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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 18, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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it in that video. and there will be updates later on. perhaps we may even see her appearing but occasional events if she feels well enough. i think if we'd look at the timing of this event today with prince william, it's pretty clear that he's able to go back to work as well also because the kids have been on hold eight and they went back to school yesterday all right. >> max foster for us in london, obviously standing by to see if we hear prince william speak sometime after these events today, that will be interesting in and of itself, max, thank you very much for that. all right, a new our of cnn news central starts right now as donald trump heads back to core for day three of jury selection did he just go after the jury? >> we are live outside the courthouse with more real questions this morning. after a widespread 911 outage, that's impacted four states and a multi-million-dollar gold
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heist. why police are now saying it was an inside job. i'm kate baldwin was sarah sidner and john berman this is cnn news central we are standing by to see donald trump leave trump tower for his new york criminal trial. >> it is within the realm of possibility that they seat a jury by the end of the day. donald trump. we'll be there to see if he can stay awake, which has been an issue according to people who have watched him in the courtroom. also an issue potentially social media posts that donald trump push about jury selection. one of our legal analyst says, quote i think the judge is going to go rip split but she did not say split exactly here. so we're standing by to see the judge's reaction. trunk normally speaks before going into court, we will see if he addresses the jury issue, then also, we will
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see if he weighs in on what could be the biggest story of the day. house speaker mike johnson putting his job on the line for a vote on ukraine aid. will donald i'll trump, cut them loose. cnn's kristen holmes is outside court. seven jurors so far we will see where we end up for the next few hours. kristen yeah, that's right. >> so let's talk about what we're going to actually see today. and as you mentioned, donald trump is likely to leave in the next hour and we use expected to stop and speak to the cameras. remember, he is still running a presidential campaign. he is going to use every opportunity he can to paint this trial as unfair as election interference, as we have seen him do for the last several months. so today, we are talking about another 96 jurors being brought into the the courtroom, that means the judge is going to first talk to them. is there anyone who feels like they can't be impartial? that's going to dismiss several people last time, it was more than half of the pool that had comment, then there's going to be conversations about anyone else who feels for some reason they are to fit to serve in this jury that will dismiss
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another handful of people, then we get to that questionnaire. the questionnaire we have been talking about that asks the basic questions what your name is, where you're from, how old you are, what you do for a living, but also those questions that are directly related to this case. have you ever attended a trump rally? have you ever attempted attended any kind of anti-trump of that? again, more people will get weeded out. now at the very end of this, we know that donald trump and his team as well as the prosecutors, only have four strikes left. those are those strikes that they get to just dismiss a juror for any reason that is something thing that donald trump has complained about. he says he should get unlimited strikes. he also continues to say he can't get a fair trial here in new york. but one post was particularly striking that he put on truth social last night we're going to pull it up for you here. he was quoting a fox news anchor, but he said they are catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge in order to get get on the trump jury. there is absolutely no evidence of that right now, but
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that is a line that donald trump has said time and time. again, this idea that people are sneaking onto the jury and i will tell you, john speaking to both sides, the prosecution and the defense, there is a concern about that. but again, no one is being caught in this moment that is not a factual statement. i do want to say one thing about the johnson comments that you mentioned because i think this flew under the radar on a radar on friday when there were so much news donald trump, i actually asked him when i was at mar-a-lago, what he would do if johnson moved forward with a ukraine aid package, he essentially said that they were talking about it, that there might be a way to do it as a loan, but i'm pointing that out because this was really the first time that he didn't adamantly say no foreign aid to ukraine. he said they were trying to work through that. as we reported over the weekend, we have heard from multiple sources that johnson was advised that he should be briefing trump on anything. he does about ukraine. so that's another aspect of the story that we should keep in mind when we're talking about trump and johnson
