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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 18, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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hurt him in the end. yeah. living off the kennedy stature today is one thing, but when he's actually exposed to the elements of a presidential campaign, my suspicion is, should it be on a debate stage? do you think he's pulling ten or 12%? should it be up there with trump and biden on a debate stage, he does represent a very interesting mishmash of what used to be separate political ideologies the fact that an environmentalist is now anti-vax, right? like the connection, the disconnect between science and expertise that exists and american population right now is right there with robert kennedy, little bit of a disconnect. >> yeah. but you know, i hear this nostalgia all the time for the era of the kennedys, right? >> and from the kennedy library get up in boston. i mean, any american who wants to go see a fascinating presidential library, every that to me is just, it's incredible visit. >> yeah, and people think of it as a time and america when we could come together and be inspired and find common purpose and maybe if you lived through it, it wasn't exactly like that, but i think that that's a huge asset for him and it's why the biden
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campaign has to deploy again all right, guys, gotta run. thanks so much for our panel. thank you very much for joining us this morning. i'm jim acosta, cnn, new central source right now is mike johnson now walking the plank? >> he's moving house toward finally voting on ukraine aid. what that means now for the efforts to oust him so closing in on a jury in a criminal trial of donald trump news, social media posts about the jury raised the fury of the judge. a 911 emergency right now, some parts of the country still do not have 911 service. and the blame game begins. why is this happening? i'm sarah sidner with kate bolduan and john berman. this is cnn news central every member gets to
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vote their own conscience. >> thais the messagerom the republican hse speaker today, which should be good news for every lawmaker. no pressure caaign are a twisting operation towa a predetermined tcome on the floojust aote. >> but that's not exactly how things work on capitol hill, and that's and that message is not maki some house republicans happy putting hnson's job on the line now, facing a first crucial test today in a few hours, the house rules committee will meet to consider the $95 billion package of aid do ukraine, israel, and taiwan. >> this this committee is the gatekeeper to what gets to the house floor. a bill has to pass through rules generally speaking, before it can get a vote on the floor. and even this step, johnson might need the help of democrats to make it through when you, do the right thing, you let the chips fall where they may. i mean, that's that's how that's my life philosophy and that's how i govern here every single day
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and the chips may already be falling late last night, three republicans on the rules committee tanked a separate border security bill that johnson was hoping would satisfy the hardliners. >> cnn's lauren fox has very latest. i mean, i went to sleep and things have changed even and i slept very few hours that things have already changed since i woke up. what's going to happen now? >> yeah, it's so important to undersre thathe rules mmite is typicallynown as the speaker's committee cause people who serve on it typically serve at the leisure and at the direction of the speaker of the house obviously, that shifted a little bit when kevin mccarthy was the speaker. but now you're seeing these problems really stacking up for johnson and this border security bill was supposed to be a bone that he was throwing at his hardliners to tell them and send them the message. i do care about the southern border if we're going to help ukraine, i understand the sentiment that we should be doing something at our own border as well. and yet, even that couldn't get through the house rules committee. now all
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eyes are on what happens to this series of supplemental packages to help israel, taiwan, ukraine in the hours to come. and it's possible that democrats on the house rules committee could help republicans to get this to the floor of the house of representatives in order for them to debate it again, once they get to the floor, they're going to need more or democratic support on the rule. and i know that that is a lot of jargon this morning, but it's so important to just point out that the procedural hurdles here for doing anything has been so difficult because of this threat of vacating the speaker that is hanging over the entire house of representatives right now. now democrats for their part, are remaining aimee noncommittal on what precisely they are going to do. >> here's josh got khaimah or a moderate who is often willing to cross the aisle mirrors, what the senate santos. >> that's something that i can see strongly supporting, however, if they stick a bunch of amendments on poison pills
