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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 19, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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to be surrounded by so many girls giving out friendship bracelets, just girl ahead moment of connection, her fan it's coming from the white house. they have white ascii or jp in the trial in the da's representing the de a because he's probably not smart enough to represent themselves. >> guy got elected using trump was to do very much like letitia james, all new york is going down is a very corrupt place to do business. i can tell you a lot of people are not going to be moving to in case there was working very strongly because of politics. so instead of being in pennsylvania or georgia, or north carolina, are lots of other places today. i'm sitting in the courthouse all day long. this is going on for the week and this will go on for another four or five weeks and is very unfair and people know, sorry,
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i'm again, go under hash. think people are allowed to speak about me and i haven't again, going with the judge, the judge as a conflict with the worst i've ever seen and it has to end with the judge the gag order has to come off. i shouldn't be allowed to speak every time i come out to speak to you, i want to be open because we did they nothing wrong. i showed you yesterday 30 stores, 32 stories of experts, legal experts, and i don't know how one the other way. >> very juicers but legal experts say very strongly is no case dislocation. who brought trump did nothing wrong. and they say it's showing trump did nothing wrong they already get rid of the conflict with the judge because that's something that he cannot do anything about. it's wrong. it's wrong. >> and the second thing is after we released them again or they've taken away my
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constitutional rights to speak and added to it speaking to you. i have a lot to say. they can continue to make up lies and everything else they live there but i'm not allowed this pain. >> and i want to be able to speak to the friend that depressed and everybody else so why am i about telling the truth only tally been true then down donald trump, right? >> they're headed into court today for jury selection. he made a statement before entering complaining about the gag order that is in place over him. not very gag. right there. i will say he very much spoke his mind and he i think was
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misleading people about what this gag order is. it's about some very specific things, correct? >> he says i shouldn't be allowed to speak. he is allowed to speak. there are three categories of speech that forbid trump to speak route speaking publicly are directly about known are reasonably foreseeable witnesses in the case that he's not allowed to speak specifically concerning their potential participation in the case. the another one is speaking publicly are directly about prosecutors prosecutors other than bragg and the case about staff members of bragg's office in the core and about family members of prosecutors staffers, or the court, and talking directly about the jurors and prospective jurors in the case, he can attack bragg only one so you can defend himself. all he wants. you can say that he thinks the case is unfair. all he wants, you can talk about what he calls a conflict a judge, though we can fact check that all he wants. these are the three categories that are part of our the gag order. and he's got a lot of leeway outside of it. >> jury witnesses family, members of people involved in just one other quick thing.
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>> he continues to say, this is they prosecution from the white house that is not true at all. this is a new york state case will stop. the thing is he's not gagged. >> he has been talking and talking and talking head. he's been going out for the judge, going after just the prosecutor. but there is this other big issue because there could be a stronger or a fine or something that comes forward because of something donald trump did say about the jury on truth, social. let's get to gen brynn jin grass, who is outside of the court has been following all of these details. brynn, what can you tell us after hearing those statements? and probably the longest statements we've heard actually from him in the last day or two yeah. >> i mean, i have to be honest to there. i didn't fully here exactly what he was saying. i can't hear it in my ear, but essentially i'm sure this is something the thing that could likely be brought up when courts starts up at 9:30 this morning. remember, prosecutors have already said they believe trump has violated a gag order seven more times. that was after the initial so time they brought up before the judge
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saying that they wanted to find trump were three different. so social media posts and they wanted to find him $1,000 each for those posts. >> and the the judge rather said that he would take that up, but a hearing on tuesday, so let's see what they bring up on tuesday. let's see what they bring up in court when it gets started at 9:30 this morning. anything he did just say outside of that court room certainly the gag order is a major issue for these prosecutors. we know that at the end of chord yesterday, trump's defense team essentially said, hey, listen we want to know the order of the witnesses that you're going to start with once this trial gets going, and the prosecution said no because they don't believe th trump will nogo on social dia and talk about these witnesses. so it's very possible that e public doesn't know trump's defense team doesn't know the order of these witnesses of course, they know the witness list, just not the order. and the judge agreed with the prosecution with this with this request that the
