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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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blue carbon. plus cnn filled sunday at nine closed captioning brought to you by rule or law, iconic brands up to 70% off retail that rule or at rubella you never faithful these the deals on top before there today a jury is set. former president donald trump back in new york courtroom opening statements could start on monday for this historic trial. >> we're going to have a preview of that also, israel hits back retaliating against iran, the biden administration sawas not involved in any offensive operations and now the focus is de-escalation. so what comes next? >> well, it's a rare show of bipartisanship now setting up a final vote that could finally send us aid. to ukraine in israel and taiwan. but that very same vote could also cost
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speaker mike johnson's job. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in, right? right here. >> the cnn news central we are tracking de for and the historic trump hush money trial is jury selection could be closing, wrapping up 12 jurors& two alternatives have been seated. >> one wall was selected just a few moments ago for additional alternates are now needed and the judge thinks they are on track to start opening statements on monday now, ahead of that, the prosecution is playing hardball with the witness list, refusing to tell trump's attorneys who there they will call the stand first. they are not extending that courtesy due to trump's repeated posts about the case the defense even offered to assure the court that the former president were not post about anyone on the list. but judge merchan appeared skeptical that they can hold him to that. cnn chief legal
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analyst and anchor laura coates, ys outside the court. laura, we're learning more as this process continues, how are things progressing today? >> well, this has been quiet, the de, very exciting at time to know we were that much closer to having the covenant 18 jurors remember, we already have the 12 who are to sit and good will deliberate, then you have to add the six alternates. so there were questions today where they could actually get to that number given that yesterday, even those two jury first, who had already been seated, were then eventually dismissed. one, because she felt she could not be impartial given that her anonymity she felt had been compromised. the other who apparently had been disingenuous on a form and respond to that jury questionnaire. the question now has been whether they're we'll be the ability to get those six alternate jurors who were told are likely aware that they indeed will be alternate jurors, but they will have to still be focused. nonetheless, i want to bring in evin france and we're learning a lot of information since today, evan, it's interesting because we know that donald trump coming into this has said in no
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uncertain terms, he does not. the gigging get an impartial juror that there will not be jurors in manhattan who would be partial to him in any way. well, the question because afternoon intend to say something very different. >> oh, absolutely. i mean, first of all, i mean, just think about how quickly we've actually gotten here. i mean, we had some doubts yesterday morning when you had a couple of jurors who got dismissed after they had been seated. but the questions you see that both sides are asking are getting some very interesting response. some of the very emotional responses from some of these perspective, jurors, including people who have gotten went through some tough times in their life and didn't feel like they could actually serve on this on this jury, 1% that conviction that she was very personal about and the other was overwhelmed with the stress of this justice stress of this and what really i think it reminds this is about this process. laura is that these are just average people. these
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are averaged new yorkers with average people from, you know, from an hadn't who are going we need to be serving on this jury and some of them are actually seem to have very positive opinions of the former president so the idea that everybody but he in manhattan is stacked up against them. it's just not true. and what you're seeing is that people are a lot more thoughtful, frankly in the way they are responding to some of these questions from the lawyers. >> that's a good perspective for the idea of the justice system. a couple of points on that. one woman was saying that she believes that his policies are in line with what she wants and he's good for the country hey, that she was asked what she felt pressure by her friends who don't like trump. she said she got a measure at all because i don't feel another jury said, look about being i'm not starstruck. i'm from new york. would paraphrasing here. and then there was also this question by the attorney, ms nicholas as we have said, i'd ask the question. would you essentially have an issue with the allegation that he has been unfaithful, which goes to the heart of it, part of the
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allegations talked me about that. >> well, yeah. i mean, that's part of that's part of the response that you do you solve from this way where people are like having to put aside their own personal bias. everyone obviously has their biases. and that's one of the things that lawyers bring up too. to some of these jurors and it's not surprising, i guess, because, you know, when you when you walk around new york you know, people, new yorkers are kinda different, you know, and it's not surprising that for example, people who are have views about infidelity or extra-marital affairs are like luck. that's just kinda thing that happens. >> you know, it's interesting in this case. i'm jessica and boris because on the one hand, whether or not there is veracity to the allegations of an affair, might not even have have to go to the heart of what the prosecution has to prove. they have to prove that there was an intent to engage in some kind of fraudulent behavior to falsify business records. and if there was the allegation alone to mock demotivate that, that might be part of it. but
