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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 14, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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2:01 am imprint for certain >> cnn breaking news >> hello, and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm alex marquardt live in washington with our continuing cnn breaking news coverage of iran is unprecedented strike inside israel overnight. it is noon in israel, the country getting back to normal following that historic never before seen attack by iran against israel. take a listen those are the israeli air-raid sirens >> that israeli citizens to become all too accustomed to in the past six months with the war between israel and hamas but those were not hamas rockets flying it. israel, those were iranian drones, ballistic and cruise missiles. the israeli military saying
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that more than 300 of those projectiles were fired at israel well over the course of five hours. >> but the >> idf says that the vast majority, almost all of 99% were shot down. the few that did get through those formidable american allied and israeli air defenses all across the region. and in israel, the few that got through did hit an airbase in southern israel in the negev, but it only caused minor damage, were told now tehran is saying that the attack was in response to the israeli strike last week, almost two weeks ago, on the consulate building, that what they claim is the consulate building of iran embassy in the syrian capital of damascus that was on april 1 but iran said, as this attack was getting underway, and as these drones and missiles, we're getting close to a run at two israeli airspace, that the matter was concluded, essentially saying that's all over for now, at
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least israel's foreign minister for his part is repeating an earlier statement that if iran attacks inside israel as they just did, that, israel then reserves the right to strike back inside iran. and that is the big question right now the iranian revolutionary guard-core, the head of the irgc says that if israel hits iranian interests anywhere, tehran will respond directly again. so it goes without saying that tensions right now are sky high. meanwhile, us president joe biden has spoken in the past few hours with his israel rarely counterpart prime minister benjamin netanyahu they spoke by phone and according to a us officials, speaking to cnn, president biden said that the outcome of what happened last night was essentially a win for israel because the iranian attacks had largely failed because almost all of those drones and missiles were intercepted and
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taken down. there was no major damage, and there were no deaths inside israel. now, prime minister netanyahu, for his part, he posted a statement on social media. you can see it right there. he said, quote, we have intercepted, we have contained together, we shall win. so now that these iranian attacks are over, israel, jordan, and iraq of all reopened their airspace. you can see those planes flying again airlines still avoiding flying over iran, which includes a vital corridor for global and commercial travel. >> i want to get >> straight back to jerusalem and cnn's nic robertson, who has been up all night giving us a blow by blow of what he has been seeing and what he has is hearing. nick, i imagine right now, you're not seeing and hearing much of anything aside from life getting being back to normal but this is a far from normal situation. everyone on tender hooks about what could happen next in terms of potential israeli response yeah
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i'm we've heard as you say, from the foreign minister saying repeating what he had said that if is a >> struck israel than israel would straight back >> the defense >> minister has indicated there is still more to combat this, isn't complete. it's not all done, and the prime minister and his very brief statement we together, we will win. that sounds indicative that there's more to come but there is no one in the israeli government yet who's saying definitively, we are going to go and strike back iran that that is, that is a final decision. what we understand is happening is this afternoon the israeli war cabinet that's prime minister netanyahu is very small war cabinet will make the decision on how israel will respond now, that had been expected, that cabinet session had been expected earlier in the day
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what they decide i think we'll then set the tone for what's to come interestingly, both iran and israel from very senior leadership levels, the president here in israel saying, well done to the air force, well done to the army, well done to the intelligence services. thank you. united states. thank you, president biden ivan. thank you. white house >> and in iran saying >> that they essentially have reset the agenda with israel, that israel can no longer strike their interests in the region without expecting a strike back. so on the one hand, both sides are saying whip succeeded president biden stress that with prime minister netanyahu, that it was a success but the notion that israel would stand back now and let it, let iran be able to strike it back at will without a response more that seems unlikely and neck certainly playing into what the