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with this tight rope walk that they're doing, that undermines it. then of course might have problems with it. so i think what really matters is now what amendments they introduce. one of them has get past, and that's gonna make the difference in just a couple of hours house democrats are going to have a special caucus meeting to discuss the contents of what is in this three-part security package. in many ways, it looks a lot like the package that passed out of the senate 95 billion $61 for ukraine. >> and that is something that a lot of democrats have been suggesting they could support. but again, we'll know a lot more after that democratic meeting earlier this morning lauren fox. >> thank you so much. thank you. thank you, sarah. >> all right. this morning, we're standing by for donald trump's historic criminal trial to resume in new york very soon the prosecution and defense will begin questioning a brand new batch of 96 potential jurors, seven jurors have already been selected to determine trump's fate with five jurors and six alternates
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still needed. the judge, those says at this pace, opening statements could very well start monday cnn's beringia and grass is live outside the court. walk us through where things stand at the moment and we're getting to the point where those jurors will be coming in and being questioned yeah that's right. >> a new batch of 96 prospective jurors as sarah, just like you described already, sitting on the jury though, are four men and three women. and as you just mentioned, there the judge telling them they should report back on monday because it's very possible opening statements could happen. but of course that schedule is very fluid, so today, when cork picks back up at 9:30, those 96 prospective jurors are going to come into the courtroom and again, the judge is going to ask them, can they be fair and impartial? now remember when we went through this process on monday about more than 50 people basically rows of their hand and said that they want it to be dismissed. and so we'll see how many are we did out through that? process after that happens, then the rest of
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the perspective jurors have to answer those 42 questions. remember, it's about where they get their news from have the attended trump rallies, things like that. and then once that number dwindles down a little bit even more than each sayyed the defense and the prosecution are able to ask more pointed questions. jens now, when this happens on tuesday, it got very interesting. the prosecution really ask questions about, you know, could they follow the judge's instructions? do they have any issues with the fact that there's going to be a tabloid publisher, a adult film star, a attorney who has committed and was, guilty of federal crimes, those are the things that the prosecution is trying to look for when they are asking these questions to the jurors. as for the defense, will they really were weeding through the social media of some of these jurors. in fact the judge had to dismiss to jurors because of cause. so those are some of the things that will continue to be looking out for it. as they tried to pick these five other jurors plus more alternate.
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today, it's going to be another interesting de, in chord. we'll see if we do get a full jury seated. and of course, we'll be here for it. guys. >> all right. brenda and grass. thank you so much. appreciate it. john all right. 911 stops working for millions of people in this morning. first responders trying to figure out what caused the outage major developments in arizona and the battle over reproductive rights, republicans in the house, their block, an effort to overturn the near-total ban on abortion from the eighth and rinse. this after donald trump said it should be left up to the state's, it is a kennedy family reunion minus one. the big announcement they are planning to make as a show of force against rfk june the sinking of the titanic, how
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installation. schedule your free estimate today. >> live from the nation's capital, one of the most unforgettable nights in dc florida will read back here, resident biden and comedian collin joseph headline the white house correspondents dinner live saturday, april 27th at 7:00 a.m. on cnn all right breaking overnight law enforcement agencies and four states are investigating widespread 911 outages that interrupted service for millions emergency departments in texas, nevada, nebraska, and south dakota all reported issues overnight and this morning, while service has been mostly restored, it isn't clear what cause these outages seen as miguel marquez here with the very latest miguel, what have you learned yet? well, what we learned and what we know is that technology is fantastic. and until it doesn't work, it sounds like most of these states, not contiguous states, most of them were related to mobile phone issues in del rio, texas, for instance the law for
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law enforcement there said our system is fine, but the mobile systems down in clark county, nevada, which is where las vegas is, of course, big town which would have a lot of emergency services. people were not able to get through. we were able to call with their phone. they were able to still text or if they called the 911 operator could still see their number and call them back, but they couldn't get through on their cell phone across nebraska. there were spotty issues. south dakota, similar issue in nebraska. they said every cell every cell phone carrier was affected except for t-mobile if we had to guess at this point, it's probably some sort of update situation because it was just mobile systems. it was very specific ways that it was affected at all these different areas. and thankfully for the most part service has been restored. >> look something like this happens the first place. everyone's head goes to izz cyber attacks or could there have been some kind of cyber attack any the investigating authorities ruling that inner out at this point, none of them are ruling in or out, but it does sound like it was it was
