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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 17, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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balanced nutrition for strength and energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein if you have graves disease and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable. >> people with graves could also get thyroid eye disease or ted, which may need a different doctor find a ted is norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what?
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but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? scan the code now and ask about the phosphoric guarantee i'm clarissa ward in tel aviv, and this is cnn it's wednesday, april 17, right now on cnn this morning, seven down five to go, jury selection. >> suddenly accelerating in the hush money trial of donald trump articles of impeachment against the homeland security secretary delivered to the senate while democrats are crawling the move, a stunt. and president biden on the campaign trail with a new message for voters about the economy i'd
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6:00 a.m. here in washington. here's a live look up on capitol hill, the sun not quite up just yet, but it's it's trying making a solid effort good morning, everyone. i'm jim acosta. and for casey on it's great to be with you this morning. we begin with the state of play in american politics right now, a major presumptive party nominee is in court facing criminal charges. the house speaker's job is in jeopardy, and the homeland security secretary is facing a possible impeachment trial just another day. here in washington but up in new york, donald trump's hush money trial is dark today. it resumes tomorrow with seven jurors selected the former president, reserving judgment on those who have been picked so far do you believe that the jury opening. >> statements in the hush money trial could begin on monday,
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also developing this morning, house republicans delivering to the senate articles of impeachment against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. >> it's not clear whether democrats will even consider a trial. and house speaker mike johnson refusing to step down as opposition mounts within his own caucus am not resigning and it is in my view, an absurd notion that someone would bring a vacate motion when we are simply here trying to do our jobs and let's bring and cnn political analyst and historian leah wright rigueur republican strategists, matt gorman, and new york times journalists lulu garcia-navarro, guys. thanks so much for being with us. i mean, what did you think matt a few moments ago when we heard donald trump saying, i'll let you know after the trial is over, what i think of these prospective jurors, i suppose. i mean, you know, that's what that's what you'd expect them to say. i think the tone is what i would recommend to you. you don't want to, you don't want to say one way or another because also, not only is there the park, but also the legal
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part, right. if you say they're fair and then something happens but i thought what was most interesting was we talked about this earlier this week so how he's going to be able to campaign when he's in a courtroom, go new a bodega, i thought was smart a granite. it was in harlem, wasn't that far away from the courthouse, but at least provide an opportunity for the media to see him outside of the courtroom, get some sort of message across. and as we all know, he's trying to appeal to minority voters. and it's someone who i think if he were to win the presidency it would be enlarged part to those african-american latino voters in particular. so not a bad strategy there. >> i mean, but isn't there some irony in that he left his own criminal trial to go complain about crime in new york city yes and i think unlike what you think will be the vision of this trial for me he the one that i keep on seeing is him sort of hunched, walking out of the courtroom. >> it's he looks, you know, it's tiring to be in a courtroom every day. and this is the image that we're gonna
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be seeing over and over and over again. him sort of like walking out of the courtroom, having to deal with this trial for weeks and weeks on end i think it's going to be something that is really going to stick in people's minds. the other thing that i will say about this trial so far is that we have been talking about how this was going to drag on, but we have seen very, very quickly, they have seeded these jurors seven of them. i mean, everyone was talking about this we're going to take forever. how you find people who are impartial and look lo and behold, here we have seven people already who are going to be seated at this trial. and so i think we're going to see a very speedy trial. i think we're going to see a very well-managed trial. and i think it's going to be tougher the former president to really wrangle this one things move fast in new york. >> leah me, donald trump should be used to that, right? >> you know, you would think that after all these years and after all of his contentious interactions with new yorkers. but donald trump would know something about new yorkers. i mean, he is a new yorker after all. >> and yet here we'll see
