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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 18, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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maintain a healthy urinary tract with you relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary tract product. >> you korea is a life's they tried today at your core dot com the scrambled to seat a jury in the criminal hush money trial of donald trump. now, to jurors have been excused and we're seeing the melting pot of new york city come into play here, are falling all the details but will speaker mike johnson pay for a foreign aid package with his job as he mos forwar with a deal that could provide aid to ukrne andsrael, he's al iiating conservati critics in congress and a unique endorsement for president biden, members of the kennedy family coming out strongly for him and also who 're not
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backing. maybe just as important, we're following these major develong stories and many more all coming in rit here cnn news central just minutesa all group of prosive rors and the trump sh money trial. >> will be back in front othe e and in front of former president turned criminal defendant, donald trump as we've been getting a real-time look at what is sometimes a topsy turvy process today to jurors who were seated earlier this week were dismissed from the trial. >> one over concerns about identifying information that was made public. >> the other related to prosecutors concerns about the veracity of their answers. now, the judge wants a total of 18 jurors in this case, including alternates. and right now we have five empaneled for the trial. let's check back in with cnn, chief legal analyst, laura coates, who is outside the court. >> laura, you have been
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monitoring this since it started. >> what are we expecting once they get back from lunch it's been quite a de we started the day with having seven only having to get two, 11 more jurors those including the 12th, you have to have them the six alternates, only to find that at least two. >> now, who are already seated have now been dismissed for some type of a cause. it's important to know that after lunch, lunch break concludes around two 15 today, you're going to come back to questions from both the prosecution and the defense. the 18 who were singing was known as a jury box. now, having left the well of the audience and now sitting in the box for by 30 minute period asking questions similar to what we saw the other day questions perhaps about social media questions, get that give you more detail about the nuance of the questions they've already answered and trying to get an understanding of whether they could indeed be impartial. interestingly enough, there's a lot of world politics that is now playing into all of this. we had at least one juror earlier clear who is dismissed because he believes he could not be impartial. jessica
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because he is born and raised in italy and that the italian media he says has really put a split-screen of donald trump and the late prime minister berlusconi, who himself had corruption and sex scandals. so now you're seeing world politics and media coming into play even in a local manhattan courtroom yeah, it is also interesting. >> and laura, originally the judge was eyeing monday for potentially having opening statements. do you think we're still on track for that or we don't know at this point i think we're likely not on track for monday start of day opening statements. all those stranger things have happened. had you ask anyone yesterday, the pacing of the seven already being empaneled gave every indication that perhaps by friday at the end and close of court, you might indeed have the ability to repair of the weekend is defense and prosecution and prepare for the prosecution's case in chief to start on monday. but now that we've taken essentially one
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step forward, two years back, now, the question looms very large about whether an inadvertent delay could actually occur. we also the joe the judge apparently has been critical of the media therefore, what he believes potentially providing details that were too detailed about the jurors in this case. although cnn is very cautious to limit to a bare recitation of the juror to preserve the anonymity. but the concern is that there might be prospective jurors and including one juror who was already seated today, who essentially called in and said listen, i believe that my anonymity has been compromised and therefore, i can no longer be truly impartial. so that is a perhaps unexpected delay, although some question prep, but there weren't more guardrails in place in the first instance. >> yeah. >> all right. laura coates for us outside court, which is set to begin and pick back up here in just a few moments, we'll check back in with you, laura. thanks so much. boris. >> let's dig deeper on the selection process with jury consultant caroline cook. caroline, thank you so much for
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being with us. so, juror number to the first one to be seated and then dismissed after saying that aspects of heredity identity were revealed given that there are so few cases that get this kind of attention, how common is that for that to be a concern for a juror? >> well i think it's somewhat common and criminal cases if you think about cases that involve serious crimes, and everything has reported on the media all the time. so even poor gabbie marshall, who played for uconn. i'm sorry for iowa. i mean, she got death threats, so i think people people get skittish and i think it's totally normal and it really underscores that this is no ordinary trial and i think it also underscores at the process of they have adopted two selectors are deselect them it's got some problems and if you're trying, if you're disqualifying people after you've already vetted them, i think that's a symptom of a problem let's expand on that.