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so widespread, it was so spotty in the way it happened that they are now looking into it to try to figure out exactly what the issue was. all right. so clearly more to learn are in here and probably disquieting for the people. couldn't get through if and when needed help, it would be it wouldn't be pleasant. all right. miguel, great to see you this morning. thank you very much, sir all right. >> i had you have to pay to play donald trump's plan to cash in on candidates who use his name to campaign also, a qr codes appearing around the world. >> sydney, london, chicago, swifties flocking to the sites, tracking the clues. it's a beautiful mind over here, figuring out what is taylor swift telling her fans with just hours to go until her new album drops every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. >> it's the five essential
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far nba play-in tournament continues tomorrow, one, ten president biden, is heading to philadelphia today and he's about to get an endorsement from one of america's most storied political families and endorsement that is more than just a show of support. >> it's a show of force, more than a dozen members of the kennedy family will join biden today pointedly shunning the third party campaign of their own family member robert kennedy jr. cnn's kevin liptak is at the white house, has gabor on this. kevin, what is this going to look like today yeah. >> this will be quite a moment, president biden really trying to harness the legacy of the kennedy family, which ordinarily wouldn't be such a huge surprise. this is the most storied family and democratic politics, but the real intrigue here is, of course that third party bid by robert f. kennedy jr. of course, many members of the kennedy family have already rejected that bid, both concerned about some of his controversial views, but also
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deeply concerned about the prospect of him siphoning off boats from president biden, from democrats who may see the kennedy name on the ballot. tick the box without knowing much about the candidate himself. and so really this event is designed to show that rfk junior doesn't necessarily represent the kennedy political brand. and certainly it demonstrates that the kennedy family and the biden campaign are taking this very seriously. now, what we'll see today is 15 members of the kennedy family joining president biden in philadelphia, including kerry kennedy. she's a sister of rfk junior. she will introduce the president and she will really heighten the stakes of this election in an excerpt of what she'll say, she'll say, i can only imagine how donald trump's outrageous lies and behavior would have horrified my father, robert f. kennedy, who proudly served as attorney general of the united states and honored his pledge to uphold the law and protect the country now after the
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president's speech today, he's planning to join an organizing meeting with members of the kennedy family. he'll be introduced, thereby another member of the klan, joe kennedy, the third, he's the biden special envoy to northern ireland. afterwards, members of the kennedy family will make phone calls, will knock doors on the president's behalf, no president biden has long espoused his affection for the kennedy family. he has said that rfk sr. was an inspiration for his own political career. he has his bust in fact, in the oval office the kennedy family has also telegraphed their support for biden. it was just back on st. patrick's day when they all took a photo in the rose garden with president biden with one notable absence, rfk junior, of course, that will be the same case today. when all an indication that the campaign that the kennedy family views rfk juniors campaign as a threat, they
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can't ignore and certainly they do want to emphasize their support for president biden. as this third party bid continue it's great to see you, kevin. thank you so much. we watching for that later today. john yellow, political dynamics there and family dynamics are the republican house speaker in arizona standing in the way of new efforts to repeal the 1800s era near total ban on abortion. >> there major new developments in the battle over reproductive rights. and we have new reporting coming in the justice department said to be close to a settlement for more than a dozen women who were used by former usa gymnastics doctor larry nassar every piece of evidence tells a story how it really happened with jesse l. martin, sunday, april 28, good nine on cnn cracked windshield schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix this
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elephants and srilanka fails preserved to see this frontline mentality are here are these giant and invasive species, or are they fighting for their own survival? and the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn all right, this morning we are learning the congressman donald payne, who suffered what is office called a cardiac episode more than ten days ago, is still in the hospital. >> we are told that he isn't in stable condition overnight, new jersey democrats office released a statement that said in part, while we hope for a full recovery, we ask everyone to keep him in your prayers. a new report on the catastrophic maui wildfires last august reveals terrifying details of residents trapped by flying embers, high winds, and blinding thick smoke. and first responders trapped and unable to help 101 people were killed in that wildfire, making them the deadliest in the united states in more than 100 years. and i am sure you know this, but taylor swift's new album, the tortured poets department drops at midnight tomorrow.
