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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 16, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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by anderson calls >> so overwhelmed. so i >> started crying >> for >> doing it was a >> game changer get started artist today at your house solomon in new york. >> and this is cnn >> from the trial to the trail 2024, split-screen moment, former president donald trump and i hadn't courtroom as jury selection is underway in his hush money criminal trial president biden, meantime, making a campaign stop in pennsylvania, trying to sell his economic vision. >> what >> this means in the race for the white house. >> the united states. now expects that israel's response to iran's attack will be limited in scope details on what that could mean. and when it could happen. >> plus the effort to oust house speaker mike johnson is growing another gop hardliner
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if now supporting the effort to remove johnson as speaker at the center of all of his infighting crucial foreign aid are following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central >> thanks so much for joining us on cnn news central. we are about to witness a historic split-screen president biden on the campaign trail, former president trump on trial. it's an image that could play out over and over again throughout the campaign season. biden is in the battleground of pennsylvania today, which was key to his 2020 victory over trump. and just a few minutes, he's going to deliver remarks on the economy in the face of re-ignited concerns over inflation. >> and at the same time on the other side of your screen tropics isn't a new york courtroom as the first former president ever on trial for criminal charges, jury selection underway on day two of this historic trial. and
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earlier, trump complained he stuck there instead of campaigning >> cnn chief legal analyst laura coates is >> outside the manhattan courthouse. courthouse and laura, what will we see when everyone resumes? the after lunch >> what we're told we're going to see the very historic day yet again, maybe even strikes beginning to happen. remember, you've got jurors who are in what's called the jury box distinct from the jury. well, which is basically the audience part of the courtroom. they've been brought in now, 18 people are in the jury box for a total but 18 people, including potentially 12 jurors, essentially six alternates. they're being asked questions at this time now because they're in that box, it does not mean it actually going to stay there for the duration of the trial. and you just moments ago, we were also sitting here, kara, when mayor adams came out onto the street outside of this courthouse to actually check on security issues. he casa number of questions by reporters who pressed him about why he was president. he talked about wondering if the footprint of law enforcement with sufficient at an historic time like this,
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he feels that it has been is also been lessened from yesterday, keeping protesters under control. he was also asked whether he thinks that trump can get a fair trial in manhattan. he said that was a love his pay grade, but that was a fair city. and that we should look ahead to this chart. this trial has an opportunity to test what we know about our jury system. but what we do not have our jury system here, kara is really striking because you've got jurors inside of that courtroom in the presence of a former president of the united states. >> yeah. i mean, think of this, your you've got your thing in the mail to go to jury selection. you come inside here and you walk in the courtroom and you're sitting there with the former president of the united states. there as a defendant and being asked if you could be fair and impartial, if you're chosen to be on this jury. and so we've seen the morning, they've gone through the questionnaires, they've read did it out, jurors who said that they think they have a bias then they had the prosecution and trump's lawyers each take 30 minutes to question those 18 jurors
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currently in the box. we got some interesting answers learning about some of these jurors that they knew. they watched the apprentice when when trump was on it, you know, other saying one juror as we were talking about said that she was completely unaware that trump has been charged in three other cases. so you really get a cross-section of new yorkers. everyone here is from the bureau of manhattan that has been called for jury selection. and they're going through this process. and as you said, after this, they are now going to begin doing strikes. each side has ten strikes. they likely won't use them all now. but this, so this is not the end. we're not at the end yet. but we'll get the first sense. now we know who these 18 people are. both sides will have an opportunity to use a strike, use as many as they want to eliminate people for whatever reason that they don't want to be on this jury. of course, that's risky because you don't know who's going to come in and fill the seat. >> you don't know and boris and you look at it then think about peremptory strike. i think about prerogative. it's your project to strike someone for whatever reason you think appropriate, whether they looked at you in correctly, you don't like the way their
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t-shirt fits them or by the way, you can't do it for any absolutely wrong reason, like race, gender, or ethnicities that to be careful about that, by the end of the day, boris, you've got equal parts art, intuition, gut here and experience all playing into figure out who ought to sit on this jury pool. and as kara talked about, be careful about using up all of your strikes in initially because down the line, you may have someone you want to strike. and this judge is not going to give you additional opportunities to do so. >> yeah. never thought that'd be judged for the way i wear a t-shirt. apparently that could get you struck from a jury. laura coates was precisely for you, boris, i there was a problem. i'm just letting you know. >> you can't sit on my jury. >> her prerogative. i've got some work to do. laura coates. thank you so much. we'll check back in died. i love it >> let's bring in cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor to discuss elliott williams is with us. elliott,