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donald trump doing the same kind of things that he's been doing over and over again. >> and, you know, i would posit to say it's because he's not trying to act chile appeal to the people of new york or new york city. i actually don't think that he is trying to appeal to people who would go to the bodega or who would vote in harlem, in large part because the campaign knows that those are groups of people that are lost, right? they're not likely donald trump voters might be campaigning for me some airtime on fox news. >> well, that's i think it's about the appeal, and i think part of what we have to remember is that donald trump is savvy enough to understand that one. he can't hit the campaign trail, so he has to find other ways in order to capture his base. and this kind of larger expanding base of republican voters around the country. and what's the best way to do that with antiques? in the courthouse. the challenges. this is a courthouse that's not going to be run in the way that we're used to write the circus. we actually won't get to see a lot of this trial will just get bits and pieces. so that's what we're going to see some
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negotiating with for trump yeah, let's talk a little bit president out on the campaign trail. >> he was talking about how toxic american politics has become. let's listen to that, talk about it inside i've never thought i'd see this time when i'm going through a neighborhood or rural town in the west or sea, big science let's have a trump sign in the middle of says f biden and having a little kids and it was his middle finger, seven years old, eight years old. >> well, i promise it happens all the time it's not who we are i mean, matt, i mean, the president is going back to this message. it was successful for democrats in 2022 people don't want to be down in the gutter with our politics. i think it's time. i failed to see the biden ministries and mesh. they kinda go back and forth. the first speakers on democracy, that big speech. and he also talks about how he wants to make the affirmative case on the economy. i think they're
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looking to answers in 2020 about what worked and they're really indecisive about whether was it democracy was just simply not being trump. and i think that's you're seeing this play out a little bit. and what informs their message going into 2024, it's a different paradigm. you have four years of president biden and i will say, you again, we talked about that contrast to it wasn't a great, very enlivening sight-seeing, the presence of the campaign trail is the is lots of step, even just since four years ago. so that contrast is going to be interesting to see between him and trump going up, go forward then that day you think that the real strategy here is the different messages for different people in the same way that we were just talking about trump in the bodega biden is trying to appeal to these suburban voters women. a lot of these voters do not. this is a good message for them. they do not like the tone of politics. they do not like how acrimonious it's become and that is appealing willing to them. the same thing that they do not like about donald trump is that he is someone who is
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seen as divisive. he is someone who is seen as speaking in a certain way. >> he's not talking about the trial, but he's talking about the ugliness. i mean, it's your text of and i think that that appeals to a certain segment of the voters that he needs it. so i think part of, part of where biden thrives and where he does best is one where he is in settings like scranton, pennsylvania, where he is talking about the economy or he is talking about his hardscrabble upbringing, or he is looking at audiences of people, including many people who have left the democratic party or who feel left behind part because of the labor class policy six and saying, hey, i'm just like you i take amtrak like i had to take out student loans and my kids had to take out student loans two. that's where he thrives and he also thrives on this idea of saying, look, i'm above partisan politics now, part of the problem is though, that i think we are now in a post post partisan landscape where you have to be partisan. and so we are going to see those moments like the state of the union
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where biden has the hip, those points, right? he has to appeal to a base that is wholly partisan, will simultaneously appealing to a group of people who don't want to be part of the partisan scott, you got him fired up then the challenge is to keep that right, right. guys at more to talk talk about standby coming up next the options for democrats now that articles of impeachment have been delivered to the senate against the homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas, plus president biden, hoping new messaging on the economy will win over voters were just talking about that a little bit. also some devastating tornadoes to tell you about tearing through the midwest where the storms or heading now there's a new ally in the fight against climate change. this is new car business blue carbon. >> we just need to protect nature will do the rest boom coordinate. plus cnn filled sunday night choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be like number one chef, dad, cook
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>> and we type play exhibit begin april 20 hours from now, the senate will decide the next step in the impeachment of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas yesterday, the house delivered impeachment articles to the senate, potentially kicking off a trial. house speaker mike johnson, urging democrats to take the charges seriously senator schumer cares at all about the suffering of americans in the disaster that mayorkas has rotted the border an evil hold the full and public trial the american people want oil and public trial. i think they deserve to see the evidence and it will be unconscionable. and in my view, unconstitutional for chuck schumer fails in that responsibility the case could get dismissed outright, if not, senators will be sworn in as jurors this afternoon, my panel is back and leah, i mean what
