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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 16, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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say about these protests. >> you can protest any which way you want, but it is unlawful to brock block a roadway and to prevent people from getting to work emergency personnel from getting to help people. you can't do it the protests were say this is part of a worldwide movement in solidarity with palestine anderson there were a number of other projects around the country, yes >> there were actually across five major cities at least. and in those five major cities, at least 140 people were arrested to the protests were actually around major airports, including in see tack in seattle and o'hare international in chicago, where travelers were seeing having to get out of cars, take their luggage, and try to walk into make their flights. so a lot of cities impacted today, anderson veronica miracle. thank you.
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the news continues right here on cnn >> it's tuesday, april 16, right now on cnn this morning, retribution or restraint, the world is waiting to see how israel response to a ron's aerial assault over the weekend day two of donald trump's new york hush money trial. not a single juror has been selected so far and house speaker mike johnson, moving on. aid for israel and ukraine. a vote on two separate bills. now expected by friday >> all right. >> it's 5:00 a.m. here in washington. here's a live look at olympia greetings about to light the olympic flame. good morning, everyone. i'm dreaming konstan for casement. it's great to be with you. >> the next move >> belongs to israel, a response to iran's unprecedented airstrikes over the weekend expected to come at any time hundreds of missiles and drones fired at is really territory last weekend, nearly
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all of them intercepted israel's war cabinet meeting sunday, but still divided over next steps as it faces mounting international pressure to show restraint >> you in the face, the consequences for its actions we will choose our response according >> we have been coordinating a diplomatic response to seek to prevent escalation cnn's paula hancocks joins us live from abu dhabi. paula, good morning >> hello, jim. well, we are expecting the war cabinet to meet once again today. this tuesday and just the sheer number of these meetings and how long these meetings are going shows how difficult this decision is to make for israel. now we've heard from an israeli official that they understand the need to act quickly but there is some disagreement as to what exactly
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they should do. there is agreement that there should be a response from israel but there's not agreement when it comes to the timing, when it comes to the scope of exactly what they will carry out. their is an understanding, though that israel does need to react in some way to show deterrence against what we saw over the weekend with those iranian drone and missile launches. now, we do know that one israeli official says that potentially looking at a military option that would avoid casualties, that is one of the scenarios that they could look at to try and avoid escalating the situation countries around the world, including the united states, are asking israel to show restraint. so the us, of course, saying it will not be involved in any retaliatory strike against iran. but any strike a direct strike against iran will set a precedent. and at this point there are concerns that it will inevitably escalate the
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situation in the region. now we also know that it's affecting what's happening in gaza to israeli officials saying that an operation they were expecting a ground offensive in rafah, which many around the world did not want to see happen, has now been delayed because they are still trying to figure out at what to do with a ram. they were planning the israeli military to drop leaflets on parts of raffa this week to tell people to move out. so they could carry out this offensive. no indication of where these up to 1.5 million palestinians though would be moving to jim all right. >> paula hancocks with that report. thank you very much happening now, the flame lighting ceremony for this summer's paris olympics is taking place in greece at the ruins of the 2,600 year-old temple of hera the birthplace of the ancient olympic games during an 11 day relay, some 600 torch bearers will carry the flame 3,100 miles before handing it off to the organizers of paris 2024. >> it
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>> will then begin its trip to france and lynda lab or polo is live in olympia, greece for us with bore, a very exciting lynda, what can you see? what can you tell us? >> it's an incredibly exciting moments because we only minutes away from the olympic light plane being lit. and with that, the commencement in many ways of the paris olympics. so we have a first torch bearer waiting for the flame. he's going to be the first person to carry it around. breeze, as you said at hundreds of torch bearer is just in greece alone before the flame is handed over to the french delegation. at the first modern olympic stadium in athens. that snake stadium. >> and from >> there off to france to mar say, on a beautiful, that sale share, but i have the crew of the boat right next to me. they're very excited to be he here and to be the ones that will carry the flame to france. and in total, we expect about 10,000 people will carry the flame until it reaches paris. and the opening of the games.
