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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 18, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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18003 558999, or visit home i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn close captioning brought to you by mesobook if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000
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breaking news and to cnn and then there were five, two of the seven and panel jurors in the hush money trial of former president donald trump have been excused. we're going to break down why and talk about what this means for the difference fence and prosecution moving forward plus from the trial to the trail, president biden in philly today, receiving an endorsement from the family of one of his rivals we're not talking about just any family here. this is a political dynasty shunning one of their own. we're going to take you there, lie let the chips fall where they may hey, those words coming from house speaker mike johnson with his job on the lion, his conference in open conflict he now says passing a ukraine aid bill is worth the political risk following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news18 in his day three
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of jury selection in donald trump's historic hush money trial. and it's been full of twists and turns. when we started at the de seven jurors had been in paneled, but now that number is back down to five to jurors were smissed one, because s expressed coerns over idenfyin inrmation that had been made publ. another,fter prosecutors argue that he gave deceptive answers earlier this week, so 13 more spots still need to be filled and now nine prosctive rors are in th mix. answering the judge's questionnaire. cnn chief legal analyst and anchor laura coates is outside the courthouse for us up to s with thists bring toy it has beequite the day we began the day with seven jurors sitting onlhaving to get now 11 more to get that coveted 18 where you'd have 12 regular jurors and then six alternates who would not know
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their identity as an option to the end of the trial, evidence but now we've already lost two. >> i want to bring in keras canal here, kara. first, we had somebody who called in and said, listen, i believe that my anonymity has been compromised and she could no longer be impartial. she was excused. then a second juror was excused as afternoon. what happened the? >> so this was a juror that the prosecution had started looking into his background and had uncovered they believed it was him. they nted to clarify thisbut they believed that he had been arrested in the 1990s for tearing down campaign political science during them campaign signs. and it was a cause that they raised as concerned because one ofhe questions on the questionnaire had asked if you pad essentially ever been accud of a crime or arrested of a crime and he had said no. so they wanted to inquire further about that. it took a little while to get him here misunderstanding about when he was supposed to show up. and then he was questioned at the bench outside of the week, we could not hear it as the press, it is going to remain seal. but there was a questioning at the bench between the judge, the
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prosecutors, and trump's attorney. now, at one point, there was some laughter in his response to one of the questions he was then removed from the courtroom. the attorneys discussed it and they decided that they would excuse him from the case. so now we're back to five and back to business to try to go through these for prospective jurors who are here today answering questions. >> it also tells me that at some point the idea of just having six alternate jurors. so whenever you do have that initial 12, that number might have to expand as more details might be uncovered through the course of the trial, there's not really a finite period of time when that's it. you can no longer look into the jurors at all. that might be an ongoing issue in this case. >> i mean, we've seen that they've been doing some pretty quick digging into these social media, for example, right? trump's team identified a couple of social media posts before any jurors receded. and in fact, the judge agreed that they should be excused for cause because of some post that they made as far back as eight years ago, the prosecution has started looking into the jurors after learning they were seated
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once they were seated and uncovered this question, we'll answer that der excused. so the process is working. it's just as you're saying, it's a question of how quickly do we get this jury and how much time do they have before the case gets underway? if for them to uncover anything that could potentially be problematic. but they now have 18 jurors in the box, and those jurors will then be questioned. gen. by the attorneys, 30 minutes for the prosecution, 30 minutes for trump's lawyers, and then strikes could possibly happen, right? >> so what we saw the other day after that questioning, we saw that then some of the trump's attorneys have raised some questions about some of these past pose. and it was explored and then those jurors were struck by the judge and then it was the attorneys turned to strike whoever they wanted, for essentially any reason and they would be excuse. now we know that both sides only have four strikes left. so they cannot use them as liberally in these rounds, which will put more of a onus on them looking for