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look, that's why i'm so interested to see if he says anything about this because donald trump, over the next 24 hours could hold the fate of mike johnson in his hands, not to mention perhaps the fate of aid to ukraine. >> all right. kristen holmes glamorous le standing outside the courthouse where it's for this morning. nice to see you. >> thank you very much. >> sarah all right. >> we're going to continue the conversation. we've seen an allele analysts carry cordero. she is joining me now. thank you so much for coming in this morning. i wanted to just we've already heard from kristen holmes what donald trump put on social media last night talking about saying that they are catching undercover liberal african add activists lying to the judge in order to get on the trump jury. he is quoting fox news personality jesse waters, but he put it on his own truth, social we just heard from his former attorney at the white house gym, schult. here's how he put it. when i asked him whether or not this violates the gag order he's
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referencing the jurors. he's he's pushing out something that someone else said. yes. but the bottom line is it applies to him. right. so i think the judge is going to see this as a violation of the gag order and get ready. they're going to continue and continue and continue. show the judge can find them. he can admonish him. he could do a lot of things in the courtroom. it's not going to throw from in jail. this trial still going to continue, and you're still going to hear from donald trump on truth social, social, no doubt about it carried do you agree that trump violated a gag order with this with this post? so i'm not. sure that the judge is going to find that he technically violated the former president is pretty savvy in the way that he navigates lines and since it doesn't sound to me like the post is about an actual we'll specific real juror right. it's sort of
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purporting to describe somebody who might exist, but who according to christians reporting, doesn't actually exist, does not actually about a juror it does fall into a broader category of sort of talking about the jurors. and so i look, i think sarah, this is the extraordinarily difficult line that the judge is going to navigate in this case because the former president is going to always push the envelope in terms of his public statements. he does have first amendment rights. the judge does need to make sure that he stays in accordance with the gag or and doesn't threaten court personnel, doesn't threaten jurors, doesn't talk about them specifically but it's gonna be very, very difficult. monetary fines in my judgement would have to be an extraordinary amounts to actually matter and be a deterrent to the former president now those are really interesting points when to stick with the jury because you have mentioned that the integrity of course, of the trial depends on jury anonymity. we know one of the
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jurors is from ireland. he lives in west harlem. another of a puerto rican it consultant another is a black woman who was a teacher at a charter school. another as an oncology nurse, there's a corporate lawyer who lives in chelsea. when you look at all of these different descriptions if these people are going to be out of work for the next six to eight weeks or more, couldn't people easily figure out who they are, especially if they know them? >> well, i would imagine that there are all sorts of interests from various corners, including the media and trying to learn who some of these jurors are and as a lawyer from someone who's looking at this from the purpose of the integrity of the proceedings. and it's a really difficult issue. yes, there's identify fine information about these people. this is the highest profile trial going on in the country. all of their associates and family members and coworkers and so forth are going to probably know. and so
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you're relying not actually just on the jurors themselves, but on a wider network of individuals to try to protect them so we will see that the jurors will be seated there also will be alternatives who are seated. so that if a juror at some point becomes unable to serve for whatever reason, including public identification, then there will be alternate. but it will be a challenge. >> okay. so that's something the judge could do is switch out a juror with one of the six alternates are we have five more jurors to get on the case and six alternates that have to be pulled in as well. i do want to lastly, asked you about legal strategy that we're learning more about. this morning. the prosecution is saying if trump does take the stand, they're asked get the judge to allow them to question him about his civil cases where he was found liable for sexual abuse. that was the e jean carroll case and the fraud case involving his businesses. how do you think this will play out with the judge or do you think two prejudicial and the judge will say no?