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>> and specifically, i want to ask about this other juror that was excused because he had been empaneled on the jury, and then further investigation discovered that he previously gotten in trouble with the law for destroying yard signs, political campaign signs is that something that would have come up earlier and researching a juror or is that just kind of something that naturally comes about later when more research is done? >> well, here's the thing, like in my experience in cases that were high-profile involving political issues or serious crimes and questionnaires were being used. they were written questionnaires at the lawyers gotten advance, and so both sides weren't scrambling in open court with lots of people there fine, too, on the spot, figure things out. they had time in advance to really scour the landscape to make sure that on the day of jury selection,
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people are properly vetted. so you're not going to have surprises like that. so again, i think it's the way this particular jury selection was set up. >> it's from my own professional opinion of looking at the questions it struck me as a system designed to not really learn that much about prospective jurors unless they've got the gumption to raise their hand and say, you know what? you know, it's hard for jurors to say that i can't be fair this happen full disclosure that's why a written questionnaire is so much better than the process they've adopted in this case why do you think this process was adopted? >> is that a symptom to you of in competence or or do you think it was deliberate for some reason well, you know what? it's probably neither. >> i think what people don't realize is that jury selection it's a rare part of a lawyers practice. and a lot of people
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don't have the time and the opportunity to come up with how can this work? how can this be efficient? >> how can jurors really feel comfortable disclosing something that can be so this case is unlike all others, this case is huge and i think this process is underscoring. >> i don't think people really realize how big it really is. so hindsight is 2020 a lot of judges have never used written questionnaires before, so it's a lot like legislation, it just becomes this process where people think it's a good idea. they signed in before you know it. that's what you're doing. you get into a rhythm and that's why they're losing people though. >> yeah, the map is not always the territory as we've seen. quickly, caroline, both sides have four of those peremptory strikes remaining. what's the strategy going into today before deciding that they want to file one of those strikes or use one of those strikes well,
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i think both sides probably already have their strategies all mapped out and, you both sides are going to look for people that can't live with who's gonna keep me up at night, who's going to prevent me from winning this case and for i don't know if the questions are really capable of if, they're being asked in this questionnaire, but the trump side is going to want those jurors were very uncomfortable with this process who don't really want to decide this case. >> i would be very uncomfortable with somebody who is eager to get on in a case like this one and people who are just not happy with the way trump has been treated. but that's just kinda obvious from the government's perspective they might get an inkling that somebody thinks that this is just too much meddling or the timing is just suspicious. or again, that i think both sides have to be worried about jurors
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who just don't want the responsibility and what's happened with juror number two, if other start to get wind of that, i think people are going to start to get the jitters. and if i'm on the defense side of it that's going to make me extremely happy because any unraveling of this is in my best interests as a defendant caroline kirk. >> appreciate your perspective. thanks for being with us thank you. still had speaker mike johnson's plan for advancing billions of dollars in foreign aid could wind up costing him his job. >> but he says, quote, when you do the right thing, you let the chips fall where they may we're going to talk to a republican congresswoman about whether she thinks he's doing the right thing plus bad news. >> if you were looking to buy a home mortgage rates are at their highest level in months. the details on those numbers, and to arizona state senators cross the aisle, voting with democrats. and the effort to repeal that states civil war abortion ban those stories and
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if only you could do things your way all the time i delightful thought got it with gurus i brought in a chore max protein with 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i'll take that i'm sure not to protein 30 grams, protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic every piece of evidence tells a story how really happy with jesse l. martin sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn speaker mike johnson will hold on to his job, at least for now. >> the house is done for the day, meaning that no one can pull the trigger on, ousting him until tomorrow at the earliest but he's still caught between factions within his party on one side, some rank-and-file republicans are urging him to make it more