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prosecution essentially made so the gag order is a major issue. shibat again, we'll see if it comes up when urt gets started in, notoo long from now, 25 mites. >> okay. >> brynn. thank you so much. i think when you when you look at this case it's in particular, can you just give us a sense of where we are right now because we do have the 12 jurors, what is left before we believe there may be opening statements on monday yeah. >> so there's a couple of things labs essentially, they need to find more alternate. there is one alternate it's unclear how much the judge wants initially, he said six, but it's possible they don't need that many, but that is the objective for today, at least for this morning, is to find those alternate jurors. >> we know that there are 20 he two jurors that are going to come forward and essentially go through that 42 questionnaire as they arch for these extra alternes. defense and the prosecution had ten strikes when it came to the jurors, what we're understanding is when it comes to the alternates, both sides
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actually have two strikes for each alternate for each person. their questioning for these positions so it is expected to not take too too long. they do think that they will wrap this up before the lunch break and then into the afternoon. it's possible the judge so they'll get into what is called a sandoval hearing. and essentially what that is is figuring out exactly what of trump's legal history can be addressed if donald trump takes the witness stand, we kn from previo filing, the osecution has said that ey would like to get inhe verdicts from his cil case. also the defamation case with e. jean carroll and some other cases. so this will also be discussed possibly today according to the judge. and then if that is all done, then possibly we will be seeing opening statements on monday, guys. >> all right. let's see what happens first and foremost right now as they're heading into court, brynn is standing by for a sprint. thank you so much as bringing cnn legal analyst elie honig on this. so donald trump speaks, donald
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trump. as you heard, la, he went off about the gag order saying that gag order has to be lifted. he's facing a lot of questions and is going to face a hearing about did he crossed the line and how much next week. what do you think of this extra element that we've learned up of prosecutors saying they don't want to they don't want to say who their for its first witnesses could be because of what donald all trump could do so kate, that's an example of one way we're donald trump could actually suffer a meaningful consequences of violating the gag order because prosecutors, as we've been discussing, they now alleged that donald trump in his social media post has violated the gag order ten times, and it looks like they're right in most or all hello, those allegations, the problem though is one of enforcement and discipline. l that the law aows the judge to do is either a imposed fines, but under the new york law that the da cited only a maximum of $1,000 per incident. >> that's nogoing to matter
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to donald trp. and then the which i think is very the up, unrealistic. and i just don't think is realistically in play here now, the thing for donald trump though, where he's suffering, is now the da is refusing to give over to the defense lawyers the order of witnesses, and that's a big deal because if you're donald trump's team, you head into this weekend, you've seen their witness list, but there's dozens of names on that list. you need to prepare hair for whoever you're going to be cross-examining potentially on monday or tuesday. and if the da's office is unwilling to give you the order and the judge's unwilling to make them give you the order because they don't want trump tweeting about them, then donald trump is sort of leaving his own lawyers adrift. so there's a real consequence to that elie honig, thanks for jumping on. ali brynn is outside court, are going to be following it as court's about to get underway and just a few moments, we'll be bringing you updates throughout the morning. >> you cnn's breaking news. >> all right. we will continue to follow the breaking news from the new york courthouse more donald trump, just walked
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in there. there was a lot that a sect about what he said. in the meantime, more breaking news overnight, of course, he israeli strike inside iran, apparently a military installation near the city of it's behind. now, the fact that israel and iran seemed to be targeting each other in the open is a new stage in their decades-old conflict but the most important developed this morning, there seems to be the fact that israel and iran are both trying to downplay this in the world, largely seems relieved a short time ago, us secretary of state antony blinken said the united states was not involved in any offensive operations. he also said this you saw israel on the receiving end of an unprecedented attack but our focus has been on, of course, making sure that israel can effectively defend itself, but also de-escalating tensions, avoiding conflict. >> and that remains our focus all right, cnn has learned that the us was informed before the strike. >> jeremy diamond isn't tel
