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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  April 17, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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the former head of the mossad is israel's former spy agency. a couple of hours ago, also said the israeli cabinet is considering targeting iran nuclear infrastructure, which would definitely be an escalation. so i think they are considering a lot of the options and probably trying to take an action that makes him look serious, but not get them into a complete all-out war. >> of course, though, that every single one of these things that you say, i think anybody watching is fearful you think it's just a small escalation? but none of these things really are. we're in unchartered territory said, thank you so much thanks, erin thanks so much to all of you for being with us. >> we'll see you back here tomorrow when jury selection, once again resumes in the trump hush money trial here in new york. in the meantime, now it's time for a 60 widt anderson cooper good evening
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from tel aviv where the question about israeli retaliation for ron's drone and missile strike over the weekend remains not if but when speaking today in jerusalem, british foreign secretary david cameron biden said, quote, it is clear the israelis are making a decision to act. what that might look like. we do not know, we will of course, continue to monitor developments here and bring them to you as they happen back home, the former president's new york criminal trial picks up again tomorrow morning, but today there was a new filing from the prosecution laying out their intention to use his past legal run-ins to discredit him if he chooses to testify, jury selection continues tomorrow with seven members already seated and the defendant, apparently in the dark about the rules for keeping perspective members off the jury striking them as it's called he posted to a social network this morning writing, i thought strikes were supposed to be unlimited when we were picking our jury. i was then told we only had ten, not nearly enough when we were purposely given the second worst venue in the country. now, keeping them honest,
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here's the state law pertaining to the type of felonies he's charged with. and i'm quoting now, each party must be allowed to following number of peremptory challenges ten for the regular jurors and all other cases and two for each alternate juror to be selected. and that's something his legal team is certainly aware of. their client. apparently not so much regardless, the jury selection process has been going quickly enough. we could see opening statements by monday more now from cnn's kara scannell, who joins us. so we're gonna get to the trump complaints about jury selection in a moment, but first, talk a little bit about the information that prosecutors want to now introduce. >> yeah. so prosecutors want to be able to ask trump if he takes the stand on cross-examination about a lot of the legal issues that he's had, including the verdict in the civil fraud case for the judge found trump liable for persistent and repeated fraud. they also want to bring up the verdicts in the e jean carroll cases were two different juries found trump liable well for defamation. one found trump liable for sexual abuse. among the other, miss legal run-ins
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trump has had. they also want to focus on a judge sanctioning him for filing a frivolous lawsuit against hillary clinton. they also want to be able to ask him about a settlement that the trump foundation had with the new york attorney general's office, in which trump agreed to dissolve his foundation and lastly, they want to ask him about the criminal convictions of two trump entities for tax fraud in 2022, trump's sayyed has signaled that they're going to challenges. the judge said he will hold a hearing over this issue before he rules whether any of this will come in he said that could be as soon as friday friday afternoon if they wrap up jury selection in time. so he's like he thinks that that is possible kara scannell, stay with joining us has also bestselling author and former federal prosecutors, jeffrey toobin, jury consultant jill huntley, taylor. >> geoff, the former president, posted on his social media platform tonight, quoting a fox host who said the quote, they are catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge in order to get on the trump jury
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and quote is that permissible given the gag order on trump? >> i don't think so. what do you make the merits of that claim? >> well, i think it's it's false, but it's but more importantly, it's clearly, i think an attempt to intimidate jurors. and it is clearly barred by by the gag order in this case. and donald trump doesn't seem to realize that he is now a criminal defendant and criminal defendants have different and lesser rights than ordinary citizens. they are not allowed to interfere in in the trial process, especially when there is a gag order that specifically address attempts to intimidate jurors. i mean, it is just not permissible and i think prosecutors who will have already asked to have him founded contempt for other violations where he's talked about with fitnesses this in many respects is much more serious because judges take the jury and the integrity of the