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difficult to remove a speaker by raising the necessary threshold to move forward that motion to vacate it currently takes a single member to do so on the other side, a number of republican hardliners want him out over his plans for that proposed for an aid package which includes billions of dollars for ukraine johnson has said he plans to put the bills up for a full vote this saturday. seen as montt erasure is live force on capitol hill. minute of course, all of this is unfolding if a backdrop of this foreign aid that folks have been calling on johnson to put on the house floor now for several months is this ultimately putting his job in jeopardy? >> yeah. this is taking on the hard right of the house republican conference and essentially deciding he was time to work with democrats to get this over the finish line and potentially have democrats save him from this revolt on the far right that could threaten his hold on. the speakership. now, the question
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for johnson and for and for the leadership is whether or not they will decide to move forward with changing the house rules to make it harder to throw out a sitting speaker that is under consideration right now, there are active discussions, ongoing in the house. do that as part of this process to move to the final vote on this foreign aid package that has not been resolved yet. yeah, but that has caused enormous pension in the ranks and also has cause some of the members to consider trying to move ahead and tried to force that vote calling for johnson's ouster as he weighs whether and to make this significant changes rule that was used last fall to throw kevin mccarthy than now, these detractors on the right are using to potentially throw out mike johnson now, mike johnson has decided to move ahead with the foreign aid package that would be split up into several different proposals. israel aid, ukraine aid, taiwan eight and some other measures as well. but ultimately, be all wrapped up as one big package and sent over to the senate. what it will not include is border security provisions that
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he initially said would be essential to moving forward. ukraine aid, but he couldn't get the votes to do that. so we set that aside and is moving that on a separate track and rules hardliners are the ones who are furious at that decision. in talking to some of the people who are aligned, mike johnson, they are making very clear that he should take on the far right and they're saying there should be repercussions for those who are warning that they may try to houston that committee is there to advance the cause of the majority? >> that committee is not there to advance the cause of chip roy or thomas massie or ralph norman. and so if they're incapable of doing the job they're not entitled to that spot. and so they should resign if they're unable to fill. the duties of that committee and if they refuse to, they should be removed. there needs to start being repercussions for those who completely elleithee and eight, the will of, of that conference, you what will gave us the majority because they wanted republicans glover not because they wanted republicans
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to lead us to a halt. >> so they don't represent the 200 or 200 ton of those right? now, we're trying to get things done. we want to work as a team what these guys it's not good enough just to vote, no. or they want to stop any vote now there's still a lot of questions about the timing of this when marjorie taylor greene, for one, we'll try to force a vote seeking mike johnson's ouster. >> and then what will democrats do? that is still undecided at this key moment about whether to save mike johnson's job morris, mano, roger life force on capitol hill. thank you so much mana. we want to get to some breaking news right now outside of columbia university in new york police have entered the university campus to disperse a pro-palestinian protests. there you can see some of the protesters were taken into custody in video that, has just arrived into cnn cnn senior crime and justice correspondent shimon prokupecz. is there right now as this is unfolding, shimon, this comes after police told protesters
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they would be arrested if they didn't disperse. it also comes one day after the university president testified about anti-semitic activity on campus before congress chris what are you seeing there? what are you hearing from folks on the ground right. >> so a lot of the protesters have now gathered here because behind me a boris, as you can see, i hope pranks going to try to get your shot. there are several nypd buses here because the grew they were all inside the campus. are they at santa setup encampments on the campus and then around 1:00 the university president ordered asked the nypd to come in and start making arrests, and we're told about 30 people are solid at this point, at least 30 been arrested and they've been brought over to this area about two blocks away from the school. and this is where they're being processed. so this is why many of the protesters have gathered here.
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we're being told by the nypd now that at any moment that this group here that's probably about 200 or so here are gonna be told that they have to leave, that they're going to have to get out of the street and onto the sidewalk so potentially, we could see more arrests out here. i wanted to set the senior for you. you could see some more of the their nypd officers lined up across here, ready to move the crowd onto the sidewalk? there are also more nypd officers across the street. they're all wearing helmets and potentially just ready for any activity that they're gonna be ordered to take. we do expect that for this group to be ordered off the streets here and onto the sidewalks and be threatened with potential arrest. statute happened at any point when you ask us some of the students taro what they want these are pro-palestinian protesters. they feel that the university is not doing enough to support them to support their views.