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laura jokes about the way that the defense and the prosecution might go about employing these strikes. what's the strategy here for them though? is it as simple as? he gave me a look, i didn't like look, it's not a joke. and i know everybody was chuckling about it. something like a tire is the kind of matter that you can judge a juror on the basis of that's perfectly lawful and perfectly permissible. here's a great example. someone's attire tells you there are class, perhaps their education might tell you how they work, where they work so on. and these are the kinds of factors that can go into how a person might approach the criminal justice system or a particular defendant. so your your t-shirts aside that could count either way for you or anybody else in laura is absolutely right. these ideas about rais and gender, and ethnicity, certainly by law, cannot be brought biden, but everything else is fair game, including that t-shirt is so fascinating, isn't it? >> then i think about that and kinda the psychology of all that. and then you have the former president united states,
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who's going to the microphones from time to time, who's speaking out while all of this is happening what kind of role is that playing? because that's kind of an x-factor to it. it >> is an x-factor you're now any potential juror who hears anything he says could potentially be tainted. now, the judge has instructed, i believe, anybody who's even in the jury pool, not even the people in the room to avoid watching the news, avoid reading the newspapers and so on because of the fact that they might be subject to some of the vast coverage around the country here. but look anytime anybody here's information about a case before they go into what they've started to develop preconceived notions about the defendant guilt and innocence and so on. it's very dangerous. but i think wink, wink, the president does know what he's doing here. >> i know you always appreciate when i asked you questions that are impossible to answer. who's going to land >> what, do you imagine the timetable for this looks like because the pace of it, so many people have been dismissed fairly quickly it seems like we'll get there before a
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couple of weeks, right? >> it's hard to say. i know i know you love when i say that he didn't dismiss a lot of people quickly. now, the judge did not have to it was a great way to slough off people who clearly would have been tapped to rehabilitate. but the judge could have asked them questions in short, it's tried to save them saying, look, if i tell you what the law is, can you still be honest and fair? and most people will say yes, i would be shocked if this happened within a few weeks, only because, you have to find people who are equally palatable to all sides. once those tens strikes that laura and qarrah doctor about for each side the attorneys have to sort of these tofu people who are mushy and palatable to everybody. you got to find where they are. then once you've weeded out, people with conflicts, people with politics, people with beer can see it's just, it can be very hard >> and you have to get this part right? right. because appeal could hang on some of this, right? absolutely. you have to get this part right? number one, for your chances of victory because the jury could be the whole game and you put a couple of bad jurors on, you can end up with a hung jury or
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an acquittal or whatever else. now, messing up jury selection is a basis by which an appeals court can throw out the case if the judge could find that getting back to this race and gender question that prosecutors were striking jurors on the basis of their race or use some other factor that could deck of throw away a whole conviction. so there are many pitfalls along the way for particularly for prosecutors, but for the judge as well. >> all right. well, we will continue to watch and see how this plays out. elliott williams, thanks so much good to see you as donald trump sits in that manhattan courtroom for his criminal trial, president biden is campaigning in pennsylvania, a critical swing state in the 2024 election. any moment now the president is set to speak in his hometown of scranton, where he will try to draw a sharp contrast between his economic views and those of his republican rival. cnn's arlette saenz is live force on the ground in the battleground. state arlette what should we expect to hear from president biden in light of this news regarding concerns over
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inflation well bores president biden is expected to make a sharp economic contrast with former president donald >> trump as he kicks off to this three-day swing through pennsylvania, he will not be just trying to draw a contrast when it comes to policy, but also how the to menn are spending their time at this point in the alliance election with president studies, it's probably need to spend the next three days here in pennsylvania while former president donald trump is in new york city in a courtroom facing criminal trial. now the president really is expected to deliver an economic populist message as he's tries to draw this stark contrast with trump when it comes to the issues of taxes. and you see right over my shoulder the banner for this event is tax fairness for all americans. that is something that the president's expected distress in his remarks today as he is criticizing trump's plan to extend the 2017 tax cuts tax cuts that were given to all americans. but really a favorite, the wealthy, much more than others. the president for his part has been
