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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 18, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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car. my next goal, a 700 credit score. don't me at, cnn this morning with kasie hunt. >> next in arizona state capital the republican control state legislature twice blocked efforts by democrats to repeal arizona's civil war era, near-total abortion ban. >> there are defined calls from former president trump in arizona us senate candidate kari lake to take a more moderate approach. which ahead of the november election just last week, you'll recall arizona state supreme court ruled in favor of upholding the 18, 64 law, which prohibits abortions except to save the life of a woman abortion rights opponents gathered outside the state house today a member of the arizona chapter of right to life said, quote, this is not a political issue. it's a moral issue. abortion rights advocates were also on hand. they've been gathering signatures for ballot measure that would enshrine abortion access in the state's constitution up until fetal viability which doctors estimate is around 22 to 24
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weeks. the news continues right here on cnn it's thursday, april 18, right now on cnn this morning, juries selection of bouncer resume at donald trump's hush money trial. >> what prosecutors plan to ask the former president if he eventually decides to testify european leaders pleading with israel to exercise restraint in its response to iran's missile and drone attack. and the impeachment trial of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas shut down in the senate before a single argument could be heard it is 5:00 a.m. here in washington for you in tennessee, there's a live look at nashville. good morning, everyone. i'm jim acosta. and for casey khan, it's great to be with you jury selection in new york's donald trump hush money trial resumes are just a few hours. seven jurors have
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been seated so far. five more needs to be selected to fill out the 12th person panel plus six alternates in a filing yesterday, prosecutors for the manhattan da's office indicated they plan to question trump about his past run-ins with the law. did discredit him if he chooses to testify, prosecutors intend to ask the former president about the reason civil fraud trial that landed him a fine of more than 350 million, as well as the e jean carroll defamation and civil sexual abuse civil cases. trump owes her nearly $90 last week, trump said he intended to testify in the criminal hush money trial testifying requiring yeah, i would testify. absolutely. it's a scam testifying. i tell the truth. i mean, all i can do is tell the truth and joining me to discuss former federal prosecutor, katie szarkowski. katie, good morning. thanks for being up so early with us what do you think about this
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strategy by the manhattan da's office to question trump about all of these other cases. it sounds like risky territory for trump. >> well, anytime a witness takes the stand, they do put their credibility into question and open that door. so essentially with a prosecutors are trying to do here is go after any sort of convictions regarding fraud, any sort of issues with his credibility, which he will bring into issue in this case if he does let's take the stand, even though those things would not necessarily come into evidence. otherwise i would you do the same thing. >> i mean is that a good approach for the prosecutors at this point? >> i think for the prosecutors, it's not really a risk for donald trump. the question is whether he wants to take the stand and certainly it is his option as a defendant and there is much to be gained in many cases by a defendant taking the stand, but there are some risks and doors that can be opened that wouldn't otherwise be
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open to the prosecutor we shouldn't in that case. and again, with trump, these topics are pretty well-known. of course some of these jurors have indicated they don't have as much knowledge about his past as others, but you're going to be hard-pressed to find people that don't have some general knowledge about these issues. >> anyway. so it probably isn't too big of a risk here. yeah. >> could the prosecutors go to the judge and say, i mean, if you listen to that sound, we just played a few moments ago, trump said, yes, he's going to testify and yes, he will tell the truth. i mean, can the prosecution bring that in and say, okay, this is what the defendant said? >> of course. i mean, it's obviously expected and required that you are telling the truth when you're under oath and the credibility of any witness, including the defendant, is up to the jury to weigh. so, even if people are attacks, other credibility as of course, michael cohen will be and stormy daniels with regard to their own past credibility issues and convictions the jury's still has the right to