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officials, the ministers, and that war cabinet are going to be discussing. is this clear sense that from israel's closest ally, the united states that they don't, that the us doesn't want to see israel do anything in this moment to essentially take the win yeah iran has also made it very clear to the united states if, if they do support >> israel and israel strikes back, then us troops in the region won't be safe. so the, lines are being drawn, but the track record of prime minister netanyahu listening to president biden's wishes as we've seen in gaza, more than 33,000 palestinians killed there serious food shortages, lack of humanitarian aid, and the north of gaza, in particular, people close to starvation. president biden, pressing for many months for israel to change that dynamic make an only marginal changes coming president biden's will
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and wish. that is expressed to prime minister netanyahu may not influence prime minister netanyahu's decision. it isn't clear at this moment, but if you study the track record it is likely that the prime minister will operate in what he thinks is israel's interests. the concern in the population here is that the more he turns his face away and ignores what president biden says, the weaker the us support for israel going forward. i'm very significantly the united but it's has made very clear that it was their support for israel that helped them have a successful defense last night. so any growing rift that's a big worry for big part of the pottery duration here. >> had to what extent prime minister feels netanyahu, it feels indebted to president biden because of that significant support. that of course, remains to be seen. nic robertson, a terrific reporting jerusalem, as always. thank you very much. meanwhile, in a ron's capital, crowds of
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people have been gathering in the streets to celebrate iran's state tasnim news agency showed this demonstration with people chanting, honking car horns and waving palestinian flags in tehran's palestine square showing their support for iran's attack on israel. cnn's paula hancocks joins me now from abu dhabi paula, what do you make of what we're hearing from iranian officials in terms of essentially saying, well, this is over for now but we are willing to do more if there is an israeli retaliation yeah, i'll exists interesting because what we have heard as well from the commander in chief of the revolutionary guards is that this is >> really changed the equation. the fact that this was the first time that iran had carried out an attack against israel from a radian territory,
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from iranian soil but, saying that that has happened next. so in the future, if israel were to carry out an attack or to threaten any of its assets or people that around wouldn't think twice about carrying out this kind of attack. again, it shows the escalation. of course it's very difficult to do something for the first time, but then once it's done, once it does become easier and that is of course, concern for many in the region that this significant escalation could, could result in a much more dangerous for tat between the two countries than we have seen in the past now we also heard from tehran that they believe now that this has concluded. we heard this messaging from the un the uranian representative representation to the un, saying that this has concluded this was in response to what we saw earlier this month. on april 1st, when there was a strike against an iranian
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consulate in damascus. now they say seven were killed including two commanders, one senior within the revolutionary guards. and they say that they believe this is over that was repeated again today. this sunday. they believed that this has been concluded. of course, it's it's not up to the iranians at this point. it really is a wait and see scenario to see if israel is going to carry out any kind of response what we're also seeing from tehran is that they are very keen for this to be seen as between iran and israel. they gave very clear messaging before this happened that the us should stay out of it and they have also given messaging after the the attacks and missile launches overnight saying that they have given a message to the united states through the swiss embassy that they should not get involved if they do, then us bases in the region could be targeted. we have seen dozens of attacks
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against us bases in syria and in iraq over recent months. that's certainly since october 7. so this is really tehran trying to message that they believe this is over potentially saying they hope this. they don't necessarily want to see this escalate too far and they also hope that the us does stay on the sidelines. alex yeah, the ball very much back and israel court. so it's not necessarily for iran to say right now, so they may be bracing for what may come next from israel. paula hancocks in abu dhabi. thank you very much. >> want to >> get straight to cnn senior white house reporter and kevin liptak kevin, we saw hours of meetings in the situation room last night, president biden meeting with his top national security advisers. what what are we hearing from the white house? >> yes, certainly some tense moments there inside the white house says president biden was really monitoring this event in real time and you'll remember alex, president biden actually
