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tv   Trump Trial Today  CNN  April 18, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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supportive room with wolf blitzer would start breaking news tonight. the trump trial day three, for the next hour, we'll take you inside the courtroom from gavel to gavel as the historic hush money case unfolds, with 12 jurors that will decide donald trump's fate plus one alternate. now seated after hours of wrangling, are reporters and experts are standing by to break down all of today's most important developments and look ahead to what's next welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer with a special report in the situation room that trump trial today. we have a lot to get to. let's begin with a breaking news right now, day three of donald trump's criminal trial wrapping up with 12 jurors and
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one alternate seated. cnn's kara scannell is live in new york after being inside the courtroom for all the action gara update our viewers wolff, it was just coming down to the wire. the final moments of the courthouse hours today when the judge said, we have our jury, they had 12 jurors that they seated, as well as one alternate. and among these jurors, its seven men, five women, a couple of men who work in finance to lawyers, a speed his therapist, a physical therapist, and jury selection will still continue tomorrow as they look to see those additional alternate jurors that they will need to hear this historic case. but it was a far cry from how the day began. dramatic start to the third day of trump's hush money trial as to seated jurors were removed. jury selection began on thursday with judge juan merchan scolding press for reporting some information contained in the juror questionnaire including
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specific employers that could potentially identify juror first the judge's remarks come after one juror, a female oncology nurse was excused after saying aspects of her identity were made public saying she could no longer be impartial. she tells the judge yesterday alone, i had friends, colleagues, and family push things to my phone, questioning my identity as a juror. i don't believe at this point that i can be fair and unbiased. the second juror dismissed is an older man from puerto rico who says he finds trump fascinating and mysterious. he was dismissed after prosecutors questioned if his answer about whether he had ever been accused of a crime was accurate, they identified someone with the same name who was arrested in the 1990s for tearing during down political posters. the exact reason for the jurists dismissal though, is not known nearly 100 new perspective jurors came through the freezing courtroom for questioning, at least half were immediately sent home for saying they could not be impartial at the defendant's
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table. trump appeared in gross with those left in the jury box. tilting is its head leaning way back in his chair and craning his neck to get a good view of each juror as they spoke. the former president's silent before court turned to reporters on a break and quipped about the temperature in the room, asking, is it cold enough? trump's attorney asked if they could warm up the room and while the judge agreed it was chile, he said he'd rather be a little cold than sweating both sides use their time to probe potential jurors and many responded candidly. trump's attorney, susan nicholas, directly questioned a juror if she or her husband posted on social media about trump, she asked others specifically about their feelings on trump. one juror said she doesn't like his persona and explain further. he just seems very selfish and self-serving. so i don't really appreciate that in a public servant so i don't know him as a person, so i don't know how he is in terms of his integrity. it's just not my cup of tea nicholas said, it sounds like you don't like him
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and the juror agreed another who is a business owner, told necklace that he's impressed with trump, saying, i mean, he was our president. that's pretty amazing. he's a business menn in new york. he forged his way. on the other side prosecutor joshua steinglass asked if any jurors feel the prosecution has there's more to prove because the defendant is donald trump earlier thursday before jury selection got underway, prosecutors argued to the judge that trump violated his gag order. seven more times with posts on social media. the order prohibits the former president from discussing those involved in the case. well, we are providing general descriptions of the jury pool based on the judge's order. he has said that reporters can talk about what the jurors say in the responses to these answers he just ruled today that we should not identify the employment the employer of anyone who is selected for the jury great so we're abiding by the judge's order, but we are providing the public with a sense of who these 12 individuals are, who
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will be judging the former president in his first criminal case? >> your sql outside the courthouse in new york for us, cara, thank you very much. let's take a closer look right now at the makeup of the trump jury or senior legal analyst, elie honig is joining us le what do we know so far about this? do jury, while we have a jury and this is a very manhattan jury based on my experience, it is a highly educated jury. it's a jury filled with professionals from a diverse range of occupations and by enlarge, it's really hard to get a read on most, not all, but most of the these jurors, where they stand politically and where they stand on donald trump. now let's run through the new jurors who made it onto the panel today. juror number two, interestingly, he follows both donald trump and michael cohen on social media. i guess those two maybe cancel each other out. they both certainly have posted a lot about this case and one another, he also read the book, the art of the deal could be he's a fan, could be he's just interested that book has been out for decades now. lots of people have read it juror number four is a security