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and so they have set up camp inside the school and things were relatively okay for quite some time. and then for whatever reason the university president ordered that the area around in the middle of the school be cleared and that is when the nypd moved in and it certainly an escalation in this because for the most part, they've been allowed to be here, allowed to be inside the school on school grounds protesting. but today, that for whatever reason has changed. >> but as you can see here, bars, they continue to be out here they are chanting, they are protesting, and they came to this area to support those who have been arrested. >> so we wait to see here what the nypd does with those that have gathered here on the street, but this is now going to continue. likely for several hours with the nypd outside here as they continued to
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process the people who've been arrested on the bus here some tense scenes there on the campus of columbia university. i one of many that we've seen this perhaps the most dramatic this foreign a college campus. in the united states since october 7. and israel's response to the hamas attack leading to the war in gaza. shimon, keep us up to speed on what you're seeing there on cash episode of course, continue to monitor this and bring you the very latest as we get it. jessica all right. >> let's go back to capitol hill now, where there is a lot of information unfolding joining us now is republican congresswoman nicole malveaux take of new york. she's also a member of the leadership team as assistant the web congressman. thanks. thank you so much for being here, for making time on what i know is such a very busy day. i want to start first with what you said on the house floor yesterday. so let's listen to that clip and then we'll talk more about it. >> i believe our speaker needs
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to go back to joe biden and chuck schumer and say, if we're going to pass foreign aid, we must have at least, at least a few common sense border protection measures in there now it does not appear like that's going to happen. >> you are the an assistant whip in the conference. are you willing to whip for a bill? you don't fully support? >> well, i've already let the speaker know that i am very concerned and i love we have to see how this actual bill comes down to us and what amendments are going to be there. but for me, it does not make sense for us to be moving forward without anything that actually protects our own national security. i want to support our allies, but we have to also make sure that as threats rise against the united states, i mean, iran is saying straight out they want to attack americans on us soil well, we're seeing growing threats from russia and communist china as well.
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hundreds of terrorists clot at our border, or some of the interior and we have 2 million gottaways i've entered this country with no interaction to government officials or, or law enforcement. so we don't know who they are, where they are or what their intentions are in quite frankly, as a new york city representatives given a post nine 11 world, i get very concerned if we do not secure our border, what could potentially happen. so that needs to be part of this package. and i think that the speaker should continue to push the senator schumer& the present to do something just reverse some of the executive orders that the president put in place that have created what has been a crisis. not just for the country, but for cities like mine, where we have convicted criminals on the streets, we have people who are gang members, over 1,200 least people have been arrested that are in these migrants shelters because they've committed crimes. the fact in all that's killing americans, we need to take action in this. this can't wait either our national security is at risk as well. so
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we want to support our allies. >> we need to do the right thing for our country. and i hear what you're saying. the house did pass that bill. the senate is not taking it up. republicans killed a bipartisan senate bill that would have solved some issues. president biden is consistent entering some executive actions, but the courts have ruled he can't reinstate some of the trump era measures. so that is the state of play. it's a stalemate on immigration coming from capitol hill and time is of the essence on these aid packages. so what other choice does mike johnson half so what i would argue is that the president made 60 executive order policy changes when he came into office. he can use the same discretion to reverse some of those policies. do you know that secretary mayorkas sent a memo to customs and border protection agents telling them that if somebody is a convicted criminal, that that alone is not enough to deport him. that's wrong. so getting started, i just want to just want to push the point there though. but what what it is all happening. but at this moment in time, they've the
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time is of the essence on these funding for these aid. >> that is but that is not worked out month but that is why i'm making the case that you know, senator schumer and president should be giving a little, they see what's happening to our country. >> do they not see the drug cartels profiting billions of dollars by human trafficking and drug trafficking did they not see 100,000 americans die from fentanyl why will worsen while they users to take them up? >> in fact, senator schumer didn't not pass this bipartisan bill that you mentioned in the senate at all, or else we could have potentially had some real negotiation. but the bottom
