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tv   Inside Politics With Manu Raju  CNN  April 14, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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sms, and social posts all in one place. >> so >> you still have coventry
8:01 am i'm paula reid in washington and this is cnn >> iran attacks a dramatic escalation in the middle east a direct military attack against israel with the barrage of drones and missiles. howell, israel respond, you shuffle gop, whoever harms us, we will harm them. >> white house national security communications adviser john kirby isn't it? plus ironclad, president joe biden affirmed his commitment to israel's security while us forces in the region, russia, israel's defense against the wide scale. aerial assaults we will support israel. >> we >> will defend israel. how will biden handle this crucial test on the global stage? his key ally senator chris, joins me. and what now with tensions in the region's soaring out of control, fears of a larger
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conflict in the middle east are now front and center can further escalation be avoided? our panel breaks down what to watch next >> he's cnn's breaking news >> hello, i'm jake tapper in washington with a special live, expanded edition in a state of the union where the state of our union is bracing for what comes next. new out of the middle east >> president >> biden is meeting virtually today with g7 your ears as israel's war cabinet has been gathering to deciding how to respond to iran is unprecedented overnight assault. a member of that war cabinet, benny gantz on saying israel will quote exact a price from iran in a way and time. and that suits us on iran last night fired around 170 attack drones, more than 30 cruise missiles, and more than 120 ballistic missiles over the course of five hours from iran to israel, according to the israeli government, which says
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99% of the projectiles were successfully intercepted. israel says a seven-year-old girl was injured by shrapnel in the evening's activities, president biden telling israeli prime minister netanyahu overnight that israel should consider the overall results a win, and that the us will not participate in any offensive operations against iran. that's according to a senior biden ministry creation official, the region has now bracing of course, for what comes next. let's bring in cnn chief international correspondent clarissa ward, who joins us live from television. clarissa, the israeli war cabinet meeting. it's been going on now for nearly three hours that's right. >> and we are expecting j2 here, some kind of a televised statement from prime minister benjamin netanyahu when that meeting and finally ends, we did here as you mentioned from benny gantz, the centrist war cabinet minister who said that israel intends to form a coalition, that it will act at the time and in the manner of
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your own choosing to exact a price on iran. but everybody really waiting to see what that price might actually be. and we are already seeing criticism coming from harm for blind right? elements of benjamin netanyahu's coalition, it tomorrow, ben gvir, the national security minister, calling ganz is comments hollow west during catchphrases and saying that it is crucial to re-establish deterrence. and hit hard. he's warned of not having a quote sluggish this response, but it's important for our viewers to remember that ben-gvir and others like him are not part of that war cabinet and we don't yet have a window into what that responsible be like, whether netanyahu will be heating the warnings of president biden to act with restraint, to not escalate the situation and further and to quote, jake take the win, as you said, because many are viewing this as essentially a gift or a lifeline for prime minister
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netanyahu changing the calculation of this entire conflict, deflecting a wave from the disasters that have been happening inside gaza, reflecting, deflecting away, also from the weekly protests does that have been gathering momentum calling for benjamin netanyahu to step down, jake. >> all >> right. and our thanks to clarissa ward. live for us in tel aviv youngest now in studio white house national security's cores, but communications adviser, a retired admiral john kirby. admiral kirby, what is the assessment? of the vitamins duration right now of how serious this strike was, was the biden administration surprised by the scale of this attack? i mean, i can't even imagine this is just for people out there who don't know this an attack from iran directly from iran on israel of this magnitude has never happened no truly was unprecedented is a good word that you use there. i mean, the size and scale and scope just not seen this before. >> we had >> been watching as closely as we could. i can i tell you that
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we anticipated every single drone and every single missile probably not, but we certainly had a good sense of what iran was planning to do more critically the israelis did as well and the response by them, the defense by israeli counterparts. and ofourse, the united states and additional part foreigners also was unprecedented. i mean, this was an incredible success, really proving israel's military superiority and justice critically, there diplomatic superiority that they have friends in the region. they have friends around the world that are willing to help them so let's talk about that for one second because obviously the iranians please correct me if i'm wrong, it appears as though the iranians were not only attacking >> israel, they were violating the airspace of other arab countries, including jordan and saudi arabia. is that accurate absolutely. there's no way to do what they did last night. without violating international airspace to do it. >> president biden has repeatedly say, said that his goal is to prevent the war in gaza from becoming a regional
