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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 15, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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monday, april 15, right now on cnn this morning, history unfolding in a new york courtroom donald trump abounds, become two first former president to stand trial on criminal charges. the us and the world react as israel plots, it's next move after an attack by iran and congressional leaders still unable to come together on aid for israel, or ukraine 5:00 a.m. here in washington, here's a live look at new york city. good morning, everyone. i'm jim acosta in the case it's great to be with you. this has never happened before, just a few hours. donald trump will become the first former us president to face a criminal trial. jury selection begins this morning. in the hush money case brought by manhattan district attorney alvin bragg, the historic trial centers on a potential sex scandal cover up that took place just days before the 20 presidential
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election. prosecutors alleged trump falsified business records to hide the reimbursement of hush money payments to porn star stormy daniels in an attempt to influence the vote. last night, trump went to his social media sites as sound off calling, brag a corrupt prosecutor and the judge in the case totally conflicted he also mentioned the case during a rally and pennsylvania over the weekend like bragg, alvin bragg has tried to do, is enforce federal campaign finance law, which doesn't have any authority whatsoever. >> and joining us dow, cnn, legal analyst, joey jackson, joey, good morning lot of stuff happening >> in just a few hours from now. what do gonna be watching for when trump goes into that courthouse? >> yeah. jim, good morning to you. a very big deal, a very historic occasion, and initially what i'll be watching for is the ability for a trial jury to be selected.
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that's fair and impartial you know, jim, that the trump team has done a significant amount of polling already in their effort to get the case the late polls indicating, of course it manhattan, according to their polling voted overwhelmingly for biden, which in fact a fact in 2020 and clinton in 2016. >> but >> using that to indicate that they could not select a fair jury as a result, remember in doing that it leaves out the whole notion that when you have wad deir of war, die are some coal that's the selection of a jury. you do have the ability really to select the fair jury based upon you being able to exclude jurors who just raised their hand and say, you know what this case is, not for me, i can't be fair. i can't be impartial. and then of course you have a host of chapter helen jews that you could make to yours for cause if you feel and further questioning, they can't be impartial and then you have another set of challenges gym in which you can discretion early remove them. so what's all about the
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election of a fair trial. that's what i'll be looking for an outlet. also be looking for trump's team if they can't find the pool of jurors, not to be impartial, to be making further to delay or perhaps change the venue. that's what it's going to be all about, at least initially as a trunk is underway >> yeah. joey, how is this jury selection going to work? i mean, do the will of prosecutors and defense team tried to ask do you like trump, did you vote for trump? i mean, those kinds of questions to sort of fish and poke and prod to see who's on their side, who's not yes. >> so it's largely scripted. there be judge has a host of and came up with the defense team, as well as the prosecution of a host of 42 questions that are going to be fair game for the jury. those questions you cannot ask who you voted for. he you intend to vote for a democrat or here republican. but to me and that's largely irrelevant. and the reason i say that is
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because there are other questions certainly that really flush out what your leanings and bento or if you're part of a number of groups that you'll be asked about q. and on, et cetera, you will know the political leanings, certainly asking about podcast cast. you watch shows that you walk. is it's cnn or is it another news network? whether or not you attended trump rallies? i think that will give the indication of really what side you're on here in terms of your leanings. but it's not about that. it's whether you can prepare. yeah. >> yeah. and trump >> faces my goodness, 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. how important is that to the case, and how will prosecutors have to prove he's guilty? >> yeah. i think that's the essence of it. right. i think the reality is, is that they are new york city in the manhattan da's office. my former office, there are in large measure these business crimes, financial crimes, and really election bill stylet as
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interference crimes. and so what they will do is indicate think that there were false invoices that were created in order to advance this scheme to hide from the public information that could have been damaging, to trump in 2016, they'll talk about ledger entries that were false with respect to the trump organization. they'll talk about these checks that we use for reimbursement. and a lot of people and look at this case is oh, michael cohen's a star witness. he's damaged goods >> it's really >> in large measure, not about him. people say, what do you mean it's not about him? look, it's something called corroboration. you could be the most convicted felon and perjurer. but if this corroboration for what i say because you do find these ledgers, you do find text message yes, you do find emails, you do find communications that lead to the notion that this was occurring. guess what, what you're saying if it's largely corroborated, you become less significant and your word becomes less significant because the proof, the evidence, and the documentation is there, and
