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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 18, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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shops, customer make because it's so easy, get started today, i've are still alvarez at the white house and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when
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8085920400. that's when 8085920400 the court drama continues.he jud and rneys have fivjurors selected he. the crimina hush money casagainst er president dona trump. >> b they ed at let seven re to comple the jury. right no prosptive jors arg grilled judge and wyers. delate task th the fate of theormer president poteial only nging the bance and risking itall.peakerike forwarwith a deal at cld ai do a will take yolive the capit clark es in the college caitlin star is about to start her pro career with a huge dl. >> it'just one more gn like clark and her fellow stars cod ready to change the game following these major developing stories and man more a cinight her to cnn news central right now
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at putin potential jurors and the trump hush money trial are facing additional questions from donald trump's defense team and the prosecution. >> they were in the ing for 13 open slots on the jur that's re than we started with today because to empaled jurors were unexpectedly dismissed. one of them cited concerns that r for been madpublic, and th concern is appently weighing he jury pool, at least according to one person who was dismissed earlier in the process that person sa that wh prospective jurors saw repos that identng information was published by certain outlets on tuesday some felt, quote aredt's go back outo cnn, chi legal analyst d anchor laura coates has posted up outse of court. laura,his is painstaking ocess.esterdaywe we
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welcomthe ct that it was moving so swiftly. we thout nday. now we've hit a speed n bump i mean, we were one step forward now, it'to aleast rors back and the process continues right now, boris, to find an impartiapanel of 18 jurors are, buthat's 12 jurors, as we know, needs to happen, plus six now, it might w become at least six alternates because of the pace at which we seem to be losing people on this jury pool. >> now remember these two jurors that were dismissed. they were not just prospective jurors. they had actually been seated, which means of course, at the defense and the prosecution chose not to use either of their peremptory strikes a fancy way of saying i'm going to exercise my prerogative to dismiss you for any reason that is lawful tside race gender, or ethnicy.hese were esseially compromised people we can say, listen, we agree that y cou be impartial w they't two of those people. and the reasons fo doing sothe first one, phoning in t judgeing,
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listen, i know i was chosen, i believe that my anonymy has enompromised and now i felt that i cannot bin partl a 2nd e, havg ered a queion, question and the jurqutionnae fom, wch alludwhet u've ever be arresd or mmted a ime i'm were prosec for sache or one of your family members s been apparently one of the jury's truthfully to the stion investigation, we learn later from the da's office. and so these two two diffent areas at' rit. it's not a perfect syem is not quite an self-disclosure. and then duty of thprecution anth defee team to th may g beyo that and see are ther other reasons to doubthat this person is saying now r a fairrial to take place, it doesn't mean 'only fair acquittal or a cviction ends up. it's ether or n tre is ahree apprs who can be impartial listedhe evince as presented does not have an to grind or a personal stake in the matter isilling to
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an en mind to actually reived the evince that's the go of any trial it's right in any defendant, but challeng tours iustor anks so much f the uate and perspective from outside the courtrooin mttan. jeica alright. >> let'bring in cnn legal analyst anformer federal prosecutor, jennifer rodrs. jeifer great to have y thanks for bng here in court just now. e of the prosecutors iterated that a number of the expected trial witnesses have what they said, some edge including an adult film star, of course, michael cohen, who lied to congress what do you make of this strategy from e manhattan da's office to get out in front of this and say, look, we know these people or have some edge yeah, it's a very, very commontrategy. jessica, with cooperating wiesses, you want to do what's called draw the sting, you know, they're going to hear about all this bad stuff the person has pleaded guilty to serious crimes.