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the good news in terms of looking at this whole system is that look, you have the opportunity for impartiality. the batteries of your donald trump's defense team. these are alternate jurors were talking about knots the primary 12 who might be ultimately deliberating by the end of the day, any one of the 18 who will be set might have to take on the role of the ultimate deliberate and decide the fate of a former president of the united states. some 200 days before a presidential election yeah, the stakes are very high in history is being written as we go. all right. laura coates for us. thanks so much. and evan perez boris let's dig deeper now with cnn legal analysts carry cordero, kerry, thanks so much for being with us this afternoon your view of how jury selection has gone so i think it's gone pretty quickly. really. i mean, given the high-profile nature of the defendant and the fact that this is a former president the fact that they've been able to sort of keep order within the courtroom. i'm sure there was it's very intense security
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issues that go on with having the former president there all the time. so i mean, really the smoothness with which this process has taken place this week, i think is a really great testament to all of the court personnel of the security personnel, the way that the judge has ruled well, the proceedings, it's gone about as smoothly as i think one could expect, given the high-profile nature, i chuckled when you said keeping order in the courtroom because as we've seen before with donald trump and given the gag order that he's facing facing, that can be a challenge. i do want to ask you about the witness list because the prosecution isn't sharing which witness they're going to call a first with the defense team, something that is typically seen as a courtesy, not something that they have to do how uncommon is that? >> well, so with respect to new york law, so i'm not a new york lawyer, so i would i would want to know sort of those who have had that particular background in terms of the practice there. but i think it's up to the prosecutor's if they have the jurisdiction to make that
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decision as to whether or not to share the information normally, you would disclose that. i think one thing that prosecutors will need to keep in mind and the judge will have to accommodate as well. is the defense is going to be looking for every single potential opportunity to reserve for appeal in this particular case. and so if there's any deviation from practice or a precedent, then that is going to be an area that the defense is going to latch onto and they are going to use that in the future. so everything related to the jury selection, everything related to the introduction of evidence, all of those things the defense is going to be laser-focused on to preserve issues on appeal that makes perfect sense that the prosecution is essentially arguing that they are doing this. our understanding is because of the way that trump has posted on social media about different folks, the way that he has violated other gag orders in the past and they're concerned that it could potentially affect the case
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now, the defense tried to assure the court that if the witness list we shared, trump wouldn't make a post about say, michael cohen or others that are involved. the judge didn't seem to buy that argument. he seemed skeptical could that potentially hinder the defense if they don't know who's coming up first to the witness thing. >> sure. i mean, because they have to cross-examine and so they want i mean, it's certainly is in the defense's interest to have all of the information gen. about what witnesses are going to be called so that they can adequately prepared. they have an idea of who it's going to be. but to know that on this particular day, which is always you just as a lawyer, you want to be as well-prepared as you possibly can be. and so they would want to have that information, but the security concerns variations, both as it pertains to witnesses in a pertains to the continued anonymous nature of the members of the jury are really important considerations in this case considering all of the attention that is given to both of them so as you were answering that question, a
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producer, ganim era to let me know that a third alternate juror has been selected, so they are moving at a pretty quick pace and we could see opening arguments set for monday. >> what would you he expecting them? >> well, for the prosecution, they are going to have to really lay out the theory of their case so far based on their briefings, it appears that their theory of the case and they're charging documents is that the underlying intent to influence the election is what is the basis for the felony nature of these document? >> what is really a documents case falsifying of records. >> and so they're going to have to lay out how those connections take place. they also are going to have to lay out what they intend to present as evidenced in terms of the knowledge that the former president had and the intent that he had. so they have i think a tall order in order to to do that. >> as you were speaking, a father one, a fourth alternate juror has been empaneled stepping back. what's the fundamental difference in what
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a a juror that's been empaneled on the initial 12 experiences and while the alternative experience. >> so the alternate, i mean, really they should experience the same thing in terms of receiving all of the evidence and observing all of the proceedings because the purpose of the alternatives is that in any circumstance that a sitting juror can't continue to serve, and there could be a whole variety of reasons. there could be something that actually comes up like we've seen earlier in this week where someone has then dismissed that indicates the judge decides that person can't sit on the jury anymore, and you know, it could be someone talks to the media. i mean, there's a whole range of issues or it could be something personal of nature. somebody gets sick or it has a family issue, and so they just can't continue to serve. so those alternatives, particularly in this case given the scrutiny that both the prosecutors and the defense are going to give the jurors on an ongoing basis. i think these alternates are so important they might wind up getting called a fairly quickly care record arrow. thanks so much for the analysis. appreciate it. jessica.
