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tv   Trump Hush Money Trial  CNN  April 15, 2024 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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hiding. there's only once of tick two, so aspirin by name so clearly you, so take to mock rock >> have you changer. try
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it today, go to pretty litter, >> i'm zachary cohen in washington. and this is cnn welcome to cnn >> special coverage on big tapper and you're looking live inside the manhattan courthouse right now, let's bring up those pictures where the judge has just entered the courtroom and donald trump is about to make
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history. the first former president in the united states to ever face a criminal trial. any second, can we expect jury selection to start? what's called void here? and we just got our first look at the former president's inside that courtroom is still photograph cameras are not allowed in general. >> there he is >> facing 34 counts of fall falsifying business records allegedly part of a scheme to keep adult film star and director stormy daniels from speaking out about their alleged sexual interlude ahead of the 2016 election, cnn's kaitlan collins and paula reid are outside the courthouse for us right now, caitlyn, at the prosecution and the defense are about to start this process of choosing 12 jurors and six alternates who will ultimately decide if mr. trump is guilty of these crimes >> jake, but before they get there, we saw a flurry of efforts by the trump team to delay this trial. one thing that they have tried repeatedly to do is going after the judge himself by asking judge juan merchan to recuse himself
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something. they've already tried last year, but they are now trying again and we are told by our reporters and sayyed the room that is the first order of business that the judge is taking up here and we have heard from many legal experts following kristen. and as we've been looking at this, you know, it has been this effort to get him or herself, but that seems virtually like it's not going to happen >> no, that seems highly unlikely. and as jake noted, the are no cameras in the courtroom, so relying on our colleagues and sayyed for updates and they have announced that judge juan merchan, he is in the courtroom and the trial is now underway. you want to know someone else who is also in the courtroom i'm not if the district attorney, alvin bragg, this is a big test for hip >> is a democrat >> and the elected district attorney and he campaigned on a promise to prosecute trump. he could be the first prosecutor to overseeing and perhaps the only ive he's reelected to oversee the prosecution and that really matters >> trump saying he's focused on
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alvin bragg almost is as he has the judge here in the sense of how he's going to be conducting this trial, alvin bragg that we haven't heard trump as much, obviously, director and a lot of that is by design. >> i think that we're going to say alvin bragg more likely. smith >> then letitia james. >> total surprising given that he's here today. he doesn't have to be we don't expect that he's going to attend every day of this trial. but we will not be seen him holding press conferences, going in and out of florida like we did with letitia james so we can expect throughout this process, you use gonna keep pretty quiet. it is declined to answer most questions about this trial. and that is the way most prosecutors i think it's important to note the scene and what we are seeing out here. i mean, we have the three of us have spent a lot of time outside this courthouse, kristen, and i mean, there are supporters of the former president and to have gathered here, we've seen a lot of far-right figures that are here that have been kind of taking up his defense, whether it's going after the judge finding the twitter account that they
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claimed was his daughters that the court had to come out and say it was not. they have been such a part of this as well. >> they haven't looked right now, are really experiencing the media circuit. and this is a badly what donald trump and his team, while you have flag flying, that's a topic trump 2024, you have crowds gathering, you have a giant truck driving by blasting music. i mean, this is exactly the kind of seen making that trump's team needs. because remember, we are in the middle of a campaign season, and this is taking what he needs is a medium cameras seeing this kind of display for him so that he can continue >> remember? yeah. yeah. >> and of course, jake, what is different about all of this is that trump's present in the courtroom is required. you can obviously ask for a waiver. he is not choosing to do so and he is expected to be here every day. his team has having to plan around that and decide where could they have? rallies or events nearby? what does that look like? obviously, he has his own plane, but it is certainly a constraining factor on the presumptive republican nominee as he is going to be
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spending a lot of time in this courthouse behind me all right. >> kaitlan collins on the streets of manhattan, as you can hear behind her, the court clerk has just opened proceedings. we are told and i'm back here with my panel. laura coates, take us inside. that room. what is it like you're a former prosecutor. what is it like for the various parties as they prepare for this moment? >> universally, it's nerve wracking to figure out what's going to happen next. you've prepared for your case in a very strategic way. >> the >> one thing, the one wild-card now are 12 jurors to figure out what they're going to do, who they're going to be, what they're going to present and how they're going to be impartial or not. if you're the prosecutor, you know, the second those jurors come in the room, it is performance oh, they're going to walk in, they're going to look at you. what is your desk look like? what is your dimona, leg? are you confident are you disorganized? are you smirking in some way, whatever you're doing, you are representative of the people of the jurisdiction and you are now full display. and so you have to really be present and aware of how you present to a jury because you're looking at each
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one of them bam we're looking at you wondering, do i trust this person? can this person persuade me and in turn, you're going to be taking feverish notes, trying to figure out what about a juror in particular might be off putting. has somebody leaned in towards you? are they giving you an evil glare? they smirking at you? how are they engaging with the court? >> all of >> these things begin to tell you the about the psychology of the human being. but more than anything, you have to be cool, calm, and collected to know that i am are presented the jurisdiction. here's the case, and i can win. >> so, karen, i keep hearing the names sandoval bandied about sandoval. >> what is this? >> that's the name of a case that's where it comes from. and it's a little mini hearing that happens before ever retrial where the people are required to inform the defense and request permission of the judge of prior bad acts that they want to be able to potentially ask donald trump should he take the stand in advance? the judge is going to weigh what the probative value
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versus the prejudicial effect of any prior bad acts. so it happens in every case. so for example, you might have a defendant who has a very long criminal history and the judge is not going to want a jury to think that the defendant has a propensity to do things just because he has a criminal history street because that doesn't mean he did it in this case. >> so the judge >> ways that the probative value against the prejudicial effect. and so, but this, you'll get a window into what are the things that the prosecution wants to ask donald trump if he takes the stand and then the judge will rule which ones he's going to allow when and which ones he's not. it could be anything from his open cases. it could be anything from lies that he is told because obviously credibility is is always an issue when you are testifying in court, it could be anything it could be about january 6. we'll see what they taught me. why didn't >> if i bring it up, hold on
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one second. i want to go to paula reid right now from outside the courtroom has an update. paula >> and again, jake, we are reading live updates from our colleagues who are inside the court because there are no cameras. and right now, the judge is taking up this issue of his recusal. now, the defense team has pushed for the judge to recuse himself based on the work the political work that his daughter is involved in. now there are two motions to have him recused. one is before the judge and other one is before the court of appeals now the judge says, he will issue a decision from the bench on the motion that is before him. now, we're told trump is sitting still directly facing the judge during this proceeding. now right now, i'm michelle is going over the allegations that trump has made about statements that the judge's daughter has made on a podcast about her father's view that politicians should not use twitter. now of course, that could seem to some people, right, to be referring to trump >> but so far they're just going through these different
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allegations, going through the motions. the judge said that it's the opinion of the court that trump is using a series of inferences, innuendos, and unsupported speculation to make his claims for recusal. it's not looking good that he is going to succeed on this motion and then he indeed denied the motion. de denied the motion for recusal. now, again, trump appears to be very attentive. our colleagues say he is looking straight ahead at a screen. our colleagues also report that he's biting his bottom lip as the judge rejects his motion for recusal. now, this is just another in a series of efforts that trump team has attempted to either get the judge or get the case dismissed, or the least delayed. >> all right. paula. thank you so much for that update elie honig >> let's let's talk about this moment for these players, you have alvin bragg, the district attorney. you have donald trump, the defendant and his criminal defense team obviously, this is a legal case of import but beyond that, all
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of these whatever your political views, all of them are human beings yeah, all of them are going through the emotions that come with a case like this. >> what are they feeling? what, what are they experiencing? this is a heart pounding >> sweaty palms moment for everyone in that courtroom, no matter who you are, if you're the prosecutor, you i've been living this case sleeping, eating, breathing it for two years now, this is the moment of truth, even if you've tried 30, 50 cases, this is the biggest one. any of them will ever try if you're the defendant, donald trump, you your liberty is potentially at stake. your political future will be impacted by this. if you're the defense lawyers is the biggest case you'll ever be part of. the jurors some of them are probably terrified of being put on that jury. some of them may be desperate to get on even the judge judge has been on the bench for 17 years. i promise you. the first line of his obituary will be about this case and he knows that. so everyone in this courtroom, i don't care how experienced they are. they're feeling it right now. it's a moment, are your hearts pounding through your chest? we've never seen anything like this them has ever seen anything like this. and obviously, the witnesses in this case, i'm sure are
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feeling the same thing. we have michael cohen, obviously who is a big part of this, because allegedly donald trump had him pay off stormy daniels. and then we have stormy daniels herself will be testifying beyond that, there is another witness somebody who political junkies might might know her name and her face. hope hicks, who worked in the white house and we know from michael cohen's 2019 trial, jaime gan, girl, that she was very involved in this, at least according to testimony, according to the fbi, what could hold hope hicks testify about if she is called as a witness. >> so let's just remind everyone that october was a bad month for the trump camp, 1162016. this was october 7, the access hollywood tape becomes public, so they are now scrambling what we don't know is exactly what happened on these phone calls. we have reporting and the court
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documents show an fbi interviews that there are a number of phone calls going on that michael cohen is hauling hope hicks and then maybe trump becomes part of that call or the call is transferred for the record, hope hooks hope hicks, sorry. has said that she did not know about stormy daniels until november, and she has said that repeatedly but she certainly was involved. she was inner circle. she was very close to trump personally. so they're going to be a lot of questions about did she know more than we've learned thus far, right. enlarge codes because the prosecution's theory of the case, and again, these are allegations. he says these are not established facts. the prosecution's theory of the case is that michael cohen made these payments to stormy daniels to keep her quiet, $130,000, i
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believe and that then there was a falsification of putting michael cohen on retainer so as to pay michael cohen back, that's the prosecution theory. hope hicks might have an insight into that if it were true, she could very well based on the campaign as to why they were doing it and why they were not also important to note here is on jury selection de these jurors are very nervous. the reason you have this gag order happening right now is because they well, know that there are phases may not be on television. their names night, maybe publicly revealed but you have somebody who has quite the pulpit and a bully pulpit, social media to try to either threatened or intimate or perhaps even interfere with their feelings of safety. and so this judge is going to be very cognizant to have all the witnesses who might be testifying, but the jurors will be in that courtroom today. they have on their brands and the weight of the world on their own shoulders and back. how they'll be predate who the course of this entire thing. >> all right, the first criminal trial of a former president of these a united states is now underway. we're getting live updates from
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inside the courtroom. as donald trump's hush money cover up, trial gets underway, those updates or next plus we're also going to take a deep dive into how exactly this jury process, jury selection process we'll play out in just minutes. what's called a vladimir were hundreds of people will be whittled down. just 12 stay with us erin burnett outfront tonight, it's seven odd cnn, >> the only godaddy arrow helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai, with the perfect name, great logo, and a beautiful website to start with a domain, a few clicks and you're in business make now the future at slash i've never once had to wait for insurance to approve a test or proven medication, you didn't have to worry about any of those things. thanks. to the donations and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives >> do picks and helps you do more with less asthma and can
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have the judge recused himself while claim that they have been making alleging bias judge, here saying that they have found no basis for that, as we are now getting new details on the discussions that are happening right now behind closed doors, i've seen it's paula reid and kristen holmes here with me and paul up. one thing that may seem small, but it's actually significant here is the schedule itself. and what it's going to look like when they're going to be believed to being in court. and previously, we thought wednesday's we're kind of off-limits. that was certainly the trump team's legal. the legal team's understanding. but right now, the judge shoes view saying that that actually depends on the pace of the trial, no momentum of it when they're actually going to be in this courtroom behind us. >> absolutely. scheduling is gonna be such a big issue here on the judges said, look, we have wednesdays off. i've said that, but if there are too many delays i could retract that. so that's a warning shot to the trump team, and possibly that the prosecution don't cause unnecessary delays. otherwise, i'm going to take over your wednesday as well. but then there's this issue to a passover which begins next week
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on monday. if you read the transcript the last time this was brought up, it appears that the trump defense team asked to have next monday and tuesday off for passover and the judge in first transcripts, but that won't be a problem and that he also wants to make sure that jurors will be able to observe religious holidays. now the thing is right now, we don't have a jury, right? we only have a jury pool. >> but in this >> court today, the judge says, actually they're not going to get the 22nd and the 23rd off. they're going to work up until 2:00 p.m. which he believes will allow sufficient time for council to observe their holiday to get to their destination. now, this may seem like okay, scheduling calendars, whatever, but this could become a significant issue because the defense team did ask off so that they could observe this holiday. i expect that they're going to continue to make a thing out of this, but i want to note actually something that just happened a different, a big win for the trump team the district attorney's office has agreed in this first round of elimination, where you get rid