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do you make of this senate impeachment trial that may be coming up for the homeland security secretary. >> i mean, the house speaker was saying, please take this seriously. we did see marjorie taylor greene and that progression of lawmakers walking the articles over, folks might say, that's a bit of an inconsistency there i mean, this is unprecedented. >> we have not had something like this in a very, very, very long time, not in any of our lifetimes but i think the white, the way the white house is treating it is perhaps the way that the rest of the country should be treating it, which is the white house is kind of shrugging their shoulders and saying, this is performative spectacle. this is where congress is now and into some, in some respects this is where they are. >> the senate has indicated that this is, this is a nonstarter, but they don't see this as an issue. >> that in fact this is just political kind of sportsman political spectacle. and so i think there's an irony in the republican saying both we have
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the democrats haven't taken this seriously, that there is a crisis at the border, and this is, this is how we're going to address it. well, if simultaneously putting in place a policy see that effectively is not going to go anywhere. there is not going that's not accountability. yeah. yeah, man, i mean, should do you take this seriously? is this a serious exercise? are watching here? >> i think a couple of things this was i think a product of candidly up with this came about in the primary season when there was a vacuum of leadership, trump hadn't emerges the presumptive nominee yet and this this was a product of that, i think with his is going to come down to though it does signal, i think both parties that we go into the fall have an issue that the other party doesn't want to talk about and whoever wins that fight for the republicans, they want to press for immigration for the left. they want to press abortion. whoever wins that argument about the issue. the other one doesn't want to talk about he's going to tell us a lot with the economy really floating above all. so look, i don't think this is really changes a ton in terms of how immigration plays in the fall. but this, i think it was a by-product of a time where there wasn't really
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there was a vacuum of leadership in the party. yeah. what you're saying there is that they did it because they wanted somebody to fundraise on. i mean, that's the subtext here, is that they actually that you've never done that. >> the democrats come on. >> i mean, first of all, i'm a reporter, but but so but what i will say is that that was a product of that i would also say that this is something that is devaluing the very idea of what an impeachment is supposed to be about. and that i think is also the subtext here, which is that obviously the republicans were very very unhappy with what happened during the trump administration. there was a feeling that two impeachments of the president were unwarranted. and so they're trying to do this now with cabinet secretaries, which is just mind-boggling. i interviewed secretary mayorkas, right before the impeachment trial the impeachment was underway in the house, and you know, what was so bizarre about this is that on the one hand, he was going up and negotiating with republicans in the senate
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about what should be in this bill that they were trying to pass. and on the other hand, in the house, they were trying to impeach him. i mean, this is if there is no other image of how completely sclerotic and crazy the houses at this point is that you have someone who is a cabinet secretary on the one hand with government trying to do something. and on the other hand, trying to be impeached i mean, you know well, we're going to talk about the president next. president biden. i didn't mention this earlier, which he zero, we're going to get through it. baxter campaigning in his hometown, talking about screen rolling out a new message on the economy some of the same familiar themes, but we'll talk, talked about to break it down, just count stables how would really happened sunday, april 28 did nine on cnn with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. >> you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day he physically it's clear that
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credit building for renters with self i'm lauren fox on capitol hill and this is cnn close captioning brought to you by feel away, optimum enhanced calming for cats. >> have your cats sprays outside the litter box, fights with other cats were scratches the furniture, they could be telling you they're stressed to help them feel more calm, try feeling way optimum. belly. i need help with a clicker one second, grandma, this guy's
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that the coast guard says they were called after the woman experienced medical complications requiring transportation to a hospital and san juan there is an elephant on the loose and montana well, not anymore. the creature wandered off as a circus was preparing for a show in butte yesterday. the elephant only made it. >> there's a shot of shot a butte right there. >> they'll if and only made it half a block before handlers found it sorry, i'm really i should be making dad jokes. >> i took nine hours, but firefighters in georgia have rescued a man from a two foot wide storm drain under a highway authorities believed he was trapped since monday when he entered the drain for unknown reasons. >> video shows an apparent tornado touching down and pocahontas county, iowa twisters tore through iowa, kansas, nebraska, and missouri tuesday, ripping off to have tops and tearing up farms. that region is bracing for the possibility of more tornadoes today, twisters could hit populated cities like detroit, cleveland in indianapolis, but