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engineer who is not on social media. good for him. and again, this is a person where it's really hard to get any political rate and you'll see this theme recurring people who actually say they don't have very strong views on donald trump politically or personally next up, who now be juror number eight. this is a retired wealth manager. another highly educated professional. his hobbies include fly fishing and yoga. that's an interesting combination. what i thought was telling is this person said that he's more interested in his hobbies, then following the news and following politics, again, you can see a bit of a theme emerging. and by the way, this is what you want in a jury. you want but people who can judge this case just for what it is. next up now, juror number nine, this is a speech therapist. she's single and lives alone when she was asked if she would ever feel pressured by others on the jury to go along. she said not at all. defendants usually like that. you want someone who is willing to do their own thing, not necessarily get swept up and just go with the crowd next up, juror number ten works for an e-commerce company. yet again, says he doesn't really follow the news, listens to
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podcasts on behavioral psychology, doesn't really, to me, strike alarm bells either way and you need some jurors or preferably a lot of jurors who really don't lean one way or the other. now juror number 11, i got to circle because i think juror number 11 is potentially a real problem for donald trump. this is somebody who said she clearly has a negative view politically of donald trump. she said he seems very selfish and self-serving, but when she was pressed on this by the judge, she said that said i can still put aside my beliefs and rule farah early on this case. now, donald trump's lawyers tried very hard to get this juror struck from the case. the judge refused to do it. and now she is on the jury will see if she's good for her oath and can put aside her personal beliefs. and judged on the merits. and finally, juror number 12, the last person on the actual jury itself, a physical therapist, who reads the new york times, usa today, watches us cnn new york times. i should note wolf is the local paper here in new york city. so while there's a perception that the times tends to lean left against donald trump,
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really not the case here in new york city. it's essentially the local paper. we have one of our alternatives in place. this person grew up in england also. i thought it was interesting reads the wall street journal, wall street journal has been quite critical of this case. on the one hand, but on the other hand, they've also been quite critical of donald trump politically and personally. so those are our jurors, as we know them, wolf, we have our full 12 jurors who will decide this case. we have one alternate and the task starting tomorrow is going to be to pick up to five more alternates who can fill in if there presenting problem with the jury, but we haven't gerry wolf, it brings me back to my days of trying cases in manhattan. it really feels like almost any other jury trial that you would have here in the borough of manhattan. >> very interesting, indeed, elie honig, thank you very much. are legal and political experts are joining me right now here in the situation room with some analysis and paula reid, your chief legal affairs responded what jumps out at you about this jury when speaking with the trump side of things, i know they were concerned about whether they would be able to select a jury. here.
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they have a jury that's very much central casting for manhattan, as ali pointed out, so if you're educated higher socioeconomic status, a lot of them i was pleased to see read news or consume news from rapids jibril outlets and the majority of them are also childless. so this is very manhattan, but i want to go back to juror 11. this is surprising to me that the judge did not strike this juror for cause given the larger context of this case, i think that the trump team is likely going to seize on this. this is someone again who called their client selfish and self-serving, said he's not her cup of tea. i can guarantee you tonight. they are scouring any public information they can find about this juror, as well as the others. we have to remember what happened over the past 48 hours. they left court was seven jurors and then two of them were dismissed. one because there was a record of prior arrest for someone a similar name, and then another one woman was very concerned about her safety. and i think it is highly possible that when we reconvene tomorrow in this case, you could see one or
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possibly more jurors having to be dismissed for one reason or another. >> andrew mccabe, but which sayyed, do you think is more excited about this jury? >> i'm sure they're both terrified lawyer there's tend to be a nervous lot and i'm sure they're both looking at potential problems in that pool and they're also looking at folks who they think it will be beneficial to their sayyed. i totally agree with paul. i think the judge is of course, right on the law here in terms of leaving juror 11 on as one on the jury but he may have planted an issue that will come back to haunt this trial days and days later after any potential conviction. if there is one, it would seem to have been the more kind of err on the side of caution move to exclude her based on those statements but of course, she passed the threshold of being able to say that she judge, the case fairly. so why the judge just save himself a headache and just just her. that's the