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of judge potential jurors for cause either de vocation or some other reason you can't serve or is it bias that they are going to separate out those two groups? that's a big thing for the trump team. because they want to be able to preserve this for appeal to people. did we lose because they couldn't be impartial. so that's a win even if they elie honig and other said that was pretty common sense of an asieh them, but this is really a big deal on next week because trump's team had been under this impression, kristen, that they would not be in court next week that made the jury selection they expect would take about a week and that they would not be actually arguing this case starting next week with witnesses taking the stand because they thought they were going down monday, tuesday. they thought wednesday would be off, so it does matter. they may have to start arguing this much sooner than they were planning for privately. >> yeah, that's right. and also it's good let me a big deal. they're going to make a big deal of it because he does have a political schedule. i mean, they have been trying to craft around this idea that he could still somehow be on the campaign trail. now, to be clear, this idea that this is going to take him off the campaign trail for weeks at a
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time. donald trump was never really doing more than just been doing a ton of months at all. however, if you or severely limited and the only days that you think you have are wednesdays and saturdays because you have to spend the night at trump tower, you can get to court the next day taking that potential wednesday away is going to be a big deal. and of course, as we know, everything they are going to argue is going be political. and that's gonna be one of the things i can guarantee that they focus on. >> yeah. and the judge has said he is not going to be making any changes to the jury questionnaire. he says it is by far the most exhaustive questionnaire this court has ever seen and said he will not be making those additional changes to that. laura, obviously, as we are seeing how typically things that both sides would just agree on to move we've passed they are going to fight every single fight that is what we have heard from our sources inside trump's world. >> did you use the word typical caitlin, i'm naturally implies that all during this entire practice, right now, let's go to you ali, on this point because as much as trump's calendar and schedule matters is now about the jury, where am jury selection mode, the most important part of any trial
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it's coming out of manhattan, not the other boroughs. very important for trump. it is laura. now we begin the process of narrowing down 1.6 million manhattan heights, two, 12 lucky or unlucky, depending how you look at it. people who will sit on the jury now the even are 18, including six six alternates, correct. so the first thing that's going to happen starting momentarily is the judge is going to call groups of about 100 potential jurors at a time into the room. the french for that, if you prefer, is veneer. i like to use the english. >> the judge will then ask that >> jury pool the veneer two questions which we just learned are going to be separated as donald trump's team as first way, walk through that. why is that so important? having separated, have pellet rights preserved? >> so one of the questions is gonna be, do you have a hardship? do you have a job that absolutely keeps you from doing this? are you a heart surgeon, for example? are you a third grade teacher that kind of thing? the other question which will not be asked separately as do you have such a strong bias for or against either the party in this case that you cannot possibly sit on this case and try trump's team wants that separated out
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because they may want to argue on appeal, look how biased this jury pool was against us. now remember, >> of course, the judge in the past actually went through if you said you were two and parcel and had a case-by-case scenario this time is opted not to do so because they might time is going to take exactly. >> so he's going to >> ask them those questions and that will narrow down our pool, which we'll bring us to the remaining people. then we'll run through the jury questionnaire. well, this is going to be really >> important and he says very exhaustive and very lengthy. a lot of it's very typical in terms of where you're from, et cetera. but not questions about who you voted for really important here they want are your views on the case and also grew media sources. it was could be pretty telling right now, figure out. it can be very reflective of who you are and what your release are, but and chiller issue, but also your political activity, whether you are someone in your actual circle, not just you alone, has attended a rally either for trump or anti-trump, really important as a proxy to figure out what your views are respected donald trump, right? right. and then once that jury questionnaire is done, now we get into what we call the strikes or the challenge this is the removal of those people. now there's a couple of ways
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that can happen. first of all, the judge can dismiss jurors, what we call four cause meaning something in that jury questionnaire showed us that this person is incapable of ruling impartially and then when that's over, this is where we get really strategic. the parties each have what we call peremptory challenge in this case because we're in state court, each side has ten and those laura, as you know, those are gold, those are precious. you have the ability to remove ten jurors who you just don't like the cut of their suit. you don't like their vibe. >> you cannot >> use those, however, for racially discriminatory or other constitutionally prohibited purposes. but these are gold and so the parties are going to be preserving those and using those ten pressure strikes to remove jurors that they just feel like they can't live with. >> i always think about peremptory prerogative, leaning your projects or just your welcome. >> but it gives >> you, i think you want to or snob, but again, you're right about it. can't be for racial reasons, ethnicity, religion, or gender. it's really important might be called a batson challenge if somebody's doing if you're gonna see the actual prosecutors spends making note to a little bit to
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preserve their ability to say they did not do so on the basis of one of those various features. and you've got the election is a big issue here of horse. >> yeah, this is a tough jury pool for donald trump. look, this is the right place where this case was to be charged. this is where the alleged crime occurred, but let's be real here. this is a jury pool that is loaded against al-shabaab politically, there's a difference as we've seen, where someone voted and what they would do on a jury. but in manhattan, new york county, donald trump only got 12.3% of the vote in 2020 meeting at some percent are inclined against them. and again, important to remember, no bronx, no queens, no staten island, know brooklyn here this is manhattan. manhattan only. >> let's go back to silly. that's jake tapper, right? thanks. laura coates, i'm joined now by attorney and jury consultants are not os tubule. redondo. thanks for joining us. so almost everyone in the world has an opinion about donald trump, but the judge said in his written order that doesn't matter, quote, the purpose of jury selection is not to determine whether prospective juror does or does not like one of the parties pretty such questions are irrelevant because they do not go to the
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issue of the prospective jurors qualifications, unquote. is that really how it works though yours opinions? about donald trump are irrelevant >> i mean, i totally disagree with that. i mean, i disagree with it factually, but i also disagree with it legally. if you come into jury selection, meaning of a particular feeling about the defendant who's on trial. and let's face it, most jurors come into jury selection. they don't know the defendant on trial. this is completely different. everybody knows him. everybody has a view of him. and i think under new york law, that that has to be taken into account. and if there is any possibility and there's a court of appeals case 1984, people versus torre pay. it says if there's any possibility that your feelings about the defendant himself will affect your ability to be fair and impartial. you should be excused. >> you heard elie honig just pointing out the donald trump got only 12% of the vote in manhattan in 2020 trump says that shows he can't possibly get a fair trial here. what do you think
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>> look, that's probably true. i mean, there are other counties you could have moved this case two. i'm sure donald trump would have loved to move the case to richmond county to staten island where he know he's overwhelmingly favored, but there are other more even counties you can take it to sullivan county, orange county. those are more split counties within the state of new york. they're more 50, 50 democrat and republican. i think overwhelmingly he is facing a very uphill battle here. i think they're looking to get maybe one or two republicans on a jury and go for the hung jury. >> what do you think the defense and prosecution are looking for here beyond what you just said, what kinds of jurors do they want? which ones are they going to try to reject? >> right? so jury selection is not jury selection. it's jury deselect. you can't go into it thinking about who you want. it's who you have to get rid of for your nightmare. jurors who are the people you absolutely have to get rid of. so for the defense obviously, that's going to be the most left-leaning, the most liberal democrats, they're going to get that from their answers during
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voir dire. they're also going to be doing deep dives into their social media people are talking about whether or not you're going to know if somebody is a republican or democrat. of course you're going to know that because you can look up voter registration you can look up how people contributed to various political campaigns when they voted, do they vote in primaries? did they change their party affiliation? and of course their social media, their facebook, their instagram, all of those things come into play. >> there's a question on the jury questionnaire. question ten lists. i don't know, roughly 20 outlets where people might get news ranging from cnn to msnbc, to fox, to google, to newsmax, to truth social, the wall street journal, and on and on is we're not still there. and i'm what i'm wondering is can that information be used to disqualify somebody, for example, i'm still there okay. sorry, i can the defense say this person gets their information from msnbc, therefore i don't trust that
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they have they have they have a fair view of the world and the prosecution is saying for fox, are they allowed to do that >> 100% political affiliation is not a protected class. i mean, race is, gender is because just those are immutable characteristics. you cannot change your race, you cannot change your gender. but political affiliation and political ideology that's a choice. so you can strike based on that. so if somebody watches fox and that's where they get their name who's and the prosecution doesn't like that. absolutely. they can strike them for that reason. >> are the defense and prosecution really interested in impartial jury? i mean, aren't they truly trying to get people in that box who are partial? but just to their side, right >> of course, 100%, you want to win the case i mean, the judge wants a fair and impartial jury, but the parties want the most partial jury they can possibly get donald trump is going to have a very difficult time getting a jury that's going to fully acquit him. i
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think like i said, i think he's going for the hung jury, but that could very well happen. and this case has has far-reaching implications and it's just not about finding him guilty or innocent. it's the implications of that in november and jurors may be thinking about that all right. >> we're not going to be all. thank you so much. appreciate it. history is underway in new york city or teams or inside and outside of manhattan courtroom with donald trump has just become the very first president in the history of easy the united states to ever face a criminal trial. i'm going to be joined by a lawyer next is working closely with the trump legal team. stay with us five good things. listen wherever you get your podcasts >> generalized myasthenia gravis made my life a lot harder, but the picture started changing when i started on viv cart >> if guard is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis anti-ab chr antibody positive in a clinical trial, vif guard
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back to cnn's special live coverage. i'm kaitlan collins, outside of the new york courthouse where donald trump's hush money trial is just officially gotten underway and is now going back and forth between the prosecution, the defense, and the judge, judge juan river, sean, who is overseeing all of this. cnn's paula reid is outside the courthouse here with me, impala. the prosecution just got a major win inside of that courtroom is they were arguing that evidence related to the national enquirer and its coordination with the trump campaign in 2016 should be allowed in is evidenced which trump's team didn't want, and the judge just said, yeah, i'll let it in. and specifically, this is evidenced about articles that were run in summer of 2015 about trump's then opponent, ted cruz. now, trump's lawyer, todd blanche, objected to this, saying that this is going to confuse the jury. running a negative story about ted cruz. they argue is not a crime, but judge said he
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is going to allow this evidence. and because remember the theory of the case here from the district attorney is that when michael cohen was reimbursed for that hush money to stormy daniels, that the documents were found falsified, right? they wrote on fraudulent reasons for why he was being paid but the reason that's being charged as a felony is because the district attorney insists that this was all done to interfere with the 2016 election so, the? reason that this evidence is critical for the prosecution is they're trying to show that these falsified business records were part of a larger scheme to help trump's chances in 2016 and the judge here said, he's going to allow this in because the district attorney's office has demonstrated there was an understanding that certain things would be done and wouldn't be done at ami that is the company that owned the national enquirer. he said, i believe this evidence is necessary i complete the narrative of what took place, so not great for the trump team there, because again, this is the larger narrative that the
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district attorney is using charged as a felony yeah. >> and this is notable, jake, because the argument is that the trunk court, the trump team, that campaign in 2016 was able to approve changes to jess changes as they were going after trump's political opponents. and that republican primary and that is actually the bigger picture here. we always call this the hush-money case. but what alvin bragg, the district attorney, has been arguing is that this all has to do with efforts to sway the election to protect donald trump. and they're arguing help get him elected, right? >> so much of this took place in october, or right before the presidential election of 2016. let's bring in will scharf. he is part of the trump legal team that is working on his presidential immunity case, which is scheduled to be before the supreme court later this month. well, thanks for joining us. the potential jury is going to be asked about where they get their news. if they've ever attended a campaign rally for mr. trump. and more, what will mr. trump's legal team be looking for to try to at least
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get one juror who might vote non not guilty. >> well, jake, i think at the end of the day, what we're looking for, fair-minded and impartial jurors. jurors who are going to consider the facts and the law and jurors who are going to come into this case with an open mind. i think in light of the wall-to-wall media coverage in late of all the sensationalism surrounding this trial. and in light of the fact frankly that weren't the height of a presidential chel election. i think it's going to be a very difficult task and that's why jury selection in this case is expected to take a very long time. >> so you said on fox yesterday that mr. trump had not done anything wrong and i'm wondering if that's gonna be part of the defenses argument on the merits, not the politics whether the defense is going to argue that donald trump did not pay hush money to stormy daniels, that he did not participate in the falsification of business records to hide those payments weeks before an election well, jake, i think it's really important to note again that this is not a hush money trial.
