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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  April 18, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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shirt. >> you do the chilly to try and find the soc that had my super bowl ring in it we have still yet to find it all of this stuff has been thrown away. so i think we can safely assume that my super bowl ring is now in a landfill someplace in the cincinnati tri-state area the gift that keeps on giving. he said that he has a feeling the insurance company has probably gonna have a few questions about this claim, but jason kelce, incredible stuff as if we need any more reason for chile to give us indigestion, right? >> i thank going through combing through it, it's just delicious, appetizing wow, great to see you as always, my friend i know you'll be listening at midnight to the dead sad poets department with the tortured poets fortune sorry. >> can i probably get him on message? don't worry. >> thank you the lead with jake tapper starts right now jury
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selection in trump's hush money case has taken a dramatic turn. the lead starts right now the shocking actions that lead to, to jurors suddenly dismissed and unusual occurrence. what this might mean for opening statements which the judge had thought could start part as soon as monday plus name-calling and fresh threats, house speaker johnson was physically cornered on the house floor, pinned against the wall by hard-right republican in is demanding that he keeps his hands off. >> the rule that as of right now allows just one member of congress to force a vote to remove him as speaker the house adjourn today before anybody could make a move will tell you all about it and arrests at columbia university protests new york city, just one day after that schools president testified before congress about antisemitism on campus. >> we're going to go to columbia, live welcome to the lean.
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>> i'm jake tapper and we start today in our lawn justice lead with a dramatic day in the courtroom during the third day of donald trump's hush money cover up while to jurors who had been seated were excused from the panel summarily dismissed. it's very unusual one asked to be removed after some members of the news media, not cnn, reported so many details about her. she was afraid she was going to be outed the other was kicked off after prosecutors say they found evidence of a prior arrest of someone by the same name, unclear if it's the same person that leaves five jurors on the panel. we started with seven. right now, courts ongoing lawyers on both sides are questioning more potential jurors were waiting to see if any new ones will be seated by the end of court today. they need 12 jurors and six alternates total. we're going to bring you that update as it happens, but back to those jurors who are no longer there. the first a woman juror number two, and oncology nurse nurse. she said she can no longer be considered impartial because she feared too much of her
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identity had been revealed. some news media outlets, not cnn reported the hospital where she worked after juror number two got several messages from friends and family asking if she was on the jury based on those details reported in some media outlets while she grew fearful, the second juror dismissed a man who was juror number four, he runs an it business for training and consultant now, prosecutors allege that they found evidence of a prior arrest of someone by the same name, though he was officially removed and private so it's unclear as of now if that was the exact reason he was dismissed we're going to start our reporting today was seen as paula reid, who has been tracking jury selection today and paula, we started the day with 96% spective jurors. half was dismissed. they said they could not be impartial. where does jury selection stand as of now? so any minute we could get the newest juror seated in this case. >> now this is the second group of 100 potential jurors that they've had to walk through and we've seen some similarities between the first group and the second group,
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like you said, over half of them were dismissed because they said they could not be impartial. nine others had to be dismissed for other various reasons, scheduling conflicts, other reasons they couldn't serve. and then it was interesting to see world politics interfere here because there was one potential juror who said he was born and raised in italy, and he said that he associates trump with former italian prime minister silvio we're let's go one who of course face charges for corruption, fraud, and sex crimes. >> and he said he just didn't think he could be fair or impartial. >> also, certainly not someone that the defense team would want on there. so as we speak right now, they're still working through the final stages of this group right now. they're asking the judge to dismiss some of these jurors for cause and then both sides will have the chance to use those precious four strikes. they each have left. >> i mentioned the two jurors that the judge dismissed today. tell me more about that. >> jake, this just speaks to the difficulty of this task where we thought we had seven jurors and then you have these unexpected developments. for example, that first juror she expressed concerns about her ability to be fair. she told
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the court quote aspects of my identity have already been out there in the public yesterday alone. i had friends, colleagues, and my family push things to my phone questioning my identity as a juror. i mean, you can imagine how concerning it frightening that would be for someone if she was dismissed? and then you had this other juror who prosecutors move to dismiss because they found someone with the same name who had a prior arrest now, they will continue to go through this process again and again, that initial group of 100 yielded total of five jurors will see how many we get out of the second panel and just about 10:15 minutes ago they swore in the third panel, who will come in tomorrow at 11:30, and they'll start all over again. >> so jamie, how unusual is it for two jurors to be dismissed on day three of this process. >> well, as paula said, it's very individual, but nothing is normal about this case. i would say also, there's the phrase