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campaigning on raising taxes on the wealthy as well as corporations, while vowing to keep to not have any attacks, hikes for those families who are making $400,000 or less now i want to read you a little bit of the excerpts of the campaign released ahead of this speech, the president will say, quote, no billionaire should pay a lower tax rate than a teacher, a sanitation worker, or a nurse first, he will also say, under my plan, nobody earning less than $400,000 will pay an additional penny in federal taxes. nobody, not one penny. i want to cut taxes for hardworking folks here in scranton and across the country, the president has often turned to scranton to really vouch for his working class roots back in 2020 traveled to your many times with him when he tried to make that argument that it was a campaign between scranton versus park avenue heading into this trip, campaign officials really tweaks that a little bit, saying that it's a campaign where the president is focused on those kitchen tables issues facing scranton voters, while the former president has a mar-a-lago vision for the country. but this all does come
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at a time. the president's trying to move the needles with voters who disapprove of his handling of the economy. and of course pennsylvania will be critical to biden's reelection if you were to win here as they're trying to keep that so-called blue wall intact. looking at states like pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin heading into november arlette saenz lie for us in scranton we will be monitoring the president's remarks and bringing the details as we get them. thank you so much. >> still ahead. sources telling cnn that israel's military response to iran strikes will be limited, as iran warns of severe and painful consequences. if iranian interests are hit plus dismiss from an out of the house is going to send articles of impeachment against the department of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas, to the senate will be live on capihillor that moment. >> and book bands are on the rise of public schools from coast to coast. but one state is leading the way tell you which one that's ahead on cnn news central
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enforce existing immigration laws. cnn's manu raju was live force on capitol hill, mono. what's happening right now? >> yeah, we're waiting for the house impeachment managers to actually deliver those articles of impeachment over in the senate. they're finishing up of their final round of votes. and that's when we expect this to happen. this will be a bit of a formal process. they'll go and deliver these articles over into the senate. then they're going to read from the articles themselves then ultimately had the trial will begin tomorrow, and that's looming the question of how quickly democrats plan to dispense of this effort. this of course is historic and is in a lot of ways unprecedented. it has been one other cabinet secretary that has been impeached before, but that was during the civil war era where something that is not really in modern times, a cabinet secretary being charged with high crimes or misdemeanors and republicans do not have the votes to convict alejandro mayorkas. i would require 67 votes united states senate that is controlled. 51, 49 for the democrats. and the
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question will be how some of the democrats, and whether some republicans will join this ever to dismiss these charges. one democrat that i caught up with senator bob casey of pennsylvania, he's a vulnerable democratic, difficult race, but he made clear that he is not concerned about being attacked by republicans by voting to essentially dismiss these charges as soon as tomorrow, contending to dissolve political so we're going through this. what is a political exercise but we'll see what happens today in the process and hope we can conclude this and get back to work to get there should be a trial in the border and there should be at trial. >> i don't i think we should move on and get to work on it bipartisan border security deal >> so after this are delivered today, then essentially after that or read aloud in the united states senate, then work or sms will be done on the trial portion for the day, then they'll come back tomorrow. the jurors well, i'll be sworn in. president pro tem. patty murray is a senator from washington democrat will oversee these proceedings. then there maybe some votes on the
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senate floor sometime tomorrow, maybe some efforts by republicans try to force a full bone trial, but with a simple majority of senators that will be enough to vr republic democrats to essentially dismissed outright assuming they can keep all their members in line. and what you heard from their one vulnerable democrat, bob casey saying he's going to dismiss, but also watch for some republicans in the center, some other republicans like susan collins, or at least are murkowski or even mitt romney are retiring republican senator who has criticized this effort as well. there could be a bipartisan opposition to this effort, which it has been going on for months and months, but we'll end here soon in the senators democrats stand poised. to essentially reject this trial prevented from having a full-blown proceeded here in united states senate. for us. >> yeah, a historic moment to witness, even if it gets dismissed, manu raju from capitol hill. thank you so much. stay within a new central were back in just a few minutes >> when the jinx came out, i thought, oh my god when bob has a friend, he expects blind
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and i have told him this in private, like weeks ago >> cnn's lauren fox is on capitol hill and lauren massie joins marjorie taylor greene on this. house speaker johnson responding and trying to move forward at this really critical time for this aid package. >> yeah. jessica, we are expecting that we will get a sneak peek, a view of exactly what johnson plans to put on the floor later today. >> if >> indeed we get the details of what that package looks like, we may have more details about what johnson since future actually looks like. but right now, he is staring down to members who are publicly saying that they would vote to oust him. those two members have not indicated when they would bring that to the floor or even if they will definitely bring that to the floor. but obviously johnson managing what he thinks is the right thing to do, which is putting these aid packages on the house floor and the reality that he may lose his job over it. here's what johnson said.