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>> so anything the judge will have to evaluate each particular piece of evidence that the prosecution wants to launch against the former president to impeach him, impeach in the sense of just demonstrate to the jury that he is not truthful and then prior circumstances, his testimony should not be weighted heavily based on prior untruthfulness. so that is in the scenario that he would decide to testify himself, which still would be an enormous question mark. and i tend to think that his defense attorneys would incline be inclined to guide him not to but that will i think the judge will have to consider each individual circumstance and whether each piece of information needs is appropriate to be entered. >> all right. we're just waiting here on the next few moments, we will see donald trump heading to the courthouse where there'll be 96 potential jurors who will be questions. >> carry cordero. thank you so much. appreciate your time this morning. okay an american
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political dynasty and a show of force for joe biden that also says a whole lot about kennedy family dynamics the roller-coaster continues what's behind the uptick now in trump's media stock today in some parts of the country waking up this morning with no i'm one one service, four states impacted and officials are now investigating what is going on here 2024 so far, nba play-in tournament for these teams make it to the playoffs. they got to win, to get it. 2024 so far, nba play-in tournament these are people who are trying to change the world startups have this, energy that energizes me i'm thriving by helping others thrive every day. people who know no video
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plus 30-day money-back guarantee lot from the nation's capital. one of the most unforgettable nights in dc, the soares read back here, resident biden and comedian collin joseph headline the white house correspondents dinner, live saturday, april 27th at seven eastern on cnn
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and breaking overnight some parts of the country without 911 service after a widespread outage, authorities in south dakota, texas, the brass get in nevada, all reported issues overnight. >> one department in texas is blaming a cell provider and other said that land lines were down as well they are working to find out what caused these outages. with this. now cnn's stephanie elan, what's the latest here set yeah, this is bizarre one, jon, that this happened and basically six cities in four different states overnight, we know some service has been restored, but not everywhere based on what we've heard from some of these departments of you look at southern nevada i like the las vegas metro area. >> they're saying that their service has been restored. same thing with south dakota, sioux falls and also rapid city are concerned, but we also heard about outages in del rio, texas as well as in chase county, nebraska. they have not indicated that their services are back online at this point. we'd learned about the the
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outages because a lot of these areas put it out on their facebook feeds that they weren't working. but how you were able to get in touch with non-one one varies depending on where you are in south dakota, they're saying texting 911 worked in most locations while in texas, they're saying that the outage was it's because of that major cellular carrier. slightly different. if you look at nebraska where they said the outage was for all carriers except for t mobile and it's also interesting too that they would say in texas that they're saying use use a different carrier. i don't know if people have multiple phones that they could do that with them they're on two different carriers. but also also to look at a landline and tax. we're alternately, if you take a look at vegas, they were saying texting from a landline was not working are calling from a landline was not working. but if you called or texted, if you call from a non won one number from your cell phone, they would see that you called and directly call while you write
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back what is unclear though, is why this happened, if any of it is connected, and also how long it might take for those two states to get their areas back online. but obviously very scary if people had any emergencies late last night, john. >> yeah, very scary in some places, apparently ongoing with no explanation just yet, stephanie thanks so much for this latest report so big moves in arizona republicans in the state house, their block an effort to repeal the 1800s era, near-total ban on abortion they blocked the effort now police say it was an inside job. >> now they're rounding up suspects in a multimillion-doll ar gold heist the sinking of the titanic, how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday, april 28 did
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on max president biden is heading to philadelphia today where he's picking up the endorsement from one of america's most storied political families. >> more than a dozen members of the kennedy family are set to throw their support behind him, a show of force and very public shunning of their own family members, third party presidential bid, even calling robert burt f kennedy juniors campaign outright, dangerous. cnn's jeff zeleny is in pittsburgh with boron. this what are you hearing about this, jeff good morning. >> it's the latest show of force from the camelot era, if you will, for president biden's reelection, we have seen several instances of where the kennedy family emily is showing their support for president biden and what they're not saying is they are trying to draw a contrast with their other family member the black sheep in the family, if you will? robert f. kennedy jr. who's third-party presidential candidate, psc. i was really worrying some democrats. and here's why he's been trying
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to get on the ballot in many battleground states. that effort is underway he's not been certified in several of them, but the signatures are in so that is something to watch for this summer to see what ballots he actually gets on. but long before that the white house, the biden campaign and the kennedy family, the vast majority of them wanted to show that they are supportive of the biden reelection efforts. so we're going to see today in philadelphia on the third day of president biden wing here through battleground, pennsylvania, the strong show of support from many, many, many kennedy's. >> let's talk about pennsylvania because biden's been there according unions, according to still work hur's this week, one type of voter, if you will, that he is still struggling with is young voters and you spoke to some young voters about younger voters about this. what are they telling you? >> okay, this has been really interesting watching the president's reelection campaign schedule. he's been campaigning quite a lot in battleground states, including here in pennsylvania, but
