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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 16, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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anybody. the choice is going to be clear a on the de, that matters, the de we're poles ing toe re-eed as bidens president ed stas its former newrlea mayor mch ndrieu. always gre to se u in person,ight? anks so much for being here. thank you, sh a n news oh, centl starts right now >> donald trump has arrived are hded in day two of re ju selection. the new chalnges facing both defendants that's an prosecutors today. will they see a single juror in this historic history-making trial today? new reporting in united states now expects israel response to iran will be limited in scope. what that means, we have more on what cnn is hearing from senior biden administration officials and the troubling details coming out what about the disappearance and death of two women in oklahoma a custody battle between one of the victims and one of the four suspects may have led to their deaths i'm kate baldwin with john berman and sarah is out
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day. ts isnn news central >> moments >> donald trump arrived for day l yk. thameans minal veryoon thtask to se a jury to weigh the 34 charges against him wi rese trump is accused of falsifying busineecords to conceal a ar stormy daniels just before the 2016 election, and new this morng, we now knowtoy danis, trump's former fer, michael cohen, and a former plboy model will be allowed to testify. we also kn donald trump's team does not like the repoing that he may have faen asleep during yesterday's proceedis, seen as brynn gingras le outse the court for us, once again this morning, brynn, can you walk us thugh what's ing to what's going to happen this >> yeah. kate, so like you
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said, donald trump is inside the courthouse, not yet in the courtroom at 9:30 sharp, the judge says he wants to start are continue the jury selection process. now, listen and got a late start yesterday aftnoon because therwe so many emotions that brought up on bh e prosecution anthe defense ase, se of that was decided as you just laid out? for the viewers. but when it do resume, there areoing to be 32 rors thaare still ticking rough that 40 to a estion questionnairebe answing about their affiations where they get their news, are answering about have they gone to a trump rally anering questions? really just pertaing to can they be impartial and bought and unbiased for this trial? can they actually t on this jury? and as you said, 96 people were brout but in yesterday and more than half of them said they coun't. so it's proving to be a very difficult task to evenne juror athis moment, but that that task is going to continue today. we are waiting to see if the former president makes any comments before he heads into the courtroom. but like i said, the
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judge here wanting to start nine 30 sharp for and continue the jury selection process >> and brynn talk us through and for ewers how trump has been in court, how it's being described. the former president is acting handling himself as this is really just getting started exactl it's just gettingrted. so it's gointo be interesting to see how he continuehis process as the judge has made it very clear that he is the defendant in this trial and he needs to be inside that courtroom while this trial is going on yesterday. you know, he was at times, as you said, already, cage a closing think his eyes. there was questions. was he falling asleep? >> you >> what was he doing? >> there are other times, you know, >> he was talking to his attorneys, he was passing notes. he was going through that 42 questions and listening. now remember these jars or answering questions about him. he is seated right there. there were a few jurors that sort of leaned over to see him when they entered that the
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court are prospective jurors, i should say, leaned over to see if to see him when they entered the courtroom. so we'll see how this continues because the jury selection process is take up to two eks, certainly probably more than a week. so it's gonna be a long process will see if u can stand it and getting underway very soon. brynn. thank you very much. john. >> all right. with us now, former manhattan prosecutor jeremy saland and cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers. court about to resume in just a few minutes. what will you be looking forward today, jennifer? >> well, i'm looking to see obviously, we have to get through these 39 or so that are still in the box. and so we'll see who we get from there and then going forward, i want to see if these proportions hold up when you bring another hundred people into the room are about 50 of them going to self excuse at some point you start to think about who we're left with if were excluding anyone with strong feelings it's about trump because that suggests not only that they have strong feelings about trump, but these are the people who follow the news and are up on current events, are steeped in what's happening in the
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country. >> if you >> exclude all of those people, you start to think about. if you're the prosecutor, what are you left with given that the whole point of their case, they're won a little bit of outrage from this jury about the manipulation of the 2016 election. >> what impact, if any, jeremy might that have other than taking a long time to get through well, i'm a converse on the flip a bath. the other issue is this is that the people that are going to be left with also may have an agenda and want to be there for the wrong reason. thank you. don't want that either. so this is absolutely going to be a long process. i just had a trial and much less significant matter that took about two two-and-a-half days with jury selection. this is not the former president, this is not something that people would have so much opinions about donald trump and especially his sleeping donald trump, if true, is not good for finding jurors. all right. i was going to >> wait on that, but let's talk about that because people inside the courtroom, including maggie haberman, said it looked like donald trump not at off his head was nodding the jaw little bit slack there. >> what >> message does that send to the judge? what message does that send a prospective jurors? >> yeah. well, nothing good.
