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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 15, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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t the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. preferred better science, better results >> meeting an empire of evil which wants to eradicate all values of the free world. the world has to understand that this is another development in the war which iran is waging against the free world. >> if the zionist regime attacks our interests, assets, personalities, and citizens at any point, we will attack them from the iamicepublic you're now is the time to de. for maximum restraint e time
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>> t tri is heduled to begin monday with ry selection, potential jurors will be asked 42 questions including their feelings about donald trump, >> jury selection is often where you win or lose trial >> live from london >> this is cnn newsroom with max foster >> hello, welcome to our viewers. join your sum all around the world. i max foster, it's monday, april the fifth dave, 9:00 a.m. here in london, 11:00 a.m. in israel, where officials are contemplating a response to iran's unprecedented aerial assault this weekend, there's been an all-out diplomatic push to contain the fallout and to prevent any further escalation of violence g7 members held a virtual meeting and regional leaders have been speaking with their global counterparts in an emergency session of the un council, the secretary general urged restraint the middle is,
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is on the brink the people of the region are confronting a real danger of a devastating full-scale conflict. now is the, time to defuse and de-escalate now is the time for maximum restraint >> israel says about 350 drones, missiles and rockets were fired from iran, iraq, and yemen by an by hezbollah in lebanon. most were intercepted a source tells cnn, israel's war council is divided on a response, but a call from the us president convinced israel's prime minister to delay retaliation, at least for now. meanwhile, the head of iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps set the attack marks a new policy towards israel >> him get him care. >> we decided to create a new equation that is, if the zionist regime attacks our
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interests, africa personalities, and citizens at any point, and we will attack them from the islamic republic of iran the honest promise operation is a prominent and very clear example of this new equation. >> when we now tel aviv is israeli government spokesperson david menn. so thank you so much for joining us. we've already been hearing from our sources about those meeting government meetings. can you just outline the divide that might be there >> sure firstly, thank you for having me on max. listen. >> the >> tyrants of tehran orchestrated the october the seventh massacre on my people, as well as the drone attack on saturday night. let me just lay that out for you. we had 100 and suicide drones, 120 ballistic missiles, 30 cruise missiles aimed at my people here in israel, that meant israeli moms and dads kids in and out of bomb shelters. most
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saturday night miraculously, thanks to the idf, but also thanks to the us as well. we managed to repel that threat >> but >> listen, i wanna, i wanna pose a simple question to you, whether it's in the uk or the us what would you do? what would the us do if just one, just one of them? there's cruise missiles was aimed at andrews air force base or in the uk at ref price, prized norton. we are standing on the front line of this terrorism. we know that iran is the axis behind all of the terror in our region. it's around is hamas in our south. iran controls hizballah in iran it has the duties and the straits of the red sea. iran has shia militias in iraq attacking us forces. >> but i'll tell you >> together with our allies were ready and we're prepared what every eventuality, offensive and defensive will there be a response >> that's up to our people? we have our our government, our
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that's up to them in terms of how they do the primary responsibility of every single government is the protection of their people. but whether there is a response or not, we're fighting iran every single day. there are rockets coming over from iranian rockets coming over on our northern border to hezbollah from hezbollah, every single day, we've got 60,000, 60,000 residents displaced in our more about the same number in our south from because of the threat from hamas, which means that are war aims remain the same. we are going to destroy hamas. we're going to get back 133 hostages. and of course, we're going to make sure that hamas does not pose a threat to us ever again from gaza has >> the government ruled out a direct attack on iran >> the government will make the decision exactly how to respond. but as i say, this is an ongoing war, i think for the news media, they like to think
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that think of this as something new. it's not something new. we've been facing down iran or many, many years, i simply pose this further question to your viewers. what would have happened if one of these warheads would have been nuclear? what would happen if iran would be a nuclear weapons power? we can't let that happen, and we will do everything in my power. >> and you >> should hate listen, paid my words very, very clearly, the israeli government will do everything in its power to prevent iran becoming a nuclear weapons power. >> how can you reassure countries outside the region we've had so many leaders coming out calling a de-escalation. the narrative that's out there, obviously from iran is that israel attached sovereign territory. iranian sovereign territory in syria without consulate attack. and they've responded in this way if the counter strikes continue, we just don't know where it's going to end. dewey