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that's what i'll be looking for. dorm and trauma. i think that's what the jury needs to see in order to find trump guilty. everyone presumed innocent until they're found guilty. but that critical evidence will make all the difference. >> yeah and join me trump is going after the da, the judge, overseeing this case. i mean, how might that play into things? he's going after the former his former attorney and fixer, michael cohen. he just talked about he wrote about cohen, i think on one of these truth social post and it says has disgraced attorney and phelan michael cohen, been prosecuted for lying >> only >> trump people get prosecuted for a by this judge and these thugs i mean, some of that's rhetoric of course, but i mean it seems that if the lawyers are always playing for the audience of one they're going to go after michael cohen >> they will. >> and so a couple of >> things to keep in mind. the first of which is listen, it's a political season and he's
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running for president. and so of course, there's a political imperative to spend. it's a witch-hunt, it's an unfair system. i'm the victim of this unfairness. you can't believe weaponization of prosecution as we look at colin. so that's all political fodder. and i think that might help him to some extent with people who really buy into him. on the other hand, is this gag order. so be careful because you can't go after family members. you kiss, can't go after witnesses. michael cohen is one of them. and so what it'll be interesting to see the mayor jim, is how the judge enforces the gag order will be monetary fines or will he in effect put trump in? that is incarcerate them for a period of time in order to get to the notion that there are things you can't say. it can intimidate witnesses. you can't really impair or affect the trial. we'll see what the judge does. >> all right. joey jackson, it's gonna be interesting to watch. thanks a lot. really appreciate it. good to see you this morning. >> oh thanks, john coming up next in the warning, israel
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about an offensive response to the attack by iran plus four arrests in the case of two moms who disappeared last month while picking up their kids and we're on today's big story for us president about to appear in court to face or criminal the trial for the first time in history >> there's new ally in the fight against climate change. >> this is in-car business blue carbon. we >> just need to protect nature will do the rest >> corbin plus cnn filled sunday at nine >> yeah, introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks is flaky red patches are all people see on tesla is the number one prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. oh, tesla can help you get clear. >> don't >> use a tesla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. oh, tesla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking the tesla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss, upper
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become pregnant or breastfeed don't take packs, love it if you're allergic to nima, 12-year the ton of year or any of its ingredients. serious side effects can include allergic reactions some severe like anaphylaxis and liver problems. these are not all the possible side effects so talk to your doctor >> commercially insured patients may pay as little as $0 and the us government is making packs little bit available to medicare, medicaid, and uninsured patients for free in and conditions apply to both programs learn more at pax low slash paxos, and ask your doctor today if it's covid packs lovin how solomon in new york and this is cnn >> today, israel's war cabinet is set to meet again as a considers its next move in response to a ron's weekend attack your the idf says nearly all 350 drones, rockets, and
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missiles were intercepted from iran, iraq, yemen and syria diplomatic push has started to avoid further escalation in the region. the g7 meeting virtually speaking with their global counterparts and cnn's paula hancocks joins us now from abu dhabi. paula, uh, good morning, president biden. he's been making it pretty clear to the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu that the us will not join any retaliatory strikes that call may have delayed retaliation for now but if you can't bring us up to speed where do things stand >> well, jim, we are expecting that is war cabinet meeting to start once again in less than two hours. this is the meeting that also happened on sunday. so yesterday, it went for several hours until it ended in the evening and a decision could not be made. now, we're hearing there is a split and it's within the cabinet as to what the response should be to the iranian attacks over the
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weekend. now we understand that there is agreement that there should be a response. we're hearing many leaders around the world calling on israel to not respond in an attempt not to escalate the situation and the tensions in the region. but we are hearing that israel's cabinet two is intent on responding. it's just the timing and the scope of that response. that's being looked at at this point. now we understand also that the israeli military was asked to put more options on the table. so what they were discussing yesterday,y want more options toigure t what exactly they wanted to do. now, a senior biden administration official says that the impression they have from israel is that they are not looking to escalate the situation in the region. they are looking to defend themselves we have heard also from iran, the uranium president saying that if israel does respond and if there are attacks against iranian assets and people, then the iranian response will be even stronger.