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hail will be the primary threat. let's go to meteorologist derek van dam derek, i'm still thinking about that elephant in montana. but anyway, that's on my mind right now. but you got a lot of whether really good chuckle to play on words was it was poetry in the making dad, you might appreciate the occasional dad joke. i did that just for butte, montana, but now i've seen it. my apologies to everybody else. i just all. >> anyway, we've got about snus. okay, yeah, not geography. all right. so listen, we've got i want to go back to this video because this is just an astounding moment that was captured on camera by the trooper that is a rope tornado you sought jim was talking about at a moment ago and maybe you might think, hey, this thing not that powerful, but it acts just like a ice figure skater pulling in their arm using that centrifugal force, it actually can tighten the wind speeds in and around a rock tornado and that can cause more damage on the ground there was 23 tornado reports yesterday, right now, we're
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kind of losing the momentum from the storm system that continues to wine across the midwest. but yet again, there is severe weather threat this time, detroit, cleveland, columbus, the ohio river valley, large hail damaging winds. the main threat, but we cannot rule out an isolated tornado. and by the way, there is a slight risk near kansas city as well. cold front responsible for these storms advancing eastward. and we trail that system all the way back towards central texas for the day tomorrow. these are the two trouble areas as we head into thursday, st. louis, memphis to dallas, keep an eye out of the sky and hey, it's spring folks we get this battle of the seasons. we're going to see warmth being taken over by cooler air. so we'll enjoy the 80s while we can from atlanta to dc, not butte, montana know, jim? >> no, no, no. we'll get that forecast later. are derek van dam? thank you very much. appreciate it coming up. house speaker mike johnson's response to fellow republicans who are calling on him to step down applause, how arizona republicans are plotting to defeat an abortion rights ballot initiative. that's coming up live from the
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i panel is back and cnn political analyst david sanger joins the conversation and we know some vague details about the seven jurors selected yesterday what do you guys think feel free to anybody wants to chime in? >> what we so far from the jury selection process. and david, you've covered so many presidents over the years. it's still kind of amazing to see a form of housing the united states going into a criminal courthouse, no matter how you slice it for jury selection. >> i think the most interesting thing and that dynamic me as somebody who just covered trump during the time that he was president as you did, jim is that whenever hizon a room, he wants to be in command of everything that's going on in the place here. all of a sudden, he has to sit for hours on end while this judge about whom he's made his views pretty clear here is basically running the show and issuing
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the instructions and i think in some ways that may be harder for him than the charges than the jury-selection it can explain maybe why he dozed off because he doesn't want to be in a situation that he isn't commanding at any moment. yeah, this is not the cabinet room. no, this is not the west rigueur, the white house. >> and david, while we're on the subject a little bit, you travel all over the world. >> you've got this great book coming out. new cold war's russia, china and america struggle to defend the west what is the rest of the world saying right now about donald trump on trial the rest of the world is more focused on this than i thought they would be. >> i've been you know, jim, i was living for the first three months of the year in berlin, working out of our berlin bureau. and i commute to work on the subways. and they're a little electronic news flashes here. sure. and it was trump. trump. from and what was what was that about? what is about
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is not that they're interested in the details of the trial and all that. it's the fear that if he does come back in, we are back in a situation where the allies are going to wonder where the data is and everybody in europe and in asia is sort of developing a plan b, which is how do you defend yourself? how do you deal with russia? had you deal with china if you were back in a period where the united states seems to have come back to its own shores in last night, we trump, i mean, we've talked about this so many times. the courtroom becomes the campaign trail. that campaign trail become it was the courtroom and it last night he went to an impromptu campaign event. you'd call it that at a bodega and harlem, let's listen to what he had to say about the potential jurors that might be selected here. let's listen to that your mind is an ideal anybody that's here, do you believe that the jury you know, after after i'll
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let you know how the jurors or after the fair yeah. depending on what they do. i mean, what was really interesting was in the times they had actually the list of questions that they were asked. and they were fascinating. they were really trying to get at what the political leanings of these people are. and they had questions like what podcasts do you listen? since you, what commercial radio stations do listen to when news, you know what you want? cnn, you read the new york times, they're really trying to pigeonhole these people to see what their leanings are and to try and figure out where their partisanship may be. and so i really do think that it's a testament to the good people of new york that they've managed to find seven jurors already so speedily that are willing to sit in this trial, but i'll also say their lives are going to be changed. i mean let's think about these jurors for a second and what they're going to be facing, because this is an unprecedented trial. and we know how this is going to really i think animate a lot of the public yeah. >> yeah. i mean, it's also kind of a civics lesson for everybody out there who might