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conflict. has that nightmare scenario become a reality? i mean, is this the beginning of a broader regional war of not just israel against hamas and hezbollah, but israel against iran. >> we don't believe it is normal. we believe it has to >> the president. i mean, it almost everything he's been doing since the beginning since october 7 has been to try to de-escalate, to try to limit the opportunities here for a broader regional war if you've flick it, but just last night in the pre positioning that the president ordered additional ships, additional aircraft fighter pilots into the region to help take down these drones and these missiles. i mean, everything he's doing is trying to set the conditions so that that does not happened >> a number of the attacks came not from iran, but from iranian proxies in syria and in lebanon, or just in lebanon, it was there was some proxies firing out of iraq and syria
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and iraq and syria. and even in the, from the houthis's and from the houthis as well so it was from iranian proxies all they certainly included the proxies, jake, but the vast majority of weapons that were fired at israel came from iran proper >> president biden spoke last night with prime minister netanyahu after the attack. what can you tell us about the call we are reporting that the president told nets then yahoo that the united states is not going to be part of any offensive attack against iran did netanyahu give president biden any indication of what israel intends to do next? >> i certainly won't speak for premise or netanyahu and what they're thinking and whether and how they're going to respond. it's really that's up for them to decide the purpose of the call was to check in with prime minister netanyahu at the at the end of the operations. now, not everything had finished getting into israel in terms of the drones were still on the way, but we felt like we were near the end. the president wanted to congratulate prime minister netanyahu for an extra incredible military achievement. the prime minister
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was very grateful for the support that president biden and offered and demonstrated in supporting israel and the president made it clear that the self-defense of israel is something we take seriously and we will continue to take this seriously. >> do you have an assessment right now of how many drones and how many missiles iran red. >> i think central command, the defense department is still working through the exact numbers. the israeli it's put out a number of more tn 300 were certainly in no position to challenge that it was severahundred. if you >> several hundred drones >> and missiles, drones and missiles, you count everything clearly several hundred, the exact count i think there's still working through how many of those did the united states shoot down? >> easily, several, dozens. and again, we'll get a better count as we get throughout the day. i mean, this is all just happened overnight. but but several, dozens us fighter aircraft and us destroyers in the region were also able to help shootdowns president biden said that america's commitment to israeli security from iranian threats is ironclad if israel launches retaliatory strikes against iran in iran,
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not just in lebanon or the houthis in yemen, oraa, or has. will the us suppo that or is it us position that israhould not retaliate? to iran on iranian territory. >> i wouldust tell you that number one, our iron are commitments ironclad to fendg israel and to helping israel defend itselfand my goodness, did they prove the capability abouthat last night, i mean, just an incredible performance and as the president has said many times, we don't seek a wider war in the region. we don't seek a war with iran. >> i think i'll leave it at that. >> how much can it be rceived that iran is not afraid of the unit states if it isilling to conduct an attack like this on israel, unprecedented in its size, shape, and scope. >> it's not about ying to instill fear here in ira it's about making iclear to iran, which we did privately and publicly that we're not gog to tolerate any threats to our troops, our facilities in iraq and syria >> and that we will help
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>> israel defend itself and my goodness, jake, i mean, i you can't look at last night and not see in the iranians can't look at it in that see how serious we are about that commitment i mean, think about what they threw at israel right? several hundred drones and missiles over the course of a few hours. and what damage did they cause? >> not very much. i mean, it was an incredible effort by israel, but also it shows that iran is not the military power weight that they that they claim to be. >> the republican leader in the senate, mitch mcconnell says it's time for biden, quote and match words with actions will he or is it, or is it just going to be a diplomatic was i don't know how you can look at what happened right night and say that he hasn't he said we're ironclad commitment to israel when my goods are defending it though, but not. i think when mcconnell is talking >> about is a response. >> again, i think you look at everything that we've done since october 7, actually before that, but since october 7, the president has been a man of his word. we said we are going to help israel defend
