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tv   CNN Newsroom With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 18, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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absolutely free doctors preferred, better science, better results closed captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial mock will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 and then there were six seeded juror number two has just been excused from donald trump's hush money trial will explain why also this our house speaker mike johnson is walking the political tight rope right now with a foreign aid bill that has infuriated republican hardliners and speaking of a house divided, the kennedy family will join forces today.
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>> to back president biden's reelection. bid over rfk juniors campaign hello, i'm wolf blitzer in washington and urine the cnn newsroom now, in new york, donald trump is back in the courtroom as jury selection continues in his criminal hush money trial, it's the first ever criminal trial for a former us president. one of the seven seated jurors has already been excused. she had expressed concerns that aspects of our identity had been compromised we're also hearing there may be issues with yet another juror that's going to see this chief legal analyst, laura coates, she's in new york for us with all the late breaking developments, laura well, it's been quite the exciting de the third day of jury selection in the historic criminal trial against the former president of the united states. initially there were 96 jurors who were brought into the courtroom today. that was already cut in
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half by those who said they could not be impartial by a show of hands. i'm back here with kristen holmes and also kara scannell joins us from inside that this whole area qarrah. >> tell me what happened today. there were 90 six jurors who were brought in after that juror called in to say she can no longer serve. >> what's happening. >> so they brought in the 96 jurors, this new pool. the judge gives them the instructions about what it is required to be a juror with the elements that they need to prove the prosecution has proved this beyond a reasonable doubt. and then they ask the question of is there anyone who feels that they cannot be fair and impartial? we saw a number of hands go up specifically, there were 48 people who said that they couldn't. that is on par with monday. monday, we started with 96 about 50 hands went up for that. so this is a similar situation that we're seeing. and then another nine said that they couldn't serve for some other reason, like a scheduling reasons. so they just started doing the 40 he two questions in that questionnaire where the judges inquiring about people's
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biography, if they've ever attended a trump rally or an anti-trump rally? they and their they're going to build out the little profiles for the first 18 jurors in the box. once they seed 18, meaning they'd gone through the questionnaire and they don't believe any needs to be excused because the judge feels like they're potentially suitable. there's not an apparent issue of someone being unable to be fair for an impartial, then they will start the questioning by the attorneys and the attorneys. both the prosecution and trump's lawyers will have 30 minutes each to ask these questions, but we learn monday part of the strategy these prosecutors are asking people can believe someone who's already admitted that they've lied under oath for instance, or if they can look past someone's job like a tabloid publisher or an adult film actress and a them based on what they've said. they're trying to get to the actual issues in the case and trump's lawyers, as we saw, we're seeing a lot of questions around how do people feel about donald trump trying to unearth if there was a hidden bias or
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subconscious bias against him and also was we learned two, they were looking into people's past social media posts to try to see if there was something in someone's past and they were successful in getting thank to jurors, excluded yesterday, tuesday, because they found some problematic posts going back years and their pasts. >> and yet the judge cautioned the idea that every time you want to ask a juror in an isolated the question that you have a separate meeting with them. the judge is not want that to take place. they want the overall 30 minutes why dare to be used to actually identify any social media posts. but there's also one juror today who was very forthcoming about just how much but she knows about the allegations in this case. she's a lawyer. she's somebody who has read i think the pomeranz book who was one of the members of the da team, who outraged that alvin bragg did not initially want to go four with this case. she's still there well there's still going through the questioning. so, you know, at this point it seems like she's still in the box, but it's not clear yet if
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the judge has made any rulings on her she is a lawyer. she understands whether you could be fair and impartial, and i'm sure they'll have a conference afterwards to see if either side because prosecutors could also have an issue that she knows some facts in this case. it's not as though it's necessarily against trump that she's read all of this. we don't know what her view is on what she has read, but it's someone who does have a lot of information about this case and they'll have to see if she could purely set it aside or if there's any hesitation, but they don't think that she should serve this a very powerful reminder that it can cut both ways the trump camp though, he has been talking about storming in and out of this courtroom today, he is certainly trying to make it known how he feels about having to be present and off the campaign trail? >> yeah. and i think what's really interesting is that we've seen him really gauge the jury a little bit more this time, turning around for the first time in all the jurors just now, we're talking about that same der who was being questioned with her deep wealth of knowledge on the case.