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>> let's go now to the middle east today, a global call for restraint after israel appears to follow through on its vowed to retaliate against iran for night. explosions were reported about 200 miles south of tehran. you're a major iranian military airbase around claiming it's shot down three drones their satellite images exclusively obtained by cnn show no extensive damage at that site and the us says it was not involved in the attack as secretary of state, tony blinken says, the focus is on de-escalation to avoid a broader war in that region, seen as nic robertson is in jerusalem for us, nick, what, if anything israel saying about this attack well, it's interesting because israeli officials aren't saying anything about it at all. >> and it really does seem to indicate that we're into a period now of ambiguity and not escalation shan and is a sort of strategic off-ramp that both israel and iran appear to be taking. the reason i say that is a few hours after the
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explosions were reported. in iran, i contacted a regional intelligence source who told me from all the information he had, it didn't appear that iran was going to respond. and what we heard from iranian officials today was saying that this these incidents were under investigation, that the air defense systems that have been triggered earlier in the night had intercepted some objects which in iranian political he called speak really is nothing to see here. the reaction that we did see in tehran were clearly government-sanctioned protests on the streets of tehran anti-israeli aunty israel protests taking place. so the voice that the government is speaking with is not missiles. and that was the threat, of course, by iran's foreign minister, almost as those strikes were taken place, a told cnn's erin burnett, there would be instant and devastating response if israel was to strike. so we don't seem to be in that place. and the ambiguity is also on the israeli side because we're not hearing from the prime minister
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or anyone else saying, yes, we responded, we did our job. this is what we did, x, y, and zed. it's not that the only things that we've heard from was from a far right member of prime minister netanyahu's cabinet. it's my ben gvir taking too the social, social media platform x, saying lane and he was quickly lambasted by opposition politician yellow pea, who said that this was damaging to israel while security interests, something that can be heard from tehran to washington, even neither of them actually saying that israel had carried out the strikes implicit in the statements. but yes ambiguity rather than escalation. and of course that's what all regional partners here, united states, european allies as well, have all been calling for doesn't mean the war and the tensions are over between iran and israel just means that the direct strikes and not going to happen at the moment. the red lines though, a really unclear
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about what prevents another strike. >> yeah, it's really what underlining ambiguous qwerty, not escalation. nic robertson said so well, thank you so much for that. so what message it israel intend to send with the strike on iran? and where does the risk for wider conflicts? dan, right now, kernel late is standing by with one that anna potential school shooting in maryland foiled. police, say a high school student wrote in nearly 130 page manifesto detailing his plans for a mass shooting how his plot was thwarted. that's ahead on cnn news central new ally, in the fight against climate change. >> this is new car business blue carbon. >> we just need to protect nature will do the rest. >> corbyn plus cnn filled sunday at nine dry skin is sensitive skin two, and it's natural treated that way, the vino daily moisture with prebiotic is proven to moisturized dry skin all day. >> feel love our formula for phase two a v. now arthritis
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alternate jurors have been selected. in that case around two more are still needed. the process is still ongoing, but moving very rapidly, three alternates are selected, just this afternoon. two of them. and the last 20 minutes or so at this pace, opening statements could start as soon as monday, of course, we'll keep you updated with the very latest this from manhattan. jessica we're also going to continue to follow developments out of the middle east as us officials say, israel carried out a military strike on iran overnight, it follows the missile and drone attack that iran launched against israel last weekend and i'm joined now by cnn military analysts, retired air force colonel cedric leighton, always great to see you, colonel so now we're kind of getting a little bit more information about what transpired last night. >> so walk us through what we know about this attack and how it unfold. >> yeah, jessica, there's a lot of different things that we can talk about here, but just to show some of the video that we've seen from sva khan. here's some flashes in the sky indicate that air defense
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assets we're trying to shoot down whatever object was coming toward them. so there are several theories as to what those objects actually were. there's a lot of reporting about drones possibly being used by the israelis. and that indicates that the ukrainians at least saw something on their radars that they were going to use to go after before get intended targets in iran. >> what about the logistics? if it was drones about how, how would they travel? how would that work? so that's a really great question because the distance instead, you have from israel all the way to iran is depending on how you fly is somewhere between 800 to 1,000 miles. >> and there's no way that a drilling like a velociraptor drone, the ones that you can buy in a hobby store can make it all the way without, without crashing so what probably happened there if it was that kind of a drop? own is that they were launched either in iran itself or possibly in iraq, depending on exactly what