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itself, and we've been doing that in addition to what happened last night, which was extraordinary, we're continuing to make sure that isel has what it needs to defend itse operating inde gaza. so ill just respectfuy have to disagree witthe leader there, everhi that the president s done sce 7 october has proven his word as good. >> federal kirby, thks s much for being here. i appreciate it. >> hi my. up we're going to hear directly from a spokesperson for the israeli defense forces as israel figures out how or if or whether to respond to juran's escalation. that's next >> debris and this guy, parents, husbands and wives? i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale tonight at nine on cnn >> yellows not going to fly, buckle up >> there's >> toothpaste, wife and there's
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special live expanded edition of state of the union. i'm jake tapper or ron's leaders today are hailing there are military operation, a success and signaling to israel and the united states that their attack is done unless israel response joining us now, the spokesperson for the israel defense forces, colonel peter lerner, kernel. good, good morning >> israeli defense minister yoav golan said, quote, the campaign is it's not over yet. so what we'll, israel's response to this attack look like is the idf preparing to strike within iranian territory >> so before we go into that, i would like to weigh on what admiral kirby was talking about. i think the unprecedented coalition, the international coalition, which was basically a roundtable of decent people coming together against the diabolical intentions of iran. it proved itself it proved itself that together we can work to save lives and that is exactly what we did when they fired some 300
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rockets, missiles, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and explosive drones towards israel. they had only one thing in touching death and destruction of israel and israelis so as we look forward and we need to keep that those intentions in mind. we also need to think that we don't necessarily need to believe what they are telling us the fact that they've announced that it's concluded. we've had rockets fired at us by one of their proxies this morning from lebanon, by hezbollah so we don't necessarily take their word for what, for more than a pinch of salt. jake, we have to navigate hey, what what is good for israel currently the government is considering the route forward. the idf, of course, we'll lay the opportunity options on the table for the government to decide. and we will operate according. >> you just mentioned, the international coalition. and i wanted to just get a little bit more information about that. obviously the united states helped israel respond and shoot
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down these missiles and drones. more than 300, according to admiral kirby obviously iran also was violating saudi and jordanian airspace. in this who else was on board with the response with shooting down these missiles and drones? what was the jordanian government was the saudi government. who else are among the players that you just referred to? >> so i can't go into the specifics of the original nations that felt that it was the right thing to do to stop iran from spreading. are hate and destruction but i can say that the american leadership was very, very clear where general kurilla was harrak over the last few days and the cordon nation under the american leadership, helped put this coalition together, which was a successful coalition with the brits at the british and the french and regional players that felt that iran has an intentions, has a very hostile
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attitude towards the route, towards, excuse me regional stability >> and therefore, they >> felt those those those players felt that it was relevant for them to step up i think what is more important is to look forward and see the strategic alliance that could actually benefit and grow from this. and i think that is something to be positive out a positive attitude as we move forward it was undoubtedly an unprecedented attack against us. but the unprecedented coalition that came together it is really, really i would say it's a very, very strong sense that israel is receiving this level of support and understanding and as we, as we move forward, we understand and expect that those that are concerned about iran's actions need to be concerned about their actions in lebanon with hezbollah need to be concerned about their actions with the houthis need to be concerned about iran's actions in the sea as they conduct attacks against america. the maritime