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>> he was looking at her directly. now, there's nothing that says but he can't look at these prospective jurors directly, but there is something when it is a former president and to how those jurors were feel. and if that's does end up coming up in terms of they walked in, they were surprised to see with the former president we heard from jurors who were dismissed, who said that there was something shocking to them when they saw him up close and personal. so what does it mean when he's turning around and looking at them? does that make them feel intimidated or does it not? again, it's not necessarily something he's doing. it's just where we are in this case, given who the defendant is. >> not. again, there was already a juror today who had been seated, who was one of the seven jurors we only had let wall 11 to go to get that coveted 18 which includes a 12th and the six is already called him to say, listen, i think that my anonymity has been compromised. the judge is well aware of this might having an impact and other jurors and totally person selective ones as well. what's the era, the oraa and the courtroom right
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now, knowing that there's already been one who said, look, you seated me. i can't do it. >> well, the judge has now added additional parameters of what information can be known about the jurors mean this just to be clear, said that she felt that aspects of her identity were known and she was being inundated by friends and family asking if she was this juror. >> we don't know why she felt that wear how they they knew that about her, right. it wasn't necessarily one moment. >> no, she did. >> there was they didn't go into a lot of the details of it, what ended up boiling down to is that the judge said that it can no longer be reported, whose someone's employer is now cnn did not identify her employer. other news outlets did. she has she was an oncology generous. there are a hundreds of oncology nurses in the city, but she felt like she hurt more identity, more aspects or identity were known that made her feel oncoming intervals. so the rule going forward is the judge said that reporters can't report where someone works which is appropriate because that does narrow it down some he are also trying to provide some insights
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so the public knows who is going to be in judgment of the former president in the first historic case, but not provide too much identity that they could be identified because we don't know their names only the lawyers in the case. know the jurors identities, and that is for a reason, and we see this in other high-profile cases this certainly is one where there is a lot of extra attention and a lot of people really scouring the internet seems to want to know who is on this jury but it is also something that we've seen time and again, whenever there is a high-profile trial where there is a lot of media attention on it poland's as something to be said about the fact that when you're going into jury duty, your colleagues know that you're not they're likely because you're going into jury duty. your family knows that you likely have jury duty he telling the people around you that you're going to go down to the courthouse while you're not coming to work, and then you're starting to see these details trick lot. it's going to be hard because even if you're not publishing where somebody works, any detail, if
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you're telling people around, you might lead to them suspecting that you're the jury particularly again we're doing this because it's a public looks service to get out who the jury is to show. even we have donald trump saying the jury is completely unfair, showing the other side of that who these people are that believed that they can be fair an unbiased, but it is difficult, again, in a case like this, it isn't difficult to the course wolf, you know, that inference might work to try to find out the identity of jurors, but it's not going to cut it for the prosecution. they have to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. they can't just rely on in france or somebody hoping to put two and two together grip born laura coates, we'll get back to you. >> thanks very very much. chef for all of for more on all of this. i'm joined now by cnn legal analyst, the former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers. jennifer, thanks for joining us. isn't first of all, common for jurors who have been seated to be re-examined, are asked to be excused after they're actually sworn in now, it's very uncommon. i mean,
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sometimes in the middle of trial, something will come to the attention of the parties that the juror has done that will cause them to be questioned. and even sometimes removed. but this is obviously very unusual. this juror felt that she was identified, that made her concern that she wasn't nanometers as the jury is supposed to be. and the real problem here will, to me is that it's not just her. i mean, the other jurors who are also seeded had identifying information published about them. and so i wonder if this is going to be an ongoing problem where these other jurors between now and when jury selection is complete, say, well, hey, wait a minute. et people are also contacting me to say, are you the juror? we're going backwards. we had seven jurors as a first thing this morning. now we have six and maybe even five because one of the jurors hadn't showed up and now maybe questioned by the da's offices to whether that juror should set. so we're heading in the wrong direction in terms of getting this jury complete and all this personal information about these jurors