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aviv, christiane amanpour standing by in london first, jeremy, what's the latest from inside israel? >> well, absolutely no word from the israeli military, from the israeli government about these strikes overnight, they seem intend to stay absolutely quiet about what was actually done by israel overnight, we have heard reports of explosions over that city of isfahan with iranian officials saying that at least three drones were intercepted over isfahan is fine, is, of course, very important because not only is it home to a military base, but also to a nuclear facility, although there are no indications that that nuclear facility was targeted, syrian state media has also reporting that israel targeted its air defense assets in inside of syria. >> we also know of course, that iran maintains a significant military presence inside of syria. and so where does this leave us ultimately? it leaves us with the fact that over the course of the last week, we have heard israeli officials
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looking for response tha wasng could thread the neee here here tt could makelear that this irani attack over t ekend, that thfirst of its kind to target israeli soil unanswered. and so ts sends a message that, that attack was not going to gunanswered, but it also avoids escalating this conflict into all out war between iran and israel. and as of now a regional intelligence source is indicating to us that iran does not intend to respond, but rather that this for tat between israel and iran, for them so minutes, at least in terms of direct confrontation appears to be over and that is significant because last night we had heard the iranian foreign minister warning that an israeli attack on iranian soil bill would draw an immediate and an overwhelming military response from iran. and clearly that has not happened. so it seems at least for the moment that we have hit that kind of balance of the ability to de-escalate this going forward and the
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united states is now instead focusing on a global coalition so further isolate iran, which very much suits the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu jeremy diamond in tel aviv. >> thank you also with us, as john mentioned, cnn chief international flanker christiane amanpour, because john, on that point that jeremy was making the reporting, the sense is that this is this phase, this moment, this is passed. >> no, it's not going to escalate further, right now. the question then is, what does happen next? >> well, i think it's really interesting because as jeremy mentioned, the iranian foreign minister did tell cnn, erin burnett, last night that if there was to be an attack, it would be a responded to the president even said that the iranian president yesterday said that. so that is why they are saying that nothing happened so, that they don't have to follow through with retaliation. we've also heard as jeremy said, from actually an iranian official telling the reuters agency that they had no plans to retaliate because the
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only explosions were their own. they say anti-airaft defense system andhat they intercepted and infiltration these are the words that they are using as a way to essentially try toraw a line under this, because while both sides, i mean this needle threading business at some point is the thread is going to snap. frankly, because it's been a whole bunch of miscalculations attack going back in this chapter two for the first, the united states was totally surprised when it was told at the last minute that israel plan to attack that building, that consular that's facility in syria. and if you look at it, is being completely obliterated and it did in fact, take out several senior iranian military officials so they didn't think that that would engender an iranian response. why? because israel's be doing this stuff for years. it has being covertly and overtly
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acting in order to eliminate officials over the last several years and iran never attacked and never responded so there's been a whole series of miscalculations and it looks like now they are trying to say, i can do it to you. you can do it to me. we can all do it to each other, but we don't want to go into all out war. >> that appears to be what's happening right now. >> i spoke to an israeli general just before this attack happened. said israel had to do, needed to do three things. one, respond to last weekend's aerial barrage from iran to not take its focus of the war in gaza. and three, not lose the sudden goodwill that israel has gained from the international community after iran struck it. remember? number israel was definitely on the defensive over. its its counteroffensive in gaza, which is causing so much civilian casualties the g7 was meeting when the strike