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decide how much or how little to weigh their testimony and how do you think the jury selection is going so far, i think there are some folks who thought, oh gosh, this was taking while and then all the sudden they seated what, seven jurors it sounds like they're making decent progress what's your assessment i agree. i think it's going much quicker than i would've anticipated. both sides have what they call ten peremptory challenges, meaning that they can challenge jurors for any reason. and then of course any der that has up of issue has to be removed for cause that is ultimately up to the judge here. so it seems like they have been able to seek people in a lot quicker manner then i think a lot of people did expect and certainly it seems that they're on track to do opening statements on monday, which is what the judge had telegraphed if they were to while to get through the rest of this at the end of this week here yeah. >> and katie, where do you land on this whole question? i'm sure you've heard it, talked about about whether there is a
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jury out there that could be fair and impartial when it comes to donald trump, everybody has an opinion about donald trump. >> what do you think about all that i think it's very difficult with somebody as known as donald trump to find people that don't have an opinion one way or the other that could lead to some sort of bias. >> but i ultimately do believe in the jury system. i believe that there are people even in manhattan that could be fair, neutral, impartial and judge. the case based only on the evidence that's presented in court and what the judge instructs them on. so i don't think it's impossible. again, many people have said he only needs one juror, and that's not a nullification argument necessarily. it's just that you just need one person to believe that there's reasonable doubt in a criminal case and many other jurors might agree with them at that point as well. i certainly don't think that's off the table here i do believe in the system yeah. >> and katie, what did you make the other day when there was this discussion about whether trump was sort of scowling or mumbling are glaring at one of
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the jurors and the judge sort of weighed in and warned the defense counsel on on all of that, what did you make that little tidbit that came out i think the judge is being hypervigilant about the conduct of the parties in court, particularly donald trump it is important that anybody not feel intimidated. >> it's a very unique situation, especially for these jurors to be in knowing that they are going to be casting a judgment on former president here if they're selected. so i think the judges being careful to ensure that there are no issues whatsoever that there's no indications that somebody's being intimidated in some way, especially if they do end up sitting on that jury all right. >> katie tarkovsky. thank you so much for your time this morning. appreciate it thank you. all right. coming up next, european leaders in israel trying to keep the conflict with iran from spiraling out of control, plus republicans failing at lightning speed and their bid to house the homeland security secretary and a
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medical exam and same day coverage visits, let, we shop, you save life, diabetes. there's no slowing down each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose glissando to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carb steady glue, sirna, bring on the day cnn central. >> today and set them easter international pressure intensifying on israel to use restraint as it decides how to respond to iran's unprecedented drone and missile strikes last weekend, the british and german foreign ministers meeting with the israeli prime minister wednesday, urging him not to escalate tensions with iran ron's president, now warning that the slightest attack by israel will be dealt with fiercely and severely seen as not a bashir is live from london for us not to tell us more what's the latest? well, there's suddenly ongoing
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debate within the israeli government as to what a response from israel with regards to iran's retaliatory attack would look like. and of course that pressure from the international community is continuing to grow, not least from some of israel's closest allies, the united states, the biden administration has it's called for restraint while expressing solidarity with the israeli government. that was certainly the message as well from both the united kingdom and germany, who's foreign ministers were missing with officials in israel yesterday. again, calling for restraint, but also focusing on potentially expanding sanctions on iran. but there has also been warnings from the european union as a whole. we heard today this morning from the ears foreign policy chief josep borrell. he spoke ahead of the g7 foreign ministers meeting in italy. again, calling for restraint, warning that the middle east in his eyes is on the brink of a regional war. and that the european leaders should stand together in calling for israel's response to be one of restraint when we have heard from the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu spoke yesterday around a cabinet meeting saying