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that is how the kids say it, right. drops new cryptic mural clues in cities across the country with giant qr codes are creating even more of a frenzy as if that's even possible. the qr codes take fans to a 13 second clip a type brighter animation, then types error three-to-one and a faded 13 that must mean something to someone sarah thank you, john, for dropping those clues on us. >> we appreciate it. all right. let us switch gears it back to one of our big stories of the de. very soon donald trump will be back in court for the historic criminal trial against him. but last night he. went on social media and posted comments about the jury knowing full well, a gag order is in place. former trump white house lawyer, jim scholz got up early, joining me now this morning, i appreciate you coming on. jim, let's talk about what we have just seen
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from overnight donald trump going on social media, going on truth, social last night. and saying saying he's quoting fox news personality jesse watters posting they are catching undercover liberal activist lying to the judge in order to get on the trump jury is this a violation you think of the gag order where he is talking about the jurors here, even though he is quoted things someone else he's referencing the jurors. >> he's he's pushing out something that someone else said, yes but the bottom line is it applies to him. right. so i think the judge is going to see this as a violation of the gag order and get ready. they're going to continue and continue and continue. show the judge can find them. he can admonish him he could do a lot of things in the courtroom. it's not going to throw them in jail. this trial still going to continue. and you're still going to hear from donald trump on truth, social, social, no doubt about it. >> all right. so from your words, you believe that he has
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violated a gag order because even though they weren't his words, he did talk about the jury and truth social. i do want to ask you about what we're learning how about the prosecution's plan this morning, if donald trump ends up taking the stand, prosecutors are asking a judge to allow them to question him about his civil cases where he was found liable of sexual abuse against e. jean carroll and the business fraud case that he lost do you think the prosecutors plan that they've laid out if he testified will make donald trump think twice about taking the stand look, i think that there's a lot of factors that are going to go into whether donald trump take the stand. >> one, how he feels the prosecution is going to try to impeach his testimony one, meaning tried to make his testimony not credible, tried to show him as not credible witness. there are a number of things, including those things you identified that perhaps the prosecution wants to raise and the judge is going away, the probability of those issues versus the prejudicial effect they may have on the defendant.
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and that's that's the balancing test that the court is going to take into consideration when deciding how far the prosecution is going to be able to go on those prior acts with trump's defense team, of course, has a plan as well. >> perhaps the most crucial witness in this case. it's trump's former personal attorney and fixer, michael cohen he has a prosecution witness he was the one facilitating the deals for donald trump in both of these cases with stormy daniels and the playboy playmate but would you see as their plan of attack when it comes to cohen taking the stand? >> so look, he's the key witness for the prosecution, and he has his own baggage as well. >> there are courts that have recognized that he's perjured himself there. >> he he also the prosecution is going to show that he is completely prejudiced biased in this case, that he's angry with donald trump, that he's trying to settle a grudge.