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happened overnight, antony blinken spoke today and was really clear over and over and over again talking about de-escalation. >> how do you think world leaders are looking at this right now as they see this back-and-forth, but they also see that neither israel or iran are on the attack verbally well, i mean, they presumably hope like presumably everybody does, that this is not going to escalate& what's happened over the last week anyway is now contained we don't know what will happen in the future because there is an actual hot continuing israel against gaza, against hamas. so that is a major issue that continues and iran, although the us and israeli intelligence confirmed that was no evidence to suggests that iran had anything to do with the slaughter of october 7, nonetheless, iran is an interested party watching this war in gaza and this war
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is causing a huge amount of anxiety, not just in the western alliance, but around the region. >> as you can imagine, as the pictures and the reality of 34,000 plus dead people in gaza in six months, the vast majority of those, even according to the israeli general, i spoke to the vast majority of those being civilians so this has two boils down now to some kind of leadership in the world to try to fix what's happening between israel and gaza. and there's no suggestion that this may have been even yesterday. qatar, which has been the one essential mediator, certainly with the hamas, sayyed is saying it's going to have to re-evaluate its role because it doesn't believe it's being treated as an actual and good faith and then a load of paul politics is derailing the mediation effect events as they stand now because john, thank you so much
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for coming out with great to see you because he's going to have much more of course, throughout the day. >> and her on reporting still ahead for us president biden said the united states would not 14 israeli offensive operation against iran after the strike last night, what will we hear from president biden today following breaking news out of paris, still police say a man was seen entering the iranian consulate in paris carrying a grenade or an explosive vests o of update for you and a win for house speaker mike johnson after democrats come to his rescue, given a key vote on the foreign on the foreign aid bills. the next test happening on the house floor very soon there's new ally in the fight against climate change. this is new car business blue carbon. >> we just need to protect nature will do the breast. carbon plus cnn, sunday at nine
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going with if your day it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less. cnn's five things with kate bolduan, streaming weekdays exclusively on macs all right. >> just did a cnn paris police have now detained a suspect that was seen carrying a grenade or an explosive vests into a ron's diplomatic building. this is obviously cause concern across the diplomatic community. the us embassy has tweeted a security alert. french authorities are warning people to stay away from the area which is just across the river from the eiffel tower. it also comes, obviously, as we've been following the breaking news between israel and iran, israel conducting a strike inside iran near the city the best upon. this does not, as far as we know at this point, seems any way connected to that. let's get right to cnn's melissa bell, who was with us with the latest melissa, if you can hear
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me from paris, what are you learning? >> what time, what we've seen over here in paris, you can't quite scene the police have just moved us around. you're not gonna see very much behind my shoulder huge police operation going on here in central paris it's in the western neighborhoods. and that's because what we heard a few hours ago was that there was a man that police said had been seen entering the uranian concert building carrying what seemed to be either an explosive vest or a grenade. they weren't here on exactly what kind of army was 30 armed as he entered the concert, were hearing much about what went on while he was inside weather or if there were what sort of negotiations there were inside the building. what we understand from paris polices that he's now left the building and is now in police custody and undergoing questions. so for the time being more questions than answers really at this stage why he went into the embassy arm, how he got in there in the first place, and what his intentions were, but certainly a huge police operation here in central paris several metro lines flows down an entire apart. these western neighborhoods of paris in thani going up because this is a city of course, remember, that is on
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high alert. we'd seen over the course of law a few years since that big wave of terror attacks, a few years ago, your bears, the number of military personnel out and sheets of france kept to the maximum about 3,000 off to the moscow talks lost month. you saw that number doubled. so paris was put on its maximum state of alert and that police operation you're seeing going on on those images. the result of that very quick police presence around this building as soon as it emerged, that armed man had entered obviously olympics coming up in paris, not too distant from now obviously concerns around the world heightened right now in this overall security environment. melissa bell, let us know when you hear. thank you very much kate and gerry is set and donald trump is back in a new york courtroom again today, what we'll opening statements look like as they could begin monday house democrats came to speaker johnson's rescue overnight in a key vote. will they do the same today as critical? foreign aid bills make their way to the house floor the sinking of the time?