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question. >> but you know, you have the other juror who's owes professed some admiration for trump and so in an effort to be santa monica and fair, that may be what compelled judge merchan to leave them both on, you know, it's interesting, gloria, as we heard, one of the new jurors has read trump's book, the art of the deal and follows him on truth, social, the social media site. that's about as good as trump could have hoped for in this problem. >> well, this same juror also follows michael cohen on twitter. so truth, social. michael cohen maybe that balances out. i don't know, but, you know, he said he's read the art of the deal and that's good as far as trump is concerned. but i think the michael cohen part of this could be a little problematic because as we all know, michael cohn doesn't tweet anything nice about donald trump. >> those interesting as he was leaving the court today, trump's smoke. reporters, cameras were there. let me
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play. david chalian a little bit of what he said was i'm supposed to be i'm supposed to be the georgia supposed to be in north carolina, south carolina a lot of different places get paid. but i've been here all day on a trial that really isn't very unfair child what does it say to you about his mindset right now? i think that spiel, if you will, less to do about his mindset, because this is just messaging of him saying, i'm being forced by as he likes to say, biden and his allies, to sit here in this courtroom and take me off the campaign trail. i should note i don't know what he's talking about. south carolina, the primary is over. if donald trump needs to be campaigning in south carolina in a general election context, hizon a lot more trouble than any of us think he is in this election campaign. but the other three are battleground states that he listed, i actually think him saying it's freezing inside the courtroom
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tells us more vocal about his mindset, which is he's uncomfortable and i don't mean just about the temperature. he is not in a comfort zone for somebody who has run his own company is a billionaire and then is this rarefied air as president united states, and a former president behind secret service protection sitting, been doing something against your will and being told you have to sit there and listen to all these people express opinions about you. that is a very uncomfortable position for donald trump's not it's an environment which he does not control and he is not used to that the judges in control, he can't grab his phone and that's a real problem for him because he lives and breathes on his lawyer kind of guided in had to admonish. >> these are all elements of an experience that hundreds of americans, thousands, hundreds of thousands go through every single year and it's something that he has never had any connection with. so in some ways, the criminal justice system is the great equalizer. and the fact that he is now
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seeing the seeding of 12 of his fellow citizens who will pass judgment on him. that's just the first mile marker in this process that is likely to be uncomfortable. >> the whole i thought it was interesting polo that trump's attorney asked for the names of the first few witnesses that will be called. assuming that the trial actually starts on monday. but the prosecutors refused to give trump trump's lawyers the names of these witnesses because trump was start reporting about them on a social media site. >> yeah. and the judge agreed they did. they aren't entitled to this information and this is the legal consequences of these political attacks. so most of the violations of trump's gag order are made in furtherance of his political agenda, but that can have real legal repercussions. i'm sure his lawyers would very much like to know who the first couple of witnesses are going to be. but because of the conduct of their client, they will not have access to that it's a little bit it stands in contrast to the way the federal cases are being handled, particularly in terms of discovery. so we know
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that witness lists have already been turned over to trump's lawyers in both the florida in dc cases it's surprising to me that the judges enforcing the prosecution to be a little bit more forthcoming about what they're what their lineup of first few witnesses it looks like because it's a matter of judicial economy, you want the defense to be able to prepare adequately and to move through these things quick, but it's clear that the judge believed that at the attorney, todd attorney's point s, well, this what if i tell him? you know, to cutt out and a judge was sort oke, we, ah. are you kidding me? exactly. but in this conversation, well, i know where we obviously awe would be as news fol focused on the defendant donald trump, the former president. >> but what has en so captivating to m this week is actually the jurors. and maybe it's because i just completed today five weeks of grand jury duty here in dc superior court. but you these are everyday americans every day, manhattan nights in this case and they
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come from all walks of life and they are being presented with an unbelievable task ahead of them about adjudicating guilt or innocence i think former president no other american has ever been asked to do that and be put in that position to do it and so it's this unbelievably compelling moment. you call the whole system the great equalizer. and undoubtedly true, but it's also this, this typical mundane civic duty is now being put upon these manhattan nights in ways. nobody ever could have envisioned. >> that's why we keep saying this is historic. >> the first time in american history the former president united states, has faced a criminal trial. all right, guys, everybody. thank you very, very much. just ahead we'll have more on the breaking news with 12 jurors and one alternate now seated in donald trump's it's criminal trial will speak with a woman known for picking what's called the perfect jury. and why prosecutors are saying trump violated the gag order again.