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reasons for cause so if they have some concern about any of these jurors and it could mean that we could move pretty quickly. the court is getting ready to break for lunch, so all of that will happen once we've returned from the lunch break, but there is now at least 18 jurors in the box to begin the 2nd important round of getting to see if we can fill the seats we thought we only needed 11. now we need 13. >> boris, it's so important because the strikes that they've already used, you don't get them back because jurors now have not been seated. and these were jurors who had been removed that were essentially the compromise of both the prosecution and the defense. and so now back compromise is gone. somebody they thought was palatable to both. now out times to dropping it down to five, it could be a lot longer yeah. >> and we were impressed by how quickly things were moving along. it seems like we've might've hit a road bumps here. lower codes, kara scannell from outside the courthouse in manhattan. thank you so much. we'll be checking in throughout the day. jessica all right. >> let's bring in former trump white house counsel cnn, legal
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commentator jim schult. jim, great to have you here with us. i just want to get your reaction first two now to jurors having been excused and this what what should we make of that? >> look, this is part of the process, right? there's going to be tremendous scrutiny by both sides looking at these potential jurors. and there are gonna be issues that come up and the judge and the lawyers are dealing with it in the normal course, like they do. right? you heard that there was a little bit of a chuckle at at the at the bench with the potential juror and the lawyers related to it there was an issue years ago was stealing yard signs that only that only brings in political implications and maybe where that person stands politically and what they're politically political views are. but also potential crime that or accused of a crime at that point in time. so i think these are all normal issues we're going to see. they could blow through these pretty quickly today, just like they did the other day. get to that magic number 18, but they have a little more work to do. there's a shoeless yours. >> yeah, it's just going to take it's just going to take some time. i'm also curious
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your thoughts because one of these jurors was dismissed because they felt too much personal information about them had been released. and we look at the georgia grand jury, some of the members of that grand jury did receive threats later on after their information was revealed should we worry about the safety of this jury look at you're in any criminal criminal prosecution, there's always that kind of understanding that there's some danger associated with that from time to time, especially in high-profile cases where there are issues like this, and especially in this world of social media, where people are getting attacked on social media. >> it's really important to keep the identities of these folks anonymous, if you will. and i think the judge even said to the news media, let's not release the identities, right? let's make sure we're not doing that. right. >> and use this morning that trump's post about quote, liberal activist lying to try to get on the jury violates the gag order that's in place. that 2nd juror was dismissed
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after prosecutors said he gave step diff answers. does that give trump's some fodder? i would imagine we're going to hear more about that anytime you have that door opened, that there's any question about the process here and whether politics are at play, and whether we're getting all the information donalds trump's going to seize that moment every day. >> and he's gonna do it all day, every day. i don't i think the gag order is there. i think donald trump's going to violate it day in and day out and probably get admonished by the court de and and day out on those issues. i mean, you already see the michael cohen tweeting away on these issues he's a witness in the case. you don't think donald trump's can respond to michael cohen on those. he's gonna do it every he's a witness in the case. you don't think donald trump's can respond to michael cohen on those. he's gonna do it every single time. >> yeah. and you mentioned the gag order. he's violated it at least seven times, seven times.
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now, there's a hearing on it next week what are you expecting? do you think it will become that they will broaden out this gag order? what do you think might happen next in regards to that i think that judges options are there are a ton of options, one of which he can threaten the jail to the defendants case. >> the former president, that's never going to happen. he's not going to put them in jail so it's really a monetary fine admonishment. there's not a whole lot of teeth associated with that. >> and unless the former president really like violates a way, not just responding to michael cohen, but if he's going after jurors in an aggressive way, if he's going after witnesses and intimidating way, i think that's when you'll see the judge really ramp it up and so off today's 96 prospective jurors, half of them were dismissed because they said they could not be fair, could not be impartial if you're trump's defense team, what what does this mean for you? >> and obviously, they've got this in the back of their head. but how are you proceeding?
