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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 16, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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see if he pays attention now. but i think the fact that the us paid played such a major role in defending israel that are jets were shooting down or raining and drones. and that our coordination with arab nations made possible the early warning, all of that i think should buy a lot of goodwill and credibility for president biden, and it should show to prime minister netanyahu that you can't go it alone, that he needs it's help, he needs allies. and this is how effectively israel can be defended. one, it has other countries on its side >> max boot, great to see you this morning. thank you very much. we are getting some new reporting as donald trump shortly will head to new york city courtroom from his criminal trial, a new row, row cnn, new central starts now donald trump back in court new challenges today facing his legal team and the prosecution to get a jury seated. and get
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this trial off the ground president biden, he's hitting the campaign trail today. thank to tout. again. his economic agenda, also trying to pay donald trump as an out-of-touch richman as part of his campaign strategy, book bands are on fries still at public schools across the country. but one school district has banned more books than all of them combined. i'm kate baldwin, but john berman, sara sidner there is out this is cnn news central >> all right >> happening now that is trump tower at 8:00 a.m. eastern time. we are waiting to see donald trump for the first time this morning before he leaves for his historic criminal trial. we're waiting to see if he speaks. >> we're waiting to see if >> he stays awake >> he appeared to nod >> off during the trial yesterday during jury selection, and we are waiting to see when and if they can
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select a single juror this morning. trump, of course, is accused of falsifying business records to cover up an alleged affair with an adult film star. and this morning, brand new details on where the juror selection process goes. and how the trump team plans to keep a delay strategy going. seen as kristen holmes outside the courthouse, trump will arrive presumably sometime the next hour or so. what he expected a christian hold on. >> i can tell you that speaking to senior advisers last night, the thing that they were most upset about after that jury selection process yesterday was the fact that there report that donald trump was nodding off. they insist that he was not in any time sleeping, saying that he was just closing his eyes. he was taking it in and he was rocking back in his chair, also insisting that no one actually really knew anyone who had been reporting that was in the courtroom. they were just going off of a feed again, this was clearly what they were upset about after the first day of this trial of the jury the selection. so let's do a quick
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recap as to what we saw yesterday, saw this jury selection process actually start around 23096 jurors were brought in 50 of them were immediately the lead dismissing. they could not be fair or impartial in this case, so that not left another nine saying that they just couldn't participate. they did not give any reason for it, then it whittled down just based on the questionnaire we are still not done with that first group of 96 today. we're going to see 32 jurors go through that questionnaire process trying to again, find a single juror about nine people full have gotten through the first round, but just remember, this is not the nine people that are going to make up the jury. this is just round one. we are talking about people who still have to go through cross-examination. the wadia by both sides also, both sides get ten people that without any reasoning, they can just dismiss. we're not even close to that yet. so today we expect another hundred jurors to be brought in for vetting. and again, this all starts with the judge. he goes through that questionnaire that we've talked
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about at length thank asking people just the simple basics of where you're from. what kind of news you consume, but also getting into the details of how this could be political asking. have you ever been to a trump rally? have you ever worked for donald trump? have you ever been to anti-trump rally? >> and this is >> expected again, to weed out an enormous amount of people, particularly here in manhattan. i'll tell you yesterday, even trump's team was surprised that 50 people were immediately dismissed. they thought that number will be closer to 30, maybe 40. but the fact that it was over 50% of that 96, they were even surprised to see that. so we'll see how this all plays out today. one thing i'm watching donald trump in the courtroom. remember today now is only going to be jury selection. we saw that whole full morning yesterday of discussion over schedule of questions. that's not what today is. how is donald trump going to react as is sitting in this courtroom for hours and hours on end watching these people essentially talk about him with no participation. that'll be something to see. it's going to be very hard for