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route, i need to be concerned about how are empowering everybody. that is a radical player in this region so these organizations equipped them, train them extensively on the iranian government this morning said it's specifically had targeted the airbase where iran says israel launched the strike, targeting iranian consulate in syria killing at least seven iranian officials with the quds force. what is your response to that was israel behind that strike in damascus, syria what's your response to iran saying attacking that diplomatic facility crossed a line and provoke this response iran has been behind everything bad four years in this region with an intention to destabilise the region in the last six months, they have been the puppet master, be tied behind hezbollah, the hutus, and hamas and of course, what's happening in the at-sea in the maritime
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corridor around didn't need an excuse. they chose to come to the forefront of this. i'm attack israel we have obvious concerns about iranian activities because they're using their proxy there's to attack us i would say that our perspective is this didn't begin on april 1st. it began well well, before that. of course that reality where they feel that they can attack an airbase. and indeed, some of those ballistic missiles they hit the nevatim, airbase. each one of those, they fired 120 ballistic missiles towards israel a handful of those hit the airbase. they didn't cause too much damage, but each one of those carries a warhead of anything around 100 to 120 kilos it didn't cause much damage. the base was operational throughout the course of the events in the night. and we will continue to defend ourselves against iranian proxies or iran as they, as they try and conduct
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their actions in excess right. >> can you just give us the numbers? 100, hundred and 20 ballistic missiles? does that mean it's about 200 drone attacks? were there also rocket attacks from hezbollah houthis, et cetera, like what, what's the what's the aggregate number you have of incoming ordinance >> so the numbers are still not 100% clear, but i understand 120 ballistic missiles around 30 cruise missiles were fired at around 170 explosive drones, explosive uavs that were on route. the same types of munitions that they've used given to the houthis? the same types of munition munitions that are being used against ukraine. these are the same type of weapons that they are using around the world. that's what we faced in front and confronted in the early hours of this morning indeed, there was some very small amount of weaponry fired from the houthis
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they weren't successful either and has in the course of the hours in the hours of this morning have also conducted some attacks against us we have retaliated against those links, hezbollah positions. one this morning as well. >> i >> i would say though that what we see is attacks from yemen attacks from iraq. obviously attacks form around it. attacks from syria, from from lebanon. this is a ring of fire that iran has built around israel. yeah, it's nicely for this reality. i'm very happy to say that they failed in their attack in part because of the extensive coalition that was built a coalition of decency against a ring of fire of hostility and hate >> idf spokesperson lieutenant colonel peter peter lerner. thanks so much. coming up next israel's defense minister wants to respond to iran fire and fury. i'll ask israel's former prime minister if he agrees, you're watching a
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ready for monday, sign up for free because it ai or download the app >> i'm caitlin paul lands in washington and this is cnn >> welcome back to this special live expanded edition of state of the union. i'm jake tapper and this morning nato is unequivocally condemning iran's attack against israel as an unprovoked escalate relation, the nato alliance also urging restraint from israel as israel ways how to respond. former israeli prime minister naftali bennett joins us now to discuss mr... bennet. israeli officials have been meeting for several hours. today to discuss israel's response. you've been in that room before? walk us through what options they are likely looking at and how would you
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urge a response to this attack if you were still prime minister >> sure. well, first of all, yesterday's attack and defense is almost unprecedented iran loved about 330 cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and drones to from all directions. and we managed to intercept almost 99% of them but some did hit israel and write down seven year-old era girl is badly injured fighting for life and doctors are trying to save her we've got to respond the response it needs to be decisive and surprising in terms of timing >> that target, that technique. what we're going to look at in terms of consideration is the fact that we can have the
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region assumed that you can shoot 330 rockets, israel, and get away with it. at the same time, we need to maximize our alliance against iran and iranian access. >> so we're going to have to >> balance the two of these the national security minister the ultra-nationalist itamar ben-gvir, says that israel should quote, go crazy, unquote, in >> retaliation for the attack netanyahu obviously, under a lot of pressure from the far right of his coalition, ben gvir smoked richard, cetera. do you think he should listen to them? know that they're not members of the war cabinet, but they are members of the cabinet. do you think you should listen to them >> i think the government than the prime minister have to focus only on what's right for israel in the region and divorce themselves from any political considerations. and that's what's going to happen. >> i can tell you that.