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look, i tell you i can't comment on that on that occurrence, but what i can tell you is that daniel hagari released the intelligence on that site in damascus. it wasn't, of course, a civilian beta, a civilian embassy. it wasn't al-quds force, irgc, iranian revolutionary guard base personnel, which we're operating from there. we know that the tyrants of tehran themselves orchestrated the october the seventh massacre on our people. but things have changed from a generation ago when anyone in the world could take pot shots at jews and not expect to reply. thank god, israel exists right now. we have a very, very close relationship with the us. it's bipartisan in nature. >> it's >> been going for decades and decades and decades and because of our shared values, we know that iran needs to be facedown. what we're going full force in against hamas as well, make no mistake that local proxy here
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are close to us just about 70 miles from where i'm sitting right now is a must. and hamas will be defeated. >> you obviously received hue support from the us also supported by the uk and france, two take down these drones, which raining down on israel. of course over the weekend, which must been in the horrific experience as you were saying for everyone living there. but america has been very clear. it's not going to support you in any retaliatory action against iran. how concerned with the government be'eri about that? would it still go ahead? >> look, i simply ask you to remember this one question. what would the us too, if just one of these cruise missiles rained down on andrews air force base, we're facing this. every single day of the year. we know that iran is against peace. it's against democracy, it's against freedom. the reason they hate us so much is because we are making peace with lots of countries in this
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region. and we will continue to do that. but what's important right now is to face down this threat to make sure that iran never becomes a nuclear power, but also to continue our battle against hamas, hearing close to us in gaza, but also has below in an office well i think david menn, so really appreciate you spending the time for us today live in tel aviv. thank you what the us is warning iran, it'll be held responsible if further action is taken against israel or the us. a sunday's un security council meeting, us deputy ambassador robert woods, say the washington will look at additional ways to hold iran accountable >> let me be clear if iran or its proxies take actions against the united states or further action against israel iran will be held responsible. united states is not seeking escalation our actions have been purely defensive in nature the best way to prevent such
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escalation is an unambiguous condemnation from the council of iran's unprecedented large-scale attack. and an unequivocal call on it and its proxies and partners to refrain from further violence >> the us secretary say onclick blinken has spoken with his counterparts in the uk and germany about the iran attack on sunday. both the british and german foreign ministers condemn the attack back in the strongest possible terms according to the us state department. they can also put in calls to turkey, egypt, jordan, and saudi arabia to speak with their foreign ministers about the matter, to stress the need for a coordinated diplomatic response to iran cnn's paula hancocks joins me now from abu dhabi, we're trying to get some answers there from the israeli government spokesperson, but not really getting into the detail. but what did you read from iran's intentions israel's intentions from now? >> well max, one thing that did
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strike me was the way that he mentioned a number of times in that interview that israel would not allow around to be become a nuclear power. now that is not new, it is something that has been said many times before. >> but >> there is speculation from experts that this may be one of the one of the areas where israel does carry out a retaliatory attack on a run. we know that in the past they have tried to set back that that nuclear program and it is a possibility that that could be one of the targets. now, we understand that this war cabinet meeting where they were supposed to be a decision on what israel should do in response to iran went on for hours on sunday and very telling that it was such a long meeting into sunday night. and the fact that it didn't end with a unanimous decision. so what we understand at this point is there is somewhat of a
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split as to which direction israel should take when it comes to responding to those iranian attacks over the weekend. we understand the cabinet will have a response, so there's very few who believed that they wouldn't be some kind of reaction from israel. but we don't know the timing and we don't know the framing this point. we have been hearing from israeli officials though, and just on sunday from the president himself saying that israel is looking at this with a cool head. let's listen to what he said. i think >> we're operating in a very focused way and a very responsible way. and i'm sure there will be a decision accordingly that will make sure that we protect and defend the people of israel and of course serve the idea of this coalition that has emanated all of a sudden in front of our eyes. in opposing the