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and given the coverage and what his apparent reaction is to it, i suspect it won't happen again, but yeah, no one wants to see the defendant thinking like this is an important your time is an important what you're doing here. we're all there for him, right? to do this trial. so you're wasting all of our time if you're sitting there nodding off, i suspect won't happen anymore. >> i mean, is that the reason why we often see defendants in trials scribbling notes, i often wonder if they're fake nodes, if they're just like putting squiggly lines there because they want to look like they're doing something well, i have had some clients just just right and doodle just sort of take their mind off of what's happening. they don't want to have it because there's anxiety, but there's that same examity for the jury. especially here when you're giving them a number, not a name, because they fear right or wrong that they could be the target or subject of harassment, not necessarily from the former president, but some of his folks that are out there who are ms major supporters. so when it's palpable like that and you are being cavalier, you shouldn't be and maybe that's not the right term. but be attentive. pay attention, show for respect. >> i want to delve into the salacious right now. now because a salacious but because
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of the potential legal impacted, you see you both know we're gonna have the political discussion about this later in the show with scott jennings and bacardi sellers. but what was ruled on yesterday before jury selection is the access hollywood tape. they won't be able to play the audio, but they will get to see the transcript and discuss it on karen mcdougal, who is the former playboy playmate, who allegedly had a relationship with donald trump. information about that alleged related you should ship that will be allowed in what certain facts will not as in it took place while melania trump allegedly, while obliged up, was pregnant, the alleged affair took place while she was pregnant >> that >> won't be allowed to be brought in there. so what's the legal significance? of the salacious details? why does the prosecution want them why doesn't the defense well, i think the answer to that is obvious. right. because people, jurors included react badly to hearing things like that, right? your wife was pregnant while you're out running around with these women? that's not good. but what the judge is trying to do is draw this line between what's overly prejudicial and what's probative, right? there's really no reason legally why
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you need to ve in there that melannie was pregnant? time. that doesn't help prosecutors prove their case, and 's prejudicial to the defendants. so the judges doing the right thing and saying in that case that falls on the not admitted sayyed of the line, whereas other things that are more relevant but like karen mcdougal is testimony that she also was one of these catch and kill situations that is relevant and we'll come in >> how will the prosecution on that? did the prosetion n get enough the fact th they can gethe trscript of access hlywood tape, is that enough for them? yeah. i think it is. do they want more you usually want more, but at the at record too. swe don't ect an overzealousjudge. you need that, judge to weigh the balance re and make sure that it's ev in fair because otherwise that's gonna be something right for thformer president to appeal. so you d't want that. they t the meat and potatoes, if you will, of their arguments, pardone? i got the information they need to present, so think they should be ppy and content do you tnk we wi see when ect this trial really do kick off when we start to hea teimony, h deeply you
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think the prosecution willo into that? i want to know so i n tie that up. for the politicadiscussion i'm ing to have later because i do think it has a polal implication here. >> well, i think they'reonna get reallyarnto thintent issues, right? the atmospher around tt period before the election, a few we've seen what was happening, what voters were doing, what the polling was, did they think they were going to win or lose access? hollywood comes out, everything blows up. what do they do next with these women who are threatening to come? come foard with their stories. all of that kind of getting in the hands of trump and his advisers. i think they're gonna go deep into, but just not the salacious details about when you went into the room with her, what happened, etetera. saland, great to see both you. thanyoh. >> morning, sourll cnn that israel's military be limited in scope. that is the quote, there that is iran s of severe and painful nseqnce if israel stkes back, the critical supreme cot hearing out to kick of the cut huge locations for