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someone like donald trump who really wants to be part of everything. john >> another hundred jurors just got off the train. my favorite stephen sondheim song, kristen holmes, great to see you outside the courthouse. thank you very much. okay. that exactly how it went joining us right now, a criminal defense attorney and former federal prosecutor, seth waxman. thanks so much for coming in. that's based on how things went yesterday. how long do you anticipate jury selection to last? whitman, would you venture to guess that they're going to seat a single juror today? >> now, that may not happen. i would expect this jury selection process to go on for at least another couple of few days to a week, or maybe even more. some people estimate we could still be looking at this by the time memorial day rolls around more than half >> is kristen and john burgess talking about >> more than half of the first group of perspective jurors dismissed almost immediately saying that they could not be unbiased and hearing the case did that surprise you? i've i've gotten mixed reactions from this. it's either quite
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rare to have a fail rate of over 50% or this is just part of the process and this is a high-profile case. what do you think? >> i view this as glass is half-full. if you had asked me if you look across this country to jury pools and told the jury that, look, you can leave for essentially any reason at all. you can say you're not gonna be fair and impartial or you can't be an either judge. i'm not going to pull you up to the bench. i'm not going to scrutinize you just walk out essentially get a free pass as i would think that a lot of jurors would say, i can be with my wife, my kids, my job, my husband. i'm adding here. but in this case, we had nearly half that remaining. they answered that fundamental question that they could be fair and impartial, and that is really the biggest hurdle. so i was in bolden to the idea that we have half essentially half a jury pool. and the first day that says that they considered on this case a glass half full. >> i mean, >> that's why >> we rarely get that, seth, you're going to have to stick around for us and hanging with us for a while. >> positive thinking, right
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>> before jury selection began, jama, sorry, we have this most of the morning. they had to deal with picking up loose ends. i'm going to call it that, but dealing with some important questions about what evidence and testimony the jury is going to be allowed to hear and see one of the pieces of evidence in question was that infamous access hollywood tape. the judge says it cannot be played in court. it can be discussed. that's kind of upholding a prior decision. they've made that is a win for which side? what do you think of that decision >> yeah, i think it's struck the right balance. look at donald trump and his team do not want that evidence coming in and that talks about things that are highly prejudicial essentially intimating about some tort sort of sexual assault that is not what this case is about. this is about a false business records case. so i thought the judge struck the right balance. only allowing certain evidence to come in, but excluding what would be considered highly prejudicial, and the judge and the parties are also very focused on an appeal. and so the judge is trying to eliminate potential
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areas of appeal and keep this trial focused on the key issues that are at play >> donald trump has been really focused on the gag order saying that they're silencing him and he can't speak up. that is not accurate. the gag order is specifically tailored to he can't comment or criticize family members have kind of those involved with the case or potential witnesses so they now have with that in mind, they now have a separate hearing scheduled for next week, kind of like a trial within a trial to determine if trump is violated. the gag order prosecutors say it's because of comments that he's made about michael cohen, a potential witness, and also on monday, trump reshared a video of a far-right activist criticizing the judge's wife what's going to happen here >> yeah. i mean, i don't think there's any doubt that he violated the letter of the judge's gag order by calling michael cohen a sleazebags. for example, the practical way this will play out is difficult for a judge. i mean, the ultimate
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remedy the judge has is to incarcerate a defendant right. and who is violating the court order or flouting a gag order, but that's not realistic in this case. i know that the prosecution has asked for a thief $3,000 financial penalty query whether $3,000 has any impact or even registers with donald trump. so i think the judge is going to hold this hearing to make it clear that he's not i'm going to just let things go. but what ultimately happens to donald trump is maybe more of a slap on the wrist, but the judge is going to do everything he can to keep this trial moving forward and in compliance with the rules that he lays down. >> yeah. and keep a handle on at all? >> so >> flaxman good to see you. thank you. >> john >> a new delay tactic in donald trump's federal election subversion case what he just just ask the supreme court and cnn has just learned the us has been told israel's response to iran will be quote limited in scope. so the israeli war cabinet but it is meeting right
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guaranteed. it's time to trust your experts at true green, go online today >> there's a new ally in the fight against climate change. this is blue carbon this is blue carbon. we just >> need to protect nature will do the rest >> blue carbon plus cnn filled sunday at nine limited in scope. that is what a senior us official says. they were told about a potential israeli military response to iran. this is new reporting. just in from