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tract with you, cora, and eight utis in one year. this inspired my husband and i to start you for it truly works miracles. >> the pieces the mind i've been looking for tried today. you we're following breaking news. >> the trump jury is seated. one alternate juror has also been selected with the search for additional alternatives, resuming tomorrow morning let's dig deeper right now with someone who knows the jury selection process very well. the jury consultant, joel linda matrices joining us, joel, thank you very much for joining us. your known for picking what's called the perfect jury, looking at these 12 jurors so far, is this a perfect jury for either side? >> absolutely not law. >> you know, you have a smattering of everything from wealth management banking speech therapy ip or excuse me, i should say it. >> people off to where, et
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cetera and based on what i know, particularly in regard to juror number 11, who the defense tried to eliminate four cause she and indicated that she thought that trump was very selfish. and didn't appreciate that being a civil servant. so i think it's fair to say based on responses that we know have been shared, that really both sides are thinking that they've got that ace in the hole in terms of getting to them deliberation process? >> let's talk a little bit more about juror number 11. she said, i'm quoting are now i don't like his persona referring to trump. i don't like some of my coworkers, but i don't try to sabotage their work. he just seems very selfish and self-serving. i don't know him as a person, so i don't know how he is in terms of his integrity. it's
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just not my cup of tea close quote so why did this judge still a lot of this juror to be seated? why do you think so well i think this just number one, we're getting exasperated with the whole process. >> as long as it was taking because he's already told the trial teams that money is going to be opening statements and he thought he'd lost two jurors today based on one was based on some feedback about a harassed for one of the jurors and the other list based on the fear factor. and i think that wolff, the fear factor is the biggest concern was the biggest concern. and selecting this jury so this judge, based on some of the transcripts that i have, c, says, i look into the person's eyes and i believe what they say. so i suspect that some of that was occurring
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during this conversation, whether is privately are openly court with juror number 11. >> another remarkable feature of this case is that two of trump's jurors so far are lawyers what impact do you see that having, if any oh goodness, that's always a dangerous proposition from a consultant perspective because lawyers clearly they're trained in their law. >> they're trained in procedures and they are taught to take the opposite side of cases that they personally worked on. so i guess i could see why both sides may agree that a lawyer may be effective perhaps from the trump sayyed, that a lawyer litigator would look at the jury instructions that look at the verdict form and say that in fact, the
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prosecution has not proven beyond a reasonable doubt what the claims are and on the other hand, the prosecution could also say, well, that particular the person that has that legal background may look into specific words in that jury instruction as well that supports their claims very interesting journal at the beach vs thank you very much for your expertise. >> we appreciate a very much and coming up, the judge weighing new accusations that trump has violated the gag order. again, with prosecutor saying he's gone over the line, at least seven more times since monday alone, plus hi president by this blanketing a key swing state right now and his key endorsement that he received today's stay with us think paton walsh report on the growing turf war between humans and elephants and srilanka fails bizarre to see this front line mentality are here, are these giants and invasive
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free, scheduled now for free mobile service at safe before
3:31 pm slash shave to claim your $7 trial. >> i'm arlette saenz in scranton, pennsylvania this is cnn breaking news. >> the jury for donald trump's first criminal trial has been seated. we also expect the judge to seat a handful of altered its meaning testimony could begin as soon as monday, but tonight, prosecutors are withholding the names of the first few witnesses as they raised surgeons and accused trump of violating a gag order. cnn's kara scannell is joining us once again from outside the courthouse in new york. kara why are prosecutors so concerned? >> we'll prosecutors said that they don't want to hand over the names of the first three witnesses in this case because they believe that donald trump has violated a gag order that already is in place, and they brought it up again this morning saying that since they raise this concern earlier in the week, trump has in their
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minds of violated the gag order seven more times they'd already identified what they said were for violations. so that brings it up to what they think is 11 violations of the gag order and the two of the examples that they mentioned today was trump linking to a new york post article that referred to michael cohen, a key witness in this case as a serial perjurer what part? what did this gag order says that the former president can't make any comments about any witnesses in this case. trump's lawyers pushed back saying that michael cohen is not like any witness. he has repeatedly made comments about trump, including leading up to this trial. the prosecution also raised another post that trump put up last night, and that was quoting a fox news host in which he says that they're using undercover liberal activists or lying to the are lying to the judge to try to get on the jury. that is a concern as well by prosecution because another part of this gag order says that trump cannot make any comments about any perspective jurors or see to jurors in the