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not have faith in the process. here we are. we're watching jury selection problem. >> it can be tedious. it can be very tedious. i also thought it was interesting. one, kudos to the fact that they were able to find these seven jurors because i was also in the camp that was like there's no way there's absolutely no way and they somehow managed to find not only people who had minimal knowledge of the trials and things like that, they also found one juror who had almost no knowledge whatsoever of any of donald trump's like criminal indictments or any of the criminal trials that he was facing. and i think that's remarkable. it's also remarkable when you look look at the breakdown of who these jurors are, what bay what they believe, what they read. i was surprised by how many of them said they got their news from tiktok or from facebook which is actually a huge thing that's not just important for the circus of the politics of this trial, but also the trump campaign and it's going to be paying attention to that. the biden campaign is going to be paying attention to that. so this is even though we're not
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seeing the kind of i think circus that we saw in some of the other political or indictments that we've seen with donald trump before. this is something that the entire country can watch and learn something as they go along. but also that appears to be like the jurors are going to learn something along the way two, you know, it's interesting too. i think it's a good reminder that not all, not everyone in the country is glued to kabeles 24/7. they can't keep straight all the details of every trial. >> it's a good remote. >> it's not but it's true and i taught at the university chicago earlier this year. >> it's the same point, it's remarkable how many younger folks are younger generation get their news exactly from tiktok. and other news sources. it's a good reminder of that. and i think it's it's kinda refreshing. it's like, you know what people aren't as refreshing is terrifying humbling we're all, we're all super david's newspaper right here. >> yeah and here he's jim
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scott got what we call the dead tree edition. >> there the new york post this morning, which slightly different. >> hello? >> but i think the bigger point out here is we're all in the media trying to meet readers, and listeners where they are. lulu's got this fabulous podcast and that's an audience that ten years ago we weren't really thinking about that much. now we're thinking to ourselves, okay good news is they're getting some news bad news is it's filtering through tiktok and that's why congress is concerned on both parties side, that is owned by a bytedance, a fully chinese company, and it does make you begin to wonder over time what is going to be the filtration effect of the fact that we are running the news through these new mediums where you're not getting the balance that you might see in any of these. >> and donald trump at one
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point, you and i are old enough to remember this. wanted to get rid of tiktok and now, i mean, i think what they've seen inside his team of advisors and so on is that there are a lot of young people, a lot of people looking at tiktok, maybe they don't want to get rid of this yeah, it's it's remarkable because what biden is doing is basically following a line that as you remember in the last two years of the trump administration, he was the one find a force the sale that's right. >> of tiktok to an american firm. and now he's declared that's a terrible idea, and it will it will empower facebook. i don't remember him saying that at the time nothing we know about donald trump is that he is always interested in what benefits him. >> and i think transaction that very married and so he's counting on that a lot of us aren't old enough to remember. >> there's gonna be a point. look, i think they need to ban tiktok for all the reasons you said david, but i think there's going to come a point in the not-so-distant future that if they can't get it banned, republicans will have to get onboard with it because there's too many young voters there and there's too many voters, as we said before,
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getting their news there, we can't see the entire audience of that but that being said, first, second, and third, you think are really going to ban tiktok. i mean it's it's up to the bytedance, right? if they want to not sell to american company, that's it. the balls in their court on that. >> i actually don't think they're going to ban i mean, first of all in the middle of what you're going to tell you tell 170 million americans we're going to rip this out of your phone. i don't think that's going to happen, but i do think going to your point that what could well happen is that the united states may say, we need to have a way that we can see how the algorithm has put together. this selects that news back, and that means having it in a place, probably in the united states where the source code is visible there. >> i do that for youtube. now, do that for apple. now do that for all the american companies as well. i mean, the problem here is that they have not done regulation for any of these companies and just do if they can't just do it for you only