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type of drone it was. so there's some kind of mechanism or for facility that the israelis used to actually go ahead and go into an area where they could actually use those, use those drones way that would actually work. and especially if they were hitting here, chances are that they were launched from somewhere in this region and as we learn more, that would be quite telling if that turns out to be the case. >> i also want if you can pull up the nuclear sites because there are several nuclear sites here in iran and kind of around the area where this strike happened. one what kind of witch, what does that what does that tell us about about where they were going with this? >> so it's for khan is a fairly large city, is about 2 million people, and it has hi and military installations, several military installations actually, and nuclear research center. that's actually the biggest research center in iran it is not the same place. so that's right here. i is not the same place as not tons,
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which is about 120 kilometers, about 70 miles away from isfahan. and that is actually really the key enrichment when facility. so both of them are key to the iranian nuclear program. the fact that the israelis did not hit either one of them indicates that they had the distance and the capability of hitting them, but they chose not to and that is a message and of itself isn't it? it is absolutely. and that fact that they didn't hit them was a message to the uranium said, we can do this, but we're not going to do it this time. we know that your air defense system sims are vulnerable to us. we know that we can in essence go anywhere within iran and destroy the things that we think we need to destroy. but the key thing is this. we can do do this at a time and place of our own choosing. and you cannot stop us. >> and so here we are now. we just heard from nic robertson who categorized it as ambiguity, not escalation and obviously the world, the us very invested in this, not spilling out to a broader conflict, not escalating in that region where do you think
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this goes now? because militarily we've had a back-and-forth. they're almost communicating with each other using weapons right? >> absolutely. so where do we go now? >> so one of the key things, so what we know, what happens so far is that the extended everything in two miles as fine as 200 miles from tehran. i end was we talked about is the site of the largest nuclear research facility is home to a military great base. but where do things go now? well, we've had all of these things happen from the hamas-led attack on israel on october the seventh, to israel invading the gaza strip 20 days later than the israeli airstrike on the embassy damascus, than iran retaliates. and then of course, israel retaliates in response to that. so what will happen i think is the thing things are going to go back into the shadow war world where everything goes according to special operations dictates according to cyber six purity type events, things like the shimbun virus, which around
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through against saudi arabia back several years ago. and of course you have things like stuxnet two, which was allegedly and israeli and american project against the iranian nuclear systems. so those kinds of things things can happen and probably will happen as part of this shadow efforts to really have this conflict between iran and israel. that conflict is not stopping but it is going back into the recesses. >> yes. and to remind everyone, hamas is of course, the proxy group of iran and connection with them as well. so it all ties back together. all right, kernel, cedric leighton, thanks so much. >> that jessica opening statements could begin monday in the historic hush money case of donald trump had today's order of business finding the last two or so alternate jurors that they're pointing next, we'll talk with the jury consultant about what both sides are looking for. >> say was cnn-news18 the,
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18085 1177. call now closed captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, having utis for ten years. >> you cora, we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary tract health product. you korea is a lifestyle tried today at your and breaking news while we were in that break, another alternate juror seated in the hush money case against donald trump, lawyers in his first criminal trial could start their opening statement men's at this pace by monday and today they're trying to select this fall final these final jurors. yeah, we could potentially see those closing arguments fairly soon. moments ago that other alternate that jessica mentioned was chosen. so five of the six are in place. we believe one more is needed to be in paneled. let's get straight to see in an anchor and chief legal analyst, laura coates, she's outside the court in new york. laura, it's moving pretty quick a lot of
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buzz happening as my father would say, now we're cooking with gas because you're one away from him three actually starting on a historic criminal trial, opening statements would begin probably on monday if they're able to in panel this full jury today, remember so far today at least six people had been already excused from doing alternate jury duty, but several of them got very emotional citing stress and anxiety before they were dismissed from the pool. >> but we know that we are now one away, one alternate juror away who might ultimately sit in this trial at least before deliberations. we have course already had the original 12 sex selected as of yesterday. i want to bring in an attorney and jury consultant we're nato is to beall renato. you have been part of this process known as voir dire or from the south wide dire. many times, what is standing? how do you about this one, the pace yeah, the patient, especially now with the alternate keep in mind collectively, the parties had