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alex marquardt, that the response a us official has been told will be limited in scope. the israeli war cabinet meeting behind closed doors right now, we're waiting for new information about what comes out of that meeting and the time with me, cnn military analysts retired us air force colonel cedric leighton. w we've got a map here which shows iran, which shows the israel, which shows the region lited in scope. what could that mean? >> role drawing there lot of different possibilities here. for example, the israelis could decide to go into iran with some airstrikes along the coast. one possibility that doesn't feel limited though, not really. but the other thing that they could do is use something when the cyber realm i and if you do something like that, let's say you attack networks in tehran and in some of the other areas around here, you could perhaps have a limited impact. and then that would be it. but that doesn't go boom. there's not a kinetic thing. and if it doesn't do that, if it doesn't have an explosive effect, there may be limited political utility to something like that, which is also a concern for this kind of
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a responses. >> there's obviously a political strategic component to this that goes beyond the military here. i just wanted day to be nations and the washington post said what israel trying to deal with here is they would like to retaliate and maybe not escalate. the question is, is that even possible? can you do anything that iran will then say? okay, game on? >> yeah, i think that's one of the big problems because iran was really talking about when they did their response to the israeli attack in damascus with the 350 or so projectiles that they loved against israel of what iran said afterwards was okay, we're done. it's all over now. you don't have to respond. but that's not how the israelis see it. israelis feel that they have to do something. and if the israelis do something, the natural tendency for the iranians is to do something in return. in other words, we're in that ladder of escalation. the possible its ability exists that this could go on for awhile. but if both sides are taken off that ladder of escalation, it could be quite different and you could end up with a scenario where they kind
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of stop this particular process. but the conflict between israel and iran is going to go on no matter what happens in this specific instance, is something you mentioned, the possibility here and i'm just showing this as the range of possibilities here. this has not happened just so people know, attacks maybe along the radian coaster. the idea that you need something that as you said, goes boom and i know you don't mean that lightly because part of this is that israel ipa decides it wants to do something, it needs to send a message. it feels why, why would it feel it needs to send a message when the whole world saw that it was able to repel hello, this attack from iran. >> so one of the things that we have to keep in mind, john, is that they want to make sure that the iranians understand that not only does israel have a defensive capability but it also has and continues to have an offensive capability. and that could potentially mean for example, taking a aircraft and even deploying them along the border. in other words, flying
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them up to this point and then turning them back. that's a possibility without striking anything that is also a possible scenario that they could do. we do a lot of that all the time. but of course the tensions aren't that high when we say going against russia or china, or some country like that. so if the israelis decide to do something in that realm, that could put potentially serve to de-escalate the situation. >> a show of force, visible, show a force in just lastly, because i'm not even sure that in the scheme of everything that has received quite enough attention is just the international effort to repel this attack from iran. you jets from the us france, britain, jordan, not to mention possible intelligence from other era nations here obviously, being able to strike down a lot of these missiles when they were on their way here how replicable is that going forward? >> so that's a really interesting question because in some ways, the coalition, if you will, this ad hoc coalition that came together with all of the countries that you've i mentioned with something that was done in response to this specific instance the idea of
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moving this forward to an essence, having a two dot o of this particular effort, i, it is possible, but it would require the deployment of assets on a continual basis into the middle east and to countries like france and the uk, don't necessarily have the sustainment capability that we have because they don't we'd have all the forward basis that we have. they could do it, but they would have to be prepared to do it and they would have to plan for it. >> chiral center, white, and great to see you in-person here today. thank you very much for that. >> this morning gender affirming care for minors is illegal in one state for now after the supreme court cleared the way for a ban both bans in public school, those are on the rise why one district far outpaces that anywhere else in the country?
