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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 17, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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our of cnn news central starts a new level of dysfunction on capitol hill, the house speaker's job threatened senators about to become jurors history is about to be made but what kind boeing back in the hot seat lawmakers are about to hear from a whistleblower who says assembly issues with one of their planes could be catastrophic and charged with murder. >> new details on why a man shot and killed an innocent uber driver. he believed was working with a scammer. i'm kate baldwin with john on berman, sara is out today. this is cnn news central remds, me whai ant to say is's 00 ahouse speaker mike johnson. do know where youjob is? >> will he me it till
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tomorrow? >> till friday tl next week? it's probably an important queson for mike joson. i might be le or death for the people of uke as the new york times ts mog, everything has to go rht for d for johnson toeep his jo a few publicans are threatening revolt.ohns has refud to step down, calling it an absurd notn. h says, we are simy hererying to do our bs with is now se as lauren fox, it' lay a tree and lauren, let' start with you and get a sense of where t things stand at 9:00 a.m. on wednesday morning for mike johnson yeah. john, the biggest thi tt capitol hill is whate haven'seen. and that is the legislive tax. exactlyhat but the plans to keep several fug bills moving through thuse ofepsentatives we still don't know whae plan is to fund ukraintaiwan, israel, and and another fourth bill that inudes
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miscellaneous items that the house, right now, wiout th legislative texts, house publicans caot begin the process of even reviewing th legislation or knowing how they would vote. this votalso would like slip into the weekend if they reveal that republicans have a 72 hour rule that requires them to look over that text for three days. so that's the first item of businessis tt just not haening because it's taking time to write the legislation? in or is that not happening because there is this threat against johnson relating to whether or not he keepe speaker's gavel right now, we know of two republicanwho saying tt they would we'llellg marjorielor greene, and then tmas massie announcing that during a repuican conference meeting yesterday, behind closed doors there's a level of frustration among republicans who say it is just to do what they have known. e they need too for nthsow, whh is get money to ukraine that needs that funding
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urgent. but again, mike hnson still not cleaon what the plan is mong forward. just saying that he wanted to move something on ukrae, but not precisely spling out what that is gng to look like in the days ahea jn to two publics and id they wanted to oust hi i will note the two decrats righhere on the show have said that ey would try to block that. iothe rescue for theublican house spker mike johnson. which is notable. but lren, as you said, with no tes mornin the g queson is, is is it th. in t mntime, there is republin. be more powerful than donald ump, presumably with one word or one sentence, he couldn't make life better for the housspeaker. he was given that opportunity. alayna treene, yesterday after his day in court to come to the resc of johnson, make s lifeasr. didn't seem like he took that opportunity he did not. >> john, you're exactly right. and donald fm has a lot of
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influence here. he could come needo stay the coue. we can nohave another major house middle of the 2024lection cle, not just r the former president's campaign, bualso republans who don't want to see this chaos playing o on the housfloor. and in congress, the yet agn, jus months to until nember, but that's not what donald trump dead. he did not offer some unwavering supporfor johnson last night. instead, it waa far loose excuse me, less enthusiastic him saying we'll how hput t nigh. take a listen >> let's see. what happens so we'll see what happens with that. >> he just left it there, but i will say john, you know, last week we did see how speaker mike johnson make ththe trek tamara logo hold a joint press thformer president. donald h trump had mo supive words for him. then heai he
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supports me johnson, that he thinks he's doing a veryood job and that it's difficult to see what is happening in congress. but look, i can tell you from my conversatis with donald trump's caaign. >> they're n looking to get too involved in this fight at on one hand, like i mentned beforehey don't real want another messy house speakersp and leadership shakeup happening right now. >> they're really focused on his trial, on his campaign and they recognize that this chaos d congress and particularly this repcan infighting, isn'heful to the party, but t same timehe is not going far tsay th we need to keepohnson in plac and th's definite goi to be something that of course, many house republicare keing in min they make this calculation yeah, you have to believe that mike johnson might have wanted a little b mo than what he got at a donald trump yesterday when he was asked about , alayna treene, r than to yo lauren fox, asays,errific repoing. >> thank you. okay joining us right now is more gillespie. >> she's a former press advisor to then speaker of the hous john banner. more recently, ad kzinger and
