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tv   Fareed Zakaria GPS  CNN  April 14, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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more things. >> the family name nine, wow how and here's the boat. >>i can be the windsor i'm
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drops. i want to be on the campaign trail in omaha in this is >> cnn >> cnn hello i'm wolf blitzer in washington and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world for our special live coverage of >> iran's attack on israel we begin with the breaking news right now, the world on edge following an unprecedented attack against israel by iran for the first time. around launched direct assault on israeli territory threatened me to escalate. it already volatile situation in the middle east, the variety sent waves of explosive drones and ballistic missiles, or response around says for a deadly attack on an iranian consulate in damascus earlier this month a coalition of the israel defense
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forces, the idf, including the us and the uk, shot down nearly all of the more than 300 munitions. cruise missiles, and rockets and missiles launched by iran. now, the world is waiting to see how israel will respond. israeli war cabinet met today with one member calling to quote exact price over a ron's assault and the united nations security council is set to hold an emergency meeting in the next few hours we're also getting new details, right? now about that phone conversation between president joe biden and israeli prime minister benjamin attacking you. president biden affirming that the united states is ironclad iron, iron clad support for israel exists but telling the tetyana, the united states will not repeat, not participate in any offensive actions against iran i want to bring in our team of excellent reporters who are covering this story from around the world, monitoring all the late breaking developments for the middle east, as well as
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here in washington. and let's go to our chief international correspondent, clarissa ward. first, he's in tel aviv for us clarissa, first of all, is there any indication at least at this point of what israel's response will look like >> we don't have any exact indication wealth as you mentioned, that war cabinet meeting lasted some hours. it's now over. there, hasn't been any kind of formal announcement. people waiting to hear some kind of a statement from is israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we did hear from centrist war cabinet minister benny gantz earlier who said that essentially israel, when this is hoping to put together a regional coalition and that it would exact a price on iran at the time. and in the manner of its own choosing. so the question now becomes, what does that response look like? certainly we are seeing a lot of pressure from certain quarters
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politically, particularly net yahoos, right-wing coalition national security minister itamar ben gvir, calling benny gantz as comments hollow western catch phrases, saying that it was important to have a robust, strong response to essentially reinstate a real deterrent at the same time time though, ben-gvir smoke dring, and others are not part of that war cabinet and it does seem the longer we wait, the more time israel takes to make this decision. that potentially it is pursuing a course of precision calibration, listening to the strong words of guidance that has been given from president biden at the white house, urging restraint and not to escalate, making it clear that the us would not be part of any retaliatory strike against iran at this stage. things here are getting back to some sense of normalcy, but schools will remain closed. wolf, the airport open here but
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in iran airports and civilian aircraft not operational through monday as everyone in the region keenly awaits and his rarely response wolf, give us a sense, clarissa of the booed, the mood in israel right now >> i would say it's remarkably calm given the situation, people are going about their daily business and it's important to underscore that despite the scope and scale of this attack, 99% of those 300 cruise missiles, ballistic get missiles, drones. were intercepted. there was one case of a seven-year-old girl from the negative who was seriously injured, but otherwise, no real injuries. there was also, of course, a few cases of ballistic missiles that successfully made landfall. they they did some minor infrastructural damage to the nova team air force base.