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forward? >> knowing that is the case look, you have to i mean, you take your juror jury pool is you find them and do the best you can to find folks that made a profile that you're looking for, right? >> we talked the other day. the other night about i'm laura show on which jurors were the most interesting. i found the image the? person who came from ireland grew up in ireland, blue-collar type worker some college education in a sales job, watches msnbc and fox. that's kind of like your swing juror or in election terms, your swing voter, those are the folks that you as lawyers, you're looking at and saying how are they reacting to what we're saying? so this is very important. it is new york. obviously there's gonna be a big chunk of people who are not fans of donald trump. but at the same time, people come in and what i've found over the years juries typically regardless of what their political views are, they look at fairness and fundamental fairness, and that's the most important part of this process. >> right? tried to take in the
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facts and the arguments. all right. jim scholz, thanks so much appreciate it thank you boris we're just moments away from a significant moment in the 2024 campaign, president biden receiving an endorsement from one of america's most storied political dynasties, the kennedys the biden campaign says more than a dozen members of the extended family are going to be appearing with the president shortly. >> and they're backing biden, even though one of their own is running for president robert kennedy jr. is polling better than all the other third party candidates. and the democratic national committee is concerned that kennedy might play the role of spoiler taking enough votes away from biden to give donald trump the when and the white house come november cnn white house correspondent arlette saenz is at the biden kennedy event in philadelphia arlette give us a preview wellbore as any minute now, we anticipate president biden will walk out on stage behind i
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mean, with several members of the kennedy family as more than a dozen kennedy family members are expected to endorse his candidacy. >> today, it comes as president biden is really true trying to harness the legacies of one of the most storied political families in democratic politics. but it also comes, as you mentioned, as robert f. kennedy jr. one of member of the kennedy family is running as that independent candidate and potentially, there are concerns that his candidacy, a third-party candidacy could potentially act as a spoiler heading into november's election. now, the president will be introduced today by kerry kennedy. that is the sister of rfk junior, and she's expected to talk about how she believes president biden really carries on the legacy of her father, robert f. kennedy, and also former president john f. kennedy. and she's expected to talk about the threat that they believed donald trump poses in this election. it's unclear whether she'll actually mentioned her brother, rfk junior by name but our colleague wolf blitzer spoke to her a little bit about
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that earlier today and take a listen should you be trying to convince your own brother to drop out? >> so he doesn't necessarily jeopardize your candidate president biden we have a big family and we have discussions. but the thing it's not about my brother bobby today. it's about america it's about freedom, it's about to proceed now several members of the kennedy family in recent months have tried to portray robert f. >> kennedy jr. his candidacy as dangerous. so it's not entirely a surprise that they would be out here endorsing biden today. but of course it is significance since to their own family member is in this race. now, rfk junior or tried to downplay this endorsement today, he said in a statement, quotes, i hear some of my family will be endorsing president biden today. i am
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pleased they are politically active. it's a family police tradition. we are divided in our opinions, but united in our love for each other. now, rfk junior did get some welcome news today, if in the state of michigan as the secretary of state's there, said that he would qualify for the ballot in november. that's the first battleground state where we we've learned that kennedy will appear on the ballot in november and now after this events here in philadelphia the president biden, and members of the kennedy family will go on to another organizing event where he will be introduced by joe kennedy, the third, they're expected to make phone calls and knock on doors on behalf of president biden as they've made clear that they want to do everything they can to try to elect him come november number orland science. thank you so much for the update from philadelphia let's talk more about kennedy's impact on 2024 with larry sabato. he's the director of uva centers of the uva center for politics laurie, thanks so much for sharing part of your afternoon with us. put this in dortmund into context. it does this dissuade some rfk
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leaning voters toward biden well, it may be the start of that for us. >> it's april and i think the kennedy family is making a very significant move here, something that is uncharacteristic of the kennedys, politically over many generations, they've always been very clan ish. they have their pride disagreements, but they come out with a united front, particularly with regard to candidacies coming from within the family but it's very clear that a large majority of the prominent kennedy's who are still active in public life in some fashion feel very strongly that biden should win, but also that their brother represents a real threat and he does via the electoral college to biden's second term so what they're doing is significant. they're going to have to do it again and again and again in various ways. between now and november