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but first, we have to see, first of all, if the flame is going to be lit because the process is quite complicated, what happens is a woman dressed as a high his tears will hold the torch tip next to it, concave mirror, and we're light it with the rays of the sun. this is the traditional way that this has been done for a very long time. so it's an excitement moment. >> the >> priestess is about to go into the temple. now, we're not allowed in, but very soon we'll know if the flame has been lit >> a gym >> and lynda when i talked to my friends from france there, they're very excited about the paris olympics i have to assume that across europe excitement is building oh, absolutely. i mean, there's people from all >> over europe who are going to attend these olympics. the french have promise really lavish games. >> they're the first >> ones that are actually holding an outdoor opening
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ceremony. they said that they will be a holding that ceremony all across the sand so for kilometers into paris, and there'll be using boats to transport the athletes in and out, which sounds absolutely spectacular. gym, but just a couple of days ago, the french president has sort of a watered down this potentially because he well, there are many security concerns, so there may have to be a planned to on how this actually takes place, but really i'm just trying to convey to you the amazing feeling of what it's like to be in ancient olympia with the first games were held nearly three millennia and ago. in this very space where we are now. this is the friend first olympic stadium history and the light is about to be lit. james sorry, jim. >> yeah, i wonder. i mean, this is just uniform to watch right here. can you tell us a little bit of what we're seeing here and this amazing ancient
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setting >> yeah, it's a choreographed event. so there's a group of females dancers just you used to have these morris's in antiquity as well. this is all inspired by ancient rituals. they will accompany the high priestess int, to the temple where she will she will speak >> the olympian >> gods to the dodge of light. a polo. and he will be the one who will come but will say, yes, let's have the flame lit and then she will bring it out to the crowds. here are all waiting, cameras in hand to take in this moment. and the first torch bearer is going to begin his journey. he's an olympic greek rower. we spoke to him earlier. he said this is a great honore he is extremely excited to be taking part. he said as a young boy, he never imagined that a moment like that. would come
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>> this is what we're >> expecting to witness in just minutes from now, you will also see the priestesses, the chorus. they're all wearing these classically inspired costumes and dresses. they are designed by america transudate, a very well known designer and actually the my name itself has won many design awards and it's very long history. it's always been an item of great interest to designers we are waiting to see for the won, the french one in just minutes from now, and to follow, it's amazing journey all the way to paris jim >> and it will be an amazing journey. lynda elaborate gullo, thank you very much for that report will show everybody the lighting of the flame here and in just a few minutes when that happens, we'll bring that back to you, linda, in the meantime. thank you very much. a lot of fun getting us all excited for the olympic games that later on
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this summer in the meantime, coming up next, donald trump back in court will preview date two of jury selection in his hush money trial, plus biden's pitch to middle-class voters. the president heads to pennsylvania to talk taxes and a story developing out of denmark. this morning and fire burning through one of copenhagen's oldest buildings the latest details i have the assignment with audie cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts >> right now, pet dander in cells, mold, spores, pollen, and dirt are being sucked into your air ducts, get cleaner air in system efficiency. now, with stanley steamer, your air ducts are clean until their stanley steamer clean choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting four hours or more can be overwhelming. so ask your doctor about botox. no doubts prevents headaches and adults with chronic migraine before they even start, it's the number one prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far more than 5 million we'll talk statements have been going
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tell you a appliances in home systems or protected covered repairs and replacements are taken care of. one she never lies cookie dough american home shield, don't worry, be warranty row >> sparks engineered for the spontaneous, a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and sialic faster acting and long grabbed the moment get started at slash sparks >> there's a new ally in the fight against climate change. this >> is new car business >> bucaram, and we just need to protect nature will do the rest. >> blue carbon plus cnn filled sunday at nine >> it's de chew of jury selection and donald trump's hush money criminal trial on day one, more than half of the first group of prospective jurors were dismissed because they said they did not think they could be fair and impartial. the da's office also asked judge juan merchan
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to sanction trump for violating the gag order imposed on him prosecutors want trump to be held in contempt and sanction $1,000 for each of three social media posts. they say violated the order the former president was predictably defiant when talking to the media after his first day in court >> judges even allow me to escape this scam to scam trial. it's a scam. it's a political witch. it continues it continues to wear and we're not going to be given a fair trial as a very conflicted we've got a real problem with this, gig, real problem with a lot of things having to deal with this drought that i'm not georgia or florida, or north carolina? >> jeff >> painting like i should be. this is about election interference. that's all it's about. thank you very >> and while trump goes back to the court for day two of jury selection, president of biden heads to his hometown of scranton, pennsylvania today to deliver his economic message.