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>> administration is expecting any potential israeli military response to the weekend attacks to be limited in scope. and this morning the israeli war cabinet is back behind closed doors. this is the fifth meeting of the cabinet as it debates how to exact the price from iran. that is really officials have promised ron's president is warning this morning that they are prepar launch a quote, severe extensive, and painful response if iranian interests are targeted cnn's anderson cooper, clarissa ward there in tel aviv. together it seems there's a lot going on behind closed doors right now, guys. >> yeah. >> there certainly is the wa cabinet, as you know, has en meeting r about four hourso far day, thiis one several meetin they've held over the last couple of days ar as we know. well, we don't know if any decision has been made and clarissa ward has been covering this for for days now there's certainly a lot of different
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options on the table. and there's also a lot of pressure both from the us, other european allies and also domestic political pressure here. >> yeah, it's interesting. i feel like anderson yesterday, we were really talking about the military piece of this and israel making it very clear that they were going to respond militarily currently, i'm form or another low, it's not clear what that would look like today. there seems to be a lot of push on the diplomatic side of it. we've heard from israel's foreign minister, israel katz. he talked to about firing off more than 30 letters to different countries talking to foreign ministers, world leaders trying desperately to seize on the momentum this moment and try to move it into their favor to try to essentially deflect the conversation away from what's happening in gaza. criticism of israel's handling think of the war there, and pivot to a focus on iran and trying to build potentially consensus. or as we've heard from benny gantz of the war cabinet, the potential to maybe build some kind of a regional coalition.
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the issue have, you have there of course, is especially for some of the regional allies. i think there's a degree of trepidation about signing up to any kind of coalition until there's some ironclad certainty around what's going to happen in gaza, around the broader palestinian question the jordan, which cooperated in terms of the use of their aerospace during the attack by iran. they were critical yesterday of israel saying that but and in fact, trying to deflect attention from gaza by focusing on iran and perhaps even prolonging this. >> yeah, and i think the jordanians are also walking a tight rope here right? because on the one hand, when they look at the broader regional picture, they see iran potentially as a threat. on the other hand, the people of jordanian and the people full of most middle eastern countries and indeed many countries around the world are just outraged and horrified by the scenes that they've seen playing out in gaza by the soaring death toll of civilians and so, and so they want to avoid being seen as complicit
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in that in any way. on the other hand, they do want to come up with some kind of a robust response, or at least i'm kind of a coalition or a thinking forward as to how to deal with the threat of a combative iran that many sunni nations proceeded. >> obviously, the situation in gaza gaza continues. israel had talked about the starting operations toward rafah. this week. jeremy diamond, who's reporting yesterday that they hit play hi to start dropping leaflets and telling civilians to leave the area. they did not do that. i talked to daniel hagari the chief spokesman, admiral gary for the idf last night. he essentially said, look, all roads to the hostages, all roads to defeating hamas, which are still the stated objectives israel go through rafah's so they seem determined at some point still to launch an operation offensive in rafah. >> that's what they're saying. and certainly they're facing a lot of interest internal pressure. we talked a lot about the kind of
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geopolitical piece of this and what are israel's allies saying and what or israel's critics saying. but the conversation here in israel no anderson is often different. people are really angry about the trajectory of the war. they're angry about the lack of a tangible victory there. most angry about the fact that the hostages are still, still being held to the idf has to answer to that. and at the same time, there are these competing considerations politically because you have the us, other allies of israel sank hold on a second. if you're going to do this, you need to do this in a way that is not going to entail, but kind of massive death toll that we have seen playing out in gaza. so far. >> bottom line on any strike that. that might occur by israel to around the questions are, is it going to be a direct strike on iran? what would the target be? would it be a symbolic targeted? actually, that's not going to have deaths of human beings is it going to be after a military installation? and is going to be limited in scope. and then of course so what is going to responsive iran going to be right? >> and could it go for a proxy?