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jury as almost sacrosanct and the idea that he's intimidating the jury is something that i think judge merchan is going to be very concerned about. he's already scheduled a hearing for the other contempt issue next week, but this may prompt him to move it up what are his options though? i mean well, realistically, the prosecution has asked for a fine of $1,000 per violation of the gag order in terms of the witnesses but the way contempt often works is that it accelerates is that the first violation is $1,000. >> the next violation is $10,000. the next violation can be $100,000, but ultimately contempt can include jail time. and i think we are a ways off from that. but if trump continues to violate the court's order, it is. well within judge merchan's ability and his power to order him
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locked up for contempt. i don't think he's there yet, but and dollars sanctions will certainly be the first sanction. >> but if trump continues to violate these rules and we are very early in this process, it could happen kara mean, you've watched this, judge closely. >> how do you think he's going to do a potential violations i would expect the prosecutors will bring this up tomorrow morning before they bring in the new pool of jurors and the judge was pretty firm in the former president. >> yesterday when he was making comments, it was the judge just that notice and identified that trump was muttering in the courtroom and gesturing in the direction of the juror and he said he wanted to note it for the record, and he said he would not tolerate jury intimidation in this courtroom. he said, am i making myself clear so, you know, he he ordered trump's lawyer to go over and talk to him about it. so i don't think he's going to like the tweet here and it's
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going to definitely be an issue that there'll be discussing. i'd imagine anderson judges in general and this judge in particular, they draw distinction between public figures and people who didn't volunteer to be public figures i mean, the others contempt issues to involve comments about stormy daniels and michael cohen, both of whom are public figures, and they've been talked about before. and frankly, i'm not sure what trump's comments, how much of a difference they made the jury is a different story. these people did not volunteer to be public figures. they have no experience with the news media. everybody knows that trump's supporters mobilised behind their leader. this is a scary thing and i think the judge is going to be very concerned about it. >> jill, if you look at yesterday's court transcript, the difference in approaches. i mean, it stark the prosecution told perspective jurors and i'm quoting this case has nothing to do with your personal politics. this case is
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about whether this man broke the law while the defense really focused on their opinion, saying it's extraordinarily important to president trump that we know we're going to get a fair shake and urged potential jurors to be candid about their views, saying such candor would not offend the court that people or even trump i really talking about your opinion, i'm wondering what you make of those two tactics yeah. >> i mean, they were both focused on the issue you cause challenges, right. so the prosecution was trying to insulate the jurors and remind the jurors that their job is to make decisions based on the evidence and the facts that they hear in that courtroom. >> and. to. >> distinguish that from what maybe their opinions were before they got there or their general opinions or their politics. and on the defense, sayyed, they were focused on developing cause challenges. they want the jurors to say, you know what, actually i can't fit there. so that they can get a cause challenge. and so they confronted the jurors with their social i'll media post and despite the jurors
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saying that they could be fair and impartial, they were confronted and challenged on that. by seeing their social media posts. and they did they were successful in getting some of the cause challenges that they wanted judge much sean did grant a couple of those costs challenges. and for the other jurors that they didn't like, and they didn't get cause challenges than they use their peremptory challenges on those jurors joel humbly taylor. >> thank you. kara scannell, geoff toobin as well. we spent some time at the start of the trial on the catch and kill scheme at the center of it. all tonight, we're focusing on the one woman, one of two who silence candidate trump allegedly tried to buy stormy daniels. her story before that moment. and since from our randy k stormy, daniels don't know who i am. i suggest you don't do that to you get more long before she was stormy daniels hill's? she was stephanie gregory, born in baton rouge, louisiana. she reportedly had dreams of
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becoming a veterinarian or a journalist. she was the editor of the school newspaper in president of the four h club. beneath her 1997 high school yearbook photo, a caption that reads, we will all get along just fine as soon as you realize that i am queen by the time she was 17, she was dancing and strip clubs across the south, stripping was her entry into porn hollywood began to notice her to director judd epitope caster in some of his comedies including the 40 year-old virgin i was ahead of the curve on the whole. >> yeah. then she is very nice. isn't super smart and great to work with. so we just kept asking her to be in all of our movies. >> she also appeared in this music video the year 2006 change the trajectory of stormy daniels life that's the year she says she had an affair with donald trump after the two met at a golf tournament in lake tahoe, a few years later in 2009 after louisiana's