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democratictrategt really julie reagan ski, co-founder of lift our voices. thank you ys. being here. mara, l's are these foreign aid bills that this is all wed up. and wh we're talking about mike johnson's job are they a pa for me johnson to save his job is heure. to lose his job tonk, i think this was thbest-ce enario for him.e saw it as a way to protect his mbers and in hopes to protect himself and by breang it up and giving m meers covege so they cld vote individually on these decided to tn have ae conversati or recently wit the use freedom caus to and appease that even more. i don't think that's going to im. i thk how he h to this this kind of plan was the best-case scario forimso it still may end up where he has marjorie taylor greene or thomas massie bringing this motion to vacate the chair to thoor, but hopefully, you know, enough memrs won't show so thathey can table the moti. >> let's talk some democrats
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as john was saying, are publicly suggesting that out. jared moskowitz is one of them and he wrote this massie wants the world to burn. i won't stand by and watch. i have a bucket of water and i think people maybe glossing over what i think how biof a dealhis is, thsame democrats o were happy t set, to stand by and watch the nosome of themublicly d there saying they are ready to help to make su it doesn'ppen. again, that's bi >> it's big and they're r because thworlis, well, the wod is on fire andk at's happening. foreign aid right nogot a mini more war three starting out already you've got a configurationnd ukraine that's been going on for years. that is going to not go well for the ukrainians and done knows what that means for the rest of eastern europe. if the united states as and stepping you've got a massive situation happening in the middleast right now, a war potentially breaking out between israel and iran en iran, iraq war ilike a garden
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party, it will probably make to some extent our involvement in iraq with a garden party wrapped up with policy is always politics on capital so he's politically, why is this beneficial of democratic, not let the fire convenience democrats need to show that they can govern.emocrats need to show that they are the party th can take this all the way to the american people to show that they actually have an ability to get things republicans are not terested in governing. they are, that's what they have to they canhow that at this moment. >> you may have a unique perspective on thomas massie is i was just mentioning he was part of the conservative rebellion in 2015 against then-speaker john burner. >> what is going on here it's all for show. >> i mean, thomas massie doesn't have he talked about how heas more peop ready and rally behind him, then alice to kevin mccarthy. yet he did not mention a single name. he did not promote anyone who could actually get the job, not even get the jobone, but get the job, get the votes to become speaker. he doesn't have a plan. and so this is where i get really frustrated with the house republican caucus because they don't want
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to show that they can govern they don't want to play ball and do t rig thingfor the people they purport to represent. so we've got a real problem as far as not only does this impact what's happening in our foreign aid with our allies. and he at home, we suorts us here at home but ies for the election, what donor is going to lk at this i shouldut my money there. nk they'reeady to govern, they're taking this seriously. i n't know that you're going find that so it's gog to hurt them in t eleion as well. maybe that's part of what mike johnson is saying in the rock and hard place, he's found himself twain also not lost here, is that nowhere in the bills that are being discussed and beinput on the floor is any the bder security measures that we're demanded by house republicans as a condition of approvi foreign aid, especially when icomes to ukraine, is t hard to find quoteke this from the
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last few mths, byron donalds, i will not be voting for any ukine funding as long as the border is not secure. senator roger marshall, at the end of the day, republicans aren't budgeting on ukraine funding until we secure the border. that's the question that all america is asking. joe biden right now, why do republicans have two big joe biden to secure the border? that's part of his job. you are not in the business of giving republicans can and should johnson and e republicans make for why they said that then what they're presented with now, and what ey want to look at border fuing going forward. fir of all, we had a border bl that yoremember donald trump tanked, ght? so you want to blame somebody for that. it's not often, so te lanes. right. and so you can't you're absolutely right. you can't good border bill that was a reallyally, really gray border bill for republans. you got it. biden and trouble with leson, let's actually, and then all of a sudden say, well, it a second, the border is in chaos. what are we doing
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supporti ukraine? i mean, take the win, right? but you don't wa to ta the win and the prlem is they n't want to take e n because we need something to campaign on in november. and democrats understand that there's nothinyou cagive republicans now. and i tnk maury probably would agree that would low em to en say great, wworked in bipartisan way to secure the border. it's not good messa for them with eir base and that's why democrats are serious abt thfa that there's nothing they can do two p's republics on this. you'veot now the ieachmenter. ofeland curi secretary alejandro mayorkas, headed to this senate. mayorkas out this morning saying it's on congress to aclyet situation at the border is quitrious. are they back at squarene when it ceso movi togr? possible at this point oany dditional work at the borde >> i don't know. >> i think they ssed a big opportunity there. and sator nkrd has expre his throw him der the bus. he dly the work. he he made that bill so that reblicans woulhave wins so whathey going