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that's where those f 30 hey or base iran saying that he'd had targeted that base because it believes that's where the attack against its consulate in damascus originated on april 1st. but for the most part very little evidence of damage here. the question really becoming the wolf, what does this mean for the region going forward? do we now risks and all-out conflagration or will cooler heads prevail wolf, we will find out sooner rather than later. i am sure all right. the clarissa ward in tel aviv for us, we'll get back to you soon. i want to go to where white house correspondent priscilla alvarez right now. priscilla, as you know, president biden met with g7 liters just a little while ago to discuss potentially some sort of diplomatic response to iran is unprecedented attack against israel or are. you hearing about those conversations >> that's right. well, if the focus here at the white house
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has been containing the risk of a wider regional conflict. and as you mentioned, that call between president biden and g7 leaders concluded only moments ago, and the this was on non-military actions, finding diplomatic way forward and a senior administration official telling reporters only made ago that they had a detailed and constructive conversation about i ran but did not disclose any details as to what exactly that's going to look like moving forward. now, the president and his national security team the members have made clear to their israeli counterparts, including in that call between president biden, andy, israeli prime minister, just yesterday, that they will not participate in any offensive the actions against iran and the us assessment thus far has been that israel should take the win on this, that they were able to respond promptly and in real time to iran's brazen attack as the white house put it against israel and national security council spokesperson john kirby, detailing that success earlier
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this morning. take a listen >> think about what they threw at israel, right? several hundred drones and missiles over the course of a few hours. and what damage did they cause? >> not very much. i mean, it was an incredible effort by israel, but also it shows that iran is not the military power weight that they, they claimed of course the. question as you heard earlier from clarissa, is whether the israeli prime minister takes the advice of the united states. of course, he too is under political pressure back at home. so that is the question here at the white house, right now and we know that defense secretary lloyd austin had also asked his counterpart two advise or tell a notified the white house ahead of time if there is a response. but for now, the white house, keeping the focus on making sure that this does not resolve ohtani wider regional conflict. wolf >> all right. thank you very much. sure. priscilla alvarez
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reporting from the white house for seen as the touch-up or trend is also with us, write down a tasha, what measures does the us currently have in place to defend israel from any further attacks? >> well, there's a lot of us military firepower in the middle east right now, of course, because assets were surge there after october 7 and they remained there, but also in the last week the president surged additional destroyers, warships, of course, that can shoot down ballistic missiles. he also served perched additional aircraft to the region, all of which was capable and did take part in shooting down these missiles and drones last night. and so that really forms the bulk i think of the us military terry presence there. >> and it >> just underscores just how robust it is. i mean, even in the wake of october 7, when aircraft carriers were searched, their including one that currently remains in the red sea, you saw that the us was preparing for the possibility of an escalation, something that the us has been trying to avoid. of course, over the last several months. and in fact, you saw the us start to pull back some of that firepower over the last several weeks including a marine
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expeditionary unit that was in the eastern mediterranean because it seemed like the risk of an escalation between iran and israel was not going to happen. but then of course you see that how quickly things can spiral. and of course israel did make that decision to strike that building in damascus that iran says was a consulate. and that then created a really an additional need for the us to surge more assets there so i think what you're seeing now is of course, a broad coalition of not only the us helping these rarely shoot down all of these incoming, this massive barrage but also of course, its allies, including the united kingdom and so the bottom line here is that even amid all of the disagreements, of course, and even stronger than that really the outright confrontation that the us has had with israel over its conduct in the war in gaza. the fact remains that the us remains militarily committed to protecting is real end, not only do they have military real assets in the region to do so, but they also of course, have continued to sell israel.