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they're gonna go after him with everything they have and that's why you saw you saw prosecutor's asking the jurors the potential jurors, whether it's like the difference between likeability and believability that goes right? fight to michael cohen because they're worried that the durer's might not like michael cohen. and there they've got to do everything they can to make him believable. and that's gonna be a really tough hill for the prosecutors declined i'm really curious about this because i saw this morning politico is reporting that the defense team could end up if thing please don't look like they're going so well, trying to get the judge to allow the jury the option of considering misdemeanor charges instead of felony charges that the de has brought. >> what do you think about this strategy? >> well, i think it's just week this in the case, right? no doubt about it. and we all know that the misdemeanor charges at the statute, there's an argument statute of limitations has expired on misdemeanor
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charges that they brought the felony charges, and the reason they only reason they have felony charges, they're making an allegation that there was a campaign finance law that was broken and that that's why the business records were recorded the way they were recorded to cover that up. well, that underlying crime or violation had never been charged. it wasn't brought by the fcc. the federal prosecutors never brought it. and remember that's a federal crime hi, i'm at the end of the day. we're in state court. so that's where the stretches legally in this case probably were a lot of the appeals are gonna are gonna come from. and why this is going to be tied up for a long time and appeals, no matter what the outcome convicted or not. >> yeah. and also make it really is the crux of the case. jim. thank you so much. i appreciate you. coming in this morning. it's been a pleasure. thank you. john wright knew this morning arizona republicans blocked a new efforts to repeal the state's civil war era bannon almost all abortions if after the arizona supreme court resurrected the
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law, after two attempts, lawmakers voted not to discuss it on the house floor. so blocked in the arizona so in a house, though it did make some progress in the state senate, this standoff is a blow to republicans in tight races in that state, including senate candidate kari lake they have been trying to distance themselves from the supreme court decision. they're also donald trump, who said abortion should be left up to the states and right now left up to arizona. and this is what arizona i was doing with it. cnn's daniel strauss is with me now on the latest standoff here in arizona, daniel yeah. >> and listen, i can't underscore how important this is to advocates of repealing this law. this shows among not just democrats, but republicans as well that there is a rift between the those who really supported within the state and more national republicans who are worried about the consequences of this law and it being seen as indicative of the
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party as a whole, you've seen it. you can see yourself in donald trump for instance, said, looking to distance himself from the law or kari lake as well, trying to either digress and change the subject or argue that the law should be repealed. it's too severe. so at this point in time, it's not really clear despite calls from some of the most influential republicans in the party for arizona, what arizona republicans would, what it would take for arizona republicans to actually move and try and repeal this law. >> again, there has been some movement in the state senate where republicans and democrats have joined together. and there could be a vote on this as early as next week, but it would take passing the state senate and the house where the republican and house speaker, at least as far as i can tell, says he's not going to let it happen period full stop yeah. >> and it's a heavy lift, no doubt about it. this is really a sign, yet another example of how more conservative state
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legislatures are playing an outsized role in american politics right now. with the fact that one chamber of a state legislature is blocking something that has monumental implications, just shows that at the state level as republicans have argued, this is still a complicated issue. >> yeah and again, for reproductive rights advocates, they say, when you say things should be left up to the states, this is what can happen when left up to the state's daniel strauss. great to see you this morning. thank you very much driving out of town to go quotes, see the moon and stars. >> that is the alibi now offered up by the legal team for bryan kohberger, the man accused of brutally killing four idaho college students back in november 2022. >> this is coming out in a new legal filing just hours before a long-delayed deadline, and we're also learning how his attorneys plan to back up his not guilty plea. >> cnn's veronica miracle. she's got more on this. she's joining us now. >> ronna got one more you learn
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in here what we're learning that kohberger attorney is planned to have an expert witness testify and prove and show that kohberger cell phone was not in the city limits of moscow the night of the murders, but was actually west of moscow. they say he was out driving as he often did to go on a hike or run or as you said, see the moon and the stars, they plan to bring the forward the testimony of psi ray, who is an expert in cell phone tower and radio he specializes in that he co-founded rather a company called x1 x that can um, that basically is able to track a device and also solve complex cases and they say that his testimony will prove that kohberger cell phone was not traveling east on the moscow pullman highway the night of the murders, and that they say that that proves that his car could not have been caught on surveillance video on that same