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try and do, whh they've already announced as ty're going to continue to push hr two. and how do you message it though? i mean, i stopped my google search like they can just say that schumer should at least see it. she was shelled look at the bill and their frustration is that they're not even taking it up to the senate side. so that's going to be the argument. but if mike johnson is going to allow votes to come to the floor, lauren just see where votes land, which is what democrats are calling you know, okay. maybe there's a slice of the message that people should be taking. it's good to see you, but thank you very much coming up still for us. >> he claims that the plane could potentially break apart mid-flight, a boeing engineer now a whistleblower and about to test it before congress arizona lawmakers have the chance now to repeal that civil war era abortion ban that we have been talking so much about. nike's new outfit design for the us women's olympic team, sparking a wave of criticism. what athletes are
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aviation correspondent, pete muntean is with us now for somebody of a preview of what we're going to see today, pete yeah, boeing has already been on the defensive ahead of these dueling senate hearings today, john both are putting the spotlight on boeing's safety culture when it comes to manufacturing. the key witness is the whistleblower who alleged last week that the 787 is unsafe. the whistleblower's name is sam salehpour. he was a quality engineer on the 787 line. he's are those big sections of the seven, fuselage being put together? he says the gaps in the fuselage are too big, which could lead to fatigue failure over time, boeing insists in the 16 years, the 787 has been flying for airlines. there has been evidence of that. there are about 110787 is flying right now. none loss to a crash salehpour was on nbc ahead of this hearing and he takes us accusation one step further here is the section of that interview in which he says the
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787 is at risk of falling out of this guy should boeing ground the seven at seven right now to check the gap sizes, i would say they need to the entire world wide, the entire philippe were wild as far as i'm concerned right now, needs and attention the federal aviation administration says it's investigating right now, boeing held a press briefing on monday addressing these safety and quality concerns. >> boeing executives would not comment though, directly on salad pores allegations. here is what boeing says in a statement, we are fully confident in the 787 dreamliner, these claims about the structural integrity of the seven aid seven are inaccurate and do not represent the comprehensive work boeing has done to ensure the quality and long safety of the aircraft. this is just the latest chapter in this five-year long saga of boeing issues really more like six years 278737, max crashes in 2018 and 2019 that killed
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346 people abroad. then this past january on the fifth, there was a door plug blowout on alaska airlines 7307 max-9. but remember, this latest issue has to do with the 787. but that plane has not been without its problems deliveries of all plans were paused and all of 2021 most of 2022 because of quality issues, some of that is because the tolerances are extremely tight. john, the gaps allowed between the parts of the fuselage are five one thousandths of an inch. we're talking about the width of two sheets of paper or the width of a human hair really, really tight tolerance it says sometimes makes it hard to get the airplane out the door all right. >> pete muntean, and we'll be watching these hearings today let us know when there is new appreciated today in arizona, lawmakers are facing a pivotal vote, two or repealing the state's near-total ban on abortions that was triggered by the state supreme court last week. this is civil full war
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era ban that sparked outcry cnn's natasha can has the details on it for us. so to touch it, what are they considering and what does this mean? with regard to the to repeal and yeah, they could possibly repeal this 1860s arrow law the house is going to consider that process today. now, first, they have to get over the hurdle that any bill typically has to be heard in committee before it goes to the full floor. so they're going to vote first on whether to bypass that. >> if it does, then we have a pretty good sense of whether there is interest in urgency and getting this repealed right now. >> now there is a razor thin margin of a majority for the republicans in both chambers here. so in order for this to go through, there has to be a couple of republicans who joined democrats and that is if the democrats all vote along party lines here right now, we're sensing that there is some interest, at least