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>> just >> several minutes after that house republican conference meeting when massie said that he had asked him to resign hey, i'm not resigning. and it is it is in my view and absurd notion that someone would bring a vacate motion when we are simply here trying to do our jobs. it is not helpful to the cause. it is not helpful to the country. it has not helped the house republicans advance our agenda, which is in the best interest of the american people here jessica, we obviously hear a lot from the hardline conservatives, people like marjorie taylor greene, people like thomas massie, but i was >> just at house republican votes. they were having a discussion you saw so many republicans that i was talking to saying that they support speaker johnson, that they think he is doing the right thing. but in the context of such a narrow majority any one single member can be the difference maker here and after friday, he can only afford to lose one single republican on any important vote that includes the vote of whether or
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not he keeps his job. >> jessica, no one single member. that's all it takes. lauren fox for us on capitol hill. thanks so much for us >> right now world leaders are bracing for israel's response to the unprecedented attack from iran. the state department says that us officials haven't been informed about the plan despite israel's war cabinet meeting earlier today for the fifth time since the attack, joining us now is global opinions writer for the washington post, jason resign. we should note he spent 544 days wrongfully imprisoned in iran he's also the author of prisoner my 544 days in an iranian prison. jason, thanks so much for being with us. us intelligence is suggesting that israel is weighing a response inside iranian territory, though reportedly a limited response in scope what do you think potential targets could be >> well, or first and foremost, i think we have to think about iran's nuclear programs. other
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military installations, places where they might be building plastic missiles. >> but you got >> to remember a lot of these facilities are underground i think it's unlikely that they would target heavily populated areas but ultimately iran, especially urban iran, is very densely populated and most of the country's top leadership lives in tehran. so there is quite a lot of damage that could be inflicted by any sort of attack on iranian soil. as limited in scope as this attack might be. how do you anticipate the iranian government might respond to a strike inside its borders. it seems like we're on a path toward escalating retaliation that's one of the, reasons boards, while i think that the assault on saturday night was >> so surprising that so many people feels as though iran might be chording that kind of attack from israel. although
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for the last 35 years since the eight-year war between iran and iraq did iran, one of its claims to fame of the islamic republic or success by their own metrics is that they've been able to keep military attacks from outside its borders at bay so think it' quitsignifant escalaon. i don't kn what e calculation was on theraan sayyed, but e truth is, they dot have the kd of to thwart the kind of aerosol thaty subjted onsrael over the weeke >> giv tt point short of milita action, what could israel and it's allies do to potentlly der iran if there'a stkerom israel now, andhey don't want a rhonda raliate. itat options doha? >> wi thinthat there are the nd of options at they've eloyed in t past,
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which is targeting iranian officials military officials, which inspired this response by iran in the first place. >> i attacks they've shown and that they can successfully pull off against iranian infrastructure but timately, i think its very important that we look at what the biden administration is doing and saying essentiay to t leade of israel that it hurts to take an offensive approach to iranian soil, this is not somethe united states would joinnto. and i thk th' indicator this momis one tng that irious wantsay is that people of iran in particular are que scared abouthiment becausthey are nt all happy th the leadership that they're living der. at the there's acutelaware of what a war on its soil looks and feels like it's not something
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that people have that try a moment ago, i alluded to israel's allies. i would't necessarily describe them as fast and firm lies, given the nature of the relationship ben saudi you're rabia, foexample, in israel. nevertheless, saudi arabia and jordan took epthis weekend to limithe scope of ron's attacks insidesrael. how do yothink those regional players ultimatelylay a role in whatever decision is real might make i think they play a very crucial role as you know, there's no lovlost between iran and saudi arabia. and the other gulftates. >> athe >> se time, they all live in the same neighborhooand have to co-exist to a certain degreethinthe countries at we ou be looking to be the most iluential trying to rece tension. turki the uae, jordan, as you mentioned >> but you lk at
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true american ally in many nd respects and a budding allegiance, if you will, with israel. i think that they two can play very critical role here. >> jason resign. appreci your perspective. thanks for >> thanks, bores. >> still plenty mourners to come on. new central this just incurs a trump lawyers are now beginning the procs of using the prmptive s on potential jurors we're going to take you ck live outside the cothouse for the latest we're also keeping an eye on scranton, pennsylvania president biden speaking. they're making what his campaign is calling a major announcement about taxesore straight ahead >> when the jinx came out, i thought, oh, my god, when bob has a friend, he expects blind loyalty >> hi to them, surprises