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could go for a cyber attack. do they do it immediately to make a decisive statement? do they drag it out a little bit as the uranium? instead by the way, 12 days, iran way to telegraphing that there was going to be a response for that april 1 attack, but sort of teasing it out a little bit to maximize the yes act, if you will. >> yeah. so a lot to watch for kd over the next couple hours here >> absolutely. >> great to see you >> guys and have you there at close reward anderson cooper, they're going to be continuing their reporting from i'm israel for uall thhout the da still ahead for us. chges and convictions agains eme cot oral auments out to begin. at could have huge fall up and thelled themselves gods and sfs. >> now for pple are >> chargith thkidnapng and murder of two women in oklahoma >> nick paton walsh ports on the growing turf war between humans and elephants and srilanka feels bizarre to see this front line mentality out
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6:25 am the sinking of the titanic, >> how would really happen in special to our premiere sunday, april 28, nine on cnn >> very shortly, the supreme court will hear arguments that could upend the sentences of hundreds of january 6 rioters. this ruling could also potentially have major implications for the federal election subversion case against donald trump cnn's paula reid is with us now paul, what's going on here >> all this is a really significant case, john, because depending on how the justices decide here, this could impact not only potentially the prosecution of former president trump, but also the cases of hundreds of other january 6 rioters. here are the justices are focused on a federal law that makes it a crime to
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obstruct congressional inquiries and investigations. and this has been used in many the january 6 cases. but today's focuses specifically on a man named joseph fisher and he says he was only briefly inside the capital, but he has been charged with multiple offenses, including in this one. but he is trying to get his case dismissed. and specifically these charges dismissed, arguing that this law was passed after enron and sarbanes-oxley, and it was supposed to be focused on witness tampering and anything that impacts an official proceeding there. so they're saying this is not the kind of case that this was meant to apply two. now we'll be watching this very closely. like i said, this could potentially impact former president trump's case. now the special counsel says, even if mr. fisher wins here, the trump case remains intact. a lot of smart legal minds, agree with that. we have to see exactly how this case shakes out. of course, there are also oral arguments next thursday on whether former president trump has presidential immunity that could shield him from some or
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all of his federal election subversion case. but john, i think the biggest thing we're looking at right now before we even get to the issues before the court is justice clarence thomas. he was not at arguments yesterday and the lease transparent branch of government gave no x well, nation for that, usually they'll least say why someone's not on the bench. there's even an option to participate remotely. he was not there. and as you know, there have been calls for him to recuse himself from january 6 cases because of his wife's role in trying to overturn the results of the election that has not happened. so we'd be looking for him anyway, but especially today, look king to see if he's on the bench had is a look. how does he sound because john is significant, is all these legal issues are any suggestion that there could be something wrong with the supreme court. justice? well, that of course could have an enormous impact on the 2024 election the lease transparent branch of government. well said and understand that it. paula reid. thank you very much on the subject of smart legal minds, paula reid. thank you
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>> okay. >> and joining us now is former federal prosecutor at tim. hey, phi he was the chief investigative counsel for the january 6, congressional committee. tim, hold on with me for one second. donald trump is entering the courtroom. let's listen and see an injury in the hallway before the courtroom. let's see if he speaks to reporters. it sure looks like he's going to thank you very much. >> trial that should have >> never been brought a trial he looked at all over the world and calling looking at and analyze every illegal content, every legal >> scholar this trial is a disgrace. we haven't trump-hating judges. we have a judge who shouldn't be on this case he's totally conflicted but this is a trial that should never happen, should have been thrown out a long time ago. you look at jonathan turley, andy mccarthy. all right? >> legal scholars
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>> is now one that we've been able to find that said this should be a trial i called i was i was paying a lawyer mark it down as legal expenses account >> i didn't know >> martin down as legal expenses that's exactly what it was and you got indicted over them i should be right now. and pennsylvania and far in many other states north carolina, georgia, campaign, this is all coming from the biden white house because they got good 0.2 sentences together. he can campaign using visit order to try i wouldn't election. and it's not working it's working the opposite way so check that out >> legal expenses, called legal expenses. what you're supposed to go trump nobody's ever. seen. nobody has ever seen anything like him. so thank you very much for coming. i have to sit down i am now sit down and