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that while he thanks analyzed for their continued support and solidarity, the decision on how to respond will be israel's alone. >> take listen gum culminate. i told i thank our friends for their support for the defense of israel. >> and i say this both support and words and support and actions they also have all kinds of suggestions and advice. i appreciate it, but i want to make it clear we will make our own decisions and the state of israel will do everything necessary to defend itself now within israel, there has been a reaction from hotline politicians, the far finance minister bezalel smotrich has called for a response, a strike that he said would inflict a disproportionat e toll on tehran and deter iran he carry out any further attacks, of course, divisions still within the country of many calling for action not to undermine israel's key security alliances out of a
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shear. >> thank you very much happening now, the foreign ministers of the g7 nations meeting in italy, they are putting a special focus on the middle east conflict. the eu foreign policy chief just said this we cannot disk collate. you cannot go step by step answering every time higher two a regional war i don't want to judge rate, but we are on the hedge of a wall at regional war in the middle east leaders are also holding talks on russia's war in ukraine. it as aid remains blocked by some republican lawmakers in congress, cnn's barbie nadeau joins us live in rome with more of what can you tell us about these very important meetings. so they're trying to keep this conflict from widening and escalating further yeah, they really got their work cut out for them and copy of the coast of naples where they're holding this meeting. >> now, the three priorities are dealing with, with regards
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to the middle east, are trying to urge israel restraint in terms of their reaction to the drone attacks last weekend, they're also trying to determine what kind of sanctions targeted sanctions to place upon iran. and that's something that not all the leaders are, not all the foreign ministers. let's say, agree on all of this. talk about the priority that was the priority before or the attacks last weekend, which is a humanitarian crisis in gaza, italy for one is calling for a complete ceasefire, immediate ceasefire in gaza. there are a lot of things that these foreign ministers aren't necessarily agreeing on, but they are agreeing on one thing that they've got to do something to try to de-escalate the situation. jim and the secretary of state meeting this morning with the ukrainian foreign minister, what do we know about that yeah. the situation ukraine, obviously is not going away anytime soon either. and there are a lot of leaders, a lot of countries here in europe, especially that are growing weary of continuing to give if financial shall
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support and weapons and things like that. but secretary blinken had these words to say which are quite harsh in terms of what happens if they don't. let's listen putin his allowed to proceed with impunity. we know he won't stop. at ukraine and we can safely predict that his aggression will continue. other would be aggressors around the world will take note and unleashed the only aggressions and we will have a world of conflict, not a world of peace and security and you know, jim, all of these meetings that are taking place right now in the g7 are paving the way to the larger meeting in june, middle of june, which will be held in the southern region of pooley here, which we'll see president biden the other world leaders or other g7 liters meeting to discuss what may be a very different world. >> by then, jim absolutely with the way things are moving very quickly, that is certainly possible. >> barbie nadeau, thank you very much coming up next, prince william returns to his
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official royal duties. plus, look at this i don't know what's going on with weather and ohio, but i thought like the old whether back severe storms across ohio, at least one tornado touching down the details ahead this is yeah, that looks totally safe brief first timer hot. >> let's sure. it looks safe, but like nearly half of all us cars, it's been in an accident with car you see how accidents? its impact price. see you don't have to overpay on pause accidents. >> us space you're going to need it twin oh, that was too long of a pie chart with the
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now at stock how it really happened sunday, april 28, did nine on cnn 21 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup and oklahoma man arrested for an alleged bombing and massachusetts last week, authorities say sean patrick palmer targeted these satanic temple of salem with a homemade pipe bomb resulting in minor damage to the building cannot believe i just watched that three fallen how did not hit me we'd blown me but it
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didn't come to me, just landed on the course. >> so i'll take that overnight. >> severe storms across ohio, that man was just talking about there with at least one tornado touching down in portage county although storms damaging homes and knocking out power, no injuries reported at this time 911 service outages reported last died and at least four states, south dakota, texas, nebraska, and nevada residents unable to make an emergency call halls. it's not clear what took the system's down incredible images out of indonesia of an erupting volcano on a remote island. authorities have ordered hundreds of people to evacuate because fears mount rudoren could trigger a tsunami prince william returning to his royal duties this morning for the first time since his wife kate, revealed her cancer diagnosis last month and a few hours, he's headed to a food charity and youth organization in london. william has been absent from public engagements since the princess it's of announced she was undergoing preventative chemotherapy treatments cnn's