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representative matt gress, who represents an area and numeric copa the county. he is in a tight race and so he could potentially be one of those republicans who votes for this. and there have been a couple of others who have expressed that perhaps this 1860s era la, just goes too far and to remind folks what really is. it states that abortion is pretty much near illegal, except for in the case of saving the life of the mother. and it could be punishable to the provider for two to five years in prison. and so it is very severe. some have called it draconian and you've heard from former president donald trump, even who said that this has it's gone too far and he has stated that the state lawmakers could rectify this. and so what you're seeing before you today is an attempt to figure out exactly how to quote, fix that, right now the reason that the arizona supreme court had to go
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with this particular law in their logic was that the 15 week ban, which arizona passed in 2022, a few years ago, that was we valid because roe versus wade wasn't existence. now, that roe was overturned they said that leaves this 1860s law. and so we're going to see what happens today. hey, in this state house, cape, slowly, good to see you, natasha. thank you so admonished by the judge, the warning donald trump received already while sitting in court in, the courtroom of his first criminal trial. and an uber driver is dead and 81 year-old man is charged with her murder. and now police say both of them are manipulated by a scan amr luck from the nation's capital, one of the most unforgettable nights in dc, that's wonderful. >> you back here, resident biden and comedian collin joseph headline the white house correspondents dinner lives
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851177. call now every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays exclusively on macs do this morning, president biden is in the heart of american steel country calling for a huge hike in steel tariffs on chinese imports, the president will propose tripling tariffs on chinese steel and aluminum as he meets with steel workers at their union headquarters in pittsburgh this morning see it. and what has correspondent arlette saenz joins us from the president's hometown of scranton. so what do we well, john president biden is making another play for blue collar union voters day as he visits it's berg where he'll speak and he still union headquarters a bit later this afternoon, the president, while he is there, we'll call on his us trade
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representative to consider trip the existing 7.5% tariff on chinese steel and aluminum. >> but an effort to try to show that he has a defender of the us steel industry. this comes just a few two weeks after president biden publicly oppose the sale of us steel to a japanese company the president's saying in a statement that it is vital that the company remains in american owns. now, this also comes as he and also former president donald trump had been trying to make this play for working class voters. another thing that we he will appear from biden today is highlighting his administration's efforts to crack down on china's efforts to flood the market with cheap products, with major it makes it more difficult for us companies producing higher quality products, but at higher prices. now, these moves from biden could also seek to insulate him from genes gop criticism that his policies are weak towards china, his opponent, donald trump, took many steps in his administration to raise tariffs on china, making that a foe.
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cool point of his global economic policy. and that is something that he is likely to do if he were to win a second term. now, while trump has spent the start of the week in a new york city a courtroom, but president biden has been on the road here in battleground, pennsylvania for a three-day swing where he's really zeroing in on the differences the two men have when it comes to the the president took aim at trump for his policies when it relates to taxes and made the argument that biden is working for the middle class while trump is on the side of the wealthy take to a bit of his argument just yesterday here in scranton when i look at the economy, i don't see it through the eyes of mar-a-lago. >> i see through the eyes of scranton and trickle down economics failed. the middle class it failed america who truth is donald trump and bodies that failure now the president has often turned to his hometown of scranton to really vouch for his middle-class last roots. >> but this argument also comes at a time when the president
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has a real vulnerability, when it comes to the economy with many americans still holding pessimistic views about their own purpose personal financial states, and also the president's handling of economic issues. now, he is making this argument in the critical battleground state of pennsylvania, a state that he won back in 2020, and that he is looking to hold onto as this is part of that critical blue wall that democrats want to see biden win in november. that includes pennsylvania, michigan, in wisconsin, and pennsylvania is one of those states that biden has probably frequented the most. this campaign cycle, and it comes as polling has shown a very close contact between him and trump with both men vying for the state and specifically the working class voters here well, that side's in scranton. >> this morning. president biden on his way to pittsburgh. thanks very much. are let seven jurors down five more to go by all accounts this morning, donald trump's historic criminal trial is moving along quickly. >> after two days, more than half the jury has been seated, and the judge says, opening
