to escalate here and we see in that statement from secretary austin, as well as statements we've seen from the president and the secretary of state walking this line between not supporting israel in any sort of offensive move, but also making clear that they will defensively stand by israel. so alex, we expect to see a flurry of diplomatic activity to try to deter any sort of military response on either side, the secretary of state's said he would be calling partners in region and around the world in the coming hours and days to
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discuss this, president biden will be convening his g7 partners to discuss the situation. and there is a meeting later today of the un council that was called by israel to also discuss the situation. so tensions still remain very high here. alex jennifer, we did see or hear about several hours of conversations in the situation room between president biden and his top national security advisers. one of the reasons we understand is because they were monitoring what was going on in real time. you cover the state department, you cover secretary of state antony blinken. he was seated just two the right. i believe of president joe biden. can you give us a bit more of a sense of what what kinds of things the secretary of state will be doing in the coming hours and the coming days as you say, the us is trying to walk this line of of reiterating it's ironclad support for israel, but at the
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same time, hoping that israel does not go farther when it comes to iran yeah. >> alex, we can expect blinken to continue to engage with all the parties here to try to ensure that this does not explode into a really wide regional situation. we saw in the lead up to this strike, blinken was on the phone with a number of counterparts from china, from saudi arabia, egypt, jordan, to turkey to get them to press iran not to do anything escalatory. obviously, those messages fell on semi deaf ears because we did see iran launched this barrage of attacks against israel in the coming hours and days we expect blinken two once again, be engaging with people to ensure that this does not further escalate we expect him to be calling partners in the region, as well as european counterparts. he will be heading to the g7 later this week. so we will expect this to be at the top of the agenda there to alex. >> all right. jennifer hansler here in washington. thank you very much for your reporting.
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now, i want to bring in a cnn chief international anchor christiane amanpour, because john, thank you so much for joining us. i wonder to what extent do you think the us is going to be successful at convincing israel that they should now not retaliate against iran. what leverage the us has enlight of the help that they gave israel last nine. of course, the ongoing support at least in terms of weaponry in the war in gaza gaza this is the question frankie alex, because the united states has been urging israel >> throughout the war in gaza since october 7, to abide by rules of the international road and that has proven something that israel has not wants to do in terms of how it's targeting gaza. so if you've flashed now to this extra potential regional escalation, the very real question is is there a division between what the us wants, which is


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