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highway. now prosecutors contend that kohberger cell phone was in the area of the crime scene just hours after the murders, they also say his cell phone was around the house about 12 times starting in june of 2023 all the way up until his eventual arrest in december of 2023. right now, bryan kohberger faces four counts of first-degree murder and his trial is set to start in march of 2025 for anika. >> thank you for the update is there all right. >> new for you this morning, the justice department is nearing a settlement that could be millions of dollars for the sexual assault survivors of former usa gymnastics team doctor larry nassar, more than a dozen survivors have filed claims against the government over its negligence while investigating the case. >> he's back in 2018. the disgraced doctor was sentenced to up to 175 years in prison after being convicted of sexually abusing more than 150 women and girls over the course
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of 20 years. cnn's polo sandoval is joining me now. this is a very significant moment for these victims. how soon could this be finalized? still share this potential settlement first reported by the wall street journal could potentially come any week now, and it's important because this is a long time coming as you recall, more than a dozen survivors have larry nassar's sex abuse have sued the government since 2022, using the federal torts claims which basically allows individuals to take the government to court for negligence. the plaintiffs in this case alleging that the fbi agents investigating the former usa gymnastics team, doctor quote, turned a blind eye to abuse allegations. and the doj agreed to begin negotiations. now here we are two years later. a person familiar with these negotiations telling cnn that the doj is in fact finalizing a settlement with survivors though details. when exactly be confirmed until a deal is struck in court. this could mean tens of millions of dollars for the victims, survivors previously filed $130
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million worth in claims against the fbi, alleging that agents had the bureau's indianapolis and la field offices initially failed to act on sexual abuse allegations against nasser. the lawsuit really built off and absolutely scathing inspector general report that found that fbi agents made false statements and that they also failed to properly document complaints from survivors. and as you recall, sarah, this will not be the first sort of deal struck for nasa survivors usa, usa gymnastics as well as the a us olympic committee. they reached a $380 million deal previously with the survivors here cnn has reached out to the law firm representing the survivors. the doj, declining to comment, but also, i'll point you to the fbi director's comments before lawmakers back in 2021, when christopher wray call this agent's actions or in this case, inactions in excusable up. so we have seen the fbi really sort of face the fact
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that agents, they said not the organizations, but specifically agents fail to act. and failed to protect young women and girls who were crying out for help. >> so many people fail to protect these women and girls. thank you so much polar for that reporting. so donald trump's latest creative take, maybe on fundraising, use his name or likeness in your own campaign and he wants you to pay up to him. >> prince william's first return to royal duties since princess kate shared her cancer diagnosis, you'd details on that. plus cnn's new film, blue carbon debut sunday at 9:00 p.m. on cnn. >> here's a preview now. >> i want to make a new anthem for nature by recording the sounds of coastal habitats that we don't value enough habitat scientists called blue carbon but for that, i need to go back
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out into the field in southern florida vast network of waterways spill into the ocean. >> creating one of the most extensive wetlands in north america this is what a blue carbon ecosystem looks like hey
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in tel aviv, and this is cnn new for you this morning, donald trump's team wants republican candidates to give them a cut of their fund raising cash. the campaign is telling candidates and committees that if they use the former president's name, image, and likeness to fund raise they should give at least 5% of what they get to donald trump's cnn, steve contorno is joining me now basically, you use the name you pay for it exactly. sarah, there was a letter that was sent dated april 15 from the top officials in trump's campaign saying, look, if you're going to use trump's name, likeness, and image then we should get a chunk that money that you raised using trump's image and they suggested at least 5% when i say at least 5% because there is this interesting line in the letter that they sent. and let me read it for you. now, it
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says any split that is higher than 5% will be seen favourably by the republican national committee and prompt president trump's campaign and that information is routinely reported to the highest levels of leadership within both organizations. the implication being, if you give a little bit more than 5%, maybe the former president will even know about it and maybe the top level of the rnc will know about it. so clearly, trying to encourage people to give even more and look the rnc is saying, we need to do this because there are people who are putting trump's its named claiming endorsements, putting pictures of him of their candidates with family members starting trump memberships this can be confusing for donors who think that they might be giving to a trump back canada or maybe even trump themselves. and so they want to eliminate any confusion there but obviously this is coming at a time where trump is in a tight race with president biden in a fund raising cash crunch. he is trailing biden's