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>> now. >> i think the world is realizing that iran is global octopus of terror. >> each time using a >> different tender pull is to apply terror sometimes in europe, sometimes in israel. i could be from hizballah coming from sometimes in the red sea ultimately the islamic republic of iran is a regime that is destined to collapse. it will collapse yesterday at incurred historic failure. >> because i want you to >> understand when it sends all types of weapons from all directions. >> then >> just use cruise missiles and then just use ballistic missiles that use thmix of it precisy inrder to punch its way through to israel than it was disastrous failure for iran. but that's not enough. >> we're going to >> have to ultimately bring this horrible regime down. >> when i read a tweet by former us policed envoy dennis ross, he said, quote, in 1991,
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saddam hussein of iraq hit israel with scud missiles and the us said, don't play into his hands by turning the world against saddam into an aerobe israel war. and now some will say, don't play into yahya sinwar is hands. that's the head of hamas with a response that creates a regional war instead of finishing the war in gaza unquote, i guess the point he's making there is that saddam was trying to bait israel into an overreaction, but israel didn't take the bait in 1991 do you agree with that? analogy >> that i don't in that analogy, the world was fighting actively fighting saddam hussein it really wasn't not a more about his real are in this case around deliberately shot these 300 missiles towards israel. and i'd ask any of your listeners and watchers right now, what would america do it for someone shot 300
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cruise missile, ballistic missiles, and drones on american soil even if you intercept that the most of them, i would america respond? and i think that's exactly what we need to. all. >> right. enough timely. belinda bennett. thank you so much for your time today. i appreciate it coming up, president biden is meeting with the leaders of g7 nations as the world grapples with this unprecedented bronny and attack our panel of experts will dive into the potential fallout, stay with us tonight >> and ninth of space for stoma whole story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope. are we alone? >> followed by the two part finale of space shuttle columbia. both final flight tonight, starting at eight on cnn whether you do get yourself for hiring the pro today, let's paint maybe bit better
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>> this is cnn the world's news network. >> welcome back to this special live expanded edition of state of the union. i'm jake tapper, a new photograph is just coming in if president biden doing a virtual meeting with his fellow leaders of g7 nations as the international community tries to coordinator united response to iran is unprecedented attack on israel last night, the photo posted on twitter or x by the european council president is what is on your screen right now. my experts are here as we continue to follow the developing situation. in the middle east, we have robin wright from the wilson center and the new yorker magazine and david sanger of the new york times. he's also the author of a brand new book coming out this week. called new cold war's, china's rise russia's invasion, and america's struggle to save the west. thanks so much for being here. i really appreciate it. so john kirby told me this morning that last night proved that israel
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has the backing the united states what do you think >> it has the backing of the united states when it confronts iran, but it doesn't have the support of the uted states when it comes to the issue of gaza and its future. and ts is where our president biden is trying to thread a tiny needle i think it's gonna be rope and interesting to see how this plays out ashe united states what happe in fah, what tion of haens next? what happens to the hostages and what happens to looming famine? >> your books about china and russia. but iran is kind of part of that same connectivity of renegade autocracies, right? >> it is, it's part of what they call the axis of resistance. and what's interesting from that picture you put up there who was missing from that meeting? the russians and the chinese, right? yeah. >> if it had been that meeting nine years ago, and i've been here, robin agrees with me on this this a decent chance the russians and the chinese would
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have been part of it remember, they were on the same sayyed as the us and the europeans in the negotiations over restraining iran's nuclear program. now the politics of this have completely flipped as we have separated out in two camps that have some fading resemblance to the cold war era. but a lot of differences we're now discovering the russians are getting there. their drones from iran. they're getting artillery from the north koreans and so forth. they are not going to cross the iranians by getting in the way of something like this. so the days when we could call beijing or all moscow and say can you quietly help us out on this? i think are probably gone. >> yeah. and despite netanyahu's efforts to make an alliance of some sort with putin. putin has been on hamas is side that really collapse. that was a hugely bad bet on the part of prime minister netanyahu in fact, during the