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republican senator david vitor was exposed for hiring prostitutes, stormy daniels flirted with a senate run that don't see how the possibly embarrass him more than he's already embarrassed himself. >> her political dreams hit a snag when daniels was arrested on domestic violence charges, though the charges were later dropped in 2010, she dropped out of the race citing lack of funds. by 2014, daniels and her then husband had moved to 40 texas, a small city outside dallas. she reportedly took horseback riding lessons and continue to pursue her lifelong love of horses. for years. she was a competitive equestrian by storing courses where a theme and a 2017 adult film she directed called unbridled, in which she also starred in. her book, full disclosure published in 2018, stormy daniels wrote extensively about her alleged affair with trump. >> have you ever made love to anyone who's named rhyme with lawn of lump i call it whatever
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you want me to call you she also wrote about her turbulent childhood living in a home infested with rats and insects, also disclosing that when she was nine, she was repeatedly raped by a man who lived next door to a friend i was nine. i was a child and then i wasn't she wrote in the documentary stormy released on peacock this year, she revealed a lot about her childhood and her parents struggles. >> i grew up in this pretty rough neighborhood and baton rouge, lots of drugs, a lot of violence we saw heard gunshots and stuff all the time. i was basically white trash. >> so this is one of the only pictures i have me and my mom my parents split up when i was four after my dad left. >> my mother sort of change. i think it broke her heart. >> that little girl from louisiana now 40 and going toe-to-toe with donald trump in a historic courtroom drama
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randi kaye, cnn, palm beach county, florida coming up an x breaking news from capitol hill on a when a house vote could come on aid for israel and ukraine and the political price speaker mike johnson could pay for it from his own party. >> also, israeli prime minister netanyahu's answer to allies with ideas about how he should respond to iran this with kaitlan collins tonight at nine i hear that music and my feature start tapping my grandchildren. >> there six generation of dancers gets what my family's all about i thought i knew a lot about are irish roots. i was surprised him learn so many more things from ancestry. 91892 vowel. >> and here's the boat. they came over on. >> i think there was a julia healy and mary healy get our name. >> yeah wow. right now, pet
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see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. >> twins, start your will. i trust and we'll dot com and make it count there's breaking news on two fronts in washington in more than two months after the senate overwhelmingly passed a foreign aid bill with assistance for israel and ukraine only to see a dei in the chaotic republican controlled house, house speaker mike johnson says he'll bring a similar package. >> the floor on saturday in doing so, the speaker appears to be putting his already shaky grip on the gavel and further jeopardy from the likes of marjorie taylor greene, who's leading a revolt against him. also today, the senate rejected what until recently had been house it's republicans. notable accomplishment impeaching homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas cnn's melanie zanona joins us now with more on both of those stories. so melody on the mayorkas impeachment effort, failing in the senate, what happened there yeah. >> well, the senate voted in a party-line vote to dismiss the
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impeachment case against alejandro mayorkas. >> of course this outcome was expected all along, but it didn't come without some drama on the senate floor. we saw republicans force a number of procedural votes trying to delay this, as long as possible, and really trying to protest it's that democrats refused to hold a full trial. but in the end, ultimately, mayorkas was not convicted with just one republican. that's senator lisa murkowski of alaska voting present on one of those motions to kill one of those two articles, but it's important to point out here that the politics were really driving so much of what we saw republicans really want some ammunition heading into november, were there they're planning to make the border a top tier campaign issues, but democrats felt completely comfortable dismissing this trial altogether, saying that a policy dispute does not rise to a level of a high crimes and misdemeanor. and also arguing that republicans really wanted to see your secure the border. they could have supported that bipartisan senate deal that ultimately fell apart at the hand. fans of donald trump and
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speaker johnson in the house is moving forward with his plan to put a series of foreign aid bills on the floor, despite the pressure from republican hardliners, where does that stand? >> yeah. johnson had delayed this major decision for months, but he finally committed to holding four individual votes on aid for ukraine, israel, taiwan, and some other national security 30 priority. so the house is going to hold a vote on those bills on saturday evening, then they're going to merge them all together and send them over to the senate in one package. here's speaker mike johnson talking about it this decision look, we know what the timetable is, we know the urgency in ukraine and in israel, and we're going to stand by israel are close ally and dear friend and we were going to stand for freedom and make sure that vladimir putin doesn't march through europe but this move has set up a showdown with johnson's right flank, who is threatening to not only oppose this foreign aid package of bills, but also potentially oust him from the speaker. their ship, just listen i think some people are