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campaign and the dnc in the fundraising push. and this is another effort to get some more money into their campaigns. coffers for these next five months, it'll be curious to see how this has responded to by candidates. steve contorno. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> okay. joining us now as republican strategist, we're gonna shaw and democratic strategist, chris go famous guys, let's start here. >> i mean, what do you think of this? ask of down-ballot candidates? i mean down-ballot candidates, they need all the cash they can get i mean, would you advise any of them to go along with this absolutely not. >> i would tell them to fight back. this is not just unconventional. it's not just a business deal. it is almost mafioso like, and i think of course that's just tracks with who trump fit. he treats politics just like, a mob boss would in many ways. and so if anything, this isn't like a show of, hey, you know, this could be party unity. give us a little here. this is putting a little bit too much pressure on candidates who frankly need
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that money for their own races. we all know the rnc not coming to help anymore. they haven't got as much cash. so why are you trying to steal? so from the little guy, again, trump it is i giggle a little bit, chris. it was just like talk about unconventional and the ot and pt top of unconventional. i saw on the political reporting and steve was talking about this to the trouble officials. they're insisting that the purpose of the 5% split is not to raise money for themselves but to dissuade scammers from using trump's brand without permission i mean, what do you think? maybe novel fundraising strategy or something more desperate i don't know if its desperate i mean, we could be i mean, i think there's a couple of things clearly, he's got a money problem. >> they're going to he's going to lose the money rais, i think that is already clear i think the other part to it that i think is maybe the more kind of controlling aspect of this i think the trump campaign wants to know who's using his likeness and who isn't. but for a particular reason,
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essentially, who's on his team and who isn't and so if you think about this in terms of the entire country, especially in those key battlegrounds, you can almost, you can almost come to reverse engineer. all right, in some of the key races, who's like leaning into trump, who's running away. and that could help shape their strategy. so i think it's bigger than just money because i think unless they're completely delusional, they know they're going to lose the money rais, i think this is more about political control and campaign control. >> it feels like too many backflips to get there. why don't you just ask the campaigns, are you with us? are you going to separate yourself from us regardless i don't run campaigns. renal. let's talk about what's happened on the hill in the last 24 hours. the senate dismiss the articles of impeachment against the dhs secretary, ending the republican push. they're in house republican speaker not making friends with the right flank and moving ahead with these votes on the foreign aid bills. >> do you see this as shaping up to be a good week or a tough week for republicans all
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indications telling me this is actually a really good week for speaker johnson. >> i mean, he's been plowing through despite all the naysayers, despite the want to be revolt from the right flank of his, that he's got a word off every minute of every day. it seems i do admire his courage to go ahead and keep trying to legislate splicing border security away from foreign aid. seems like the best possible option for him look, i have to remind folks, marjorie taylor greene is threatening to get rid of this beaker altogether why? >> simply because he wants to put ukraine aid on the floor and we all know that ukraine needs this money. >> this money has been helpful a and now, if they don't get it, they don't have what they need to be back russian aggression, it's as simple as that. >> but again, you've got people like marjorie taylor greene who want to blow it all up. >> and speaker johnson is showing that he's willing to lose his job if it just means to do the legislating. so i really admire it i think this is a week in which there has
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been a bit of a win on the republican side and look, there have been a lot of us who say how to speaker johnson survived is without the democrats help. so far he hasn't gone begging and pleading. >> and i think this is a moment in which we have to again, commend his statesmanship, commend him wanting to do the job. >> there are a lot of weeks in washington i know kate chris also knows things, just don't get done, things with really bleak. i'm feeling a lot more hopeful after yesterday. >> chris, i mean, you worked on the hill for years. i chase you around on the hill for years. i want your take on this week and induce it. let me play. what nancy pelosi said last night about mike johnson on santa i think it's great just to pinches say, because you have to understand that in his own caucus, the chairman of the intelligence committee and the chairman of the foreign affairs committee, two liters respect on both sides of the has said that russian propaganda has infiltrated the republican side of the aisle so he has to deal with that.