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max foster joins me now from london. max, the whole world is pulling for the princess and hoping that the royal family is doing well, what's the latest? what can you tell us? >> what she might appear in public if she feels well enough, but i think that's pretty unlikely what we are seeing is prince william carrying out his public duties to i think the messaging here really is that he she is well enough for him to return to work he hasn't just been out of the public eye because his wife is going through treatment. it's also because it's kids were off school and they went back to school yesterday. so he has got a chance now to go back to work. there's a very strong sign i think of how her recovery must be going well, otherwise, you wouldn't be doing it. so we're going to see him a surplus food distribution center outside london. and then he's going to go into london and see how that food is distributed at a youth center this is really keeping a stiff upper lip if you like,
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keeping calm and carry on. he has a great passion for the environment and he's but really displaying that today reporters, i'm sure we'll try to throw him a question reporters were also be speaking to members of the public. he speaks to to get any indication of the latest condition of his wife, but he doesn't usually say much. but i'm sure that'll be probably take all the headlines if he says anything, jim i and how is the princess doing? do we have any insights and her condition have things improved where i know it's sometimes fairly opaque or where things stand i will it's completely opaque. and that was intentional. the video that you are showing just earlier on was very much the princess's idea. she felt she was as open and transparent as you could possibly be in that video and it's been made very clear to all the media organizations that they don't want us i've been trying to follow every twist and turn. china predict exactly how well sheers or what
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condition exactly she's got, what form of cancer. so they're not going to feed the machine until they're ready to do so. >> jim, now that makes perfect sense. all right. max foster, thanks so much in london force really appreciate it coming up. the impeachment trial that ended before it could really get started. plus what donald trump discussed with the polish president over dinner last time every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your de, it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less and ends five things with kate bolduan streaming weekdays exclusively on macs there are giant mug they are the men and woman building davies next generation submarines. >> they are giant and what they do because they work in a place where they and grow, where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as they
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>> there's a live look at philadelphia. it's five, 30 in the more little fog they're in the city of brotherly love, good morning. thanks for waking up with us. i'm jim konstan for kasie hunt house speaker mike johnson is moving ahead with his plan to bring separate aid bills for israel and ukraine to the house floor decision that could cost him his job. hardline republicans opposed to ukraine aid are outraged. marjorie taylor greene telling cnn that support for her motion to oust johnson is growing, but the speaker is not bowing to or threats but my philosophy is, you do the right thing and you let the chips fall where they may. >> i don't if i operated out of fear over a motion to vacate, i would never be able to do my job. i can make a selfish decision and do something that that's different, but i'm doing here what i believed to be the right thing. i think providing lethal aid to ukraine right now is critically important joining
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me, now associated press congressional reporter for new mirre and wall street journal, white house reporter catherine lucy. >> great to see both of you here in the studio. thank you so much getting up so early. always appreciate it for what do you think are we going to see a speaker fight? are we going to see these aid bills just sort of pass without any drama? we have any sense of it. who knows what's yeah. >> i think i think if you were to ask speaker mike johnson, if he knows how this is going to end for him, he would say he does it mean the vote right now is planned for saturday and he's going at bring these separate packages to the floor. let members vote, as he says, vote their conscience on each of them. folks who really wanted to get ukraine aid will be able to vote single single-handedly on ukraine aid. same with israel folks. and then obviously i think there'll be a large bipartisan support for taiwan, but you're right. i mean, the speaker the speakership is looming above him as it has been the 2nd. he got it, right. he came under the same threats like kevin mccarthy had. and now now he is facing a growing i will say, to