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becoming more angry than i am. >> so we'll see what happens today. i don't know how much longer are members are going to tolerate? right? the republican speaker that we elected to pass our agenda in the house i'm well past the point of giving grace here. >> so we're gonna go, we gotta go have some conversations. >> i haven't made up my mind yet i'm not happy about this rule and he's pushing us to the brink here. >> now, it's unclear if and when a motion to vacate the speakership is actually going to comment to the floor, but it's looking increasingly likely that johnson is going to need democrats to help bail him out so far though anderson democrats not making any commitments nobody is unknown and thanks very much this next story also concerns the russian threat in this case to americans, right? >> where they live today. >> it's virtual a noted cybersecurity firm said they suspect a group of hackers with ties to the russian government of carrying out a cyber attack on a water facility in rural texas. >> it is thought to be the
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first time to russia's ever attacked you plus water systems, he and his ed lavandera has details roughly 5,000 people live in the city of mule shoe, tucked away in the texas panhandle, were the most popular attractions or a statue of a mule named old pete and the world's largest meal shoe. the point is, this isn't the kind of place you'd think would be at the heart of an international cyber attack suspected of being carried out by hackers that have cooperated with a sophisticated russian military intelligence unit. but a new report says, this city's water treatment facility computer system was attacked by suspected russian hackers in january, causing a water tank to overflow. city manager said it overflowed for about 30 to 45 minutes. >> the question that comes to mind is why a water treatment facility and why in a place like mule shoe, texas, right? >> it's a great question. >> gas serena is a cybersecurity expert focused on the vulnerability of public water systems in organization
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may think we're kind of too small. we're not high enough strategic value for some nation-state adversary to come after us. however, victims are finding that they are affected simply because of the technology that they have. that's sitting unprotected on the internet and findable and exploitable in the report published by the cybersecurity firm mandiant cyber experts say that a russian intelligence unit known as sand worm is involved in an online persona called the cyber army of russia reborn. that claimed credit for the attack on mule shoe. there was also suspicious activity targeting public water systems in three other west texas cities abernathy hale center, and lock knee according to officials, but a west texas know-how i guess so buster pulling is the city manager and lock me. he says officials noticed unusual activity in the computer system and made security changes to keep the hackers from taking control what was your reaction when you found out that it might have been a russian intelligence
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group that was behind this hacking attempt not surprised, just small-town water system, unfortunately, is a prime target for a hacker or a terrorist some sort of terrorist activity that's been we've known that for years. the russian hacking group posted images online claiming to show how it was able to break into the industrial computer systems of mule shoe and abernathy and manipulate data entries in the system. >> i think they were probably attempting to take control of the system including operating, turning on water wells in, turning them off. >> we've got to make work a lot harder for these attackers. >> deputy national security adviser, and neuberger says it's not clear what message the russian hackers were trying to send. but that much more needs to be done to beef up cybersecurity defenses of water systems around the country. >> russia has created a permissive environment for hacktivists and cybercriminals. some of whom are affiliated in
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some ways with russian intelligence. we don't know if they're moonlighting. we don't know if it's direct instructions given the us intelligence community is really been digging into that in the texas panhandle, the cyber attacks did not cause any significant damage. but experts fear future attacks could be worse. what's your biggest fear of what could happen? >> my biggest fear is that there could be health and safety impacts in addition to that, just the widespread panic that could occur if multiple systems were affected simultaneously, and the public confidence is eroding anderson local officials told us it was fbi investigators that first alerted them that russian hackers suspected of being behind these cyber attacks the fbi declined to comment to us. >> we've also reached out to the russian embassy, but we have not heard back from them either that or some 11, derek, thanks so much coming up for
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days after ron's attack i kind of israel still no military response by the israelis, however, as we mentioned, britain's david cameron met with prime minister netanyahu today. he told reporters, quote, it's clear the israelis are making a decision to act that plus new reporting on how close israel was responding days ago, right after the attack, and then decided to hold off i did not show my best friend. i did this him bob is very small he's managed to get away with three murders we have very compelling evidence i am old directly is planning on doing a sheath that jinx streaming exclusively on max i love your dress. thanks i splurged a little because liberty mutual customize my car insurance and i saved hundreds.