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they've done bad things in the case of stormy daniels, we're not talking about crimes, but alive style that. some jurors may not actually agree with. what they want to do is just put it out there out in front, let everybody know about what it is. say this is who this person is.& in this case with jury selection, it's particularly important to get out in front of that because they now have an opportunity to keep that person off the jury. if someone says, listen, i just don't trust that someone like that i could tell the truth. i d't like people like that. that's thsort of thing that would be very helpful for prosecutors and the fense of course, to know as they're selecting their juries. so that's why they're doing all that at this stage. it's a smart strategy. >> yeah, just a reminder that so much of this is about strategy and kinda playing chess match in a way i also want to talk a little bit about some of the jurors we saw one juror be excused after saying they felt essentially to exposed and we know that in fulton county down in georgia, that some members of the grand jury there did receive threats do you think that this jury should be sequestered? is that
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something that would be appropriate in this situation well, that's a good question. >> so question a jury is a very serious thing. it's done very, very rarely and only when the judge thinks that there's a serious chance of jury tampering or some other threat to the jurors. so i think it's a last resort here. i don't think that anyone will be wanting to go in that direction now, if as we go along, there are threats coming in that the authorities deemed serious or there's some reason to reconsider. i'm sure that the judge will protecting the integrity of this proceedings. and of course, the safety give the jurors is paramount here, but i don't think anyone's willing to go there yet. that's a huge burden on the jurors& on the system. and so they like to use it only if absolutely necessary. >> yeah. and it brushes up against the notion of the safety of the jury, which you just mentioned, how much of a concern is that right now? >> because this is such an external ordinary case well, i
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think each juror is going to have his or her own view of how safe that they feel. >> we know that one of the jurors who was excused today came in and said that she didn't really feel safe now that she felt that she had been identified and some may feel that way others may not be so concerned about that it just depends on the person. of course, if they got individual threads or saw someone following them or had some other specific reason to think that there was a safety problem, then that would change it altogether. but as of now, i think they're just thinking about am i going to be identity? if i had what's that gonna do to my life? and i threatcome in, then of course it's a e anher level of seriousnesand the authoritie would have to get inlved. >> sure thing. all rht. we will continue to mit all of this. jennifer rodgers is always it is great to see you. thanks so much. >> thanks for we're still following breaking news out of new york. police have enteredolumbia univsity to disperse dueling
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otestsn campus. there are groups that are both prpalestiaand pro-ra. cnn senior crime a justi correspondent. your mode of prokz is tre rig now. shon, walk us rough what you're seeing. thingseem to have calmed down once some o the protesters actually moved into campus yeah. so mostly all of them are inside at this point as a few that are gathered outside. i don't know if they're students are not, where there's about 500 it'sjur students that have gathered in the center of the university, or we're told it's probe palestine and pro israel group that have gathered tre are speeches being made. >> but around 1:00, that is >> but around 1:00, that is where everything started to happen. >> there was a pretty sizae ceesponse d escalation here. by theniversity
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prest xiad given warnings a school of giving warnings that students were going to be forced off the campus because they had set up tents. there were other tngs going on there and then finally, the nypd moved in. they also gave warningsel stus that if they d't leave, that they're gonna be arrested and th they arted making arres, were told that at leas30 people were taken into custody by the nypd. they're being processed. they have been removed, but it's certainly an escalation for the university prident to ask the nypd to come on campus in there, right here? and to start making arrests as they did any of the students here to see that kind of activity by police officers on their campus. but out here ceainly things have tten a lot calm, quieter t here. there's all grp gathered here. the're pretty peaceful and there's this chanting. but the other thing bars that i want to show youthatt
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the serity aund the campus? >> as been stepped up. >> i've been this campus before. you can easily just walkhrough here. but today you see their secuty setup there, cheing udents ids before they even let them in fini differee here. and like we said, east 30 cuody by the nypd and certaiy escalion here that manof t studes were not expeing shimon pkupecz line four is just outside the campus of columbia university in new york thanks so much for cong up as israel is vowing mowdecision about responding to iran's most recent attack. >> there's renewed concern about e ople in gaza and help. yes. deletion could worsen an already dire situation plus more chaos for house speaker mike johnson will passing billions of dollars there's in foreign aid, tentially cost him the speakership plus an erupting volcanalready forcing hundreds of people to evacuate
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how the process works, they likely to induce that very motion to oust him. >> there are also weighing whether to give him the boot over his proposed foreign aid package, which includes billions of dollars for ukraine. johnson said he's going to sticked was planned to put the series of bills up for a full vote on the house floor this saturday. let's go lime to capitol hill and cnn's melanizanonand melanie for notoday at this mont, mi johnson is stias h th is contin to ev but kinda minute by mite yeah, that's actlright. >> and we shou point out in terms of timing re, a motion to vacate has nobeen brought yet, in the house oor is osed for the rest of the day. so the eart that someone could try to force a vote is tomorrow, evhen it would still take two days to actually schedule that vote. but speaker mike johnson is still actively work king to try to head off that scenario entirely as you republichave beeheavily loying johon to change that motion to vacate tool and