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protests follow him from event two, event many of those voices and faces in these protests are younger voters who say they're deeply concerned about the president's policy. in gaza one stop after another, cries of protest, trail president biden even outside the united steel workers headquarters in pittsburgh, one of the many friends lee venues, the white house selects in hopes of minimizing angry disruptions over the israel-gaza war a lot of quakes, current whether or not the president can hear their message many demonstrators share a common bond they are students frustrated and furious at us foreign policy. >> there is indeed a will to stop this conflict. it can be stopped kareem sofiia dean is a phd student at the university of pittsburgh, one of many young americans speaking now, there is not something that changes dramatically can you
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vote for joe biden? >> i do not believe so and i do believe that many people will not be voting for joe biden and this indeed does something does open a debate. >> a discussion, the debate plays out most everywhere. >> biden goes, as he tries to rebuild his winning coalition. one of the most resistant pieces of that puzzle is young voters on college campuses, a place biden has avoided almost entirely. i think he would be met with a lot of backlash a lot of protest, because his policies have been have killed tens of thousand people. dalia sabha is a wisconsin graduate student who helped organize a protest vote in the state's primary earlier this month, she bristles at the notion of whether her opposition to biden could help donald trump. >> we reject the idea that the democratic party feels like they have to coerce people into voting for them by leveraging the threat of another candidate that is worse if protests raged until the election, biden could
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well become the first democratic president since the vietnam era and welcome to large crowds of students. he does have this problem of a kind of nagging protest vote on the democratic side because of his handling of things in gaza. >> very burden leads the elections research center at the university of wisconsin, where presidential visits to college campuses thousands of people to see kennedy have long been a historically critical stop for democrats who could feel the kind of youth energy behind the clinton campaign. this was just a very comfortable place for obama as a candidate. in a very necessary place for him to find votes. what do you make of the protest vote and how that could impact november? well, biden's certainly does not have the support of young people the way obama did. i think the vietnam war is the closest analogy that was also the period when we had the biggest generation gap between the parties while pro-palestinian demonstrators missions are far more than it campus movement, biden's advisers are studying young voters carefully. >> i one thing that's surprising me is the degree to which he's disregarding public opinion in a story all is a
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graduate architecture student at carnegie mellon in pittsburgh. she regrets her vote for biden four years ago. >> that was the first time i could vote in the presidential election. frankly, i look back. i'm embarrassed so in the next six months before election day in november, kate, the question is whether some of these protests subside or if the choice with former prime doesn't donald trump comes more to the focus here, but this certainly is a warning for many democrats. >> but talking to advisers, they say, look if politics was driving this, the present isn't it would have changed course long ago, but foreign policy of course, does not move at the same pace as domestic politics the kate's certainly it's one of the things that the biden campaign is key opinion ion has these protests are coming from within rather than on the outside from skeletal okay. >> great reporting as always jeff. thank you. you so much. sarah. >> all right. a warning this morning from the fbi. there is an increased threat to the jewish community just ahead of
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passover gatherings. but the the is saying, plus house speaker mike johnson facing a fight within his own party, but probably get support from across the aisle to finally pass aid to ukraine and israel will talk about it coming up nick paton walsh reports on the growing turf war between humans and elephants and srilanka feels bizarre to see this front line mentality out here are these giant and invasive what are they fighting for their own survival? >> the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday on seeing my name is alicia, my family's health is so important to me. >> that's why we choose the nurse practitioner, my husband paul body had heartburn, made an appointment with our np are np really listened? >> she ordered tests and saved his life. paul had open-heart surgery for a critical blockage in his heart nps improve health care access diagnosed health issues and prescribed medications. we can't take our npn my name is alicia in we choose npdes to learn more.
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with 96 jurors up for grabs. all right let us move on now to some business news for donald trump. it's up, it's down, it's up again after two weeks of a really rough start, some better news for investors and donald trump's media stock, the corporate owner of truth social rebounded by almost 16% wednesday, but trump media is whe it started trading lasom month's cnn's matt egan is with us. i know that they said they were going to start this streaming service, but that didn't help it. what's the difference? what happened? >> well, sir, this stock is so volatile, it's incredible and it's really because it's being valued in the billions of dollars despite the fact that a generated less than $1 in revenue at the end of last year. it's amazing. look at this doctor. so yes, it bounced yesterday, but you almost can't see you need a microscope. microscopes to see that rebound because it's down dramatically, it peaked at $66 a share all the way down to
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$26. >> now, that means that some people, i mean, there are real people out there who bought this stock at the peak. they have now lost two thirds, almost two thirds of their investment if they bought at the top, why is it down? well, first off the spike never really made sense. secondly, the streaming announcement did not go over. well, we know a lot of established media companies like disney, they're losing money and streaming. the company also said they might be selling tens of millions of dollars of additional shares no matter the reason, look at this, the value of donald trump's stake at the peak, it was 5.2 billion dollar now, down to $2.1 billion. this drop-off in just a matter of weeks was enough to have donald trump taken off the bloomberg list of the 500 richest people on the planet, what's really interesting about this is you look at something i guess the biggest question to me is how did it ever get valued at this? >> and what happens when you see this massive drop here? all right, well, it is amazing that it ever got valued as high as it did, and it doesn't really make sense.