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that's offensive and defensive military equipment, something that of course has been controversial here. but when you see what happened less tonight, the administration would argue that that is exactly why it's necessary. >> i don't know if you know the answer, but he's really say what 99% of the incoming cruise missiles and ballistic missiles and the other munitions coming in from iran towards israel were intercepted successfully and destroyed do we know that the israelis have a very strong air defense system within israel over israeli proper. but the us was deeply involved together with some others like the uk, intercepting incoming iranian drones and other missiles as they were approaching israel. do we know how many of those iranian i'm missiles and drones were knocked out were intercepted by the us. >> so we do have some sense and we got this from a defense official just late last night that the us intercepted more than 70 drones and at least three ballistic missiles. and those ballistic missiles were in fact intercepted by those us
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navy destroyers that were in the eastern mediterranean, including the uss carney and us has arleigh-burke. so they did a lot of work there as well. >> very important work helping is wrong. d preventing those missiles are those rockets and weapons coming in and potentially could land in heavily civilian populated areas of israel. thank you very much, natasha. >> for that. we're taking a quick break. we'll have much more when we come back, including the very swift reaction from countries in the region and indeed around the world to arounds attack i can israel. and next hour or i'll be speaking live with the israeli president isaac herzog alive exclusive interview on this unprecedented attack against this >> you think, you know the story, but there's more beneath the surface. how it really happens with geoff col. martin, sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn. >> if you max out your ira contributions for 2023 by april 15th and for 2024, you get 405 dollars in match
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racing and inside a prices new every day, hurry. they'll be gone in a flash. designer sales that up to 70 sen. soap today as israel scrambled to intercept that, are unprecedented attack from iran, the idf was also involved in very heavy back-and-forth fighting with his balah. the iran-backed group, hezbollah launched a significant number of rockets from southern lebanon into israeli golan i'm heights area on the border with syria early sunday hizballah, which has threatened to retaliate against israel for the bombing of iranian consulate in damascus issued a statement saying the attacks were in support of palestinians in gaza. all this comes after the idf says it carried out airstrikes on hizballah targets in lebanon, including a large military complex. the stepped up attacks are raising concerns that the war in gaza could quickly spread throughout the region we have teamed coverage and how the region is responding right now. are scott mclean is in istanbul, turkey,
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but let's begin with ben wedeman. he's in beirut, lebanon for us. >> then >> hizballah just released a statement praising iran's attack on israel. so give us a sense how might israel now respond to what hizballah's up to? >> in terms of his butler really, what we know is that hizballah has sent messages in directly. of course i didn't. iran was going to respond to israel's attack on the consulate in damascus. and that appears to be what happened now last night after we got the news that drones had been launched from iran there was a volley of patreon rockets fired by his butler and israeli air and missile defense positions in the golan heights. but as bella framed it, it's basically part of its ongoing support for the palestinians in gaza. nonetheless, the fear is
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that if the situation patient escalates, if israel responds to last night, iranian attack on israel, then certainly that could change. we a few days ago i spoke to a senior official rather and source close to hizballah, who told us that although iran would be the author for of the response to israel, if there is a counter attack by israel and the situation escalates iran and iran. other affiliates allies in the region would become more directly involved so what we've seen so far today, wolf is a somewhat lower level of strike and counter strike between israel and hezbollah. now, israel did strike deep inside lebanon in the bekaa valley hitting a building. israelis claimed was used as a weapons
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manufacturing site. that's far deeper than the normal israeli strikes. but the actual number of strikes is lowered dramatically lower. in fact, than what it was yesterday, i think everyone is waiting to see israel going to hit iran after last night that will probably determine where israel and where his bulla go in the conflict when it comes to when when it comes to the conflict between israel and his butler will give us a sense of ben you're there in beirut for us. city i've been to give us a sense of the mood among lebanese right now, especially in beirut, as they watch what's going on, there's no great love between so many lebanese and hizballah in lebanon well, know in a few months ago, there were even some talks of israel and lebanon improving their relationship. give us a sense of what's going on right now in the streets of beirut as you rightly mentioned, there is a
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real division of opinion about hizballah. hizballah has some very fervent supporter quarters and also some very fervent critics here. but what we saw last night was there was a real jolt of fear that level going on could be drawn into this war. we saw people queuing up and petrol stations to stock up in the event things really got worse we saw the erik space being closed, the airport closed down. it does appear that people are bright, are breathing a sigh of relief because it does seem that perhaps the worst has passed but there's that nagging fear here that things could vary dramatically change as we so in 2006 war broke out between hezbollah and israel. from the morning to midday. and so people are very worried constantly watching what's going on on the southern border