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progress. >> nick paton walsh reports on the growing turf war between humans and elephants in sri feels bizarre to see this frontline mentality out here are these giant base of species, or are they fighting for their own survival? the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday on cnn during the israeli war cabinet sixth meeting today since those weekend attacks by iran prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu had a message for israel to allies about any forthcoming retaliatory strikes. >> thank them for their support, but said that when it comes sir responding to iran, quote, we will make our own decisions the comments came shortly after ron's president said any attack would be dealt with fiercely and severely. and has axios and cnn contributor brock ravid reported that israel considered a strike monday night, but decided to postpone it. sources say it was the second such postponement this time for quote, operational reasons, i'm drawing now by ronen berman, a staff writer for the new york times magazine, author of rise and kill this berkman. i'm sorry, author of rise and killed first, the secret history of israel's targeted assassinations been up for a couple hours. ronan is excuse me for that. you have a fascinating article in the times you and others you've learned that the planning for the iran strike began a long time ago so two months before they already barack dispersive
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hassan, my dv, the commander of the quds forces, syria and lebanon, one of the most senior and malik's experience and from the israeli point of view most dangerous persons, a person they tale, collect intelligence about four decades, but refrained from killing him fearing deterioration but i'm totally seven change everything changed the rules of the game to change everything in his font that killing him would not deteriorate the area. two original wound, they didn't expect them. >> the massive real ones. >> we need to bear in mind that it doesn't black totally flawed logic because they already killed seven iranian generals in the exact same place in damascus and it did not you also report that the israel did not inform the us until moments before the attack. and at a very low level, small with you for the attack it took two months to plan a week before 23rd of march, they came to the cabinet to approve all israeli intelligence dot that it's not going to deteriorate, but they
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did say naibe, small-scale attack the delicious supporting more from iran itself few drones maybe, but we reviewed some of the records summarizing everything that happened before the attack by israeli defense establishment is nothing close it. the assessment to the furious iranian. what's your sense of what has been going on inside that war cabinet so since the, since the attack that came in the way and the magnitude the closer to the latest assessment, they thought that there's going to be. >> firstly, thought ten ballistic missiles, then 60, we ended up with 110, which celebrated in the large days past. but in the first two hours there were people inside the israeli cabinet that really promote immediate israel reaction, aggressive reaction. and as we close, as we get far away from that day the chances of getting slimmer and slimmer basically the outset, the
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dilemma is how from the israeli point of view, how to strike, but not under sundar, to show significance. and that needs to be in iran but not too high to ignite uranian reaction. and another israeli reaction, they may be deterioration to a board. so that gap is leading. of course, they're calculation and also america pressure the world pressure that has, that has had a new act on it, hasn't but on the other hand and i think maybe better or more forcefully played by the military, israel says it cannot be that. here's that iran is writing the rules of the game. that israel strike a building in damascus. but then iran strike back from iran to israeli territory. >> they don't want that to become the precedent that it's okay for ron to strike. so will deteriorate. well, to strike in damascus next time they feel though some of the field that doesn't need to show force,
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react with force on iranian ground. it could be what equal at the low signatures. so again, shadow war, cetaceans explosion cyber. but some israeli leaders believe it's, it will not have the same effect that would lack the sort of public demonstration that they want. >> the radians would have to have when they strike basically israel killed has a dv in order to recreate, rewrite the rules of the game to sell the rights, you cannot continue to encourage the houthis of his valla, but they ended up with iran. now writing those, those rules in their favor naibe, it's i'm, not sure. >> i'm not sure that they will end up winning this, this round. and there was some israeli officials who told my colleague cell then if they would know that this would be the rainy reaction, they would recommend it just fascinating article a lot of details in the new york times is now running broker and thank you. so thank you so much for a warning. >> now, if you have children in the room, you might consider asking them to leave given the graphic nature of this next