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>> one way to look at stocks and continent compare them is to take the price relative to how much in sales they generate. so look at this social media companies on average, ten times sales. that's their valuation. we're talking about meta in pinterest and rumble trump media though, 1,200 times sales that is sky high valuation, that really doesn't make any sense. and so professor jay ritter, he told me that despite the crash in the stock price, it's still grossly overvalued. now, at last, check this stock down 3% premarket, this volatile it is going to continue, stay tuned. >> sayyed, there is a real warning to investors here that their attention to all of this. thank you so much. appreciate it gian. all right. this morning, you're watching the us house very closely to see if there are any signs on the job stability for house speaker mike johnson. he very clearly put his job on the line by moving a bill for aid to ukraine some member of zone party threatening to oust him. hang on one second. that of course, is donald trump leaving
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trump tower? right now. >> you just saw him walking across the sidewalk, getting into the suv. now it's a lovely shot of a bus trump will be heading down to the courthouse where he he faces the new york criminal trial. of course, jury selection will continue a jury expected to be seated by the end of the week we're watching closely how much progress is made today. we're also watching closely about a social media post that trump made about the jury how the judge reacts to that. some legal analysts have suggested that it crossed the line on the gag order. so standby for that. in the meantime standby for job security for house speaker mike johnson as well. with me now, cnn senior data reporter, harry enten. now, we talked about how thin the majority is for the speaker. yes. there are other ways to look at just how non unanimous the support has been among republicans for mike johnson in the house, this congress. >> yeah, you know, a dysfunctional house, right? so
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let's take a look here. these are how often house majority wins party-line votes when the vast majority of one party votes one way and the vast majority of another other party votes the other way for republicans in 2023, the republican side, one just 67% of the time. that is extremely unusual. you look at the dems in 2022 and they control that they won 91% of the time. this 60 10% is the lowest winning percentage for majority party and over 40 years. the fact is mike johnson or kevin mccarthy really didn't have much control of his caucus. and i think that is something that we're seeing right now, right? what marjorie taylor-greene, them threatening to try and oust him once again, last several decades, you've seen this pushing close toward 100, their 67 is quite low and this affects how much legislation actually gets passed. >> it's exactly right, john you know, take a look your bills and resolutions signed into law through this point and congresses since 1973, the prior low was 100. that was a decade ago, right? look at the lowest-ever, it's this congress edges 47, less than
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half the level of the prior low. the fact is congress has not getting anything done. republicans try and put something on the floor. they can't get past when they actually do get a passed, the senate won't pass it because it's a democratic senate. joe biden won't sign a law because he's a democrat, obviously, the fact that is this dysfunction has resulted in a congress that simple we put isn't getting anything. >> i will say there are some and i don't mean this disparagingly, it's just a fact there are members, particularly of the republican party, who don't want congress to do stuff. they are to an extent anti-government. that's exactly right. and it seems to be working very, very well for them because the fact is they're able to disrupt their own conference and it disrupts the work of the house of representatives and congress's. >> so this has been a history making. congress, particularly when it does come to the speaker. yeah yesterday we spoke about the fact that had never been three speakers and maybe we'll get that if republicans house mike johnson. >> but time without a speaker, mid session, the prior record, which was 200 years ago, which two days we've already had
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three weeks during this congress, mid session where there hasn't been a speaker. if we get, let's say even more days if they asked mike johnson, there's no plan put in place. this number will climb even higher. this congress has been historic for many reasons, and most of them are not really good. they showed the dysfunction, one of the reasons why they appointed speaker right away is because stuff can happen at all correctly. there was speaker so 21 days without a speaker means 21 days where the house is doing basically zero, which is what they've been doing this entire time. what did american people think about congress? how does spect overall approval? yeah, it's not just that they're not doing anything. >> it turns out that people are recognizing this. so this is disapproval of congress, right 78% now, we always say congress isn't doing a lot, but this 78% is way up from 66% last year, 66% in 2022, you go back to april 2021. it was 58%. this 78% is abnormally high. in fact, it's the highest since 2015. so yes, the american folks are paying attention and they're seeing that congress isn't doing anything. they see