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>> 2024 stanley cup play because again >> for 20 >> book bands on the rise in public schools across the country. one state is leading the way in a big way, new report out this morning shows florida is responsible for the majority of the more than 4,300 book bands implemented over the last school year. so what's in these numbers? cnn's carlos suarez has new reporting on this. carlos, what are you learning >> will locate? good morning. so this new report that is out really highlights just how this issue is not going away here in florida. and in other states across the country of the report by a pen america, this rider advocacy group shows just how much of a situation a lot of school districts across the us are dealing with right now, according to penn america from july to december of 2023, there were 4,349 instances of these
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so-called the book bands that number throughout the school year of 2022 and 2023 was 3,300 and when you look at the numbers as they existed back in 2021, when at a lot a lot of these changes started to take place. you can see that we're talking about nearly double the number of cases involving in all of these books. now, state education officials here in florida say that these numbers are significantly lower according to them, but they recognize that nearly half of these so-called book bands and florida have come from just two school districts here in florida. just yesterday. in fact, that governor ron desantis acknowledged how much of a situation this has become here in florida. uh, he said he is going to sign a law a bill rather that would make law essentially limiting the number of book challenges that people without kids in a school district can make. it is important to note here, kate's that republicans in florida were the ones that passed a law
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allowing any good one essentially, it's a challenge a book because it may not be appropriate for school children. and they did so with the backing of governor to census. >> that's quite a >> statement >> considering that ron desantis made this such a thing if he's now seems to maybe be suggesting that it's getting a little bit out of hand even by their standard, his state standards that's quite a statement. carlos. thank you very much. coming up for us. mike johnson is headed for a showdown with republican hardliners in his conference, the strategy he is now going to try and while the strategy is going to try and he's going to try to thread the impossible needle when it's, when it comes to getting ukraine aid and israel aid approved and also keeping his party from revolting against him >> gronk >> goes out a first pitch and does it in only way, the only way bronk great every piece of
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>> whatever comes your way >> there's a pro for that. serve pro, like never even happened when the genes came out. i thought, oh, my god when bob has a friend, he expects blind loyalty >> ravid surprises and supply donald trump is running a familiar >> play, trying to further delay his federal election subversion case. here's the latest twist. trump's lawyers are asking the supreme court to return the case to a lower court, which would inevitably draw out the clock further. cnn's katelyn polantz as much more on this kaitlan. what is this move all about >> okay. this was the last written argument that donald trump's team is making before those all-important supreme
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court arguments next week, week related to presidential immunity. his claim for around his january 6, 2020 y election criminal case in dc's federal court. >> when the >> supreme court, here's this, trump's team is painting out some options. what hreally nts is for the supreourt to say there's absolute immunity around the prident someone who served in the presidcy cannot face cminal charges foanythi they were doing or saying while esident in less, they wereonvicted through a congressiol impeachment preeding by the nate. he wasot. and so they want the case to be dismse in this situation, they're if that doesn't happen, if you don't smith's the casen full, then send it back the lower courts andsk for more evidence. and they say tt there is an tion the supreme court uld take here where they could send this case back to the lower courts and tell them, look at ea act that nald trump is facing in his charges in this iminal
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indictme from the special counsel's it's officend the justice department have the lower courts determine ithat prosecution, and tn thermay need to be more evidence here in this case. so that's the bid they're making and the biggest caution arnd all of this that donald trump'team is trying to warn the supreme court of is divisible politics there, even citing george washington's farewell address, that any sort of prosecution of a former president could spell disaster for democracy. now of course, the justice department says that's absolutely not the case. it protects justice in this country. and many presidents over the years have always believed that they could be prosecuted if they committed crimes while in office >> katelyn polantz. thank you. john >>ll right. knewhis morning,ouse speak mik son has a plan to pass aid for ukraine anra, but he really nee democrats h to get it do after months of waitg and sometimes waffng
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he planso bring a vote on threindividu bills to fund israel, ukine, a taiwan. th votes, those votes co likely happen on friday. there is some growing backlash from members of his own party. ings stand this morning? >> yeah. we're watching really closely, just how severe the conservative backlash is agait joson's newlrolled oupl tget d for ukraine r thindoacific and for rael aoss the finish line so far, you have some people like marjorie taylor greene, even wning that they will vote again the proceral step to begin the debate on the floor when it comes to these bills, that of course, is a major probm for ke johnson to depend on some democratic votes on what tally something that the majorit gets across the floor. now, we will learn shortly as wetayed out the mocratic meeting whether or n they are willing to help johnson gesome of