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individuals who are saying motion to vacate, but he has what mccarthy didn't, which is democrats publicly pledging to support him. if marjorie taylor greene decides to take yeah. and marjorie taylor greene assess support for her motion to vacate. is growing. here's what she said yesterday. >> your support for your motion to vacate growing. it is growing i think some people are becoming more angry than i am now as a growing because now she has tom massie on board. and so instead of one, you have to is that the definition of growing here? >> i think there is she's been telling us that there have been a lot of private supporters for weeks. obviously, thomas massie came publicly after the aid bills where error. the proposal was introduced in conference meeting but there are i mean, if you go on twitter, matt gaetz has mentioned that he is extremely frustrated. he believes that mike johnson is surrendering and bringing ukraine aid to the floor. but
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whether those people will do, it will join marjorie taylor greene and doing taking the again like extreme action and vacating another speaker in an election year is i think something we'll have to see. >> yeah. catherine, you're over at the white house. what's the white house view on this are they just sitting back and getting their popcorn out and watching all of this unfold. do they want democrats to bail out? mike johnson if he could get ukraine aid across the finish line for example, what's your sense of it? >> i think right now, what do i have? it's wants is these aid bills to advance. you saw the president make a really strong endorsement of this yesterday. they've been pushing for months, you know, this privately, publicly. i tried to have those conversations trying to impress upon them how important they think it is to get this aid out. and so i think that's one more to see what this weekend it really determines the future of that aid and probably the future for mike johnson. yeah. and it would be sort of unchartered waters for the president. i think a little bit two, if they can't get this passed i mean, it's sort of like what's the
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plan b here? wait until the election, i guess are and it's not clear that there is. i mean, that they keep saying ukraine desperately needs this aid. they've been really public about this military leaders. i'm talking about this zelenskyy himself has been saying they can't begun yet they need these resources. and so this has been a very big priority for the president. he's been very vocal about that. yeah. >> i mean, yesterday for new speaker johnson did speak with cnn about this, about what he thinks about this motion to vacate. let's listen to that i don't think i don't walk around thinking about the motion to vacate. >> it's a procedural matter here that i think has been abused in recent times. maybe at some point we change that yeah. >> what what is your son? i don't think about it. >> i mean, again, if i close my eyes, i can just hear kevin mccarthy were it's deja vu all over again, commend mccarthy also try to ignore the growing, i mean, obviously in his case, it was a much more loud and growing caucus of folks who are
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trying to alice but he has to, he has to go on and do his job like he mentioned, like, you know, lethal aid for ukraine is something that military leaders, that our own intelligence has been saying is vital for ukraine to win this war against russia. and he's willing to, you know, he was asked, is, are you willing to lose your job over sending this aid? to this country that we see as an ally, that we see our future dependent on their, their success. and he said, it's going to be worth at frame. >> and johnson also was talking about a social media post from the house speaker, former house speaker, newt gingrich. this is going back a ways. new gingrich says the speaker johnson is working to lead the most complicated house since the civil war. any republican who moves to vacate the chair should be challenged as totally destructive. it took 15 ballots to elect speaker mccarthy. it took three weeks to elect a speaker johnson. i mean, all those some of those things are true there. you should serve until someone else proves they can get 218 votes. any other past path as suicidally destructive for the house gop
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now, it is somewhat interesting the new gingras just calling, calling for peace and the house of representatives, i mean, he used to be kind of the bomb thrower back in the de, but catherine, i mean, there are a lot of what gingras saying there is true. i mean, i have to think that there's a calculus in the back of their minds the house republican conference if they blow things up again, there can be real consequences heading into the fall. >> i think that is the private calculation, right? is are they prepared to actually go through this another time? and so far we haven't seen as much as we've seen frustration beyond those two votes. we haven't really seen if they are willing to go all the way, means suicidally destructive are strong on words, but i think some of them do feel like that that's true. yeah. and i do want to talk about what took place in this impeachment thing that just went thud over in the senate yesterday. >> i mean, the house impeached homeland security secretary, alejandro mayorkas. >> they delivered those articles of impeachment over to the senate. and then and it just, it just ended it's have you ever seen anything like