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first year after the invasion of ukraine the israelis did not condemn the invasion. they were very careful in the wording. they said, we hope this all gets resolved on all sides and they said it was because they needed to keep the relationship going with russia well, that relationship has not turned out out to be useful to them >> what is iran and game here? obviously they oppose the existence of israel. obviously they, i don't know if you agree with marco rubio, his assessment was that iran is just trying to make israel as unlivable as possible but what do you think they're actually trying to achieve? other than killing israelis? >> well, short-term, it's trying to unleash as many different fronts against israel as possible, whether it's the houthis in yemen as well in lebanon, popular mobilization forces in iraq and other malicious and syria long-term rhetorically, its goal is to defeat israel and force american troops out of the region i actually think it's more immediate goal is to get
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the americans out of the region because they're the ones who backed israel and make the kind of counter strikes or count the operation last night a more viable long-term. this is where our regime does, speaks with one voice and the people may speak with another. and there i think when we talk about iran, we're talking about a different communities. so the danger is we've crossed the threshold now and that this is not going to end anytime soon even if it doesn't play out tomorrow on david's point, that's true that we are in a different place globally than we were in most important on proliferation agreement. you had the world's six major powers in sync today. they are distinctly divided and as this moves next to the united nations, there is no question about a hope that there will be some united stand to try to defuse tension. there's nothing out there that's going to diffuse tension anytime soon. >> yeah. and david very quickly, if you could i mean, there is no indication that congress is inclined to say, don't stand by israel. i mean,
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you even had i don't know if it's fair to call jd vance and isolation us, but he's very skeptical of the us being involved in ukraine, for example, and he was saying, no, no, no, we need to just prioritize and israel is a priority. >> that's right, but the hill that is in front of them would combine israel ukraine, aid to taiwan, and eight, of course, to gaza and the question is, is this congress going to vote for all those you know, what you're hearing from many of the republicans is fine for israel, not for you. jacqueline. >> that's the next big fight on capitol hill. amaro, stay tuned, coming up next, hearing me speak to a close confidant to president biden about the white house response to iran's attack on israel, democratic senator chris will join us after the break you, open your, mailbox and see the envelope from your health insurance company. you hold your breath >> will they >> pay for your child's treatment this time? you open the letter and find that you've been denied. again a month later, another letter arrives.
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>> captioning brought to you by mesobook >> are firm only represents mesothelial of victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelial, call us now welcome back to state of the union, a special live expanded edition. i'm jake tapper iran stunning attack last night, ramped up the pressure on a white house, already wary of a wider middle, middle east war a member of the senate foreign relations committee, democrat chris, have delaware senator, thanks so much for joining us. so last night you call this attack on israel by iran a brazen escalation. we're now learning that israel intends to respond to its according to an israeli official, what are your thoughts on the latest? what are you, what's your view on what would be appropriate? abbreviate, or inappropriate for israel to do in response if anything >> well, i think would be most appropriate for the congress to do in response is for speaker johnson to put on the floor tomorrow the supplemental that
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was passed by the senate by a broad bipartisan majority and promptly send it to president biden. that we'll send a strong signal by funding israel humanitarian support, ukraine, taiwan, making it clear that after months of dithering, the house will act. what i think israel should do is pause for the moment consult with its close allies and partners assess the damage and the activity, and then decide what is the most appropriate response. president biden has forcefully engaged in this region ever since october 7 to try and avoid escalation to a regional war. as you just heard from christiane, we must be mindful that last sunday was six months in captivity for the hostages being held by hamas my hope would be that this remarkable display of an effective and forceful defense of israel by israel and several critical regional partners and allies will give them the room to make a deliberate and