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this is a business records trial. this relates to business records entries largely from 2017 and yes, i think with respect to those business records, president trump absolutely did nothing wrong the truth is, 100% on his side, and i think that that narrative, that story is going to be borne out as we get deeper and deeper into this trial will tell me more because you're right. the hush money is not the alleged violation of law. it's the falsification of business records. but you know, there is a paper trail here. i could show you the checks signed by donald trump reimbursing michael cohen donald trump himself acknowledged in 2018 that he did authorize payments to stormy daniels. so what exactly is the argument here in terms of what you're saying when you say he didn't do anything wrong? >> well, first of all, you're making some dangerous assumptions there, jacob, at the height of the core of this case is paying minutes that were made to michael cohen that were registered as legal retainer payments. and the jury is going to have to decide whether that was a fair
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characterization of payments that president trump was making to one of his lawyers at the time were legal retainer payments and accurate description of the payments being made to michael cohen. that's going to be a question for the jury. that's core to this case. and we believe again that with respect to those business records entries with respect to these payments, president trump did absolutely nothing wrong so we're told that the judge is going to allow karen mcdougal to testify for our audience. that we may not know who karen mcdougal is. karen mcdougal is the 1998 playmate of the year with whom donald trump also had a relationship. although i think longer term allegedly. and she was paid money by david of the company that owns american national enquirer. it's called american media, i believe and so i guess the idea here is from the prosecution is that this would establish a record, a pattern of hush money being
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paid to people to keep quiet so as to not embarrass the president before the presidential election. what is your reaction to the news? that judge merchan is going to allow karen mcdougal to testify, although not apparently about any explicit details yeah >> jake, it's it's a >> difficult question to answer because of the gag order the judge merge sean placed against president trump that prohibits us from commenting on potential witness testimony. this is the first gag order of its kind ever entered against the political candidate for office, i believe in american history, we believe it's wildly overbroad and unconstitutional and that certainly complicates my ability to answer your question directly. i will say that i think that mcdougal's testimony is irrelevant here, and that's why we moved to have it not allowed into court. and i think again, what we've seen with judge merchan over and over again is rulings like this against this. we've moved to have judge merchan recused off of this case due to what we believer irretrievable conflicts and biases. and that's an issue that's also going to have to play out in
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the coming weeks. all right. well, scharf, thank you so much, really appreciate your time today. we are following every single update from inside the courtroom is donald trump's hush money trial gets underway and jury selection is about to begin. we're also followed that major breaking news overseas. israel's war cabinet is just ramped up an hours-long meeting about how that nation will respond to iran's brazen gretchen. >> we're gonna go >> live to tel aviv ahead >> anderson cooper 360 tonight at eight on cnn >> okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced the tradition for strength and energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein if cascade platinum plus, i have up my dish ganim in that dishwasher watching >> platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean even in your machine clean enough for you. >> here it's great bloat done,
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three hours today. i want to bring in cnn's chief international correspondent course award here in tel aviv with me he also joining us political and global affairs analyst barak ravid baraka and even following closely what this war council has been, the work cabinet has been discussed, and what are you hearing? >> well i think that's the third or even fourth meeting of the war cabinet since the uranian attack to discuss a possible retaliation i don't know yet whether a decision was made all i know is that there are more and more signs that israel is going to retaliate this way or another. there was a possibility that netanyahu is going to meet the heads of the opposition leader's later on today to brief them. and i think that the next few hours will be really crucial. >> broccoli also have some new reporting about a conversation last night between defense secretary lloyd austin and
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israeli defense minister yes. >> minister gallant and secretary austin spoke class night. it was their third phone call since the iranian attack. and garland, i according to a us official and another source both briefed on the call, told austin that israel has no other choice but to retaliate to the radian strike and gallons explanation was that israel cannot tolerate situation where some other country fires 100 ballistic missiles at israel and israel is not responding in any way that you to be devastating to israel's deterrence. and another thing that gallant told austin was that israel cannot accept the equation in which anytime it acts or targets iranians in syria iran will retaliate in a direct attack from iranian soil against israel in course i mean, netanyahu, the prime
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minister here is obviously facing tremendous domestic political pressure as well. >> he's facing domestic political pressure. he's facing international pressure. we've heard the us being very outspoken about the fact that they don't want israel to escalate any further with whatever retaliation response may be planned. we just also heard from secretary of state antony blinken, who said that he had spent 36 hours coordinating diplomatic responses to prevent an escalation. he then went on with what seemed to be an implicit warning to israel's leadership, which is he said, strength and wisdom need to be different sides of the same same coin. and so i think you're really seeing a push, at least from israel's allies to try to find that goldilocks that sweet spot between doing what israel needs to do to meet its own needs, but also not escalating this and propelling it into an all-out regional conflagration. but we've heard the hard liners particular here and israel, they have been proposing the idea that benny
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gantz put forward yesterday of trying to form a regional coalition saying these are hollow western catchphrases. and so there's a lot of competing influences that, that war cabinet will be trying to answer to rockets >> also, this fascinating situation that we've seen unfold during this attack where you had other arab states, jordan saudi arabia, involved in whether it's opening up their their airspace but involved in essentially trying to thwart this attack what a response by israel to iran now, would that threaten whatever that cooperation was >> i think that a lot of those countries, especially the saudis, who even intercepted several drones that were fired from yemen by the houthis toward israel during the attack are very concerned that if israel retaliates it will be very hard or even impossible to continue this regional security
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alliance that we saw in action on saturday and the saudis are facing a lot of domestic criticism over the war in gaza anymore? way in the last six months. so now if there's an israeli retaliation against iran, i think this could even exacerbate this domestic domestic unrest i not only saudi arabia with many other countries in the region and on the other hand, it shows israel and this is what the biden administration is trying to hello the israelis, is that look at the opportunity here. you can turn this crisis into a huge opportunity in a huge strategic when even if, it means that you're not going to retaliate directly against the iranians on their soil rock reviewed. >> thank you very much. course award as well. kaitlan back to you >> yeah. anderson. thank you. will obviously stay on top of everything that is coming out of israel today, but we're
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also watching back here in the specifically outside this manhattan courtroom, what is happening inside there. the jury selection hasn't actually gotten underway yet. they've been inside that courtroom for over an hour now, but they are still going over what this is actually going to look like once they have a jury, once they have those 12 jurors and a few alternatives. that are going to be here right now. they are arguing about the access hollywood tape. of course a tape that everyone heard, it came out in october 2016, just days before the actual election before americans went to cast their votes. and right now, what the judge had already argued and had ruled is that yes, they can talk about the access hollywood tape, but they are not going to be able to actually play it. and by they, prosecutors for that jury. and right now, they are arguing about what they can say about that access hollywood tape, whether or not the prosecution and can read parts of the transcript of that tape, the prosecution is also arguing that they want to be able to introduce evidence of how the trump campaign was responding after the access hollywood tape
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came out, obviously had a massive impact on the trump campaign and sent them grambling at the time worried about the impacts that it would have on their campaign that they had just been running for several months. and that could be very relevant when people like hope hicks get on the stand potentially this case, we know she was obviously a top aide to donald trump at the time. she may very well be called to testify. we are watching all of this as this is going on, as we're learning more, we have seen in chief law enforcement in intelligence analyst john miller here, and john, obviously, we've seen that so much has to go into place for this trial because where we are right now, donald trump is going to be here every single day for the next foreseeable future, potentially six to eight weeks >> what are the >> security preparations that go underway for something like this >> will caitlin? nothing is normal about this because it has not happened before that a former president of the united states has been on trial in a state criminal courtroom in front of a jury. so what you've got sensually, it says three pronged security package there
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the secret service owns donald trump from a security standpoint. they're handling him in terms of close protection. but the nypd owns the roads and the roots and all of the moving parts that make that work, that that motorcade you saw this morning, where the front of the rufus is swept out of traffic ahead of them, the back of the room is swept from traffic coming behind and it appears that he travels in this bubble it's not a frozen route that a president of the united states sitting president would get but it's about as close as you're going to come for a former president. >> and >> the third piece of that stool, of course, is the court officers once donald trump goes into that courthouse, the court officers are in charge of security there. so you have a lot of practice that went into this, but we the court officer de the secret service i don
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miller obviously, a lot of things to keep an eye on. we will be watching all of that. thank you so much. john miller. and right now, we are getting brand new information about what is happening behind me, behind closed doors and sayyed that manhattan courtroom. up next we'll tell you what the judge would trump's attorneys and what prosecutors are saying is will also be joined expert in the jury selection process is we are still waiting on that part to get underway. >> the sinking >> of the titanic, >> how would really happen especially to our premier sunday, april 28 did not on seeing, >> you should and do that. >> and one >> angie that i'm connecting with skill professionals to get all your home projects done well so you can focus on the important step. it may seem millions of ratings and reviews so you can feel confident. it
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i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? go chu pretty litter, >> i'm caitlin paul lands in washington and this is cnn >> and you are, looking live at the new york city courthouse
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where behind closed doors, right now, history being made. welcome to cnn's special coverage end jake tapper, donald trump's hush-money cover up trial is now underway, making him the very first president the history of these united states to face a criminal trial. and right now, the judge and the prosecutors and trump's defense attorneys are debating a number of motions, including scheduling and who we'll be allowed to testify, and what evidence can be presented to the jury. the process for selecting that jury is expected to start in just minutes. cnn's kaitlan collins and paula reid are both live outside the courthouse caitlin, you're getting some new details from our teams inside the courtroom about what is unfolding at this exact second >> yeah, jake, we're seeing a lot happening behind closed doors even though technically this hasn't actually started yet because jury selection has not gotten underway. there's still arguing about the other aspects of what is going to be allowed at this case. key moments that people will obviously remember the access hollywood tape, the judge reiterating that they can't
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actually play parts of that to the jury, but they will be able to read parts of it. and another effort that the trump team it's tried to make, or that the prosecutor is just tried to make is to introduce evidence of these other allegations against donald trump that came out following the access hollywood tape and his subsequent denials that we saw on the campaign trail in 20 hey, 16. and those crucial few days before the actual election got underway, i've got cnn, paula reid here with me. if paula is we are looking at this, what they're arguing about is they want to be able to play trump, denying this. and kind of just get at that it seems the overall chaos and what was happening after this access hollywood tape came out. >> that's right. the judge just determined that he will not allow them to bring in allegations from three he women who came out after the access hollywood tape and accused trump of sexual assault. the judge said those claims are very prejudicial. and at this point, they're just a rumor, meaning they haven't gone to a court of law and been proven beyond doubt. >> none of these are huge
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>> rulings in the grand scheme of this. these are all motions that you really have to handle before you go forward to trial, who would they all speak to lose what was happening ahead of the election? >> and remember the >> larger theory of this case is that trump paid this money through michael cohen, just stormy daniels to some press news of their fair in the wake of the access hollywood tape to help his chances in the november election. so when we're talking about the access hollywood tape, or we're talking about these allegations of sexual misconduct. the reason prosecutors want to bring that in, because it helps to bolster their case that this was all done in an effort to help trump 2016. and so basically >> some of these have been wins for the trump team and some of these have been wins for the prosecution of what's been happening the last hour or so, they'd been in that room? yeah. it's been win some lose, some for both sides so far. but again, these are mostly pretty minor evidentiary issues, but it reminds you just have how much was going on in those months before the election and how that's hogan to play out during this case. >> and london marina is also here back with me and you are an expert at seeing how these