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the voters understandability of the newest look at the polls. trial >> the >> judge should recuse thank you very much >> and that is on trump and his statement before heading back into court. and there's stuff to fact check with our reporters. so let's do it right away. kristen holmes joining me now, i think paul r3 is going to join us as well. kristen, can we start with the reframe that we have heard from donald trump, often where he blames this as all being orchestrated and coming from the biden white house. there is no basis for those flames >> well, there's absolutely no reason. also, remember, we're in court new york right now. this isn't even when the department of justice cases where there is some link to the biden an administration because the department of justice falls under the administration. again, there's only two biden and any of these cases, however, this is a new york state case. he is entering the courtroom in new york that was
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brought by the district attorney in new york. this is nothing to do with president joe biden, but as we have heard, time and time again, donald trump has really tried to take control of the narrative here to make this about politics, to make this about quote, unquote election interference, essentially the messaging being that president biden does not want him running again stem in november. so has orchestrated entire legal system to be on his side to put him through these various trials so that he won't run in november i will tell you, kate, this is something that resonates with some of his supporters, some of his base. but again, when it comes to the actual facts of this, th is correct. the other part of thi interestg is remember, he did not mention any of the witnesses here. this comes after yesterday after prosutors asked the judge to find it donald trump, over his three social media post in which he mentioned witnesses saying that he had violated th gag order. that's that he couldn't talk about. witnesses were waiting to see if you as
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anything with that. again, i know that there were reporters asking about that in the hallway. interesting, donald trump just gave his slate speech, came right out of the can and then walked into that courtroom >> let me bring in paul on this. chris makes it very important point. he can because donald trump complains about the gag order saying that they're silencing him and he cannot speak up and can have his say that's what he says about but that is not true because everything he said, even attacking the judge, there that is that is free game for him. that's not what the gag order gets to paula >> yeah, they expanded gag order or covers witnesses, jurors, family, members of court personnel, but it does not cover the judge or the elected district attorney, alvin bragg. so you can see that he's trying to work within the bounds of that gag order. the frustration that he and his lawyers have expressed though, is, for example, michael cohen or stormy daniels who were the subjects if some of the social media posts that prosecutors are pointing to yesterday, trump's argument
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is, hey, you can talk about me all the time and say disparaging things, but i can't talk about them. that's an apparently unfair. so people may see it that way. but the fact is he is a criminal defendant in the state of new york, and he is subject to this expanded gag order paula reid, kristen holmes. thank you guys for jumping on donald trump heading into the courtroom, which means de to of the history-making criminal trial that he's facing in new york city will be getting underway very shortly. we're going to cover that. i also want to bring back in tim, hey, fee and continue the conversation or even let's just start the conversation now, tim with what paula reid was reporting before, which is in another courtroom in another city where the supreme court is going to be looking is going to be considering oral arguments today that could up and the sentences and the cases relating to january 6, rioters the question before the justices really is one of scope of this federal obstruction law that more than 350 of them were charged under the implications
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and the fallout from this could be huge what is it going to look like if the convictions of 300 plus people of these writers are now thrown into limbo yeah, exactly right. kate, the supreme court has to define the scope of the statute that was passed in the wake of the enron scandal. it has two halves, path of it applies to the alteration or mutilation of documents. the other half is for otherwise, corrupts corruptly interferes, impedes, or obstructs, and an official proceeding, the government alleges that that otherwise is sort of a broad catchall and any way in which a person somehow interferes with an official proceeding is covered by the statute. mr. fisher, the defendant in the case, arguing he's now you have to look at otherwise in connection to that first part, which is the alteration of documents, i think it does have broader implications for what i've always called this blue collar