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was released during the court proceedings. it wasn't as if the media discovered who these individuals were with their backgrounds were, and reported it we in the media were reporting what the court had released that information. right? >> that's right. this is something that should have been foreseen. i mean, in the questionnaire, which is going to be answered by each of these jurors in the box in open court to be as you said, reported on by anyone who's there asked them what their current employer is and any past employers, and that piece of information is just two specific i think that the judge and the parties should have foreseen that this might happen, and they should have already put in place some sort of measured to say, well, it's important to the parties to know where someone works, perhaps it's not important to the public and it has the risk of identifying them. so you're right, this really should have been foreseen by the judge the parties and should never have happened. >> i totally agree. are jennifer thank you very much. jennifer rodgers helping us
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still. i had this hour. could it be democrats who saved the republican house speaker's job? all speak with republican congressman mike lawler. to critical days ahead up on capitol hill. plus, with the passover holiday next week, the fbi director is dire warning the jewish community to be on the high, alert. the potential threats both at home and abroad when we return blue carbon cnn fill sunday at nine okay. >> yeah, we got orders coming in, starting a business has never easy, but starting at eight months pregnant, that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up people were showing up, left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase e car made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids need it. and they believe they can do the same urn and limit 1.5% cash back on every purchase. but the chase inke busines unlimited card from his
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tournament mike johnson's days as speaker of the house could be numbered with the louisiana republican saying, he'll or risk losing the gavel to pass aid to ukraine. >> listen i can make a selfish decision and do something that that's different, but i'm doing here what i believed to be the right thing. i think providing lethal aid to ukraine right now is critically important. >> speaker johnson plans to bring three separate aid bills to the house floor for a vote on saturday, including some $61 for ukraine. and that has hardline conservative republicans fuming right now and accusing the speaker of surrendering to the democrats see you in that congressional correspondent lauren fox is up on capitol hill for us, lawrence are howard democrats. first of all weighing this critically important moment yeah democrats suggest the left to a more than our long caucus
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discussion where they were trying to sort this question out for themselves. >> it's clear that they're not gonna be enough for to advance this legislation. there may not even be enough republicans in the committee to advance this legislation. so at this point, it becomes a question whether or not democrats are willing to do what is not traditional in the house of representatives. and that is to help the majority get the rule across the finish line so they can actually have a fulsome debate on this package. now, many democrats coming out of that meeting so that there was no consensus as to how they were going to proceed. but i will tell you there are a number of democrats who are signaling that they want to ensure this ukraine piece passes and that they are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that us allies across the world have the money that they need to fight against enemies. so i think that that is really weighing on democrats in this moment. it's really good of a political question versus, versus this question about the us's standing around
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the globe. now, there's a complicating factor here, and that is the fact that some republicans are urging speaker mike johnson to change the threshold for the motion to vacate. that is the ability of one person to oust or at least call for a vote to oust the speaker at any time some republicans say that that rule should be changed as part of this package with the supplemental that becomes a more complicated question though, as to whether democrats would help with that. here's what one of those democrats, dan kildee of michigan told me i mean, it just another layer for sure. i mean, i personally think rule as they wrote it for themselves was preposterous so i don't disagree that it's a ridiculous rule whether or, not all right. in this moment where we have a global security challenge, we ought to be trying to veil a lot of their politics is another question, but i'm open to the conversation it's gonna be a leadership decision they created this mess for themselves though, and it was predictable and i spoke with
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leader jeffries as he left that meeting with his caucus. >> he said that no decisions were made that they are still having a conversation. he is still listening. so obviously wolf, we are waiting to see what demo crowds will do lauren fox up on capitol hill. >> thank you very much. let's discuss what's going on with congressman mike lawler. he's a republican from new york congressman. thanks so much for joining us. first of all, will you vote for speaker johnson's foreign aid bills as he announced the details today. and did speaker johnson do the right thing here yes, i will be supporting the speakers legislation inclusive of the bill are two bills that i am long advocated for. >> an introduced and pass through the house. the ship act and the iran, china energy sanctions act so i'm happy to see that included, so that we can go after the source of iran's funding of terrorism, the illicit oil trade the speaker did the right thing. we