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aggressive acts and the and the operations of iran in the region for so many years now we understand that the israeli military has now been tasked with coming up with other options, with >> more options that the war cabinet can then look at clearly the options on the table, on sunday, we're not necessarily ones that that israel wanted to take. we heard from a senior biden administration official those saying the word that they had from israel, the impression they had from israel is that they are not looking to escalate the situation in the region. they are looking to defend themselves but of course, we've also heard from iran the president of iran saying that if israel does carry out another attack against its assets, against his people, then their response we'll be greater and will be more significant so it's very
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easy to see how this for tat, the retaliation from both sides that could escalate into a wider regional conflict. and it is something that all countries in this neighborhood certainly are calling again everybody calling for restraint, calling for cool heads in the hope that this doesn't escalate further. >> max, paula, in abu dhabi. thank you so much. we'll have more on these tensions just ahead. the first row or the top story, which is that donald trump's hush money trial begins today in new york. jury selection will begin just hours from now, and it'll be an unprecedented scene. never before in american history has a current or former president faced a criminal trial soon as brian todd gives us a closer look at how this historic case came together >> it wasn't until almost 12 years after the affair allegedly occurred, but the world first learned of the allegations of hush money
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payments to stormy daniels in january 2018, the wall street journal reported that in the weeks before the 2016 election, donald trump had arranged to $130,000 payment to the adult film star to keep her from publicly discussing their alleged 2006 or encountered later former trump attorney michael cohen, testified that trump directed him to make payments to daniel's, quote, for the principal purpose of influencing the election. and that trump later reimbursed him cohen served jail time for campaign finance violations related to the hush money payments and gave jarring testimony to congress. >> i am ashamed that i chose to take part in concealing mr. trump's elicit acts rather than listening to my own conscience. >> donald trump has always denied having an affair with stormy daniels in april 2018, trump was asked by reporters about hush money but later in 2018, in an ethics filing,
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trump acknowledged rmbursing chael cohen for more than $100,000, but didn't say what it was for daniel spoke to anderson cooper in a cvs interview about the alleged payment. >> was it hush money to stay silent? >> yes. >> i believe without a shadow of a doubt in my heart. and some people argue that i don't have one of those, but whatever that i was doing the right thing that same year, the new yorker magazine detailed reports that trump had had an affair with former playboy model, karen mcdougal. she spoke to anderson cooper about it i. regret i have about the relationship that i had with donald was the fact that he was married, the wall street journal reported four days before the 2016 >> election that the publisher of the national enquirer tabloid had paid mcdougal $150,000 for the rights to her story shortly after trump became the republican nominee for president but that the enquirer never published the story, catch and kill, that is, pay someone and then kill a story that would be damaging to
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donald. >> i knew the story wasn't going to be printin they didn't want to hurt him >> trump has denied having an affair with mcdougal. he was indicted a year ago on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records it's related to the daniels hush money payments. he's pleaded not guilty. cohen, daniel's and mcdougal are among those expected to be on the witness list for this trial. how credible a witness would daniel's be >> she seemed like she would make a very good witness if i were trying the case, i'd be happy to put on the stand what really helps the process? here is what she is talking about is all corroborated in the documents >> the trial is scheduled to begin monday with jury selection. potential jurors will be asked 42 questions, including their feelings about donald trump, whether they ever participated in a rally for or against trump? and whether they can be fair and impartial, but they won't be asked what party they belong to or who they've voted for. brian todd, cnn, washington but not the villanova is a criminal defense
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attorney and former new york prosecutors. she joins us from new york. thank you so much for joining us in terms of the history of this moment, just explain why it's important. not just for america, but interesting for the rest of the world as well. >> well, it's definitely interesting and it's also a moment in time, a moment in history, something that we're going to be talking about years from now, hundreds of years from now and discuss all around the world. does that you've never seen a former president one charged with the crime and actually sit doing a jury trial a criminal jury trial, and also being attacked for activities that they did before the presidential campaign. and while they were in office. so it's definitely something for us to see. there is no landmark case to look at to get some guidance of how to deal with this type of criminal behavior or how to handle it? tastes like this >> if he is found guilty, it won't actually make any difference with it. of course