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because it's hard to reach people and remember, one of rfk juniors, big appeals seems to be too young people. and i can tell you living in the middle of a college campus, there is a lot of appeal for rfk junior in part, i think because they have absolutely no one idea where he stands on anything. it's simply a famous name. it's glitz, its power and they're unhappy with both biden and trump. they're not going to vote for trump. the vast majority of them, but they're disillusion with biden maybe because of gaza and there are other reasons besides so this is a real threat to the biden candidacy and they are taking it that way. >> i want to dig into that idea that a lot of folks support him even though they don't really know his policies all that well but i did want to ask you about the news that our legis brought us that kennedy secured his name on the ballot in michigan
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when you look at the electoral map, i think there are a few states that could have quite the impact that michigan can have it sounds like you see him more likely spoiling things for joe biden than you do him potentially playing any role in taking voters away from donald trump in a significant number? >> absolutely. look, there are a handful of anti-vaxxers who may be disillusion with trump the trump family were first in line for the vaccine but they may be for kennedy, but the vast majority of trump voters are much less inclined to vote for for rfk junior, inclined to for for rfk junior, particularly after they learn about some of his other views, that are democrats, particularly minority democrats and young a young people in the democratic party and without a large percentage of the youth vote and a very large percentage of the minority vote. i don't think biden can win. you mentioned michigan. he could easily beyond the ballot
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and seems to be moving in that direction in arizona and nevada and in a number of other swing states, there are only seven or eight of them really, if he's just on the swing state ballots, he may well get enough votes to deny biden the second term. this is serious business it's interesting to see that the kennedys early on have recognized this. >> yeah, o'leary, we have to leave the conversation there. we appreciate your joining us. i do want to remind our viewers about your book on the kennedy family, the kennedy half century, the presidency assassination and lasting legacy of john f. kennedy, leiria thanks for being with us thank you, boris. of course. still have this hour on cnn news central, not only that big endorsement coming from the kennedy family, but also drama on capitol for hill, house speaker mike johnson facing growing threats days leadership. as some republicans have devised a plan to save his job, what they're urging him to do and how it could put in
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jeopardy those foreign aid bills that he's trying to pass this weekend, plus officials say they know what caused 911 services just to go out in several states, this was a huge story last night. the big mistake that they claim triggered all of this. and we're following every development and donald trump's criminal trial were reporters inside and outside of the courtroom. the latest on jury selection, some drama in the courtroom. straight ahead coats live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn sunglasses lactate grand on
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hardliners surrounded john something on the chamber floor, essentially petting him against a wall. all that playing out as johnson's foreign aid bills face a critical test today, the house rules committee is weighing whether to bring that package to the floor for a vote. johnson says he's moving forward with his plans to put a series of aid bills on the floor saturday, and that does include 1 billion for ukraine. he then plans to tie them together in one big package and send that over to the senate for final approval. but that is not sitting well with the number of far-right republicans who are threatening to boot him over their opposition to sending more aid to you crane, let's go to capitol hill now with cnn's lauren fox lauren, this continues to develop really by the minute today, what's the latest right now yeah, all eyes are on that very important house rules committee meeting. this is typically the first step, jessica, and it usually doesn't get that much attention because it it's not typically this controversial, but in this congress with this republican majority, the rules
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and what happens to them are very important here. and that is because there are a number of republicans on that committee who have already said that they will not support the rule moving forward, that means the democrats are going to have to help in some way if this package is going going to advance. now, democrats have made clear that they do view this ukraine package. israel package, taiwan package as essential to not just the us but globally security. and that they want to take some steps, but precisely what that looks like still has yet to unfold. meanwhile, there are also questions on whether or not changes to what is known as the motion to vacate. that is the step to try to oust the speaker, whether there will be changes to how many republicans specifically able to bring that to the floor right now, it just takes a single member. >> could that change? >> that is something we're also keeping an eye on in the rules committee, and that could have an impact on john instance future that's because there are a number of hardliners who