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24 peremptory strikes available to them to see if these alternate they only had 20 for the regular 12 jurors. >> so you have more peremptory. he's for the six alternates. so it looks like they not really using a lot of their peremptory. they could really take their pick here, but it is moving very, very quickly. >> we're nano coming in just now. we've learned just now, they've got the sixth alternate jury. we have a panel of 18 jurors jury is now complete. and what will be in historic criminal trial of a former united states president, that being donald trump. history will be made in this moment now number 270 for electoral count votes is not the issue for a candidate who has some 200 days away from a presidential election. now, the number is 18 who may sayyed the fate of whether he will be convicted or acquitted in this historic charges. so the question now becomes, will they have enough because a high-profile trials such as this? would six alternates be
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enough for those to sit in deliberate look, it may it may not. >> i mean, i think you're probably will. i don't think the trial is going to go as long as they are predicting. i think they're predicting another five weeks. it probably won't go another five weeks. i don't think it's that complicated, but for sure the alternates are going to come come into play because in a case like this, you're going to lose some of the regular jurors is really unbelievable to think about where we are. and by the way, who is on his jury is gonna be very important. you and i both know that the prosecution, the defense are going to add the tailoring, their arguments, not only with a nod towards what burden of proof path, but now who the audience is going to be, and you've got at least two lawyers who are empaneled on the jury. many people think what a lawyer on a jury that's a bad a deal. what do you think it is very unusual for either side to really want lawyers on the jury that's because you're wrong about that person.
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>> they're going to be a leader in the jury room. the other jurors are going to look to them for their sort of legal analysis, even though they're not supposed to be instructing them the law, they kind of can't help themselves. so it's a big gamble. it's a big risk, but on the defense, i think it's a very bold move you know, the risks involved if you're the prosecution, you don't want the lawyer on the jury the one that the other jurors look to clarify points you want those to be questions to the judge. >> if you need to communicate with them, if you're the defense side, maybe you want the lawyer on the panel. does that suggest hold on. they haven't really met some burden of proof or there's more of a nuanced either way, there's a risk that could be posed to either side here. but think about this now, we now some information about these juries. the jurors. we know that as of yesterday, at least one juror was concerned about sitting on this particular jury because she believed her anonymity they would be compromised. walk me through from a consultant's perspective, going from now on, the fact that we have some information now will the
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defense and the prosecution continued to have access to personal profiles of the jurors in this case, if they can if they're made aware of issues, what happens next yeah. >> so for sure, i think both sides are going to be monitoring jurors, social media very carefully. of course, they're going to be instructed by the court that they can't post anything about the case. they can't comment on the case, but look, it's happened in other cases jurors, you don't always follow the rules. and so everybody is going to be paying very close attention to see if anybody violates the rule bring that to the attention to the court and that juror would be dismissed were not would you recommend for the judge if you were consulting on this case are for the prosecution and defense team, would you recommend this to be a sequestered jury? >> we don't know right now whether these 18 are gonna be able to go home each and every night, whether they'll have to actually stay hey, or be distant from their families with the thought of potentially having these issues at all. what do you say? we also were
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saying an active shooter, an active shooter is in the park outside the current we have a man who is literally a set fire to himself. a man hasn't plays into himself outside of the courthouse just now, our cameras are turning right now, a man has now let himself on fire hi, are outside of the courthouse in manhattan where we're waiting history to be made. a full jury panel is gone. we are watching a man who was fully emblazoned in the front of the courthouse today, we're watching multiple fires breaking out around his body and person. we have seen an arm that has been visible, that has been engulfed in total flames. there is chaos and it's happening. people who are wondering right now if people are in danger, i'm looking at cross the core across the courtyard, there is a man rais and aid. there's cohen's coming off. i tried to put out the fire. we have members of securing details. nypd is rushing to the scene they are trying to come now, officers are on the scene, a fire extinguisher is right now present being put on this man. he tried to push out. people were climbing over barricade to try to separate the public, to put out the flame on this man.