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and this is the concern here, jim, this for tack, retaliation, which really does escalate the situation. there are concerns that this conflict will become a wider regional conflict, especially when you consider that this was the first time that iran had carried out an attack? from its soil to israeli soil. and certainly wants the first time has gone. it is easier to be able to do that again. so there are great concerns that this could escalate it and there are calls across the world, including from the us president this should not escalate that there should be cool heads determining what will happen. so we will wait to see what israel decides to do next. jim all right. >> paula hancocks. thank you very much for that coming up. it's donald trump has been eager to delay in just a few hours, jury selection will begin in his first criminal trial, plus the latest on the
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more than 40 million people facing severe storm threat across parts of the central and eastern us this morning and fire danger ramps up from texas to nebraska. meteorologist air fan dam tracking two systems for us derek, good morning. >> yeah. good morning. we are in the heart of the severe weather season and today is no different. we're starting off the workweek with a bang. >> you >> could see severe weather chances today. i want to just highlight this across the east coast. this is near the coastal areas of virginia. just a marginal risk of studying across the ohio river valley. but this is the area we're going to pay close attention to. the central and northern plains that shading of orange, that's an enhanced risk. parts of kansas and into south dakota, very large hail. a few tornadoes and damaging winds. but i really believe that the hail threat is greatest here you especially where you see that hatched locations overlaid on top of these colorings. that is where we're indicating the greatest chance of two inch size hail or larger. so the potential for baseball size
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hails to fall from the sky is a real possibility within those locations. now we have a 5% probability of tornadoes. so the tornado threat is not as great as what we had anticipated late last week. that's the good news. still the severe sure. whether threaten the strong gusty winds as the system evolves over the next 48 hours. this is a multi-day system, so we're going to focus our attention tomorrow across the state of iowa and into parts of missouri and illinois, large hail tornado threat shifts a little further eastward. here's our rainfall forecast total could get a quick one to three inches of rain in and some of those storms that move over the same locations and then behind it, we've got a dry line and very gusty winds. so what that's doing is it's taking advantage of the dry conditions on the ground, critical fire danger in place across the eastern plains. >> look >> at this, you can see that extends into the texas panhandle as well as portions of new mexico winds gusting here anywhere from 40 to 50 miles per hour. not what we need to see, especially in this
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area of the country. jim. >> all right, de airfare thank you very much coming up next. we're just hours from the start of donald trump's first criminal case as the former president and some republican nominee is set to stand trial in manhattan. plus israel holding back on a response to iran's attack after a phone call from president do you think that our democracy is at risk? >> we have to be very concerned >> why do you think he's doing this in can he be talked out? do you think he's guilty? >> the lead with jake tapper to the it four on cnn. salon pots, lot again, flex, but super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength light again, that contours to the body to relieve pain rightwards and did we mention it really, really sticks salon pass. it's good medicine >> a heart attack. do they have life insurance >> no. >> but we have life insurance
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look at capitol hill. good morning. thanks for waking up with us. i'm jim acosta and for case and donald trump is just hours away from becoming first former us president to face a criminal trial. jury selection in his hush money case begins in new york this morning, trump faces 34 felony surrounding a potential sex scandal cover up that took place just days before the 2016 presidential election. prosecutors alleged trump falsified business records to hide the reimbursement of hush money payments to porn star stormy daniels, and then attempt to influence the vote. the trial will take trump off of the campaign trail, but the former president has been known to turn courtroom appearances in the campaign events. here's what he said is supporters and pennsylvania on saturday on monday in new york city, i will be forced to sit fully gags. i'm not allowed to talk. >> could you believe it? >> and i'm proud to do it for you. have a good time watching