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when they surrounded johnson on the floor and made clear to him that that could be a difference maker when it comes as to whether or not they would vote to try to get him out of the job. here's what they said my home was that the motion to vacate would be an elixir that only required one dose, right? >> for effectiveness but sometimes there are some therapies that require more than one dose. and i hope that's not the case with the motion to vacate, but will administer the elixir as many times. as is necessary to save the country, changing the threshold for the motion to vacate. >> that's been my red line this entire congress, i told him there's nothing that will get you to a motion to vacate faster than changing the threshold and once again, if there is an effort to try to oust johnson, all eyes are going to be the on democrats. >> that is because they would likely be needed to save him. jessica, obviously that complicates johnson's future. it complicates whether or not
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he could remain an effective republican can speaker, especially in an election year with a majority at stake, all these questions have yet to unfold. jessica. >> yeah, much more to come on. this lauren fox with the absolute latest thanks so much for us. >> let's discuss further now with democratic congressmen, raja krishnamoorthi of illinois. he serves on the house intelligence committee congressman, thanks so much for being with us following the caucus meeting, the democrats had this morning would you say that there's a more cohesive strategy for how your party is going to approach the effort to potentially vacate speaker johnson no i wouldn't say that. i would say that there's a lot of support for the underlying bills. i think those are vital. >> whether it's a ukraine legislation or the legislation for indo-pacific defenses, or even the legislation containing a bill that i coauthored, ruth regard to tiktok. >> with regard to mr. johnson he hopefully we'll do the right thing. bring these to the
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floor, bring them for a vote successfully. and i think he'll be in good shape will congressmen doing the right? >> the thing in your eyes could cost him his job and he would need help from democrats like you to keep his job so are you willing to put it out there? he would back him if that motion to vacate moves forward if these bills were delivered favorably and the aid was favorably vote upon. >> and marjorie taylor greene went up there with emotion to remove him, for instance, i think there's gonna be a lot of democrats that move to kill that motion they don't want to see him getting punished for doing the right thing. as someone said the other day, this is a chamberlain or churchill moment. >> and if he ends up being the churchill and stands up to a great pressure around the world. >> i think he'll be rewarded. >> he has been lobbied by members of his own party to include in this package of foreign aid bills language that would change the structure of
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the motion to vacate the threshold to make it harder to remove him he seems open to it from the sounds of it. some republicans are wanting to vacate him for that would a change to the rules at all? prevent you from voting for the aid package no, not necessarily. >> but i want to see what the rules package is. sure. i think they're literally deliberate as we speak. and again, i think the underlying bills need to be brought to the floor for a vote and consideration with regard to the the other issues, those arcane technical issues again, i'm hopeful that we can come to an understanding on that as well some of your colleagues have been critical specifically of that portion of the bill that that you helped to author regarding the force divestiture of tiktok are you concerned? >> turned it all that there might be blowback toward you or your party for moving forward
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with that no, i think this is doing the right thing. >> hey, again, as we illustrated before, when 352 house members, including the vast majority of the democratic caucus voted for this bill. it's not a ban. it's a divestiture and it's really not about tiktok, it's about bytedance, which is ultimately controlled by the chinese communist party. and further publish reports since we actually pass that bill, have illustrated a number of things that give legislators even more pause, such as for instance, the fact that the bytedance parent company use just user data of americans against them in surveilling them. and also that the use data that was supposedly off limits to chinese plays a bytedance are routinely accessed by those employees. again another misrepresentation by the
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company. so i think i'm feeling good about this vote as well congressman, i want to zero in on the portion that entails aid to israel. >> obviously, we haven't seen the text of the bill or the details therein and how is finalized what i'm curious about potential restrictions to aid predicated on the we're that israel handles the war in gaza. there's been a lot of criticism even from the president himself over recent developments in gaza based on the idf's handling of aden workers, for instance, and accidental strike against world central kitchen aid workers do you think that something needs to be in the bill that acts, as a kind of restriction to ensure that the idf is following international law, or at least a mechanism to have the united states observe that aspect of the war more critically well, one thing that the white house did before these bills were