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biden campaign official telling cnn the address will drive home a simple what question do you think the tax code should work for rich people oror for the middle-class, the president has made it clear what he thinks the answer is. and so has donald trump and joining me now to discuss is axios senior politics reporter, eugene scott out we'll talk about the president in his campaign in a moment. but what were your main takeaways from trump's first day in court reportedly had hello, trouble staying awake at one point, and then he was you said that predictable things about a scam, which on all that sort of thing when he walked out, what do you think? >> yeah, i think we got a clear idea which isn't a big surprise to many of us that it's going to be really difficult an imptial jury as much as we know that peope nobeen tuned intohe ns like ty were in 20 or ev 2016, mos people were tuned in enough to know that they know where they side when it comes to donald trump. and so i'll be paying close attention to see if it gets easier as we move forward to figure out a who they want
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to be on this jury. yeah, it's going to take some time in new york more than half of the prospective jurors apparently were removed on day one. yeah. >> i mean, >> at some point they'll get a jury selected, but it's difficult with trump because he pushes people's buttons and so many different ways. and in manhattan, there's just not a whole lot of affection for him up there. no. you know, the thing you've got to remember about a trial in new york opposed to georgia is a lot of these people may have had opinions on trump before he even hit the national state. that's true, right? like people have had >> opinions about donald trump for a while. and we'll see whether or not they're going to be able to deliver any type of a judgment that it's actually in his favor or in the favor of arguably the american people right? and the judge also made several rulings that may frame how the case is presented. his sayyed with prosecutors in allowing karen mcdougal to testify i guess in a victory for trump he ruled that the infamous access hollywood tape cannot be played. and so i
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mean, i think the judge, despite what trump is saying is going to bend over backwards to just come across as very down the middle, i would think in all of these proceedings because he understands there's all this attention, there's a huge spotlight on this okay. that seems to be the case, but obviously that is not the talking point. the president's former president is going to lean into and we saw when he came out, he he tried to make the case that the judge was far more a partial than he actually has been. and so whether or not that's going to convince the swing voters and independent voters that trump needs to win needs to be seen, but we know where the basis falling. yeah. i guess wants to see whether or not the judge at some point as i've had enough, and he starts to punish trump. i mean, that that is another thing that may come down the pike and the biden campaign will be getting the split-screen today that they'll undoubtedly try to seize on trump's and court biden's on the campaign trail i wonder if we're going to we're seeing a lot of that this year. >> well, you know, it'll be interesting because biden has really been careful about not
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drawing attention to trump's legal trouble. but hysteric gets haven't been. and you know, we've got about six more months. he's got to good time. yeah >> the strategy could shift, especially as pole shift and there's more concerned but the message that biden is putting forward may not be getting to the people he wants. he may have to remind them why you're not seeing trouble the campaign trail. >> well, and i think the biden's message of the day on tax policy that is that is a policy they think resonates with voters, especially right now, especially right now. yeah. yeah. >> it is one of those issues that for a lot of people, depending on that doesn't matter which side of the spectrum that you come from. people want to see. >> certain >> folks pay their fair share in taxes. i expect the president to hit on that. it's been really interesting because so many of these >> supposed are asking people, are you better off than you were four years ago? and the number of people saying there better is higher than biden wishes. they would be. right. but i imagine the campaign is going to show them more
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information sets, whether you feel like it or not, you're not better off based on these numbers and you're not doing as well as these corporations and billionaires and you won't be if trump goes back to the white house, >> all right. eugene scott. great to talk to you this morning. thanks a lot. good at coming up next, a former marine sentenced for firebombing of planned parenthood clinic. plus the speaker of the house calling for separate votes on aid for israel and ukraine that's every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming weekdays exclusively on max cracked windshield schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way and she could track us and see exactly when we derive a few moments we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> you must be fed scowl we got