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case. so these are the issues and that's the reason why prosecutor said they didn't want to turn it over. the judge said that they are not required to provide the initial witnesses in the case, so he wasn't going to make them wolff went up. it's tuesday, qarrah when the judge holds a hearing on this issue of the gag order prosecutors have asked that the judge fine trump $1,000 per violation of the gag order, and they also want him they also want the judge to send a warning to trump that if he continues to violate the game yeah. >> good. or that he could face 30 days of incarceration. now, this is all before the judge trump's team is saying they want more guidance, particularly on what trump can repost from other people. so this will all be debated before the judge on tuesday, and then we'll probably learn then if he thinks that the former president has violated the gag order. and what kind of sanctions will follow? >> very. interesting are kara scannell stay with us? i also want to bring and cnn political commentator alyssa farah griffin. alyssa, you know, trump. well, how is he thinking about these jurors and how high
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is the risk that he might violate his gag order by talking about them in public so wolfe, watching this was fascinating to echo simple thing. >> david chalian said it's really remarkable to think of just how outside of his control this situation is for donald trump, this is a man who's been in the white house. he's had secret service. he lives at a private country club that he owns. he's used to living his day-to-day life, how he wants on his own time, able to do and say what he pleases and today, it was quite this whole week has been quite the opposite. and then add to that, donald trump does not like to expose himself to criticism of himself. he doesn't keep aides around to give him pushback, who give him a negative feedback. and he had to sit there and listen to people say things like, he's racist, he's of poor character, and he wasn't able to lash out and react. i think that's personally very challenging. for him. now, on the witnesses, i think this is a smart route move for the judge to be very definitive on it. there is a chance that some of these could be people donald trump still has a relationship with. and
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even if it's not him, say threatening or saying something, bashing the person, he can even use the language he has in the past. i hope this person does the right thing, sort of trying to play but public pressure out there ahead of someone giving testimony. i think he lacks impulse control and that's a very real worry that he will continue to violate these gag orders. and frankly, i think that the one $1,000 fine might be too little for someone like donald trump, very interesting, yeah. >> qarrah put us inside the courtroom where you were all day today. what stood out to you about trump? demeanor so trump was really engaged in the jury questioning both when they were answering questions on those 42 questions of the questionnaire. >> and then also when the lawyers were asking the jurors questions, eliciting some of those responses that we're talking about. i mean, you could see donald trump was leading over his chair. he was leaning back, framing his neck to look to make eye contact with the jurors, to see them as they're answering these questions, which really his lawyers were pushing to
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understand if these jurors like donald trump and what their opinion of him was, he was very engaged, but throughout all the dramatic twists and turns so the day there was this one other theme that ran throughout the day and that was just how cold it was in the courtroom at various at one point, trump's lawyer asked the judge if he could turn up the heat, the judge said that he knew it was cold, but that he said he'd rather be cold then have it be too hot in there. and then and then when trump left for the day, it's one of the things that he said in the one mode meant that he spoke to the media today. take shape. >> and i'm sitting here for days now from morning until night and that freezing rome, freezing. everybody was freezing all for this is very interesting alyssa. what did you make of that trump's railing when he emerged from the courtroom at the end of the session today, i just moments ago. and when he was talking about how cold it was he was
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freezing inside that courtroom listen, he's uncomfortable. >> he doesn't control the situation. he's not on his golf chloric course and florida, he's not on air force one where he controls the dials. i think this is hard for him and i think aides probably see him come out and telegraaf this message. he then briefly went on to say he wished he'd been in some battleground states, but he supposed to be using these moments to make some kind of a campaign message to say, i'd like to be out there talking about the issues the american people care about. and that's kinda failed to materialize so far this week, other than just complaining and playing the victim, he's yet to effectively use this sort of captive moment of the media to say anything that even leans into a campaign speech in an underscore four is just how hard it's going to be for him to campaign from the courtroom and kara, you were there inside the whole time. >> what did you make of his interaction with the jurors today? what was going on? >> well, so trump's couldn't say anything. i as alyssa saying that this is out of his control, he had to sit there silently and he did, which was
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different than tuesday when the judge did admonished trump, saying that he heard him muttering and gesturing in the direction of the juror and telling trump that no juror would be intimidated in his court grew adding, am i want this to be crystal clear. so today we didn't see any verbal sounds from trump. he didn't say anything. he wasn't making any gestures, but he was very engrossed. he was paying attention, he was craning his neck to watch the juror sitting in the box and following long as the lawyers were questioning, so certainly a very engrossed in this very much paying attention to this very important decision about these 12 jurors who will decide his fate in this case alyssa, what did you make of those actions that trump was taking during jury selection? i think that donald trump tries to read people and i think that he's innately skeptical of anyone who is anything but directly loyal to him. so when he's hearing them go through some of the motions in the questions and hearing anything short of. i'm a fan of donald trump.