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no good deed goes unpunished. judge, marie sean was trying to have as much transparency as he could in this case so unlike what happened in the e jean carroll case, where a lot was done in writing or behind closed doors he has had a lot of the jurors speak in public, so everybody heard this the result is that too much was reported. and therefore this one juror felt intimidated by it. but let's just remind everyone what the reason is the reason is because the defendant is donald trump, and because of his supporters. >> so elliott, the judge's walking a tight rope here. i'm trying to be transparent, but the same time if you allow members of the media, especially certain outlets, to know a whole bunch of identifying characteristics they might not show discretion
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and like this, oncology nurse her the place that she works was reported that helps people narrow it down. it does. and this is a remarkable conversation to have week after the deaths of o.j. simpson, where in the old days the trial of the century when it happened, someone could choose to go public after being a juror and write a book and go on tv are gone 2020 or whatever now, merely by being associated with the high-profile event, your name, your family, your residents, all the things you do about your life can be exposed. and that's very intimidating and very frightening for many people. and frankly, jake, this is going to keep coming up over the course of this trial where even if the judge tries to restrict the amount of information that's been public about these people. there's still so much curiosity in the public right now. and among certain members of the media that i think more information is going to keep leaking out if he doesn't control it. >> so i mean, how worried are people that this is going. this is just going to be setting a tone for a ravenous press corps, or even more so,
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political operatives who want to get to these people it has to be incredibly concerning for anyone in that potential juror pool when i saw this come through this morning, i said i totally get it anyone who's been in any way in the trump orbit, john, his ire knows what that means for you, for your family were professionals. many of us are used to this, but to a lay person, someone who is an oncology nurse focused on on that work to have this in the back of your mind concern not only for yourself before your family, i 100% understand why this is a concern. now, prior to all this happening and talking to sources on both sides, there was a concern, not just the safety aspect, but if they wouldn't be able to find 12 jurors and six alternates. and how long that would take. and what we've seen over the past as 24 hours. you see just how difficult this is even when you think you have a juror seated, you have a lot of additional layers here that you don't have another cases. >> so i'm sorry, i was going to call me a cynic. this notion of getting to trial on a monday
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after four days of jury selection in a trial like this, it seemed preposterous and it has to me since the beginning. well we're on track there, but where are we now? >> right? >> i think so. let me ask you, so trump's under a gag order in this case, he's prohibited from making or directing others to make public statements about any prospective juror or any juror in this criminal proceeding, among among other people, he's not allowed to talk about trump posted this quote from foxes jesse waters on truth, social last night, it's jesse water saying quote, there catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge in order to get on the trump jury unquote is that a violation? >> it's reprehensible and the judge is going to determine whether it's a violation of steps really close to that line, no specific jurors. those pick jurors much, but prospective jurors. and now, was it people who already been released? it wasn't people who were in the pool. now the question is, what does the judge do with it? and the judge can't just slap cuffs on the former president and and kalkar them off to jail. it's got to have a hearing which is already going to be in another five days. he's letting this stay
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out there for a few days now do you find them? do you figure out a way to get them behind bars? it's all very complicated your new york law, but it's bad conduct and it is disparaging jurors. >> well, what do you make a look if past is prologue? donald trump is going to continue to push the envelope. we have seen that before in another case, i think it was judge engoron who had to find him so what can the judge do? he can admonish him he can find him the prosecutors, i believe have asked for $1,000 an incident i am not sure that is going to dissuade donald trump from continuing to do it he can incarcerate him. does the judge want to do that? no he doesn't. but i think the reality is trump is going to do this over and over, absolute and you have to be really careful here because it's not just the judge being feckless and choosing not to lock them up behind bars, new york law has pretty complicated provisions so as to what the judge has to
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do before he does that.& it might require frankly, a separate criminal proceeding if you're going to hold them in, what's called criminal contempt the right afterwards. >> so well, what i mean, jesse watters saying that they are catching undercover liberal activists line to the judge in order to get on the trump gerry what's that claim about? >> do you have absolutely no idea what he's talking about, but i do think it's different when you perpetuate these kind of falsehoods about the jury. and these are lay people doing their civic duty. if you put these kinds of false has put this kind of target on them, that undermines the entire system. that is very different than taking shots michael cohen or stormy daniels who are covered under the gag order, but are also out there talking about trump very publicly. this is something of a different magnitude yeah. >> well, i mean, it does degree relied to a bet on the degree of decency not just by the defendant, but also by people in the media who are supportive of the defendant, not not to go after jurors and underscore the point and even in how gag