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men who planned and executed the attack and 2022 the supreme court allowing idaho to enforce its ban on gender affirming care for trans youth. the state law sentences doctors to up to ten years in prison. if they provide care for anyone under the age of 18, it's morning in denmark, a massive fire burning through copenhagen's historic stock exchange. the causes currently unknown and authority for his have reported no injuries at this time, more than 45 million people are in the midwest are under a severe storm. threats for today, we're damaging when large hail possible tornadoes all on the radar screen for weather forecasters today, fire danger and red flag warnings are also in place from texas to colorado meteorologist derek greg van dam tracking all of it for us, derrick, it's a busy day out there. yeah yeah. check this out, jim, i found this astounding this morning, did a bit of research. there are currently 300 lightning strikes per minute across the plains states right now you can see them just illuminating our screen here from north dakota
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south would all the way to oklahoma and texas there just isn't a lot of severe weather at the moment. it didn't produce much yesterday. we had anticipated late last week, i guess that's good news, right. but there were reports of some wind and hail damage in one tornado report. but today the severe weather threat is kind of going to ramp up in a different location of the country. i'll show you where currently so we have a tornado watch. this includes omaha and that's valid until about 8:00 a.m. central daylight. so nine 9:00 a.m. eastern standard. it's really because of this line right here that you can see entering the western suburbs of omaha here within the next hour or so, so heads up. if you're located in that region, that could be a bit rocky heading to work this morning, but look at the evolution. you can see that very pronounced spin as it moves through minneapolis into the northern portions of the midwest and into the upper great lakes. as we track that storm that's where we'll find our greatest probability of severe weather, large hail, tornadoes, damaging winds can't be ruled out. des moines
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to the east. this is our greatest probability of two inch in diameter hail or larger. so that's baseball-sized hail across that hatched area but the storm prediction center also has highlighted this particular region in the shading of orange, where we could have the potential for stronger tornadoes later today >> gem, lots going on >> yeah, a lot going on. be careful out there. everybody. all right. >> dan, thank you very much coming up next jury selection dates to how hard will it be defined? 12 and partial new yorkers and down trump's hush money trial plus aid for israel and ukraine spt into separate bills by the house speaker. we'll talk about that blue carbon plus cnn filled sunday at nine >> arthritis pain. we say not today. tylenol eight hour arthritis pain has two layers of the first is fast the second is long-lasting. we give you your day back, so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one, doctor recommended for arthritis pain as the earth issues or distress call in the
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>> 2024 stanley cup play. is it begin april 20 all right, welcome back. it is now 31 minutes past the hour. i'm jim acosta in for kasie hunt, just moments and check >> there. it is the lighting of the olympic torch in the games. ancient of olympia, greece. this just the first along a very long journey for the torch on its way to paris. and the opening of the 2024 summer olympics we're all getting excited for that. in the meantime, it's day two of jury selection and for president donald trump's criminal hush money trial more than 50 people were immediately dismissed. monday when they said they could be fair and impartial and all of this, that's more than half of the group today. the
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remaining 32 potential jurors will be asked to answer questions that could indicate their political views. trump seemingly aware of the importance of jury selection said this on friday >> jury selection is largely luck. >> it >> depends who you get. >> it's very unfair that i'm having a trial there plus trump making an unusual request as attorneys telling the judge that he would like to take part in sidebars either >> approaching the judge's bench or meeting with him in a side room, joining me now a cnn legal analyst, joey jackson >> joey >> that that sounds kind of interesting if that develops, but let's just first get your take on jury selection. i guess at this kind of a dry process which might explain why trump was having trouble staying awake. what was your sense of things coming out of day one? >> jim, good morning to you. it's an important part of the process to be clear and to be