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are the leader of the free world and we must act and by putting this legislation on the floor, the speaker is showing leadership. he's showing resolve and courage regardless of what the political consequences may be. and i think this is a moment for the institution russian as a whole to put politics aside and do right, not just by the american people, but by our allies around the globe and so for all of us, my hope would be number one, we advanced this legislation and number two, that any effort to remove the speaker for doing the right thing is thwarted because the institution cannot function under that type of threat where any one member can exert their will or substitute their judgment over the majority of not just the republican conference, but of the house i'm looking at the summary of all the details of these
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various aid packages for ukraine, israel, taiwan, as released by the speaker of the house. >> and what jumped out at me that all of the aid for ukraine $61 or so he says would be converted into a loan as opposed to an outright us grant. is that okay with you? >> yes. look, we we have to find compromises along the way to build consensus. we live in a constitutional republic we're never going to get every aspect effect of what we want i think president zelenskyy has made it clear he is fine with a loan. and if this is what builds consensus to get this across the finish line. a. frankly, that is the least of my concerns. we need to get the lethal aid to ukraine, to israel, to taiwan in this challenging time, russia, china, and iran have engaged in an unholy alliance that seeks to undermine and destabilized the free world and we have a
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responsibility as leader of that free world to bring our allies together to support them in their time of need. if we shirk in that response its ability, then we seize to be that leader, that nations can count on and rely on. and you will see a new world order in which china, russia and i ran are the driving force around the globe. and that just cannot be, it's not good for america. it's not good for the world and so this is critical to get this across the finish line. and if it requires having language in the bill, that makes it a loan i'm fine with that you make important points, congressman, how does all this infighting among your fellow republicans reflect on your party? >> and are you worried it potentially could cost the gop some seats said even potentially control of the house of representatives come november well, the reality is control of the house of representatives. it is based on districts like mine, a
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district, joe biden won by ten points that has 80,000 more democrats than republicans i am willing to do what is right? by our country to represent my district. i respect my colleagues and their perspective on this legislation, which is why they will get an up or down vote on it if they don't want us import ukraine funding for whatever reason, they can vote, know that is their right, but they don't have the right to substitute their judgment for that of the majority. and that the speaker who was elected by the membership we have a responsibility to govern the american people, put republicans in charge of the house to serve as a check and balance i think the biden administration has had a disastrous foreign policy in particular, with respect to iran and we need to hold them my countable and that's why i've introduced the ship act and passed it through the house to ensure sanctions are in place. but we can't get that
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critical legislation across the finish line. if we can't find ways to compromise. and so this legislation that the speaker has put forth brings a compromise bill to the floor in a device he did government in which the senate is controlled by democrats, the house by republicans. and from my colleagues that continually seek to undermine the majority. what they fail to recognize is that the very issues they care about have zero chance of becoming law if they are not willing to work together as a team the border is critical. i support legislation that would secure our border. the biden administration has failed to secure here are our border and in fact exacerbated the crisis at our southern border 10 million migrants crossing since joe biden took office. >> but the inability of my colleagues to come compromise is what is stymieing the ability of the speaker to get border security in this negotiation and so that really to me, they should be looking in mirror rather than attacking
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the speaker or folks like me who are on the front line. >> and delivered this republican majority republican congressman mike lawler of new york. thanks. is usual for joining ico knew this morning health ministry officials in gaza say the death toll there has climbed to nearly 34,000 people. that update coming as cnn learns that ten members of one family were killed overnight in an israeli airstrike in rafah half of those victims were children according to hospital staff. cnn correspondent jeremy diamond is joining us now from tel aviv. jeremy, you've seen the human toll inside gaza share our latest reporting with our viewers on what's going on well, if amid the bigger picture geopolitical considerations of the iran, israel conflict to the israeli military's campaign inside of gaza is very much continuing this week and two very deadly effect, notably as it relates
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to children overnight an airstrike in rafah killed five children of the same family. >> and the day before wolfe, i want to draw your attention to a strike that. happened in the omaha z refugee camp in gaza where eight children were killed, many of them playing around a foosball table in that camp. and i want to warn our viewers that the image is they're about to see are very graphic and the serving a moment frozen in time. the bodies of at least four children splayed around the foosball table laughter and shrieks of joy silenced in an instance blood now marking where they stood only minutes earlier schizer had no way. >> shahira, my beloved cousin, screams from behind the camera i'm not ten years old. shahira is one of those children her bright pink pants unmistakable in the arms of the man carrying her away.