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this before, but i guess we haven't seen a cabinet secretary and peach. >> yeah, we have 100 years. >> one long. >> so my first impeachment, which is a little i mean, it wasn't as exciting as everyone told me will be three hours wasn't much going on there. wasn't much going on, no members were bored. i spoke with senator chris murphy after we said that this this is his third time. it won't be making it to his memoir, which is fair enough. all people did was signed an oath book and there was minimal debate but really, i mean, this was what majority leader chuck schumer had told us all along they were going to dismiss these articles. they do not believe they rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors that is required under the constitution for impeachment. >> and you're seeing but republicans came out, especially senator josh hawley and said that this is going to set precedent and republican majority in the senate if they again have event where they decide to impeach a cabinet official or a president in that case they will look to this precedent once again. yeah. catherine, i mean, i kind of wonder what the white house was
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thinking when they watched all of this unfold yesterday, they must have been gratified mean certainly the white house was pleased that this went away. >> they have long call this a political stunt. and i do think though, i mean, if you step back, this issue isn't going away on the campaign trail, right? certainly the president is under a lot of pressure about the border, about immigration. and i think we know that donald trump is going to continue to try and keep making that a leading issue. >> no, there's no question about it. all right, guys. ladies. thank you so much for being here this morning. it's awfully early, but that was great. appreciate it. thanks. thank you for the time. >> in the meantime, president biden is under immense pressure from a key group of voters over his handling of the war in gaza, university students and younger voters, there are pivotal for president biden's reelection bid, and they have repeatedly protested in interrupted his speeches to call for a ceasefire. >> cnn's jeff zeleny has this fascinating report for battleground state of pennsylvania one stop after
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another, cries of protest, trail president biden even outside the united steel workers headquarters in pink it's berg, one of the many friendly venues, the white house selects in hopes of minimizing angry disruptions over the israel gaza war whether or not the president can hear their message many demonstrators share a common bond their students frustrated and furious at us foreign policy there is indeed a will to stop this conflict. it can be kareem sofiia dean is a phd student at the university of pittsburgh, one of many young americans speaking now, there is not something that changes dramatically can you vote for joe biden? >> i do not believe so. >> and i do believe that many people will not be voting for joe biden and this indeed does something it does open a debate. a discussion. >> the debate plays out most everywhere. biden goes, as he
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tries to rebuild his winning coalition. one of the most resistant pieces of that puzzle is young voters on college campuses, a place biden has avoided almost entirely. >> i think he would be met with a lot of backlash flash, a lot of protest because his policies have been have killed tens of thousands of people. >> dalia sabah is wisconsin graduate student who helped organize a protest vote in the state's primary earlier this month, she bristles at the notion of whether her opposition to biden could help donald trump. >> we reject the idea that the democratic party feels like they have to coerce people into voting for them by leveraging the threat of another candidate that is worse if protests raged until the election, biden could well become the first democratic president since the vietnam era on welcome to large crowds of students. >> he does have this problem of a kind of nagging protest vote on the democratic side because of his handling of things in gaza, very burden leads the elections research center at the university of wisconsin,
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where presidential visits to college campuses, thousands of people to see kennedy have long been a historically critical stop for democrats who could feel, but kind of youth energy behind the clinton campaign. this was just a very comfortable and we'll place for obama as a candidate and a very necessary place for him to find votes. >> what do you make of the protest vote and how that could impact november well, biden certainly does not have the support of young people the way obama did. >> i think the vietnam war is the closest analogy. that was also the period when we had the biggest generation gap between the parties, while pro-palestinian demonstrations are far more than a campus movement, biden's advisers are studying young voters carefully. >> i one thing that's surprising me is the degree to which he is disregarding public opinion in a story all is a graduate architecture student at carnegie mellon in pittsburgh she regrets her vote for biden four years ago all right. coming up next a poland's president dining with donald trump, the two menn at odds when it comes to aid for