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orders are crafted, notice that they often exempt the judge, often exempt the prosecutor, but refer to individual citizens who are part who did not choose to be part of this. they literally, by virtue of being having a driver's license, got a letter in the mail are being brought into court and being pulled into e former presint it is se from daers to peopland it also hurts the ems saying jake, yeah, i mean, just look at the way that trump's friends in the sial dia world and also the mediaorld have behaved. and iprevio in previous situations, the whistleblower the white house who you know, i mean, even when told, don't name this person, you're going to put his or her life at risk. >> they've named it without getting all histrionic about putting people's lives at risk. this undermines the integrity of the system, whether you like it or not, you are a defendant in this system and are entitled to a fair trial. you're number one getting in the way of your own ability to get a fair trial,
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but also undermines a system that serves all of us and not to just add, there are a couple of words we've heard donald trump use retribution. yeah, we've heard his followers say, hang my pants. i mean, this is not a normal situation and paula has so i would a great jamie can go for breaking news, but our colleagues inside the court are reporting that to more jurors have been chosen. so we're basically where we started. >> we know anything about these seven. >> we don't have any any specific details that are reportable& as you mentioned, and at the outset, we did not make the mistakes right? to make this juror who had to leave the case so fearful for her life, and we're being very careful to vet the information before we share it because we get all kinds of information from inside the court, but we're gonna be very careful about the descriptors that we use. so i'm gonna wait for our bosses to clear that before i but two more jurors. >> all right. well, we're back to seven. everyone stay with me. we are standing by for court to adjourn for the day cnn's kara scannell inside the
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courthouse will look for her updates as this jury selection process unfolds in this dramatic fashion, has everything related donald trump does dramatic fashion, plus the physical confrontation today involving house republicans and speaker mike johnson. i have a high-profile gas coming up. >> who's probably watching it all with popcorn, stay with us. how it really happened. >> sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn. >> this is a futurama go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts and minutes ai hey, i like it, who wants to come see the future, get your business online in minutes with go daddy arrow the rise relax, into a caribbean's state of my visit, or call one 800 sandals doctors recommend cole a stool softener, four, gentle, dependable relief from
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comfortable, stylish, easiest pants around, try new skechers, slip in pants, just slip in an experienced skechers, innovative comfort technology ology fabric skechers slip in pants and we're back with breaking news in our law and justice lead to more jurors have just been seated in donald trump's trial in new york, that brings us back to seven after the two who would just been dismissed, there are just a few more minutes left in the scheduled court de on this day, three of jury selection and my panels back with me, paula reid, jury selection still ongoing right now, both sides using their strikes to remove possible jurors who have bias one way or the other from being seated, explain what that means these strikes. so we are right now, we are down to this very small group. over the course of the de, that whittled down this group are approximately 100 to a few dozen and here either side can argue to have someone removed for cause. some reason they believed that they just can't be impartial or some other reason, there is a cause to remove them before they use
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these precious strikes. each side now has for their ten strikes remaining, so they can just ask them to be removed and not give a reason. but it's fascinating right now. for example, the defense attorneys are pointing one woman who they want removed for cause. they're specifically referencing her social media posts from 2020 where she refers to trump using a lot of very negative language including calling him racist and sexist. know there are some specific quotes that they have pulled from her social media posts that if you read them, you're like, yeah, i can see why you wouldn't very well. we're not going to quote those verbatim because we again, we want to try to protect these people who are showing up to do their civic duty. but this is the process that's that they're going to go through until they either seat a juror strike them for whatever reason, they so choose or have them removed by the judge for costs. >> so elliott, let me just ask let's take an opposite example, okay. and this one is fictitious. let's say somebody showed up wearing a red maga hat for jury selection. he that person wouldn't just be automatically dismissed. >> absolutely not because if
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they can say to the person what i have political beliefs, however, i can set my beliefs aside and judge whoever the defendant is fairly in the eyes. and as instructed by you, your honor, that person can legally serve on the jury. now a prosecutor would in this case would likely strike that person. right. but they're not legally prohibited, but they would have to use one of their peremptory challenges. you would have to use your peremptory challenge because there isn't a legal bar to that person serving on the jury. they just have political views that are aligned with the defendant, but that doesn't mean that they can't be fair so jamie, during jury questioning this afternoon, the prosecutor asked potential jurors if they will be able to look at donald trump. >> and say guilty, if they prove the case, the proud of prosecutors went through each juror one-by-one to answer will you be able to do it? and trump is watching? >> this is this is an intimidating guy to a lot of people. >> that's a test for jurors. it is. i need to go sideways
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for one second as the daughter of a judge, they would have to take off the hat. yes pardon me yeah. assembly i meant a tattoo on his forehead here. >> it's the hypothetical was strain but yes, no, you're absolutely when when jurors do are affected by defendants they are always watching defendants and donald trump when he is sitting there, there's no question. >> it's going to have a huge impact on a jury. i think that this question is passing. i've actually been on a jury panel where they asked in a different cases similar question. it was a capital murder trial. can you make a decision? and they pulled all the perspective jurors and said, say out loud whether or not this is where it comes together and a juror or prospective juror is forced to