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>> when i'm with her family's consent, cnn has decided to show shower head in life and death in order to give a face to this war's deadly impact on children at a lock. >> some martyrs hospital, those who can still be saved arrive alongside those who cannot amid the chaos shy heads, pink pants, dangling as a doctor confirms what it's tragically obvious but shy head is not alone she's one of eight children who died on that crowded street in omaha the hospital says they were killed in an israeli airstrike by publication time, the israeli military said only that the incident is under review one after another. there small bodies arrived if at the hospitals more and into the arms of grieving parents his eyes swollen and read. the father of nine-year-old lujain
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recounts his daughters last moments playing foosball with her friends she added, this is my eldest daughter. he says a drone strike hit them while they were playing their all children hours earlier, yusov was one of those children playing alongside shy ahead and lujain when he was suddenly killed in a war, he did not choose. his mother still clinging to her son neither does this boy who cannot believe his brother is dead the hood he's still alive. he cries, don't leave him here amid the outpourings of grief. there is shy for bloodstains, pink pantsonce again, impoiblemiss dear god,
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what did they all do when? >> man cries? what did they all do and wolf in our reports, we rarely show the faces of the dead, but in this case with the families permission, we felt it was important to highlight the enormous toll that this war has taken on children, nearly 14,000 children during have been killed in six months of war in gaza. >> and it's important to remember, of course that beyond the numbers, there are these little faces, their dreams, their lives cut short we'll our jeremy and aviv, thanks for that reported is so so heartbreaking in our course, our deepest, deepest condolences to all those families who are suffering, right now. >> i want to bring in our chief national security correspondent, alex marquardt. he's here with me in the cnn newsroom. i understand lax. you have some new reporting on the white house reaction. well the, what we've just heard from the white house is actually that there's going be another meeting today, a virtual meeting between senior white house advisers and senior
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israeli members of the government to a close, netanyahu about rafah, that is really the focus right now what these israeli offensive that is looming into rafah, that they really want to carry out too advocate the rest of hamas, they say, but that the white house has said they do not yet have a plan for. >> and so this is a continuum of the conversation for israel to essentially try to convince the united states that they do have a plan to get those civilians out of the way so they can carry out this offensive into rafah and avoid frankly scenes like the ones that we just saw. jeremy's peace with 1.4 million people, many of whom have fled for safety down to refer those continuing those conversations, continuing today, which had been delayed because of the iran strike over the weekend yeah. >> so heartbreaking. see, there's little kids like that was really, really painful. you've got some more information now on the united states decision to slap yet more sanctions on iran. what are you learning? >> the white house and president biden announcing today that they are adding more sanctions on ron because of what they we call this unprecedented attack. and it really wasn't unprecedented
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attack by iran against israel over the weekend. they're targeting specifically around a drone program and those who are affiliated with the drone program, remember, wolf, there were more than 100 drones that were fired by iran at israel on saturday night, you and i were both covering that in real time. so these are drone still and automobile companies that are being targeted by these sanctions as well as those who maintain the maintenance on those drones who manufacture them. but this was done very much in coordination with the g7 that was important for the biden ministration. so we're also seeing sanctions from the uk and the european union as these countries not only try to show israel that they are taking action against iran, but also urging israel to restrain and to not counter attack against iran war important developments indeed, alex, thank you very, very much. other news we're following members of an american political dynasty will make a very telling endorsements hey whom the kennedy family is backing for president as one of
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their own vice for the white house. i'll speak with rfk junior sister kerry kennedy. that's coming up next our live discussion stay with us urine, the cnn newsroom sunglasses lactate grand get into the
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that's 18050 3636 called now, i'm arlette saenz scranton, pennsylvania. and this is cnn next hour and philadelphia president biden is expected to chalk up an endorsement from an american political dynasty. >> the biden campaign says several members of the kennedy family plan to pledge their support for his reelection today. that despite the fact that one of their own robert f. kennedy jr. is running as a third candidate, joining us now live from philadelphia is kerry kennedy. she's the sister of
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robert f. kennedy jr. and a human rights activist carey. thank you so much for joining us. why have you decided to endorse president biden today over your brush? other robert f. kennedy jr. i'm endorsing president biden and nearly every member joe and rose kennedy's grand traverse or endorsing president and biden for one reason the most important presidential election a bar log time. >> this is trump is opposes an existential threat i'm country. he said he's proud of packing the sibling organ overturning roe v. wade. he said he's going to be a dictator on day one. he said. he wants to change the constitution, so he can go after his enemies, members of the press board, the state and our country, which kyiv sorry