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those bills across the finh line, mainly ukraine, which is one of those that conservatives have such problems with. but the other looming issue is what is this mean for speaker mike johnson's future? does this mean perhaps that he could be ousted? but that they will try and oust him, i thk right now, marjorie taylor greene ha been operating as a solo act with this threat hanging over mike johnson. does that change? does her support grow among conservatives and hardliners who are frustrated with the fact that johnson is doing anything at all on ukraine here marjorie taylor greene, last name >> he's definitely not going to be >> speaker next congress if we're lucky enough to have the majority. and i think that is widely held belief throughout the conference get me speaker for the rest of this congress. do you think that is to be determined >> and one other thing to keep in mind here is speaker mike johnson is trying to make these
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bills as palatable as possible to some of those conservatives, including adopting a kind of loan idea for you crane when it comes to humanitarian and direct aid to that country, the hope is that, that idea, which had been floed in e past by rmer psident donald trump, may be a forome conservatives to gethem to soften thelow. maybe not see this as such. a dire payment to ukraine ithere's some kd of loan component, tre also looking at including what is knowas the repo act. essentially seizing russian assets using that funding to go to ukraine a. so those are a couple of ars where johnson is really trying to make this is palable as possible to conservatives,ut it's just not clear, john that it's realoing to make any difference in terms of how those laakers e thisill >>o it's tuesday morning. what time between now and when they hold the vot ofriday, it's an attorney so much could possiblyo for time. laur fox great to have
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you up on capitol hi wchin every twist d turn. thank you. >> okay. >> joining us rit w on that cnn political commentator, former biden white house counications dirtor te dingfield, and former trump administration official, matt mauer is it's good to see you guys. what kind of rock and hard place is speaker mike johnson between? now? >> yeah. well, i mean, look, this situation is kind of same as it ever was for him and for the republicans sort of being led around by the hard right flank of their party. i mean, the truth is, there's been a senate passed a bill that if the republicans wanted to take up and move through the house and get the funding done. they could have done for months and months so this is going to be challenging for mike johnson considering that he has struggled to maneuver legislation through his caucus and now he's going to try to in theory, move four separate contentious bills, bills, by the way, that many of which should not be contentious, but are again, because you're looking at a republican party that is controlled by donald
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trump and the freedom caucus and the marjorie taylor greene's of the world. so this is gonna be deeply challenging. it's going to be a test of mike johnson skills here. >> at the end of the day. again, the fact of the matter is there is a senate passed version of this legislation that could move if the republicans were willing to do so. we'll see this is going to be a test of mike johnson's leadership over the next few days. >> mad, i want to get your take on kind of what you see is the state of play and house republican conference. with this this addition, what we're not seeing in these four bills so far is any of the border security measures that were really called foreign demanded by house republican as a condition of approving aid to foreign countries. if we go in the way back machine, that that was the stated reason that many republicans didn't want to vote on ukraine aid on its own in the first place. so are we back to square one? >> no i mean look, what's speaker johnson's done is reflection not just where the republican conferences, but
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also the democratic caucus. let's not forget that it's been many progressive and liberal democrats in the house who said that they will not sort aid for israel. and the truth is that by packaging these three types of aid together with taiwan, israel and then of course ukraine, you have different coalitions in congress. they are going to be necessary for passing each individual bill. you're going to lose much of the left flank on the israel vote. you're going to lose much of the right-flank on the ukraine vote. and so the simplest and only way to ensure that this funding does go through which has a conservative republican i support the only way to do it is to ensure that each individual bill gets a stand-alone vote. so that you can actually bring forth a majority coalition to actually pass these bills and look, i love that kid is talking about the dissension on the republican side, but the truth is that this is actually a reflection of the changing politics on the democratic side, revolving around israel aid right now. and that's a reflection of reality. there. >> i mean, yes, there is some split very clearly and that's
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part of the discussion around israel and the war against hamas in gaza. and what's happening in gaza? but this is definitely squarely in the republican conference. they have a majority, a slimmest of slim majorities i don't even think march mike johnson would say that this is a democrat problem. i mean, i he knows what he's up with this with johnson with this. johnson is it looks like making a choice to have a showdown with marjorie taylor greene over his speakership. i want to play how some house are reacting to this whole idea. no one's going to vacate speaker johnson. he's working his guts out. he's doing e best you can with the hani >> i think the timing is would be pretty bad. david change get into man so i'm not really g at tt right now >> you'd be a very bad idea, be very bad id forhe republican conference, be very