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1177. call now live from the nation's capital, one of the most unforgettable nights in dc. >> that's wonderful read back here resident biden and comedian collin joseph headline the white house correspondents dinner, live saturday, april 27th at seven eastern on cnn just moments ago, we saw a very frustrated donald trump railing against the gag order on him just before he entered the couroom in his new york criminal tri. he ialso fuming that he's having to be in the courtroom and not on the campaign trail. a full jury of 12, seven men, five women, plus one alternate, have been seated. there are more alternates to go. if all the
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remaining argument and that's our pick today opening statementsould begin on monday. cnn's kristen holmes is outside of the courthouse i we jussaw donald trump ahe walk into court. he's made stements before, but these were a lot longer.e didn't hear him yesrdayhe has really tried to go after the judge about this gag order at's right. sa was that he should be able to be allowed to talk to was anding at thcames, he talking reporte so it's litt bit oiry there. donald tmp just eking really play out thisag order as aay that the dge is as we have noted in donald trump's gag order is actually fairly lenient. is t alloweto comment abouthe jurors or the witnses, or the families of court staff. but he is allowed to comment onhe judge. now, hit thprosecution has said that his various posts on social media where he reposted articleabout various witnesses, includingichael cohen and stormy annuals that
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that was a violation of thgag order pores.ow, the judge will decide whether or not to hold donald trump and contempt, whether or not tfind him for these various posts because a lot of tt up ithe air, but part of this also is exactly what you noted, which is that he doesn't want to be sitting in this courtroom. the novel d here is really weari off quickly for donald will trump, he does't like to be sitting in aoom for eight hours a day or however long he has been essentially having to listen, having to not engage or participate in part of it that he was listening to yesterday was jurors over for and over again saying that they didn't like his policies. one person sayinghey didn't ke his persona calling him self-ctred. this is not a ple that he wants to be, but i do want to point out one thing here. his idea or his statement that he would rather be campaigning over the course of this campaign, it has been very re donald trump has done more than two campaign events in a week right now, he is able to have three days where he could theoretically be campaigning wednesday's, saturday's, and sunday's. i
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will note this first week of trial, he did not travel on wednesday. he did not go to a campaign event. now, tomorrow he is headed north carolina for about the fundraiser and rally. but again, nothing on sunday as well as so far, nothing on his schedule next week he saying that he wants to be out there campaigning, but even on the days off, he is not packing his scheduled to the gills. it's not somebody who has been hitting the campaign trail even as hard as joe biden has or during primary season as hard as his gop rivals did. so this idea that he would rather be on a campaign trail, or this is stopping him from being on the campaign trail. it seems a little suspect given the schedule that we've already seen him hold. >> kristen holmes. thank you so much. i know that he is now in the court room with the attorneys and we will see what happens next per share you to kate and joining us right now, a cnn senior legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, elie honig le. one thing that donald trump went deep on in terms of railing against when he spoke
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before he went in, was on the gag order, how big of a problem is this gag order for donald trump and how close and how over the line he's already gone okay. >> he's gotten way over the line. he's now being accused by the da of violating the gag order ten separate times. i have to tell you, i've never seen an example of a defendant violated a gag order so many times. so flagrantly. now the problem is, the consequences may not hit him that hard. there's going to be a hearing next week on tuesday and all the judge can do is either find him to ymax according to the de of $1,000 per infraction, he's not going to care at all about that. he'd gladly pay $1,000 per truth social to lash out at michael cohen and other witnesses or imprison donald trump for up to 30 days. but i think donald trump has done the calculation probably correctly that there's just no way this judge is going to lock donald trump up for violating the gag order is certainly not at this point, so it's a problem for trial management. it's a problem for the judge, and it could become an increasing
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problem for donald trump himself. >> elie, from just watching how donald trump was in speaking to reporters before he went in. >> he was he was definitely at least projecting that he was angry and frustrated if he wasn't actually angry and frustrated, if you're a prosecutor and you're watching as he watching him act the way he did this morning? i don't know. what do you think do you think you're already winning so he definitely looked frazzled. >> i think that's a good word we can use for this. >> if he's frazzled now, just wait until week three because i think what donald trump is learning is that it is enormously stressful to be on trial. >> i've never even had, of course, he of being the defendant. i've just done it as a lawyer. it's incredibly stressful. it's long days, it's excruciating. it can be boring. we saw him nodding off during jury selection and it will get to him and i think if i'm the prosecutor, i'm not so into the head games in the psychology of it all, but i do