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and joining me now, is you go little political investigations reporter for the guardian. hugo, a good morning. good to see you. >> what are you >> gonna be watching for when trump heads to court later this morning, i have to think he is going to try to turn this into a bit of a circus yeah, two things. political and legal, and i think on the political front, it will be to see whether trump makes any sort of statements outside the courthouse, outside the >> courtroom, there is a camera position right outside the courtroom and trump in his new york civil fraud case has been making all sorts of statements previously about his case. and one wonders if you'll make the same comment today and in the weeks ahead, those are the kinds of comments that is trump. the trump lawyers are looking at and thinking, these can be problematic because he could run up against the gag or adjust on saturday and sunday, he was making these comments that seemed to hit app potential trial witnesses, which is prohibited by the gag order. and i think that is the potentially most problematic thing that could come out of trump this week
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>> yeah. and what should we be >> looking for in the jury selection process? and i was talking to joey jackson about those earlier he said, maybe they'll have you ever been to a trump rally and that sort of thing. i mean, it might be interesting to see how that plays out. >> like they're trying to see 12 jurors, six alternates, and we will go through the regular process of jury selection, which is basically the potential jurors are given a questionnaire and they'll have to respond to questions. they're not going to be asked about. the actual political affiliation, but they won't be asked about where do you get your news source from do you look at cnn? judoka, msnbc, if we will news you go to the new york times and the crux with a trump lawyers is to find the one juror are they think could be a sleeper. that one juror who could hang the case because then not particularly convinced by the evidence. and that's the sort of person that the prosecution is trying to avoid sitting on the jury because that could upend the entire case. and so i think what we will see is a lot of questions directed at trying to establish what exactly people's political leanings are right?
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>> on friday, trump said, he's going to testify in his own defense. let's listen to that >> testifying >> yeah, i would testify. absolutely. it's a scam i'm testifying. i tell the truth i mean, all i can do is tell the truth >> he says he'll tell the truth >> he says that we will see as you know, jim trump has a history of making comments that come back to bite them later typically self-incriminating comments for the case at hand and his lawyers, from what we understand have been urging him not to take the stand and to not testify, but at the end of the day, the person who's going to make that decision as trump alone. and i think there's an interesting thing about trump here, which is all defendants say before high-profile criminal cases, before high-profile trials, that they will testify they want to clear their own name with trump. there is the added bravado, right? because if it turns out he doesn't testify by saying ahead of time that he wanted
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to, but maybe his lawyers prevented him from testifying that gives him an out with his maga base. he always wants look, defiant. he always wants to look bold. and if if he ends up not testifying, he can always blame it on someone else here and save face yeah. >> i mean, i have to think that he he's not going to be able to resist testifying, but we'll have to wait and see. i mean, outside of trump, hugo, who are you looking forward to testify in this case? i mean, obviously we're probably gonna hear from michael cohen and stormy daniels, but somebody that i think would be very interesting to hear from is hope hicks, who even though you see her around the former president, you see her in trump's orbit. you don't hear from her that much. it doesn't do a lot of interviews. you don't talk a lot of reporters publicly. and so that would be fascinating to watch >> yeah, hope hicks is someone who was in the ns2 during the last part of the presidency as you know, and people like madeline west to how, who was the former director of oval office operations, you sat outside the oval office and
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effectively so what paper came across trump's desk? no, the one person i'm really interested to see testify when we really get into trial is david packer because david ppaca, the head of national enquirer who facilitated the first round of catch and kill payments with karen mcdougal. now, he had a falling out with trump prosecutors always want trial witnesses. you can get on the stand and can represent that they were previously friends with the defendant in the case, but had a falling out and can be therefore quite credible because they can say, look, these people were otherwise trends in david peck is case. it's significant because the only reason that david wasn't involved in the second round of catch and kill schemes with stormy daniels, was that trump stef them on the original $150,000 that he was supposed to pay for the karen mcdougal story. and so i think that's going to be a really interesting person to see testify at this trial. >> yeah we mentioned michael cohen. he was on msnbc over the weekend. let's listen to that