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esselly make it harder f any single member force a floor vote on th. as you may recall, that was somng that former speaker kin mccthy agreed to as a concession to become speaker in e fi place. but this idea of now channg theost and vacate has sparked some blowback the far right and reallyoved republicans dided out how to proceedust lien lot of our members would ke to see with thrhold because of that, we can get back to the work that we need to do. >> don't h nstant threat over a house. motion to vacate, but we are not going to surrender that accountability tool particularly in a time when we're seeing america's interests subjugated to foreign interes abroad, changing the threshold fothmotion to vacate. that's been my red line in this entire congress. that's what i fought for in the rules package, among other things. but that was my red line then is my red line now and just a sign of how tense things. all right. now, there was a heated discussion on the
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house floor this morning. morning involving speaker johnson and some of those hardline members at one point republican congressman derrick van orden, who's a johnson ally, jumped in. he referred to matt gaetz as tbi. and the hardliners were also pressing johnson for commitment that he wasn't going to change that motion to vacate tool. but at this moment, johnson has not made any decisions all right. >> a lot of mature behavior going on there on the house floor clearly. >> is there any indication melanie, at this point there has been some talk that democrats may save johnson both to get this foreign aid package done, but also if it comes to his speakership as well, what are you hearing about that? >> yeah, there are active discussions inside the democratic caucus, right now, not only just about saving johnson's speakership, but also democrats putting up the votes for a key procedural, procedural vote for those foreign aid bills, democrats do want to see those bills passed they're also sick of the chaos in the house as well. and so there is some openness on the behalf of democrats to stepping in and bailing out johnson. but
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we should get some more clarity later today because that is when the house rules committee is going to meet and they will take their first vote to advance those package of foreign aid bills. >> that's going to be the one to watch. nothing like a good rules committee meeting, melanie. thanks so much. >> all right. boris let's get some perspective on all of this with republican congressman buddy carter of georgia congressman. thank you so much for sharing part of your afternoon with us. it's quite possible that the speaker will have to cut a deal with democrats to save his job. what is that tell you well i'm not so sure he's going to have to cut a deal. >> i mean, let's face it, mike johnson has been fair. he's been even-handed. he's doing the right thing. and i think people realized that. i think that the american public realizes it. i think democrats realize it or and i think most republicans realize it. but, i don't think he's going to have to cut a deal in order to save his speakership the speaker has been lobbied by members to
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include in this package of foreign aid bills that he's trying to pass over the weekend, some some language that would alter the structure of the motion to vacate to up the threshold to make it harder for him to be removed. >> he seems open to it, but some republicans are saying that if he does, that would be a reason to push forward the motion to vacate. would you support that shift? what's your message to those fellow members of your party? >> well. i hope we don't have a motion to vacate. i would support increasing the number of votes that it would take an order to bring about a motion to vacate dot thaw luck did last october, the treatment of kevin mccarthy was totally inappropriate and totally unnecessary, but nevertheless, the will of the majority of the will of the party will, will come out and i will have to see if it changes or not. but one vote, i think that's that's pretty ridiculous to be quite honest. with you congressman,
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you argue that he may not need a broker a deal with democrats to save his job. >> but when it comes to the aid bills themselves, he likely will need help from democrats to get them to pass evening through committee because there are members of the rules committee, republicans who are threatening to tank these aid bills to not pass a rule that would allow these aid bills to hit the floor. they already tanked a border bill that he wanted to attach to the package. i'm wondering what you would say to those members of your conference well, it certainly disappointing. >> i hope that we he will be able to get the votes on the republican side to get the rule was out. but if we don't, then you don't always have to cut a deal to do the right thing. let's keep that in mind. i mean there are democrats who realized this is the right thing to do. >> and we don't always vote just a partisan and along party lines, i mean, i know that i
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and a lot of my colleagues on my side of the aisle and i suspect and i hope did the cases the same with democrats. we vote we vote our conscience, and we vote what we think is right that's absolutely ferry. some democrats have called for limitations, for example we'll on the bay that aid is sent to israel that they want to see adjustments in the way that aid is sent based on the way that the idf has carried out its war in gaza and you may need that democratic support to get these bills through committee. do you think there's any way that your priorities might be limited based on the way that these deals are written broker to get democratic support i don't think so. i don't think that our leadership and i certainly don't think our conference is willing to compromise in order to to just get something passed this is