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you can get teenagers off of tiktok. you make every parent in america half. >> well, that's the question. it's just sitting there problem or a national security guys great discussion coming up. >> president biden as new messaging on the economy that's a head plus any semitism on-campus columbia university officials about to get grilled by congress on most that's coming up choice hotels is a family of brands with the hotel for any traveler you want to be. >> like number one chef, dad, cook it up a free hot breakfast for the entire family and a comfort hotel. >> mom made this. >> i added the garnish stay twice and get a free night when you book direct if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities discover a different first treatment immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer, but up devo plus your voice is the first combination of two immunotherapies for adults, newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene up devo plus
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republicans wang their options to fight an abortion rights ballot initiatives. in november, the state legislature meets today just days after the arizona supreme court banned nearly all abortions, liters of columbia university are set to be grilled at a congressional hearing on campus antisemitism this morning in a wall street journal op-ed previewing her testimony the president of colombia rights, it is not the responsibility to jewish people to eradicate anti-semitism. that is a job for all of us former senator sad news out of washington, former senator of two term democratic senator, and governor, excuse me, bob graham has died. bob graham of florida spent nearly four decades in public service representing florida and led the congressional investigation into these timber 11th attacks. he was 87 years old and michigan democrats regaining control of the state house with wins and to detroit area special elections. that breaks eight, 50 for is that correct? >> tie in the chamber and keeps democrats and control of the
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trifecta of the michigan governorship, the senate, and the house with donald trump in court, president biden is out in the campaign trail, returning to his hometown of scranton, pennsylvania yesterday to pitch his tax plan when i look at the economy, i don't see it through the eyes of mar-a-lago. i see through the eyes of scranton and he looked at the economy from where he and his rich friends embrace the failed trickle-down policies as a failed working families for more than 40 years scranton values are mar-a-lago values. my plan calls for a minimum federal income tax of 25%, just 25% on billionaires. well below the top rate. but fair, they can afford it binds de and pennsylvania the first of three, he plans to spend in the crucial battleground state comes as the president tries to move the needle with the 63% of voters who have soured on his handling of the economy. >> joining me now is former foreign policy advisor to
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george w bush de and senior. he is the author of the genius of israel and start-up nation. he's also the host of the calmly back podcast. hey dan, great to see you again. been a long time. nice to talk to you. a gym just good to be with you, just to since we're talking about the president out there in scranton, pennsylvania talking he about his economic message he's talking about donald trump as an elitist, i think yesterday he was talking about mar-a-lago values versus scranton values. >> what do you think of that message? >> i think it is he trying to make this referendum on donald trump. and i just think it's a challenge given the obstacle, obstacles he faces on the economy, given the obstacles, he faces on foreign policy, i think some things he's done, he's done right on foreign policy, president i didn't but i think right now he's making a bunch of decisions that are both problematic for him politically and more importantly, problematic from a policy matter and so i just
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think the focus, the electorate right now, it's not on donald trump and trying to introduce donald trump into the fray and people are paying attention to donald trump. but if you look at all the polling, it is clearly a reference random on biden, which is why he is facing this seemingly seeming ceiling that he can't break through. i mean, it's pauses have nudged up a little bit, but the electorate is still focused on being a report card election on president biden well, and he is attempting to do something on this issue of the economy today is gonna be in pittsburgh. he's going to call for a tripling of tariffs on chinese steel a bit of a protectionist move there. obviously, and perhaps trying to make some inroads with trump voters. maybe folks who might have one's called themselves democrats are moved over into the trump column in part because of protectionist policies that donald trump was pursuing. what do you think about that? >> i think in that sense, i think it's wide. she's
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effectively and i don't agree with all of these policies, but he's effectively maintained many of the trump policies on china and trade. and as you say, he's ratcheting some of them up. there's a swath of voters called them a few million, 5 million independent voters spread it a bunch of very important type battleground states that voted for president obama in 2012, voted for president trump in 2016, and then went back and voted for president biden 2020. these are voters that are perfectly comfortable bouncing back and forth. and i think president biden is trying to make a play for those voters. i run honestly doing so by, as you say, continuing to some degree or at least continuing in spirit, if not in policy. the policies of president trump yeah i mean. there's, blue wall states. i mean, that is the industrial backbone of the country. and those voters are really up for grabs this summer. and dan, i do want to talk to you about israel and hamas what do you make of how the president handled the