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line here is all, i think americans are asking for. certainly my constituents they're asking for common sense measure. let's just say we haven't put something in the language. it just says, if you are convicted criminal or a known gang member, you are not to be released into the interior here we are. that would make a big difference. but that's, that's even something like that. we have a hard time extracting from the democrats i have a hard time believing that the democrats wouldn't even do that for this country. and i, you know, again, he has the power to make some changes here. the president, so he should work with us to do that. >> okay. so just if we can set that aside for one second, i do want to know there is a threat to the speaker. johnson's speakership. and i know you said just just a few minutes ago that you and i want to make sure i'm getting this right. do you don't support ousting him, you do support changing that rule on the motion to vacate, which kevin mccarthy negotiated down to just one person do you think? >> you think things stand right now because this continues to
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evolve? what are you hearing? >> well, i think there are there are members that are rallying support for increasing the number to motion to vacate. i would agree with them on that. i do not as much as i disagree agree with the speaker on this issue and how it's been handled? i would say that we we do not as republicans or the congress or the country benefit from another motion to vacate, we can have this fight in january when we he returned with a new congress. but we don't gain anything and it's not in the best interests of governing to spend a couple of weeks wasting time to find some from one because no one's going to have consensus at the end of the day. we know that, but i do think that this shows what a mistake it was to remove kevin mccarthy. i was those who are very upset when that happened, again, a couple of republicans sayyed with all the democrats to remove our speaker, bringing our congress to a standstill, we lost weeks of work during that time, and quite frankly, we have now a weakened speaker because of the circumstances in which he entered. so i do not
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support a motion to vacate. >> all right. and just quickly before i let you go back to the aid, bills, will you be supporting them? if they do not have that border security or will you not? so for them. >> well, look, there's gonna be four different bills. i'm still going through the initial language, but we have amendments to it and we got to see at the end of the day what actually comes out. i believe we will support some and i've probably will vote against at least one. we have to see how it comes down the pike and then i will make my decision at that time once we have a full understanding of what is included in these bills, that's why we're given three days to actually read the bills and that's what i'm doing. >> yeah. and that was that was a big part too. i of the negotiations to get kevin mccarthy and was to extend the time you had to read the bills. congresswoman nicole mya take us we really do appreciate it. thank you for stopping by thank you two people now excuse from the jury and the trump hush money trial were alive outside of the new york court with updates and whether opening
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thank you governor and our california lawmakers for fighting for what matters. that's 180501 3636. call now i'm arlette saenz in scranton, pennsylvania, and this is yan'an. >> it is day three of jury selection and former president trump's manhattan hush money trial. it's now back and away after they took a little lunch break, the day started with seven jurors already seated. they are now down to five after
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two were excused entering a tense moment in court, prosecutors argue that trump violated his gag order seven more times, pointing to post that he made online. soon as laura coates is back with us. so laura walk us through what happened with the two jurors that were sent home it's been a very interesting day in this courtroom here in manhattan on an already historic de, we know that at least one juror said that she could no longer serve because she thought that she could not be impartial because she believed that her anonymity has been compromised. >> that was one juror from earlier today than a second juror was asked questions at questionnaire about a 42 page for you to question document. one of them question 19 is the one at issue here and the question was whether you had ever or somebody you knew and your family had have been arrested, are involved in allegations of criminal activity before he apparently answered that he had not. they then later discovered through the da's office that in fact he had been arrested at one point time for tearing down
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some sort of political posters over the course of the 90s. and that was another woman that the judge said that was enough to have this person excuse it, underscores the point of house seriously, this court is taking credibility and truthfulness at this stage to give a fair opportunity for the defense and the prosecution to determine who can really we impartial in their case. >> law. prosecutors have said that trump has now violated the gag order. seven more times in one post online, he quoted from fox common heater, jesse watters on social media saying trump's legal team is quote, catching undercover liberal activists line to the judge how long do you think the judge? is going to allow trump to save these sorts of things to post these sorts of things well, first there's been no evidence to support that statement that was made. >> add a few jesse watters or porous to donald trump statement on truth social. and it's important to note that the whole of dire process is aimed at trying to determine impartiality the. process of