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he had let himself out and fire in front of the courthouse right now, we are watching as the plane, we can smell, the air. i can smell the burning two of some sort of a flash. i can smell the burning of some sort of agent being used as well as an accelerant to put backfire. i smell an actual fire extinguisher having i've been displayed, i see a person whose body appears to be on the ground being surrounded by officers. i have multiple authors are counted about a dozen officers aren't fires still burning? on multiple locations? it continues to continue to blaze. we right now have officers are moving their code, trying mr. round, this person two in gotten dr. body to prevent them from further going into flames. you can smell on singer with evan perez. you can smell burning flash, you can smell an accelerant. the flames are continuing to engulf his person. i hear shout from across the courtyard. i have people running over another fire with reshape being brought out. this person's body continues to be engulfed in flames upwards krishna, of his body is stuck in golf inflames
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a yellow smoke is billowing from on top of his person as needs engulfing the officers who are continuing to try to put out the flames there are continuing to move blazon. now the officers are not visible through the gulf and the cloud of smoke that is happening. this man or this person we're able to identify by the gender of this person, the body has been engulfed in flames for at least now 30 to 40 seconds. they have a third attempt at extinguishing. this course inspire around their body today, we have no idea who this person, mitch, or the y. a minute before we saw this happen, you've heard shouts happening. mr. trump flag that was running from the area graham's, arm hash, it's arm is continuing to be engulfed in flames. i have an emt officer who was taking off his backpack trying to put out the fire and ran aid. this person's body has now been in flames for over a minute long over you can continue to smell the burning of flash, a burning of an agent fdi and why is on the scene? an ambulance is behind this as well. nypd is blocking off the
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entire area. they're walking away, gloves are being put on a barricade around his body. they look being down the person, the smoke continues to below as also the lingering elements of a flame coming from his body. they're contending another time to remove plan in the area as now, we have multiple at least three different fire extinguishers are attempting to put out the flames sun this person's body, it seems a very end of the claims are now gone as barricades around the person. i see no bodily movements from the ground, no movement from a human being on the ground. officers walking away. in distance. i can hear an ambulance coming down and wipe pd is on the scene. >> they're looking at the scene i'm trying to figure out what to do next. >> they are on golf and ms person around as evan perez are right here on the scene, i can smell smoke whatever is that he the first one put on themselves to burn is clearly the big smell that you work without. >> we're getting right now. there was a point where i saw
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his arm hello, up in this not clear whether that was just a body react reacting to play, whether the flames, right. and right now, they're trying to administer some kind of first aid to him. he's obviously the person's body is still on the ground there is no movement. we all see that we here at we heard an ambulance coming stand here. we are right now. it is a high traffic zone around the courthouse. you already had number earlier in the week, you had may or atoms on the scene to talk about the amount of law enforcement presence would be he here? remember, a former president of united states is inside of the courthouse secret service law enforcement detail. all present for the threat of security rises. and his lead there to be a lot of congestion behind us in this particular area. it's also making it difficult for the ambulance to get through the location of where a burning human being is laying on the ground motionless while they have tried to give him some form of health aid and first aid care. you see at least one emt stand and gown.