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>> one of the things that donald and his legal team are trying to do is every day it's to discredit me and they think that that's a winning strategy. >> for >> getting a un overturn of whatever conviction that a jury may or may not determine. that's not the way that you run a trial. >> have your >> own defense. the defense is not to attack the witness >> i mean, you go i mean, huge part of his defense strategy seems to be to go after michael cohen. we saw some of that telegraphed and trump's truth social post. he's going after michael cohen argued. he's been given a gag order that's gonna be a big part of this yeah, i think so. coen has a history of lying to congress, lying to federal investigators, and he himself was charged on separate tax counts, read it to the whole situation, and so it's an easy target and easy opening for trump's lawyers to try and impeach him and his credibility on the witness stand. but here's the problem with that
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strategy, which michael alluded to a little bit, which is when you have all the documents as the manhattan da's office does, if you have all of the receipts and the invoices, which is the underlying charge here remembers a false creation of business records and further unsolved campaign election finance violations when you have the receipts it's very difficult to then say, well, the witnesses lying, but the receipts or not, i think that's the fundamental problem that trump is going to run into. and his principal strategy is going to be trying to de-link the campaign finance violations, allegations from the underlying false creation of business charged. they know they probably can't get away hey, with a false creation of business records. but they think they might be able to sway the jury on the campaign finance from yeah. >> i mean, that's that's a huge lynchpin to this whole case, hugo. and how much pressure is on alvin bragg. i mean, this might be the only trial that happens before the election yeah huge >> all the criminal cases and four criminal cases. two brought by the special counsel,
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jack smith, one on the classified documents hoarding and lara, one on the federal january 6 trial in washington. this may be the one that goes first and maybe the only one that goes first. and when americans go to the ballot later this year, they may have to base they're voting decisions on what they saw in this trial. and if there is any part of this trial where trump has seemed to be victorious, maybe he is able to knock down the felony allegations, two misdemeanors. if trump's successfully convinced the jury that there is no campaign finance violations, for instance then i think that would be treated as a win. there'll be treated by a win as trump's team. and i think that was severely take the sale, the wind out of the sales for biden. the biden campaign, which have been trying to make this case, the whole part of that campaign, they're trying to compare. now, biden to trump and saying while trump, he's mine. no, these criminal legal problems. but biden is not. but if trump gets even a little bit here, i think politically that's a big gift to him. >> yeah. i mean, hugo, there that that is a big part of this because when you try, i know
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you talked to people in trump world from time to time. i talked to them from time to time. they were worried about they have been worried about the january 6 case. they haven't worried about the fani willis case down in georgia. obviously, the classified documents case is a big concern. you don't ever really hear them talk about this case as being a huge concern for them but what do you hear >> yeah, i'm hearing much of the same thing. luck gets. >> there's >> always been the thinking inside trump world that if there was one case that had to go before the trial, they want it to be this case when for various reasons. number one, it's it's kind of early on still there's still six months or so to go until the election. so they think they can effectively spin the new cycle between now and then they also think it's similar enough to some of the civil cases that they can muddy the distinction in the public side, the american voter, the average voters probably not in the weeds of all of these civil and criminal proceedings. and with trump having just come out of the new york civil fraud case, where that was about inflating his his added values, the e