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vetting in the wild deer, you are going to have information revealed that would lend to suggest that there is some bias or otherwise. and so the wider your process this is focus on doing just this very thing of trying to understand who can truly set their opinions aside and who cannot. again, today over half for the 90s, the came in the courtroom, who was asked to raise their hand if they felt they could not be impartial and they truthfully answered in over half were dismissed. now, the gag order is set to be heard on this coming tuesday, which ironically, some thought might be the de two after opening statements on monday. but given the pace of things, might not actually come to fruition. either way, the judge has made it very clear that he does not either want a juror to be intimidated witnesses to be interfered with, or intimidated, and that you cannot make a statement or cause somebody else to make a statement that would have that similar effect. the question before this judges the very least is going to beam is the quoting of somebody who has made such a statement sufficient to say that he
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himself has made the statement. you can't you can't sort of hide behind. oh, i use quotation marks or air quotes here on a truth social post so say that you did not by the gag order, had a judge has a lot of things under his purview to decide what to do about it. if he does by him that he does. in fact and has in fact by the gag order including fines and even was called stepping back a criminal defendant. did jail pending their compliance we've seen donald trump fine four things that he said, violating a gag order before. >> laura coates. thanks so much for the update from manhattan so the nypd is disbursed pro-palestinian protests on the campus columbia university. >> some students arrested, let away in zip ties we're going to take you there for an update and just moments what's it, like to hear from the people actually living the headlines? t. we'll talk to the people behind the trending stories. i've got a lot of
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>> vinyl windows seem to be a typical choice here in the local area, some companies even advertise high-quality vinyl and romer here before you invest in vinyl windows, listened to what michael smith of renewal by an there are sudden has to say with our temperature swings vinyl tends to warp, which causes condensation between the pains and drafts. and most final windows just look very low end to begin with, our customers don't want that. >> and what are renewal by anderson's windows made of? >> our windows are made out of a thermo polymer composite material called fiber x. >> it's beautiful like wood, but it doesn't require the maintenance of would& we engineered it to be two times stronger than vinyl. >> so you're getting a window that will really last now, this is innovation. >> you have a feature on your windows that allows for a better view our true seen screens are made out of an ultra fine stainless steel mesh, which is virtually invisible. you get less dirt buildup, more fresh air circulation, and a better view out of your windows. >> now, if we're talking about comfort, how much does the
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glass matter? >> the glass window makes a huge difference. our high performance, low ephors, smart sunglass is fused with silver oxide it's engineered to help keep the cold air outside in the winter and keep the warm air outside in the summer it also blocks 95% of the harmful uv rays that phage or furniture and your hardwood floors well, that's impressive. >> michael. >> thank you. >> and right now renewal by anderson has a great offer for homeowners before april 30th by one window patio der or entry door, and get the next one, 40% off. that's 40% off with a minimum of four units plus save an extra $30 on every window and door you bye with no money down, no monthly payments, and no interest for one year. this offer ends april 30th for a free appointment with renewal by anderson call one 800 that's 1805011400 closed
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captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, having utis for tenure at you, cora, we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary tract health product. >> you korea is a life stage right today at your back to breaking news. >> we're following out of new york police have entered columbia university to disperse a pro-palestinian protests on campus. cnn senior crime and justice correspondent, you're more prokupecz is there for us? shimona, it seems that things have started to calm down yeah, they have boris, the crowd that was outside of campus so short time ago when i was on with you, he has basically laughed hand. >> they went inside the school campus where we're told there are a couple of hundred people gathered inside there. you can see some of them. let me show you. >> come this way. frank, let's just show them hi this is inside the campus. we can't get inside security is not allowing us inside. but if you
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look just through these gates, yocan see there are people gathered. there in the center square othe caus. and that's where all of this started. it isn't that area the pro-palestine protesters had gathered. they had set up tents. they were encampments setup and essentially something happened in the university president issued an order for them to disperse. and that is when the nypd came in and made up to at least 30 arrests were told those that were arrested have now been taken away to be processed. there's a few folks now that have gathered outside. here. >> it's unclear if they're students or if they've just supporters of the students with this is what we're seeing out here now, the other thing boris that i want to show you, this usually doesn't, this isn't an everyday thing here at columbia. i've gone through this campus. >> it's usually open. you can usually walk through the campbells and in the last several days, they've set up