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baidea for the house of representatives lge and for the nation well, they'd be rriblehorrle for o conferce. i think it's horrible for theountry t i'm heing so of that, kate, i'm wondering if some reblicans e sayi, take equation. if they're saying that this is now just gotten to a bridge too far. i talked to more than one democrat who said that they are willing to vote to keep speaker johnson in the chair, if that means getting aid to ukraine. th's a real statement of kind of the, through the political looking glass that we seem to be in yeah well, i mean, first of all, i think what that tells you as a democrats want to get this done. they've wanted to get it done for months. again, there's a bill sitting there that could move if the republicans and speaker johnson were able to corral their own caucus. so i think for republicans, they obviously have lived through the chaos and the turmoil of one exercise
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to remove a speaker, i think they are all very for the most part, are very trigger shy about having to go through that again in hdr that again you know, i mean, look, i don't think anybody ever got rich or seemed brilliant making predictions in this political environment but it seems unlikely that the majority of republicans are going to feel like it's going to be worth going through that exercise again. so again, this is going to be a huge test for speaker johnson over the next few days to see whether he can get his caucus together behind this critical support, which is so badly needed in thkey places around the wod if one pers'finding themselves on an island re, is it speaker johnson ors it mjori taylor greene? >> thanks. marrie tayl greene. anyou saw pridt trp, wh stng relationship th marjorie taylor greene, say that he does stand with eaker mike johnson. th h that joint prs coerence on friday, ich was by n accident, to send a message meage about where the former prent d on the issue. and one that y've seen aides
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ound president trump, ha gone t there d said that th's, is not a time for division within the republican party and that all efforts need to beocused on november. and so i think even that clip you played a marjorie taylor greene. she has already changing and nuancing some of the language about whether she thinks mike johnson is going to remain speaker. she's now saying, well, you won't be speaker in the next congress. i think this is going nowhere. i do not expect you'll see a full fledged motion to vacate. and i just hope that maybe i'm making a good bet on this one to pick up what the reference kate was making well, we will have the tape and we will bring you guys back in order to make good on those bats. >> it's good to see yo thank >> this morning, the biden campai is reasing new digital ad ahead of a push t convince voters they suld fe good about ofhe economy. lling shows they dnot tasers burner phones in a bloody scene, new details coming out about two missing women in the four people accused of killing
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out for in brynn
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for certain >> i wanted 24 stanley cup play begin april 20 >> or how solomon in new york >> this rning a hearing in the cades-ng casof scott pearson, he was coicted 2004 forhe murders of his wife, cey, and their unborn son.he losngeles innocence prect were forced to exonerate opleho are wrony convicted and incarcated. he is representing peterson now, the hearinwill focus on a tion to seal court documents related to independent witnesses who retaliation for the city of modesto just in a 42 year-ol man faces multiple charges in nnection with thdeadly crash involving hoing a olen semi-truck in texas. clenard parks accused of crashing into rtment of public safety buildi killing
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of 78 year-old man and injuring 3013 others parker was denied his commercial driver' license the day before the crash and s reportedly running fromolice when it happened >> the >> supreme cou has temporarily allowed ido to enforcit. strictand on gend affirming care fomost minors. the law makes it a felony to provide such care, including puberty, blocking drugs and hormone therapidaho argues that the lower court decisions blocking the law were two broad will opponents say the care is crucial for traing? since gender teenagers, health. >> so he was >> the fams patriots de d sox game at fenway park and that was rob gronkowski throwing out the first pitch but inead of throwing it out exactly he did what rob gronkowski does any spiked it on the pitcher's mound. always a great moment and in boston red sox game on patriots day, the day of the bosmarathon. not soreat ones of all tthe red sox lost the game. unfortunatelthe new most sought after after jersey just
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might be found in inana >>ith the first pi in the 2024 wnba draft the indiana ver sele caitlin clark i really wasn't y doubt about it. was caitlin clark wa lected number one and star studded wnba draft. cnn, let's keller manno joinss now, what's so great is there are so many housold names now who we in e fit round a night me to seso many talented players here are their mes called. everyone was emotional, family members there. it was wonderful and you mentioned the certainty of this. this might be the most certain pick in the 28 year history of this draft. a week after wrapping up this historic college career, she now starts this next chapter is a pro unless night. she said she was really just trying to tan this moment. i mean, this was one her dreams as a young