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rushed back from his beach house in delaware to be in the situation room with all of the monitoring equipment that is necessary for this it's kind of event, of course, president biden is in something of a tenuous situation here as he works to contain the situation prevent it from exploding into a regional conflict while also demonstrating support for israel, the kind of support that was necessary for preventing a much worse attack from happening. last night. and the president did speak with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. of course, there have been a tensions between these two men over the war in gaza. but certainly last night, president biden a seeking to diminish any daylight between them in a statement that president said, i've just spoken with prime minister netanyahu to reaffirm america because ironclad commitment to the security of israel, the president goes on to say, i told him that israel demonstrated are remarkable capacity to defend against an
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defeat even unprecedented attacks, sending a clear message to its fos that they cannot effectively threatened let's of israel. and i think reading between the lines of that statement and also talking two american officials, president biden, is saying here you one, you've just take the win. the us does view israel's response to this attack as successful. they don't see any targets of value having been and struck the majority, the vast majority of israeli drones and missiles shot down before making impact. and president biden essentially telling netanyahu here that this should be considered a success. we also heard from an american official that president biden told his counterpart that the us would not participate in any offensive operations against around. so essentially drawing a line here, are certainly mindful of the effect that are reprisal from israel and the united states would have on us
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forces in the region. no president biden today plans to confer with the leaders of the g7 on a diplomatic path forward. and certainly the emphasis is on diplomacy and not necessarily on military actions in the days ahead, alex and i'm sure that he'll be speaking again quite soon with his israeli counterpart. after such a dramatic tack by iran cnn's kevin liptak, white house reporter. thank you very much. when reagan, stephen cook, a senior fellow of middle eastern studies at the council on foreign relations, joining us live now from athens in greece. steven, thanks so much for joining us. i want to start where kevin left off there. what do you make of this white house statement and the reporting that we're getting from the white house that is essentially telling israel take the win. you did very well at defending yourselves. and also if you decide to go after iran now, we're not going to join you yeah i think from the perspective that the white house, the israelis
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demonstrated there rather >> extraordinary texas capacity to of course, with the help of the united states and other regional powers but it's not necessary now, demonstrating, giving that israel demonstrated this technical capability to escalate and risk of regional conflict. i think the israelis, from their perspective, looking at quite differently that iran attacked israel directly. this is the third time in the last five years that iran has used drones to attack regional partners of the united states to the same drones that are being used in ukraine, that it is time to bring this threat to an end, which is why you see that they're the israelis had not yet said that they'll stand down what is your anticipation do, you think that they will carry out this some kind of retaliation? i'm you've got to extraordinary forces competing with each other here one, the iranian attack against israel that we've never seen
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before. at the same time, israel's biggest ally essentially saying, don't do it yeah, i think it puts prime minister netanyahu in a very, very difficult position certainly, the israelis could not have done this had the united states not played a central role in coordinating the regional response to the iranian threat at the same time, there's going to be significant political oh, pressure within israel to strike back at iran for a direct attack on israel something that has never happened before. it may not be spectacular since that the israelis fired their own missiles on iranian territory. >> but >> at some point, it seems likely given the politics in israel right now that the israelis will, will respond in kind >> what do you make of the fact, steven, that this was almost entirely an attack by iran against israel that the proxy is essentially did not get involved here. we didn't
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see anything major major from hezbollah are the houthis, i should say there were some projectiles fired from yemen, from from lebanon, but this was not a concerted effort by all of the pro-iran forces in the region. it really was a ronna essentially by itself it is somewhat of a surprise that the proxies did not get involved as well. but i think after the israeli attack on the irgc headquarters in damascus, that the iranians believed that they had to respond directly themselves. that for their own politics, for their own regional standing they needed to no longer hide behind their proxies and take on the israelis directly >> all right. steven cook in athens. thank you so much for joining us today really appreciate your time and your thoughts. >> my pleasure >> all right. we are learning more about how the >> united states helped israel fend off iran attacks and what it's doing now, in the