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considered response. in terms of their next steps forward, who are the critical region? allies and partners is did jordan and saudi arabia and any other countries willingly participate, allow not just allowing the us and israel to shoot down drones and missiles, but did they do anything beyond that? >> well, jake, by all published accounts, this was a massive attack, 300 missiles and drones. and arab partners, like with jordan and the saudis, and provided some particular some analytical and active support. but i'm not basing that on anything other than the, accounts that i saw last night, we haven't yet been briefed in the senate. and i do think one of the things that israel now has the time to do is to consult with its partners and allies like the united states, the british, the french, the jordanians, the saudis the emirati assess what their next steps are, both in terms of they're preparedness and their
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supply and the reliability of the support that's been shown by the united states and others in the region >> you mentioned israel's war against hamas in gaza. the latest information from the middle east and efforts to get a ceasefire and the hostages home is that hamas has rejected the most recent proposal. what's your response how does, how can the united states get this process to a better place >> even more forceful pressure on qatar and egypt who've been good interlocutors, who've been working with us on trying to pressure hamas to release these hostages i think it's time for us to make it clear that hamas does not have a future in the region and that the united states intends to be forcefully engaged on both sides to get them to the table, to get this resolved, and to get these hostages released. i think that's been happening privately, but i think it's also helpful for it to be clear
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publicly that it's not acceptable for hamas to continue day after day the torture of hostages and their families. i just made at last week with rachel goldberg-polin, whose son hersh, has been a captive since october 7. it's important to remind folks every day that this horrific situation in gaza has in no small part continued because of hamas. and that their use of civilians as hostages and human shields has it's contributed to this being as terrible a situation as it has been. we're also calling on our partners in israel to flow humanitarian aid into gaza and to partner with us and making sure that we avoid humanitarian catastrophe in gaza in the regional context. it's important to remind everyone that iran has been behind all of this, that they have equipped and trained hezbollah, which even today is continuing to attack israel. the who ties which have continued to attack a regional shipping, the iranian militias in iraq, which continue to
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threaten the american presence in syria and iraq. so coming up with a way to deescalate tensions, to defend and and to resolve the conflict in gaza is the heart and important work that president biden is leading today. >> what do you make the argument that the only way to get attacks like this to stop is with a military response, a powerful military response. i'm not saying this is my view, but that is a view out there certainly senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is out there saying that biden needs to do more to match is with let me let me get the exact language. well, it's along the lines of here it is. >> sorry. >> he did he said that it's time for biden to quote match words with actions. what's your response to those whose? say if you want to get hezbollah and hamas and the houthis in iran to stop attacking, to de-escalate the response can't be diplomacy. it has to be military well, i was also
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struck that senate leader mcconnell, republican leader mcconnell in that same statement urging speaker johnson >> to put the senate passed supplemental on the floor tomorrow. we all know, but it bears repeating that the ukrainians have been facing day after day wave after wave. of, the same iranian drones provided to russia in their ongoing aggression against ukraine. i think showing resolve, showing that the united states in a bipartisan and forceful way. we'll resupply israel and supply ukraine and supply our partners in the indo-pacific is the way that we showed determination i think we should take a breath and analyze what the consequences might be of an attack back on iran by israel or of any other escalations. so i understand that there are those who think that's the only way for us to restore deterrence. i think the most important deterrent action that congress can take this is what former secretary mike pompeo is
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calling for. this is what republican leader mitch mcconnell is calling for, is for speaker johnson to not take days or weeks to try and come up with some other package, but to pass the supplemental tomorrow. >> all right. senator chris, have delaware. thanks so much, sir. next another full hour of today's special live extended addition to state of the union. i'm going to talk to the vice chairman of the senate intelligence committee, senator marco rubio, plus senators john fetterman of pennsylvania in jd vance of ohio. we'll be right back >> our pharmacy has been in business for nearly 100 years. a wife and i have run it for the last 30 american technology is making this more efficient and customer-friendly. we use online tools to fill prescriptions process insurance claims, and mike deliveries but some in washington want to undermine the technology tools we rely on their misguided agenda will empower our fault born adversaries, and hurt
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