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statements could begin on monday. also this morning, donald trump is sounding off on social media about the jury selection process. this is after he was scolded by the judge in court yesterday, the judge saying this at one point, i will not have any jurors intimidated, speaking to donald trump cnn's zachary cohen has much more just joining us now, is that what is donald trump saying this morning yeah. >> okay. donald trump using his time outside the courtroom to criticize the process of selecting a jury, the one that he participated in for hours yesterday and resulted in seven jurors being seated in his criminal trial and don't trump posting on truth social, and complaining about the standard practice for choosing a jury in a criminal defendant who was charged with the crimes that trump is charged with. but each sayyed in this case gets ten strikes and it allows the attorneys to disqualify a potential juror for any reason they want but donald trump believes that he should have more opportunities to disqualify jurors. he writes, i thought strikes were supposed to be limited when we're picking our jury, i was then told we only had ten, not
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nearly enough. when we were purposely given the second worst venue in the country. he goes on to repeat similar criticisms about election interference and how this trial is essentially a political sham. and one that's using are targeting his reelection campaign for president of course, that is not the case here. and of course, trump is being treated like any other criminal defendant again, who was charged with the crimes that he's charged with here he is taking issue with that and his lawyers have also tried to make that argument in court that this this case is different than any other case. obviously, prosecutors arguing the opposite but again, the jury selection process does we'll pick up again tomorrow. we will continue to try to fill those last five jury slots and then pick six around six alternates to serve and the judge was optimistic that opening statements could take place as soon as monday, of course, suggested that the timeline and shrugging in court yesterday. so up to see if that timing sticks, but the case in the trial is this moving forward despite donald trump's concerns and criticism of the
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process for selecting a jury and zach, tell us what we know about the jury, but also to reinforce a point both sides knew about the ten strikes going in, right? absolutely. again, that's standard for any trial dealing with the defendant who is charged with the crime that donald trump is charged with. his lawyers don't trump's lawyers in this case are very good lawyers and they absolutely knew going in, but it sounds like donald trump is saying that he just learned about that, but still, he, that will not affect the fact that seven jurors have already been de did in this trial, and its diverse groups so far, it's made up of four men and three women. five have college degrees or some sort of higher level education than that. there's two lawyers even on the panel so far. one of the interest one of the four menn is the foreperson, is actually originally from ireland and works in sales. it's an interesting cross section of the kind of people in manhattan, the jury of donald trump's peers another one, juror number four, is described as an older puerto rican man who's married with adult children. he was asked about his hobbies and he said, quote,
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i guess my hobby is my family. he also called trump fascinating and mysterious. a little bit of a pro trump at least an interest in donald trump's history and what donald trump has been saying publicly and lastly, the fifth juror is described as a young black woman who teaches the english language and she's a unicorn juror in a lot of ways. she's the only one of the 18 question yesterday who said that she had no idea that donald trump was charged in other criminal cases outside of the one in new york. so again, a diverse group who will be charged with schumer going to impartial and fair verdict in this case, wants to trial, gets going. >> that cohen. thank you. john willis. >> now, if former us assistant attorney for the southern district of new york and former assistant special watergate prosecutor nick ackerman, also trial consult and mediator. molly murphy. nick, i just wanna start with you that post that donald trump just said is a little bit absurd right there. i mean, he knew of course he knows he do. that's wherever you every defendant who goes into that courthouse has ten peremptory challenges, meaning they can remove jurors
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for whatever reason they choose, as long as it's not based on some discriminatory racial basis. okay. and this is awfully close by the way to talking about jurors here. so he may be walkie pretty close to the fine line here on the gag order, but be that as it may i mean, is there one sayyed that you think feels any better about the seven jurors who had been seated so far, if i were the district attorney, i'd feel pretty good what hasn't really been reported is that the district attorney is using social media to check out these jurors and they need it for two reasons. one, they want to make sure that none of the jury are members of the trump cult, you're certainly going to find that out through their social media posts and secondly, they want to make sure that they get somebody who is a normal person that doesn't feel isolated from society. that's not going to be iconoclastic and decide to hang this jury that is the biggest threat that the da's office has to be concerned about in right now based on