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important. we israel's our ally. there are greatest ally in the middle east. the only democracy see you in the middle east. we've got to get money that knows keep in mind now, we've already got a bill over in the senate to send money to israel. we are in it's been there and it's hey, four. so you know, we're having to do something over again that we shouldn't have to do over speaker johnson was asked about why there's been a delay in trying to get this foreign aid package in the house that as you noted, is very similar to what was passed in the senate. >> johnson says that house didn't pursue this earlier because it takes a long time to socialize and build consensus. when you have the smallest majority in us history, why do you? do you think it took so long to ultimately get to this point well, i think that the speaker makes a good point. >> i mean, we've got a majority today of two saturday afternoon, i suspect it will be down to one, the slimmest
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majority ever in the history of the house representatives it's difficult. and we, we have ards is a big tent in the republican party and we have a lot of different opinions and sometimes it is difficult to get a consensus, but i'm convinced it were right on policy. i'm convinced that we're going to do the right thing here. i still have confidence and faith that we will do that would you like to see some of those republicans on the rule? >> whose committee are resign you know, that's not, my decision to make. >> that's the speak the rules committee has generally been the speaker's committee. in you know, it's decided by the committee on assignments. so and i'm not on the committee on assignments, so it's not my place to say, but i know it's a very important role and i certainly hope that they're not going to be obstructionist in and i just think they're they're trying to do what they think is right? >> a congressman, buddy quarter. thanks so much for sharing your views with us
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thank you. >> appreciate it. >> so we're still closely following jury selection and former president donald trump's man i'm having criminal trial as dozens of potential jurors are dismissed for saying they can't be impartial to jurors that had already been in paneled have ther from big plays, too big ney, t massive endorsement deal reportedly, and caitl turn women's basketball on attack the lead with jake tapper today on cnn let's get started where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it. everybody, but i'm done struggling. now i sleep with inspire inspire inspires of sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with just a click of this button, a bretton no mass, just sleep as
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climate change. this is new car business blue carbon. >> we just need to protect nature will do the rest. >> corbyn plus cnn filled sunday at nine removing quickly on day two to essentially going in reverse on day three, a jury selection and former president trump's manhattan hush money trial appears to become more challenging by the hour we've hit a speed bump. >> currently they're just five jurors seated. the day started with seven before two were excused. cnn's laura coates is back with us. prosecutor joshua steinglass has been speaking to the jury pool, laura and one inch christine thing. he was telling them was that a number of the expected trial witnesses have, quote, some edge why is that a significant step? why is that important? >> well, because they want to prepare this jury that you're not going to have mother teresa testify, you're going to have people who are actually going to be it particularly in the
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circle i've donald trump are those who may have had some hand in matters that are consequential to the allegations in this particular case. now it's not an unheard of thing that you're going to have people who might have unseen reputations are those who maybe you wouldn't have it every one of your parties at the church, but certainly are people that could be credible for other reasons now, one of the most important parts about what sunglasses asked as well, he asked through the jury pool and the population could you look at the defendant and convict him? say he's guilty? if we were to prove our case beyond a reasonable doubt, that was a question that was asked of the jurors because that's going to be very important given the fact that you have a presence of someone like donald trump and a defendant more broadly, are you able to then make the decision based on what we've pledged as evidence. in other question that was asked by ms nichols, who nicholas who is the attorney for donald trump, asked and posed this question. if somebody said they wanted to exact revenge for have revenge, i'm paraphrasing here about the defendant. how
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would you evaluate their testimony? of course, one of the names of the books of michael cohen is revenge. and so they are all on both sides of the aisle here in terms is courtroom trying to ensure that people are aware that there is going to be some difficult questions asked at the end of the de, the prosecution carriers the strongest burden here and the only burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt, in spite of whatever the witnesses say that they can in fact find that this should be the result also, one more point here, the attorney for trump also mentioning there might be instances when two different witnesses have very different takes on what has happened. are you comfortable establishing one as a liar and one of the truth? teller? so they're really laying it out there right now in front of this jury. >> yeah, they certainly are and it's worth noting now that both sides only have four peremptory strikes remaining. this is all about strategy, laura, especially when you're down to just for it's a lot of