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it will in terms of the debates. but technically in terms of him running for president, it doesn't stop him getting there so i've donald trump were to be found guilty of these new york criminal charges. he was still be eligible to run for president. he may not be eligible to vote though because it, because the charges are felony charges, he can lose his right to vote, but unfortunately, he was still be eligible to run for president in terms of the repercussions then for the election, he will expect as being caught every day won't name. we've seen in the past how he does use these moments for political gain as well. >> absolutely. unlike civil matters, donald trump wasn't required to be in court during his civil trial, having to deal with the new york attorney general or the one with the sexual assault having to deal with e. jean carroll. but in a criminal trial, he is required to be present every day of the court proceedings supposedly, the schedule is going to be monday, tuesday, thursday, and friday, so he will have
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wednesdays off and as well as the weekends. but we also know that donald trump has been using his criminal matters as a way of hand campaigning, as a way of getting political contributions. so he'll be performing double duties while on trial we'll be watching his facial expressions. and his reactions. but how many opportunities really, actually have to speak >> well, we'll have an opportunity to one at the point at trial if he decides to testify because only donald trump alone can make that decision as to whether he wants to testify. and let's just be clear with hey, criminal jury trial with jurors in that courtroom, they are going to be watching every single move that he makes. he's not going to be allowed to do those outbursts that he's been doing at other trials when he was president because he rest of the chance of being held in contempt, but also the jury making decisions based it's on his adult first. so that's not going to be stand for inside of a courtroom, but he'll be able
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to talk outside of the courtroom, of course. but yes, to remember anything he says can be used against him in that courtroom. so hopefully his attorneys can find a way to muzzle done trump. so i want affect his criminal trial as much as it has already done, but not avail owner. thank you so much for your insight. it's going to be certainly interesting. you can watch him in special coverage of the trump hush money trial throughout the day starts at 9:00 a.m. and new york, that's 2:00 p.m. here in london so calm pressure is mounting on us house speaker mike johnson to pass a key foreign aid bill following iran's attacks on israel plus with iran's attack front and center. foreign ministers from the g7 or getting ready for crucial meetings this week in italy, we'll have a live report from rome view. and later us markets plan that was on friday ahead of the anticipated attack from iran will look at how they might fair this week, just to have choice
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iran. it comes as president joe biden stresses to lawmakers the quote, urgent need to pass an aid bill for israel and ukraine. the aid package has been stalled in the house for weeks facing opposition from hardline conservatives. republican house speaker mike johnson says he'll move forwards with a vote on additional aid for israel, but did not mention if aid for ukraine will be part of that package >> the house republicans and the republican party understand the necessity of standing with israel. we going to try again this week and the details of that package are being put together right now, we're looking at the options and all these supplemental what issues will meanwhile, senate majority leader chuck schumer says aid is a crucial for both countries >> the good news is that the supplemental, that the security supplemental that passed the senate has not only what israel needs, but what ukraine needs as well. and if we can pass that this week, it will really help the best way to help israel and to help ukraine is
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to pass the supplemental this week. and i've called on speaker johnson to do that, there was a consensus on the phone among all the parties that we had to help israel and help ukraine joining me now is june norman deputies are active at the center of us politics university college london. thank you so much for joining us so i think we can assume can't we there'll be more support? for an aid package for israel. but if they can tie the ukrainian package to that, that would have the success that so many in washington want. and here in europe yes, indeed, i mean, the events of the weekend certainly underscored the urgency of getting this foreign aid bill onto the floor. it's been something that i think johnson has been trying to stall, trying to avoid in some degree because he's really cotton the middle within his own party. we've obviously heard from some like marjorie taylor greene who have said they would essentially a call