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response to the iranian attack on israel over the weekend there seemed to be a message being sent to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. if you, if you do another offense, attack the united states might not be with you in an offensive way. i sort of an attempt to sort of say, hang on a second, don't don't go overboard here. what's your sense of it yeah. >> yeah. his line was take the wind that yes. we can was when take the win made that be the narrative, right look, let me say a couple of things one, i think what was accomplished this weekend was in a sense american engagement in the world at its best you had a multilateral multinational defense that included obviously led by the united states, included saudi arabia, jordan, france, the uk, and of course, israel the scale of the iranian attack, i think is understated we have a lot of pendants and
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experts saying, oh, just symbolic attack. it was performative. it was designed to send a message to israel without really doing damage to israel. i can tell you, jim, from the israeli perspective, particularly the decision makers in the world cabinet that is not how they see it. they are, they believed their defense was effective, and they also had a little bit of luck 99 plus percent performance in terms of heading off 99% of what was sent the cruise missiles discards the unmanned drones but if any of those had gotten through, i mean, you look at those ballistic missiles and cruise missiles with any of those had gotten through, you would have had thousands of casualties from these rarely perspective after october 7, they can no longer just quote unquote, take the win, return to the status quo. look, here's the reality is it's going to have to go back into syria dring to conduct further on operations, like the one they did on april 1st that provoked this iranian response and israeli defense minister
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saying, if we cannot establish the new normal is every time we go into syria, iran gets to drop what they just dropped on us last weekend. so we have to respond. >> and david cameron, the british foreign secretary, was in israel just this morning. >> their time. and he came away from his meetings, thinking israel is definitely going to respond so i think that they won't, they'll try to do it in a way that doesn't really escalate. obviously, these things can spiral out of control. >> but i think there's, i think there's no way that israel doesn't respond. well, that was the question i was going to ask you about. isn't it? it's really about how israel response because that's what we saw over the weekend and there was a real fraying of international support for israel. when you saw that devastation amounting and gaza, the human suffering mounting and gaza and then when this iranian attack happened over the weekend, you saw coalition forming around israel to sort of make this protective barrier
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that avoid a lot of the casualties that you're talking about. does israel run the risk of jeopardizing that if they, if they go too far yeah so a friend of mine recently said the middle east has many things in abundance, not the least of which is oil but one thing that lacks in the middle east for policymakers are good options and you are right, that if israel does respond, it runs the risk of fraying this coalition. and if israel doesn't respond, it runs the risk of further inviting further iranian attacks. so it's really which, which, which, which, which costs are you willing to absorb i think that the us and the international community are coming to terms with the fact acted as is going to respond. and so now it's in negotiation is you said about how to do it and i think it can be done in a way that sends a message to iran that they cannot do something like they just did
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without there being a response. and yet not doing in such a way that we're in a full on regional war. but look as you know the best of intentions, best of planning. i mean, i don't i honestly don't believe is real policymakers thought that their operation on april 1st would have provoked a response they got this weekend. so it is hard to predict how these things go. >> and that leaves the question of what the biden administration does next. i mean, if you were advising i mean, i know you were advising the romney campaign at one time. what would you advise a presidential campaign to say at this point on this issue? i mean the president has made it very clear. he is saying, our support for israel steadfast but there's just this concern about this just getting so destabilise to the point that you have a very out-of-control conflict in the middle east that is just not good for anybody i think that vitamin station has had a two-pronged
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strategy on israel. >> and i don't think it's working the two-pronged strategy is to privately in a defense capalities and n ll the th. it needs that rael needs.nd you've seethis even bore the operatn, this end, y've seen in the form of l the munitionand has been consistently supplying to the israelis since october 7. >> but at the me time in the last few weeks, it iincluded a publictrategthat is que critical of israel. >> now this was much more the thlead uto it eration by gaza. in rah isoutrn >> but tas thithe sens thathey could greenlht a un curity council resolion that the israeli strongly obcted to its good rean public statements about red lines and about humanitarian assistance that were highly and i personally think i'm fairly critical of israel. so they thought they could publicly have some distance with israel.