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girl was girl that she put on paper in the seconond grade. he mom kept that piece of paper and she became the all-time leading scer and ncw dision one basketball history men's or wom's. and she should add a not madehe plaffs since hat 2016 ticket prices to watch the fever in indianapolis this season more th doubled right away after she announced tha she was entering the draft and st before her na was called last night i'm super excited. i know this will be super special and i have a lot of family coming. my coaches are coming in, some of my teammas are coming so just getting to enjoy it and so get in. i think so the biggest thing because like this is once in a lifetime, is only happens elected stanfordorrd, rks cameron brk withhe second piin the draft and the o si pick. excuse me, the chicagskpicking up some size rather by draing 2024
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and cwa women's tournaments. mosttanding player kamilla cardosm the reigning champs university of south carolinaith the third pick. she's quite a player. last year's naon champ, most outstandinplayer, angel reese from lsu goingt the seven spots. so u see the star power, they're john anfor caitn clark mentiong the big magnitude this moment for her in her lif i m the spotlit is huge in the college game and n she' going to take this next step and we'll see who follows there. >> it's nna be aun seas coming up, carolyn, man. oh, thank yosouch for that >>we are nearly 200 days away from the presiden election. and heres your latest snapshot in time after months of lagging behind donal trump in polling, presidt biden is seeing methinof a comeback that's why we have harry ten he to wa us through whats thatou're seeing. yeah. what is the shift at we're sing? ynow, think an inordinate amountf mes poll this past weekendrk which in late februa shell ld trump up by four, now shows donaldrumpp by one.
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wellithin e margin of error. but i'm always terestn whher the grate,ggre of llg owing the exact sameft anto some degree it is r? so in late febary do, trump was up by o points. it's still a very close race, but you look now and now the two gentlen are tied. so theact of the matter is it does seem like the end of the republic, does emhabidehas union effect cled taph donald you look at the new york tes hi, i's polar. you look e acrom aggregate a polling. t's only two words to describe anth is dead hea >>t is a tight race right now. >> any clues as >> to if there is a shift, what that shifts, wh's driving the shift, you what is dring that shift? one of thehings we've sort of hard on in the segmts thawe've done on e show is that joe bid? is traditionay democratic block. specifically bck voters in hispanicoters look in late february in the new york tim biden up by points among black voters what did you see in t latespaul? w he's up by 60 points. that's that's
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still short of wre a docrat noally i but tt's a bit a comack. h aboutmong was actually up by t points among them in the late february new york tim for nowwhat by 13 points, again trailing p a democrato be, but dog expect bett tha wld nlly eid among voters, i shou know ey only shifted move frothe la february po, and so it rely doe amooters of color, do seem to be more preferable to joe bin now than they reust a w hs ago you've ao loeen ac kind the tnd line in where robert f. kennedy jr. rd andhad beolling ing the reallyigh fodependent ndidate still is. but it's pollina significtl or at leasmewhat gone down, right?o if you look in december, look at this trend line and fox 14, 13. now 12. how about quinnipiac 16, this is generally following the trend line that you'd expect of a third-party candidate, they
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tend to do wor the closer you get into an election. and right now what we're seeing is it does seem to be the case, at least at this point. realistic choices. i get closer to t election. not that it's not realistic, but you don't >> i know just good to see you. nice you jam. >> all right. so one polling area, the president continues to lag in is is the economy. this morning, the president will head to the commonwealth of pennsylvania to try to contrast his economic views with those of donald trump. and in a brand new digital campaign ad, biden highlights voices from his hometown in scranton i said and biden is my first cousin, and there's almost like a pile of them still here in scranton rural bill class, people, >> hardworking people it's part of it. wrong time front of us president joe biden, who go way back before we were in a great school, he never forgot where he came from >> national biden co-chair and former new orleans mayor mitch landrieu joins us now, may are great to see you in person. that's the first time i've
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seen that new digital ad released just this morning. this is the first time and again, even seeing it none not going for the youth vote. there exactly. some of some of contemporaries to the president, you might say, well, first of all, the president is going to scratch today. and if you've covered the president and if you've been in a room with the president in scranton this is the place that basically he got his identity from. he talks all the time about sitting at the kitchen table in scranton, talking his dad when his dad lost his job, committing himself to make sure that if he ever had the power, he would use it to lift up people to make sure that they had good work, good paying jobs. and that's essentially what he's going to talk about today. you contrast that with donald trump, who essentially has a three-point plan to go back to trickle down economics. good billionaires, tax cuts, cuts, social security, medicaid, medicare cut the affordable care act the reason i love that ad is because that ad is so true, those are real people in a real town getting real jobs because of the work that president biden has done and he's gonna go to scranton to talk about that today, then he's going to pittsburgh, then he's going to pennsylvania and then we'll continue to do that from now until the campaign.