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intuition, a lot of strategy, and a lot of well, the honor system of those who are self declaring what their biases might be now, just because you'veeen two jurors get dismissed who are already seated. >> it does not. all of a sudden give you more strikes a finite number.hey have ten and you can stke a juroror pemptory reasons for whatever reason you want, as long ait's in line with the constitution and the supreme court's ruling about not being about race for gender or ethnicity, or any other suspect classification. so they have these challenges left which think about the game of strategy. if i'm going to say i'm going to use my next four and my only last strikes on these it's for people that i had think about who might be down the line, who i might otherwise want to strike, and now cannot. it's kind of like in football, if you only have a certain number or basketball, certainly number of time-outs. once you use them all up, the next time you try to use it again, you're in the penalty and of course there are consequences there as well. and the penalty in this instance could very well be, you see it,
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a juror that you need not have on this case? >> and that's right. all right. laura coates for us. thanks so much up next can the us convince israel to hold off on its promise invasion of the southern gotta sit gaza city of rafah are falling a high-stakes meeting between the countries top officials today, we've got details for you up next when the jinx came out, i thought, oh my god, when bob has a friend, he expects blind loyalty. you're going to be surprises and surprises why choose asleep numbers, smart bad can keep me warm when i'm cold wait, know, i'm always hot. number. does that save up to $800 on select sweep rep. are sworn best four, zero interesting, 36 months, jump. now it's the ego been number one rated brandon cordless outdoor power brings you the ego power plus string
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officials are meeting virtually about the potential israeli operation in rafah. >> senior us officials have publicly warned israel against expanding further into southern gaza without a realistic plan to move civilians out of harm's way. more than 1 million displaced palestinians are currently sheltering in rafah. essentially with nowhere safe to turn. cnn's nic robertson is in jerusalem following the latest developments in nic, there's some hopeful news today. there's more aid that's making its way into the enclave. what are you learning about that? >> yeah, the number of trucks has gone up over the past week or so and that is directly as a result of pressure from president biden following the killing of those seven aid workers working for the world central kitchen killed in a multiple airstrike on their, on their vehicles while they were driving through gaza but i sat down today to speak with the head of the main international un humanitarian aid group, you know, chair and de domenico,
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and he said, look we're in the conversations with the israelis it's sounding a little better but he said this a long way to go there is success will be when we will be able to deliver a system to people where they are that is happening now. >> and there is a we're moving the dial is we are not where we should be there is a commitment together and so i hold i will hold accountable the israeli for this commitment. we need to expand the money time and assistance. it's not just about flower and that's something that we have to push on. and consistently discussed with israel yeah and. consistency, consistent discussions, but consistency and results that's not really happening. his finding, he just retorted about here. he said it was one step forward and two back and some of the problems, let's break it down a little
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bit and look at the north of gaza, the northern part of the gaza where again, the commitment came from, the israeli this following the call by president biden that they would open a crossing in the north of gaza. well, only a few aid trucks have gone in there over the past few days and he said, look, the problems are massive and huge. the roads are blown up, so they're not even possible in the north. and he said besides we as a un organization that have to organize the distribution on the ground, we left the north of gaza the 12th of october evacuated to the south. he said, we don't have an infrastructure there to do it. so this is the sort of massive scale of just getting the aid in an out to people but i think the takeaway here has to be that the color and president biden and that pressure has made something of a difference and record let's the white house says they're looking to see the results for concrete results, not just on one day, not just on one week, but consistently and in the words of the notre chief here, we're not there yet nick, just over an hour, the un security
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council is set to vote on granting palestine full un member status. a state department spokesperson tells cnn that the united states will will vote no on that. what is this mean for a path forward in the war i think it means that nothing changes in the war and certainly that the israeli government will take that as a signal that the united states is at their back remembering just a few weeks to go the united states abstained at un security council vote calling for a ceasefire in gaza. >> and that was a moment of recognition for the israeli public and the prout's for the prime minister that the relationship with the united states has always stood behind them particularly at the un council on these important votes, wasn't there on that day today. it is. but you have a lot of countries, spain and ireland in particular pushing diplomatically heavily to have
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pallet of palestine as a state, a palestinian state recognize now today to move the diplomatic ball forward and allow what would amount to be more pressure on israel. the vote that the united states will vote no adh will not directly impact the war. it's happening nic robertson, life force from jerusalem. thank you so much. nick so mother nature is putting on a show, but it could have disastrous consequences. points is of all kano eruptions sending plumes of smoke more than 13 miles into the year, sparking both lightning and fears about a potential tsunami the details, just a few minutes away every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need get going with your de, it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate