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he's gonna be skeptical then, but i think he's paying close attention because he knows this case ultimately will come down to the jury. pool. he feels like it's unfavorable because it's manhattan. but as we've said, this is a big variety of people. they have said that they're able to rule on this case without any compromise position, and i think he knows that they ultimately hold his fate in their hands. >> alyssa farah griffin and kara scannell. excellent de analysis next to both of you and just ahead, we'll take a closer look at how juries are kept safe in high-profile cases and what kind of security this jury can potentially expect anderson cooper 360 tonight at eight on cnn ego, the number one rated brandon cordless outdoor power brings you the io power plus string trimmer with power load technology, feed the line, push the button, and get back to work ego simply at lows as and ego authorized dealers, stay tuned to learn more about
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to 50% over real stone the sinking of the titanic, how it really happened, special two, our premiere sunday, april 28, did nine on cnn more now and the breaking news 12 trump jurors have finally been seated, but not before the process hit a snag earlier today when one juror raised concerns over her identity becoming public causing the judge to excuse her brian todd has more now on the steps the
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court could take to protect the security of the men and women of the trump jury. >> what are you finding, brian? >> well, if we've spoken to former us marshals who have protected jurors and other experts who say that guarding the anonymity of jurors in their physical security is going to be very child how launching in this trial and it will require the judge and marshals and court officers to be nimble and creative judge, juan merchan said he excused juror number two because she was afraid and intimidated. the juror told the judge, quote, aspects of my identity have already been out there in public that she had friends, colleagues, exempt family push things to my phone regarding questioning my identity as a juror, it's a frightening prospect of where we are as a country where, you can't do your duty. >> judge, more sean lamented that they lost what probably would have been a very good juror. such are the risks of selecting and protecting jurors in a case as highly charged as donald trump's hush money trial. how hard will it be to protect jurors anonymity in
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this case, this is not an easy task. is that easy task because the technology today, social media postings faces out there. it's easy to connect dots because everybody has information out there about them during the investigation into the election interference case against trump in georgia, members of the grand jury who are deciding whether to indict trump have their names, photographs, social media profilesand even tir physical addresses posted calling for violence against them. you're worried about anonymous crazies on the internet stalking you.nd i don't know if it's fair to ask ordinary people toake that kind of risk right now, e empaneled jurors in the trump trial are going home every night, but it's not clear if th will change and if there'll be sequestered with eitherrrangement, it's not just their anonymity, but their physical secury that will have to be protected if the jurors go home every night, some of this would be 200. the juror be picked up at their
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house right or they could be met at a location and picked up by marshals there and taken to the courthouse under cover of it, blacked out than then john muffler says, marshall's would take jurors in through private inferences to courthouses and private elevators, experts say if this jury is sequestered, there'll be an even tighter level of security. jurors under constant watch, transported to hotels with security officers, guarding their rooms it all translates to stress on the jurors, the jury& o'jays, simpson's murder trial was closely guarded at their hotel, their phone calls and even tv shows monitor got out of control in the sequestration was part of that. i mean, that case lasted forever and people's lives weren't normal experts tell us the risk that jurors could be scared away out of security concerns or that they could be compromised or why they expect the judge in this case to seek plenty of alternate jurors as backups,
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but that of course, means more vetting of prospective jurors and more potential problems. >> and we know they're gonna be seating alternate starting tomorrow very very significant. indeed, brian todd, thank you very, very much coming up. >> the trial versus the trail. >> what president biden is now saying about his opponent while campaigning in a key battleground state new, ally in the fight against climate change. >> this is new car business blue carbon. >> we just need to protect nature will do the rest boom coordinate. plus cnn filled sunday at nine you want to close out should i? normally i'd hold by taking the games as smart here? right feel more competent. >> what's dog ratings from jpmorgan analysts in the chase app, when you've got a decision to make, the answer is jpmorgan wealth management running can be such an individual sport i thought. >> why not share this experience i trained with this
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yes, we have more than next, but it's still the website is just i mourn liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn rigueur news with 12 jurors. >> now seated in his hush money trial. donald trump is complaining he stuck in court, unlike his opponent president biden, who spent the de, on the campaign trail with members of the kennedy family. it's a remarkable split screen between two men vying for another term in office. cnn's priscilla alvarez is over at the white house for us, for silane, what sort of contrast is president biden drawing this week? >> well over the course of the week, the president has kept his focus on the economy, trying to portray his republican and rival donald trump as out of touch. now, of
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course, president biden was doing that in battleground, pennsylvania were polls. so that biden is in a very tight rais with donald trump. and he did that, of course, as he tried to cast himself as being i'm trying to be an interests of the american people especially as he gets low marks on the economy. again, as his campaign really tried to stay quiet over the course of the week as the former president was in court. and today, he got that endorsement from multiple members of the kennedy family emily and he talked about how the kennedy family has been with him over the course of his campaign, that the late senator in particular was an inspiration to him and his political career. and then he has a bust of that lays editor in his oval office. take a listen to how he described it. >> what did incredible honors have the support of the kennedy family today, we face another inflection point in history.