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juries get selected. you've been a part of this process for a lot of high-profile people, including elizabeth holmes, someone our audience will definitely finally recognize when you're going in there and they're deciding right now with the jurors are going to be able to hear. and so everything right now actually is a critical impact on the jurors themselves. >> and what did they hear? what influences them and how they ultimately decide this case? yes, of course, the >> evidence is discriminating in what in what they're going to hear i think what's important to let's step back a bit and take a look at what's really going on here from a defense perspective, is this is not a referendum that happens at the ballot box this is a criminal trial. and those jurors, when they walk in, they take an oath and experience shows that a lot a lot of times most of the time those jurors take it very, very seriously. i can give you the example mr. trump says, he can't get a
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fair trial in manhattan. actually, mr. smirnov for cornice on cnn had a poll just a couple of days ago, 47,000 people voted on the question whether donald trump could get a fair trial in manhattan at 5% said yes, which was pretty stunning. but i wanted to just just for the pulse nightclub shooting case, this was a trial where 49 people were killed and the trout took place a mile from the nightclub itself. and of course, the concern was can you get a fair trial in that jurisdiction? and the truth was, we did because she was acquitted so what would you be asking if you're trump's team and you're asking these jurors questions, trying to suss out who's going to be favorable to your client. the former president who is notorious regardless of whether you are a supporter of his or critic of his how did they suss out what the jury looks like? >> i'm not so sure i want i want to be giving tips to either sayyed to either side
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but of course what they're looking for the most highly opinionated juror is not going to make it we see that the jurors that do make it onto these high-profile cases are jurors who really are kind of middle of the road. >> so if the guy riding behind us and his truck blaring, trump music with, you? derogatory photos of joe biden on his truck. he's not gonna make it in this. >> i think that's a cause challenge where we would say in the profession, he would be stricken absolutely. but really, you are looking for those it's middle of the road people discerning, people. there's literature out there about introverts versus extroverts. and it turns out that introverts lot of people, a lot of lawyers don't like introverts because they think their followers, they're going to follow those strongest person. but i'm turns out that introverts actually are very discerning. >> well, before we get to that process, we're still watching what's playing out, what are you, what's the latest? >> well, something that has really caught trump's attention, which is the first mentioned so far of michael
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cohen, trump's former lawyer or former can ciliary who is at the center of this case? now prosecutors are talking about the evidence. they want to bring in related to the pressure that cohen was facing, not to flip on trump? now our colleagues inside the court, they report that trump lean forward to look very closely at his screen as prosecutors read tweets about cohen from 2018, which the prosecutors say showed trump telegraphing to cohen that you need to stay on message and not cooperate now they're going back and forth about this evidence and our happening, trump passed a note to his attorney, todd blanche, who looked at it, not at several times. he's no tapping blanche on the shoulder and they're whispering michael cohen, this issue, of course, he again is at the center of this hush money scheme he is going to be something that is clearly going to get a reaction out of trump. this was one of his most loyal advisors and attorneys who has flipped on him and cost him a lot of legal problems and he will be one of the key witnesses here. it problematic witness. the
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witness? it's >> nonetheless let and it's fascinating to also hear what what you just were reporting from our artemis either trump is in this conversation with todd blanche when trump is not a typical legal client, i think we all know that. i think his own attorneys and former attorneys that many of them would agree with that he likes to have a lot of a say, an actual strategy on what's happening inside that courtroom. and so one fascinating thing to watch will be how his dynamic with todd blanche plays out because it's not guaranteed how it will go. he's very happy with him right now, but what does it look like? is there actually arguing this? i mean, we've seen trump tried to instruct his legal team in the room to get up and say something to the judge? >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, it any lawyer who's ever represented him or even contemplated is well aware of what a challenging client he is. but if you talk to sources in and around the trump legal team, they believe that trump maybe has learned i'm license from the past three civil cases that we covered here in new york about his behavior. so we're getting more updates from our team. i'll let you know as we get them, but it's clear that one thing so far,
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the one evidentiary issue that caused trump to bolt up lean and look at the screen and start conversing with this lawyer. michael cohen surprising to no one including michael cohen who knew he would be a big star in this case. paula reid will continue with updates. lenin moreno, obviously, as we're waiting to see what this jury selection looks like, it gets underway, still sorting through what the jury is going to be able to actually here up next, we'll be joined by someone who knows the judge that is overseeing all of this and is going to have a big impact on shaping this trial right after a quick break the source with, kaitlan collins >> tonight at nine what is the most open noxious commercial? >> airing, >> right now >> is your shower trying to tell you something is getting
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against climate change. >> this is being carpus is blue carbon. we just need to protect nature will do the rest >> carbon plus >> cnn filled sunday at nine >> and we're back with our special coverage of donald trump's hush money cover up trial. we've got some breaking news out of the courtroom. let's go straight to cnn's paula reid outside the courtroom. paula, what's going on >> jake, we expected this would come up at some point today and now prosecutors are raising the issue of trump's expanded gag order that prohibited him from attacking witnesses, jurors, family members of court personnel adhere prosecutors are pointing to some social media posts that they argue violate the gag order where trump refers to quote, to sleaze bags, which prosecutors say in this context are likely michael cohen and stormy daniels, two expected witnesses in this case. now, the prosecutors argue that these witnesses are testifying at a
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great cost. they've incurred the wrath of trump and his supporters now, trump's defense attorney is pushing back. todd blanche separates some of the tweets and some of the truth social post that trump has made saying that some of the tweets that have been referenced were from the past. but what's important is the social media post calling them to sleaze bags. the question jake, is whether the judge here will possibly do some sort of penalty for trump. either hold them in contempt, fine him for violating this gag order. so this is this is an issue that we very much expected would come up. and this is going to be a constant challenge for the judge. how do you handle a defendant who has a history of violated gag orders? >> all right. paula reid. thank you so much. let's go to laura coates and elie honig who are at the magic wall for us i'm laura. >> this this so important is now because this is really we were talking about before about what's going to happen here with his judge, the gag order. this is before a jury is in paneled. there, obviously on top of mind about what impact you could have on men. will they be threatened? will they be intimidated in some way or
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insulted? >> this is one of the first moment of truth for judge merchan, who of course will be front and center throughout this trial. judge mug shot was a prosecutor long to go into that career. he's been a judge in new york for 17 years now. he's generally quite widely respected. he's described by people who've appeared in front of him is efficient and fair and in charge of his courtroom. >> now before this he yeah, he is not known nor are they unknown presided over a trial of the trump organization for tax fraud separate issue, but he knows a lot of the players here. andy presided over the prosecution of allen weisselberg, who pled guilty in that case. now of course, the judge, as recently as this morning has denied various motions by dollars i'll trump to recuse himself to remove himself off the case based on his daughter's political activity. and as you said, the judge's issued this limited gag order that donald trump we discussed in the beginning of the show appears to have violated over the weekend. and now the de is asking the judge to take action on that. >> one thing that is a possibility for the average defendant if you violate the orders of release are of course, a gag order could be it'd step back, not likely to
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happen here. >> yeah. he's not gonna get locked up. is that what he may he may get fined. let's see what else now >> we have the defense though. and who's on this team? this is important there. they're making these motions. you've worked with todd blanche for todd blanche was a colleague of mine for several years. federal prosecutor at the southern district of new york. he was in charge of the violent crimes unit. very experienced trial lawyer. this is a challenge unlike one, he's seen before, and he'll be aided by susan nutshell us, who is a very experienced also long ago, a prosecutor, but a very well-known, very respected defense learnt by the way, put aside your notions of this sort of flamboyant trump lawyers on the pad. this is no rudy, this is no sidney powell. they're both experienced courtroom operators there tacticians, todd, if anything, is soft spoken and sort of understated, so he doesn't fit the classic mold of the trump defense attorney. >> remind people, though in terms of who is going to lead in the sense of does trump direct his attorneys for the attorneys directly on issues of fact or legal strategy >> while we say attorneys can only advise, yes, right. you can't force so that will be a dynamic we'll be watching throughout. >> what's talking about who is actually going to prosecute this case. obviously, alvin
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bragg is a da. he himself will not argue this gauge is very typical. >> yeah, just to show you what a small world that is. i also worked with alvin bragg. i get the southern district of new york as the todd blanche, so they know each other. they were colleagues before alvin bragg is the district attorney took office in early 2022. he will not be trying the case will probably show up in the courtroom to support his team. is team is extraordinarily experience in the courtroom. susan hoffman, joe will be leading the charge for the da's office. she has been in that office for over 25 years, tried many, many cases that the colangelo's, though, has been an issue for this trump team? >> yeah. when you hear donald trump wrongly, say this is a biden prosecution, what he's pointing to, and it's an incredibly argument is that matthew colangelo was at doj a few years ago, but there is no evidence, no known connection between the biden administration in this case, jake, back to you. >> all right. laura, i'm back with three people familiar with the parties in this case. we are joined now by adam kaufmann, a former prosecutor in the manhattan district attorney's office, who knows judge merch, can the judge merchan the judge in this case,
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also with us? karen egd, ophelia agnifilo, former chief assistant district attorney for the manhattan district attorney's office. we should note karen is of council for affirm that represents michael cohen, but she has had no contact with cohen, does not work on his case and there are no restrictions on what you can say about this case. also with this, of course, former federal prosecutor elie honig adam, let me start with you. you know, these prosecutors, you know, this, judge, you know, this courthouse. what can you tell us about what you think is going on in that courtroom right now? >> so right now, i think jake the lawyers are putting up certain pretrial motions before jury selection begins, which is pretty common i think one of the significant ones we heard talk of earlier was the motion to introduce other other bad acts by donald trump the accusations of sexual impropriety and how he responded to those. and it sounds like judge merchan sort of said no, you can't bring in those prejudicial effect would
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outweigh their probative value. other matters obviously, stormy daniels, karen mcdonald, those will be allowed to come in, but the judge is trying to strike a balance between the probative value and the prejudicial effect of these other sort of uncharged bad acts. >> karen, you know, the prosecutors, what are these first couple of rulings tell you about the judge's overall approach to the case. >> the judge is making sure that although there are probative information that the prosecution wants to bring in, what probative means. so any evidence that tends to prove somebody's guilt is quote, unquote probative, right? it's, it's relevant. it helps the jury decide that whether or not someone is guilty, but the judge has to weigh whether or not it's overly prejudicial. so for example, one of the things that the judge or that the prosecution wanted to bring in is at the time they want to take the jury back to 2016 to
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feel what what donald trump and his campaign was feeling at the time that they did these catch and kill stories and all that was going on in the background and the access hollywood tape is part of it. and then there was these accusations of sexual assault that also happened and it goes towards why donald trump wanted this story suppressed. so badly. and that's what they're asking for. but the judge ruled regarding the other sexual assault. i'm not going to allow trump to be prejudiced by rumor and so that's the judge doing his job. he's saying that's overly prejudicial that crosses the line. and so every time that donald trump says that this judge is biased and he hates me and he's not ruling this judge is going to show you over and over and over. over again that he's the judge he is always going to follow the law and call balls and strikes as he sees them. i've been before this, judge many times. that's his reputation. that's what he does. he's not overly chatty, are friendly with the
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parties. he keeps a distance, an appropriate distance because he views himself self as the neutral arbiter who doesn't take any side and so all these accusations that donald trump has made against him really is belied by all the experience of people who've been before this judge, this is not that judge. and that ruling i think shows that. >> so this is i mean, this is also not a sexual assault case. so i guess judges reasoning was that could just prejudice the jury exactly. >> this is not a case about whether or not he assaulted anybody. this is a case about whether or not he falsified business records to cover up an affair and le the judge will allow karen mcdougal to testify, just to remind our viewers. >> she's the playmate of the >> year for playing good morning, magazine, 1998. who alleges that she had a long term romantic relationship with donald trump, right? >> so the fundamental question that a judge is considering in these scenarios is, does the evidence just show he's a bad guy if that's all it shows,