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to oust the speaker if ukraine funding was tied to an israel funding vote at the same time, we have the key committee members from johnson's own party, from the armed forces, from intelligence, from foreign affairs saying look, the ukraine aspect needs to be tied to the israel funding as well. so that needs to be part of it. so we'll see what kind of package johnson comes forward with. but politically it's been a very tough gets edo for him to thread in terms of the ukraine aid, will there be enough support to decouple it because obviously it's gonna be a lot easier getting the israeli a through yeah, obviously, johnson knows that for republicans, israel aid isn't much easier sell and even for many democrats as well but at the end of the day, biden has been really trying to couple these in february when this vote came up. similarly, biden was very clear that he would veto a package that did not include, you crane aid. he has not said that as fort
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rightly this time but that's still a threat from the white house and it's also simply unclear if on the house could actually get that many votes and then get it through the senate as well with just israel out aid when for democrats, that ukraine aid is such a big piece of it, i will point out that trump has kind of given in his blessing to having at least some kind of loan aspect for ukraine aid rather than direct aid. so it think that's probably what we'll see johnson trying to fit that in if there's a package, if he tries to separate them, i think the vote will be a little bit a little bit trickier. >> if i could just ask you briefly about the iran situation, i've spent too many israeli i spoke to an israeli government spokesperson or former idf spokesperson as well saying, the impression you get is that they will be able to convince the us to back them if they were going to retaliate against iran, you just explained some of the challenges there because biden has been very clear, has any that america would not support
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israel in retaliating against iran? >> yeah, he's been very clear in his messaging over the last 24 hours on the one hand, this ironclad support for israeli security, but that's very much in defensive terms and we saw that on display with the response to the iranian missiles and drones over the weekend with the us does not want to do, is partake in any offensive measures in terms of direct attacks on iran. they see that not only as unstrategic for the region, escalating regional war, but really quite directly for what would likely incur on direct strike breaks and us troops in the region. so the us has some very real immediate and long-term interest to not see that happen. and i think biden's being very clear with his israeli counterparts about that and they've got so many different potential conflicts blowing up if you consider ukraine was happening in the south china sea. and now iran house washington viewing all of this just in to they group them together in any way when they
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consider these responses. >> it was certainly it's a very widespread foreign policy moment and probably not one that biden was hoping for going into this election year with this many different crises around the world for biden, i would say for many they do see these as at least somewhat linked on in reality, i would say there's some indirect links for sure, but we see this very urgent crisis in the middle east, this ongoing war in ukraine. and of course this much more long-term challenge that many see with china and indo-pacific. so all of these are all of these are in play on the foreign policy sphere. and you see biden and really other countries as well trying to navigate between these as best as possible. but i'm often in very politically challenging ways domestically. >> okay. judy norman really appreciate your time. thank you so much. so it's come more reaction from around the world to iran's attack on israel g7 nations are responding
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okay, that's uncalled for. >> in brynn for certain drugs, one on the campaign trail in omaha. >> in this is cnn >> iran says its retaliation against israel is now over and less. israeli strikes back. that's the message to iran is making publicly. and to a
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senior us official, it's the same thing being communicated to the white house privately, iran pulled the drone and missile barrage a response to israel's strike on its consulate in damascus. about two weeks ago. and says it now considers the matter over in an exclusive interview earlier, cnn's becky anderson, asked the jordanian foreign minister whether the us will be able to use its leverage with israel to keep tensions from escalating >> we do hope that will be the case. reports about american positions have clearly said that the us has dot israel and that it should not escalate that it will not even support as well if it if it decides to go against against iran. and as i said, i mean, as well attack the embassy, consulate and iranian consulate in damascus iran retaliated it said it will do no more. so i think that should stop now and i think the whole world has an interest in making sure it gets that message. and is not allowed to invoke another confrontation
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with iran as to yourself i can question. look, we work said it before. i think i said it a new show, becky, before. >> that >> as the pressure on the tinea home mounts as a result of the continuation of door and gaza, he will be looking for ways to dilute that. i think he has an interest in the conflict continuing. so that he doesn't face the reckoning that is inevitably going to fish in israel. and therefore, we should all be cognizant of that, and we should all work to make sure that this escalation doesn't happen, that the war in gaza stops, so that we start working on ai once and for all solution that will end this conflict on the basis of the two-state solution that would un-filter judgment, rights of palestinians to feed them and statehood and also address israel's legitimate security concerns. >> leaders across the globe are condemning iran's attack during a virtual g7 meeting on sunday,