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who's been picked, i think they're in good shape just to be clear, that offense is also going through social media very carefully to make sure there are no warning signs there and mali to that end and what makes a juror in a vacuum, right? >> we're not going to name names here are what anything else, but what makes a juror more favorable looking to the prosecution and then the defense well, it has you know, the reason for void dire, which is a french term to speak the truth. >> it's really paying attention to the nuances of what they're saying. and the follow-up questions. so for the prosecution, they they certainly are i'm looking for people who are embracing the justice system, who believes in the justice system, who certainly believes that nobody is above the law. and vice versa trump is being prosecuted in his mind and is trying the
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case in in the cameras right now, rather than in the courtroom. so i think there's really very difficult balancing act that the prosecution is dealing with as well as the fact that trump's team is trying the case outside the courtroom and inside the courtroom. >> my friend alison camerota, is obsessed with body language. it all things, but particularly in a courtroom when people are being asked questions. so if you're in the voir dire process, you're asking these jurors things. what are you looking at in terms of their body language and how they answer? >> so great question are thought process is really what drives our body language and drives our facial expressions. >> so we may say one thing, but our body in faces saying another. so we're really looking for again what are they saying? is it true and that's where, again, follow-up
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questions come in and they see the body's saying one thing to what they just said and then they have to probe deeper to see where's the truth of it? because we have also implied biases and again, that's her body language really comes in handy to really pay attention because implied bias is we have or saying what we believe but unconsciously, we have a different set of beliefs. >> so nick, two notable things have been going on inside this courtroom really, both days. the first day, maggie haberman, others noted here to not often fall asleep, and then there are people in the courtroom yesterday who said that a few times, his eyes were shut. any appear to be snapping back and forth like that. so what's the risk in that for him? and then also the judge issued a really stern warning at one point because trump was muttering something during the voir dire process basically said, i will not lead jurors be intimidated here. so talk to us about his
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behavior. >> first of all, his behavior in the courtroom is not going to be very helpful in terms of the jurors not keeping awake, but politically, it's devastating going out, calling his opponents sleepy joe, when he's falling asleep. and one of the most important trials ever in his life speaks volumes secondly, how the judges handling this is quite amazing. if you look at the order to show cause that he signed on the district attorney's motion to have trump held in contempt when does he have donald trump showing up for that motion? it's a week from wednesday when there's no court. so this was a day that donald trump thought he would have free time to go out and campaign instead, he's going to be sitting in court again next wednesday answering for his behavior in terms of what he's said about various individuals on social media. so the judge is really attuned to keeping on top of this and holding trump's feet
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to the fire and keeping things going. >> seven jurors selected already there on target right now to begin this case, opening statements maybe on monday. >> oh, absolutely. make ackerman ali murphy. thank you so much for being with us so an 81 year-old man is out on bond this morning after being charged with the murder of an uber driver, police say scammers, targeted both of them and then a costume born of patriarchal forces women on us olympic teams are calling out nike for designing uniforms. they say are too revealing there's always the first field on a subway out. >> how about boko 50% off foot-long, like the irresistible philly. once you've stay play, there's
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now charged with her murder and police say it may have been a terrible tragic mistake because of a scammer. >> part of the terrifying encounter was caught on the driver's dash camera. cnn's danny freeman has much more, more on this. the more i've read about it, the sad or this becomes danny, what happened yeah. >> and it's one of those stories that truly hits so many different people for so many different reasons. but like you said in the beginning, the main question that police have at this point is who? is the person or persons who led these two strangers together ultimately in this deadly conflict. here's what we do know. >> we know that william brock, they 81 year-old man. >> he says that he was receiving calls from a scammer who was saying that his nephew was in jail and then brock needed to withdraw $12,000 in cash to bail him out of jail. none of that is true according to investigators though, i will say that investigators said
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brock though, when he initially got this call, he became hesitant. he was resistant to comply with this scammers demand. what was at that point that brock says the scammer started to threatened both his life and his nephew's life mean while at the same time, police say that loletha hall she was driving uber as she normally does, and she got a call on uber from either the same scammer or police believe in accomplice to go pick up a package at mr. brock's home and then that's when this violent and deadly encounter happened. and we have that dashcam in video from ms hall scar, you can see loletha hall. she gets out, tries to inquire about a package. nothing else. and mr. brock, when he and his words fearful for his life, holds her at gunpoint. they walk around the car a few times and he ultimately shoots ms hall multiple times. she died later at the hospital kate, just to give a little insight into what mr. brock was thinking at that moment. i want you to listen to some of the