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aftermath, we will have more of our breaking news coverage in just a moment. stay with us >> if you. have graves disease and blurry vision, you need clear answers. people with graves could also get thyroid eye disease we're ted, which may need a different doctor find a ted is specialist at is it >> the vietnam war itself your job trespass counterintelligenc e. sounds intense >> what are you concealing >> what if i told you that i communist sheriff's time, i see if welcome this supervisor
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pain rightwards hertz and did we mentioned it really, really sticks salon pass. it's good medicine >> i look lithium ion mccluskey those are some of the scenes in southern israel last night amid iran's attack on israel, you can see the interceptions there of those >> iranian projectiles that were, that we're flying into israel overnight more than 300 drones ballistic and cruise missiles targeting israel in an unprecedented in historic attack, major your questions now about how israel will respond. the united states president joe biden is expected to meet with g7 leaders today to coordinate what's being called a united diplomatic response to iran's attack against israel. biden also making it clear that the us will not be participating in any offensive operations by israel against iran. that's according to a us official speaking with cnn. but the us
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did help israel and a very significant way during the iranian attack overnight official saying that us forces intercepted more than 70 iranian drones and at least three ballistic missiles that we're all heading for israel. us fighter jets were scrambled and us warships in the eastern mediterranean sea were also part of the effort iran's mission to the un is warning that if israel commits what it called any further military aggression, that tehran's response will be quote, stronger and more resolute. cnn's fred pleitgen has more on that the iranians have said that the massive strikes that they unleashed on israeli territory were a direct >> retaliation for the strikes on the iranian embassy compound in damascus. that of course, the iranian say killed several top-level members of the islamic revolutionary guard-core. now, the israelis, of course of not claimed
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responsibilities for those strikes in damascus, but the iranians have said that they do hold israel accountable for it. and so they say that right now toleration was for exactly that the iranians put out a statement earlier where they said that with this retaliation as they put it, the matter can be deemed to be concluded. in other words, it could stop there, but the iranians are also saying that all of that, of course, depends on the united states and depends very much on israel as well. in fact, the iranians are saying that if israel does decide to take this further to retaliate once again that then the iranians would, for their part, also launched what they call a proportional response to all that the iranians were saying that the strikes that they conducted, which force involved a lot of drones, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles that they consider that to be an act of self-defense as they put it in the same time, they warned both the united states
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and israel not to take things even further. one nuance that was very important in all of this is that the islamic revolutionary guard-core actually put out a statement as well. were they also said that they hold the us accountable for any actions that israel would take and told the us, as they said, to stay out of the matter. of course, the iranians threatened the united states quite frequently in the middle east. one of the things that we've heard repeatedly from iranian officials, but also from former members of the irgc is that they say the united it states needs to understand that next to every military base or almost every military base that the us has in the middle east, that there is an iranian backed militia out there that could attack us assets in the middle east. so certainly the iranians are saying for the us, this could get very real. but at the same time, they also so say that they don't want this matter to be taken any further. however, they do say that if the israelis do launch attacks against iranian territory, that
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iran would be ready for pleitgen cnn, berlin our thanks to fred pleitgen. now i'll bring in cnn senior international correspondent ben wedeman, who joins us now from beirut ben, one of the big questions amid this iranian attack last night was to what extent the iranian proxies in the region that the iranian-backed groups would join in this attack on israel, hezbollah being the most formidable among them. so what did hezbollah do overnight and what is the reaction there today >> well, overnight we do know alex that his butler, according to them, fired tens of couture fuchsia rockets at an israeli anti-missile are rather syria, the israeli occupied i'd syrian golan heights we did see an intensification of action along the border between israel and lebanon. and what we did