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>> and for him to say that the democracy and ukraine is an issue that we must support is a bold statement she's praising him and calling him courageous. i mean, what's your take on this week, chris well, i mean, you know, this is a classic battle between policy and politics to say the least, i think politically he, it's going to be a tough a tough position for him, because if you look at some of the recent polling the republican party republican voters are not supportive of ukraine and so that, that is what's fueling a lot of these republican base extremist, if you want to call them that whatever. >> and that poses obviously, given there slim majority, a real political problem listened he probably pushed these votes through with democratic support but if you lose a few republicans and they are actually to push a challenge, then the question becomes, are
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democrats going to come and rescue him in that vote? i don't think so because i think the problem for the republicans, especially in an election year is when the american voters sees chaos regardless of the reason they retrenched and they're like, well, how do we put these guys back in charge? and so they've got a big political problem beyond this ukraine vote yeah. >> okay. who this is grab a few will whoever wants to jump at it, which is i know impossible when we're all when you guys are remote. >> but let's try it. this new reporting that more than a dozen members of the kennedy family are coming out to formally endorsed biden rfk juniors been pulling around. i think lydia's is like 14, 12, 11% in recent polls what is the impact of this kennedy family move? maybe it's more, what does it say more about concerns of the impact of rfk junior on the rings? >> yeah. so i think kate i'll jump in all right. i think you just got to hit it on the head and the last on the last part,
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which is there is obviously clear concern about rfk and the impact that he could have in some of these key battlegrounds. if you unless you divorced from political reality the everybody knows that this is going to election is going to come down to a handful, probably about five battleground states. and given how close this race is going to be, rfk polls in some of those battleground states, he gets up into the high single digits or higher there's a big political problem for democrats other than the fact that i think we all want to divorce ourselves from political realities. sometimes rina, what do you think you know, i just find rfk junior to be laughable. >> your own family doesn't want you who really wants you. balance are still waiting for his name, how he gets there. i don't really fully see it, but chris is point is absent italy well-taken. democrats have more to worry about in this moment. trump gets out to the trump team is way more professional. got to remind folks that everyday of the week, this is a better run campaign and you don't know what's going to happen on the inside if our k
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gets better valid access and again runs up the numbers and those key battleground states definitely don't want to take his eye take our eyes off of him, but would just say he's still sitting over there in very irrelevant lands. so i'm glad that families out talking about him. but at this point, i'm not paying that much attention to him. >> also, irrelevant land. i'm heading there right after i divorce political reality. it's great to see you guys useful lot john all right. >> the breaking news we just learned that the prince of wales, a few minutes ago has officially returned to royal duties. he is making his first official public appearance since his wife revealed that she is undergoing preventative chemo treatments for cancer see it max foster in london with the very latest here. so back on the official job as of now, max? >> yes, i'm very hands-on. he's been preparing food in a distribution center for surplus food, which is then sent out to charities. so he's been throwing himself in an all eyes on him, of course, because
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he's been out of action since that big announcement from his wife and it does suggest that he's well enough or she's well enough rather for him to go out and carry on with this public duties. so i think that's why there's so much focus on this. i don't think we're going to hear much about the princess. i've just been told that he's received some get well cards for her to pass on, which he took but we'll wait to see afterwards to see whether or not he's made any comment to the people that he's met today because i'm sure that'll take a lot of the headlines, but he's going to this distribution center, then he's going into london then where he'll see where that food is taken to a youth center. so there will be lots of pictures and moments coming out throughout the day max, any update on the princess of wales, her treatment, her health, any update on the king his treatment, his health? no. so they've made this very clear to us throughout this process. >> they're not going to give any updates. they very much felt in terms of princess that she said all that she could in
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the way that she wanted to say it in that video. and there will be updates later on. perhaps we may even see her appearing but occasional events if she feels well enough. i think if we'd look at the timing of this event today with prince william, it's pretty clear that he's able to go back to work as well also because the kids have been on hold eight and they went back to school yesterday all right. >> max foster for us in london, obviously standing by to see if we hear prince william speak sometime after these events today, that will be interesting in and of itself, max, thank you very much for that. all right, a new our of cnn news central starts right now as donald trump heads back to core for day three of jury selection did he just go after the jury? >> we are live outside the courthouse with more real questions this morning. after a widespread 911 outage, that's impacted four states and a multi-million-dollar gold


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