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jean carroll defamation case where he had to pay a big big punishment fee. in essence, when you take all these three cases together, it all sounds the same. it all sounds like trump's fudging his books a little bit. land when you take it at that sort of description, i think it all starts to melt together and if the trump team can get away with the one trial, they want it to be this because politically is the easiest explain away >> all right. you go loyal. thank you very much. great to see this morning. much appreciated. in the meantime, republican infighting is tying up aid to israel and ukraine after a ron's weekend attack on israel speaker mike johnson is facing mounting pressure to bring an aid package to the house floor, but hardline conservatives don't want it to be included in with the funding for ukraine, president biden spoke with top congressional leaders on sunday about the middle east. here's what senate majority leader chuck schumer said about that call the best way to help israel and to help ukraine is to pass the
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supplemental this week. and i've called on speaker just the onsen to do that. there was a consensus on the phone among all the parties that we had to help israel and help ukraine. and now hopefully we can work that out and get this done next week, it's vital for the future of ukraine, for israel and the west now, on sunday, johnson said the house will try to pass additional aid to israel this week, but details are still being finalized. joining me now is axios congressional reporters steven newcomb steven, i mean, what do we expect? what do we know? what's in this package that speaker johnson says he hopes to pass this week. i mean, one of the issues has ben this push and pull between different lawmakers and i mean, on the house republican conference it and on the democratic sayyed, there are progressives who don't want a more aid israel. they're obviously very conservative members in the house who don't want aid going to ukraine this is kind of a mess to untangle here.
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>> yeah. well, at this point, we don't know but about what this beaker what, what path he's going to go down as the majority leader, sen. chuck schumer, the senate has a 90 plus billion-dollar national, national security supplemental past. it's ready to go through the house. that's a non-starter for many house conservatives. the speaker is already facing enough pressure from his right that i don't think that that's the path that he's going to go down. but we're going to have to see if he wants to move israel alone. if you want us to do and israel, ukraine package obviously the former president, former president trump, has floated the idea of a loan for the ukraine aid. so there's a couple of passes ahead of him that he could take and how does the calculus change afterwards took place this weekend. >> i think it certainly pushes more urgency on the israel front. i think that worries probably a lot of people on capitol hill hill who have already been worried about the republican sort of reticence to moving ukraine aid. i mean, if you talk to defense hawks and folks who have been to ukraine
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and spoken to president zelenskyy, they know that the situation is dire on the front lines, so that american aid is sort of the number one thing that needs to come there. but i think this breathes new life into the idea that they need to get israel aid done as quickly as possible. >> yeah. and i also wonder how speaker mike johnson's appearance with trump is going to affect things. i mean, when i was talking to some democrats earlier this past week there was some opening. it seemed that if johnson gotten trouble okay. if he included aid to ukraine? yeah, we might help johnson out if his speakership is in jeopardy. but i have to wonder how those same democrats feel this morning after he went down to mar-a-lago stood with the former president and they were airing all of these bogus notions about election integrity and so on. i mean, i have to think that that might change things a little bit. >> it's an interesting calculus, i think from the speakers spective, he needs help when his right flank, he has representative marjorie taylor greene was actively
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trying to get rid of them. has filed the motion to vacate. it's unclear how much support amongst other conservatives she has. so he's trying to shore up support on his right flank, but i think that there is sort of a domino effect act of how democrats see that obviously the election denialism is something that is front of mind as we move into november. so we'll have to say? >> all right. stephen newcomb. thank you very much. we'll all be watching much appreciated coming up next a warning from the us to israel about possible retaliation against iran plus y golf is about to become less of a priority for two-time masters champion scottie s scheffler after that amazing final round yesterday at the masters, that's five good things. listen wherever you get your podcasts >> zehr take allergy relief works fast and last the full 24 hours so dave, can bva deliverer, dance?