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here. >> we have a very tense situation indeed, ben wedeman, stay safe over there. thank you very much. i want to go to scott mclean in this time, both for us, right? that scott you have some new reporting on how turki a nato ally shared information with the us about the attacks coming in from iran tell our viewers what you know? >> hey well yeah, so the iranian foreign minister had said previously today that it had informed its neighbors in advance of its intention. to strike. and we now know through a turkish diplomatic source, though one of those neighbors that was informed was in fact turkey, which then through the four minutes hakan fidan was able to pass that information to the us secretary of state, antony blinken, who then in turn was able to get a message as back to the iranians. and so turkey was very much acting as a go-between, between the two countries. and so i just want to read you what this diplomatic source told me. they said, quote, the iranian sayyed informed us about the options in advance possible
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developments were also discussed during the call with blinken, which was on wednesday, by the way? the american sayyed convened conveyed to iran through us that the reaction should remain within certain limits in response, iran said that the response would be a retaliation to the attack on the iranian embassy in damascus and would not go beyond that. and what if we also know, again through diplomatic sources in turkey that the foreign minister hakan fidan spoke with his iranian counterpart today, again with a message of de-escalation. they do not want to see an inflammation of tensions in this region. and he also spoke with the british foreign secretary, david cameron with a very similar message about bringing down the temperature on all of this let's see if that happens. how other regional powers scott responding to all of this >> yeah, the messaging so far wolff, as you can imagine, is quite measured in the middle east because these are the countries that have the most it's to lose should things
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really go off the rails here? and so that's why you have the jordanians urging restraint. you have the emirati warning of new levels of instability, and you had the saudis who said this in part, the foreign ministry said this in part the un security council must act to prevent the crisis from escalating, which would have grave consequences if it expands. and the egyptian foreign ministry seem to indicate that all of this was rather predictable, saying the escalation is nothing but a direct result of what egypt has repeatedly warned about regarding the dangers of expanding the conflict in the region as a result of the israeli war on the gaza strip and the provocative military actions being exercised in the region. of course it's not clear which side that's referring to that last line, but of course there have been provocative actions from both the israelis and also from the iranians through their proxies in the region for some time leading up to this wolf scott
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mclean reporting for us for mr. angola was in close touch. thank you very much. delta. come will have much more of our special coverage of iran's attack on israel, israel's war cabinet as metadata discuss the immediate next steps the country will take >> were alive in >> jerusalem, stay with us. we'll be right there's debris and this guy, parents, husbands and wives, sky, >> i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow-ups, space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale tonight at nine on cnn >> sometimes it takes a different approach. couch to see the possibilities all around you thank you for coming together. >> a capella universities game changing flux path format, take courses on your own terms and apply the skills you learn
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called hogan urgent diplomatic response to iran's attack against israel. >> the >> white house posted on x, formerly known as twitter, saying the leaders quote condemned brands, unprecedented attack against israel and reaffirm the g7 commitment to israel's security closed earlier, the president told you is really the prime minister, benjamin, a tiny out that the united states will not repeat, not participate in any offensive operations against iran cnn correspond to jeremy diamond is watching all of this unfold. he's joining us from jerusalem right now. so jeremy, i take it israel's war cabinet also has been meeting today. what's the latest year here? great >> yeah, that's right. well, if israel's war cabinet convened for nearly five hours today, and i just spoke with an israeli official who tells me that the meeting ended tonight without a decision being made on how and when israel will respond to this unprecedented large-scale attack. that iran
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carried out on israel in the wee hours of the morning the israeli war cabinet, i'm told it's determined to respond to iran, but it has yet to decide on the timing and the scope of such a military response. one of the key dilemmas i'm told that is facing the war cabinet is exactly when to respond to iran in part because there is still a war going on in gaza that the israeli cabinet, including the israeli prime minister, has been, has said that they are determined to continue to carry out and to expand including with the potential major ground offensive into rafah. i'm told that this war cabinet meeting wolf did with the israeli military being tasked with coming up with additional options for how to respond to the threat from iran to this attack that was carried out by iran. so a lot still to be determined, and this war cabinet meeting today ending after nearly five hours of deliberations between the war cabinet, israeli let's top