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sure and i thought the judge and being very fair when people gave the indication that they could not be fair, he said there's nothing to see here. goodbye. and that's unusual and i'll tell you why generally when people are saying hey, i'm not i can't be fair, i can't be reasonable high campy, decent. the judge will rehabilitate them and say, hey, well, not so fast. let's talk about this a little bit. you may have some views, but you'd agree with me that you base decision based on what's in court and you wouldn't bring those views outside and bring them in and hold it against this person. what i think to that extent and it was very important that the judge said, you know what, i'm going to dismiss you outright in an extra measure to be fair. and then of course, we'll get to these more questionings today of the jurors who are remaining to determine whether they have any biases, additional that warrant disclosed already, and whether or not they can be impacted so we knew jim it would be a challenge. absolutely. without question. but i think at the end of the day, they'll get it right. they'll get they'll get it on. and in terms of the merits
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and ultimately will start hearing evidence, it might take a few more days though yeah. >> and jerry, what do you think about this requests from trump to be a part of these sidebars, does he not trust as lawyers >> so generally speaking, what happens is is that you have an absolute right to be at every portion of the proceeding, including the sidebars. however, you waive those rights, it's called an tomake rights, right. where you yet yes, indeed, you have a right to be everywhere. you other defendant, but you let your lawyers handle the business. you waive the right. you remain at defense table and you don't proceed further. you know, it's interesting. i'm wondering whether the lawyers for their own protections that hey, he better come with me, but it's somewhat unusual. it doesn't happen it's very awkward to have your client engaged to that extent, particularly when it's the former president of the united states. and i'm just not sure whether this, i mean, i'm pretty sure emanates from him because he likes to be involved in everything. >> but i'm not so sure that the lawyers are so upset about
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that because of who he is, what he say, what might on what are you not telling me >> yes >> this is a little unusual. >> yeah. and there's also the prosecution is asking the judge to start sanctioning trump's start finding him >> a lot >> of the anticipation going into this trial is the judge might lock them up. it might put them behind bars if he violates the gag order and so on. i suppose what you could also see developers is fines. start to pile up for the former president if he goes outside the bounds of the judge feels like he's gone too far yeah. >> that's important. and what's also significant is that if you're going to have a gag order, you have to give it teeth otherwise, why have the order? and so yes, i think it was proper for prosecutors to say, hey, listen, he has already violated a gag order. what are we going to do? a bad it's certainly a judge shots with in admonishment a defendant saying, hey, look, you're not supposed to do that. and then of course it escalates to find what's
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interesting to me, jim, is whether or not to give it teeth. he puts him in and says, hey, look, and enough is enough i've told you not to tweet about the witnesses. you have done it in direct violation of my order and let's see, by the time we get to the hearing next to tuesday, how many other violations, if any, the president engages in and what the judge does about it and says, hey, listen, enough is enough finds clearly not working and therefore, why don't you just take a little minute inside and have a little time-out in terms of jail in order to get the point that you can't violate court orders >> yeah. i guess that's take smaller steps first before building up to something that really might send a message. all right. joey jackson, thanks as always, really appreciate it. great to see you quest's thanks jim all right also having the house will vote on >> sending aid to ukraine and israel in separate bills, least that's the plan at the moment. speaker mike johnson announcing the move after hardline conservatives fought against
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including ukraine funding in a foreign aid package. here's what johnson said on monday what we'll do is bring to the house floor independent measures. we won't be voting on the senate supplemental and its current form, but we will vote on each of these measures separately and for different pieces we're discussing whether they would be merged together in one package. i catch get sent to the senate, or if it goes over as individual measures my personal preference is to do it individually, but we'll let the body decide johnson says he expects the house will vote on the separate bills on friday and joining me now is washington post breaking news reporter mariana al-fakhoura mariana some republicans have already come out against merging these bills. we've seen this play out for a few weeks now congressman andy biggs wrote this on social media. we can put this up on screen and saying quote, israel funding should not be held hostage by ukraine funding the american people deserve to know where their setors stand on each funding component mike johnson