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the house and dysfunction and they are registering their disapproval of varian. great. seated right then see you. my friend sarah. all right. just ahead, did don't trump violate soal media last night world lookg at that ase track the last day of jury selection if they're able to get a few mo jurors. all right? >> wasn't an ie job. ist who willxplain coming up the whole myth has to be re-imagined feed. >> you didn't know whether you were next th we both td upyeah. ah. i was called it and they saw what turned out to be the biggest heist in history. >> it went from gold medal winning icon to a pariah would
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united states, plus 30-day money-back guarantee i'm arlette saenz in scranton, pennsylvania. >> and this is cnn and a few hours, the house rules committee is going to meet to consider the $95 billion
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package of aid bills to ukraine, israel, and taiwan know this is a committee that's really key to getting anything to getting anything to the floor. >> it's the gatekeeper. it's the rules on the vote. a bill has to pass through rules before it can get a vote on the floor. >> all leading up to of the promised house floor votes on saturday, a promise that has the right flank of the house. >> republican conference threatening to oust the republican house speaker joining us right now is democratic congressman jared moskowitz, a florida, he sits on house oversight and the foreign affairs committees. it's good to see you. thank you so much, congressman you're gonna vote on saturday on these foreign aid bills, said mike says mike johnson. >> but when it comes to ukraine, it's been stalled so long. >> the pleading from ukraine has turned into rationing ammunition on the battlefield so what is the message ukraine should take? from what's happening now thanks, kate. >> thanks for having me look. it's better late than never. obviously, i mean, there was a chance that what was going on over the last couple of months
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because of the politics of this. on the other side of the aisle, that this may not happen at all. and so yeah, look, it is behind right. ukraine has lost ground because we have delayed because because of the politics of my colleagues across the aisle. but speaker johnson now has decided to move as hakeem jeffries, my leader said, this is a chamberlain or churchill moment and it looks like leader jeffries is going to help potentially mike johnson make this a churchill moment for all americans. because that's really where we are. we can't let the freedom caucus, the chaos caucus, the folks that literally want to see the world burn the isolationists who would literally let putin take europe he would let the ayatollah in iran take israel. that's what they would let happen if they got, if they got their way. and so we are the democracy world, we are the greatest country ever on the planet. it's our time to lead and the, uh, hundred and 18th congress. and i think democrats and republicans are going to take that together related to this
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is what happened in committee yesterday with marjorie taylor greene. >> she went off about neo-nazis and ukraine raising concern about what's now widely considered misinformation and also was how putin justified his invasion of ukraine in the first place. who's rooting out rooting out nazis in ukraine is what he said. you responded to her and committee. i want to play for everyone a little bit of what you said stopped bringing up nazis and hitler the only people who know about nazis and hitler are the 10 million people and their families who lost their loved ones generations of people who were wiped out. >> it is enough of this disgusting behavior using nazis as propaganda. you want to talk about nazis, get yourself over to the holocaust museum you go see what nazis did what do you think is going on there with marjorie taylor greene taking
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time in committee and the committee hearinto push this yei don't thk the's a pslogistn the rl knows what'goin with rjorie taylor eene. >> iean, we're going to have stu that for neraons. i mean it's just outf control and what ion't was gettg frustrating to me is members, other members her cow, her reican colleagues who know ts stuff is lacy, sit there like, oh, that's just like another normal day. no, no. we got to stop this nonsense. you go talk to jewish families. you go talk to russian family is you go talk to other families that were killed by the nazis. 10 million people were killed by the nazis. right? they set up a dewey decimal system of death by putting numbers on people's arms and then bringing them into concentration camps and the gas chambers and ovens. no one is doing that. ukraine, it's ridiculous okay. and so the idea that we were just going to sit there and let her tell people all the reason we shouldn't help ukraine is because they're, there are nazis, garbage right? that's