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part of the jan. sixth case. there are a lot of people that are charged with trespass or assault cases in which they are pledged to have violently breached the boundaries of the capital. but then there's the white collar part of the case, which is a much broader effort to interfere with the official proceeding. and i don't think that even the narrow interpretation would touch the white-collar part because there are false documents. there are these fake electors certificates that the government has alleged we're part of the charge conspiracy. so even under the narrow construction, i think the white-collar defendants in the jan. six cases, including the former president survive. >> and that's what i wanted to ask you because when you talk about implications from the supreme court and what this looks like, special counsel jack smith's seems to be kind of looking ahead he wrote in, there is a filing where he even noted and made the case that even if this the scope of this is defined narrowly with the supreme court ruling, he still thinks that he can move ahead with the case against donald trump because he has charged
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trump with violating the same law as part of his election interference case. you think that it stands godless of what we hear today >> yeah, i do. first of all, there four counts in the special counsel's indictment of the former president, two of which are under this statute that's at issue in front of the court today. the other two conspiracy to defraud the united states and the deprivation of civil rights. the right to vote would not be touched by this opinion. but even if the supreme court narrowly interprets 15, 12, that obstruction statute, special counsel has evidenced that he did use false documents, which would be consistent with that obstruction theory tied to the enron pattern. and the more limited interpretation that part of the charged conspiracy was the submission of these fake electors that were signed as official. but we're not did not reflect the results of the voters in that state. so i think the special counsel's indictment of the former
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president is fine, regardless, there are a lot of other cases as paula points out, where there is no nope. the defendants were not involved in fake electors. they're just up there storming the capitol. those convictions under that statute are potentially subject to those counts being dismissed and resentenced things. almost all of those cases that also had other counts. so i don't expect a lot of practical impact even bob and of a narrow interpretation, it's great to have you because you have two pieces of your resume are so critical on this as a former federal prosecutor, also as the chief investigative >> counsel to the january 6 committee, you know the details of what happened when and by whom better than anyone, tim, thank you so much for coming on. it's good to see you. >> oh, programming no, for all of you next >> hour, cnn will be taking the supreme court arguments live, will be bringing you that it's special coverage of that still ahead for us. they called themselves gods misfits now for oklahoma defendants are facing murder charges in the alleged
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your business online in minutes with godaddy arrow this situation with wolf blitzer >> denied it six once cnn tasers burner phones, and a bloody scene, all now part of the case being built against four >> suspects, the unsealed court documents now revealing new information about the investigation into the disappearance and murder of two women in oklahoma now, a custody battle between one of the victims and one of the suspects is becoming a focus. cnn's rosa flores has much more on this. she's joining us now, russell, what are you learning? >> well, kate, i check with investigators this morning to see if there were any new details. they say no, but i want to start from the top here to get you through this this nightmare started about two weeks ago for the families of veronica butler and jilian kelley. that's when butler and kelley were on their way to pick up butler's children from
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their grandmother. that's when these two women vanished in rural oklahoma. they were supposed to go to a birthday party when they didn't show up, butler's family when out to try to find these women and they found the abandoned car that's when they called police. now we have video of that area. you now see flowers and across with the names of both of these women there. now investigators responded to the scene. and here's how that scene is described. in court affidavits. it's as quote, blood was found on the roadway and edge of the roadway. butler's glasses were also found d and the roadway south o the vehicle near a broken hammer, a pistol magazine was found inside kelley's purse at the scene, but no pistol was found according to that same affidavit butler and the grandmother of the children are in this custody battle and now button now, the grandmother is accused of butler's murder, but she's got the only suspect. there are four suspects. take a look. >> now, tifany, >> michelle atoms. is that
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grandmother? her boyfriend is also a suspect. that's tad bert cullum hello. and the two other suspects are married, cole, earl twombly, and cora gayle twombly. they all belong to an anti-government group called god's misfits. and again all of this is according to the affidavits. now it's important to note that two bodies were recovered over the weekend. the medical examiner has not identified them as butler or kelley the medical examiner still working to identify the bodies, but the affidavit makes it very clear that these four suspects are charged with two first degree murder charges, two kidnapping charges, and one charge for conspiracy to commit first-degree murder. by arranging and plananning the deliberate, intentional, and unlawful taking of the life of veronica butler and/or jilian kelley. now, this affidavit goes on to say that adams, the grandmother, purchase five star guns, three burner phones. there are multiple agencies involved in this case. and kate, i should add that cnn has