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is trying to figure out a way it seems to get this done. he has indicated behind closed doors pores that he would like to see a vote on ukraine funding what do you think's going to happen here? i suppose if they, if they split these up, especially in light of what we saw take place over this past weekend with the iranian attack on israel there's going to be, i would imagine bipartisan support for both of these bills individually yeah, what we've heard yesterday after all of these congressmen were coming out or their meetings, suppose that they want to be able to vote their conscience. you know, people who are against ukraine aid want to be able to say that on the record and also, you know, they want to make sure that they make it clear that they stand united for israel, and that is kind of what they're going to be able to do with these two bills. and we're also talking about a taiwan bill, which also we know well, allow them to vote in that i think that that one would be a little less, a little less complicated, but they definitely want to be on the record showing that they can go back home and say, see, we voted for israel, but we also tried to stop the continued funding of ukraine. >> yeah, there has been a lot of controversy around taiwan. i
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suppose there's the issue of the border funding matter that's been talked about for weeks now one of johnson's biggest critics has been marjorie taylor greene. here's what she had to say about his proposal >> i am firmly against the plan as it stands right now, people are not going to like any of this, are going to be angry about it. and i think i think it's another the wrong direction for speaker johnson and narcan for you >> i mean, there's definitely a portion of the maga wing of the republican party in the house. freedom caucus foes people like marjorie taylor greene, they do not want to see a vote on ukraine, and they see this as a key test for mike johnson. and he it sounds as though he is going to take this risk and disappointing them and taking them off in the case of bargainer taylor greene and just going forward with yes. >> and i think that he knows he came out yesterday after all of this came out and he was saying, i don't really want to think about emotion iraqi right on i'm not concerned about that. i just want to get this
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done. and there is that i guess saving grace for him. is that the democrats have said that he, if he goes through with a package that assembles with the senate passed already, they will defend him. they will save him from a motion to vacate. and i think that that's the calculation here. and also yesterday, greene was saying, i don't know yet if i'm going to move on that even though she's been running for a so i think that there's a bit a pause there. >> yeah, i think you have a little bit of sound of that effect. let's listen to that >> he's definitely not going to be speaker next congress if we're lucky enough to have the majority. and i think that is, is widely held belief throughout the conference speaker for the rest of this congress, do you think that is to be determined until process what i mean there's a lot of different ways to look at this. i mean, she did seem to have some influence when kevin mccarthy was the speaker maybe that's not the case with mike johnson and she doesn't like i mean, does she have any aims? on becoming the speaker of the house herself. what do you think's going on here? >> yeah, that's the thing too
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because, you know, they sell what happened when they removed speaker mccarthy and it just through the entire conference into this array. and that was not a good luck, especially, you know, this close to the election and you don't want to do that again with mike johnson. the other thing too is that we saw johnson go to mar-a-lago over the weekend and he was there with president trump and president trump, it seemed like less signaling. marjorie, don't do this right now. we can't do this, this cluster, november and also johnson has been a little bit more trying to find the pathways for everyone. and i think that that is something that i think greene has taken into account in this population. >> and i guess you have to wonder, will democrats bailout my job? johnson, if it comes to that, i mean, if he's going to give them ukraine aid there, i mean, i've talked to at least one member of the house on the democratic sayyed said, yeah. okay, well, maybe we'll take that into consideration. there are lots of others who don't want to do that. they'd rather see a scenario where perhaps a keep jeffries could become the speaker. they, they do talk about yeah. yeah. they talk about it often. yeah >> but that's the thing. i think that there is more her willingness here to step in and save johnson and he does, you know, if he's willing to work