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it's gonna be out not allowed in at the trial. if it goes, however, to some relevant issue some larger scheme then the judge can let it in and the fact that the judge is going to allow ms mcdougal to testify tells me that he is going to allow the da to put in front of the jury. they're election interference theory, they're trying to explain the motive behind the alleged crime and they're going to say the motive was he was terrified. it was going to lose the election. he just gotten very bad news out of the app access hollywood tape. this is something that he did as a habit, as a systemic practice. and therefore, karen mcdougal will be allowed to testify. adam, are >> you surprised by any of the rulings that judge merchan has made as of now, in terms of what he is allowing to be introduced in the trial and what he is not allowing >> no. i really think he's sort of trying is karen said trying to play it straight down the middle. he's going to let in that which is truly probative, but he's going to keep out the things that are more sensational, more prejudicial. i think the ruling
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on the access hollywood tape is a great case in point where he's going to let it be referred to and the jury will see the transcript of it. and hear about it, but he's not going to play the tape itself, which in its sort of overarching vulgarities would be, would be more prejudicial to the defense. so he's really trying to strike the balance, which is what judges are supposed to do. >> all right, fascinating stuff, or we're following every detail has donald trump's hush money cover up trial is underway in new york. the court is about to resume after a quick break. we're also following major breaking news overseas. we're going to go live to tel aviv, israel as the world weights for israel's response to the brazen attacks committed by iran over the weekend, anderson cooper is going to talk to a spokesman for the israel defense forces. next, stay with us every day more people and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to bet food there are, quitting the kibble and kicking the camps and feeding their
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expecting >> strong >> hey, i'm sorry. >> kernel learner. we're having a problem with your audio. i thought it was just in my ear, but apparently it's going out in an era, so we're going to try to reconnect with you prior to bring bring you back let's toss it back to caitlin in new york, galen >> yeah. anderson as we were working on those technical difficulties he's waiting to get an update from what is happening in tel aviv. we're also seeing what is happening right now inside the courthouse here for the other major story, we are following as we are still waiting on the actual jury hey, selection in trump's first criminal trial to get underway, technically, it's 11:30 a.m. here on the east coast and not one prospective
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juror has actually been brought in the room to be questioned by the prosecutor you shouldn't by the defense because they are still arguing over what those jurors once they are decided what they can hear in also, whether or not donald trump is violated his gag order i've got cnn's paula reid and kristen holmes here with me, impala, the gag order is a notable thing because right now they're technically on a break. donald trump is just exited the courtroom. he didn't say anything as he left the courtroom. but what they are arguing is that with comments he was making about michael cohen, we were just talking about the central role hill have in this case, if that violated this gag order, is this something? the judge is going up to decide yes or no trump did violate it. >> so it appears that this break maybe for the judge to take a moment and decide what to do. now, it's certainly not a surprise that trump would violate the gag order we've seen him do it before, but the challenge for the judge is, what do you do now? we're not even half a day into jury selection at the outset of a five to six-week trial. how do you keep trump? within the bounds of his gag order without making him on murder or
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disrupting this case. so the prosecutors here said that they were going to seek to have trump held in contempt for the his comments where he referred to, they argue he referred to stormy daniels and michael cohen, two key witnesses in this case, as sleeves, balls. and there were two examples right now that we just heard in the past 15 minutes of social media potentially getting trump in trouble. one prosecutors argue that they want to bring in tweets where it appeared trump was pressuring michael cohen not to flip. and then of course these more recent social media posts were he appears to be attacking witnesses, who does the blatant violation of his gag order >> so they're arguing about these old tweets from when trump is actually on twitter, which is not anymore as we all know, whether those where he was pressuring michael cohen at the time not to flip on him whether those can be used as evidenced, but also whether his post and his comments from this saturday, 48 hours, 36 hours ago, whether that is a violation of the gabarra exactly they mean both of these the arguments simultaneously. now, it appears the judge is
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going to deal with the tweets eventually, but right now, the big question is, what are they going to do about this gag order? because this is going to be a reoccurring issue every day throughout this trial, because as we know, trump does not stay within the bounds of gag orders. and even though every other defendant knows, you can't attack witnesses, you can't attack prosecutors. >> here. can i can say whatever he wants about the judge or about the district attorney? when brag, but he is not allowed to attack witnesses, jurors are family members of court personnel, and what the prosecutors are arguing it behind those closed doors or were they just worked before they took this break christmas sin is they're saying that it's very difficult for these witnesses to come forward and to testify in their setting. they're being intimidated by these kinds of posts which you're for trump has been atactic. try to in true that he has used to shoot down either allegations or negative stories. many does what people who worked for him >> absolutely. i mean, look, it's a fear tactic, right? he is constantly use this function the social media. he's gone to the cameras and said that he sometimes address and i just want to know for one moment that we are being told that this trial is restarting. there was a brief break that had been
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underway about ten to 15 ten minutes for the judge as follows. notice several things for the judge here to wait. so we're keeping a close eye on that. we're watching to see what the judge is going to decide. >> this is something that he has done time and time again. sometimes he doesn't even referred to these witnesses by name. he just alludes to the fact that they are witnesses against him and says something and salting. and i will say that when it comes to the gag one of the things that's really interesting to me is that he actually went this far this time around. if you've noticed he has tried to dial it back with even the actual bounds of the gag order. yes, he is still well out there insulting the judge. he is still out there and salting the de however, these are all things that don't fall within the gag order. that's because he has been briefed on him by his lawyers on just how far he can go. how do you get all the way up to the line without crossing it because he did cross it in his last game and he did have to pay. i have defined and he doesn't want to do that again. so the fact that he actually might have crossed it again, it's interesting to me, given the fact that he's actually been focused on this and some of his tweets have actually been are posts have been vetted by his attorneys. yeah.
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>> and it raises a lot of questions of the judge and how he responds here. books of course, if he does violate the gag order, is that a fine? isn't jail time. all of those are options. donald trump's criminal trial is about to resume here in new york. he has just personally turning to the courtroom. we're waiting for the judge to get back in there. we'll keep you updated with our live up every weekday morning cnn five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays exclusively on max >> if you have both medicare and medicaid, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with the humana medicare advantage dual eligible special needs plan all these plans include a healthy options allowance a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities rent and over-the-counter items. other benefits on these plans include free rides to and from your medical appointments so call
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learner or i think we have the audio problem worked out. the israeli war cabinet ended as meeting two discuss what israel's response might be. the nature of the timing of it, what it would look like. >> can >> you say anything that came out of that meeting >> no. i understand. i'm afraid i can't confirm anything at this time. of course, the cabinet was conducted as you rightly pointed out? behind closed doors and they give the idf their instructions to implement we will continue to be prepared and boys to implement any instructions that the government gives us. i think there's one less that we learned from iran's attack on israel on saturday night is that a unity of decent nations came together to confront the diabolical plan of iran. but it didn't stop on saturday night. they only opened the front door because they came from the backstage and took front and center, took the stage in order to attack israel you talk about
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a unity of nations. some of those were saudi arabia was involved in jordan was involved what can you say about the participation of some of the other countries in the region, particularly arab countries so israel has been for several years now, part of the united states central command >> area of responsibility, which brings together the concerned parties of the region and we conduct exercises in anticipation for potential rocket missile drone attack from iran and their proxies in the region. we've been exercising with the us central command. this type of scenario, for many years now, i think what proved that the exercises that we've been committed up until now? was that we will very well prepared and 99% interception rate is a exceptional success. the
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hundred and 70 explosive drones that around launched against israel they never even reached israeli air space. 30 cruise missiles. iran iraq and the hutus launched also didn't reach israeli airspace. and out of the ballistic missiles, 120 ballistic missiles that they launched only a handful actually reached their destination. so when we work together, we can confront the diabolical plans of iran. and we need to be very cautious about the reality is that iran is a threat to everyone in the region because they are meddling with stability and the security of all decent players. so when we see what they are up to wear as bella, where they've basically positioned a forward division of iran on our borders or hamas, hamas wouldn't have the ability to build a terrorist army that came into israel on 7 october without iran's support finance
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training, equipping, and the houthis, they wouldn't attacking shipping routes today without her iran's instruction. >> let me just jump in here. because i know we're short, on time. the question was about participation of other countries, jordan, saudi arabia. i think you probably don't want to discuss that, but obviously concerned any israeli response would be whether there will be continued to cooperation of some of those regional regional countries. let me just ask you about the ground operation in gaza seems for pointing that israel is delayed. it's expected ground offensive in rafah, which has been scheduled to begin this week, are jo-marie diamond had been told that it was expected that leaflets would be dropped today as a prelude to that operation that is not occurring. can you confirm? >> that it's been delayed or does >> the does what happened over the weekend complicate the war against hamas >> and listen, here's what i can say about the need to operate in rafah. there's a clear need. we know that both
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hostages and hamas all very strong in gaza we know that rescued two hostages from the clutches of hamas in rafah. we know that's when we extracted the hostages. we come under extensive fire. if we want to fulfill our mission of dismantling hamas as a governing entity and bringing home the hostages suggests they still hold 133 hostages in gaza. the road to fulfilling those objectives goes through rafah so i won't go into operational specifics. of course, that operation is still on the table. it's still needs to be completed for us to be successful in completing our mission against hamas and make can show that they never have the powers of government again to conduct the atrocities that they did on 7 october colonel learner i appreciate your time today, jake, let's get back to you. all right. anderson. thanks so much. we're going to stay on top of all the developments out of israel today. but back here in the
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united states of america, donald trump's criminal trial in new york has resumed after a short break, and we're getting some brand new details from teens inside that courtroom. stay with us ally in the fight against climate change. this is blue >> car business blue carbon >> we just need to >> protect nature will do the rest >> carbon plus cnn filled sunday at nine lag >> sunglasses let brand whether you're a professional driver
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so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. 20% for a limited time >> i'm sunlen serfaty >> in washington and this is cnn >> and welcome back to cnn special live coverage of donald trump's historic criminal trial in new york city. court has resumed after a short break take the judge, the prosecutors, and trump's defense attorneys are now debating the testimony of former trump fixer, michael cohen, cnn's paula reid is outside the courthouse in manhattan. polowat what exactly are they debating when it comes to michael cohen >> they are debating sometng thats going to be one of t
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biggesissues in this case. and that is michael cohen's credibility. and how much the jury can hear about his other crimes. now, the first issue that the judge discuss when he came back from the break is these are these tweets that trump i sent that appear to pressure co and to stay on message and not to flip. now of course, cohen, trump's long time lawyer, consider larry famously flipped on trump. he pleaded guilty in a separate campaign finance case at the federal level. and here, process peters are saying they want to bring in evidence about his about his plea deal with federal prosecutors. but trump's attorneys argue that that should not be brought in because trump is not charged with campaign finance violations. now the tricky thing about that, jake the reason that this falsifying documents case is being charged as a felony is because the district attorney argues this was all done in furtherance of an effort to influence trump's chances in the 2016 election. so they're going back and forth right now about just how much evidence can be brought
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in. a byte about michael cohen and this is of michael cohen's credibility, this is going to be central to this case. >> all right. paula reid, thanks so much. it's bringing and david urban, he's a republican can strategist and former trump campaign adviser, david good to see you. so you, you worked on, i want to show this. first of all, a courtroom sketch that we're getting in right now, which shows donald trump and the courtroom in lovely pastel david, you worked on trump's 2016 campaign tell us what you think is important when it comes to the testimony of michael cohen >> so jake, i didn't know michael cohen at all during this time period whatsoever, but i do think that the things that they're discussing right now, the apologists alluded to in terms of his his his prior perjurious is going to be gonna be very important in contexts. i think it's important for people to remember. all this is alleged to have occurred rights, right? smack after the