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911 call that came just after this shooting. take a listen. >> why, did you do that? >> because i was threatened that she was going to kill me. >> she threatened to kill you know, is the guy on the phone finally, get money out of my now one thing i'll note, kate, it's very important you see it on the video and the investigators say it as well. ms hall made no threats, no assaults, no demands other than as i said, just asked for the package that the we're up told her to go get the investigators say that because she posed no threat at anytime to mr. broth. that's part of the reason why he has been charged with murder. like you said, he pleaded not guilty also, adam bond but yeah, a horrible story. just so tragic and your heart bleeds for ms hall and her family there? >> i mean that poor woman and her family i can't even begin
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to any thank you very much. we'll continue to follow this one, jon. >> right. shifting gears here wait my hoo haa is going to be out. those aren't my words because i'm pretty sure i'm not allowed to say that on tv. those are the words of one female athlete expressing concern and outrage over nike's revealing team usa uniforms for the 2024 olympic games were not being allowed to show them right here how it really happens sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn nothing comes close to this place in the morning. i'm so glad i can still come here. >> you see i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses, but i have people who count on me to i talk to my cardiologist. i said there must be more we can do for my symptoms. he told me about a medication called camp siles. he said camps ios works
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18085 1177. call now chasing life, dr. sanjay gupta, listen wherever you get your podcasts we are officially 100 days out from the start of the 2024 summer olympics in paris. and nike's new outfit design for
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the us women's track and field team is raising the question smart design, or a sexist distraction. caroline mano has much more on this. caroline, what are the athlete's saying well, if you think about women first competing in the olympic games back in 1,900 when female athletes made up only 2% of the field at that time, the women who took part in tennis, for example, had to wear long skirts that covered their ankles and long sleeves. >> so women's sportswear is ever evolving and paris actually marks the first time in olympic history that there's going to be gender parity on the field of play. same number of women competing as men now, despite that, team usa and nike have found themselves at the center of this firestorm over one of their the track and field uniforms for female athletes, the high cut design, which was unveiled last week, has been criticized as being revealing and skimpy and sexist. it doesn't look great in the photo. in fact, former usa track and field athlete lauren fleshman wrote in an instagram post women's kits should be in
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service to performance mentally and physically if this outfit was truly beneficial to physical performance, menn would wear it now, nike told cnn in a statement that the leotard design is one of multiple options available, including compression shorts, full length body suits katie moon, who's a nike sponsored world and olympic pole vault champion, has defended this kid. she actually said what was shown on the mannequin was concerning and warranted the response that it received. i absolutely loved people defending women, but we have at least 20 different combinations of a uniform to compete in with all the tops and bottoms available to us. so this is just the latest in a long line of controversy around women's olympic uniforms, ranging from very small bikinis on beach volleyball teams, white shorts for soccer players in nike is going to continue to have to navigate this even though there are a lot of options available than the initial photo indicated and just quickly for you, kate, i do want to mention within the hour, lebron james,
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steph curry, kevin to rant headlining a star-studded usa basketball team for the upcoming games. the group has seven players with ten olympic go metals combin. this is a stacked roster training camp. get a certn early julythis is going to be the fir games for stef durnt. could win four gold medals and become the first n to do that fascinating caroline, great to see you. >> thank you so much to ceics, to bostoneltics on at. >> is that h say to to boston celtics on that? >> jayson tatum, don't really know what to dwith you joh berman, afr his ties is going to leave thauniform conspiracy and controver alone. >> we have to play off ties, right? race for e la playoff spotn the east. every team still has a chance to make the playoffs with e game left to play in the regul season. his include the celtics? >> no, it's topics are like the number one seed. i do that. i think you all for joining us. this has been cnn new central, cnn newsroom with jim acosta anatomy i wanted 24 20
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