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they are trying to i'm not on what here the stretch are coming out. we're about to see this body he be lifted off the ground and has been engulfed in flames for over three minutes and time, although the flames have totally dissipated, the cloud of smoke is still there. >> we're getting ready, evans? >> see what note human beings and say. i see a totally charred human being, his arms are expectedly outright his leg down appears to be a man, his entire body it's covered in a white type type of shock. we're gonna go to break. we'll be right back in and reset in just a moment. a man engulfed in flames has lit himself on fire outside of the manhattan courtroom just as history being made, a full jury panel, we are watching this person. he's come out. we'll be right back there's new ally in the fight against climate change. this is new car business blue carbon. >> we just need to protect nature will do the rest plus
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10:47 am today, i'm rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. >> this is cnn breaking news to cnn, some dramatic and disturbing moments outside of the courthouse in manhattan. >> justice history was being made. any full jury? was empaneled to oversee the hush money payments case against former president donald trump. a person outside the courthouse apparently engulfed in flames, sent first responders rushing to the scene, not far from where our crews are stationed. just outside of the courthouse, that person immediately got medical attention and was rushed out of the scene. we understand that this was happening as ct was adjourning for lunch are reporters in the room say that a secret secret service agent then approached former president trump& was seen speaking to trump shortly before the former president exited the room. still unclear exactly what transpired out there. it is an ugly scene to
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say the least, it absolutely is. i want to go back out to laura coates an m as they were standing there, laura you guys were standing there as this happened. it's worth noting. there is a gigantic security presence all or around that area as this trial is going underway, we know new york city i had been preparing this coordinating with the secret service as they moved forward through this, what else are you seeing happen? right now what an extremely disturbing set of events. >> we are standing here evan and i still still smelling not only smoke, but what appears to be human flesh as well. disturbing nature. this cannot be overstated. a man appeared to engage in a kind of self-immolation, although we are unclear as the nature hur of the incendiary device or otherwise that prompted this fire. but this as we are obviously in the presence, about 100 yards away from where this took place shortly a toward distance away from where there weren't trump signed and people gathering in support of
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the former president of the united states outside of a manhattan courtroom. today, we're of course, history he is being made with now the empaneling of a full trial jury, including alternates. this taking place causing chaos to unleash here. and evan, we are in a place where people expected because a former president was in this building, if there was a heightened law enforcement presence, may or add them to come earlier in the week to check on the amount of presence that would be here. >> little. did we know that that police presence and emergency assistance would actually come to the aid of somebody who was set on fire right? luck. >> the police have put up a coordinate around this area to get access to the park right here. there is there are some barriers, but that area is clearly reserved for people to protest. there have been just a couple of of pro-trump protesters who have been out there with their signs. we haven't seen a very very large crowds, certainly other trump hearings are court events.
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we've seen a larger presence, so it was a complete shock to, have something like this happen, obviously, you can still see smoke coming from the ground an area where this all happened in the middle of it the park. >> but one of the things that i'm laura, i think that is important for us to mention is that the nypd and the new york city have kinda made it a point to keep this area of functioning normally, as normally as possible. >> they have these coordinates. but they've, they've tried to maintain public access because this is obviously a big in part a central part of lower manhattan down downtown manhattan, with all these chords and city hall is right over there. the federal building is over here. >> so the fact people have access here is frankly something that a lot of us have been concerned about, about how open the axis has been. and for someone like that to be able to get this it's clothes and do something like that. obviously, major concern about the security of this area.
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>> we are following to get more information as well, but i just have to tell you i have been a student of history for a long time. i cannot under overstate the emotional response of watching a human being engulfed in flames. and to watch his body and be lifted into on a gurney. here we are knowing that we're here to document history. but to know about what is just taken place for us. jessica what an emotional and unbelievably disturbing moment here in manhattan laura, as we process what happened outside of chord, we're going to wait to get more information about exactly what transpired and who potentially was involved. >> we do want to focus on what was happening inside the courtroom before that happened outside. and it was a huge moment. in the case of full jury was empaneled to try the case against a former president, the first time that is ever happened.