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look donald trump in the eye. i would also say that trump's impact on europe will also have to do with his behavior. and whether or not he can behave himself. if he is acting out or speaking out about the way he did the other day that has an impact if he nods off to sleep, that has an impact jurors are human, i'd go even a little bit further and say that the prosecutors know what they're doing and are deliberately referring to him as the defendant. >> we were actually trained, don't refer to a defendant by their name, call them the defendants so that the jury sees that this person is the accused and the eyes of the state. and i think the prosecutors there are trying to nudge a little subliminal messaging to those jurors to nudge it. this that they think this guy's guilty. >> all right. thanks. one and i'll just 24 hours ago here on the lead speaker, mike johnson told me he would let the chips fall where they may when it comes to gop threats to kick him out of his leadership position i wonder how he feels now after literally getting
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number of them hard group of hard-line republicans surrounded the speaker in a tense exchange over a proposed rule change being floated by other republicans. the rule change would raise the threshold required to trigger the procedure to oust a speaker. right now, it only requires one person for what is called a motion to vacate cnn's manu raju was live for us on capitol hill amount of moments goes speaker johnson just announced that he's not going to change the rule. what what exactly is going on here? >> well, he didn't have the votes to do that. in fact, johnson had been weighing whether or not to include in that first procedural vote to take up the larger foreign aid package that has called this causes a vote on the right to include in that procedural rule changes to the motion to vacate to make it hard order to oust the sitting speaker that cause outrage on the far right and the house floor earlier today, several members of cleaning, congressman matt gaetz engaged in a tense exchange with the speaker of the house. gates later told me that johnson not
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commit at that moment to keeping the existing rules ultimately, johnson just announced moments ago that he would keep the existing rules allowing one member to call for such a vote. he said in a tweet recently, many members have encouraged me to endorse a new rule to raise this threshold. why i understand the importance of that idea any rule change requires a majority of the full house, which we do not have. and indeed many members were concerned that the handful of members on the hard-right have essentially stymied the republican agenda, thrown this chamber into a state of chaos and the aftermath but the ouster of kevin mccarthy, but as you see their johnson keeping this rule now at the same time, johnson facing heat from his right over his decision. now to include in this foreign aid package that includes aid to ukraine, israel, and taiwan, not included border security measures. and that's why a lot of members of isil conference say they plan to vote against this i think we haven't integrity problem when we tell
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the american people that the border is the hilda dayana border border, border and then we see more of status quo, more of the same in washington, dc, his speaker's been giving us lip service since he became the speaker is saying that we were going to combine ukraine and the border, and i don't believe that the speaker couldn't extract at least something. >> and so i think it's a missed opportunity. why aren't democrats taking a position on whether to save mike johnson's job we're waiting to see he if he is going to allow us to save our global security and make sure that america has its security. we've been waiting months for this moment and this is really a point in history where it is long past time that mike johnson and the house gop and that last comment cover the number two democrat catherine clarke, making clear that the democrats have not yet decided as a fully is a conference well, they're not to come to johnson's aid if in fact that vote to oust him does take place. so a lot of calculations
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going on. democrats want to use that as leverage, perhaps extract more concessions in the days ahead here, jake, i'm honor, you spoke with congresswoman marjorie taylor greene today. she's the one leading the charge to get rid of speaker johnson as she saying when exactly she's going to force this vote, she's still is not saying that jake, in fact, he was one of the members who are outraged over the potential the rules change to make it harder for the call for such a vote. so she had suggested perhaps you could do it before that rule change would move ahead, but now that johnson is not actually going to push forward on that rules change. we'll see how green decides to move forward. she does say she has more support on for this cause, but if democrats as come to johnson's defense, he could stay in this in his position with bipartisan support all right. >> manu raju, thanks so much joining us now to discuss congressman anthony d'esposito is a republican representing new york's fourth congressional district. he is a member of the house homeland security committee, used to be a police officer, congressman.
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thanks so much for joining us who, you posted on twitter, now known as x yesterday quote, i'm sorry. you wrote that the right thing at the right time for the right reasons, regardless of who's watching them with you, speaker johnson, does that mean in addition to backing him as speaker that you're also going to be voting in support of these foreign aid packages for ukraine, israel, and taiwan yes, i will. >> i think that the time has come. the world is watching. and i think that history will be very good to mike johnson and the decision that he made i know that it's a tough decision. the fact is is that his speakership is being threatened. but i think he's doing like i said, in my tweet the right thing for the right reasons. >> today's speaker johnson said he is not i'm gonna go along with a rule change that right now. it allows one person to bring a motion to vacate some people want to make it a higher threshold what's your reaction? and did you see this confrontation on the house floor?