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plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. the code now and ask about the bosley guarantee the white house correspondents dinner live saturday, april 22 at seven eastern on cnn closed captioning is brought to you by hands-free skechers, bob's for dogs, footwear. it's never been easier to put on your shoes and help pets in need at the same time with new handsome skechers, bob's for dogs, sports lipids for slipping and go and they've already helped save over 2 million pets the people of poland loved him. they really do need to accomplish, but he's got a fantastic japanese, my friend we had for years over the may have to do it again it's donald trump praising polish president andrzej duda while welcoming to trump tower last night for president hosting the nationalist leader who wants
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floated the idea of naming a military base in poland for trump, the trump campaign says the two old friends talked about duda's proposal for nato countries to increase their defense spending. >> russia's war in ukraine and tensions in the middle east over there, two-and-a-half-hour meeting joining me now is seen in national political reporter daniel strauss we've seen, donald trump do this from time to time what did you think about this meeting they had yesterday, the polish president was pushing for more us aid. ukraine, that is certainly not where trump is, right? right. >> and that's a factor, but also this, this is something that i think a lot of presidential it's what to do. they want to show some kind of foreign policy acumen, familiarity with world leaders and associate with like-minded leaders around the world and the fact that the former president is meeting with a far-right leader is not by accident. is the latest in a series of discussions. he's had
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with a prominent officials from around the world and the larger implication, the underlying sentiment there is that is to remind voters that he has strong connections abroad, that he is still sort of a presidential figure even though he's out of office i mean, yeah, i think he's trying to put out the image that okay. >> he's doing something other than just being on trial in new york, you can do these meetings over at trump tower, down at mar-a-lago. he had a meeting with the viktor orban recently it seems as though he's trying to send a message to his base. this is where i'm going with my foreign policy. if i get back in the white house, right? and look, i mean, in 2016, we did see a ripple effect of the election results here. >> and like my leaders around the world get elected and i think there is sort of incentive there to, to push some sort of global movement it doesn't hurt and this is interesting. >> a janja, a president, biden, holding a campaign events and
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philadelphia, today is set to be endorsed by more than a dozen members of the extended kennedy family. i think it was on easter where there was that photo of biden with the kennedy family members at the white house, notably absent rfk junior. i mean, this is i think this is pretty significant because when you talk to folks out there, especially people who might not be paying all that much attention to the election just yet they here robert kennedy jr. is on the ballot. well, i like the kennedys. i liked them. you know, maybe i like him and it seems as though the kennedy family has taken note of this and that might be why we're seeing what we're going to see today. >> yeah, the kennedy family and the biden reelect here. they this is pretty it's pretty clear from examples like this that the biden in team knows that a third-party bid that robert f. kennedy's candidacy is something that they can't ignore and they want to highlight that this is not sort of blessed by the entire kennedy family as a whole here. >> yeah, they've come out very
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strongly. i think i mean, criticized right. >> bobby kennedy jr. and said, hey, we don't we don't believe some of the stuff he believes in and we are democrats. were you support joe biden, right? >> it is a testament to the kennedy name, right? like he's running as an independent right now. right. but the fact that entire family is so motivated to have at this event with the democratic president and the incumbent nominee for president shows that the kennedy name leaves voters thinking that this is a democrat. this is someone who has the support of his entire family, but yeah, and that's not the case. >> and i said just a fact check myself. i think we showed a picture there just a moment ago and i said easter earlier, but i think it was st. patrick's day. we put that a ha screen one more time. it was at st. patrick's day. it was st. patrick's day one of the kennedy the dead giveaway, all the green and the photo. and then in the far right on the back, i should say somebody is wearing what looks like a leprechauns hat. so get away right that was st. patrick's days.