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with them and that's the thing that is what they've always been asking for. the one thing here too is that there is a portion of a missing in the negotiations we've seen so far. we haven't seen the bill text yet for all these four bills. but there is the issue of aid to palestine, and i think that that is where a lot of liberal democrats might step back and say we're not want to save johnson if we don't see that included anywhere here. >> interesting. all right, marianna i'll far oh, thank you very much. great to see this morning. really appreciate it coming up next washington and the world waiting to see how israel response to iran's weekend attack plus caitlin clark, star shining even brighter. you're going to get to watch are a whole lot more after last night's wnba draft, that's coming up >> the sinking of the titanic. >> how would really happen, >> special too well with sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn, our biggest challenge uncertainty hidden fees surcharges, who knows what to
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helped save over 2 million pets. >> the world is waiting for israel's response to iran's unprecedented weekend assault, israel's army chief telling soldiers that it is a question of how and when not if i, iran wants to harm e strategic capabilies of the ste of israel. thiis somethinthat did not hapn we are consideri our steps and this launcof so many misses, cruise missiles, or uavs ithe teitory of the state ofsrl llmet with response israel's war cabinet meeting agn day to scuss opons foa response joining meowjoel rubin, secretary of state for legiative affairunder president obama. >> i mean, this s i covered the sond obama ministration. is was not y the tuatiothat barackbama had to deal wit when he was esident. i mean, d deal with iranian. he had his run-ins with bibi netanyahu from time to time, but nothing like this. and i
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just wonder what you think about all this. let's listen to what john kirby said yesterday about some of this this is an israeli decision to make. whether and how they'll respond. we're going to leave it squarely with them. we are not involved in their decision-making process about a potential response joel is interesting because over the weekend we were hearing this reporting that president biden was essentially saying, slow down a little bit, you take this as a win that you didn't have any. >> a lot of casualties and a lot of damage and israel, but at the same time you hear john kurt either saying, hey, we're not involved. this is on them. what what do you think? yeah. well, jim, this was an unprecedented attack as you a real clear victory for israel and its defense, not just militarily, but also its victory in terms of assembling and international coalition with a heavy, heavy major from president biden in fact, president biden has been very low key about describing his efforts. i think he gets a plus for organizing and international coalition to
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protect israel. and so the israelis are looking at this from the long run perspective. and i think that's good for united states, for us to pull back a little bit and not seem to be micro-managing their responses. they know very well that now they have a lot of positive international support related to iran. and they should take it because they haven't had a lot of positive international support over the past several months, right? >> it really cratered during that campaign in gaza, which is still continuing obviously. and what options do you think the israelis? >> are >> considering at this 0.1 has to think that if there is a direct military response that goes after iranian territory, that that is going to trigger a reprisal from the iranians. but i suppose the israelis could targets something else, go outside of iranian territory and see if that is sufficient for domestic political purposes and so on. >> yeah, you know, if if you take a step back and you look at the last two weeks or so of
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activities since april 1, since the time that israel struck this compound in damascus overall, it's a net benefit gain for israel well, they knocked out seven leading irgc generals and their support staff. and they provided a defensive shield that demonstrated extraordinary military prowess and rebuild an international coalition. so if they take any actions, they, once you make sure they maintain those gains, and that means not doing what they run is did which was let's targeting indiscriminately. cities in israel and going after military acids that are very clear and not killing individuals in a manner that would provoke another iranian retaliation if they can finesse that, they really have come out ahead in these last several weeks. >> yeah. i mean, what is your sense of it? i'm sure you talked to folks in and around the administration, folks close to the administration i can't get my arms around whether or not the iranians were trying to send a message and do it in a way where they news most of