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coming right out in the mouth of putin and so look at someone who's grandmother was part of the kindertransport out of germany as a child. she was put on a train in berlin and sent off to did the uk, which saved her life. i just wasn't going to sit there and stand for that of all people marjorie taylor greene, right. trust me, the jewish community does not want her to be our spokesperson. >> green is threatening speaker johnson with possibly moving to remove him from the chair over bringing ukraine aid to the floor. >> you said that you would help stop that effort. you would help keep johnson and the job have you heard from democratic leader jeffries on this? is this what it's going to come two, do you think well, first, i mean, look you know, based on what marjorie taylor greene has been doing, that's why today, i filed in an amendment. >> it's in the system which would name her congress's special envoy to putin so that way she can just make it official quite, quite frankly you know, as far as the motion
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to vacate i'm going to a caucus meeting at 9:00. i'm going to listen to what hakeem jeffries says. i think as you saw the caucus has the utmost respect for our leader, which is why he's able to keep the entire caucus together. i mean, he's been tremendous. this doesn't happen without his leadership but look, i've said this before and i will say it again. there is not a circumstance where i sit in the people's house and allow marjorie taylor greene to throw the world into chaos and to embolden china, to embolden russia by letting her garbage stop us from standing by our allies the message be to the world, not just ukraine and israel, all of our allies, they will look at us now as not dependable. they will say decracy owes on the decline, demo crowds are not goin stand for that. i imagine i'm in here something like that from hakeem jeffries today and there you're going to have a special caulk caucus meetings to talk about this for sure, among other things congressman, thanks for coming on. >> jared moskowitz. thank you.
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appreciate it sir. >> all right. thank you. a disturbing assessment from fbi director christopher wray this morning. federal law enforcement are a high alert right now for any potential threats to the american jewish community ahead of the start of paris silver on monday, threats were already elevated before the october 7 terrorist attack on israel by hamas. but the number of fbi hate crimes those cases tripled in the wake of the attack and the ongoing war in gaza, cnn's josh campbell is joining me now. josh, what are you learning about? these threats yes, there are really stark warning from the director of the fbi yesterday, he was speaking to the secure community network that is a consortium of jewish community official security professionals that are essentially work together to share information about threats that they're seeing. >> we've obviously been reporting on a number of three rats that have spiked across the country involving the jewish community, both real threats as well as a series of
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hoax threats to jewish institutions and wray told this group that particularly ahead of passover, the fbi is certainly on alert. he said that throughout his law enforcement career, he can't think of a time when so many different types of threats were elevated. all once it as you mentioned, after that october 7 hamas attack, wray said that threats the jewish community who were already elevated. but after that, the fbi ended open, ended up opening three times more cases involving threats to jewish americans and jewish interests here in the united states. and so you can certainly see just how serious the bureau was taking them had. he says that they continue to investigate with full force that force including thousands of fbi agents, analysts professional staff, as well as task force officers that are on alert around the world. now, interestingly, rate also said that they're not just focused on a lone wolf attacks at home grown threads, but since october 7, they've seen what he described as a robe get rogues gallery of threats from overseas as well from foreign terrorist organizations. he also made reference to last
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weekend's attack on israel by iran using missiles, using drones, saying that the fbi has been particularly concerned about the threat posed by iran, that they have uncovered plots here in the united states to assassinate the us official tools to assassinate us journalists. and so certainly something i'm very concerning. he said that as we go into passover and even beyond, he's warning, the jewish community, law enforcement across the country to be vigilant, to be on alert, particularly concerning iran, both any type of tax from iran, but also proxy groups that may also stem from some of these rent threats are rtainly a very seous threat. you have thousands of l enforcement officials across the country on alert, sarah. >> yeah, that's quite a number of hate crime cases tripled since october 7. josh campbell. thank you so much. appreciate it. john i knew this morning major developments in the battle over reproductive rights in arizona. >> remember the supreme court there, the state supreme court? or clear the way for a civil war era near-total ban on abortion it hasn't been that many republicans around the country say should be lifted,
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but republican leaders in the state house or maneuvering to keep the band in place, even though there has been some movement to repeal in the state senate with this now senior political correspondent for the wall street journal, molly ball, in what's so important about arizona at this very moment, molly is that advocates of reproductive rights say, look, there are those including donald trump who say leave decision on abortion up to the states. this is what happening in the state of arizona right now. what is b? being luck with that decision exactly. >> and of course, arizona is a major battleground state. in fact, this is the most severe abortion restriction of any battleground state. and you can see how it's dividing the republican party in these repeated scenes of chaos that we've seen in the arizona legislature where some republicans want to repeal the 18, 64 law which bans almost all abortions except those that threatened the life of the mother. >> and some republicans very