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>> oh crap. >> that's a really good gift. >> now, weotta get frehse soing. >> we could use these new gift mode >> y. what do therench like? >> acheese >> they like cheese, >>rilliant. >> done >>ot tdo four more who don't he would get new office that has been the fight. that has be folded over the last several months. but republicans he house will that are narrow majority tried twice on the house floor, ultimately got the votes to impeach alejandro halinge border amounte to a high crime or misdemeanor now they are delivering thos ticl oimpehment to the senatehat walking across the capital through that from the house, the senate is abo a three-minute walk or so, then they will actually deliv it. there will stand inside the house chamber, delivers that a amber actually deliver the
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articles lead from the articles, and then they'll essentially be the done for the business for the date on this trial, then tomorrow well, actually be when this will some of the proceedings will ke ac the jurors were the senators, will be sworin by thpresident, proem of the senate. at's senator patty murray of washington state. and thenhere'll be votes as republicans are planning to push for some of their votes on the senate four, we'll see what they ultimately decided to do democrats are expected either try to quickly kill these proceedings, essentially dismiss them all together and they would need a simple majority of vote to do that. and we do expect they would have a simple majority in the 51, 49 democratic controls senate to assembly dismiss this trial from even ever taking place. some republicans may join them in that effort as well. that replicans who don't we'll there's y ounds for impeachment of the homeland security secretary, but no question about it. despite the controversy in the politics or the center of al this, a historic move by the house republicans to go after a
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cabinet secretary like this, tryi tpush him out of ofce. so his second time in americanistory that we have seen h happened before to a cabinet secretary, but it's not going anywhere, en sene majork, mayorkas, the first cabineseary toe impeached and roughly 150 years you'd have to go back to the civil war to recall the last time that, that happened mondo, let's take a step ck and house republicans ulmately th it has to do with entioned the argument that mayoas was ignoringmmigration law. the counter-gument to that thou, is that mayorkas mayorkas acton behf of president biden, right? >> yeah. i mean, they're saying that he willfully allowed the border to get out of control, to allow for the influx of migrants at the southern border of mico. and thais something that of course the stngly denie the white contend thats essentlly
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llowing e law of t land, and that ultimately the pocy is said by t white house and house is policy. mayorkas was central, also the negotiations in the senate to change immigration law, to actually try to move ahead with a new border security measure route with border security package. but that plan the scuttled in the united states and a by republicans, mayorkas had argued he needed more tools and more different laws in order to do what republicans in the house essentially had accused him of ignoring. so that has been the essence of the dispute here as rewatching here right now, boris, the senate sergeant at arms, called so of business here in the unitedtates senate. >> let's take a moment and list in >> nicholas mayorkas secretary homeland secuty t managers on e part of the house, will proceed
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>> mr. president the managers on the part of the house of representatives are present. and rey to present the arties of peachment which have been preferred by the house of representatives against alejandro nicholas mayorkas secry of e departmentf homeland security the house add the following resolution which will with permission of the senate, i will read house soluon 995 resolved that mr. green of tennessee, mr. mccoll, mr. biggs, mr. higgins of louisiana mr. klein, m guest, mr. garbarino,s greene of georgia, >> mr. pfluger, msagen, d ms l of florida are pointed managers to conduct the impeachmt triaagains alandro nicholas mayorkas cretary of homeland security that a message be sent to the se to inform the sate of these appointments, and that the managers, so appointed me inonnectn to preparation and the conduct ofhe trial exh
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impehment to the sate and take all necessa actions whh may include e >> o ing. >> employing legal, cleric, and other necessary assistance and incurring such other expenses as may be nessary t be paid frommountsilable to the committee on homend security under applicabl expense resolutions or for the applicable amounts of the house of representatives two sending for persons and papers and filing with the secretary of the senate on the part of the house of representatives. >> any >> pleadings in conjunction with or subsequent to the exhibition of the articles of impeachment that the managers consider necessary with the permission of the senate. i will now read the articles of impeachment house resolution 863 resolved that alejandro nicholas may secretary of homeland security, the united states of america, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. and at the following articles of