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think i would see someone who's perhaps fraying a bit at the edges and who knows that may lead to poor strategic decisions by donald trump or other behavior that could be self-destructive so the focus today is in picking alternate talk to me about how it's decided and what it means and how many alternatives they pick and why the alternates are needed. >> so there already is one alternate who's been selected and they can select up to five more for a total of six, you need some alternate and every trial in a routine child, you'd probably have about two alternative here. i think they're wise to use the maximum number of six. i don't think it's likely they're going to actually burn through all six alternates you need them as a safety net because it happens that you lose jurors during the trial. now ordinarily, there's all the things that can sideline anyone, someone could get covid, for example, someone could have a family emergency, that kind of thing, in which case you need to swap in an alternate. but this case to me has the highest likelihood of needing to go through at least some of those alternates but any case ever i mean, just
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yesterday, we saw two of the jurors who were seated, knocked off because in this case, the publicity is going to be through the roof. donald trump has been violating the gag order. nothing to say he won't continue to do that. and some of these jurors might come to a point where one of the jurors got to yesterday of just and being uncomfortable with the attention from that persons acquaintances based on that person's acquaintances figuring out who she was so i think it will be a smart move here to fill all six alternate spots. i suspect they'll use some of them during the course of the trial. >> all right. let's see what happens today. >> thanks, ali john was a great discussion overnight. democrats bailed out house speaker mike johnson and a move to move the bill on aid to ukraine. >> will they valle him? out again when it comes to saving his job? if it comes to that, we could find out today there's new ally in the fight against climate change. this is
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into a caribbean's state of mind visit or call one 800 sandals cnn saturday morning starting tomorrow at eight on cnn this morning, house speaker mike johnson faces a new hurdle to pass aid to ukraine and israel overnight, he needed democrats to bail him out in the rules committee. >> any will almost definitely need democrats again today on the house floor the conservative house freedom caucus put out a statement saying, quote, we must kill the rule. let's get right to lauren fox. luck, he may need democrats to help him keep his job over the next few days, laura yeah. >> exactly. uh, john, he is relying on democrats at every step to get this aid package passed through the house of representatives this has been months in the making and for months, the administration, senate democrats, senate republican leadership have been urging mike johnson to take
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action on this this morning, the biden administration issuing a new statement urging support on this piece of legislation in order to advance it. and obviously sending a message to house democrats to go ahead and help in whatever way they need to on the floor. this morning, the house is going to put forward this rule vote. this is typically a procedural vote that the majority gets across the finish line that is in order to start debate on the underlying bill you saw last night and committee either democrats were needed there. we expect democrats are going to be needed once again, but this is all culminating and a question about speaker mike johnson's leadership what is his future in the house? he had an opportunity yesterday to potentially try to include in this rules package a change to how many people it will would take to try and bring a motion to vacate the speakership right now, that only takes one. there was a question. >> some of his republican colleagues were urging him and to change that threshold to
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really neutralize the sum of those loud voices on capitol hill like marjorie taylor greene, who have been holding over the speaker this threat that she could try to oust him at any moment, win the democrats help with this rule today, we will wait and see whether or not marjorie taylor greene takes any action to dry and oust the speaker. >> again. there are growing calls and frustration with the speaker as he is certainly going to need democrats to get this bill through. and given the fact that this legislation, even though it is divided into several pieces, looks so similar to what the senate passed months ago. >> john theory, as soon as two de marjorie taylor greene or anyone could put the motion to vacate, which is the means by which you kick out a house speaker could put that on the floor with that could happen today. which way is the wind blowing on that doesn't seem likely this point well, john, i mean, she could now the reality is that leadership would then have two days to actually take
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action. it's a privileged resolution which means xi bring up full word and then force this effort, but it doesn't have to happen immediately. and we should know that the first vote would be a motion to table. i know this is getting into the weeds, but it's important because that distinction could mean that democrats may be comfortable doing something to kill that on the floor. there were already two democrats saying saying that if johnson does the right thing, meaning bringing forward this ukraine package which he has done to this point, they would be willing to help him in that vote. of course, the larger question john is, how do you remain a republican speaker if you have democrats helping you at every single turn, does that make it very difficult to do your job, especially in an election year where you you're sort leading the party and making the case that you deserve the majority. next cycle all right. >> it will be a big day up there. you are there for at lauren fox. thanks so much for being with us. sarah all right. >> only taylor swift could one up. taylor swift. she doesn't just drop one album, but she's got two for fans this morning.