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the grip expressed its full solidarity and support to israel join it's not from rome is seen as barbie nadeau, there are some slight nuances and what different leaders are saying, but they're all rush out of the statement calling for no escalation >> that's right, max, you know, i mean, italy has the rotating presidency of the g7, but also as a crucial member of the european union. of course, we have here this wednesday, the 7th jason 19th, the g7 foreign ministers meeting on the island of capri off the coast of naples. and the focus there is, of course, going to be on the de-escalation trying to get at this point israel not to ria act to iran's reaction. and this a lot of tension in the air, but also the european union, of course, still very focused on the war in ukraine and the president of the european commission, ursula vendor lynn, add this to say, let's listen
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>> such a direct iranian attack against israel is unprecedented today we, the leaders of the g20 seven, condemn in the strongest terms. we expressed our solidarity and support to the people of israel and reaffirmed our unshakeable commitment towards its security iran's actions list provoking an uncontrollable regional escalation. and this has to be avoided and max, when you listen to her words, they're very calculated, they're very careful, of course, european union has been very >> focused on trying to do everything they can to stop the humanitarian crisis in gaza. and so there's a lot of complicated internal geopolitics at play, but the underlying sentiment is de-escalation and if that doesn't happen, what happens next? max? >> yeah, absolutely. bobby in rome. thank you for joining me now from paris jasmine el
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gamal, she's a senior fellow at the atlantic council and formerly served as a middle east adviser the us defense department, thank you so much for joining us slightly mixed messaging. it feels like the united states saying they're not going to support any reaction from israel to the iranian attack. but in israel it's very clear that they are considering some sort of response. but they would expect us support >> that's right. it's it's a really critical moment right now, everyone in the region i was justin amman yesterday, i just came to paris from amman everyone in the region is extremely on edge, wondering and worrying about what the israeli response will be he and of course, the iranian response, we have to remember was actually a counter attack. it was a response to the israeli attack on its diplomatic facilities in syria. a couple of weeks ago, that ended up killing a senior
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iranian commander and that is really attack in itself. of course first was a response to consistent iranian aggression through its proxies against israel so we've really been seeing this cycle of escalatory for tat actions between israel and iran bringing the closer and closer to the edge of an all-out war. and what everyone is hoping now is that things will start to de-escalate, that israelis will choose not to retaliate in a way that will set the region on fire how could they retaliate without sitting the region on fire >> so that's a good question. i mean, is the israelis have for years been striking iranian targets or iranian linked targets in syria without killing senior commanders, they could be strike making a weapons shipment, for example, from iran from iran to his in
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lebanon via syria they could strike a truck for example, that's carrying weapons shipments, but that doesn't have a senior commander on it or any significant iranian figures. there are of course, ways to do that. now, israel and particularly prime minister netanyahu will be under pressure from certain more right-wing extremist elements of his own cabinet, like prime minister sorry, like minister ben gvir for example. and the likes of him and smotrich, who are putting pressure on prime minister netanyahu to be more sort of militant. i suppose, in his response now, the hope is that president biden's words two prime minister netanyahu will stand. he said the iranian attack was not he said the iranian attack basically was a
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when it didn't strike any significant targets. there weren't any significant casualties. it was basically a show of force. so take the win, don't escalate things as further. and let's start to turn down the temperature a bit. it's what the jordanian foreign minister has been saying for the last 24 hours >> and the >> hope is that prime minister netanyahu will do just that at the very least, strike some sort of moving target that is more symbolic than something that would be viewed as escalatory by the iranian regime >> what the americans be saying in the back-channels to israel and iran right now the iranians have been communicating the american, sorry, have been communicating with the iranians fairly consistently even before the strike happened through its arab allies in the region. making sure to reiterate that the americans are not