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>> i did not see the confrontation on the house floor, but is expected. i mean, people are emotional snl people are upset that there is a possibility that for the second time in 118th congress, we will be facing a motion to vacate and i agree with many of my colleagues in that the rule needs to be changed. in fact, i spoke to a report or walking off the floor earlier today and she told me that even former speaker pelosi agreed that the rule need to be changed. so if you have people from the republican side of the aisle and people like gus, former speaker pelosi agreeing, i think that the decision is clear and there will be a letter are going out very shortly, i believe from the main street caucus asking speaker johnson to consider really taken to consideration changing that rule. the fact that we have have the ability to have one person hold our conference and quite frankly, this institution hostage needs to change the reportedly some of these members basically had the speaker all but pinned against the wall. >> i don't know what you
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heard, but do you think it sounds like they went too far? >> like i said, i think that emotions are running high. people are very upset anytime you have the speaker corner is never a good idea. but i think that we all need to take a breath and realize that we are all here for the same reasons. and that's for the best interests of the united states of america. but i do believe that we need to sit down and his conference and realize that the world is watching. and this is going to be a defining moment in history. and i would agree that when people look back on today in the days that are ahead in the history books they should be saluting mike johnson for the decision that he made. and i think that members do need to really think about the fact that there are many countries that need our help and yes, do we need to secure the border? absolutely. and that's why back in may, we the house sent her2 over to the senate. but i think we should have the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time, there's no reason as to why we
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cannot provide aid to our allies as well as work to secure our border. >> so congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is continuing to stand by her threat to oust speaker johnson. she posted on twitter, quote, i filed a motion to vacate because johnson has become the democrat speaker of the house and with his actions, he's proving to everyone i was right do you do you think that she speaks for more than just a handful of members of congress and i should also ask, you've said that you think that there should be repercussions for individuals who stand in the way of the will of the republican conference. she's doing that. do you think she should face repercussions in which repercussions? well, the comments that i made today about repercussions was specifically to those members on the rules committee who the rules committee historically has been a place where they go by the thought process of the conference and especially the speaker of the house, and the fact that we have numbers are the rules committee that are
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not putting forth the thoughts of the conference. i believe that's a problem and that needs to be taken care of and i've made that very clear to the speaker as well as many other members marjorie taylor greene, i respect her. i know that she she works hard to represent her district in this situation. we disagree. i believe that mike johnson is doing the right thing for the country we are in a democracy where in a divided government. and that's what democracy is all about. we need to understand that we are not going to get everything that we want in these packs. but we need to work together for the best interests of the american people and again, like i said before, we should be able to walk through these halls of congress and chew gum at the same time, there is no reason why we can't put our best foot forward, get these packages across the floor and sent over to the senate and continue to work on legislation just like her2, that's been sitting over in the senate for months now. >> okay. congressman anthony d'esposito of new york. thanks so much. we have more breaking news and down from sprout, let's bring back cnn's paula reid paul as well. what paulo, what's the latest?
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>> a very significant development, jake, we now have a jury that has been seated in the trial of a former president donald trump up in manhattan that the judge has announced that all 12 jurors i've been seated. he said, quote, we have our jury now let's start to pick our alternate. they now need to move forward with the process of selecting six alternate jurors in case there's any reason that one of those 12 cannot continue their service. now, this is a significant development because i was with you just a short time ago, jake, and we only had five jurors. then we had seven. now, they have old 12, both sides used all of their preemptory strikes. these are strikes that they can use to have someone removed without giving a reason now the only reason they could move remove some one was for cars, but we have the full the full jury. now, you'll move on to try to select a six alternates, either from the remaining people who still are in the quarter room or tomorrow at 11:30, they will get a fresh panel of
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approximately 100 new potential jurors and that go through this whole process again, that's pretty big there, right? i mean, they had seven then they lost two in a stunning series of events. so then they had to find seven more and i'm doing my math, right? yes, i do and and they got them yeah, they did. >> now, one thing that moves this along a lot faster is when both sides run out of strikes, right? they have no reason to to remove someone that they cannot get them removed for cause which they tried to do with several of the potential jurors here. but this is a very significant development. things here moving slowly and then quickly slowly again. but as we saw this morning, they had seven jurors seated two days ago, and then this morning they came in and it lost two of them. so it's an extraordinary case things can certainly change, but right now, the judge has announced they have their jury and they're moving on to try to select those six it's alternatives, it's unclear if they're gonna be able to do that this afternoon or if this will continue until tomorrow. now, tomorrow, they're going to start around 11, 30, and they'll have that new group again jacob will be
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approximately 100 people. and if they have to move into that new group, they'll go through the same process that we've already seen. who twice. now, you have 100 people you ask anyone? on first and foremost, if there's anyone who cannot serve and be in in this trial and it's been interesting. and the other two groups that we've seen so far over half of the jurors are exactly half of the jurors in one group said they could not be impartial. and it's notable that the trump defense teams said that they really wanted to get that specific statistic. they didn't want everyone who is removed for cause to be lumped into one group. they wanted to know specifically how many people said they couldn't even be in partial. why is that important, jake? because that is an issue that the trump team will inevitably bring up on appeal. they will say, this is why we wanted to move the venue over half. the people said they couldn't even be impartial. so that's something we're watching very closely. there are other reasons that people can be struck four, for cause or be removed before they move on to the jury questionnaire. and then this process where they will have additional strikes to select these alternates. let's
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see how far in the alternate selection they get. in the next few minutes do we know anything about these jurors that have been seated? >> seven of them, and obviously, we want to make sure that as we report the information, we know we don't want it to be two identifying because some other media outlets reporting too much information about one of the german resulted in the fact that the that juror could not be seated. >> good day. going to say two things. first of all, we already have an alternate who has been seated in the past few minutes. and i want to add in terms of these additional details about the jury instead of seated, i'm going to use extreme caution before sharing any of the details because are wonderful reporting team that's inside the courtroom up there in manhattan providing us these tails and our bosses were vetting this information to make sure that we're not outing anyone or identifying anyone who's just showed up to do their civic duty. so i'm going to hold off on sharing any identifying details tells