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see this morning is that israel has struck fairly deep inside lebanon on the town of gnaby sheet, which is in the bucket valley of far away from the border there these rayleigh's apparently destroyed. one building, there was also a strike on the climate too find area. it's in southern lebanon, but well away from the border itself. but what we heard in the days leading up to the iranian retaliation last night was that his butler was stepping back i was going to basically they we were told by an official close to his butler that his butler understood that it would be a in exclusively iranian response to the israeli strike on the 1st of april, on the iranian consulate in damascus so it does appear that at the moment we're kind of back to where we were prior to last night strikes. the israeli is really striking targets
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inside lebanon hezbollah we assume is going to resume it fire onto israeli positions in the northern part of the country. and also in the golan heights overnight. of course, the leopard, the beirut airport was closed lebanese airspace was closed, but it does appear things are sort of getting back to what passes for normal here in lebanon. alex. >> yeah, things rather significantly changed following that attack by iran against israel. but as you say, to some extent, back to where we were, where we were ben wedeman in beirut. thanks very much. >> the >> day after this unprecedented attack by iran against israel, there are harsh words on both sides. iran had of course launched hundreds of drones and missiles towards israel overnight, more than 300 of them we will have the latest developments from the middle east straight ahead, stay with us it's a new de, one were are
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more at >> close captioning is brought to you by >> skechers, hands-free slip ends just slip in. >> that's all i need to do with my new >> hands free sketches, lipids >> it's like slip ends >> have an invisible built-in shoe horn. so my foot slides into place. what could be better? >> welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm alex marquardt in washington. a quick update on the latest developments out of israel, the us president and other leaders are advising restraints, but israel's foreign minister is not walking away from warnings that he has made before the idf says that iran fired more than 300 drones ballistic missiles, cruise missiles overnight, and 99% of them israel says, were shot down but israel's foreign minister has repeated his earlier comments that if iran attacks inside israel, as we
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just saw israel will then reserve the right to strike inside iran. and that is the big question today. >> the chief of >> the iranian revolutionary guard-core says that if israel targets any iranian interests, that tehran will respond directly again. so tensions are sky high right now meanwhile, in israel, iraq, and jordan, airspaces have been reopened the united nations security council is also set to meet in the coming hours after israel called for condemnation of a ron's attack. but these are some of the scenes inside iran celebrations breaking out on the streets of tehran after word of the iranian attack against israel reach the masses joining us now is the former israeli prime minister ehud barack, prime minister. thank you so much for joining us on
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such an important day. we understand that the israeli war cabinet is going to be meeting the big question we all have right now is whether israel will respond to this unprecedented attack against israeli territory from iran itself. >> look, we're talking damascus and killed guano, delete those of the code false daily responded by these dramatic missile attack. >> it >> they failed vertically, basically the alliance between the israel, the united states it's the local partner for bahamas called the for pizza game at the talking probably the showed it all joint hampton order to defeat the dramatically is the term though now, what we need is think before, think before action and adapt certain kind of strategic
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k patients. we have to look at the whole picture. we are still stuck in gaza. we still have the hostages. we still have to pacify the nose in order to enable our refugees within israel to go back to them their homes and we, after defeating in such an impressive way, flying corrals kind of air defense the fitted iran, we will have a time to respond to this attack later on. we are fighting behind the shadows region for long time. and it can wait another few months. first of all, and don't gaza bringing back the hostages, coming down the nose and more than anything else, joined the bay alliance led by america's pragmatic moderate, wear jeans in the middle ear against the log x is led by iran. syria
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hamas, and the others, and backed by russia this opportunity for a new regional order led by the americans with either the center piece of it is the right strategy for, you rather than to do what government is doing for a long time, yielding to the extreme racist messianic michigan else in our government. >> but that raises the question of, do you think that to prime minister netanyahu agrees with you? will he be able to look at this unprecedented attack from iran? then essentially say we did a good job with the support of our allies in preventing any real damage and just leave it at that, or do you expect that he will not be able to resist and instead will carry out some kind of a faster direct strike against iran his behavior in the width and half a year in the recent five-year-old. so hectic and inconsistent that i