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>> if that is right. and so let's talk more about that with paula reid. she's here now paula we have the full jury. this is step one completed. >> and so now let's talk about what comes next because there's something called a sandoval hearing. >> yeah. >> walker us through what that is because what it is essentially my understanding is they're going to look at trump's historic criminal history and decide how much of it they can talk about if he takes the stand. yeah, this will be fascinating to watch because while this is a pretty routine hearing that you'd have before a criminal i'll trial the recent they're going to have this is because there is a real chance that trump will testify here in speaking, i was sources familiar with their thinking. >> they are absolutely considering this, even though you're for many experts say this is not a good idea, but trump. this is something that he clearly wants to do and his team believes that he can do this successfully, but they want to see how the trial goes. no, during this hearing, they will we'll discuss what he can be asked about on cross-examination and what's
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going to be fascinating to watch. it is this increasing tension between the prosecution and the defense, right? we saw follow that the prosecution said they won't even share their witness list with the trump team. is assuming things start on monday and that's because they don't trust the former president not to tweet about those witnesses because he has done that. possibly in violation of his gag order already. you're seeing the tension between the two sides start to rach it up and the focus of this hearing is going to be what prosecutors can ask trump about if he takes the stand. so this is going be something to watch you mentioned the not sharing of the witness list by the prosecution, the defense tried to assure the court that he wouldn't post anything. the judge at least was very skeptical how does this potentially set up the defense to be at a disadvantage once court once the case gets underway, it's a huge disadvantage. should not know who's going to take the stand. because while they know the universe to witnesses who can be called, it certainly helps to focus your preparation if you've ready for the two or three people who might take the stand on monday. but this this
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is the legal consequence of trump's political attacks. these efforts to try to undermine trust in the trial. the statements that he has made, attacking witnesses like michael cohen and daniels. this is the consequence that there is no trust. this is a courtesy that the district attorney's office said they would normally extend, but they're not gonna do it here. not only did the judge agree with them, it didn't force them to share it. he suggested that he doesn't believe that they can control their client. >> just probably true, but again, not something that the defense attorneys one here. >> so this has got to be incredibly frustrating to the trump defense team. yeah. and look, there are consequences for violating gag orders and behind given that way. >> all right. i stay with us, paul. i want to go out to kara scannell, who is just outside that courthouse in new york, and kara, you just got out of court they're taking a short break let's the latest are
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they talking sorry, guys. i missed you. i didn't hear what you said, but just came out of court where they finally have seated the six alternates, five of those alternate it's receded today. >> what we know about them is that what is a woman from spain? >> another is the man who is a native new yorker. we also know there's a woman who is a contract special willis, another two females, one works for clothing company and one is a project manager. now, the judge decided to keep this to keep court in session a little later than usual, so we can get through the jurors that were already in the room today. they started with 22. we've got the five alternate jurors. now, as we went through this form, de or what was interesting stinging today's session, which was different from the other ones, is that two of the jurors before the attorneys began questioning them specifically. but as the attorney questioning was underway, they both become emotional and said that they didn't feel that they could do this. one of them saying that this was much more stressful than she had thought. and so
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the judge, with a some of the attorneys excuse those jurors. uh, but now that we have the full set of alternatives and the 12 jurors that were selected yesterday, the judge told all the jurists before and i see them today to be ready to go on monday and then we'll have opening statements in this case. so certainly a historic moment having the full panel of jurors now seated two here former president trump's first criminal trial related to the falsified documents this afternoon after the lunch break, the judge is going to take up what's known as the sandoval hearing and that is the hearing where they will discuss the scope of the cross-examination if donald trump does choose to testify, and that means whether the prosecution can ask them about certain pass legal acts that includes a number of these verdicts and judgments against trump, including the e jean carroll defamation case and the civil fraud judgment. that way as handed down earlier this year, that will all be discussed this afternoon. trump's attorneys are pushing back on that, but that will also learn a little bit more about what the prosecution's
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leave way would be if trump were to testify, certainly a decision that is likely to come later into the trial. but as for now, we have the full jury jury selection is over an opening statement statements can begin as soon as monday. >> a major moment in the case, no doubt, kara, thank you so much. i do want to let our viewers know cnn has confirmed that according to two law enforcement sources, the person that was engulfed in flames outside of the courthouse, set themselves on fire. again disturbing moments right outside the courthouse during this historic chapter in donald trump's legal woes, we're going to keep an eye on all the latest developments and bring you all the details as we get them, stay with cnn, we're back in just moments news night with abby phillip tonight eastern on cnn the ups stores, not just the ship and store where the shipping store the leave the packing to watch store the we understand this is
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