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made attempts to determine if these for sunday suspects have legal representation. we have not been successful when we do know is that they will be facing a judge for the first time tomorrow morning >> okay. >> maybe we'll learn more there and then i'm rosa, thank you very much. jumped or i keep just a >> couple of minutes ago, donald trump arrived at the manhattan courthouse for his new york criminal trial before going into the core from he had a few comments. i want to play just the beginning of it so you get a flavor for how he seemed today. let's listen >> thank you very much. >> trial that should have never been i a trial that is being looked at >> we looked at all over the world >> are looking at and analyze every illegal conduct, every legal scholar said this trial is a disgrace. we haven't trump-hating. >> you can hear donald trump there, who came across as a bit
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angry, perhaps saying that all over the world legal analysts are looking at this and analyzing the case. so with this now is senior political commentator the former a special assistant to president george w bush, scott jennings, and cnn political commentator and former south carolina state representative bakari sellers in bakari if you had a chance to see him, go into the courtroom today, it appear to be a little bit of a different donald trump than we saw maybe before he may have seemed a little angry there. i don't know if he's reacting to the reports. are maggie haberman and others that he fell asleep in the courtroom yesterday or appeared to nod off. but is this the kind of look that you think he wants to send over the next several weeks where this will be a large part of where he's spending his campaign luck. >> this isn't the look of someone who was the former president of the united states. this isn't the look of who scott jennings and his party have nominated to run for president of the united states. >> this is the look >> of a criminal defendant. and he has the same behavior as
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criminal defendants. i'm a criminal defense attorney. i do that. i do that what and many of my defendants, many of my clients are in the same precarious predicament and they had that same type of reaction when asked questions. i mean, it's it's more fear than anything else. you don't have control over the situation around you, donald trump, it has completely lost control of the situation in the courtroom. and that's what you're seeing. you're seeing this very palpable fear of a criminal defendant. let's not forget that now he is on the other end of the criminal justice system where he's tried to put so many other individuals, the central park five come to mind initially but now he is on that end of the criminal justice system and he's going to get justice doled out to him like everyone else in the united states of america, he's not above the law and he's going to have to sit there and take it in a few weeks. there'll be a felon well, we'll see obviously they have to go through this trial before they render a verdict. scott, >> do you on the political rewards and risks for donald
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trump in his behavior as he enters and exit this courtroom. almost everyday for the next six weeks, how do you see it >> well, now, on the one hand, you know, not much has really changed donald trump's image overall. i mean, in the last four years, his image just basically unchanged. biden's is taken in those dive, but his is unchanged. and so i wonder sometimes if it's easy to overread this and say this is going to affect them. this won't, i think in terms of political rewards his basis enraged by this, obviously they think this case is a dog and they think he's being unfairly treated just as we've seen him use other parts of the legal process here too. ramp-up that rage and turn that into political activism or fundraising activism i fully expect them to do that again over all case, i think people are worried less about this thing then they are the january this case, which we still don't know whether that's going to trial. >> yeah >> you talk about what may be baked into the cake with donald trump already. it's got, i'll put this one to you first. no
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there are going to be salacious details that come out in this trial because of the legal rulings that were made yesterday? no, they won't be able to play the access hollywood tape, but yes, they will be able to refer to the transcript. karen mcdougal, who donald trump allegedly had a relationship with some of the testimony about that allege relationship will be part of this. what impact might that have scott on, say women voters in this election >> i mean, are we are you telling me we're about to find out that donald trump had sex with women who aren't his wife. i mean, are we all going to be shocked by this? i mean, there's nothing that's the thing about all this. there's really nothing you can tell the voter the average voter in america, something they don't already know about donald trump, what they may not know yet and what they won't know until this is over width is whether he's going to be convicted of a crime over it or what happens to him? this summer. but in terms of personal behavior, in terms of who he is people know this already and so that's why i don't expect massive flows in his overall image. because there's not a darn thing that's going to be said in my