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we cannot have this happen. our country it would be a complete disaster he. >> is joe biden on the other, has very leader stood with the united auto workers his demand weekend end, who carries four body kennedy's values and john good okay carry the biden campaign is concerned that your brother will potentially take votes away from president biden and some of the very key and close swing states are you concerned that your brother will play potentially a spoiler role in this election? you know, i think it's going to be a very, very close everybody comes out and the way biden
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wins. >> two, we need everybody that's don't do that. i know you've said that this is the most important election of your lifetime and you just told me that donald trump represents an existential threat to the united states. if that's the case, should you be trying to convince your own brother to drop out so he doesn't necessarily jeopardize your candidate president biden we have a big family and we have discussions. but the thing is not about my brother bobby. today. it's about america. it's about freedom, it's about to it's about the values senator robert kennedy, my father, my uncle, john kennedy, my head kennedy, family for
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generation upon it's bad since age one and it's about creating community justice and love you. dad, when mark fluids during king died daddy's said what we need me night, it's states is not division. what i do you mean i did skates is not violence and lawless love and compassion. and it sense of justice for those who still suffer in this country, whether they be white the knee that's joe biden is not supporting him have you had a chance to speak with your brother and if you have carry, how is he reacting to all of this? do you know what talked to my brother few months here's what's really is to really focus on who's
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going to win this presidential there's only two people who have any three of getting 270 electoral votes one is donald trump and chaos and fear and the other is joe biden compassion caring about our communities standing with are working bonds and dads and families, walking with the united auto workers created for 14 million jobs since he became president 800,000 manufacturing jobs is highs getting our economy that was decimated by donald trump under covid back in just shade one of the strongest in years and years her daughter joe biden my family is for joe biden, and i hope all your viewers will go
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out there vote for joe biden very strong words from kerry kennedy. >> kerry, thank you so much for joining us thanks and up next i will go back to manhattan where the court in donald trump's trial, the criminal trial, has taken a very quick recess, will also get an update on the jury selection process right after this short break. stay with us, urine, the cnn newsroom i was just feeling sick hey miss to wash day my crying i was sad. i was diagnosed with rhabdo miles should comma once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears sickness in your stomach? just don't want to get about abed that statement. >> well, you got to look on the bright side of things tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is.
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have been following the story. look closely. you were inside the courthouse. what is the latest right now? have there been any other juror dismissed or any returned? >> so one of the jurors this morning that was missing, he didn't show up today. he just came back into court. and the reason the judge asked him that command is because prosecutors rais some questions about the honesty of an answer he gave on the questionnaire as they were doing things, some of their own due diligence. so that's one of the seven who'd already been set. >> is that okay. i think that's right. that's one of the seven who had been seated as a juror, who was not expected to come back until monday, at least, but the prosecution had said that they found some material in this man's history about his wife having some kind of non-prosecution agreement with them then hatton district attorney's office way back in the 90s, and they said they were not sure if it was definitely him and they were not sure what that set about the honesty of his answers. so that juror arrived, he went into the courtroom with all the other jurors excused. it was just the attorneys, the judge brought trump's attorney and
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assistant district attorney up to the bench with the juror and ask them some questions. it was inaudible to the pool reporters who are in the room, so we >> the store or not keep the juror as we're now dealing, we're down to six because we lost another juror earlier this morning who felt that some of her identity had been compromised. and so the judge allowed her to be excused. they brought in this new pools 96 that was cut in half, but by the number of people said they couldn't be fair and impartial, and they've now question nine same people going through the questionnaire, just to learn a little bit more about them and their reviews on trump, where they get their news and includes a number of people who were in finance, a stay at home, mother, or retired university administrator, as we're building this box to 18, once we get 18, then the attorneys start asking their questions and importantly, as
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you said, we've already lost somebody who did they could not be impartial because an ma than compromise. >> the non-prosecution agreements interesting because that's a way for somebody to essentially admit to having committed a crime, but have their sentence delayed or even eventually having it completely expunged, whatever reason. >> if they abide by the terms and conditions of what the prosecutor office set. >> so it's your defense. you might think to yourself, well, hold on a minute. if you have a non-prosecution agreements, you have an incentive to be more cooperative with the prosecution has happened back in the 90s. so it may no longer have the same weight to it. my turn to you because we can almost set our clocks or watches by donald trump on a break coming out to a courthouse step and making some sort of statement he hasn't done that why it's always going to be up to donald trump. >> we were even told coming into this process that if he was going to deliver remarks afterwards, we wouldn't know until the morning of it's always done on his wind, but i