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actually issued as built texts, was they issued a memorandum called national security memorandum 20 and this memorandum set forth the existing conditions in under which arms transfers to israel and other countries will be made are and have been made and they have to certify that those conditions are met going forward. >> and so i think that this aid will be subject to those conditions being met. whether it's in accordance with humanitarian international humanitarian law, but also the, the laws of war. and so that's something that we are all going to be focused on as well congressman raja for some more thing you thank you so much for the time. >> i appreciate you being with us hey, thank you so much, boris. of course. still ahead on cnn news central, half of today's perspective, jurors have already been eliminated in the donald trump hush money case in manhattan. and two out of the seven jurors would already been seeded, have now
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been excused the latest on his hush money case when we come back the, fight against climate change. >> this is new car business blue carbon. we just need to protect nature will do the rest. >> corbyn cnn, field sunday at nine my neck. >> i can move it both ways. >> mattress firm had so many incredible options at every price. i can look this way. now pardon that the right mattress matters. >> will find yours mattress firm start your. >> day with nature me. >> the number one foreign cells. a quick commercial break. we want to take you straight to philadelphia, where the kennedy family is just taking the stage. they are endorsing president biden and his run for reelection and shunning one of their own, even as rfk juniors running for the
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white house the kennedy family for the majority of them are backing biden let's take a moment to listen in thank you john, for those inspiring words my name is kerry kennedy, and in this seventh child of robert e and f. >> kennedy i'm stronger than vinyl. >> so you're getting a window that will really last. >> now, this is innovation. you have a feature on your windows that allows for a better view are truces and with my you hear president joe biden president biden has said very movingly that his long career in public
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service was prompted by his speech my father robert kennedy gave in indianapolis on april 4, 1968. the night martin luther king was murdered two days later, alone with my parents and siblings i sat in the den of our home and northern virginia and watched in horror as washington burned daddy room and he gotten his car maybe 15 minutes later we were all still glued to the tv and suddenly daddy was on the news in the midst of the medium, trying to put out the flames of loss and pain, fear and rage in the wake of dr. king's death that was an incredible lesson to me as an eight-year-old child, he showed us that when everyone else is running away from the flames the anguish and despair leaders
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run towards them and that's who joe biden is he is sitting president in our history, who has traveled to an active border zone. now let andre us control, not once, but twice to show support for our allies. he was always running into the flames so we don't have to every imaginable way president biden has spent his presidency and his career running into the flames for working people, for moms, dads, families. he supports unions a passion of my father's. he marched with the united auto workers during their righteous strike which helped bring that strike to a swift thank you.
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>> joe biden look for teachers nurses, truck drivers, gig workers. he has been tireless on leaving the debt incurred by middle and working class kids, trying to get ahead by getting an education. thank you. joe biden he passed the infrastructure bill. he builds bridges. he has made the working american the hero of every story. thank you. joe biden thank god inflation under control. and violent crime is down in america under joe biden's leadership he has us thriving a gun, but leaving again, behaving leg good neighbors again he stepped into the blame sub chaos and turned it into community thank you.
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joe biden we want to make crystal clear or feeling got the best way forward for america is to reelect joe biden and kamala harris two, four more years years war here president biden has been a champion for all the rights and freedoms that my father, an uncle, stood for. for that's why nearly every single grandchild of joe and rose kennedy supports joe biden
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that's right. >> that's right. the kennedy family endorses joe biden for president when daddy announced his bid for the presidency in 1968, he talked about the perilous courts are country would take under the wrong leadership. and he said, i feel obliged to do all that. i can i cannot stand aside we are here because we feel obliged to do all that. we can we cannot stand outside in this election no american can stand aside. we must go in 2024. >> there are only two camps it's with any chance of winning the presidency.