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cannot predict protein poll, but he's not an american president. he's not commander in chief. he cannot decide the loan. he has two patches war cabinet, which welcome ration much more stable kind of wider zoom kind of participants. and i hope the key will be convinced and even the conversation with president biden, i don't know what exactly they exchange but his behavior of after the last kind of come to jesus conversation that he had with with biden, he behaved much better within 36 hours we pulled out for me the gaza, the last division level unit and we open the road for triple the volume humanitarian aid. and even the kind of were
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ready to consider flexibilities that are not shown before in regard to the oxygen. so how can you, it's not totally independent in that just opening the l. he listens to the americans he listens to some members of his cabinet, and i hope that it will end up with the kind of good trajectory for israel which is looking lay allocate the eye and not trying to deal with because every thread in the world simultaneously, but deal with them one by one >> all right, so former prime minister ehud barack, thank you very much for your time this morning. really appreciate it. >> thank you >> for many live here in washington is cnn military analysts and retired a us air force colonel, cedric leighton kernel leighton, we were on the air together last night as this attack was unfolding, it was
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not clear at the time this gael of the attack. we now know that it was more than 300 of these attack drones of ballistic missiles, of cruise missiles. what do you make of how israel and the us and other allies managed to shoot the vast majority of them down yeah. >> good morning, al-aqsa. yeah. last night, we weren't quite sure how this would unfold. and at the moment, what we see is a tremendous ability to unify not only the israeli and american military, but also other militaries both on the european side of the events such as the uk as well some regional allies that very quietly helped with this. so this was basically the idea of in essence an integrated air defense system that not only is integrated in the technical sense, which is what one normally thinks of when you talk in those terms. but also in integration of the national militaries. and that
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proved to be very pretty successful with approximately 99% or so of the missiles and drones and other devices that the iranians were throwing, it is real mood, those being destroyed, that is a significant success and no major damage in israel that that also is a major success and that really can be attributed to not only pretty good preparation, but also really good real-time intelligence >> do you think iran anticipated the success in thwarting their attack or did they think they were? they would be able to overwhelm the air defense systems and actually get something through and cause some real damage >> i think they thought they could overwhelmingly b or defense systems, the israeli or defense systems, especially when you look at the tactics that to not only iran used in this case, but also that they're proxies such as hello and hamas have used in the past. it's pretty clear that
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they believed that if they overwhelmed with these systems, they can actually achieve some degree of success. and the way they've they've done this in the past, it would give them some credence to that theory. but it was not successful in this degree case because the preparation was quite good. and i think we have also learned, especially the israelis have learned about how this works from hamas and hezbollah. and they were able to, in essence anticipate some of what the iranians we're going to do in terms of that anticipation, what did you learn last night? the pentagon wasn't being terribly transparent about what assets had been moved, where we thought it might be beefing up air defenses, moving air defenses, moving able ships, but what did you learn in terms of the us force posture? in light of their ability to essentially take out. i think the us is claiming almost 100 of these drones. i think 70
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drones and several of the missiles that we might not have known before yeah, i think what we what we see here is a movement, the result of the movement of forces into the eastern mediterranean plus the >> use of our military capabilities in neighboring countries such as jordan and a little bit further east, iraq and even are installations in serial potentially i may have helped with this puzzle. so installations in places like the gulf states as to all of this came together in an essence, we cast a very wide net using resources that were in place in theater plus national level resources such as satellites of both for imagery and and also and also other sources that we were able to glean from a normal technical means in that is the kind of thing that i think really helped. but yes, the forces we're postured and positioned in a correct way.