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interested in an all-out war are in the region and the iranians have been relaying the same messages to the americans. and so it's really israel that's the wildcard, right now that we're not sure whether it's actually going to keep the very tenuous peace exists right now, or whether it's going to escalate. i think the ball is really an prime minister netanyahu's court right now. but former prime minister, who'd barack said something very interesting in an interview just very recently, he said that ben gurion had three rules that israel should not rush to war without a superpower by its side. that israel should it not rush into a long war that it did not have the luxury of getting into long wars, and that israel should not see its moral high ground. and it who'd barack said israel and prime minister netanyahu
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specifically is violating all three rules right now. so even within israel, there is some pressure on prime minister netanyahu not to escalate this further and of course, the hope is that he listens to these cooler heads >> absolutely. i just mean, el gamal in paris. thank you so much indeed for joining us today. well, iran's attack on israel is causing world oil prices to tumble. we'll check in on his four units >> this special to our titanic premiere of how it really happened. >> sunday, april 28 and nine on cnn >> how far would you go to control the fragrance in your home? there's an easier way. dry air wake vibrant with two times more natural essential oils, but up to 120 days of amazing fragrance per dual pack. now, >> that's a breath of fresh air wake tech allergy relief works fast. it lasts a full 24 hours, so they can be deliver dance okay. dave, let's be more
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entire family and accompany for hotel. >> mom made this. >> i added the garnish stay twice and get a free night when you booked direct introducing, finish, ultimate engineered for the toughest condition dry burn tons stains, oh, dishwashers hard water new finish, ultimate with psychosis business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer.
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resolved until israel responds anyway, if you're trying to get a message from the markets today, it's they were anticipating an attack on saturday, we store a lot of reaction on friday. and as you say, it's a mixed bag reinvest as perhaps treading water to see what happens next. there's any escalation one of the key assets to watch, of course, is the oil price. now we saw that significantly higher on friday. it's actually lower today, so definitely feeds into that story and all parts is very interesting with iran not because they're on is a major supplier of oil that because it sits on the strait of hormuz, which of course is a huge artery for the tree heating up oil about a fifth of the world's oil consumption travels through that so if they were concerned that this would escalate further, i think we would see that oil price even higher today. >> and then presumably things like gold would go up as investors just worried generally about the state of the world economy. >> yeah, the big safe havens. and actually we saw gold hit an all time record high on friday. it's off that high, but it is high it again today. so you're still seeing some of that money flowing from riskier asset
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classes into safe havens so there's suddenly volatility. there is risk on the table for investors. >> earrings just got more expensive. >> my earrings just got more expensive. if they were gold >> giving away your secrets, tv secrets, and i thank you so much. just ahead, gulfs a world number one that's slips on another green jacket now, do i love thee? >> let me count the ways >> love can get a little messy good thing. there's resolved >> love the love >> resolve the met gotta, get rid of this because it stinks having a triad down here. >> refresh, it helps remove voters three times better >> than detergent alone. >> it worse guys, yeah >> downy rinse and refresh their >> take allergy relief works fast and last a full 24 hours.
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here very soon. knew my son or daughter will now be the main priority, long as my wife should golf will now be yeah, probably fourth in line but i still love competing. i don't plan on taking my off the ball anytime soon. that's for sure >> scheffler held his nerve and a tense final round at augusta consolidating his overnight lead by shooting a for under par score he quickly recovered from a couple of drops, shocks on the front nine, making a total of seven birdies throughout his round. and as a clutch of challenges steadily faded away, he coaston home to a majestic win scheffler is now unquestionably the man to beat in men's golf. but a major new star announced his arrival this time last year, sweden's ludvig robert was an amateur player and in his very first major tournament, he played superbly, finishing second on seven-under par and although tiger woods finished in 60th place, he's looking on the bright side, the five-time masters champion made history by making a 24th consecutive cut at the masters.
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and the there's only the third time that he played four rounds of golf since that devastating car crash, three years ago the next major tournament will be the pga championship in a month's time, by which time scheffler will be a father and his rivals will be hoping that with a baby in his arms he will finally take his eye off the ball back to you >> thank you for joining me here on sinner newsroom. i might saucer london live coverage of the start of the donald trump criminal trial, as well as rising tensions that have been least continued he's next on cnn this morning with casey
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