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until we agreed what is significant in the interest of transparency in this process, but won't identify are endanger anyone. but i think it's notablat transparenth process, but won't identify are endanger anyone. but i think it's notable that since i was up there with you about half an hour ago, we have seated seven additional jurors and now they have one alternate, so they need to choose five additional alternates and i have here with me in studio, jaime gan girl an lea williams and elliott, you were just saying a few minutes ago, your scuffing at the idea that they could come up with a jury so that they could actually begin opening arguments on monday. >> and you may still be proven correct. and you're skepticism is certainly warranted given the fact that to jurors had to be dismissed today for other reasons. but here we have seven even more jurors added to added to the panel here. is that surprising to you? >> it is surprising me, your honor. i would like to eat a plate of crow, went for my
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appetizer it is surprising because of all of the factors we've been talking about in this case, as we saw, we thought we had a bunch of jurors today and lost some of them. there there's going to continue to be a lot of publicity around the trial and they still have to get five more people that would that would be a lot to happen tomorrow, which will be the one day the next but it could but it could happen. we will see yeah. let me go to kara scannell, who is outside the courtroom right now in manhattan. qarrah, you've been in court as this is all developed, tell us what you've seen yeah, jake quite a reversal from where we started the de where those two jurors were excused. now, we have a full jury that is compatible. prized of seven menn and five women. a mix of people in finance we have speech therapists, physical therapists, just a mix of manhattan nights. that's the need the workers who will judge trump they are continuing to go through the jury now to select the alternative it is important to note that this all happened very quickly in just the last
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half an hour or so where we ticked through these both sides, used up all of their peremptory challenges, and we finished seating this jury. now they're doing the alternatives. they will eat each side, will each have one peremptory challenge and we still, we have jurors that are still there and in the box, but they did ask him that they did swear-in another panel of 96 they will return tomorrow around 11, 30. if they do not find the remaining jurors the remaining five or so alternatives as we get toward the end of the court day-to-day but we do now have a jury is seated in this case, the judge saying we have our jury, let's do the alternate. so this is now moving swiftly again, it seemed like we had a setback this morning, but things have picked up it's seems possible there could be opening statements in this case as soon as monday fascinating. >> thank you so much, kara scannell. jaime ganim, gail the wheels so of justice are turning swiftly in the last few hours, we started the show, there wenly five jors, two of them habeenummari
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diissed for varis reasons. theyave since ceded seven 12th person jury and one ll alternat they only have five more alternates to go. which seems like somhing that is a inently possib, noto be the opposite of elleithee i was actually very optimistic i textedomeone. 're going 31, to have a jury by the end of the day tomorrow, but it's no because i'm so wisand trouble could happen. it's really because of judge marsha he has wanted to keep this moving he judges don't like once they start in paneling jurors they don't want them sitting there. they are respectful of their time so once those first jurors were empaneled, i really expected he would keep it going he stayed late one evening. i was told he might stay late this evening.
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so barring more trouble with jurors, the way we had overnight, i really think we will have opening statements monday morning. otherwise, i'm losing that so may i posit another theory as to why i think this might be happening so quickly. yeah, donald trump is not cheerios. >> cheerios you know, some people like them, some people, you know, everybody could eat them but donald trump around is very, very passionate feelings one way or the other. >> it's probably easier to figure out who likes them, who hates him and who could be impartial than it is for like a juror that would have to try congressman x, that they've never heard of. and you really have to suss it out and figure it out, not to mention donald trump's defense team is doing a good job in looking at the social media profiles of these individuals. something, by the way, that other, other places should be, should be doing more perhaps to find out what people
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really think, because everybody shares everything on social media. >> the judge did not have to exclude all of these people who raised their hands and said that they could not be fair. he could have tried to rehab i'm going to take each one of them one-by-one saying, if i instruct you on the law, could you still be fair what he did was get get out of the room. everybody who might be on the bubble and everybody it'd be the kind of problem that you're talking about jake, who might have questionable views about the president in either direction and might not be able to be fair what he's done is created in effect, a jury i've tofu, of folks who can sort of swing in any direction and be palatable to all sides. and so in using a hatchet, he's sort of been more efficiently let me go to paul ricci has some new details from this breaking news or the fact that a full 12th person jury has been seated and their only looking than one alternate. they're just looking for five. were alton it's paula, what he got for us exactly right. and right now, the judge says he will continue jury selection tomorrow. and he hopes that they will finish
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tomorrow. so right now it appears they are still looking for five alternates and again, they have that group of 100 potential jurors ready to come in at tomorrow at 11:30 now, earlier, you would ask for some additional details about some of the photos looks who had been seated in this jury. >> i have some details that we can report about two of them. >> one of them is an investment banker who has a master's degree, lives with his wife and his it's not have any kids. he says that he follows trump's truth social post as well as michael cohen on x or twitter. he said he's followed trump's since he became in president saying, quote, generally because it was a news item when he would put a tweet out. so get to be aware of that. he also said that he's read trump's book, the art of the deal now another juror is a security engineer who is married has three children, has a high school diploma, says he doesn't have social media and reads a smattering of news organizations named in the questionnaire. so this gives because you a sample of the type of manhattan residents that are going to be sitting on
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this jury on deciding the facts in this case. >> that's really interesting stuff. let's go for this with our team here. so elliott, juror number to an investment banker has a masters. he follows trump's truth, social posts, you'd also follows michael cohen on twitter and he's also read the art of the deal. now the art of the deal was a bestseller. and that doesn't necessarily mean anything one other. >> one way or the other. >> the fact that he has truth, social is interesting. >> now, i'm on truth social, but i'm a journalist and i need to keep track of what donald trump is saying the fact that a common person, folk real person citizen has truth, social. would that be an alarm for you? i would as a prosecutor in this trial? >> i'm would be. that is like i just read it for the articles which is in effect what this just for the kids out there, that's a reference different a magazine called playboy magazine called point but we can move past but i think that's that's it.