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>> hands-free skechers, lipids. it's like slip ends have an invisible built-in shoe horn my foot slides into place. what could be better >> it's morning, there are growing fears of a widening regional conflict in the middle east prompting this from the un seetary ral the me east is on the brink the ople of the gion are confrontg a real danger of a devasta full-scale conflict. now is theime to defuse. and the now is the time for maximum restraint middle east plunged into unchartered waters when iran launched a barrage of missiles toward israel late saturday, the attack in >> retaliation for a suspected israeli strike on iran's embassy complex in damascus earlier this month, israel's government is determined to respond, but according to cnn analyst barak ravid, they've delayed action following a call between president biden and
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu joining us now to talk about this in global affairs analyst can look kimberly dozer kim baraka is telling cnn that this open conflict that is going on within israel's war cabinet on how to respond to this attack. what do you think? how are we going to see this play out? because obviously there's going to be this hunger to respond to what iran did over the weekend but at the same time, they dodged a bullet. >> yeah. >> and one has to think, is that does that does that enter into the calculus here and other calculations >> sommembers of the netanyahu work cabinet wanted to strike back, even as the iran attack was underway others, it, uh, ce the bombs at all fallen and hadn't done very much there was a bit of an impetus to take the win as biden reportedly said to netanyahu in that phone call >> but the challenge is how do
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you leave it unanswered? so i think in the near term israel is going to hold its fire because it was proven how much it needs allies and partners to shoot all of those missiles down. but israel's deterrence has always depended on hitting back twice as hard as they get hit. so that no one dares strike them again. so they sent people back to school early, they reopened the company country. so the signal is right now they are not planning anything, but i think you're gonna see them plotting something, hitting another irgc quds force official and that's the dangerous part because then what will iran do? >> well, i want to i mean, around warned over the weekend but they will respond with even more force if israel retaliates. >> and, you know, >> you have to ask the question, i suppose, how does israel continue to focus on
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taking out hamas? that is something that they've talked about wanting to do if there now focused on a potential war with iran. i mean, if this becomes a for tat kind of situation do they dodged a bullet? do they take the win every time like joe biden said, over the weekend, it becomes a lot more difficult, but israel has always been expecting some sort of war with iran, but they thought it would probably also include his belong firing. it's 150,000, some odd rockets, much of which can reach all of the major city centers and israel plus, who tease out of yemen, et cetera i think what you're going to see is a pause where they figure out can we get allies with us to somehow center iran? iran hasn't paid for this in any way. a stiff statement from the g7. but the problem is that iran has now set itself up for any strike against its interests. it says it will spon
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within attack on israel again. and the next time it responds the missiles and the drones arrived in a staggered way over a five-hour period. they could have stacked them up to land altogether that had a much greater potential to overwhelm israel's air defenses. >> yeah, it was almost because if a did this to send a message to say, okay, this is what we can do knowing they were going to get shot down because if they had fired everything instantaneously and there had been damaged and there had been des that might have triggered more of a response from the us, the uk perhaps others >> and whether or not they meant that the next time they launch such an attack, they won't make the same mistake. so the next confrontation could be more deadly. and that is what could escalate because israel is not going to sit on its hands twice after an eta and attack like this. >> and this is >> how >> national security spokesman john kirby reacted. let's play a little bit of that. we haven't think about what they threw at israel, right? several
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hundred drones and missiles over the course of a few hours. and what damage did they cause? >> not very much. i mean, it was an incredible effort by israel, but also it shows that iran is not the military power weight that they, they claimed i mean, based on what john kirby was saying there, it's almost as if it's not what you and i were saying a few moments go about it being a warning shot and they knew that some of this stuff was going to get shot down the kirby is almost making a sound as of okay. here's our assessment of what iran can do, and that's that's kind of what we saw over the weekend. >> yeah. you think of that kirby saying there ham fist it, but i just i have, watched iran over decades, like many iran watchers, they the quds force is a learning organization. they won't make the same error the second time, and they might also next time bring in those allies, like his below two also launch its attacks. and that would spell major casualties inside of israel. >> and biden the administration