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access hollywood tapes release. so if if people can remember the way back times that was a pretty tumultuous point in the campaign where this billy bush access hollywood tape was released and it caused it to say kerfuffle is to put it to put it mildly, it was a big deal. and so then this is payments are alleged to have occurred some ten days, a few weeks maybe a week or so after that. so contextually, i think it's important to remember what was going on at that time. >> can you give us any insight into candidate donald trump at that moment, 2016, he's made a lot of political hay out of these court cases of course what do you think is going through. his mind as he sits in there this morning facing judge and jury >> so jake, i can tell you, i'm sure the president the former president does not enjoy sitting anywhere for several hours, having to listen an indoor this what he perceives to be heard them go in to the
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courtroom. what he perceives to be a persecution, not a prosecution. in his mind. he's looking at alvin bragg, who is reduced in 2022. alvin bragg reduce 52% of felony cases in new york. two misdemeanors, and i'm sure the former president's thinking now we elevated my mr. demeanor case to a felony here and 23 so we could come after me so i'm sure i'm sure he's i'm sure he's pest to be sitting there. not not happy about it, and i'm sure he's looking across it. it michael cohen sitting there at someplace in the back. i can't really see the pastels are kinda lost on me. i can see if cohen is anywhere in the background there in the courtroom, but i'm sure it's not something that he enjoys. what whatsoever he views. it probably is a waste of his time and a waste of the court's resources and a waste of the state of new york's resources. yeah. i mean, the courtroom sketch artists always try to capture the moment in a larger sense. and in this picture, all i can see is donald trump looking across the aisle i'm not sure if that's supposed to
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be a glower or just a glance but it's not difficult to imagine him not being happy with michael cohen. you were also a senior senior adviser to trump 2016 campaign, and he is on trial today for his actions during that time. if you could just bring us inside the campaign when it came to what was going on, you talked about the access hollywood tape, which is the president talking about it sounds like assault on women. but in any case without revisiting that, what were the concerns about what might come out about donald trump and win? men during this period, there were also other allegations being made by other women about unwanted advances >> jake's i could tell you as you remember, i was on the ground and pennsylvania, right. so my focus was was was purely on on the state of pennsylvania and kinda keeping the wheels on the bus after that access
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hollywood tape and those remarks on that bus, note, no pun intended. it was it was tough. it was tough sledding campaign and others were worried that people would not be supportive of the then candidate donald trump moving forward. it was a big deal i can tell you. i believe that i had then candidate donald trump for the first public event after the access hollywood tape in beaver county and amperage, pennsylvania for a rally, i believe on october 9th, i think the tape came out on the seventh i think we had them on the ninth there were four people showed up and they were fired up to support trump and cut a kinda went by the wayside. so not there wasn't it wasn't a great deal concerned about these kind of checked. it was gonna be written by michael cohen that we didn't know about >> all right. david urban. thank you so much for your insights. we're following every detail of this it's historic trial. today's prosecutors and trump's attorneys argue over what testimony the jury will be allowed to here, we're going to
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be joined by an attorney in jury consultant about what to expect in the courtroom this afternoon? but us >> every piece of evidence tells story, how it really happened with jesse. l. martin, sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn. >> if you have graves disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more than gritty feeling can't be brushed away even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves could develop a different condition called thyroid disease, which should be treated by a different doctor see an expert, find a ted is specialist at is-it ted
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at >> live pictures of the main madam courthouse behind those very closed doors, donald trump's hush money cover up for is officially underway. welcome to cnn's special coverage i'm jake tapper and we've just gotten her first courtroom sketch of the former president inside that new york city courtroom where his lawyers, prosecutors are currently arguing over what evidence in which witnesses can be put in front of a jury. we expect jury selection. what's called wide deir to start as soon as these particular arguments are over, cnn's kara scannell has been inside the courtroom all morning. she joins us now, live care. what is the environment been like inside that room so far today? what's happening right now? and i don't know how much you are able to see it, but i'm looking at a courtroom sketch and mr. trump looks like he is glower ring. i don't know how this is art. it's not necessarily, it's artistic journalism, but it's not a photograph, but has that been his demeanor? sener inside donald trump has been very engaged in paying attention. i've seen that heat from my vantage point. he's been
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biting his lower lipid time he was talking to his attorney, passing a note to him at one point and leaning forward to look at the screen in front of him and on that screen is some of the evidence that the prosecution is going over with the judge about whether they can use it in that case. so some of these instances, it is actually tweets that trump had put up truth social post, and also they played some video of trump at campaign rallies of right around the presidential elections. so he paying attention pretty closely to that mean his expression is one that i would say leans more towards frustrated and annoyed. that ease in there. but he is paying close attention. he hasn't spoken inside the courtroom right now. this is just the discussion since between the attorneys and the judge as they're trying to find tune, what the jury can hear based on some of the judges prior rulings. they're just trying to make sure they understand the contour horrors of what they can say to the jurors. and that's important because as you said, that the potential jurors have not come into the room yet, but once the
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judge begins the questioning, that attorneys for both sides hi, it's will be able to weigh in an asteroid questions, so they want to make sure they understand what is okay for them to stay as they began also to think about how they're going to present this case to the jury. so a lot of the questions right now, then around michael cohen, he is a central witness in this investigation. he's going to be one of the prosecution's key witnesses because he was involved in structuring these deals and he was also the person who was repaid the deals. and that is where this alleged crime took place. in how cohen was reimbursed, how that would it's documented on the corporate books so right now you don't cross the prosecution and the judge going back and forth over what he will allow once this wraps, then the jury the pool will read brought into the courtroom and will actually begin the process of where dear jake. >> all right. kara scannell. thanks so much. cnn's kaitlan collins and paula reid are also outside the courthouse right now. katelyn yeah jake and we
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are obviously watching closely as a lot of these key decisions are being made by the judge right now as to >> what the jury is actually going to hear once the jury is brought in, we also have jury consultant attorney ronaldo's tibial here with me as well. and we're not, we're looking at this michael cohen issue that they're arguing. it's actually quite important because they're basically arguing which of michael cohen's crimes that he pleaded guilty to. can they talk about here because they're saying, well, we're bringing up some of them, but we're not bringing up the one about the campaign finance violation. the judge seem to agree that there is concern that if the jurors here that they may associate trump with that and believe he also committed a campaign he's here. he says he did this with trump. therefore, trump must also be guilty. so that seems to be a fair ruling, but generally on cross-examination, they're gonna be able to cross diamond him about any crimes of dishonesty. that's the case. so not just any bad thing, he's done, but it's going to be
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crimes of dishonesty, acts, of dishonesty. that's gonna be the key for the defense. >> yeah. >> i mean, is we're looking get this as to what they're actually deciding about, what the jury can hear the prosecution has gotten a lot of wins over the last two hours that they've been inside this room when it comes to how much evidence these jurors are going to be able to hear how far can this go? >> yeah. and look good. the trump team has gotten a couple of wins. smile w2, but it's interesting, the judge just told both sides as they continue to argue these motions. all right, guys. we have about 500 jurors waiting outside and urged both sides to just work out a lot of these disputes about how motions are filed, for example, so that they can move on with jury selection. and right now, the judge is moving on to his pretrial checklist and it appears he is gaining the process that proceeds. the jury pool coming inside. so he's saying he usually gives lawyers about 15 minutes to question jurors. now, that's 15 minutes. for the first round, then they get another ten minutes for
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subsequent rounds. and he noted, quote, this is not a normal case and he asked the juror, the lawyers rather, how much time they want to question juror. so i think we're gonna get a lot of clarity over the next few minutes about just how long this could take today, >> 500 prospective jurors i mean, how unusual is that? >> it's highly unusual. i mean, i think in harvey weinstein, you probably had about the same five or 600, but they're gonna be coming in in groups of 101st things. first, he's going to basically let people walk out the door because he's going to say to the entire panel, you know what this case is about. he's going to read to them what this case is about, but it's not lost on anybody. and if they feel like they can't be fair and impartial or if they have a hardship, they can just get up and leave. that is highly unusual. because normally you have to question each juror here their reasons make an assessment of their credibility, and then the judge has to make a determination that's not happening here. >> yeah. and lawyers have law codes here i'm laura is we're looking at this. what we're not just talking about there. these jurors are going to be coming in in front of donald trump. but honestly in front of his
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legal team. and they're going to start questioning them. i mean, where did they even? >> begin? because some of the questions that are on this questionnaire that the judge said to have not changing this. it's things like, what do you do in your spare time? what are your hobbies while others are your what are your opinion? of donald trump and his criminal liability here? >> so none of the lawyers care about who is cross stitching or whether they're watching bravo, they only really want to know about the tort of media outlet listing to they want to know about your views on donald trump, any the proxy questions are being asked here. and then of course, the process of actually trying to figure out as the prosecution and defense who you want to keep on your trial jury or not is important. it's not a scientific as it might seem to people with lot of psychology involved, a lot of intuition and a lot of a gut check. and also on who you to actually believe could be impartial. let me just tell you what it's like to be in that courtroom. >> your >> taking notes, essentially, whatever's happened, you're almost dividing a piece of paper in front of you that gives you the information from the different jurors out there. you have different jury number
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that might be assigned, maybe one is 201 or two o2 or two or three from there taking down notes to figure out what it is you're looking at. you might have some indicators of who the person is. you might have a black male as one of the jury. you think he might be in his 20s, you're guessing a lot of this information as well, and you're going to figure out whether or not you think this person should be on your jury. this person may have come out in a maga hat for some reason, are taking come down the different notes and you're saying to yourself, as a prosecution, i want to strike this person out of my actual jury. you might have somebody else in there. i'll latino woman, maybe she's in her 60s. you're jotting down notes. what are questions she's saying? maybe she is an avid msnbc watch or maybe she's somebody who's been on multiple juries. maybe she's a retired teacher. >> you're writing >> down all these notes put on your different document. why? >> because you want to be able >> to show yourself and if you're ever challenged as to why you're striking a person, why you did so was it for a lawful purpose or not? remember, you have a thing called a batson challenge here batson is supreme court case and essentially says you cannot
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strike a juror based on race ethnicity, or gender, or other improper means you're taking different nodes and all these different aspects of it at the end of it, you're going to go back and figure out who you want to keep and who you want to strike, and the numbers might actually surprise you. jake all right, next we're going to be joined by someone incredibly familiar with who's, with someone who's gonna be one of the star witnesses in the case. and that's michael cohen's former lawyer joining us live next. >> nice night with abby phillip tonight at tim eastern on cnn. >> dry skin is sensitive skin two and it's natural treat it that way. vino daily moisture with prebiotic is proven to moisturized dry skin all day you love our formula for face to a vino >> higher shipping breaks may be the >> cost of doing business. but at what cost? turns shipping to your advantage? with low-cost
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nature will do the breast. >> corbyn plus cnn filled sunday nine >> right. and we're back with our special coverage of donald trump's hush money cover up trial in new york city. the judge says 500 potential jurors first are currently waiting to be questioned as prosecutors and prompts defense attorneys battle over potential evidence and potential witnesses in the case, seen as laura coates is at the magic wall with former federal prosecutor, elie honig, laura. >> all right. let's walk through what's happening right now. it's really important thing the key witnesses that we're going to maybe hear from today walk us through hello, about it. yeah. what we are going to see lots of >> familiar faces come through this trial as we go through the next several months, stormy daniels likely going to be a prosecution witness. she of course, was the recipient of the $130,000 hush money payments relevant to explaining the whole thing, but probably doesn't have any evidence that goes directly to donald trump's criminal liability, which is on the false cation, which was happening on the other side. and what will she play for talking about this ossification of bins records?