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but 2024 election about two fundamentally different visions of for america donald trump's vision is one of anger, hate revenge, and retribution. >> now of course as president biden tap into the storied history of the kennedy family. it was also a moment that goes to show how close this race is going to be. that even a third-party candidate with low performing polls is going to potentially pose a risk to president biden when every vote's going to counsel a lot of this was also feel on making sure that the president shores up support across all corners of battleground pennsylvania wealth, so important for the president, priscilla, thank you very much coming up a closer look at what's on the docket tomorrow. in the case of the people of new york versus donald j. trump every piece of evidence tells a story how it really happened with jesse l. >> martin sunday, april 28 at
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wealth management erin burnett outfront maxed on cnn with 12 jurors and one alternate now selected after three days of donald trump's hush money trial. the searches on for additional alternates are senior legal analyst, elie honig is back with us. he's looking ahead to four in court, le what should we expect where the trial resumes tomorrow morning? >> while wolf one job for tomorrow finished picking this jury. now, as of today, we have all 12 jurors who are on the primary jury, who will render a verdict in this case. we also have one alternate, but the law says you can have up to six alternates. so obviously, we're going to need five more just in case one of the main jurors gets sick or has to leave the case. we will see essentially the same process it says repeated. the judge will ask whether anyone's unable to serve. they'll go through the questionnaires one big difference though wealth, both parties are out of those peremptory challenges. so they're not going to be able to eliminate anyone else who they're not comfortable with. and i think it's going to move even more quickly tomorrow by
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the end of the day, we should have a full jury that means the trial could actually begin. monday. yeah. le once the jury is seated, how does the trial proceed? >> give us specifics. >> let me give you a preview of our next four to six weeks or so. the jury selection should conclude on to bite tomorrow on monday, we should here opening statements, the prosecution is going to go first, they barrel the burden of proving their case beyond a reasonable doubt, and then the defense will give its opening we then will move into the prosecution case. that's gonna be the heart of the case. we're going to hear from witnesses. we know some of the names. michael cohen and stormy daniels, david each witness will be examined on direct exam by the prosecutors, and then cross-examined by donald trump's team. after that, the prosecution will rest and then the defense can put on a case donald trump's defense, if they want, they don't have to know defendant ever has to put on any proof and that will be the moment when donald trump will have to make the decision whether he takes the stand, if there is a defense case, then the prosecution can put on a
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quick rebuttal case. just risk bonding to the defense case. after that, we'll hear closing arguments from both sides. the defense trump's team goes first, then the prosecutors will close. the judge will then instruct the jury hill tell them here's the law on the case. here are the rules to guide you and then the jury goes in for the most mysterious part of this, all the deliberation that will be entirely done in private i'm an outside of the view of the parties. all we might see from the jury is notes occasionally asking questions until they send a note saying we have a verdict at that point, they will come out and we will see the verdict keep in mind in order to get a verdict guilty or not guilty has to be 12 to zero. either way, if there's one person in the minority than it's a hung jury. and a mistrial. >> very interesting in this trial could take weeks and weeks and weeks. so we'll watch it together with you, elie honig. thank you very, very for viewers. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room erin burnett outfront starts right now


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