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impeachment be exhibited to the united states senate articles of impeachment exhibited by the house of representatives of the united states of america. and the name of itself and the people of the united states of america against alejandro mayorkas secretary of homeland security of the united states of america and maintenance and support of its impeachment against him for high crimes and misdemeanors >> article one, >> willful and systemic refusal to comply with law the constitution provides that the house of representatives, quote, shall have the sole power of impeachment in quote and that's civil officers of the united states, including the secretary of homeland security, quote shall be removed from office on impeachment four and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes, and misdemeanors in quote in his conduct while secretary of homeland security alejandro and mayorkas, and violation of his oath to support and defend the constitution of the united
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states against all enemies foreign and domestic to bear true faith and allegiance to the same and two, well and faithfully discharge the duties of his office, has willfully and systemically refused to comply with the federal immigration laws in that throughout his tenure as secretary of homeland security, alejandro and mayorkas has repeatedly violated laws enacted by congress regarding immigration and border security in large part, because it is unlawful conduct. millions of aliens have illegally entered the united states on an annual basis with many unlawfully remaining in the united states his refusal to obey the law is not only an offense against the separation of powers in the constitution of the united states. it also threatens our national security. and and has had a dire impact on communities across the country. we have been listening to your abdomen. mark green of tennessee, the chairman of the homeland security committee, as he is announcing the articles
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of impeachment against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas to the senate. mayorkas is being accused by house republicans of willfully and systemically refusing to comply with federal immigration law it does not seem at all likely that the senate is going to move forward with a conviction of the secretary just based on basic math of course, this is a historic moment though this is the first time that a sitting secretary in the cabinet has been impeached by congress since 150 years ago, back during the civil war era. we're going to keep an eye on what is happening on capitol hill and bring you the latest as we get it for now, let's turn over to jessica all right, boris, thanks so much. it is day two of jury selection. the president trump's hush money trial. it's back underway. let's get out to cnn's laura coates. because laura, i understand that the judge has now told trump's attorney he
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needs to talk to his client because something as something that president trump, the judge said it's doing toward one of the potential jurors >> yesere are reworks begiing to hpen in thi ere is a momt when you're different potential ro, even at the juncturedecide whher th actuay shou be on your jurywhat issue here is one juror is facebook kara scaell this because qarr, thfacebookosting at appeato show some celeation happening the ar 2020. >> t >> prosecution wants heard. that ijuror not to be removed a celebratory filming from a distance he defensthanks. so this is actually biased against trump. what's happing, right? so thth broht this juror into the courtroom alone withouthother jurors there. sthe jue coul actually did picd it on this videand the jury of responded saying tit w a new york moment that she caughtn camera. i concern is >> what it's an it's a video
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of a celebration around of an election now what so trump's lawys? well, the queion is, was this around election day or the day that biden was declared the winner in 2020which remember was about a week later. and so defee lawyers are saying this is cle an anti-trump event. shdidn' say that she went to an antirump rallythough the new york moment that she caught on camera from the judge question term, the defense team saying they thought that she need tbe go for bias. the judge said the juror looked me in the eye and said that she could be in partial, so we refuse to excuse her for cause. that still means trump's lawyers could use one of their strikes that they want to on her, though they have not yet, but that prompted this reaction court from trump, while as the juror was leaving, he could be heard audibly saying something and gesturing in the direction of the juror leaving the room, that prompted the judge to raise his voice. he is a soft-spoken judge, but firm. he raised his voice and said said to trump's lawyer, can hear your client uttering and mourning him that he cannot do
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that, cannot disrupt this proceeding advising him to talk to his client and then went on to suggest that he won't have any jurors intimidated. it's really important moment here. we're not talking about a collective number of jurors in the room care. we're talking about if there is additional questioning for a juror, they are to be by themselves in that particular quorum. so you've got secret service the former president united states defense and prosecution, the judge and the loan juror being questioned and you've got uttering or some sort reprimand being done against trump. that's really extraordinary moment it tells you were how many days now de and-a-half into jury selection? it seemed as though his patients for being able to be quiet in that courtroom is waning thin >> i mean, i was now this is the third trial i've covered with donald trump. has the defendant, the other two were civil cases different situations, different things at stake there. but you've seen trump really not being a people to not react in the moment too, at times in the e jean carroll case when she was testifying, he audibly reacted at first,