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tried to frame this over the weekend as a win for israel because there were so little damage you have any stressed and then yahoo that the us will not participate in any offensive action against iran. what does that say about where things stand right now between the president and the prime minister at almost sounds as though i mean, if we weren't in this in the middle of this back-and-forth that they've they've been involved in over gaza and hamas, that perhaps the response might have been a little different from the president. it's almost as if he's saying bibi, cool your jets >> well, i think he is saying vb cool your jets because you don't want it to escalate into some sort of nuclear armed conflict. because both israel and iran potentially have those weapons. we know israel does. iran could put them together very fast but netanyahu will still feel the pressure to strike back at some point then again inside israel, they are taking this as a win from the perspective of the people there. this is the way the israeli defense forces are
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supposed to work to keep them safe. so there's a little bit of exoneration for the failures of october 7. >> yeah, they see this as perhaps the system worked. yes, it's fast. unlike what happened on october 7. all right. kim dozer, greatness. he has always thanks so much really appreciate it. all right. scottie scheffler. he has cemented his status as the number one golfer in the world after winning the masters for the second time in three years, andy scholes joins us now from augusta, georgia man scottie can play some golf candy >> jim, scottie scheffler is on one dominant rod right now last month to begin the first golfer ever to win back-to-back players championships. now, he has a masters champion for the second time in three years. and scheffler is the first favorite to go into this tournament. and then when it, since tiger back back in 2005, and he was tied for the lead halfway through that final route. and that's what scheffler just showed why he's the best ball striker in the game. this shot on nine here, nearly rolled in for an
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eagle scheffler had four more birdies on the back-nine, he would crews to a force shot victory. now yeah, it said he would leave the masters on sunday if his wife, meredith, went into labor, the couple is expecting their first child later this month, and i asked clerk if he was worried about that at all with the lead on the back-nine and we want know you know i guess that's a testament to what goods how good of a headspace i was in. i wasn't thinking about that much. i was doing my best to stay in the moment, stay calm, execute shots when it comes to having a kid every single person says that it changes your life and it's most special thing in the world. so i cannot marriage has been such a tremendous aspect of my life. i cannot even imagine what being a parent is going to be like scheffler at 27 years old is the fourth youngest ever to win two masters behind only jack >> nicklaus, tiger woods, and seve bias. sarah is now a tiger. meanwhile, he had a
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rough go of it. absolutely making his record 24th straight cut here in augusta ended up 16 over for the tournament, which was the worst score ever in his career. but despite the tough weekend, tiger he was happy with his performance. >> familiar. >> it was good to be all around i think that coming in here, having not have played full terminale very long time it was a good fight. a good fight on thursday and friday, unfortunate yesterday, then turn out the way i wanted to it doesn't take much to get out of position here and unfortunately, i got out of position a lot yesterday and a couple of times today >> yeah it's just third time tigers completed a 72 whole tournament since his car wreck three years ago and jmi tell you what i fall a tiger for much of this tournament there. he no one commands a gallery and a crowd quite like tiger woods, standing ovations and all the tiers everywhere almost gave us a magical moment yesterday on 60 when he always
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role pulled it in from the bunker, the place was just going nuts. the people here, just loved tiger. i like to say, nothing gets more grown men more emotional than watching tiger woods play golf >> i get emotional seeing. i'm make this kind of come back. i mean, it's great to see him back out there and we all thought my goodness, was he ever going to get back on a golf course after that car accident? so it's really great to see him back out there. are andy. thank you so much, really appreciate it. i just ahead. unprecedented security for an unprecedented event, the worst of former us president the face a criminal trial plus the israeli military formulating some options for a response to a ron's weekend attack >> the sinking of the titanic, how it really happens special to our premiere sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn
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