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will say he seems to be somewhat more participatory today, not necessarily his outrage, rolling his eyes, making comments, but he didn't happening or not happening today. but we saw that before instead, he's actually engrossed in the questionnaire where we're being told from the people in the court, he is looking at the jurors try, to look at that. one was actually reading as well. it was during one of the ones who it's in the they'd write art of the deal. so this is going to be something that he wants to be involved in the process of i we'll also tell you he did talk last night. he had an event at trump tower with the president of poland he, also had his events in harlem where he went to the bodega afterwards on tuesday trying to make this into campaign stops. >> however maybe not every single time he sees the cameras since he's already been having this kind of exposure during the trial important point and on that, i guess courthouse book reading club and list wall, if you also have one juror who has read pomeranz,
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his blog. he was the former manhattan da who criticize alvin bragg for failing to bring prosecution again, sound trump. and so it's really running the gamut here of who might be a potential juror in this historic case? >> very busy de in this historic case. so thanks very much, laura, for that update. there's breaking news. we're following here in washington gop hardliners are not mincing any words and their anger at the house speaker mike johnson, after he announced he will move forward quickly with the foreign aid bills that includes massive amounts of aids to ukraine and israel. cnn's chief congressional correspondent, manu raju, was joining us now from capitol hill, manoa, understand you've been speaking some of those key republican lawmakers. what are they telling you? >> yeah in fact, they just engaged in what congress and matt gaetz described as a tense conversation on the house floor with the speaker of the house over there objections. i'll he's moving forward on this foreign aid package and his decision to move forward on a separate border security plan
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that it will not be tied ultimately to this bill that it caused there's back-and-forth, there's also a tense exchange between him and another congressman, derrick van orden, a congressman from wisconsin, who is daring them to move forward. the call to house speaker mike johnson, and also very interestingly, they tried to press johnson about whether he would agree to a rules change, making it harder to oust the sitting speaker. and they contended both at&t gates and lauren barbara just moments ago that johnson would not guarantee that he would move forward and support making it harder to oust him from the job. let's from kevin mccarthy. unfortunately, mike johnson is going on between the one pull out of here and nra. >> i'm pulling out of this right now. this this is not the right looks like that was not the right part of the soundbite, but we'll hopefully we'll get back to you, hear wolf. but essentially what he described this interaction to happen back and whether or not he would support actually out
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let's see, mike johnson, actually, matt gates at the moment, is not on the same sayyed as someone like marjorie taylor greene, who does support voting, moving ahead and ousting mike johnson. fact, marjorie taylor greene, who is leading that charge, just spoke to us moments before that interaction with matt gaetz. she's she said that she wants to hear directly from the speaker of the house whether or not he supports changing the house rules to make it harder to oust him from the position and she did not rule out trying to call for that vote. right now, remember one member of the house right now can actually call for a vote ousting. essentially oust the speaker of the house. that's what happened to kevin mccarthy from the first time in history, last fall. now, there are some discussion about perhaps raising the threshold, maybe half of the members, maybe even somewhere around that to actually go can call for such a vote because of the concerns that calling for a vote in pushing out a speaker causes grave instability to this institution. and because of my johnson's decision to move forward on ukraine rate is why people like marjorie taylor greene are now hi to push him
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out of this job. so a critical moment here, wolf, for the speaker, for the future of ukraine and for the republican conference, which has been in deep disarray for months and months and months. mike johnson trying to take the reins back from those folks on the far right, and we'll see if he's able to do that. he has some support within his conference, but members on the right are angry. that is decisions on this key. and this key package, wolf, man, what's significant manner, we also have some support amongst at least some democrats out there who say they will vote to keep them as speakers that right? >> yeah, that is a key developing a much different than what we saw last fall when all democrats joined with eight republicans to push out kevin mccarthy. this time, several of them are indicating that they are willing to save johnson because of their support and how we handled this ukraine aid package. remember this bill that's going in the past, expected to pass on saturday night is very similar to what passed the senate about two months ago. and for that reason
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is why many of them say, why would we kick him out of the speakership? they would ever expected to vote essentially kill this on the first vote i've a procedural vote to actually stop mike johnson were being pushed out of office. now, here's the one catch here though of the democratic leadership in the house has not explicitly endorsed saving my johnson. in fact, the number two democrat, catherine clarke, privately told her members this morning, keep your powder dry, uses as leverage in a negotiation with the speaker. so we'll see other democratic leaders play out some rank and file members say, let's save mike johnson. >> yeah, that's the stakes are clearly enormous. manu raju. we can always count on you for the update. thanks very, very much. and to our viewers, thanks very much for joining me here in the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer, stay with cnn for all the latest developments out of the jury selection in donald trump's hush money trial? you back later tonight's 6:00 p.m. eastern with all the dramatic moments from inside the courtroom in a special report, the situation room, trump trial today. stay with us right now
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