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report, it's about the idf's continued operations in gaza. and in particular an airstrike they conducted yesterday afternoon according to hochul hospital, they're killed 14 people, eight of whom are children, one, little girl whose name was shahid she was ten years old. cnn obtained video of the aftermath of the strike from her family who gave us permission to show her face should i had jeremy diamond has the story a moment frozen in time. the bodies of at least four children splayed around the foosball table laughter and shrieks of joy silenced in an instance blood now marking where they stood only minutes earlier shaw had no way shah had my beloved cousin screens from behind the camera ten year old shahira is one of those children her bright pink pants unmistakable in the arms of the
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man carrying her away with her family's consent, cnn has decided to show shower in life and death in order to give a face to this war's deadly impact on children at. >> al-aqsa martyrs hospital. those who can still be saved arrive alongside those who cannot amid the chaos, shy heads, pink pants dangling as a doctor confirms what it's tragically obvious but schizer is not alone she's one of eight children who died on that crowded street in alma buzzy. the hospital says they were killed in an israeli airstrike the israeli military said the incident is under review one, after it another. they're small bodies arrive at the hospitals more and into the arms of grieving parents his. eyes swollen and read the father of
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nine-year-old lujain recounts his daughters last moments playing foosball with her friends michelle this is my eldest daughter. he says a drone strike hit them while they were playing. their all children hours earlier, yusov was one of those children playing alongside shy ahead and lujain when he was suddenly killed in a war, he did not choose. his mother still clinging to her son neither does this boy who cannot believe his brother is dead the hood he's still alive. >> he cries, don't leave him here amid the outpourings of grief. there is shy her bloodstained pink pants. once again, impossible to miss dear
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god, what did they all do? >> one man? prize. what did they all do jeremy diamond joins us now. >> i'm just the brutality of this war let's riffing. >> yeah, interesting. we don't always, we rarely make the decision to actually show the faces of the dead. in this case, we got the families permission and we felt it was important to humanize the victims of this war every ten minutes in gaza, a child is killed or wounded nearly 14,000 children have been killed since the beginning of this war. and i've seen a lot of these videos over the course of the last six months covering this there was something about the image of these children around that foosball table would died, three of whom we were able to identify at the morgue subsequently, that just wasn't absolute gut punch and i just think it's important to draw attention to the plight of these children. as well as the children who've been orphaned in this war as well.
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>> jeremy diamond, extraordinary next, as we wait for any israeli response to iran strike over the weekend, one of ron's best-known targets for years, authors i'm on rushdie on the knife attack two years ago that almost took his life blue carbon. plus cnn filled sunday at nine hi, or shipping rais may be the cost of doing business, but at what cost turns shipping to your advantage with low cost ground shipping? >> from the united states postal service i thought we had a plan for dad. >> he was set to go to the senior living community, right by my house. then a friend suggested i talk to a place for mom. they really opened my eyes. >> my advisor listened and understood his needs and showed us options that were still nearby, but a better fit for dad now, he's in a warm, engaging community with the
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heck once you got larry's ray, the best bird wind brick may be alleged it on the court, but you're an amateur up here, heads-up. blair so get all state save money and be protected from mayhem. >> like me now, you're the bird stuck in the attic as we wait here in tel aviv for israel's response to iran's missile and drone attack. i want to bring you my conversation with one from terrapins longest standing and best-known personal targets spellmon rushdie has been a marked man for nearly half his life. in 1989 or wrongs leader ayatollah khomeini declared his novel the satanic verses, blasphemous, an insult to islam, and called for the indian born writers assassination rushdie went into hiding with around the clock police protection for ten years eventually moved the us and thought he was safe. but in august 2022, as he was about to
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speak at a literary festival in should talk when new york salman rushdie was attacked by a muslim man the knife. rushdie, who's now 76, lost his right eye and came close to dying. he's come to terms with the attempt on his life by writing a new book about it called simply knife, which went on sale on tuesday. i talked to him for report i filed for 60 minutes this past weekend. it was his first television interview since the attack you had had a dream two days, i think it was before the attack what was the dream? i kind of had a premonition of an added had a dream of being attacked in an amphitheater but it was a kind of roman empire dream, nearly. as if i was in the colosseum. and it was just somebody with the spear stabbing downwards and i was rolling around on the floor trying to get away from him and i woke up and was quite shaken by it. and i had to go to to talk. and i i said to my wife, eliza, i said, i don't want to