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with freelancers, fiber. >> i'm sunlen serfaty in washington, and this is cnn right now. there is a risk of a tsunami, not from an earthquake, but because this volcano is erupting& nisia is mount rugae has erupted at least five times since yesterday, and that is for some 800 people to evacuate. it's island. it's also stranded many others whose flights have been canceled because of volcanic ash in the air the fear is ruined, could partially collapse into the sea, and that would trigger a tsunami, which is exactly what happened. more than a century ago cnn meteorologist chad myers is here with the latest on the tsunami alerts and chad tell us about this volcano. these images are really stunning. we're even seeing lightening here yes, lightning because the ash is rubbing on each other as it goes up into the atmosphere. a lot like hailstones do in a thunderstorm. what caused the lightening though, i think more than anything is it was dark
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the eruption took place in the middle of the night time. and so that really helped things out. we're in indonesia here, 120 the volcanoes. so rule wang here, very close to another island that they are worried about. this is what happened back in 18, 71. this stratovolcano right here erupted, but then part of all kano sloughed down into the water, pushing a wall of water into this town over here. and they didn't have any time to react he literally no time to react less than two miles away. so all of a sudden the water rushed right in and more than 400 people were actually killed in that volcanoes. so that's what they're worried about now, that's why these people are leaving the low-lying areas here that wade was about 75 feet tall? that was a tsunami. and yes, we talked about the lightening. the lightening was amazing and it happens all the time, but a lot of times the video we get of a volcano & ash plume. welds all during the day. you don't get to see that. but now because we are actually in the nighttime, that's why you got to see this
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amazing lightning show we even get lightening sometimes in forest fires they ash goes up, the fire goes up and you get a little cumulonimbus pierce little fire tornado were firestorm there. >> but it's the act of upward motion. >> it's the sheer of the ashes, kinda like to share of the haeil that we make an a thunderstorm. the positive up here, the negative down here, and they spark each other and that caused that dramatic pictures. and there are so many pictures online of this sparking, if you would like to see it, it is quite dramatic from other angles as well, jessica. >> yeah, no doubt about it. all right. can thanks for explaining that. all too. as we appreciate boris now to some of the other headlines were watching this our beginning with a rise in heat related emergencies across the united states. >> according to this cdc, the number of er visits for conditions like heat stroke, heat cramps, and sunburns surged last summer, july and august saw the highest spot thanks coinciding with record-breaking temperatures
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online to get 50% off your first application the lead with jake tapper. >> next on cnn close captioning brought to you by if you or a loved. >> one have mesothelial will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 what a moment for caitlin clark. >> she captured the nation's attention, had a record-breaking college career, just became the number one pick at the wnba draft and net no the basketball superstar appears ready to cash in big time. >> he deserves at the athletic is reporting clark is closing in on a whopping eight figure endorsement deal with nike and is expected to have a signature shoe as well cnn sport's coy wire joining us now, this is,
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this is very cool coy. what more are you learning? >> very cool. caitlin clark is money on and off the court. you mentioned that the athletics reporting that clark is nearing that eight figure deal with nike and that would include her own signature shoe, just 12 wnba players have ever had their own shubi liberty, sabrina ionescu is the only other current player with a nike shoe deal and according to a wnba spokesperson, clark's total compensation from the league, including cash from player marketing agreements with the league and team deals should be around half $1 million. but clark also has sponsorship deals with gatorade and state farm reportedly valued at $3 million. so much like tiger woods brought all the eyeballs and attention to the pga tour. i think the hope is for many of the players and for the league that she is going to continue to be the tide that lifts all ships, especially when the wnba's current tv deal ends, and they can really renegotiate what the players are able to get paid and their salary yeah. >> excited to see her flourish
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on a wnba court. hey, coy, while we have you, we got to talk about this missing super bowl ring, retired nfl star jason kelce of the philadelphia eagles. he co-hosts a podcast with his brother. you may have heard of them travis kelce, boyfriend of taylor swift, whose dropping an album at midnight, we're all waiting for it with bated breath. >> he says he lost his super bowl ring in one of the weirdest ways ever. >> what happened to jason kelce's yes. >> i don't know. it's funny or this story or i did not know you were a taylor swift fan waiting for this drop. just did breaking news, i listen. the curious case of the missing super bowl ring jason kelce apparently losing it in a vat of chile. he hosts these games with his brother were players compete in these wild competitions and one that included that's of chile. listen but i legitimately lost my super bowl ring in this event they could not find it. >> this is jets jake and
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interim brandon the next day shirt. >> you do the chilly to try and find the soc that had my super bowl ring in it we have still yet to find it all of this stuff has been thrown away. so i think we can safely assume that my super bowl ring is now in a landfill someplace in the cincinnati tri-state area the gift that keeps on giving. he said that he has a feeling the insurance company has probably gonna have a few questions about this claim, but jason kelce, incredible stuff as if we need any more reason for chile to give us indigestion, right? >> i thank going through combing through it, it's just delicious, appetizing wow, great to see you as always, my friend i know you'll be listening at midnight to the dead sad poets department with the tortured poets fortune sorry. >> can i probably get him on message? don't worry. >> thank you the lead with jake tapper starts right now


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