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general, the mossad director, but without a decision, >> well, i'm just curious. did this meeting their work cabinet meeting, the meeting that the prime minister had with his national security advisors did they meet in jerusalem or did they meet in tel aviv where these really defensive industry is? >> it will if they met at in tel aviv at the at the curia, i believe which is where are these war cabinet has been typically convening throughout the course of this six month war the government has effectively, in many ways moved to tel aviv for the majority of the time because of how much time managing this war has been taking on, on this, on this government. so my understanding is that they were indeed once again that the curia in tel aviv, yeah, a very significant, i think that's important. indeed. we also learned today, jeremy, that the idf is activating more reserved brigades a for gaza. what do we know about that
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>> not a ton of information wolf, but it is quite a significant development, especially in light of the fact that over the course of the last several weeks, we have seen the israeli military draws down its military presence on the ground in gaza, most notably last week, the israeli military withdrawing all of its forces from southern gaza after completing its military operations in that southern city of khan yunis until now, there has only been really one of israeli military brigade remaining inside the gaza strip. and that is the brigade that is is basically managing the netzarim corridor, which separates northern gaza from the rest of the gaza strip. and in its call-up order tonight, the israeli military saying that it is calling up to additional reserve brigades specifically for central gaza. and so that may mean additional security measures measures that are being taken along that corridor. we also know wolf that this comes as we saw
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today, that many palestinians had started to try and make their way back into northern gaza. the israeli military appeared based on reports on the ground to have allowed some of those gazans, women, and children to return to northern gaza. but a chaotic situation did indeed ensue. and so perhaps this is a measure designed to provide additional security for those types of operations. there is also, of course, wolf, the fact that the israeli government has tenure to vow that they will press on with a major offensive in rafah. i don't think that to reserve brigades will be anywhere close to enough to carry out the major ground offensive that they have been talking about. but it could potentially wolf a be a prelude to one of the things that needs to happen? i've been before that ground offensive is evacuating civilians from rafah to the central part of the gaza strip that could also be a major consideration at this time. >> i'm very quickly give us a sense of the mood in jerusalem because we heard the sirens going off, the interceptions going over the skies of
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jerusalem overnight, give us a sense of the mood of what's happening in jerusalem right now >> well, i would say that things are relatively quiet, but people have by and large returned to their normal lives. but a couple of caveats to that, which is that the israeli military has decided to prolong its directives to israel civilian population schools are remaining close through the end of tomorrow, at least. a large gatherings are being this advice. people are being advised against holding large gatherings, particularly near the gaza strip, as well as the northern part of israel. and in the golan heights. so there certainly is still a sense of tension, a sense of uncertainty about what will come next. but for now at least it appears that the immediate threat of more iranian drones and missiles is over let's hope it is. jeremy diamond. thank you very much. jeremy is in jerusalem for our still to
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come. the house speaker, mike johnson and house republicans are working on the details right now. a major aid package for israel i'll discuss that in more with democratic congressman josh god hybrid. he standing by live anderson cooper, 360 weeknight today on cnn. >> my hair is thinning all around my hairline. >> dermatologists recommended neutrophil full it's 100% drug-free and clinically tested. ai harris longer, thicker, neutrophil is life changing for me, get growing at >> own a small business every second counts 120 seconds to add the finishing touches. 900 seconds to arrange if you're short on time for marketing, constant contacts, powerful tools can help you can automate email and sms messages. so customers get the right message at the right save time marketing with constant contact, because all it takes is 30 seconds to make
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>> ukraine funding as soon as possible, the senate has already passed a $95 billion foreign aid bill, but it has been stalled in the house of representatives i'm joined now by democratic congressman josh got timer of new jersey. he's a member, a key member of the house intelligence committee, congress. so let me start by getting your immediate reaction to iran is unprecedented attack on israel >> me just set it right, wolf and thanks for having me unprecedented for a ran to attack israel on israeli please soil and what they fired at israel, right? it's incredible between the drones and the sam's right in the cruise and ballistic missiles but what was also unprecedented was how israel working with united states and other key allies, including i'm not just france and britain, but, uh, but of course, the saudis and jordanians knocking out all missiles headed their way. 99% of them. i just that also was a credible show of strength yeah, it was really impressive.