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>> we know them well, fo years ago our country was crippled by covid excuse me, chaos and the facts of unprincipled leadership for years later, thanks to joe biden, we are enjoying an unprecedented economic expansion with more people working than at any time in our history over 15 million new jobs have been created, almost 800,000 manufacturing jobs. >> thank you, joe biden wages inflation caused by once-in-a-generation pandemic because coming down, thank you. >> joe biden he's made best investments in historically black colleges and universities to create more access to opportunity he has appointed
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more black women to circuit courts, then every other president combined congee brown jackson on the supreme court. thank you. joe biden they built the refugee program now was designated by his predecessor and brought together a coalition of world leaders to stop russian aggression in ukraine. thank you, joe biden we're standing here in the martin luther king recreation center for children. >> as family members who lost her partner let us not forget that president biden has always advocated for the rights of people to live to play, and to go to school in communities, free of gun by lins. he signed
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the most significant bipartisan gun safety legislation in 30 years. thank you. joe biden donald trump proudly brags about overturning roe v. wade ruling black back the clock 50 years to when women couldn't make our own healthcare decisions president biden is fighting to get our freedoms back. thank you, joe biden this is only part of the very lung list to freedoms and rights that president biden is protecting during a period of constant assault make no mistake. >> all these rights and freedom, so on the ballot, november donald trump is running to take us backwards, attacking the most basic rights and freedoms that are at the
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core of who we are as americans he said he will be a dictator on day one even saying he wants to suspend the constitution so he can go after his enemies, after his critics, after the press. he is running to use his power to punish his enemies silence his opponents, and its more chaos, division, and political violence with his extreme agenda, he is most anti-democratic president in american history. president trump spews dangerous conspiracy theories on climate change. >> the maxine's windmills and voter-fraud. >> he is pledging to repeal the affordable care act and cut social security and medicare ripping away health care and earn benefits for millions of americans who rely on them. in
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their retirement. i can only imagine how donald trump's outrageous lies and behavior would have horrified my powder senator robert f. kennedy, who proudly served as the attorney general of the united states and honored his pledge to uphold the law and protect the country daddy's stood for equal justice, for human rights and freedom from want and fear just as president biden does today. donald trump box these values just as the mach sources system, of lords, he predicted a blood, blood, blood bath. it'd be glutes has the election. we cannot afford to ignore his warning we can say today, with no less urgency that our rights and freedoms are once again in parallel.
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this is why we all need to come together in a campaign that should night not unite not only democrats, but all americans, including verb and independents, who believe in what link can called the better angels of our nature a vote for joe biden is a boat per our democracy and dark decency it didn't go for when my father calls in his own presidential announcement, 1968, are right to the moral leadership of this planet as president biden remembers when dr. king died, daddy address to crowd organized by john lewis in the largest black community in indian ounces now, not terrible night he said, what we need in the united states is not
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division what we need in the united states is not hatred. what we need in the united states is not violence or lawlessness but love and wisdom and compassion toward one another and a feeling of justice towards those who still suffer in this country, whether they'd be black or they beep light joe biden's every decision is informed by his love, his wisdom and his compassion towards those who suffer that is why we are so happy today to pledge are unwavering support to president joe biden and president kamala harris. god bless all of you. god bless america and sees welcome president joe please
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have to see if you have one m did credible, honorehat an credib honor i don'wantecome em an incredible honors to ve the support of the kenne fami? john white junior thanks for those kind words and for carrying on your family's civil rights legacy d so i youron, caitlyn o wadoing a hell of a job in our camign is helping us win pennsylvania
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very i as most meaningful introduction i've ever gotten in my life. other than my sister introdud your lieng.hey're you frndip president joe biden, thanking the kennedy family honor, to receive for their endorsement. >> and boris, what is important to note in this moment is often in politics, in elections, endorsements are fine, but they don't really do much but in this case because of the broader picture, which is the fact that robert f. kennedy jr. is running as a third-party candidate, that as of today, he's now on the ballot in utah and michigan. and that he is eating away and threatens to eat away at a key part of the biden coalition, which has young voters and so to see the, the larger kennedy family, not just saying we don't support our brother or cousin, who whatever he is in relation to them. but to see to see them
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saying we full-throated, lee endorsed joe biden is interesting and it does create quite a contrast as well for a lot of people again, especially younger voters, who maybe aren't familiar with the entire picture, right? >> yeah, it's as much an endorsement of joe biden as it is a rejection of rfk junior. and we heard from his sister there a moment ago, kerry kennedy describing joe biden is my hero comparing his efforts in politics to that of her father's in the 1960s. she said that joe biden is always running into the flames so that we don't have too she had this repeated refrain in her speech saying, thank you, joe biden for a number of different things. saying that essentially americans can't stand by in this election. they have to support joebiden because he stands for democracy. the president was obviously moved by it described as an honor, he said it was the most meaningful introduction that he's gotten in his life aside from his sister we're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back with updates not only on
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this event in philadelphia, but also the latest from manhattan and donald trump's criminal trial stay with cnn were baggages moment this is cnn the world's news i brought in a jew or max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i'll take that ensure not to protein 30 grams, protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals can you fiber blend with a prebiotic am for investments, we may look like other money managers, but were different. you can't be that different. >> we are we have a team of specialists, not only in investing, but also in financial and estate planning and more your clients rely on you for all that yes. >> and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first, but you still so commission-based products, right? no, we have a simple management fee structured, so we do better when our clients do better, we're more different than i thought at fisher investments were clearly
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real still find yours with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. >> you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day he physically it's clear that i'm the dad okay. >> so which data is her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name!