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go because of the dream because if the dream and then i felt there'll be silly, it's a dream salmon rushdie, one of his generation's most acclaimed writers, had been invited to the town of chautauqua, close to lake erie to speak about a subject he knows all too well. >> the importance of protecting writers whose lives are under threat do you have any anxiety it being in such a public space? >> not really because in the more than 20 years that i've been living in america, i've done a lot of these things, you haven't had security around you. a closed caption detail for a long time? long time. >> but what happens in many places that you go in lecture is that they used to having a certain degree of security, venue, security. in this case, there wasn't any the irony, of course, is you were there to talk about writers and danger. >> yeah, exactly. and the need for writers from other countries to have safe spaces in america, amongst other places. and then yeah, it just turned out not to be a safe space for me for years, no
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place was safe for salman rushdie, who sprawling 600 page novel, the satanic verses offended some muslims for its depiction of the prophet muhammad ron's, i had told khomeini issued a fatwa a religious decree calling for rushdie his death in 1989 there were worldwide protests from london to look this attempt was burned and 12 people died in clashes with police the books, japanese, murdered, and others associated with it. >> we're attacked. >> did you have any idea that it would cause violence? no. i had no idea. i thought probably some conservative religious people wouldn't like it. would. they didn't like anything. i wrote anyway, so i felt well they don't have to read it. we're you naive probably. i mean, it's easy looking back to three but nothing like this had ever happened to anybody. >> and of course, almost all the people who attacked the book did so without reading it
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i was often told that i had intended to insult offend people in my view if i need to insult you, i can do it really quickly. i don't need to spend five years of my life trying to write a 600 page book to insult you rushdie was living in london when he went into hiding in for the next ten years, the british government provided him with 24 our police protection did people tried to kill you? yes. >> there were maybe as many as half a dozen serious assassination attempts, which were not random people. they were state-sponsored terrorism professionals after diplomatic negotiations, the iranian state called off. its assassins in 1998 rushdie finally came out of the shadows. >> he moved to new york and for the next two decades lived openly he was a man about town. he continued writing, became a celebrated advocate for freedom of expression. >> so when he received the invitation to speak and should talk while in august 2022 he gllyepd.
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>>eiveyou at sta, right? >> in his new bookife, he described wh hpened next then in the corner of my rig eye. >> the last thing my right i e right-handide the e down black face mk. he was coming in hard and low. >> a squat missile they confess i had sometimes imagined my assassin rising up in some public forum or other. >> and coming for me in just this way. so my first thought when i saw this murderous shape rushing towards me was so it's you here you are so would you. >> here you are yeah. it's like you've been waiting for it. >> yeah. >> that's what it felt like. it felt like something coming out of the distant past and trying to drag knee back in time issue like back into that distant past in order to kill me. and when he got to me he basically hit me very hard here. initially, i thought i've
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been punched. you didn't actually see, you know, i didn't see the knife and i didn't realize until i sold blood coming out that there would be a knife in his in his fist. >> so where was that? stout in your neck and my neck. >> yeah. then there were a lot more the worst wounds was there was a big slash wound like this across my neck and there's a puncture of stab wound here and then of course, there's the attack on my i do you remember being stabbed in the eye? no i remember falling then i remember not knowing what had happened to my eye. he was also stabbed in his hand chest, abdomen, and thigh 15 wounds in all. >> he was both stabbing i think he was just wildly the attack lasted 27 seconds to feel just how long that is. this is what, 27 seconds is it's quite a long
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time that's the extraordinary half minutes of intimacy in which life meets death what stopped it from being longer? the audience holding him off, strangers to you a little. so i don't to this day, i don't know their names some of those strangers restrained the attacker, will others desperately tried to stem the flow of rushdie's blood that was really a lot of blood. you were actually watching. you're watching its spread and then i remember thinking that i was probably dying and it was interesting because it was
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quite matter of fact, it wasn't like i was terrified of it or whatever. and yeah, there was nothing no, heaven requires no pearly gates i mean, i'm not a supernatural person is believed that deaf comes as the end. there was nothing that happened that made me change my mind about that. >> you have not had a revelation. >> i have not had any revelation except that there's no revelation to be had his attacker, the man in black, was hustled off the stage in the book, you do not use the attackers name? yeah. >> i thought, you know, i don't want his name in my book. and i don't use this in conversation either, but that is important to you not to give him space in your brain. >> yeah, he and i had 27 seconds together that's it. i don't need to give him any more of my time. >> paramedics flu rushdie to a hospital in erie, pennsylvania 40 miles away or a team of doctors battle for eight hours to save his life when he finally came out of surgery,