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that's just the us. and its european allies, like the uk and france, were helping israel knock, knock, get rid of those intercepting those rockets and missiles as they were coming towards israel. but even some of the arab countries were providing some assistance as well, explain why you think that was going on i've first of all, as you know several of the arab countries are not on the best sayyed with, >> a ran to begin with, right? i mean, understanding that they're terrorists proxies, seek to do them harm as well, just like the tariffs proxies like hamas and hezbollah and palestinian blumberg jihad. and those that were firing out of the houthis and out of urac are not just interested in doing harm to israel and to the united states, but to many of these arab countries. so you saw a great unified force in response to a ran, i think the key is to continue to stand up to a random, make it very clear through additional sanctions
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and other moves that that ran working with china and russia and north korea are our top adversaries. you see what's going on in ukraine with russia's still working with a ran. these, these pieces are all connected, all interested in doing harm to our key democratic allies. and i tick that's what's on the line. and why, as you said, it's so important that we get this package passed. that's passed out of the senate bipartisan was 70 votes has been waiting for a vote in the house that i'll provide aid to ukraine to taiwan. of course, to israel and get humanitarian aid into the region, which of course is also essential yeah so important, right? now our earlier today the house speaker mike johnson, that of course, indicated he hopes to bring and israel aid package >> to the floor of the house this week. listen to this the, house republicans and the republican party understand the necessity of standing with israel. we are going to try again this week and the details of that package are being put together right now, we're
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looking at the options and all these supplemental issues so congressman, it's still unclear at least to me if that aid package would also include funding for ukraine. is that a deal breaker if this bill for israel doesn't also include funding for ukraine >> once you've pointed out it's unclear to all of us and i'm hopeful that speaker johnson will do the right saying and bring this aid package. it's passed out of the senate to the floor. we could get it to the president's desk as early as monday night. if we vote on it and i'm confident that we could vote and pass it >> but that's the >> question here, right? well well, he bring that bill to the floor. if you're brings another option, what does that option look like? and is it something that we could get out of this? shannon, but the bottom line is, we don't have time to delay here. and that's been clear coming out of ukraine of how dire straits they're in. you see what the attack on israel yesterday are key ally in the region are our critical ally in the fight against terror, against hamas and hezbollah. and of course, around we see the threats that
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they can pose where we need to make so we stand with our iron-clad relationship with israel? and now more than ever, and don't forget, well, if we have hostages americans who were still hostage, as we speak, after they killed a man, 40 americans, we still have five americans were hostage, including one who lives in my district, idan alexander, who is 20 years old, has been a hostage for six more than six months, and his parents have not heard a peep from him or from anybody about his safety. >> let's hope he's okay. in that phone conversation that they had overnight, congressmen, president biden told israeli prime minister and ateneo that the united states won't participate in any counterattack against iran out of fears that may spark or regional much wider war. do you agree with the president's stance >> well, none of us want a wider regional war at the same time if i'm going to leave it to israel to make her own decisions on the after what she faced last night after the
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country was attacked with hundred 70 drones, 120 ballistic missiles 30 cruise missiles. i'll just say wolf, if that had happened to the united states of america on our soil, if they attack new york and i'm sure we'd be having a very different conversation today. so again, i will leave it to our key ally and the president have private conversations genes about what the best next step is here, i think the key, let's just not take our eye off the ball as well about getting that temporary pause and the hostages home as quickly as humanly possible and make sure of course we get aid into the region. but you might imagine what it's like in israel today after drusen with the rockets firing over jerusalem last night this massive onslaught for unprecedented, with a ran attacking israel on its soil and with its proxies attacking as well, right? and this wasn't all all out effort to attack israel last night are key democratic ally we will see what happens in the coming