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this stuff was going to get shot down or i mean, it sounded from what the administration was saying is they thought, okay. this this demonstrates the iranian capabilities here, but i wonder if that is maybe a little over confident, yet look, my assessment if fermentation with folks than on the inside as well as expert community, is that this exceeded what the expectations were in terms of enron and in response to there was not an anticipation that there will be several hundred missiles, that there would be icbms are be cruise missiles. there will drones, a sort of a multi-pronged attack and that it would go gary stein area exactly. and we should be grateful and thanking our lucky stars that nothing got through. and this is something very important to remind folks that if united states not stepped in and provided this kind of defensive diplomatic support, it's quite likely we would have had in an israeli response immediately to iran and we would have seen an explosion in the middle east. so are stepping in and preventing that was crucial. and i don't think that people really did expect iran to kind of do that
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untargeted a non pinpoint, but really across the board attack that it did. and so that does scramble the calculations about how risky iran really is. it's a military behavior and how much extra they provided in this response out of a concern that maybe they are losing in these the shadow war engagements with israel >> interesting are joel rubin, well, we know you'll be keeping your eyes on it as we are as well. joel ruben. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> what has been expected for months now, official caitlin clark is headed to the wnba as the number one overall draft pick. carolyn nano has this morning's bleacher report. good morning, caroline. >> jim. good morning. this was one of the most certain picks and the 28 year history of the wnba draft, a weekend after wrapping up or historic college career, caitlin clark turns brown with the first pick in the 2024 wnba draft the indiana
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fever select caitlin clark >> she is >> the all-time leading >> scorer in ncaa division one basketball history. hey, men's or women's. and she should add a scoring boost routine that has not made the playoffs since 2016. ticket prices, jim, to watch the fever in indianapolis this season more than doubled after she announced she would enter for the draft and she spoke with coy wire just before her name was called >> i'm super excited. i know that's always super special and i have a lot of family coming my coaches so they're coming in some of my teammates are coming, so just getting to enjoy it and so get in. i think is the biggest thing because like once in a lifetime this only happens once the los angeles sparks selected stand for forward cameron brink with the second in the draft, and the chicago sky picked up some sides >> by drafting 2024 and cwa women's tournament most outstanding player, kamilla cardoso from the reigning champs university of south carolina with the third pick
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last year's national champ, most outstanding player, angel reese from ellis you going at the seventh spot last night. meantime, the nba play-in tournament tipping off tonight with a pair of western conference matchups of bronze and the lakers facing a familiar for zion williamson and the pelicans lab, them handily and the regular season finale on sunday. but king james says, he's guys need to be ready for a pelican seem that is eager to turn the tables when you play a playoff series. and i'm looking at this as like a two-game playoff series on you in that first game team has multiple days of kinda sit on that feeling you know, or see what that tastes and her mouth full of defeat. so they're going to be extremely ready for us. we have the command with the same >> since the lakers and pelicans getting things started at 7:30 eastern on our sister channel, tnt, the winter becomes the seventh seed in the playoffs and will face the defending champs and nuggets in the first-round. that is going to be the warriors and the kings and a rematch of last year's first round series, one by golden state.
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>> and lastly, for you this morning for >> papers starr, rob gronkowski throughout the first pitch at the red sox patriots day game yesterday in true style draw unleashing his signature ads and celebration, spiking the ball into the dirt, the fans at fenway loved it they actually were not the only ones that loved this celebration. ghraieb cell teammate tom brady, taking an instagram saying, love, seeing that gronk spike, the red sox ended up losing to the cleveland guardians six thing, but all the fans getting exactly what they wanted with bronk returning. and of course spiking the base. well, because why not, jim, why not >> yeah. >> i guess it's boring to just >> throw it over the pitch now, i you got to spike the baseball if you're drawing cow skier for us. all right. great stuff. caroline menn. oh, thank you very much. appreciate it. coming up. the challenge bunch of finding impartial jurors and donald trump's hush money trial, plus a january 6 case before the supreme court. how their decision could impact trump's other criminal cases. that's coming on live from the
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