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and then for the next four years, you of course, the poll numbers are real also. and i know the biden campaign is well aware of them. just a smattering from the new york times. see anna poll, how would you rate the economic conditions today? 52% say poor, 40 the 8% say good or fair. how would you rate the connection? then you accommodate and the cbs poll, 35% say bad and in the wall street journal poll 63% say bad. so again, i mean across the board, americans don't seem particularly happy b, how will this contrast? you're trying change? well, yes. yes, but what you just forgot to point out is what you previous segment just said. is that all the poll numbers are heading in the right direction and write nail the races even when a couple of weeks ago it was not the only poll that matters. there's the one on election day. people miss. remember that when donald trump was in office, there was nothing but chaos when joe biden took over, the economy was in a freefall. people forgot that onto donald trump's administration then lost 2.5 million jobs. that's the most jobs have been lost in any president in the history the united states, except for herbert hoover and under joe
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biden, they've gained 15 million jobs. wages are up, unemployment is down. and as a consequence, and i think that the reason why these poll numbers have gone up this is because as we tell the story and remind people of where we were and where we gone and who joe biden is fighting for, which is the middle-class working class folks and who, who donald trump is fighting for, which is just billionaires. they see that distinction and we feel very good about bringing the receipts as opposed to just talking the talk, you use the i word there though, which is inflation. >> well, there's no question about it, but listen, >> inflation has been decreased by two-thirds and even though prices are still high, this is why the president has always fighting to reduce costs. and here's another great distinction. president trump wants to help the pharmaceutical companies, and he wants to increase people's prescription can draw cause joe biden wants to lower them. joe biden wants to fight really hard against big corporations who don't pay their fair share. billionaires who don't pay their fair share and take that money and invest that back in people in roads, bridges, airports, and the care economy so that folks that you saw on that ad, who are real people in a real place responding to real
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policies that joe biden has put in place. their lives a better they dignity is stronger and freedom and democracy is stronger than they were before. >> how much of a coincidence? >> is it >> that the president is going to skirt in leading into this message while donald trump just arrived, were told at a new york city courtroom this morning, well, here's the incredible thing that that should be obvious that a joe biden gets up everyday fighting for the american people. he does what i call the hard work of governing well, all the time and he can focus on that because he focuses on bringing people together the other as you said, the former president is otherwise predisposed as a consequence of actions and things that he's done, everything this guy touches, turns the dirt. are you dancing around it for a particular reason? >> my dancing around, >> i'm going to talk about the fact that the president, former president is icourt. y ked at their estion. th president. he's running the country. he's creating jobs, he's putting people back rkdonald trump is uck of his o actns, the gal ence well, the american people see thcorast beten the two. a people are guy that getsp so fight for mself and seek
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retribion and revenge agains anybody. the choice is going to be clear a on the de, that matters, the de we're poles ing toe re-eed as bidens president ed stas its former newrlea mayor mch ndrieu. always gre to se u in person,ight? anks so much for being here. thank you, sh a n news oh, centl starts right now >> donald trump has arrived are hded in day two of re ju selection. the new chalnges facing both defendants that's an prosecutors today. will they see a single juror in this historic history-making trial today? new reporting in united states now expects israel response to iran will be limited in scope. what that means, we have more on what cnn is hearing from senior biden administration officials and the troubling details coming out what about the disappearance and death of two women in oklahoma a custody battle between one of the victims and one of the four suspects may have led to their deaths i'm kate baldwin with john berman and


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