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it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. piece of evidence tells a story how it really happy with jesse l. martin, sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn the countdown for taylor swift's new album is on and swifties every aware are in a frenzy, including one right here at cnn, wolf blitzer will not stop talking about the tortured poets department, which drops tonight. >> i'd been it sure does. and the pop superstar has been dropping clues. this is something she's very well-known for all the easter eggs sparking passionate speculations among her fans about what to expect. all without really having to any formal marketing at all. cnn's elizabeth wagmeister is at a taylor swift pop up event in los angeles the hype is real
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elizabeth, i have a long drive tomorrow oh, and i'm actually very excited about it for this reason the hype is very real. >> so as you see behind me, there is an open-air library put on by spotify, which has all all of these clues, these easter eggs that you mentioned jessica. >> it's a library, of course, to celebrate the tortured poets department. >> there's books that have taylor's song names on then there's a clock that says 2:00 p.m. now, if you are a swiftie, you know that the number two in 2:00 p.m. has been a big symbol coming from taylor herself ever since she won the grammy and announced her new album, she gave a peace sign saying the number two, well right now there is a countdown clock on taylor swift's website counting down just a few minutes to 2:00 p.m. nobody knows what it is, but their fans here who had been waiting for hours to get in. we're going to talk to some of that and see what they think this count down could be all about high so i with three ladies
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here who are skipping out on class, they're college students at lmu, but we won't tell their teacher how long have you been here? >> we've been here like an hour-and-a-half so far now, there's a countdown on taylor swift's website. >> what do you think this is about? do think it's merged. do you think it's the album dropping early? perhaps? >> i think it is either a double release or a deluxe version. >> what do you think? do you have a theory yeah, there's a double release theory for reputation dropping. >> and also like i think there's a music video coming out soon. so maybe for that. >> yeah. so taylor did announce that at 8:00 p.m. eastern tonight, her music video, we'll drop. we don't know for what song, but thinks, think it could be the one with post malone. now your birthday is tomorrow, you're celebrating here today, happy birthday. is this the best celebration you could have ever dreamed up? is, yeah, it's my 22nd i can birthday tomorrow to so like joseph dropping an album on my birthday is really special for me and 22 all right. >> well, enjoy your birthday and as you see right behind me, this line goes on and on and honore does wrapping around
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here at the grove, which by the way is also where taylor swift had her premiere for her movie earlier this year. all right, lots of excitement. share back to you guys. >> the world is waiting with bated breath. the 2:00 p.m. thing only a few minutes away, elizabeth wagmeister, keep us updated on what it is we're going to entry yeah. >> thanks, elizabeth. appreciate so court is about to gavel back into session in new york. and when it does donald trump's attorneys and prosecutors will be able to question potential jurors. this after wrapping to jurors, but they already had an panels will discuss the latest than just moment hey there brenda, it's carroll. exactly. >> so which like are we operating on? >> you mean arm? >> it's all connected asking the right question can greatly impact your future. >> you share your an orthopedist. >> actually, i'm a sagittarius specially when it comes to your finances give a question.
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>> are you a certified financial planner? >> yes. i'm a cfp professional cop professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. >> that's why it's gotta be a cfp. bind your cfp professional, and let's make a plan doubt crap. >> now we got to get france something. wait we could use these new gift mode. >> all right, done not to do four who don't get amelia turn off alarm amelia, whether reason son today emilia and the door. i'm afraid i can't do that. >> why not? >> did you forget something i protein shake the future isn't scary. >> not investing in it is. >> so dramatic. emilia i can 100 innovative companies, one etf before investing carefully
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