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much want to keep it in place the party has historically been pro-life, but now we have the republican presidential nominee we donald trump, saying that this law goes too far and should be repealed. >> the republican candidate for senate, kari lake actually getting in there and calling legislators, trying to get them to repeal the law. clearly seeing it as a political threat to her candidacy. and two republicans in arizona. >> and we keep putting up on the screen that the arizona state senate has kept the repeal and play that doesn't matter if the republican house speaker in the arizona house continues to block it. and as far as i can tell, he continues to say that he will that he will not let it become law. what kind of a bind does that put someone like donald trump in who's trying to suggest that he's finding some middle-ground on abortion i think it absolutely puts him in a bind because as you said, it shows the consequences of this state's rights position. >> he is taken what you are
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going to get with that uncertainty, what we've seen in a lot of states, especially red states, especially in the south, is these near-total bans on a board russian in florida, a six-week ban which advocates abortion rights advocates call nearly a total abortion ban states are going to take those types of positions you're not going to get a sort of moderate compromise position out of a lot of states. if you leave it up to them, what you're going to get that is this extreme patchwork where in some states abortion is banned almost completely. and another states anything goes in a lot of blue states, access to abortion has been dramatically expanded since the fall of roe so if this remains and what, what arizona republicans, what some of them are advocating now oh, is to put some kind of competing amendment on the ballot. we expect that there will be a constitutional amendment on the ballot in arizona this fall that would ask voters whether they want to basically reinstate row and
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have abortion legal up to the point of viability republicans considering putting competing amendments on the ballot that would offer vote but here's a choice to more restrictive abortion law but it has thrown the state into chaos and it has really, i think activated likely a lot of voters who see their rights under threat now and again, the story this morning powerful republicans in the house and arizona blocking measures to repeal this near-total ban on abortion there, molly ball, greatest thank you very much gold. guns, cash six people are now arrested after a multimillion-dollar heist at toronto's international airport last year and police say it was an inside job and are issuing more rest warrants seen as paula newton has very latest, she's joining us now. paula, what are you learning about this? >> i mean, kate, look,hey sa you can't make ts up actually, u can make it out. that's been made up a lot in movies. this actually happened police alleged i want you to look at some surveillance video right now. this is the point in time. were a police alleged to
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air canada employees pointing again to what they say was an inside job lifted a cargo container containing millions of dollars in gold bars and currency what happened next? they took it into a transport truck and then police lost the tail. they could not find this gold or the currency for months, but this is where the plot gets interesting right now, six suspects under arrest three still at large, and police are saying that what they did is they lifted this cargo container using phony shipment documents actually printed from inside the air canada facility and case police admitted that one of the suspects whose now still at large from air canada actually gave them a tour of the warehouse facility while they were investigating this. needless to say that the trail had gone somewhat cold for a few months and that's where we take the story to pennsylvania and the arrest of duarte king mclean. he was in a rental car a state trooper stopped them
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for some traffic violations inside. they found 65 firearms, which police alleged that mr. king mclean was trying to smuggle into canada now to piece this all kate police say that what happened is that, that those gold bars were then melted down. they've only recovered in fact, about 91, actually about $70,000 worth of the gold. it was all melted down. and in fact, sold for cash. what happened with that cash? it was then funneled into an elaborate gun smuggling operation. and kate, this really points to what's going on on both borders, right? you have both the northern border and the southern border. were gun running is really becoming a lucrative business for organized crime. and this is the kind of plot that unraveled police say at toronto's airport, they invested investigation, i should say, is still underway i mean, it'll elaborate and i you tell it so


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