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>> a prosecutor does not have to let this person on the jury now they have a finite number of these peremptory strikes and you gotta be very careful and judicious in how you meet them out. but even following michael cohen and reading the art of the deal based on the limited information we have here, that social media account for somebody who's not jake tapper at a journalist yeah. >> if you're a prosecutor, i'd be just again to go over it again with you, jamie, juror number two he's an investment banker. he has a master's. he lives with his wife, no kids. he follows trump's truth, social post, and michael cohen, one of trump's fiercest critics on twitter he said he's followed trump's since he became president, quote, generally because it was a news item when he would put a tweet out. so good to be aware of that. and the juror has also read trump's book, the art of the deal. any red flags for you as either a defense or prosecution attorney? >> since i am not the lawyer at the table, okay. >> i just actually would look at this. elliott knows much if as a prosecutor, he says this guy is gone, i would take his
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advice. i actually think there are a lot of people though, who do read both of these. it is become something of a thing, whether it's painting or what that people follow this back-and-forth. i don't know if it would be a red flag or not. i think it's actually much more striking to me and i don't know, we don't know about jurors eight through 12 yet. i don't think we have bios yet. >> i was struck by the fact that we have at least two lawyers on this panel is unusual because in my experience prosecutors have said they would be concerned a lawyer becomes an expert. >> some kind and might have undue influence. so i think it will be interesting think though, to see this is a very manhattan jury though, and it is also chief judge judith k, who's no longer with us. as i
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recall, she changed the jury selection system in manhattan anybody could serve if you were a lawyer, if you were a judge, those people used to be sort of automatically excluded now, everybody serves and you're seeing that here today. >> so i mean, what's interesting also about truth, social justice bring this up and it's not like truth, social has been the most transparent company in the world as they've gone public and all that. but some reports have data aggregators similar, similar web estimated the number of visitors per month at truth social's 5 million an active users in the at 1 million per month. so 5 million people in certain time of social media, it's a pretty small group of people. but i do want to go to paula reid, who has more information. i'll come right back to you, paula reid, you have more information about a juror that one of the teams tried to get dismiss today. tell us more. yeah. again, we're getting these great updates from our reporters inside the courtroom. i think this is notable because one of
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the last two jurors to be seated here, this is someone that the trump team tried to challenge for cause, arguing that she does not like trump, so she should be removed. and during in this process, she said about trump, quote, he just seems very selfish and self-serving. so i don't really appreciate that in any public servants, so i don't know him as a person so don't know how he is in terms of his integrity, it's just not my cup of tea, but that was not a knife according to the judge, to strike her for cause now, we've learned that she works for a multiple to national apparel company. she's not a native new yorker, is not married and doesn't have kids. she said she doesn't follow the news, but occasionally fall as headlines and reads into the street specific publications that the last juror to be seated, we have some generic details about this individual as well. she is a physical therapist. she has a doctorate degree the in physical therapy. she reads the new york times usa today, and watches cnn. can these really interesting details about the people who
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will be deciding trump's fate i will expect that the trump team will make an issue of the fact that they tried to have someone removed for saying that trump is, quote, not her cup of tea, and that she will still be on the jury. but again, there is a process here. this is someone who said she could be impartial, right? she didn't opt out. there. and then during this more granular questioning, these were the answers that she gave and the judge didn't not find it sufficient to remove her for cause. >> all right. thanks so much, paul, let's go to evan perez right now. who's also i believe outside the courtroom. evan, what does this mean in terms of what happens tomorrow? >> what jake right now, they've only seated one of the potential one of the alternate jurors according to our team in the courthouse, by the way, are carrots canned. i'll just read back in there to help do some more of this reporting but what we know is going to happen according to the judge, is that he's going to continue this process tomorrow. we don't know exactly how many alternates, but the day inclination that we had are one indication we had
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because it was gonna be about six alternate jurors. obviously, given the stakes of this case, and the amount of trouble we've had it's probably smart for the judge to have as many alternatives as he can in order to account for any issues that might arise over the next few weeks at this trial goes on and so he's being very, very careful. he says he's going to continue this process tomorrow, is not going to go through the questionnaire, so we're not going to hear any more about those jurors. they're gonna come back tomorrow morning. >> i think he's planning get started somewhere around 11, 30 tomorrow morning. >> jake all right. >> evan perez, thanks so much. let's go back to paula reid paula, you have some more details? >> yeah. just waiting for our team to vet what we report, so we don't identify anyone again, you just showed up to be their civic duty with details on two additional jurors have been selected. one is a retired wealth manager who is married with two kids. this man has hobbies, he says include fly fishing and yoga. says, he hears things from people and he