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again outside the press of the jury, prompted a warning from that judge telling him that he cannot disrupt these proceedings it was not he was warned about trump can can you to do it again, you can clearly see that it is hard for him not to want to react and respond when he's hearing certain things and the judge admonish trump at this moment, once the juror had left the room, but his whole the judges explanation for why his handling it this way, bringing this juror in for questioning is because he said at the outset he didn't want there to be any integer the mediation and that being intimidated from speaking among your peers and other jurors. but now there's this new wrinkle of not wanting there to be insemination because of the defendant was missing here. jessica, remember, is that we're talking about jurors, social media posts, facebook posts at this point in time. now, we in the media have no idea who was in that jury pool. there is anonymity to be preserved for a very good reason. but the attorneys in this room, there are aware of who they didn't are they're able to then search through their social
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media postings and imagine what they are finding and what could be a potential treasure trove of information. but at the end of the day, the judge wants so no, not just the existence of a post, but how it might demonstrate bias in a way that undermine the opportunity for the defendant to have a fair trial. again, they will have the final word heard in strikes. we only get ten total. so there's gonna be a lot at stake here >> all right, ceainly that is the case. laura coates for us with kara scannell outside the courthouse thing so much and stay with us. we're going to stay on this breaking news, but take a quick break. we'll be right back >> every piece of evidence tells a story >> how it really happened with jesse l. martin sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn you know, if you are cashback and you could earn on everything would just one car chase freedom unlimited. >> it's off. you're off the rack in or grabbed fracking your cash back in, cash back on flat baby back for tacos at the
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it at walmart >> the source with kaitlan collins. tonight at nine welcome back. >> we are following the goings on on capitol hill specifically
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in the senate chamber where the house impeachment managers for the impeachment of the homeland security secretary, alejandro mayorkas has just walked over those articles of impeachment and presented them to the senators who are sitting there let's go out to our chief congressional correspondent, manu raju. manu, how're senators kinda taking this in and what's the general feeling also worth reminding everyone that democrats control the senate? >> yeah, no question about it. and they are sitting there as they do in impeachment proceedings listenings, there are some that are sitting, there are some that are perhaps zoning out. but they're sitting there as prospective jurors are supposed to be neutral, even though pretty much everybody has their minds made up on how they ultimately will vote this impeachment. managers are reading the two two articles of impeachment. one dealing with the contention that alejandro mayorkas willfully ignored the laws of the united states. and other one involving a so-called breach of public trust as outlined in the two articles of impeachment. once that is done,
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that'll set you conclude the proceedings for the de, then they'll walk over to the house and the senate will move on with his de and then they'll reconvene tomorrow when those formal proceedings will actually take place, when they'll actually have a vote in the senate, ultimately to dismiss these charges here. now the question will be ultimately is where the votes ultimately come down. we do expect pretty much all democrats to vote in, unison to kill these proceedings outright. say there's no grounds for impeachment, let alone removing someone from office on the charges of a high crime and misdemeanor over dispute. a policy dispute at the southern border of mexico. but we're all a handful of republicans come down. i caught up with one senator mitt romney of retiring utah republican senator, who said that there's no grounds in here his view for impeaching mayorkas. he has not said, if you are ultimately vote to dismiss these proceedings, so there could be a bipartisan majority to essentially squashes from going forward. but republicans in the house have been trying all your lung, the pin. what is happening at
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the border on our a hundred america. so this is the moment to make the case as senators, but thiss probly the most, they may say jessica, ey won't be ae to make their case in a formal tal lik settinbecause demoats are prepeddismiss this outright tomorrow. >> yeah. all right. manu raju force on capitol hill. thanks so mucfor that latest reporting. >> right now, there are new details on jurors being dismissed that the criminal trial of former president dona trump, including a warning fromhe judge to the former president, will take you live with the courthouse and just moment >> there's new ally in the fight against climate change is in car business, blue carbon. we just need to protect nature will do the rest >> corbin, plus cnn filled sunday at nine arthritis pain. >> we >> say not today tylenol, eight hour arthritis pain has two layers of relief the first is fast, the second is long-lasting. we give you your day back so you can give it everything tylenol. number one,
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