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why would they even call her? yeah. >> prosecutors like to tell the full story, give color not every witness is going to strike a blow at the heart of the case. some of them are just relevant for setting the scene. david is going to be i think much more relevant. he was the chair of ami, which because the company that ran the national enquirer, he was working hand-in-hand with michael cohen and allegedly donald trump to engineer this scheme where they were catching and killing stories, paying people like stormy daniels for their silence and on that note, hope hicks was also part of some of those early conversations about how those transactions, what happened remember, these are we're a long way away from witnesses even being called at the moment in time. these are all very, very key witnesses then also there's michael cohen, who is going to be a very important one as well when he will come as important, but he at the center of the hush money payments, of course, he had to pick their crime is going to be an issue. i think they're going to raise the other side of course, about what he's been clicked it up also the, testimony than half the corroborated by documents or abraham to have any real credibility in this space. but
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when he actually all testify will be important. you and i know the most recent and the first and the last thing you heard is going to be the most important for a jury. when will they call him? >> yeah, it's like doing your lineup in baseball matters. that's first and who bad sport. i think he's going to come in the middle of the game he's, he's going to be controversial. you don't want to lead off with somewhat you don't want to end with someone on speaking of he's going to be cross-examined aggressively. i think this is going to be the most important part of the whole trial. first of all, the defense will note he's been convicted of perjury. he has been convicted of tax fraud, of bank fraud. the defense will also note that he's biased against trump to say at least, i mean, he essentially attacks trump on social media. and in his books and podcasts for a living. so they'll argue, you hate this guy and finally, the defense would argue that he's the real culprit because he they will argue and allen weisselberg, the lawyer and the cfo, you're the ones that came up with this whole repayment scheme that resulted in the falsification that's actually get the crimes where in this context will the tweets from trump come in? do you think if at all? yeah. so i think
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they're going to try to argue that michael cohen was just defending himself. he likes to make that point. i'm not sure how relevant it is. there's no love lost between these. i think we're going to see that play out and of course, what will the defense do will donald trump take the stand, put me down as a no on that. i mean, we'll say he's saying yes. but look, that's not a decision that he has to make on till he has to put on a case and he doesn't have to put on any case. yeah. prosecution bears the burden. >> remember, say there's austin called a sandoval hearing, which is a fancy way of saying, look, i need to give notice to a defendant if they're thinking about testified in what might be cross-examined, what may be getting used against you. you have a fair chance of seeing pretrial, whether you ought to testify or not. and of course, it'd be as right to de if he chose to do so. jake. >> thanks, laura. thanks. elie, let's go to paula reid right now outside the courthouse, we have some information about what's going on right now in court regarding the judge and donald trump, paula jake we're getting these live updates from our colleagues inside the courtroom and it appears that the jury selection process is about >> to officially get underway.
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the judge is now reading to former president trump his rights now, trump says that he understands this is a pretty solid moment. this is the first time that a former president of the united states will face criminal trial. and there is if he's convicted, the possibility of jail time here. now, again, getting another update from our colleagues who are saying that prosecutors are now introduced using a motion to sanction trump for his social media posts. they argue that these social media posts were a violation of the gag order because they appear to refer to stormy daniels and michael cohen to likely key witnesses in this case, as quote, sleaze bags and trump is currently subject to an expanse and a gag order which prohibits him from attacking witnesses or other key people in this case. so again, it appears after several hours of motions hi, there housekeeping, that jury selection is officially getting underway. >> all right paula reid outside the courthouse let me bring in
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landy davies right now. he's the former attorney for michael cohen, >> right now. we're being told lanny that there's a debate in between prosecutors and defense attorneys in front of the judge about what the jury can be told about the crimes that michael cohen was found guilty of. what do you make of that? why do you think it's important one way or the other? >> well, i don't make much of it. they're already public knowledge, he pled guilty and went to jail he withstood harsh cross examination already by the trump team in new york attorney general's office it was very harsh. the judge heard it off and made a decision that cohen was credible. i suspect that 12 jurors will hear similar attacks on his credibility because he was convicted and pled guilty to these crimes, most of which were done on behalf of an according to federal prosecutors, at the direction of donald trump. and then we'll see whether the jurors find him credible. that's up to them. >> so, mr. trump's attorneys will no doubt say something
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about the fact that mr. cohen has been found guilty of perjury, and they'll say something along the lines of if you were found guilty of lying, then why should we believe you now what would be your answer? >> well, if i'm his lawyer, i would say tell the truth, that you lied about the duration of your calls concerning the moscow trump tower. that was the charge that was the lie to congress and that he did it not for his own benefit, but at the direction of donald trump. and if there's a quarrel about whether it was at the direction of donald trump. the evidence found by federal prosecutors in the trump doj administration used the word direction so that would be what michael cohen was a truthfully and that happened during the new york ag trial and he was found to be credible >> michael cohen has gone through quite a transformation from one of donald trump's most loyal lawyers employees, fixers, to a key witness in
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this very first criminal trial against donald trump. in fact, one can say he possibly he's v key witness in the trial against him why does, he, now think this is the right thing to do >> well, it's a long process. he first called me in june of 2018 and said he wanted to go public and tell the truth. i asked him why and he said that he wanted to do for his family and his country and then we tested that in front of the american people and the world and public testimony before the house oversight committee, he began the testimony by saying, i'm ashamed. i have no excuses. i do not ask to be forgiven. so he owned his crimes and then the question is whether these 12 jurors will believe him. and i'm going to leave that up to the jury. >> jaime for the record, donald trump has denied this alleged sexual encounter, but the under
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one of the underlying questions here is what was the motivation for the payment? and two things can be true at the same time. trump's lawyers might say it was to protect his wife from finding out about what he denies happened the other is we're in october, access it's hollywood has happened. he's running for president and we're in the weeks leading up to the election do you have any insight from what you know about the case about what might speak to the election being the motivation yes. i have a lot of insight because i sat in the room for almost two years with prosecutors questioning michael cohen. and i can't talk about that. i can only say which i've been allowed to say before. whatever michael cohen says about the timing of that payment, end of october before the election in the courtroom will be surrounded by text messages, telephone records
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documents, and other corroborating witnesses so i can assure you that it will not be michael cohen's testimony alone that will describe the political motivation of the timing of the payment to miss all right. thanks so much. our lady davis coming up, we're going to be joined by retired judge who is friends with the judge overseeing trump's historic criminal trial and his personal insight how judge merchan will oversee this case, stay with us >> 2024 the 20 so my daughter tells us you're in television. >> you can say streaming data and you are $40 a month for live sports, news and
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get started today, i'm natasha bertrand >> at the pentagon. and this is cnn we are live outside the new york city courthouse where donald trump's first >> criminal trial was under way. moments ago, they just took a break for lunch. they have been inside that courtroom for several hours, but no actual jurors have yet been brought inside the room as they are it's still arguing over are stuff that happens before the trial gets efficiently and waterway. one evidence can be argued, whether or not donald trump has been as violated his gag order i should we spent a lot of time outside this manhattan courthouse where donald trump is going to be spending the next six to eight weeks today is especially loud as you can hear us on history orders are out here are some of his detractors are redu are left. obviously a lot of members of the media, as this is fueled intense coverage
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given its historic nature here's the first criminal trial of a former president to ever be held we are watching all of this and paula right before we got into this break what prosecutors are asking the judge to do here is to find donald trump for violating his gag order. >> that's right there pointing to three posts that he has made at least one of which he refers to stormy daniels and michael cohen, potentially two key witnesses in this case. as quote, sleeves, backs. and here are the prosecutors are asking for him to be fine that thousand dollars it's for each post and also asking the judge to warn trump, remind him that if he continues to violate this gag order, he could be held in contempt now, the judge has not yet ruled on this motion, and of course, we are in a break, but this is going to be an issue that will likely come up pretty much every day. and >> we are joined outside this courthouse by judge jill kohn visor, a former new york state supreme court justice, who is also friends with dudx more sean, that is the judge oversaw
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seeing this case, then trump has tried unsuccessfully time and time and time and time again to recuse himself from this case. and, judge, it's great to have you here. i should just given your knowledge of judge for shawn because he has intense impact on shaping what this is going to look like. and right now on day one, he's being faced with this decision. did donald trump violate this gag order and how to she respond if so he's deciding clearly after bright after the lunch break, why do you think he's weighing this >> well, i think that one mission is in a great position to be the judge in this particular case because of the depth of his experience people look at the trump case very carefully and under a microscope because for obvious reasons it is quite loud here but obviously won more sean for 15 years. i've handled difficult defendants before and dealt with defendants who have acted out in courtrooms, defendants who are alleged murderers, rapists this is what we do. it is the landscape in which we toil. so i don't
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think this is a huge lift for won more sean for judge merchan, i do think however, that if it were me he certainly i would warn the defendant again, doing a contempt proceeding at this point will slow everything down. it doesn't really benefit anyone to get your perspective on something that also trump trump has just been arguing that he wants to do, which is when there are those sidebars between the judge and the prosecutor as and trump's defense team. trump wants to be able to approach the bench. how unusual oh, is that? >> that's entirely unusual. i would never allow it. the defendant in any criminal case is entitled to hear any of those sidebar convert our sessions if they involve issues for which the defendant could give input >> so if it's strictly >> legal, the defendant has no right to be there. but if it's anything with a factual basis the defendant does have a right to be there. and logistically, i think that's a challenge for a judge mission to make sure that the defendant has that opportunity. if it means clearing the courtroom or going in the back as we often do
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logistically again, it's hard here because you have secret service, you have court officer and a lot of lawyers. so that makes it a little more complicated. >> and happened right before this this break happened. and i should know you were mentioning how loud it is here. i mean, it is kind of a circus down here is really the most generous way to describe it. it's always a little bit crazy, fallen. i've spent a lot of time down here today feels especially more so. i mean, some of his for supporters are just circling the courthouse really, as he is inside, he just left without speaking. but one thing that judge was just doing was reading trump his rights and telling him that if he disrupts this trial the judge has the right to exclude him, even potentially jail him if that happens, what would have to what's the threshold for something? they've done? >> well, that's a good question every defendant has a right to be present at their own trial. that right is fundamental, but it is not absolute in other words, if a defendant by their conduct cannot follow the rules of the
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courtroom, cannot follow the rules of the staff in the courtroom speaks out for the judge. the defendant can forfeit their right to be present. and if the defendant continues to do that i would say he would find himself in a bit of an the trouble, judge machines not going to tolerate it. >> he >> is a consummate professional. he is a fair and just jurists and he will do everything he can to ensure that that gets the fair trial to which he is entitled. and if that includes taking him out of the courtroom because he's you know, he destroys the process or infects it deleteriously he will do that and warning the defendant is the only standard if the defendant knows and persists, he can be waltzed out, not to attorney can be jailed to see if that happens. >> how would you describe how judge merchan is in the courtroom ifou're we don't have camasn there, so we can't actually see what it looks like. we just see ches, picturtours. we'd get our dispatches from our team. >> how
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>> would you describe it to someone who's sitting at home and it's a curious what it's actually like in the room >> i would say that is all. right >> it's probably not quite the circus in there >> that it is out here. there's a certain amount of decorum that's required. there's a lot of people in that courtroom and a lot of static i'm sure. but when the judges on the bench and speaking, everyone needs to take notice and pay attention when the jurors walk in, they will show the appropriate respect for the courtroom. everyone needs to do that. it's much like something that you would see on tv that's very a lot of people in the jury box, a lot of people in the courtroom, and everyone in their position judging or sean is not a hothead. he's not a screaming. he is, as i said, a professional, he takes this very soon. seriously. >> i don't think he's going home losing >> sleep at night over this case. i just don't i'm sure he's focused on it because there's a lot of work involved in a lot of scrutiny but. he handles a lot tougher.