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knows about trump but i'm more interested in my hobbies now, another juror is a speech therapist or the master's degree, so she's not married and lives alone. and during in a jury selection process, she said, quote, trump was our president. everyone knows who he is. but when he was president, everyone was kind of talking about politics. now when asked by one of trump's whereas if she fields pressured by other people, she said, quote, not at all, and she also she said, take care not to talk about the case with anyone else. so again, more details about who will be sitting on this jury for four to six weeks, deciding trump's fate in this case. all right, fascinating stuff. >> let's talk about talk about all these developments elliott, you're the attorney at the table. let's jam through some of these jurors. juror number four security engineer, man married three kids, high school diploma does not have social media wise man reads a smattering of news organizations named in the
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questionnaire seems like a pretty good candidates absolute and to use the word i used before, this is tofu, this is the kind of person who does not it's not coming in, at least as far as we have here with a ton of background and information and could be palatable to all sides. it didn't seem to have cleavers, but what the one they're using tofu as a metaphor for palatable, which is interesting, but that's the point takes on the flavor is the flavor everything about what happened. >> okay. the one thing we don't have their jake is sort of context demeanour, dress and all of these things that these attorneys and frankly the consultants in the room are using to assess these people on the spot. it's a lot of pop psychology and even having background as to this person has a master's degree or a job or whatever else they're trying to george w bush style look into their eyes and see their soul. yeah, that's sort of what's happening as bush did with putin, didn't work out so well. it did not. new juror number eight retired wealth manager, married with two kids. this is my favorite so far. yes. he's ease, his hobbies
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include fly fishing and yoga. i love life fishing. he says he hear things from people he knows about trump, but i'm more interested in my hobbies and god bless. you should be more interested in your hobbies if you're five fish. >> but it's also fly fishing& yoga, which are sort of the yoga but, but these are two hobbies that if you were to sort of abstractly are these tofu no, i think he said each other why fishermen for republicans, yoga for democrats, and that's your stereotype can, based on information we have do you think you're going to get angry letters from a liberal fly fisherman and conservative you gaps easiest. but this is somebody that you're thinking, okay? again, not coming to the table with a whole bunch of opinions about this, which is what you want. new juror number nine, a speech therapist with a master's, not married during voir dire, this juror said he went as our president, everyone knows who he is, which is about as tofu a statement as you can make about donald for i'm so sorry, i said that word the other thing, just an
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interesting to fish. so fish to graft sort of politics on these legal questions to the extent there's one defining question in american politics now it's education or one defining factor right? and i'm seeing a lot of masters degrees and bachelor's degrees in this in this pool of people. now, that's not to say that there aren't republicans, of course who had a college education, but again, it tends to be the divider with these days more than anything else, perhaps in the sort of pop quick on the spot decisions as that these lawyers have to make. these are the kinds of things that might be good consider if you're just joining tuning in, we're covering the story that a, there is a 12th person jury that has been in paneled. we are still waiting for the six alternates. one of those six has been picked& from you can from what's on the right side of the screen there. the inside of the courtroom, we are waiting to see if the defendant mr. trump trump is going to come out and say something as he has earlier this week. and when that happens, obviously we'll bring that to you live let me go back to paula reid with some more information. >> paula, what else?
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>> so a reoccurring issue here, which is the holiday of passover and the fact that the trump defense team asked if they could have off next monday and tuesday, the first two days of passover. and if you read the transcript, jake, when the defense attorneys made that request, it appeared that the judge several weeks ago so said yeah, that shouldn't be a problem. but when this trial began on monday, he said no, in fact, on monday and tuesday, they will be in court until 2:00. so right now, the defensive attorneys are revisiting this issue as it appears that this case could begin on monday. now, the defense attorneys are saying, look, it's fine to break at lunch, but they're asking not to sit on tuesday okay because tuesday is a hollered at a holiday, then the entire day is a holiday for one member on the defense team the judge, however, pushes back, says, look, i appreciate that. it's a holiday, but this is not a court holiday, so it appears that the judge not moving on. this requests, even though he had previously said that he would recognize any religious exemptions for jurors who wanted to observe religious
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holidays. it does not appear that that is being extended to the extent of the defense team has requested jake, i think this is an issue that they might bring up on appeal as they continue to pursue any issue, any objection gather them all for a potential appeal if there is a conviction all right. >> so they're not going to get tuesday off for the holiday early early dismissal. that's the best he's gonna get. >> the best is going to get well, to be quite honest, that's good enough. i mean, knowing a little bit about passover myself, it's not one of the major like high holy de holds lee days. it's, you know, you can you can get out at right. jamie, your passover enthusiast get off at lunch and yes, i believe what the judge said was 2:00 dismissal and that's fine. in mind, the jury that's brighter also, manhattan, right? you can make it home in time unless you're cooking and then it's a problem legally, it's not this is not a problem legally yeah. >> full stop back passover and also one of the attorneys one of the defense attorneys wants it off. >> there's a whole all of the