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very critical of netanyahu. there's the schumer speech about nothing yeah, who the president biden clearly supported. it's i think that this public approach to sort of mollify their political base to deal with the left of their political coalition here and say, look, we're beating up on israel if some separation from israel while privately providing israel everything it needs, not the least of which was the defense capabilities of this weekend. i think it doesn't work because a it sends confusing signals to israel's adversaries in the region. they think that there is distance between the us and israel and pressure is mounting on israel. >> and b, i don't think there's anything president biden can do to mollify those who are opposed to his policy on israel today. >> if you just look at the protests and the united states over the last couple of days you look at those people people, you look up there up to, there's nothing present. biden can do. that's going to win them over at the same time by seeming to try to pander to them. he runs the risk of alienating a whole bunch of other voters in the center. yeah, that he needed some of these close dates all right. >> dancing are great to talk to you as always. thanks a lot. appreciate thanks.
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>> thanks. shouldn't be well. all right president biden, using his campaign stop in screen as we were saying, in pennsylvania to go after donald trump, after the value of the former president's social media companies truth, social plummeted. >> take a look you know, i have to say if trump's stock in truth, social company drops lower you might do better on my tax plan that is shares of trump media and technology group tumbled another 11% yesterday down 70% from a tie on march 26, the day after it went public panel is back lulu, i mean this is what does this say about trump's business acumen? if i mean, i think it's another example of the fact that he doesn't have a lot of business acumen. we've seen a lot of his companies end up in bankruptcy or i'm
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thinking of the casinos, i'm thinking of his stake ventures. i'm thinking of his university. i mean, we've seen a lot of his ventures fail we'll see what happens here. i mean, with truth, social this is part of his brand though, right? he's a businessman. this has been helped by his television appearances on the apprentice, his books out of the deal. this is how he likes to show himself in the world. and i think this is his newest venture and we'll see how it goes. >> yeah. i mean, would you have advised a republican candidate to put a company out of the stock exchange and have it publicly traded i mean, it's not exactly a billboard for donald trump or president to watch this stock plummet the way it has. >> i worked for jeb bush and tim scott. >> look, ryan, what did my advice? yeah. no, but what i'll say is this, i think one of the challenges i think for folks. and look, i ran it worked with jeb bush. i were doing a trump steaks attack and the trump airlines attack some of this
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stuff. >> it kind of becomes white noise after decades of the challenge is, how do you, as if you're running against trump? i know with this firsthand, how do you press that case without telling people what they already know and i've already priced it. and i think that's the challenge. these with biden. >> yes. so i think we're we're actually being a little polite about it. one of the things that has been clear about how donald been accused of them, you know, when i'm choosing you today. >> but one of the things that we've seen consistently with donald trump over really the last eight to ten years. is that he has used the presidency is a grift and so truth social is just another graphed. we know that it's tied particularly with it going public, that it's tied to trump are receiving essentially a windfall of cash that he can't touch, can't touch it for five months but we know that that was part of the deal that went into it needs it to pay off the e jean carroll suit the designation, the defamation suit, but it makes you wonder who's investing in this company and can they go to buy all that stock where the


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