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taylor's got some collab and some harsh words for a celebrity in her songs. more after the break. but here's a little taste of her new album. >> hi apartment. straight i think things like who uses tie bride use anyway with jake tapper today at four and cnn life, diabetes is no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose lucerne it to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carbs steady glue, sirna, bring on the day at domains, we know one thing and one thing only backs strained backs from weekend chores to pull back next, doing your favorite hobbies, we even know quarterbacks don't the experts and back pain relief
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8511 177 call now let me divide this the party lego and good scratch navy are you ready for
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it? >> that's a little taste. taylor swift has just released two albums, not just run surprising fans. she released her highly anticipated 11th album, the tortured poets department at midnight then just two hours later, overnight, 2:00 in the morning, she dropped a surprise second album with another 15 songs which she titled the tortured poets department, the anthology. let's get right into it with britney span ofs, a staff writer for the rolling stone. britney, what i am assuming the biggest surprise was this second album. nobody knew was coming yeah. >> i mean, she did something similar with midnights, but i don't think people anticipated that she would do it again and also with so many more songs than she did with the midnights 3am addition it was definitely a major major shock when i woke up about to see that there was an extra 15 songs to what
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she'd already released. >> so that begs the question, did you get chance to listen to all i think 31 songs. and if you did what, what stands out to you, how, how is this album different? >> yeah, i mean, it is sort of like uh, in the way that ever was a little bit of a darker turn than folklore. it feels like this is kind of a darker kind of i know, pairing to midnights in a way there is sort of the synth pop element of the album that was released at midnight, the one that everyone was anticipating that has posted hello. and in florence, the machine on it, it's a very sort of like dark rega be synth pop album. but then the second half of the sayyed be of it is such like an erin desk nar foci in the moment from her that kind of harks back to allow for music's released in 2020 see i got to spend some time with it and just really kind of a a massive work you get two genres for the price of one, it sounds like at this point in time, i
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curious the fans are already talking about this. >> they're already dissecting as they do the swifties are looking at this and there's a couple of curious songs that seem to speak to a feud between taylor swift and a celebrity what can you tell us about that? usually it's about ex boyfriends this time there's someone else in the crosshairs yeah there's a song on the surprise sayyed, that came out to a.m. paul. thank you. amy. and the way that it's styled and entitled has the letters k im capitalised and the rest lowercase of it's pretty obvious moment from taylor in a way that she sometimes is, but usually she usually isn't that direct but yeah. i mean, for her to kind of directly call out. i'm assuming kim kardashian, i can't think of any other kim's that she would be viewed with an ongoing feud with his praise striking and pretty surprising that this was
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on the album, but yeah, it seems to go back to all of the kidney, a feud in 2016 that her and kanye anca were al involved ii'm curis, what the hell this albuis going to be seen. in other words, what the expectation is for sales, because she is an x juggernaut when it comes to that, she's just finishing herras tour and now ese double is uble album coming out. at's the expectation i think the expeations are for something that's going to be extremely, extremy record-breaking. >> i mean, there's very few other releases hpening today. it sms like a lot ofeople mod their own album and singleelses they we anticipating this from other artists and it's gonna be a big, big week for her, both in physical sales and digital sales with obviously all these extra songs that aren't ing to be available on even the physic he says btney spears. we're looking at the erez tore up now. we're back to the new album. tnkou so
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much for going through that force and staying up late to listen to all 31 song it's quite a this one over here is dumping them down. girls. i mean, i know exactly what i'm gog to be doing the moment they get home from school, likee're gonnao through thisntire thing with hilarious reviews from a siyear-old and want to hear the reviews. i do think th i the spiritf taylor swift reasing this second album, we should do a surprise second, three hours of the show you r sihours or droppg ith an extra thr hours? nobody wants a new ceral d. >> no ntral cnn what's it like? >> to hear from the people actually living the headlines? >> i'm adi cornish might cnn podcast. we'll talk to the people behind the trending stories. >> i've got a lot of questions
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