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hours and days. congressman josh god haim thanks. is usual for joining us >> thanks, wolf. good to see you. >> and just ahead will have much more of our special coverage of the escalating conflict right now in the middle east. in minutes, the israelis let me president isaac herzog, will join me live for an exclusive interview on this unprecedented iranian attack against israel plus former president donald trump back in a courtroom. >> this week. jury selection is expected to start tomorrow it is historic criminal hush money trial. what to expect? we'll check it on that every weekday morning. cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essentials stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming weekdays starting april 15 on macs. >> all >> new subway routes are packed with delicious ingredients in a pillar, we'll advice around. family or refreshing lunch that tasted murphy pro athletes like
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>> i'm lauren fox on capitol hill, and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by
10:52 am >> her firm. >> only represents >> mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, carlos now much more on our special coverage of iran is unprecedented attack against israel, just ahead, but we're also following a >> historic trial that's about to begin jury selection is set to begin tomorrow morning, and donald trump's hush money criminal trial in new york city after a series of legal attempts by the former president's lawyers to delay it trump is accused of falsifying business records to keep voters back in 2016 from finding out about an he had an affair with adult film star stormy daniels. cnn legal analyst, former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers is joining us right now. as you know, jennifer trump is but not only a former president, but a very polarizing figure, hard to find people who don't have strong views about him, either negative or positive. and given that is legal teams pension for
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pushing for delays, how do you see these next few days actually playing out beginning with jury selection tomorrow morning, assuming it starts on time yeah you're certainly right. well, if it's hard to find jurors who don't have strong views about trump one way or the other. it's really unprecedented to have a defendant like this. it's gonna be interesting to watch. the judge has already said he's going to allow people to self-identify as having conflicts or views that are too strong to serve on the juries. so that'll cut out a whole bunch of folks. it's gonna be a big deal for both sides, but especially for prosecutors here, because of course, they need 12 jurors unanimously to convict the former president, whereas trump only needs one juror to say that they won't convict in order to at least hang hello >> anyone with a bias that doesn't allow them to fairly deliberate. whereas trump only doesn't have to have that same
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burden. so it's gonna be interesting to watch, going to be a very complicated jury selection. how long do you think it could take? >> well, they're saying a week so i think probably between a week and two weeks, they just hundreds and hundreds of people to get through and the parties will want to ask questions as follow wants 2402 questions in the questionnaire. so i'm thinking a week to two weeks, we'll hopefully have a jury seat. >> interesting the big picture, jennifer, how do you assess the strength of this case against trump >> well, it's a strong case on paper. certainly. i mean, it's not a complicated case. there's nothing really in it that should give anyone any pause except the issue of his intent and whether the falsify qishan of the business records was intending to interfere with the election. that's really the important thing here because it makes what would otherwise be misdemeanors into felonies. so that's the only even halfway challenging case. the real challenge here though is of course, again, can you
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see a fair jury? what will jurors think of michael cohen, who is corroborated? today by other evidence, but it's so polarizing and has such obvious distaste for his former boss >> and that's really and then the other question >> of course, is, will trump testify and if he testifies, man, that will be a blockbuster and that will really impact the jury. whether however it goes especially cross-examination says jaffe to testify, we'll see if that actually does happen, though. a jennifer rodgers. thank you very, very much. their historic first criminal trial of the former president donald trump begins with jury selection in new york city. wow, morning. stay with >> cnn for special >> live coverage. the trump hush money trial starts tomorrow morning, 9:00 a.m. eastern and there'll be a special debris starting and then there'll be streaming on mac as well. we're also following breaking developments right now out of the middle east. the region is i'm very high alert after iran he launched an unprecedented attack on israel in just
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minutes the israeli president isaac herzog, will join me from jerusalem, live for an exclusive interview on this unprecedented attack against israel stay with us. what do you recommend >> hi parents, husbands and wives gone. >> i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow up space shuttle columbia, the final flight two part finale tonight at nine on cnn >> now, at t professionally installs google nest products >> you're all set are in the system. we should go with the most >> trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt, you know, i spent a lot of time thinking about dirt at three in the morning and you're trying what people don't know. is that not all dirt is the same? you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle gro,
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