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defendants. >> yeah >> i sent him the trump team tried to get him bounced from this because he said it was intense preparation. but clearly we all know that that is one thing everyone can agree on. judge gone visor. great to have you joining us here outside the courthouse qizan, as i noted, they are in the lunch break now we're waiting to hear on some key rulings from the judge when they return we are live in. manhattan for donald trump's first criminal trial, but we're also following major news overseas as the israeli war cabinet is weighing how to respond to iran tax on israel over the weekend, braids and attacks were live in tel aviv right after this >> the sinking of the titanic how would really we haven't special to our premier sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn >> you were diagnosed with thyroid disease a long time ago. >> in
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send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you >> 808 to one 4,000 welcome back to cnn's special coverage. i'm anderson cooper and tel aviv or we've been getting new details on israel's plans to respond to iran's aggression. the war cabinet held a meeting. they got heated at times according to sources and israeli official telling her jeremy diamond, they reviewed potential military responses and remained determined to act in ends. clarissa ward joins me here in tel aviv there's obviously a lot of different considerations in any kind of response, both not only the nature of the response itself for the timing involved as well, right? >> i mean, event for three hours today. three hours yesterday? hey they are obviously taking their time to consider precisely how they want to respond. they are facing a lot of pressure internationally there is some goodwill on israel, sayyed on this, but there are also strong voices of caution thing, please let us not escalate this. let us not risk or regional
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conflagration and particularly from some of israel's allies in the region at the same time, you have these domestic political considerations. you have the hard right elements of netanyahu's coalition who are saying we gotta hit them hard. there needs to be a deterrent. so i think there's several possible options that they would be looking into a direct attack on iran, sort of a for tat focused. on military targets and asymmetrical attack, maybe looking at one of your ron's numerous proxies in the region, they could potentially offer a cyber attack at this stage, we don't know, but we do have the sense from everything we're hearing from jeremy's reporting that you just referred to, that there is some kind of urgency. there's a desire to move quickly while momentum is on the sayyed and while there is still some goodwill from the internet, national community on side, brock ravid had reported for axios that and we talked to him just earlier today that the defenseman or had talked to two defense secretary, lloyd austin
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yesterday and that there was some concern on the part of the defense minister that response should be quick because of the timing of this, that the longer that they wait the more the less sympathetic others around the world might be. >> i mean, if you think of what we're talking about right now as opposed to what we would have been talking about a week ago, we're not talking about gaza right now. now. we're not talking about the difficulties and criticism that the war has taken. so i think there's an understanding for israel to the conversation has shifted its of more favorable place for them and they want to take advantage of that. they want to exploit that. they probably do not want the tenth shan to go straight back to gaza and the atrocities that have been taking place there and the suffering and the very real difficulties that they had been facing there as well. so i think there's a sense that they want to keep control of the conversation, reframe the narrative to their advantage how and why would they go about that remains an open question. sure. thank you very much. i want to turn to
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back into the us to the deputy pentagon press secretary, sabrina singh. sabrina, thanks for your time today. what do you make of israel's war cabinet saying they are determined to act against iran are you concerned they'll not heed president biden's advice and they consider the response to iran strike a win that does not require a response. >> well, thanks, anderson for having me today >> look. that is a decision that israel is going to have to make. and you said the war cabinet is meeting to decide if they are going to respond. and that's their decision. we are there in the region in the middle east because of our mission in iraq and syria to ensure the enduring defeat of isis and as the president has said, we will always stand in ironclad support for israel's defense. and that's exactly what you saw this weekend with our airpower and our destroyers in the eastern med shooting down a range of ballistic missiles and drones, shot from iran on in an unprecedented attack, which was met with an unprecedented response. so that's what we're focused on. we want to see a de-escalation of tensions in the region and
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of course, we do not seek a wider war with iran there was cooperation from jordan, from saudi arabia. we understand during this in terms of regional cooperation how concerned is the administration about that cooperation ending from some of the regional countries here. if there isn't israeli response directly against are wrong well look, we have great partnerships in the region. i'd certainly let israel speak to their own partnerships with other countries. but what you saw this weekend was a coalition that came together, really saw and showed a strong amount of support for israel self-defense again, i won't speak for those other countries and for israel, but we're certainly proud of the relationships that we have within the region. the secretary has been making calls over the weekend to his counterparts in neighboring countries and again, we're going to continue that engagements throughout the
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week. but the secretary, the president has continued to say that our support for israel self-defense remains ironclad can you characterize the nature of the strike by by israel? and by iran, i mean the fact that you're honest >> didn't do much damage, nearly every missile and drone was intercepted. is that simply because i mean, it was a military failure on the part of a rahm because of the capabilities of israel and the us and other partners, or was this attack in some way designed to send a message rather than do damage? is there a way to assess that? >> we assessed that this attack was not some type of signaling or message from iran. this was meant to really inflict damage to inflict civilian casualties he's but they failed in doing that. and what you saw with the us and israel and our coalition partners in the region come together. we really knitted together our air defenses in preventing these attacks from
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being successful. i mean, we were able to shoot down and stop almost 99% of what iran shot towards israel. so that really says something about the israeli military capabilities, about our us military's capabilities. and of course, it really sends a strong signal to the world that iran is not the military power that it projects itself to be it's rid of saying thank you so much for your time. jake, let's come back to you. >> thanks, andrew sun coming up, we're following an extraordinary moment in american history. donald trump has become the first president who ever ever stand trial on criminal charges will bring you all the latest stay with us >> live from the nation's capital one of the most unforgettable nights in dc. >> this runnable read >> back here again as it is biden and comedian collin joseph headline the white house correspondents dinner. that's dinner. lie saturday, april 27th at seven eastern on cnn. >> hello ghostbusters
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do it. >> check your eligibility in minutes at get life i'm evan perez, the federal
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court in washington. and this is cnn >> all i'll come back to cnn special live coverage of donald trump's hush money cover up. trial court has adjourned for lunch. we do expect jury selection two start this afternoon. let's bring in the new york times, maggie haberman, the pulitzer prize winner, who was inside court. all morning. maggie, i have to ask you, guys have been times have been live blogging. this event, and 40 minutes ago, you wrote an observation that i was very surprised. trump appears to be sleeping his head keeps dropping down in his mouth, goes slack tell us about that >> well, jackie appear to be asleep then he repeatedly hits his head would would fall down there. have another moments in other trials like the e jean carroll trial, which was around the corner in january, where he here very still and it seemed as if he might be sleeping, but many would move this time didn't pay attention to a node that his lawyer, todd blanche
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pass them his jaw kept falling in his chest and his mouth kept going slack. now sometimes people do fall asleep during court proceedings, but it's notable given the intensity of this morning and a lot of yeah, that's rather surprising. what was your biggest takeaway from what you saw today and for jake, so we have yet to hear for what the judge is going to say about whether trump was in violation of the gag order when he attacked michael cohen in recent social media posts, trump's lawyer, todd blanche, made the argument a short time. without that, trump is within his rights that michael cohen has criticized him. it big difference is michael cohen is a witness here. much of the morning focused on i would say, two fonts, one is what is going to be permissible related to michael cohen. and there's going to be i think extensive arguments about that forwards. and he is the key witness here. transplants snow lawyer and fixer. the other was that trump had to sit and listen to prosecutors essentially trying
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his own words into weapons against it. what excretes about well, i can cohen, when he was prosecutors say we're emanate michael cohen or whether it was trump's words, i need even this access hollywood tape in, which his vulgar language about grabbing women's genitals was read by prosecutors and trump just sat there still, but it really underscores it. this trial is going to be with our personal discomfort for donald trump, who has often been able to just attack and then walk away. this is going to be much harder for him here >> at one point and older tweet of mr. trump's back when he was on twitter was introduced, i guess, as evidenced of previous moments that mr. trump seem to i guess, according to the prosecution's theory of the case intimidate witnesses suggests to witnesses. what they should or should not be doing. can you tell us about that to have any insights into that? >> sure. there were a couple of sweets. one was actually in the
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prosecutors didn't read the full thing, but it was attacking me in response to a story that i hadn't with colleagues now. the prospect that michael cohen might turn on trump, and this was shortly after the fbi search and michael cohen's calm and hotel them an apartment. as it turns out, we were correct. that is where this wednesday. >> but >> bring prosecutors telling the relevant portion that they read was about trump saying that cohen is not going to flip. and essentially that people are trying to create trouble with these stories. prosecutors argued that you contrast that and falling cohen shortly after the fbi search with trump criticizing cohen and braising paul manafort much later, once michael cohen had indeed cooperated with authorities, paul manafort, his former campaign chairman not as as an example of initial witness intimidation and then attacking a witness. and i think you are going to hear a lot more like this, jake. is interesting the only time that i saw trump issue, a genuine last was when he was laughing at his own words, read saying
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something to the effect of in that tweet, if anyone wants a good lawyer hur don't hire michael cohen and trump was in museums >> all right. >> new york times pulitzer prize winner maggie haberman, the author of confidence man, a great book about donald trump. thank you so much for joining us, our coverage of donald trump's first criminal probe continues after this quick break >> new ally fight against climate change. this is new >> car business blue carbon. we just need to protect nature will do the rest in >> carbon plus cnn field sunday at nine >> okay. someone just did laundry. how i add one light. so the question is really last yeah, most set itself gives me a headache, but this is just right and i don't like anything, but i like this >> get late sense that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dice dry skin is sensitive skin two, and it's natural treated that
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