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>> in fact, check me all right. >> dino great. great stuff. thanks for being with us. appreciate it in the meantime, the 76 years punch their ticket to the playoffs after a come from win against the miami heat, andy scholes has this boardings bleacher report yeah. good morning. jams. so the 76 years, i mean, man, they are red hot heading into their first round matchup now against the new york knicks that's billy one nine in a row now and last night so things weren't looking great. they were down 14. did they he joel embiid lead them back. he had 23 points and this one and a huge assist light under a minute to go tie game here and b2c, kelly oubre junior gets the bucket plus the foul billy would then hold onto when 105 jimmy butler injured his knee late in the first quarter. he stayed in place 40 minutes, but was noticeably limping after he said he hopes he can play in tomorrow's eight seed play in game with people i don't want to jinx it, but i mean, i hope that i'm fine.
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>> i hope wake up tomorrow and are just still stick a move, but no. right now i can't say that that's the case either balls moving on to the eighth seed game after easily beating the hawks lab as night, coby white had himself a game career high 42 for s-car-go in this one, bowles would win 1301 to one 16. >> so tomorrow it's going to be the bulls and the heat in miami for the eight seed in the eastern conference. and you've got the kings at the pelicans for the eight seed in the west. that one's at 9:30 eastern on our sister station d and d tough ball for new orleans, zion williamson he injured himself late in that lakers game. he is now out with an injured hamstring. now, all foot cord, the nba handing down an unprecedented punishment banning raptors player jontay porter for life, for gambling. now according to the league and investigation found porter fed inside information to a known sports better and took himself out of at least one game to affect the outcome of a prop
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bets on his performance. we're also bet on nba games, including at least three on a raptors games. one of which was for them to i were now 99 days away from the paris games and the men's usa basketball team may have been most star power ever for the first time, lebron, it's definitely curry will be teammates playing for their country in usa basketball director grant hill says, that's certainly going to be bought they'd been great ambassadors snatches for the nba, but for the game basketball globally and for them to now be on the same team. >> we're so used to seeing and compete against each other. and legendary and i kind of game teams in battles it kinda reminds me a bit and i hate to make comparisons. but when you think about that 92 dream team and you think about magic and births and holly win at it to me, i say is gonna be going for the fifth-straight gold at the
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paris games, which start in late july that was arizona coyotes saluting their fans of what's likely they're final game? this day, the crowd a mullet arena and tempi cheered throughout the final minute of last night's 5-2 win over the euler's, the nhl board of governors set this meet this afternoon to approve the team sale to utah jazz owner ryan smith, who intends to move the team till salt lake city. jim, this is really just ends oh a year. year saga of the team moving arenas, trying to figure out an arena. the caveat is, if they can figure out an arena there in arizona, the team is guaranteed and expansion team within five years, but certainly sad every time a team are cities that is team. yeah. so battling, a big, big sports barkat. they've got the jazz and if they get an nhl team that's, that's big stuff. and
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i know andy, you're talking about the dream team of 2020 this time around, i'm old enough to remember. >> i maybe you were what i don't want to ask how old you were in 1992, but it was 92 right? yeah that was the dream team. mike have i remember those games like it was yesterday. i was collected all the mcdonald's cups. they're trying to get this sky on it. but i'm not sure illustrated covers, jim, this year is going to certainly be cool though the bronsted kevin durant's wireless or jayson tatum, it's gonna be a great team. >> here's hoping they good, just bring home the gold and the pressure is on because as you and i both seen with recent nba drafts, and so a lot of these big players are coming out of europe. and so for folks to think, oh, it's just gonna be a walk for team usa. there's gonna be some tough competition. i gotta think oh yeah, certainly we didn't even metal in the fiba games last year. we didn't have our 18, but we didn't so that gives us some motivation. i think a
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little motivation. all right. thanks, andy, really appreciate it. >> coming up. what prosecutors plan to ask donald trump if he decides to testify in his hush money trial, plus the trail of destruction left by a tornado in ohio okay. everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition are strength and energy ensure 27 vitamins and minerals. nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein rows engineered for the spontaneous, a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra. >> and see alice faster acting and long-lasting grabbed the moment get started at slash sparks, stay tuned to get
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