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security out here. it's just been a very tense time. for many campuses across the country. and so there is stepped up security like this. and many of the campuses, we did speak to a student of the school whose friends were arrested she has a lot of concern over what she's seeing here. and she told me that it is very triggering to see this kind of response from the school towards her fellow students. and our friends. take a listen a lot of my friends were in the account have since been arrested and, you know, i just don't recognize that at all. like i i made this rock every single day and i've never seen anything like this it's just disturbing to know that the president kind of now has enabled this nobody. >> these were peaceful protesters, as, you know non peaceful protests sprayed an
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illegal substance at out. doe't feele this t just it tions e heart equal do you rprised that now and so boris, ts is aeeling that many of them, how they were reallyised by the response into the mpus by the ny, the otts continue tside and side the pd for now remains outsi a the readies, should they be needed shimon prokupecz for us in new york. >> thank you so much, shannon coming up. >> if you're in the market for home now, may not be the best time to y mortgage rais, just surged >> will show you where they stand next the sinking of the
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titanic. how would really happen especially to our premiere sunday, april 28, did nine on cnn, it's good to get some fresh air. that's i guys bill, you look great now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask hose is fire inspires a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button no mask, no you just sleep where are you go? i'm going to get inspired inspire, sleep apnea, innovation, learn more and byu important safety information at inspires it's payback time all these years you've worked hard your fixed it. >> you looked after it maybe it's time for your home to start taking carry you we've invested in our home. >> we've worked on. we had a whole lot of activity just sitting there. >> you paid down the mortgage invested in your own i guess
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1177. call now i'm caitlin polantz at the federal court in washington and this is cnn some bad news, unfortunately, if you are looking to buy a home mortgage rates jumping this week, taking the radon 30 year mortgage, up to 7.1% that'd be highest l this year. it's based on the betting that the fed is likely to delay cutting interest rates to make sure inflation cools down fst forore ons, t's bring in cnnusins goes wit saying this makes americans who are hoping to buy a home that's right, jessica, you nailed it. >> this affordability crisis just got worse mortgage rates topping 7% for the first time since december rates are now about twice as high as they were at this 0.4 years ago. and rates are creeping up again because of these concerns about
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inflation and the fact that it does increasingly look like the feds interest rate cuts have been delayed, right? we hoped that it would maybe be a march story that didn't happen then maybe june now and increasingly, it looks like a july story or maybe even september or could be later until the fed is able to lower interest rates. and remember for the higher rates, go, the less home that people can afford these bigger mortgage payments, they're not going to get you another bedroom or a bigger garage that really just going to cover the cost of interests and this, of course is not just an issue about mortgage rates, it's really a one-two punch between borrowing costs and home prices. we also learned today that the median price of an existing home increased and other five in march topping 393,000. this is the ninth straight month of annual price increases, and this is the highest price ever recorded in march. now, this of course cuts both ways, right? because if you already own your home, the fact that home prices
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are up is boosting your net worth, but jessica, we know there's a lot of americans out there who are on the outside looking in there. you want to buy, but they can't. >> yeah, that has to be frustrating and there's also a recent survey out about how frustrated renters are that's where i jessica a lot of renters, they don't want to rent, right now. they want to buy, but they feel like they can't not at these prices and not at these interest rates. and so this survey from redfin founded nearly 40% of us renters, they believed that they'll never be able to buy a home. and the number for one reason cited not surprisingly is this affordability issue. and so i think that the fact that now we have mortgage rates back above seven jessica, that's only going to kind of feed this sense that for far too many americans, the dream of homeownership feels like it's out of reach right now. >> all right. matt egan for us with that news, it's probably not great for people who are either winning, are hoping to buy a home, but we'll see how
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it progresses. matt egan, thanks so much. >> and as. we head to break, you are looking live at columbia university in new york city where pro-palestinian protesters have been arrested. some by new york police department. this after the schools president requested the help from the nypd pd saying that those pro-palestinian protesters are set up in a way that was against the rules. we're going to have more for you when we come back from the nation's capital one of the most unforgettable nights in dc, the sworn or will read back here as biden and comedian collin joseph headline the white house correspondents dinner, lives hello, today, april 27th at seven eastern on cnn to me, harlem his whole but home. >> is also your body. last one, i asked myself, why does it pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio get in a brick-and-mortar in new york is not easy. chases. inke has supported us from studio one to
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