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opinion, that's going to change what people already believe, whether you love him or hate him about donald trump supercar. is that right? all asked and answered when it comes to any of these details about donald trump so i think two things does scott said are just absolutely correct, are the four cases donald trump is facing this probably is the weakest, i think any lawyer will tell you that you are stewed viewer will tell you this is weaker than the classified documents january 6, and they elana rico trial. he doesn't have nearly the exposure that's first second. yeah. i mean, donald trump this is baked into the cake. everybody who votes for donald trump knows did he cheated on his wife with a porn star every everybody who votes for donald trump knows that. now whether or not christian conservatives and white male evangelical sleep well at night knowing that they cast their ballot for that's between them and who they prayed to >> the other, the >> only thing i disagree with scott over is this one thing this race is going to be so close that is going to be one around the fringes. those those excerpts, those suburbs excerpts. and i believe that they're going to be enough voters who we have to hear this repeatedly and repeatedly, that
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it won't change a wide swath. he's not going to drop a 345 percentage is but he might drop half a percent here, half a percentage there. that may be enough to lose michigan, lose pennsylvania, lose wisconsin. you never know. >> of course, donald trump denies the existence of these relationships with we will see how it plays out. it was interesting, and i have to wrap up here, but mitch landrieu, who is speaking on behalf of the biden campaign. he only tangentially refers to this core case, although it does seem to be some programming from the democrats now, with this case going on, it's got great to see you because great to see you as well so we'll ticketing giant live nation have to face the music. why the justice? apartment maybe listening to some angry taylor swift fans, we just heard to make retailers goodness. oh, no, that was actually taylor swift >> hi, it's christina again. i'm here to tell you about an
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redefining insurance >> this is cnn the world's news network >> this morning, new reporting about a legal case that could change the music industry as we know it, according to the wall street journal the justice department is getting ready to bring an antitrust lawsuit against live nation, one of the biggest names in live music, live nation is a parent company of ticket matter and live nation and ticketmaster, you remember got all the wrong headlines back in 2022 after the pre-sale ticketing debacle for the taylor swift erez tour cnn's elizabeth wagmeister has much more on this new reporting coming out the wall street journal was reporting this first, elizabeth, tell us more about what we're learning >> yes. so according to the wall street journal, the department of justice is preparing to file an antitrust suit against live nation as
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soon as next month. now, the specific allegations have not come to light yet, but essentially what this report is saying is that ticketmaster and live nation have a hold on the industry and they have monopolized the industry. there is no competition now in the past i've nation has downplayed this and they have said that they are not responsible for inflated ticket prices. but as you said, kate, we all remember back in 2022 when there was a nationwide meltdown over taylor swift's aerator, when fans could not get tickets and even prompted taylor swift to respond on her diagram, which is very rare for taylor swift to do. and she said how upset she was over this that her fans couldn't get tickets or that the tickets were at astronomical prices. now, this even resulted in a hearing last year in january of 2023. it was very contentious. the esident of live nation testified, and this was one remember those rare occurrences
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that brought together lawmakers from both sides. now, we have reached out to both live nation and the doj, and we have not heard back, but in a statement to the wall street journal, a spokesperson for ticketmaster, how did this to say, quote, ticketmaster has more competition today than it has ever had in the deal terms with venue show. it has nothing close to monopoly power. this obviously is one of the biggest issues facing the music industry. so much more to come absolutely, elizabeth. thank you so much for bringing us out reporting and thank you all for being with us today. this has been seen a new central liver special seat, a newsroom with jim acosta is okay. >> yeah, we got orders coming in starting and business is never easy. a star name, eight months pregnant that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase e car made it easy. when you go for something
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cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less >> cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays exclusively on macs >> cnn breaking news good morning. you were >> alive in the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington. we are following two major legal stories today impacting former president donald trump in new york. jury selection has resumed in the criminal hush money trial against trump. he spoke before heading into court as he fights 34 felony charges of falsifying business records and in moments, the supreme court will hear arguments on whether the federal government improperly used an obstruction law when charging trump and more than 350 january 6, rioters we will bring those arguments to you live and just a short while from now. but first let's head to l4, lower manhattan and


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