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and i think the fact that general kurilla, the commander of centcom was in israel in the run-up to this event also indicates that there was a high degree of cooperation between the two militaries that resulted in a very successful countering of this iranian attack. >> yeah, a significant cooperation, general kurilla, there on the ground and israel for the past few days, certainly helping walk the israeli's through what may be coming and how they might respond and work together in tandem as clearly they did so well colonel subject leighton. thank you very much >> still ahead >> reaction to a attack >> on israel continues to come in. we will have responses from all around the world. stay with siena the >> special to our titanic premiere of how it really happened. >> sunday, april 28, >> did nine on cnn. >> i brought in a juror max
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the unprecedented attack launched by iran towards israel, warning in a statement that the attack threatens to destabilise the region that is something that we're hearing from a lot of corners today. china expressing what it calls deep concern is calling for calm and restraint. a statement released by the chinese ministry of foreign affairs says, quote, china calls on the international well community, especially countries with influence to play a constructive role for the peace and stability of the region similar statement from the government of qatar expressing what it calls profound concern the qatari ministry of foreign affairs saying that qatar has quote, called on all parties to cease escalation, calm tensions and exercise maximum restraint, joining us with more is international correspondent, scott mclean in istanbul. so scott, who else are we hearing from on this? >> alex? i think it's worth remembering that the iranians made quite clear in the last few days that look, this could all potentially be avoided if
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there how to been a very strong condemnation of the initial strike on april 1st against the diplomatic compound belonging to iran in damascus. but there was not that condemnation because the us, the uk, france, all questions about the true use of that building in damascus. of course, the israelis claimed that that building was not an embassy or consulate, that it was for military purposes. in this case though, there has been a very strong widespread condemnation coming from the west the british prime minister rishi sunak wrote this in part. iran has once again demonstrated that it is intent on sowing chaos in its own backyard. we also heard from the un secretary general antonio guterres, who by the way, did condemn that strike on the diplomatic facility in damascus. he's also condemning this saying, i'm deeply alarmed about the very real danger of a devastating region-wide escalation. i urge all parties to exercise a
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maximum restraint. we've also hearing a similar message just in the last little bit from the russian foreign ministry are urging diplomacy. the messages coming out of the middle east is also sounding quite measured like this one from the saudis, saying this region is crucial for global peace and security. and the security council, the un council, must act to prevent the crisis this from escalating, which would have grave consequences if it expands. of course, middle eastern countries would have the most to lose if it does. and that's why you have the jordanians urging restraint on all sides. you have the emirati warning about new levels of instability and you have the egyptian saying that this all was relatively predictable, saying quote, this escalation is nothing but a direct result of what egypt has repeatedly warned about regarding the dangers of expanding the conflict in the region as a result of the israeli war on the gaza strip and the provocative military actions being exercised in the region.
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that last line, of course, could be a reference easily to both iranian actions or israeli reactions in the last few weeks and even prior to that, we have seen very clearly over the past weeks, two weeks, almost the united states, other countries western allies, urging iran directly and indirectly to turn down the temperature on all of this. now it is the iranians trying to get those other countries not to respond. but of course, ultimately, any response will be up to the israelis and we know alex that the israelis have not been keen since the war began months ago to take advice, even from some well, if it's closest allies >> yeah, profound concern pouring in from all around the world, really hoping that there is no escalation from here. scott mclean, in istanbul. thank you very much. and you all of stay with us. we will have much more of our breaking news coverage of a ron's unprecedented attack on israel in just a moment
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iran's army chief of staff is warning the united states against cooperating in any a future israeli attacks, saying american bases will not have any security and will be dealt with. of course, for months we saw attacks by iranian-backed proxy groups against us bases. that then ended back in february. those could resume is what is ron is saying and this comes as prime minister benjamin netanyahu who has spoken on the phone in the past few hours with us president joe biden. he urged prime minister netanyahu to avoid escalation and said that the us will not participate in any offensive israeli operation against iran but on the streets of tehran, people are celebrating. they are waving palestinian and even hezbollah flags, the flag of that militant group in lebanon. and the commander of ron's revolutionary guard-core says that if israel attacks iranian interests or assets iran will respond directly again. now, as
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regional tensions exple let's not forget the dire humanitarian situation in gaza. the innocent civilians who are caught in the middle as well. and there are ways to help there is also a swift reaction here in washington on capitol hill on the attacks in israel and congress could consider legislation supporting israel sometime this week. meanwhile, roughly, 1,000 us troops are on routes to the region to help set up a floating pier to be used to deliver humanitarian aid to gaza. it's expected to be up and running by the end of april or early may. i'm alex marquardt here in washington cnn this morning continues right after this break >> i think touring the world with my music now, i want to focus on what time happening. 12 planet carbon. >> plus cnn film next sunday at nine. >> this is patrick's louk, pure
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