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his wife, eliza, a poet and novelist, was waiting. >> and many wasn't moving and he was just laid out. >> he looked half that to you? >> yes. >> he did. he was a different color he was cold. >> i mean, his his face was staple. just staples holding his face together rushdie was on a ventilator, unable to speak aliza and the doctors had no idea whether the knife that had penetrated his i had damaged his brain. someone from the staff said that we would use this system of wiggling the toes to communicate to communicate. do you remember the first question you asked him to get away gold or i think i said some on its aliza. can you hear me? and there was there was a wiggle and asked him, i think can you know where you are and when gold and it was very basic, simple questions, as you can express yourself ready, subtlety with
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your toes which is your favorite thing after 18 days in the hospital and three weeks in rehab rushdie was discharged one of the surgeons who had saved my life said to me, first-year, we're really unlucky and then you've already lucky i said, what's the lucky part he said, well, the lucky parsers that the man who attacked you had no idea how to kill a man with a knife? you're not a believer in miracles. >> by the fact that you survived. >> you write in the book is a miracle this is a contradiction how does somebody who doesn't believe in the supernatural? >> account for the fact that something has happened, but feels like a miracle i mean, i certainly don't feel that some hand reach down from the skies and guarded me, but i do think something happened which wasn't supposed to happen. and i have no explanation for it. >> his attacker was at 24-year-old from new jersey who lived in his mother's basement he's believed to be a lone wolf. he's pleaded not guilty
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to attempted murder and is awaiting trial in an interview, he told the new york post he'd only read a couple of pages of the satanic verses and seeing some clips of rushdie he said he didn't like him very much because rushdie had attacked islam, doesn't matter to you what his motive was. >> i mean, it's interesting to me because it's a mystery. if i had written a character who knew so little about his proposed victim. and yet was going to commit the crime of murder. my publishers might well say to me that that's under motivated. >> you need to develop that character and not enough of a reason not convincing but yet that's what he did rushdie's knife, his 22nd book is one. he initially did not want to write the was the last thing i wanted to do because you didn't want this to yet again, to find you. >> yeah. it was very difficult for me off the satanic verses was published that the only thing anybody knew about me was this death threat.
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>> but became clear to me that i couldn't write anything else. >> you have to write. this has to write this first. i just thought i need to focus on you know, to use the cliche, the elephant in the room, and the moment i thought that something changed in my head and it then became a book. i really very much wanted to say the language was my knife. >> if i had unexpectedly been caught in an unwanted knife fight, maybe this was a knife i can use to fight back to take charge of what had happened to me to own it, make it mine. yeah. i mean, languages a wave breaking open the world. i don't have any other weapons, but i've been using this particular tool for quite a long time so i felt this was my way of dealing with it it's, been almost two years since the attack. and rushdie is back home now in new york, slowly getting used to navigating the world with one eye. >> how much time did it take to kinda readjust it? >> still doing it. you still are? yeah. >> do you feel like you are a
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different person after the attack? >> i don't feel i'm very different, but i do feel so that it has left a shadow. i think that shadow is just there. and some days it's dark and some days it's not. >> you feel less than you were before? >> no. i just feel more of the presence of death in an interview almost 25 years ago, you said of the fatwa, i want to find an end to this story. it is the one story i must find an end to have you found that ending. >> and an ending to this story as well. >> i felt i had and then turned out i hadn't i'm hoping this is just last twitch of that story i don't know. >> i'll let you know my interview with salman rushdie for 60 minutes. >> next, a new effort today in arizona's state legislature to repeal the state's civil war era near-total abortion ban. the outcome or that i had
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state capital. the republican control state legislature, twice blocked efforts by democrats to repeal arizona civil war era near abortion ban. they are defined calls from former president trump in arizona us senate candidate kari lake to take get more moderate approach ahead of the november election just last week, you'll recall arizona state supreme court ruled in favor of upholding the 800s, 64 law which prohibits abortions except to save the life of a woman abortion rights opponents gathered outside the state house today a member of the arizona chapter of right to life said, quote, this is not a political issue. it's a moral issue. abortion rights advocates were also on hand. they've been gathering signatures for ballot measure that would enshrine abortion access in the state's constitution up until fetal viability witch doctors estimate is around 22 to 24 weeks. that's it for us. the news continues. the source starts now